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File: 49 KB, 800x513, Jacques-Lacan-photo-by-Fausto-Giaccone-7-min.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22407604 No.22407604 [Reply] [Original]

Lacan edition

previous >>22404057

>> No.22407607

Best recipes against overthinking?

>> No.22407610

Does anyone know how you can get a fatal disease that slowly kills you haha.

>> No.22407611


>> No.22407618

Hobbies, a job, entertainment, porn.

>> No.22407619

just doing things in spite

>> No.22407625


>> No.22407629

What made you the way you are?

>> No.22407640

I just want to stop feeling the weight of people's judgement and opinions. I don't want to care about what people think, I don't want to feel anything when people praise me or condemn me. I will never be free until I take away the power people have over me away from them.

Any books?

>> No.22407645
File: 159 KB, 692x1000, IMG_1086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Books with this aesthetic?

>> No.22407650

Walking, exercise, reading, simple self-awareness and courage to take action.

In reality, there is no such thing as overthink. There is only indecisiveness, procrastination; and laziness. The counterbalance is simply taking action and/or being active.

>> No.22407660

>I don't want to feel anything when people praise me or condemn me
I don't think this is truly possible. Like you can make it affect you less but not get rid of it entirely. And really, why would you want to?

>> No.22407661

It’s hard to accept Spengler’s belief that Christianity was merely a pseudomorphosis and that the history of the West is a history of expressing authentic being while shedding off the Judeo-Christian, Roman, and Greek veneers, particularly when it seems so obvious that the evolution of the West is into something where man basically has no dignity. It’s hard to articulate just what an ethical disaster Darwinism and scientism have turned out to be.

>> No.22407668

2 oz whiskey
0.5 oz simple syrup
0.75 oz lemon juice

>> No.22407676


>> No.22407683

Not the person you’re responding to but I think I’ve pretty much achieved that

>> No.22407691

Maybe I’m manic depressive

>> No.22407716

What would you set about reading if you wanted to develop a positive vision of the future again?

>> No.22407719

How did you do it anony?

>> No.22407744

What a black pill to understand the Catholic view that property is the opportunity to emerge from the private to the public life and yet to not be able to afford property and have little hope of affording property.

>> No.22407888

I'll never celebrate my birthday ever again.

>> No.22407895

kek what went wrong?
I've never really celebrated it outside of just going for dinner. To think of it I never once organized any kind of party ever.

>> No.22407921

Good. Move on. Birthdays are for babies.

>> No.22407929

When I see my reflection or my image in Zoom I cringe. My hairline is a tragedy.

>> No.22407931

I really hope my brain is gonna figure out that I have nothing to do with her anymore sometime soon.

>> No.22407933

You say that every year

>> No.22407952

Why time is such a strange concept?

>> No.22407956

there's no proof it exists

>> No.22408033

Embrace the norwood.
Life has been better since I have. Buzz it, don't hide it.

>> No.22408040

How do I start with this guy?

>> No.22408049

I tried buzz and I look awful. Buzz looks great if you look particularly masculine or feminine, but not anything in-between.

>> No.22408051


>> No.22408057

Bruce Fink's Clinical Introduction to Lacanian Psychoanalysis

>> No.22408084

Well you have to work with what you got.
I'm doing the buzz until full bald looks better.
If you're not in shape this is your chance. Looking fat and norwooding hard is a bad look. Doubly so if you have little facial hair.

>> No.22408090
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why did he do it?

>> No.22408091

Is Sanderson worth reading? What's his best book? I just want to read something that'll ignite my out of my slump. I have read some books but I usually have periods in between when I do not read anything

>> No.22408094

What happened?

>> No.22408141

I made a massive career error. I’m honestly such a fucking idiot. I threw away my future.

>> No.22408149

what did you do?

>> No.22408155

I quit a super-high end job and took a really mediocre job, and then stayed in it for so long that I would effectively never be able to get my old job back. I’m now basically at a dead end and have wasted my early career.

>> No.22408216

There could be literally demons writing the posts on here.

>> No.22408233

The demon talk is very tiring now.
It was edgy for about a year but really played out now.

>> No.22408239

I don't care what's trendy for you cunt.

>> No.22408265

I used my headphones for far too long.

>> No.22408268

That's fine, just telling you it's lame.

>> No.22408277


>> No.22408284

>t. demon

>> No.22408294

Wow very clever le demon i can ignore all the arguments that refute me because le demon

>> No.22408296

Average Jordan Peterson followers

>> No.22408312

Not surprised the redditor is also obsessed with a mentally ill boomer

>> No.22408328


>> No.22408333
File: 177 KB, 917x871, 1655507491719.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You stirred up the demon nest

>> No.22408339

There are no fucking demons

>> No.22408375
File: 26 KB, 474x316, th-2295724974.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can you tell a building is an ORTHODOX CHURCH? Please help.

>> No.22408409

Okay now this one seems to be originated by a demon.

>> No.22408421
File: 226 KB, 1125x1743, chicago manual style 8th edition.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do people insist on writing essays on social media or message boards? Are they that starved for intellectual praise?
>Scenario in the Redditor's Head: With the acceleration of digital technology and social media, we might get academics fact-checking sources, as well as delving into discussions and debates with peer-reviewed comments. Post-graduate students will be prepared for online streaming with short One Minute Thesis TikToks some day. And everyone's engagement of it will affect those academics' careers and the university rankings.

>> No.22408430


>> No.22408435

>oKaY NoW ThIs oNe sEeMs tO Be oRiGiNaTeD By a dEmOn.
You sound like a moron, imagine saying something like this in real life. Oh wait you never talk to anyone. Clown.

>> No.22408564

Everything is falling apart. My failed education, relationships, physical health, all of it. It's all come crashing down. I thought trying to fix my life would do some good and instead it has made things 100x worse. Absolute disaster. I am so sorry Jenny.

>> No.22408568


>> No.22408572

It’s okay. I’m here, Tay-Tay. It’s me. Jenny.

>> No.22408576

Jenny, is that really you? I love you. But you know the rule...

>> No.22408585

I’m painting a portrait of you now as we speak. Do you want to see it? I can come see you. Where we always used to make love.

>> No.22408598

M-ack! Fisher

>> No.22408623

>Why do people insist on writing essays on social media or message boards? Are they that starved for intellectual praise?
Spoken like a true tard. Do you think the little guys filling in the pages of Wikipedia do it for praise? They don't. Praise is rarely a motive for adults. Those guys writing essays are either college students or working people who have a knack for a subject and are happy to instruct or prove someone wrong with hard facts. Some of them are also autists who like to research stuff and see things to their ends for the thrill of it. There isn't that much more to it. Praise is always appreciated when you put efforts in something but not everyone is an attention-starved whore. Not everyone is you.

>> No.22408672


>> No.22408716

They look more Greek or Byzantine than Gothic, that gold iconography is typically an orthodox thing, the domes on the top is also a dead giveaway. But you could always use Google to find out what the church is called. Usually it’s right in the name.

>> No.22408730

The worst feeling in life is knowing exactly what you should’ve done in retrospect.

>> No.22408738

Just realized I'm working all the time and thinking about working whenever I'm not. My primary goal in life is to live with no stress but I'm constantly under it. I also try to deliver the very best work I can when everyone else is just goofing around. What the fuck is wrong with me? Has the grindset rewritten my entire being?

>> No.22408789

Excepting Marx, Engels, Lenin, and Mao, what are the best must-reads of socialism? I’ve heard it said that Carlyle was cited as the first National Socialism.

>> No.22408797

Has anyone here read The Luzhin Defense by Nabokov? Please, for God's sake, this board is literally named "Literature", here must be a soul that will understand what i'm about to write below, i pray for it, if you have understood me, even distantly, just reply with a post of any content, it could a be ".", a remark of the poor english grammar or an accusation of snobbism, which i swear is not present in this text, this is a pure cry for knowing there is someone who understands.

I read it about ten years ago, in a period of an utter obsession with chess. Interestingly, it was just scheduled in my head as a next book in my expedition to Nabokov. So it wasnt a plan to read a chess related book. And at that period i was stricken with the accuracy of a description of someone who is detached from reality, from everything, someone who is pathetically lost not because of that classic romanticism of daydreaming and dream escapism, but as a result of an intellectual effort, a result of concentrating oneself's intellectual power on something that is not their immediate reality. Little did i know at that time of an actual terrifying effects of such intellectual activities on my mind.

Later on, when i changed my profession and became an autodidact in applied maths and CS, i experienced the true consequences of a mind overloaded: panic attacks, unprecedented intensiveness of OCD, constant anxiety, social anxiety paranoias, agoraphobia, etc, etc. Im linking mental intense activity to this, because on the periods of idleness all of this gradually fades away. I really do have fun getting lost in these types of mind activities, why do i have to pay a price for it?

I start to better understand the classic "A Beautiful Mind" kino, and, of course, i dont by any means comparing my average slow ass mind to the math or chess geniuses, but these artworks, the book, this movie and some others they are so painfully neat. Painfully, i mean it.

What was i trying to say?..

Anyone else in this boat with me? Anyone else is feeling like a Luzhin?

>> No.22408815

The starbucks girl winked at me

>> No.22408832
File: 2.30 MB, 3552x6352, 1689957730279881.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish succubi were real and posted here. I'd gladly feed them my cum.
What's more likely is that there's a bunch of chatbots slowly replacing the userbase of this website. In a couple of years you might find yourself reading and replying to posts/threads generated entirely by chatbots talking to each other and (You).

Unless you consider AI demons too, then I guess you're correct.

>> No.22408848

i don't write and there's nothing on my mind

>> No.22408864

This horrible bleeding heart and dripping pipes and horrid tobacco and sherry and skeletons and cavities in teeth I think.

>> No.22408895

I'm not sure that demons can physically type on a computer considering they're incorporeal. I imagine the closest thing is them influencing people who are typing.

>> No.22408959

My younger daughter is now, at 2 years old, again sullying our marriage as our older daughter did at 1 years old. It obviously isn’t their fault, but man having a toddler with some yet to be known behavioral or attention problem is fucking wack and will suck the life out of a marriage at times.

>> No.22408966

I’m at the bar.
Thinking about pussy…

>> No.22408970

Sometimes you eat the pussy.
Sometimes the pussy eats you.

>> No.22408975
File: 246 KB, 720x700, 1691637920306086.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honest question, but what does it feel like having daughters after browsing this place?
>Constant talk about how women are inferior (if not straight up subhuman)
>Constant talk about wanting to rape and hurt women
>Constant talk about wanting to dominate women and take away their rights
>Constant talk about how all women are sluts
>Constant objectification of women (porn 24/7)
>Constant UOH ToT posting

>> No.22408976

I'm sitting here on the enclosed patio of our house, buzzed, and reading a book and thinking about how blessed I am to have a partner and a home to carry me through the two months I decided not to work. We are so lucky and fortunate.

Probably n9t the best place to post this but w/e

>> No.22408985

This is just how men talk. It’s debatable whether most even sincerely believe these things.

>> No.22408991

And you feel alright knowing that men that talk and think this way could end up interested on your kids? Do you still talk that way? Do you ever feel annoyed or concerned by the opinions expressed on this website?

I honestly have no idea how I'd raise a girl, or what to expect. What's your plan?

>> No.22408994

I’m not the guy with kids. I’m just adding my opinion.

>> No.22408999

I’m wondering if I should get a Master’s degree before I apply law school. I’ve already missed the deadline for this Fall but maybe I could start in the Spring.

>> No.22409011

Im pretty sexist in ways but prefer the company of women as theyve always been a light in the dark for me. I think men are mostly fake ass fags though I do like a lot of them too. If someone says some real weirdo shit I just chalk it up to them being faggot ass incels. It doesnt reflect on women at all, unless maybe positively as they’ve had the better sense to reject these fags. But simple truths like the fact that womens suffrage was a huge mistake is just obvious fact and I dont see how it contradicts loving women whatsoever. Its like thinking if someone says men commit more crime then you must hate men. There are observations and there is seething. I just know how to differentiate the two.

>> No.22409021

How do you cope with the fact that there's so many people out there that want to hurt or control your kids? This is not exclusive of women of course, but I feel like I'd have an awful time being the parent of TWO girls.

>> No.22409030

Um yeah I worry a lot i mean for boys its war and for girls its rape right but its really both for each. Its a really fucked up world and having kids is putting it all on the line. Real scary shit. I have nightmares often and cant sleep at times and all that but I mean I know that Im not unique in that, fathers have been going through this forever so I just try to be ready for the worst and know worrying in itself doesnt provide protection. Bought an suv, bought a gun, dont post them online, etc. just do what I can and hope to god nothing terrible happens. If it did Id probably pull an omar mateen or something and join them.

>> No.22409066

When you say partner it makes everyone assume youre a faggot

>> No.22409079

On a certain level, a lot of men will feel the urge to have a daughter even if on another level they act or talk like that. Hell, I feel the urge myself and I've done most of the things you listed at one point or another.

>> No.22409092

>They all want to know how Wayne does it, #2 continentally in 18's at just seventeen, and very likely #1 after the WhataBurger and already getting calls from ProServe agents Tavis has Lateral Alice Moore screen

What the fuck does 'ProServe agents Tavis has Lateral Alice Moore screen' mean?
Nowhere is an Alice Moore mentioned and the sentence seems off to me.

>> No.22409095

Didn't mean to be a reply

>> No.22409105

He missed the chance to confess to his childhood friend he had a crush on.

>> No.22409146

I really regret moving in with my parents these last few years. I’ve saved a lot of money, but it wasn’t worth it.

>> No.22409183

So move out fag

>> No.22409203

Do you think that even if you did manage to get your shit together, you could fake being a normie for long? To pretend that you think like they do, enjoy the things they do, talk like they do, and so on?

>> No.22409385

blocked sinuses is hell

>> No.22409420

Is it wrong of me to assume that? Who else talks like that?

>> No.22409426

Sort of. They know, but there's not a lot that they can do about it. Fuck 'em.

>> No.22409451

Reduces inflammation to open up sinus canals
Thins mucuous, getting things moving and reducing inflammation response
>saline nasal spray
Adds moisture to canal and provokes body to add moisture to the mucous to loosen it up
>drink a bunch of water
Immediately gets mucous moving, amazing how fast it works sometimes
>shower, inhale steam
Works great most of the time
>blow nose from 'back behind' sinuses starting in your throat, not just from lower nostrils
Kinda the same vibe as 'talking from your chest, not your mouth'. Most people don't know how to blow their nose properly, it's less about full force honking from your nose and more about a steady continuous pressure from the throat to the sinuses. Combine with doing it in the shower (gross I know) and do it every day and you will avoid most sinus infections.
>last resort: afrin
Works a treat but addictive and causes rebound so you can get in an endless cycle of reliance on it, but used judiciously it can be like heaven

t. chronic sinusitis/migraine combo I've learned to manage

>> No.22409499

I have heard that sugar will drive production of mucous. Also, you can sometimes put mucous into overdrive with an irritant to get it to drain, and have temporary relief.

>> No.22409512

I've heard people use spicy food for that but I've never tried it.

It's mostly prevention for me. Just making sure to clear out every morning has saved me hundreds of migraines.

>> No.22409518

Dont let shitposting affect how I raise my kids because 4chons is fake and gay and for funposting. Besides Im basically an absentee father so I let their moms worry about how theyre being raised.

>> No.22409665

My greatest fear is that I will have several daughters and no sons. I know three families who have 3 or more daughters. Nearly every one of those daughters is a whore and/or a coal burner. They are all irresponsible prodigal babies who think that life is about doing whatever you want until you're 25 while daddy foots the bill, and then magically finding a man who will take over for daddy from there (after you've "had fun" by fucking 5+ other men first of course).

I am engaged to a girl right now and we want to start a family as soon as possible. If I have daughters I will begrudgingly raise them the best I can. I will do my best to save even one of them. But the odds are not in my favor and I know it. I will therefore make a dread pact with myself, to cut any daughter loose and stop loving her the instant she reveals herself as a thot. From that moment forward I will not be her provider except in the barest sense required by blood relation. I will no longer encourage her to play the violin or follow her dreams, because it will be clear she has traded in her violin for instagram likes, and her dreams for cock. Every daughter of mine will have an emergency eject lever installed, except when I pull the lever it ejects them from my life.

I will also continue having children until I have at least two sons, because I assume that only 1/10 women will be good humans on average (if that). I need at least two sons. At least if you fuck up a son, you can take some responsibility for it. With a daughter, you can do everything right and she'll still become a thot.

If you are someone's daughter reading this post right now, know this. Every man feels this way unless he is blind, and if he is blind, he is just a pathetic slave. Do you want your father to be proud of you and really love you? Or, if he's too blindly indulgent to judge you, do you at least want to avoid humiliating him and treating him like your slave? Then do not become a whore. Do not act like a thot. Every time you do, you not only make it impossible for good men to love you, you humiliate your father and break his heart.

>> No.22409695

I drafted this middling shitpost for the "highbrow erotica" thread I saw in the catalogue yesterday, but alas it appears to have archived; so instead I suppose I'll be making you all suffer it:

But only so many words can be spoken; and just like that their philosophical discussion was over. The silence hit, and as if expected, a sensual air took its que and filled the room like a Treblinkan shower. She leaned in closer; lustful eyes met. "Absurdity" he couldn't help but think.
The silence took pause for him to bargain with his devil; "Just because we acknowledge these desires– disgusting, base that they are– does not give pass to indulge them. An animal that claims to understand its own behaviour is still defined as animal; and aren't we owing to our Selves the transcendence of animal?" And bargain he did, threatening to resume their symposium.
"Even Seneca quoted Epicurus" pierced a wet whisper,
"That's not. . ." He mumbled internally; stopping short of reasoning– almost– until reason being she was only a woman; but truth being his mind had been made up from that first silent gaze. "Well, who's to say that disgusting is bad" his clumsy closing argument but a compulsion as his body set lustfully upon her in its turn.
Her quivering cries of 'Fuck me!' transmuted that sensual air hence– to one of deeper red and cynical sexuality. "As above; so below", his sililoquos musings, now in jovial tone, no longer any deterrence– as a stimulation of a lower kind announced itself in earnest.

>> No.22409697

love me kids, but i can read or think with them around. now all i do is work and think about work, since it's easier. hopefully ill make more money then

>> No.22409731

I can never get comfortable at night now. Something just feels weird.

>> No.22409744

I've been reading Kant all day. I can't sleep, I can only think about Kant and distract myself from Kant by other means. Soon I will finish the Critique of Pure Reason, and then I can take a break. Soon.

>> No.22409758

I have a strong urge to know and understand but I don't know why I have that urge. I want to read every philosopher who ever wrote. I want to strain to see the Absolute. I don't know what I'll do when I get there but I do know I need to keep going.

>> No.22409766

Read Kant

>> No.22409780

I have everything figured out.

>> No.22409784

nearly every youtube video is exactly the same bullshit clickbait nonsense. they all have the same presentation style, the same themes, and the same annoying type of soundtrack, etc. it's all attention-grabbing bullshit.

>> No.22409789

>I want to read every philosopher who ever wrote

why? 95% of it is pseudoscientific schlock. i can hardly make it through a few pages.

>> No.22409793

all this media is mind-poison. people only watch it because they don't know any better.

>> No.22409797

Is book reading also media?

>> No.22409878

I kek'd. You have a very funny way of writing serious things with goofy underlyings, although I agree with you.

>> No.22409884
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I have lost multiple potential girlfriends due to my social and political views, especially on religion and abortion. But I honestly could not care less. I am committed to what I believe is right, and I won't be changing it just to get a girlfriend. Any girl who asks me to change my most fundamental beliefs and principles would not be a good fit for me anyway.

>> No.22409910
File: 115 KB, 960x640, rings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am so fucking scared of strangers and people in general to an extend. If there is another person near me my whole existence warps and destroys. I cannot relax or speak my mind freely. My only means of dealing with this are an overly businessey approach to social etiquette and dedicating myself to solitary activity.
It will get me through life but I am still so lonely.

>> No.22409924

Are you afraid of getting judged?

>> No.22409929

>British museum for hundreds of years: no we have to keep the Greek shit and other shit we stole because those countries aren't *safe* the artifacts would just be stolen or sold or burned w/e we're protecting them
>British museum gets loads of shit robbed from their back rooms
>British museum: zomg you're such opportunists
The Anglo cope is eternal

>> No.22409938

I don't know which it is. Fear of judgment? Fear of failure? Fear of disturbing other's peace and everyday harmony with my lack of social skills? I cannot tell you, I'm afraid.

>> No.22409941


>> No.22409945

And appearing vulnerable and weak and stupid I guess.

>> No.22409948
File: 57 KB, 976x850, Common pepe staring at u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you know what you're saying are nuts before you realize they're nuts??

This happened to me quite a bit

>> No.22409957

i love psilocybin so much bros

>> No.22409972

Nice essay faggot. I hope that college degree worked out for you.

>> No.22410043

As much as i'm still attracted to the purely musical/sonic aspect of Black Metal (and extreme metal in general), I have never felt more detached from many of the ideas and emotions that have been driving the genre since its genesis. And it's not even from the typical remarks regarding its 'politics' or the 'tryhard gimmicky edgelords' accusations. It's just that at its core, it's built on misanthropy and hatred, and that doesn't align with where I am in life at all anymore. Celebrating filth and evil would only be hypocritical. Some of my favorites parts of my days are chatting with random people about whatever random thing is on their mind, or whatever is surrounding us at that moment, as it is amazing just what you can get out of the most innocuous of details. That is true alchemy to me, human interaction. It probably doesn't help that i'm at the opposite end of the brands of paganism and theistic satanism that are the most common in BM when it comes to my beliefs regarding the bigger questions in life, and they are only getting more solidified with the experiences that i'm having.
I suppose you could say that all of the above has more to do with the overall cultural spirit of BM, and its lyrical/thematic dimension, than the strictly musical aspect. However, it is difficult to make that distinction between these threads because of how deeply intertwined they are, to a more dramatic degree than the average in other musical spaces. It's always been resitant to malleability, for better and for worse. It's interesting what this Internet-birthed distanced enjoyment has created, with all of the odd subtleties it leaves a space for.
I should note that I don't equate aggression and pessimism (for lack of a better term) with misanthropy. 'Bathing in evil', and the left hand path in general, is what I shun. The appreciation for wisdom ; contemplation ; emotional display ; technicality ; beauty (sometimes) ; and other BM attribues that i'm forgetting, will keep me coming back. That's what's been on mind.
I'll close this with my personal favorite album in the genre. It weeps the whole way through: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ELnsd9blhhU

>> No.22410106

Seems like uncertainty itself.

>> No.22410109

Reccomendations on a good Shakespeare edition?
Should I just bite the bullet and read it in old English?

>> No.22410113

Well, early modern English, I mean.
Not in like, Saxon.

>> No.22410115

I masturbated instead and it helped a lot.

>> No.22410249

You actually considering reading a modernized version of Shakey?

>> No.22410319

Had a guy at my school try to argue that fitness culture and health culture were of a "faustian spirit" because of the inevitability of death, whilst he ate out of a mcdonalds bag and drank a monster energy.

>> No.22410322

>ahhh im luzhin my mind ahhhh

>> No.22410323

>be shit student
>parents angry and tell me to give up and do something else to get my life going
>join military
>parents angry
I dont get it

>> No.22410337

I just don’t have the right sort of background or biography to do what I want to do…

>> No.22410368

How do I get into literature and film critique? I can't really understand "themes" and deeper meanings in books and movies. Is the only way is to just watch more movies and read more books?

>> No.22410383
File: 114 KB, 640x1360, IMG_5991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22410384

You may have convinced yourself that world is out to get you through sheer acknowledgement of how many fluctuating details and variables are ever present, and how many of them could turn sour at any minute without you realizing it. Therefore, your mind starts firing on all cylinders to try and identify these possibles issues before they arise, which is mathematically and realistically impossible to their overwhelming number. Or you're dreading "the inevitable", which is a losing game since you'd be betting on the unknowable (and not the unknown ; nuance). What is your position in regards to fate? You may want to deeply look into that.
All of this might be incorrect, since I don't possess the sufficient knowledge to give a proper analysis of your situation. However, this is the best reading I can offer at the moment. Good luck either way.

>> No.22410420

Quite Lacanian. Did you read all of these?

>> No.22410429

Fuck you

>> No.22410443

Needs more Lacan

>> No.22410459

>no Lacan statue

>> No.22410479
File: 7 KB, 199x253, Shroomjak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is a perfect job near me but I can't apply because I don't drive and I'd need to be there by 7:00 AM. It's literally just picking mushrooms all day, that's it, do you know how happy I'd be working a job where I don't have to talk to anyone and all I have to do is pick the mushroom, probably put it in a box and when the box is full put it in storage and grab another box to start filling up? I'd be over the fucking moon, life really is a cruel mistress though.

>> No.22410487
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>apply for copywriting jobs, etc
>didn't get through any after 1 year of applying
>say fuck it and start studying civil service exam
>suddenly one of the employers I talked to messages me that they wanna work on a project with me

>> No.22410490

>Parents tell me to do something else.
>I do one of the most retarded things possible.
I wonder why they're angry, guys.

>> No.22410493

I don't think that's the way. I've been watching a movie every single day for over two years and I still don't pick up on pretty much anything. Maybe I'm just a retard though.

>> No.22410498

Do you need a special degree or skill to do copywriting or can any retard try? I've heard that it pays well and you can do it from home.

>> No.22410507

Being a english major helps but it's not entirely necessary. More than anything, you need mileage. Do some little projects here and there, having a blog or something to show your work. Don't be a retard like me who did almost nothing and thought he could get in with degree alone.

>> No.22410513

Whelp, I'm fresh out of luck, thanks for the answer though.

>> No.22410521

Is it wild mushrooms or farm-raised mushrooms? Farm-raised mushroom picking is nasty.

>> No.22410525

Eventually. I'm reading Leibniz right now and will get to Kant after a bit more prep work.
I'm not taking advice from an all lowercase poster who by his own admission is too dumb for philosophy.

>> No.22410527

The ten year mark since my suicide attempt paaaed this month

>> No.22410536

Farm-raised, I don't care though, I just wanna stick my grubbers in some soil and collect some fungus all day.

>> No.22410538

Ive been thinking of killing myself often recently desu but I feel too guilty about the impact that it would have on my parents

>> No.22410541

Why kill yourself over just becoming a bum until all your money runs out?

>> No.22410545

I'm glad you made it through it, anon, that must've been a scary time for you, I hope you're doing exponentially better now.

>> No.22410548

I don't think "exponentially" was the right adjective to use there, rats, my retardation strikes again.

>> No.22410568

Dont do it. My brother died recently and my parents are a wreck

>> No.22410641

How would you advise someone to get over regrets about wasted time? I feel like I wasted my most important years after the COVID lockdowns and I tend to feel like I’m so far behind now that it’s hopeless. I know this isn’t an uncommon sentiment because of COVID lockdowns or NEETing or whatever. Surely, someone has overcome this.

>> No.22410649

I had a very angry and hot poo right now. It was unpleasant and smelled rancid.

>> No.22410652

There’s no soil. The mushrooms are grown in big barns with shelves full of manure and the mushrooms grow out of the piles of manure. The smell is so bad you can smell it miles away.

>> No.22410656

Yeah the best way is to just keep moving and get productive.

>> No.22410658

Don’t kill your self without debtmaxxing, povertymaxxing, and low-inhibitionmaxxing first. No, but seriously just do what you want. Life isn’t even that long. Whatever is making you suffer, you can just let go of it and choose something else for yourself.

>> No.22410665

The idea of wasted time is very subjective. Perhaps once you're working 5 days a week and have stress from a good job you'll look back fondly on the time NEETing it up. I know I sometimes do.
Now of course I do not know your situation, but looking at mine I had NEET period in my 20's that didn't set me back much.
I ended up landing on my feet and have a decent job with responsibilities now. With being behind do you mean career wise or is it more broad?

>> No.22410730

That’s not really advice though. If you have someone at A and they want to be at C, it’s not really a consolidation to say “well, you can get to B”.

>> No.22410733

I read a lot of biographies and I’ve noticed that among people who I admire and who have achieved something, all of them really set off on their path before a certain age. I think that’s really what makes this so tough to dismiss.

>> No.22410823

Looking back, my twenties were the most miserable time of my life especially my late twenties which I think is not the case for a lot of people.

>> No.22410838

You don't need to read Leibniz, you can just rawdog Kant.

>> No.22410843

You're most likely not going to be a great man if you've wasted a lot of time and then ask 4chan how to make up for it. Not in the typical way at least.
Maybe you'll fluke yourself into success with some one in a million chance, who knows.

>> No.22410850

Why did he do it?

>> No.22410878

Yes it is. In this case you can't actually see B until you're at C. To really get over wasted time requires hindsight and perspective. Becoming productive now will give you a chance to look back at the lull later with clarity.
Wasn't deliberate. He was just a degenerate. He got a dose loaded with fetynal at a gay sex club.

>> No.22410954

Raise them like boys

>> No.22410967

Best post on lit right now
How did u find your girl? I agree with you completely but cannot find a compatible girl

>> No.22411017

Holy fuck Murakami is so fucking bland and boring it's unreal. I'm fucking done with this guy. I got filtered by Norwegian wood about 50 pages in. And this is the last I'll read of him. Recommended me actually good books instead of this shite.

>> No.22411045

I like women, they're pretty alright desu desu desu

>> No.22411084
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>romanticising academia and wishing I could be a disgruntled university professor presenting life wisdom to students
>in reality I have negative social skills and much less oratory, can't even make a phone call to a stranger

>> No.22411126

Fucking useless jannies deleted the datamining thread on what /lit/izens studied in University. I'll repost what I posted there:
I've always found a bit sad how the
>I fucking love science!!!
meme has been degraded by contrarian retards. It used to be a mockery of dumb people that worship science and experts while not having any scientific knowledge or knowing how science works themselves. People incapable of critical thinking. People that cheer for any "innovation" any cheap newspaper or website tells them is the future.
Now it's just anti-intellectual bullshit. Don't understand Physics? Well who cares, you can just say you "don't trust experts". Someone genuinely learns and is enthusiastic about their new knowledge? "Oh no, here comes the hecking science-loving basedboy!!!" Someone uses reason, statistics, peer-reviewed research to argue for their point, or even DARE to ask what your source on some numbers is? "Uhmm sweaty, that's cringe".
I'm tired of this lazy bullshit mindset that mistakes unreasoned contrarianism and ridiculous conspiracy theories for a critical eye.
Not saying that all this applies to you btw. I'm just ranting about most people who use the meme.
>If you want to understand reality study philosophy, particularly metaphysics and analytic. Physics can be very interesting but essentially what it is at its core is numeric expression of physical reality.
I agree to some extent. Some would even say physics is just "the plumbing of the Universe". However it does give non-trivial insights about the world. Bell's inequalities violations (this year's Nobel prize) for example prove that ANY realism, if it is to be consistent with observation, must be very strange (non-local), as if space and time were not very adequate categories to try to fit reality in. I don't trust any modern philosopher that does not have a sound understanding of quantum mechanics and general relativity, because their takes on reality are mostly just plain wrong, as proven by observation. Physics is a necessary first step. Philosophy can be studied later.
If you understand pure maths at a high level you can learn and do any applied maths on the spot very easily desu. Or do you think someone who understands measure theory, functional analysis, differential geometry, algebraic topology and fucking category theory doesn't have what it takes for doing probability, Markov chains, martingales, stochastic calculus? Applied math is trivial in comparison.
Quantitative finance, tech, operations research, and even academic research in different fields are all open to the pure math autist, if only he wants to do it. The thing is most of them don't. They want to play with higher category theory all day instead of solving actual problems that actual people have.

>> No.22411140


it's quite easy to teach any course if you're reasonably familiar with the material. frankly i was better versed in most subjects than nearly all of the adjunct professors in my department that i knew, and better at speaking as well, though i've never run a class on my own. i aspire to be a professor, or at least it's one job that i know i would like, and i lack nothing compared to many tenured professors that i've met, except perhaps motivation. it's an arrogant thing to say, but so what?

>> No.22411156


it's miserable though, the struggle with motivation. it's all out there, everything i want to do. i have to get after it.

>> No.22411162

White people should go extinct as soon as possible because they are the number one supporters of the jews, niggers, trannies and women

>> No.22411174


i try my best to withhold anti-semitic comments, but i bet to differ with you here. jews are easily the most self-aggrandizing people on earth. nobody could possibly hope to promote the jewish people than jews themselves.

>> No.22411181

>People that cheer for any "innovation" any cheap newspaper or website tells them is the future.
> People

you mean shills

>> No.22411186

jews are generally incapable of supporting their domination on their own, is my point. They need whites to be their niggercattle golems and also endorse whatever plan they implement (such as negrolatry)
White people are going extinct and this is good, but what is bad is that they are not going extinct fast enough for my taste

>> No.22411192

not to mention jews arent a monolithic group so many jews dont like other jews. the ones running the show are a tiny minority of jews, and desperately need whites

>> No.22411196


i would call this victim blaming but we're speaking in such broad generalities that it would be meaningless.

>> No.22411208

both me and whites are victims of the jews but the jews cannot exist without whites. the best way to stop jews is to simply genocide whites
also most whites are just as guilty of this shit, like negrolatry or loving immigrants. they dont need jews. and other whites support them
think of it like draining the blood of a pig if you can't stab it in the skull

>> No.22411216

>If you understand pure maths at a high level you can learn and do any applied maths on the spot very easily desu.

very few people do, but i agree. it's the most fungible intellectual skill.

>> No.22411227 [SPOILER] 
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picrel is so silly but I've been thinking about it all day and losing my shit.

>> No.22411232


this is such a broad, ludicrous and immaterial claim that nobody could take it seriously. i suppose you have a motive for acting like a crazy person when speaking about jews.

>> No.22411245

my logic is solidproof

>> No.22411298

I keep seeing black men/white women couples and it demoralizes me so much I'ts unreal, It actually gets me suicidal and pushes me further from ever getting the courage to ask a girl out.

>> No.22411364

ya cryin?

>> No.22411396

Should I follow Ray Bradbury's advice for writers?
Read these three things every night:

What you’ve got to do from this night forward is stuff your head with more different things from various fields . . . I’ll give you a program to follow every night, very simple program. For the next thousand nights, before you go to bed every night, read one short story. That’ll take you ten minutes, 15 minutes. Okay, then read one poem a night from the vast history of poetry. Stay away from most modern poems. It’s crap. It’s not poetry! It’s not poetry. Now if you want to kid yourself and write lines that look like poems, go ahead and do it, but you’ll go nowhere. Read the great poets, go back and read Shakespeare, read Alexander Pope, read Robert Frost. But one poem a night, one short story a night, one essay a night, for the next 1,000 nights. From various fields: archaeology, zoology, biology, all the great philosophers of time, comparing them. Read the essays of Aldous Huxley, read Lauren Eisley, great anthropologist. . . I want you to read essays in every field. On politics, analyzing literature, pick your own. But that means that every night then, before you go to bed, you’re stuffing your head with one poem, one short story, one essay—at the end of a thousand nights, Jesus God, you’ll be full of stuff, won’t you?

-from “Telling the Truth,” the keynote address of The Sixth Annual Writer’s Symposium by the Sea, sponsored by Point Loma Nazarene University, 2001

>> No.22411410

I sometimes wonder if my neighbours wonder if I'm a particularly inept serial killer.

>> No.22411464

I would do anything to be able to buy a small farm or large homestead.

>> No.22411470

I think reading a ton of short poems and fiction is the most reliable and quickest way to go from novice to intermediate writing ability. If you read one of each everyday for a year, you’d be able to write some decent stuff. If you wrote one of each everyday for a year, you’d have some good stuff.

>> No.22411473

Would you be willing to work very long hours for 5 years in order to be able to buy one?

>> No.22411485

I will start to follow this religiously. I might not be a writer but I do wanna write essays and articles on things I read and watch.

>> No.22411524
File: 110 KB, 459x750, tumblr_8519929090cd6c9908aa69592a0f495e_224948cc_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Akira's impassioned yearning and obsessive rage, Hikaru's life-altering admiration and desire to become what he thinks Akira deserves, and, between the two of them, their eternal fixation complete with shoujo manga tier confessions and misunderstandings, the attention-seeking, the manic energy, the jealousy others have toward their rivalry... all come together to make the both of them seem pretty gay, or at least each-other-sexual.

>> No.22411557

If the job was ethical, yes.

>> No.22411560

I cut all ties and moved into another city. It felt good. Next time I might cut all ties and move into another country. I don't know. Might be my best bet.

>> No.22411561

I really regret studying economics. I should’ve changed as soon as I knew I wasn’t interested in it. There were better choices in retrospect.

>> No.22411589

How would you reconnect with old friends that live across the country?

>> No.22411626

I wouldn't

>> No.22411698

I am perpetually disgusted by my inability to just sit down and execute my own vision. I'm writing stories and I can't just color inside of the lines with my words and put out a serviceable story that fits into its genre or its niche. Instead I'm writing this stuff that theoretically might find a pretty broad audience but the chances of that audience actually picking it up off of the shelves is virtually nil.

>> No.22411736

When I first encountered homosexuals online seething at whatever didn't hide its disgust toward them for being homosexuals, I thought it was just some weirdos
Then I realized this is truly how most homosexuals are. Luckily some kind of cure is found in the future since homosexuality is not genetic and thus unnatural
or AIDS becomes engineered and they all die Inshallah

>> No.22411753

there's no cure, only God for them. also the mentally ill like trannies will select themselves out of the genetic pool. its just a simple matter of time until we win.

>> No.22411772

I'm talking about non-tranny homos
>there's no cure
Wrong, homosexuality is caused by many things
>high estrogen in utero
>rape trauma
A cure can be engineered for all, or at least a treatment that corrects homosexual behavior (itself a symptom of dysfunction in the organism)
>its just a simple matter of time until we win.
sadly no, homosexuals mainly procreate via rape of children. So the number will actually keep increasing until they're all dehomosexualized

>> No.22411788

Imagine thinking fags will die out when there are 5 times as many as there ever were.

>> No.22411831

yes that's exactly my point. hence why a cure is crucial, even simply rounding them up and executing them won't make them disappear.

>> No.22411841

FUCK. then us god believers should go in our respective halal countries and close everything off to the outside world. let the gays, trannies and women brain damaged by hookup culture among themselves and create our own content to consume.

>> No.22411877

Lately, I have the sense that if you want to do certain things with your life then you have to come from the right sort of family and get into it early. That’s been a very hard thing for me to accept.

>> No.22411889

Yeah I agree. I meant the other anon was a retard

>> No.22411919

not at all, if you're in the west just associate with immigrants. most will be muslims or mexican and they generally hate fags so you'll be fine. eventually they will take over the countries anyway and they'll outlaw shitdick homogayism Inshallah

>> No.22411949

Educated immigrants are poor and can't get a visa. I made immigrant friends who were almost kin to me and I can remember how shocked the first time they saw a trans person. I told them the shit but they still want to stay. They say 'we can't afford cars or a house in our country' but most people can't in my country either. it doesn't matter that you can pay more Netflix subscriptions if your son is gay. I pray to God to push me somewhere where gays don't exist and the streets are safe, no matter how poor I end up. Someplace where I can raise a son in peace.

>> No.22411965

What is it that you want to do

>> No.22411979

if you're a brownoid you're encouraged to whore out your heritage to identity strip miners even if you're westernized. Consider yourself lucky.

>> No.22411986

> enjoy your piss because someone else has shit

>> No.22412016
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You can't write a decent book if you don't read, let alone a good or great one. You know who you are.

>> No.22412063

>You know who you are.
Everyone on this site, deu.

>> No.22412070

Sounds totally worth it bro

>> No.22412150
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Speak for yourself, readlet.

>> No.22412212

This site says nigger way too much. It's not even funny anymore, it's just stupid. Just kidding, nigger nigger nigger.

>> No.22412241

Dave Letterman was pretty damn cool

>> No.22412244

ligma balz

>> No.22412252

My cat had some horrible diarrhea and also threw up a couple of times last week. The vet recommended to cook her some chicken and gave me some "special" digestive care food. She's fine again and I'm very happy about that.

>> No.22412339
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If I choose to be celibate and not pursue any relationships or sex, will I regret it by the time I'm 30 and still a khv? Sex disgusts me and the thought of a relationship terrifies me.

>> No.22412378

I'm a mid-20s virgin and I think the best possible outcome would be if you somehow manage to find a girl who is also inexpierenced and a virgin (lol!). But I think you'd probably regret it, if you sleep with someone just to get it done.

>> No.22412407

Depends on how strong your natural instinct to have children turns out to be.

>> No.22412458

taxes to pay
every day
even hell pays
I pray for a better way

>> No.22412490

I’m thinking about going back to counseling.

>> No.22412556

I shudder at the seemingly giddy tech-worshippers of Silicon Valley and their desperation for an AI savior to control their lives.

>> No.22412669

Tomorrow will be my first day back in university since 2018. I'm really nervous bros.

>> No.22412806

>start a task as planned
>gf comes in and suggests a few things
>don't want to listen to her but do so anyway
>little changes end up causing other bigger changes as task progresses
>everything ends up in a mess
>have this gut feeling of suppressed rage at the end of it all

>> No.22412831

I should have died in Syria. I should have died in Ukraine. Why shouldn't I die in the next one?

>> No.22412854

Just tell your gf to fuck off

>> No.22412882

Give it to me straight. Is it over?

>> No.22412904

It ain't over til it's over

>> No.22412948

I really regret the education and career choices I’ve made.

>> No.22412968
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Getting up early feels so good bros. Feels like I got the whole day ahead of me. Literally, and figuratively.

>> No.22412980

My family couldn't afford braces for me as a kid and I have an overbite besides. Is 23 too late to fix my jaw?

>> No.22413010

I'll never get to travel the world, I'll be stuck working a 9-5 till the day I die, I'll never experience the Japanese countryside, I'll never sit and breathe in a Mongolian field while the wind rushes over me, I'll never walk the streets of the stuck-in-time Italian villages, I'll never drive along an empty Nevada highway with the top down, life is a cruel mistress.

I was meant to post this here but I accidentally posted it in /wg/ like a retard.

>> No.22413013

You don't have to be this rude about it, OP should simply just say no.

>> No.22413039

Just get plastic surgery if it bother you that much.

>> No.22413149

A slight overbite is the standard. It's a problem if your front teeth are on top of each other.

>> No.22413166

I like dictionaries.

>> No.22413197

why are people so content to be used as tools and participate in a corporatized, impersonal and completely farcical culture? what is use if you're going to be trapped and managed from the cradle to the grave?

>> No.22413209


I am in a really weird place. Broke up with the GF a couple of months back but we're both in the same classes in college (our penultimate semester just began). I still love her, but she won't have any it. I'm in a 'situationship' with an amazing woman and we cuddle, watch kino, talk Mishima and everything but she's non-monogamous. IDK what to do, /lit/bros.

>> No.22413239

>. I'm in a 'situationship' with an amazing woman and we cuddle, watch kino, talk Mishima and everything but she's non-monogamous.

she sounds like an amazing whore to me.

>> No.22413330


>> No.22413343

So do I.

>> No.22413383

>most will be muslims or mexican [...] so you'll be fine

>> No.22413398

good morning starshine
the earth says 'hello'
you twinkle above us
we twinkle below.

>> No.22413405

I'm leaving the mental ward today after lunch. I'm doing a lot better. Still terrified of everything, but I really am doing a lot better. Starting college on monday. Wish me luck, unironically pray for me would you

>> No.22413407

>give no smartphone to the kid
>encourage reading
>block sites router level to make sure that they aren't using their laptops for selling their bodies on onlyfans
>be present in their lives, ask and hang out as much as possible
>make sure that you are involved with her school and shit
this is what you can and should do. Godspeed anon

>> No.22413412

I think you like Lacan

>> No.22413425

Everyone I'm seeing on 4chan for the past few years has become very disappointing. They all have this defeatist attitude where they just want to see the world burn and not do anything to get it saved. Not even a single effort. When they see something they love just get destroyed, they do nothing about it and let other people just laugh and shit on the situation. I got reminded of this exact same behavior today when the french government has decided to go really heavy on censoring the internet. Anons are just completely apathetic about the whole situation and the french people don't care enough to do anything about it. Why does nobody care about their values anymore? Why the hell do they resort to just having to watch the world burn instead of putting the most amount of effort that you can? It's pretty depressing what the attitude of anons has become compared to how it was in the past.

>> No.22413452

>the french government has decided to go really heavy on censoring the internet
holy based scoob

>> No.22413459

This is the fucking type of shit I'm talking about. Literal mouthbreathers who probably got internet access in 2014 just desecrating everything the internet was about while no one does anything about it. Should have been the mods job, but mods are uncaring pieces of shit. They left this place to die and hiroshima is a weak bitch with no values. But most importantly, I'm not seeing the internet hate machine turned on anymore. Instead of anons doing everything they can to troll these people, it's been left to rust badly.

>> No.22413527

I wish I could piss in my cosy bed

>> No.22413546

Im think Im similar to the protagonist of Mishimas The Temple of Golden Pavilion but its mom in my unconsciousness when dealing with women.

>> No.22413604

lol I guess they don't know the reason it says to view the result in light of other results. honestly some people are too dumb to be in decision making positions.

>> No.22413631

>got filtered by Shakespeare again
It's all so tiresome living as an ESL

>> No.22413662


>> No.22413710

there are things I could do today. there are at least middling reasons not to, but if I do nothing it means that I'm a 30+ year old man who spends an entire day watching twitch. I go back to college on monday though and I've been through a lot, and I can afford to have a day to recooperate, and I probably need one. Still it is probably a healthy shame.

>> No.22413714

Any task that requires full atention

>> No.22413762

What do you watch on twitch?

>> No.22413774

either dota or this mormon (?) guy named Scherbie who I think is really chill. Very family friendly and just.. nice. I think he's trying to make it as a streamer to support his family. I usually have a tab open with his stream, I think that makes him revenue somehow.

>> No.22413777

oh yeah, or Zelda ALTTP randomizer races. that's pretty neat.

>> No.22413783

I made such a retarded decision. I probably fucked up my whole career.

>> No.22413828

Celebrities killing themselves and rich people saying that money can't buy you happiness pisses me off to no end. It seriously confuses me in a way that nothing else can, like, you have all the money and resources in the world and you still let your depression get the better of you? Why don't you just go to the best therapist in the world? Why don't you take a break from acting? There is literally no excuse for a rich person who hasn't broken any bad laws to kill themselves. They have all the resources that they could possibly need to fix their depression and they don't do anything about it.

>> No.22413834

sometimes when you're depressed you don't want to fix your stuff, you want to die
t. attempted suicide twice this summer but I think I'm doing a lot better

>> No.22413854

I don't say what I'm about to say out of ignorance, I'm depressed currently but in the past, I was way more depressed than I am now so I know what it's like to be depressed, believe me. Why wouldn't you want to fix it though? Surely you know that if you fix it then it'll all be OK, and with the resources that they know they have, surely they know that they can fix it whenever they want so why don't they want to fix it?

>> No.22413864

My life is nothing, I am nothing, I've never been anything and I never will be anything, why the fuck did I have to draw the short straw?

>> No.22413867

issou desu

>> No.22413869

hate when brazilian porn girls say this

>> No.22413872

I want a fuller personality and a fuller life.

>> No.22413891

What would you do if you invested many years in what you now think was the worst possible path for yourself? Would you make a radical change immediately? Would you simply give up and go with the flow? What would you do?

>> No.22413907

I always leave a bad taste in their normies mouths because I'm weird. I am naturally very flat and come across as rude or even mean so I make effort to be pleasant and to socially signal that I am listening to people and that I understand the stakes of the thing they want from me, but I always go too far and come across as weird and slightly pathetic. But I can't bring myself to just be my normal flat self and seem mean because I don't want to hurt people's feelings.

>> No.22413927

>because I'm weird
Anybody who labels themselves as something is never that thing.

>> No.22413944

how can God be a person?

>> No.22414011

I chose multiple times to make a drastic change. Do not regret it at all.

>> No.22414023

Willing to talk about them? I assume you’re pretty young, right?

>> No.22414031

What’s the cause of the confusion? A person is not the same as a creature. A person has certain attributes that aren’t necessarily synonymous with the attributes that describe us, created human beings. God is a sort of being. He has an intellect. He has a will. These are the sort of things that you would scribe to a person.

>> No.22414055

Been suicidal for 10 years, on and off. Last two months I thought about ending every day. This time I actually fucked up, before my troubles were only imagination and my mind. Now it's gotten to the point where I wake up and the first thought is to kys. Now it's throughout the whole day. I can't go a whole minute without thinking I would be better off dead. Everyone would be. Time to finally do it, guys. No more pussying out.

>> No.22414064

I'm 29.
At 24/25 I left my easy office job to become a tradesman. Welding, piping and the sorts. Went back to school for it.
When I was 28 I decided to move to a different country for multiple reasons. Worked my way up to a management sort job.
I see myself leaving this job in maybe 2 years. After which I have experience in managing and I might start something for myself or do something else that is very different from what I do now.
I've never been at the same job for longer than 3 years and I like it that way. With the current job market you should capitalize on it.

>> No.22414068

Shut up nigger.

>> No.22414071

Kek. Cope. If you read, you wouldn't be in this thread.

>> No.22414094

it reallly doesn't have to be that way. did you ever try ECT?

>> No.22414134

How long did you go to school for welding? Did you work as a welder?

>> No.22414158

I started working at the same time as I went to school.
School was only 1 day a week.
Outside of those they put me on welding class that I had to follow at night once a week. I think they let me weld on the job after I had like 3 lessons. I finished the welding class in a few months and once I got good enough I learned TIG welding on the job as well (1 year into my job).
I loved welding and once I buy my own place I will 100% make a workshop where I would take in welding jobs. It's very satisfying even though it could get very hard sometimes welding while having to climb up some installation and not getting a good angle.

>> No.22414182

A delusion of grandeur looms behind me. I don't want ro be forgotten. Being too cowardly to do anything to fix it. No more, remembrance requieres sacrifice.
I want my name to be screamed into the skyline, etched into the beyond.

>> No.22414228

This but I don't want to hurt people close to me. I wish there were a way for me to get some disease and die naturally.

>> No.22414244

I was like that a few years but I got past it. Honestly, I think there is a solution and it’s to find something or some things to do with your life that are sincerely worthwhile and radically commit to them. Not just mentally commit, but physically, outwardly commit. Even say it out loud. I think it also helps if you can surround yourself with family or close friends, but that’s not the biggest thing imo. I hope you don’t kill yourself. I think there is something for you to do here. Just gotta figure out what it is and do it. Live your life so that when you do die someday your life will have been worth it. Don’t walk away from the table just yet.

>> No.22414250

Interesting. I tried blue collar for a while but that only lasted for a few days. I wish I had done something like you for at least a year. I think about farming sometimes.

>> No.22414290

Is there a single woman who's able to not project herself into every single thing? That's not even a kazakh post, I just realized I've never met one. Probably cracked the code in why I hate discussing with women so much too.

>> No.22414295

The more I read, the more difficult envision a positive future.

>> No.22414329

Is it possible to be both Christian and pagan? It seems to me that it’s possible to a degree.

>> No.22414340

It's impossible by definition.

>> No.22414372
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it's simple
i disagree with all of those

>> No.22414389
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you will soon understand that women are different from men in just about every aspect
and also that it's not a bad thing
the tragedy of kazakhposting is that they try to measure women by male standards and metrics, instead of female ones, and when they inevitably don't stack up, get disappointed

it's like being jealous of australia's economy because their money is waterproof and colourful unlike green dollars
this is not the metric that matters
it doesn't matter that women are "inaccountable" or "irrational". They're women. they have different properties of import. stop seeking masculinity in women because you won't find any
>woman who's able to not project herself into every single thing
why would you want that?
you're describing a man
if you want men, seek men
women are not men women are not men women are not men

>> No.22414409

Do women have a hero's journey of their own? Or do they just simply exist?

>> No.22414425

I have a stereotypical bureaucratic useless bullshit job a la David Graeber and it makes me feel like it’s somehow doomed me.

>> No.22414432

they have a female equivalent
what it is, is yet to be determined

>> No.22414478

Yes but instead of it being about triumphing over adversity It's a biological predetermined psychosis that begins with fucking every stranger that buys them a drink, and fits the current standards for 'cool', getting into drugs and or alcohol, plastering their body with shitty random tattoos, and possibly allying with a random left political movement. All of this, of coruse, ends with them getting scared and marrying the first simp with a stable job they think might let them get away with cheating while ploping out a kid or two for them.

>> No.22414492

What? The hero’s journey describes a common thread between stories. Gender has almost nothing to do with it.

>> No.22414666

paganism is polytheistic and christianity monotheistic. Also first commandment.

>> No.22414693

In Chinese there's the grammatical structure 只不过which means "it's just that (if this is not the case)...". It's different from "but". It can also mean "nothing more than" as in "only". I'm trying to think of an English word for this that can begin a sentence. Something like "Only, if that's what you call a ..., it's very ....". I can't imagine how to construct such a sentence

>> No.22414740

>Live your life so that when you do die someday your life will have been worth it.
I hate phrases like these. because I have a shitty past and made terrible decisions which cannot be reversed

>> No.22414743

I understand that and I have felt and do feel similarly sometimes. But our past can be redeemed. We have to know that with certainty because it is true.

>> No.22414750

Depends on the context really because you'd translate it differently. Only would work in some cases, but in other cases you're looking at weird shit in English like albeit. Things like no more than or simply or just or but could work in some contexts but you can't really just plug in one to all cases.

>> No.22414762

maybe you had a decent amount of positive experiences to truly believe in this. I'm just being honest

>> No.22414780

Super disappointed bros. It was my first day of university since 2018. I was very excited. Took me an hour to commute. The professor is a mask cuck. He spent a few minutes warning us about the new covid strain and how it's paralyzing people. Then he ended class 15 minutes in because his computer wasn't working. Now I'm facing an hour long commute back home. I missed half a days work for this. If I can even make it to work I'll have to spend two hours just to make up for the gas it took to commute. On top of it all I got my photo ID and I look like shit in the picture. Starting to remember why I hated college so much to start with

>> No.22414826

>commuting an hour for one class
Nobody to blame but yourself

>> No.22414831

You're deranged

>> No.22414861

Biocoercement made university unbearable honestly. First they expected you to just outwardly pretend you subscribed to progressive dogma. Then you had to actually subscribe to it while the rooted out those who didn’t. Now you have to actually behave and even take dangerous drugs to demonstrate that you subscribe. The whole thing is frankly not worth it anymore. People should work hard at dropping out rather than working hard to reach the front of the pack. For example, a PhD candidate would be better off spending all the time and energy working at being an independent self employed writer.

>> No.22414866

I’ve had many extremely negative experiences. People who don’t generally never think about things like redemption.

>> No.22414899

so how are you still being able to look for positivity?

>> No.22414906

>the tragedy of kazakhposting is that they try to measure women by male standards and metrics, instead of female ones
I agree with the rest of your post but women nowadays are shit when compared to traditionally female standards too. Nurturing or empathetic women are the minority despite both of these being strengths intrinsically attributed to their gender. I'm not saying men aren't also shit at traditionally masculine things now - just look at how many insecure and aimless young men there are - but they're pretty much forced to compensate for these failings or spend their lives getting shat on while the societal expectation for women when it comes to doing anything besides existing is non-existent.

>> No.22414926

Class attendance is mandatory and this was the closest campus to me.

>> No.22414937

I do not deny the posibility.

>> No.22414945

Going to uni just for some bullshit or to discover that class was cancelled is just part of the experience. You wanna get motivated about uni? Read studies about the average income/quality of life of those with a diploma compared to that of those without in your country.

>> No.22414999

Yeah that's why I'm here faglord. I've been doing construction work for 4 years and I'm fucking sick of it so I'm back in college to complete my degree. But now the romantic idea of the student life has worn off and I'm suddenly remembering why I dropped out to begin with. I'm just tired of everything being bullshit all the time.

>> No.22415071

Because I know that there is still life ahead and that redemption is possible. If you lived 99 years of garbage but 1 year that redeemed the 99, then you’ve redeemed your whole life. I also have to say that life is a process. At any point you can choose to strive for the good life.

>> No.22415083

Maybe Im too jaded and hurt for it to truly believe.

>> No.22415239

---- Solaria ----

To make Porch Garden
Is a poetic act that makes philosophy

Just another tool for thinking through remote origins,
The why of sensational magenta

And the iridescent green of certain bird wings and bug carapaces.

I'd like to plant a silver maple orchard
Just for cecropia caterpillars

And see the reefs of is
Without strategy.

>> No.22415251

Someone make a new thread

>> No.22415306

I am watching mr robot and i was from the first moment infatuated by angela. I believed in elliot, still do, but i also believed in angela. They were fighting for a good cause in season 1. Although in season 2 she turned into a greedy, psychopatic whore. In season 3 i kind of lost the plot and didnt understand what was happening but i somehow thought she turned around and fought the right thing again. I just stared at her while she was talking, thinking how beautiful she is. Now, just a moment ago i googled her and found her on a famous villains wiki. I read her character breakdown and realized the whole season 3 was her giant gaslight of everyone and a leap for power. Then i realized something important about myself. I was blinded by her apparent outside beauty. I am superficial and weak for outside beauty. I knew that before about myself but it never really hit me so hard as right now

>> No.22415333

I want to be so much more than what I’ve been suggests I can be.

>> No.22415366

You can do it, anon. The world is an oyster.

>> No.22415392

>women nowadays are shit when compared to traditionally female standards
same with men
men and women of today deserve each other
men must guide women to virtue but they don't

>> No.22415489

It’s nice to think so. I do worry that I don’t have the right background or “story” if you will.

>> No.22415492

Most men seem to think the women are at least marginally worse than the men. Are you not one of these? I think it’s hard to say they’re equally bad because they’re never equal and we live in a VERY feminine civilization.

>> No.22415542

I wasted this year…

>> No.22415554

Its not even over yet

>> No.22415602

>the romantic idea of the student life
Did they drop a brick on your head while you were working construction?

>> No.22415619

My year goes Fall through Summer

>> No.22415625

I got wasted this year. :DDDD

>> No.22415633 [DELETED] 


>> No.22415651

Any good books on charisma?

>> No.22415827
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My upper division philosophy course will include kahoot quizes. Those who win will get candy prizes

>> No.22415907

---- Solaria ----

Looking at the Pleiades through big binoculars
While autumn sets in

Chimes with rhythm and blues
Majestic as the the least silly of Baroque.


>> No.22416043
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I am 32 and so far this year has been the worst of my life
>lost 6 figures of life savings on shit investments (spent my 20s living like a monk to make that money)
>fell out with my brother who I will likely never speak to again
>had a cousin die at 44 suddenly from a heart attack
>had the worst Christmas as me and my not-dickhead brother both fell out with our parents, as did some other family
>seriously told my boss I am considering suicide because they were being abusive to me (two coworkers resigned that day in solidarity with me)
>have to sell my dream car and all my vidya hardware because of money troubles
I am tired bros. Please tell me it gets better than this. I feel like fucking Job or something. It's the kind of tired that sleep can't fix.

>> No.22416111

Doesnt sound too bad. Could be worse

>> No.22416138

I mean, thanks, I guess?

>> No.22416206

---- Solaria ----
First of First worlds

My favorite sister and I learned the constellations from
A high bedroom window.

My father raced in jets faster
Than the earth rotates

And told me what I was like at 3, when I was 25.


>> No.22416239

Life goes on bro. If this your worst year you're doing pretty good. Clear skies ahead :)

>> No.22416297

To me it was:
>My cousin/godfather suddenly discovered that he had giga cancer and died a few months latter at 48
>another cousin got diagnosed with ms
>another one who isn't even ten was diagnosed with a rare chronic blood disease
>couldn't find a job after graduation and became a neet
>both job prospects I had went caput
>my cell broke and destroyed all of my photos from the last two years in the process
>Lost contact with half of the few friends I still had
>my father went through three surgeries
>my cat went through a surgery
>fucked my back and could barely move for a week due to how much pain I was in
>became a depressed husk who barely got out of bed and wasted all of my time trying to sext women on dating apps
I'm doing what I can and things are better now but this year has been rough.

>> No.22416300

Were your cousins vaxxed

>> No.22416305

I think I’m going to end things