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22406443 No.22406443 [Reply] [Original]

Title: how to make fascist marmalade/jam. Not sure wich one sounds better jam is short and gets to the point in three letters while marmalade sounds more aristocratic and sophisticated

>> No.22406497

I think marmalade sounds and reads better

>> No.22406504

Ye jam sounds a bit like jamming like its some kind of dance party

>> No.22406521

Jam is obviously better because it has multiple meanings

>> No.22406589

"Marmalade" is better, rhythmically.

"Jam" is also spoiled by the alternative meanings.

I think you should only go for "jam" if you really want that particular contrast — i.e. the startling "fascist" with the cozy informality of "jam".

>> No.22406642

Your book sounds gay. Prove me wrong Anon.

>> No.22406833

Just call it Marmalade, let the text provide the context.

>> No.22407041

I look like that and do that.

>> No.22407046 [DELETED] 
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'Cado on loggy

>> No.22407079

what does hamburger-chicken-taco-ranch shake taste like

>> No.22407136

Do try, and tell me.

>> No.22407147


>> No.22407149

Tastes like a heart attack

>> No.22407303

Best case scenario: an off beat novella about a deranged loner cheekily named "paddington"
worst case scenario (more likely): a RETVRN style manifesto on the merits of the self sustained lifestyle

>> No.22407729

consider "preserves" or "condiments"

>> No.22407733

add a citation

>> No.22407737

Is the marmalade fascist or the book is about turning fascists into marmalade? Because if it's the later, then based antifa anon. I hope you punch some nazis today!

>> No.22407824

Xd no its about what happens in society that leads to a fascist uprising Aka what ingrediants are needed in order to make fascist marmalade/jam

>> No.22407830

And one of the great issues whit fascist marmalade is that it spoils rather quickly the current recipe has a faulty preservant that needs to be swapped for something new

>> No.22407833

Franco's Spain lasted a while. And China is taking a weird turn into NatSoc.

>> No.22407846

Until he died yes, yet the american "democracy" persists trough the death of many rulers the same as monarchys of old obviously something is awry

>> No.22407851
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Gee... I wonder who is behind this post. But i sure smell an open wound.

>> No.22407852

add someone who does the same thing as either the protag or you

>> No.22407855

As saids all other forms of goverment/rule persists trought the ages except facism yet it agin and agin arises so something is wrong whit the preservative it simply spoils to quick.

>> No.22408440

I think the real question that needs to be asked is why you feel the need to use condiments as a metaphor for political systems. It doesn't have any heavy-hitting symbolism behind it, it just seems like a random choice that will quickly outstay its welcome in the chapter about Marxist Marmite and Presidential Peanut Butter Democracy. "Fascist Marmalade" would be great for your unreleased psychedelic dub Soundcloud album, but I think for a book you want something with some more gravitas and underlying meaning.