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22404057 No.22404057 [Reply] [Original]

lady of the summer edition

previous >>22397596

>> No.22404059
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>> No.22404073

>Ernest Hemingway
>Hunter S. Thompson
>Sylvia Plath
>Virginia Woof
>David Foster Wallace
>Edouard Leve
>Mark Fisher
Why did they kill themselves? They were quite smart people to think it through.

>> No.22404086
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>> No.22404097

I hate that I was born into a family of psychos and freaks. I just try to live my life as best I can, but all my family does is try to drag me into the chaos of what they are. Even after putting distance between themselves and me, they somehow manage to go even crazier and flood my life with it. How can I really get away from them when their deaths will impact me for life?
My dad warns me to vet women and not fall for a psycho like he and my grandfather both did. I can't help but think that women are thinking the same, and that they'll see into my past and messed up family and avoid me the way my dad says I should avoid broken women. It isn't fair. I didn't ask for this, I didn't creare this, I didnt contribute to it, but I have to suffer it.

>> No.22404102

I'm finally getting to the point where I think I'm done with this site. Nothing but meaningless opinions, strawman characterizations of opposition, passionate tirades against imaginary entities. I'd rather read the whiney posts about anons existence than read another thread where anons attempt to have "discourse"
I'll see you tomorrow I guess.

>> No.22404103

Lunch beer is nice

>> No.22404114

I like lunch beer but it makes it a pain in the ass to go back to work

>> No.22404159

Aaaaaaaaaaaaa I can't read. My brain just doesn't want to focus. Fuck this garbage shit.

>> No.22404161

listen to audiobook

>> No.22404162

I worry that I’ve stopped seeing the potential for a positive future, and not only for myself but for civilization as a whole. It’s not clear that the race to the peak of technological power doesn’t end in all encompassing nihilism, nevermind catastrophe of a magnitude we can’t even imagine.

>> No.22404167

Wouldn't it be even worse because I think my brain would wander even faster.

>> No.22404178

The categorical imperative is the dumbest thing I’ve ever encountered in philosophy. I wanted to believe that we’ve all simply misunderstood it similar to how atheists misunderstand what it means for certain things to be axiomatic, but upon investigation it really is just a stupid idea and not at al misunderstood.

>> No.22404191

I'm 22 years old and never picked up a proper instrument in my entire life, mainly because I couldn't afford it (and I kept finding excuses to not bother with DAWs), despite being an avid music listener for as far back as I can recall. Is it really too late to become legitimately good at playing with a thorough understanding of what I'm doing? As in being able to synthesize your creative spirit with the rigor required to use the tools in order to create something that isn't too derivative. I don't care about "making it" ; what worries me is investing a lot of time into something with a low ceiling of progress instead of trying to improve the areas in which I'm actually somewhat competent. I'd love to be able to have a solid enough songwriting ability to where I could wrap my head around the technical yet flavorful Ariel Pink/Harry Nilsson/Andy Partridge/Yellow Magic Orchestra brand of crafting music, but even that seems like it's too far ahead, without even getting into the real advanced proggy/jazz stuff that's filled with prodigies and virtuosos. The thing with people getting started as teenagers is they have the time to do all the mistakes necessary to finally getting a grip on the artform.
I read a John Fahey quote about this conundrum, where he said something along the lines of "If you haven't spent a long, torturous amount of time playing with the shackles of traditional music rigor all over you, then you'll never make anything truly valuable with your freed limbs". And while it seems fairly easy to refute it with some wild examples of undisciplined artists being interesting, I do wonder how much of it reaches "the sublime" and how much of it really is just novelty at its core. These are all neuroticisms in general, but I don't know man, with the tightening schedules of adult life, it doesn't sound like such a bitchy thing to worry about.

>> No.22404214


>> No.22404226

Because the basic gear costs half my current pay ya pinhead. I don't live in the west.

>> No.22404228

Then why waste time thinking about it

>> No.22404229

Dunno why youre so caught up into whether youll make the music that touches the sublime. If you feel the urge, if you love doing it, id say do it.
I started playing guitar at 18, im pretty good but never made any original great song then i switched to ableton at about 22 and i made couple of in my opinion valuable songs but they dont get the recognition. Im happy cause all along my goal was to have creative outlet and to see what kinda music i can make

>> No.22404237

Also all u need is a second hand acoustic or electric guitar, cheap amp or interface and pirated daw

>> No.22404238

Why do people block people they don’t hate?

>> No.22404243

I picked guitar at 15 but most of what I do is dark ambient and industrial music nowadays

>> No.22404244

I can't help it unironically

>> No.22404253

Buy a harmonic. Those are cheap

>> No.22404254

Why is Murakami so comfy to read, bros?

>> No.22404263

Get a Yamaha off of FB marketplace for 100-200usd. Go to YouTube and look for getting started videos. At the same time try to find good videos on theory.
In five years of modest effort you will be able to jump on the keys and smash something out. Also sing while you play even if you suck bc you have to internalize the frequencies.

>> No.22404277

Why do retail wagies whine so much? It's an easy job, the vast majority of people are friendly and appreciative, and the small minority of ass holes can be ignored and then laughed about with coworkers after they leave.

>> No.22404300

I've lost in everything, I keep losing and I choose to play not because I could win but because it's what I've done all of my life and feel like I could maybe win if I just keep doing it.
I lose again.

>> No.22404305
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>Have terrible writers block due to busy work schedule and being at a point in my novel that requires a lot of editing a rewrites
>Out put has been reduced to a trickle over the past few weeks, barely writing a paragraph a day
>At 2 am I open up an old doc I started working on during the pandemic
>It started out as an unironic fap fic, but spiraled out of control into an unironic swashbuckling sword and sorcery story
>Took a minute to review the last chapter I'd written and then was immediately able to roll back into it with ease
This isn't the first time this has happened. I guess writing a story where my only concern is cool magical set pieces and satisfying my romantic fantasies lets me me get into that flow state more easily.

>> No.22404376

Showed up to work on time. Boss is running two hours late. We're painting a house interior but he has all the rollers, trays, brushes, and paint. I'm here on the job with nothing to do. This happens pretty often

>> No.22404426
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brother, I'm similar, I always loved music but was too poor to get an instrument or go for lessons during my teenage years. I felt like music could allow me to express myself but never had the chance, not until I was over 30 and started to earn some decent money.
So one afternoon I just decided to buy a piano and find a teacher, being 33 at that time. I practiced a lot, was lucky to find a good teacher that specialized in adults. She said I have really good ear and understanding of music.
But she also said I will never be able to play really good, on a level of professional pianist. It's just not gonna happen, I would have had to start at an early stage of my life to become actually good with it. She herself started taking lessons at the age of 8.
So it is what it is. Some things cannot be fixed, if you miss your chance, it's over.
But don't get me wrong, once you will be able to afford, you absolutely should try. Just don't focus on starting as early as possible since it's most likely already too late to become really good unless you are an actual musical genius. Fact is, things are expensive - good instrument is one thing but also the lessons (I would absolutely not recommend self-learning, you can do yourself more harm than good and then spend extra time with an actual teacher fixing mistakes you were unaware of). You can get to somewhat decent level regardless if you're 22 or 45 but don't expect you will reach a level of an actual professional.

>> No.22404428

Have you ever worked in retail?

>> No.22404433

I think I’m going to cut my father out of my life. Ironically, I’m staying with him right now for a few weeks but after investigating this relationship I’m concluding that I only want it to be minimal. We can friends who see each other once or twice per year. I won’t cut him out completely because I want my kids, if I ever have any (which seems more unlikely by the day) to be able to have some sort of relationship with him.

>> No.22404435

Yes. I had a lot of fun doing it. Most of it was small talk with elderly customers and coworkers and flirting with girls. Stocking shelves and working the register were kind of mind numbing but thats just work desu

>> No.22404443

>after investigating this relationship I’m concluding that I only want it to be minimal
what did he do?

>> No.22404453

I'm almost 27 and my first guitar ever should be arriving today. Just do it. Sure, it would have been better if I started guitar/drawing/writing/whatever ten years ago, but at least I do those things now so that I won't be bitching about "what could have been" a decade from now.

>> No.22404463

the piano in particular has a really steep learning curve compared to, say, the electric guitar to name the most common example. may i ask what type of music you're playing with your instrument? and do you have any ambitions of composing pieces on your own?

>> No.22404470

>I'd love to be able to have a solid enough songwriting ability to where I could wrap my head around the technical yet flavorful Ariel Pink/Harry Nilsson/Andy Partridge/Yellow Magic Orchestra brand of crafting music
This is completely within your reach. Get a cheap guitar and start learning the chords to songs you like. Read (or watch) some stuff on basic music theory, and think about how it applies to the stuff you're learning about to play. Try writing some songs of your own whenever you feel inclined to

>> No.22404485

sat watchin corrie with missus. my lad approaches, smirk on face. asks me if i have ‘ligmer’. i ask ‘what’s ligmer’ he says ligmer balls. fumin, bewildered an utterly dumbfounded. clobbered him there and then. household in meltdown. missus in tears. dog yappin. cba going shop.

>> No.22404494

I had a dream about the future of a battle in toxic rain with big bulky red tanks driving by. The black dude and I were taking shelter under a playground after we got separated from our group. He kept talking so loud because of the rain, and I was getting nervous someone might hear us.

>> No.22404500

I can't compare piano to guitar since I never played guitar, but I guess you might be right.
I mostly play classical and some film music in between. My favorite composer is Chopin and it felt great when I was finally able to play one of his works (although very easy one, for Chopin standards at least). I would love to compose something of my own but I would first need to have good understanding of music theory and after learning just the very basics it already feels overwhelming. I have this urge to express myself with some form of art but doing it with music seems too far from my current skills. I am also thinking of writing some short novel since at least I do know how to write.
My point was that you shouldn't be discouraged from learning new instrument as an adult because its still a fun experience but you should be also aware that reaching a pro level is most likely beyond the reach at certain age.

>> No.22404534

It has now been 4 hours since my boss said he was 1 hour away

>> No.22404546

I picked up guitar when I was 13, fiddled around with it throughout high school and took a few semesters of music theory. But when I bought my keyboard... Shit... six year ago now, it was a much better progression, much more enjoyable, better all around than guitar. I gave all my guitars away to family members.

I'd say getting reasonably good at keys is much easier than reasonably good at guitar. If you just want to smash and strum, go with a digital piano.

>> No.22404550

Is he hung over or just a retarded boomer? Will he make you stay late?

>> No.22404579


>> No.22404587

I honestly cannot remember a time where I felt positive about myself, my faculties and my potential. But Im so sick of wasting time. How am I so incapable of managing myself. I know its not pathological. No need for medical intervention. At this point, I am so fragile, so weak, that I wish I could attribute it to an illness. Something outside my control. But it isn't.

>> No.22404596

How many years can one expect to get drunk 9 nights out of ten before developing cirrhosis? Im going on 8 and wondering how much longer I can go. Is it just luck of the draw?

>> No.22404597

what do you want?

>> No.22404606

Anyone else suffer from severe scatter brain? And very short working memory, AND worsening long term memory. The inability to initiate, sustain and complete a complex (cognitive) executive process?

Is it covid? Depression? Or just the way my brain's evolved to accomodate constant, accessible, diverse, massive amounts of stimuli? Anyone map out neurological differences in brain composition from the start of the information revolution to now?

>> No.22404613

Gen Xer. Guy is just a scatter brain. We'll probably stay late but a full day in contracting exceeds 8 hours and thats the norm.

>> No.22404614

Isn’t anyone else deeply disappointed with life? Aren’t they depressed to have spent their whole young adulthood chasing degrees and office jobs and nowadays often not even in-person. The last few years feel like real life has basically stopped. When I look back on it and I ask “if I had to write a biography, would I even want to read it” I have to conclude I wouldn’t. Is it just me? Or is this how everyone’s life is now?

>> No.22404619

This post reminds me of when I was a kid and used to think my mom died when she took longer to come home than usual. I would lie in bed and hug her clothes and cry. Thought I was fucked up for doing that but turns out it's not that uncommon.

>> No.22404620

I want to go to sleep at night satisfied that I'd done everything I'd set my mind to in the groggy hours of the morning before the urges, whims and compulsions to engage in frivolous time/energy wasting activities kicked in. I want to read without my mind wandering. I want to do things with my hands. I want to think about something theoretical and reach a conclusion, not abort that process halfway because my brain is too tired from keeping up with the calculations. I want to think of myself as I am and be proud, and be satisfied. Not as I should be or as I could have been, and wallow, and sink in a pit of despair. And predictably, and absurdly, do nothing to curb the sentiment.

>> No.22404633

I'm far too old to be naive and hopelessly romantic about matters of love. But the moment I begin to >catch feelings, my capacity for cynicism melts away. I hope I don't change.

>> No.22404636

sigh It seems that you have met a horrible demise, my friend. But uh, you know, these... these things happen and... and life... life goes on. N-not for you, obviously, uh, you're dead, but uh, it reminds me of a time I was having a conversation with my friend Orville. We were, uh, where were we? We were by the... the river, we were sitting by the river and watching the fish leap over the falls and uh, I said to Orville "You know, sometimes I feel like a fish leaping over and over again, always trying to get somewhere, though I don't know where, only to find myself in the jaws of a beast." He, of course, looked at me surprised, you know? "Have you been in the jaws of a beast, friend?" To which I said, "No, of course not Orville." I said, "No no no, I... I simply meant that life can seem like a relentless endeavor to overcome meaningless obstacles, only to meet an equally meaningless fate regardless of your efforts, regardless of the obstacles you passed." And, uh, Orville he... he stood and proceeded to drape me with a picnic cloth, to which I... I asked him, I said, "Friend, what... what are ya doin?" He looked at me very concerned really. "I feel like you've gotten too much sun." Indeed, heh, indeed I had. He proceeded to pour me a glass of just... ice cold lemonade. Ooh, you ever mix it with iced tea? Ya do, like... half lemonade ha... ooh, you should try it so--well, you can't, because you're dead, but, anyways, so you may be asking yourself, "How did I go from sitting by the falls and drinking lemonade to being wedged in the air duct, not only with Orville, but with an entire assortment of fruity-colored friends?" Well, there's uh... there's really no good answer to that, but... perhaps I met a demise of my own at some point and... this is my afterlife or my dream or whatever it might mean, I... I honestly don't know. Or... maybe it doesn't mean anything at all. Maybe it doesn't mean anything at all..

>> No.22404662

God there is no god but He, the Living, the Everlasting. Slumber seizes Him not, neither sleep; to Him belongs all that is in the heavens and the earth. Who is there that shall intercede with Him save by His leave? He knows what lies before them and what is after them, and they comprehend not anything of His knowledge save such as He wills. His Throne comprises the heavens and earth; the preserving of them oppresses Him not; He is the All-high, the All-glorious.

>> No.22404670

As soon as you care what others would think of your work, you’re dead.

>> No.22404672

I couldn't imagine reciting it in english every night before going to sleep.

>> No.22404671

Budget won’t allow for it, but I’d love to have my entire body tattooed with passages from Moby-Dick.

>> No.22404690

Thats fucking weird bro

>> No.22404697

how do i make hedonism worth it? everyday i do so much shit and enjoy every second of it, but i'm scared it will all go to waste

>> No.22404702

How is your digestion? Watery shits and the constant smell and feeling of your innards dissolving eliminating from your mouth would be a signal you are there.
The liver helps you live btw.
What do you drink? Would you stop if your liver was shriveled up fat?

The only thing that stops people from drinking, really, is hitting a sufficiently low rock bottom and the corresponding humiliation. This tends to get rid of the appetite.

>> No.22404709
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Same. Worst part is that when it went down some days ago I was legitimately sad and thinking about what the fuck would I do with my life afterwards, where I'd go. Somehow this site always looks like a shadow of its former self.

>> No.22404710

You could write a book or make a film that way certain aspects of it, assuming this is what you write about, will continue existing a while after your gone. But really it all goes away eventually. I've gone back and forth between living like a YOLOist and a monk. Not sure which is better yet but I'd like to give the YOLOIST approach another go before I'm on my death bed.

>> No.22404713

I'm so glad my friend got me into dota like 6 years ago. Out of all of modern culture, to have fallen upon this absolute gem. It's such a rewarding game to watch, the culture around it is just the right level of retarded, it just keeps on giving.

>> No.22404739

>Somehow this site always looks like a shadow of its former self
That really is true. I've been here for far too long. People have always complained about how it's worse than it was before. I've never agreed more than I do now though

>> No.22404748

I drink vodka with seltzer water and beer. My digestion isnt too bad but Ive had heartburn for a long time and I have the shits whenever I dont drink enough or if I drink too much. I dont think Ill hit a low anytime soon. Im very functional thats the thing. I literally have no reason to stop except the fear of cirrhosis and the fact that when im on call for work I cant drink much and its pretty miserable. But I could probably continue this way for 20 more years if I live that long.

>> No.22404765

Honestly anon there is nothing wrong with wasting time. My wife and I had a kid recently, and I've been wasting a lot less time as a result, I think both due to the demands of raising an infant causing me to acutely feel the value of my free time, and also from a feeling of wanting to set a good example. It feels good to get things done, but honestly I miss wasting time.

>> No.22404800

Do they still ban my ip range?

>> No.22404802

Your experience might’ve just been particularly good.

>> No.22404807

It’s less what he did do and more what he didn’t do. I didn’t really know him until I was an adult, and I’m just not finding him someone I admire and in fact more and more I’m holding a lot of resentment in my heart.

>> No.22404928

Tomorrow you will probably agree more.
Kind of the point: since it is always worse than it used to be, then we probably should leave. Since it will get worse, then we probably should cherish what little good we still have left, till it ends forever.

>> No.22404934

Whats on my mind... ehm... nothing of a value. Havent been here in a long time, forgot how do you write it, whats on your mind, and also this anxiety that the whole revelation of my mind would get besmirched my the non-native english. But have to say that i experienced some true emotions a few years ago in this thread, i made screenshots and hold them dear now. My idea was to come to this thread every day and post whats on my mind and wait for replies to, if lucky, experience this non-loneliness (a trivial pathetic remark: i cant name a proper antonym for loneliness in any language), to collect these brief moments when the perpetual despair to be really understood has receded. Of course, i never did so, for obvious reasons. Today is also not the day, i dont feel like scraping the bottoms of my heart and soul, so, forgive me, i will go with just describing the trifle thoughts that i had in the last few hours.

So. Im really getting more and more convinced that all the episodes of feeling weak, bad, nauseated are originated from that realm, structure of a human consciousness that is between the realms of the complete unconscious and the somewhat conscious, governed by my Self one. I can clearly trace how my ignorance of some responsibilities -- (lets make things disgustingly ordinary) a few lines of code to finish some story, whose importance has been stressed out by management many times -- is inducing so well-known for some people with anxiety a false feeling of an earthquake, when for a second or two you experience a peek intense panic.

Also, have finally forced myself to watch the latest spider-man cartoon. Have to say, the dynamics, the sound, the colors, everything is a top notch. Not to spoil, of course, the precious memory of the older adaptations, but, i think, these methods and tools used in this one are succeeding most in bringing a comic into an animated live, making it breathe.
Found myself upon thinking with a back of my mind of an interesting, though naive as a classic romanticism is, thought during it. I thought that there is something delicate, sophisticated and refined in a dream of a negro teenage boy about a blonde peer girl, with ideal tender white pale skin and blue eyes.

>> No.22404937

I feel like I'm tripping balls while reading Faust II, lmao.

>> No.22404945

You're the guy who's been in every thread saying this stuff, right? Whose dad had some career in a foreign country and rarely came home

There have been times when it got better after being bad. But at this point it will still be awful even after improving. It probably is time to move on but it's hard to let go. It's such a good way to idly waste time

>> No.22405055

wait until you do it while listening to Faust IV

>> No.22405059


>> No.22405121

i know a girl who follows weird/old guys on tik tok as well as incel tcc stuff. she has maybe 2 videos up and is pretty attractive. i can see how it's entertaining to watch schizd out idiots but at the same time i wonder if its all part of some plot to extract money from lonely guys.

>> No.22405134


>> No.22405141

I added a fresh tomato straight from the garden to my meal. The difference between that and using one from the grocery store is crazy.

>> No.22405149

I'm thinking of buying some pre-rolls to get high. I've done edibles before, but would like to try for that immediate effect.

>> No.22405155

Should I study Geisteswissenschaften?

>> No.22405160

'Twas a good poo:
My braps were brappy.
My anus disgorged the stink-sap.
My intestines were happy.
I turned in for a comfy nap.

>> No.22405166

What happened, shitstick?

>> No.22405171

It Happened

>> No.22405177


>> No.22405193

Women can also have social media induced psychosis

>> No.22405197

Is New York City even worth the price? I have to choose between it and Pittsburgh for the next 6 to 12 months. Pittsburgh is a little boring, but at least it’s cheap and not that much of a dump.

>> No.22405211

Would studying etymology increase my vocabulary?

>> No.22405221

Is it worth studying [waste of time meme]?

>> No.22405237

For like what? Touring? Living?

>> No.22405250


>> No.22405253

Studying entomology would be far more valuable, as you would learn the names of many many insects and their body parts.

>> No.22405255

meaning you think she relates to their condition? yeah this is probably the case given what i know about her.

>> No.22405258

I have the looks and personality of a golden retriever

>> No.22405262

I would study myrmecology for the war and gore. I don't care about butterflies flapping their wings and landing on things.

>> No.22405267

More like she got caught up in a weird parasocial rabbit hole that now defines her personality.

>> No.22405290

To live in for for a few months to a year while I write some things.

>> No.22405330

Egged on by friends, I have created a profile on both Tinder and Bumble. I have found the experience to be awful.
I routinely catch myself being petty and judgemental, and turning down women for the smallest of "flaws". Perhaps more embarrassing, I put all of my rigorous standards aside when I saw the profile of a Japanese exchange student, who was "hoping to improve my English".
The app is also comically mean. It lets you know whenever someone liked your profile, but forces you to pay (14€ for a week!) to tell you who it was. It also shows the same type of popup both when you match with someone and when it tries to sell you something.
It's only been about a day, so I'm not too concerned about my lack of matches yet. I have tried to be picky so the opaque algorithm that decides when your profile is shown doesn't smell my desperation.
Ultimately, I think the greatest value I will get out of this will be the display of affection my friends showed for me, in their concern for my longstanding loneliness, their encouragement and in their care to choose my most flattering pictures.

>> No.22405350

Just pretend to have money, thats literally all they care about. You dont even have to spend any on them, just thinking you have it is enough to spread their legs for you.

>> No.22405395

People wrote and read books prior to the 21st century because youtube video essays hadn’t been invented yet.

>> No.22405402

Dating websites have always been ass, but somehow the experience got even worse over the last decade. I think it’s because in addition to being a sausagefest and encouraging people to be super picky, they figured out how to monetize it better and better so now you have to get a 10-15$ subscription for your privilege to suffer

>> No.22405403

Ehhh. You might as well just go slightly upstate. It's very beautiful and you can take the train easily.

>> No.22405408

My boss left to get more supplies. He's been gone for an hour. I have nothing to do without the supplies. I cant get paid until we finish the project.

>> No.22405410

Some faglord in my area went on a spamming spree on /v/ and /vt/ and got all the cell network ips banned.

>> No.22405429

Does anyone know if philosophy professors watch porn? what about priests and monks and nuns? if you're catholic do you have to confess to porn watching? I fell to temptation again. I even have a hot girlfriend who's sweet and loyal and I still failed. It's the variety of porn to choose from, the big fake tits, the voyeurism, the movie magic, the absence of social interaction-- I actually prefer it to sex. I feel great shame and guilt from this.

>> No.22405434

Bless that lil nigga. He did you a favor.

>> No.22405449

If you guys could live in any US city, where would you want to live? I’m graduating next spring and want to get out of Boston, but I have no idea where I want to go.

>> No.22405593

I’d rather be in the city for a while.

>> No.22405600

I think you’ll be shocked at how many people say Boston and I am one of them, but I can tell you that New York and Philadelphia are a bit like Boston but bigger and better some ways. It really just depends on what interests you.

>> No.22405624

San Diego I hear has the best weather. But really cost of living has to be considered unless your living off a nice trust fund.
If money wasn't a concern probably the far end of long Island with the rich people or something. Marthas Vineyard or Newport or some other rich town on the New England coast. Possibly snow bird my way down to San Diego during winter.

>> No.22405646
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Dead at 26. Overdosed on Bombay Sapphire and Weed. Play The Last Waltz in its entirety at my funeral. With an open bar. Just make sure there are speakers in the coffin too. I just bought a plot of land in the afterlife. Might just kick back on the patio for the rest of eternity.

>> No.22405651

Ok. I mean, NYC has like all the good stuff like food and art and entertainment.

I guess if you have the money to just go and 'stay while you write' it doesn't really matter what's said cus you got the muns

>> No.22405670

Yeah. It’s not that I can’t afford it. I’m just wondering more if it’s worth it.

>> No.22405673

Sometimes I feel like I ruined my ambitions by choosing the wrong career.

>> No.22405678

Meeting up with a girl half my age later this week. Probably a mistake

>> No.22405683

How old are you?

>> No.22405685


>> No.22405686


>> No.22405687


>> No.22405695


>> No.22405697

This is me

>> No.22405700

How did you even get talking? Are you gonna sex?

>> No.22405701

Meant to quote this post>>22405686

>> No.22405703

40 is the most correct answer.

>> No.22405709

Welcome to /wwoym/ 57 other posters will lend their shoulders.

>> No.22405711

showing my gf this thread

>> No.22405715

And I'm saying that NYC is a shithole and wonderful at the same time. I know people who live there and love it. I live in the state on NY and while I like to visit the city, I hate the smell and the traffic and the sheer amount of people. I love the art, the parks, the food, and the people watching.

So again. It depends on what you're looking for.

>> No.22405716

Have this sneaking suspicion, probably just paranoia, that my roommates are planning to throw me out. Get the sense they've had enough of my awkward silences, and that I creep them out.
Oh well, hard to tell. Maybe i should offer them something like some of my food or alcohol.
I'm too private, I even keep my shoes separate from all my roommates. It's nothing personal, but i know normies tend to take everything the wrong way.
Ever notice how naturally selfish normies are, like they don't even think twice about giving a favor with the explicit intent to capitalize on it by later asking you for something. Like grossly explicitly seeking to manipulate others for their own benefit is just their natural way of being. The idea of just disinterestedly doing something is not a possibility for them, everything carries a purpose to gain influence or sway others. How are normies capable of living like this without feeling disgusted with themselves?

>> No.22405718

Yeah. I meet them in a shopping center and coffee shop where a lot of them hang out. I fear I am getting a bit of a reputation though

>> No.22405719

Is she the one half your age?

>> No.22405720

Either way is disgusting.

>> No.22405722

How many kids are you meeting?

>> No.22405723

A reputation for hanging around teenage girls? Should be careful her dad/brothers dont beat your ass

>> No.22405727

Your mom is disgusting lmao

>> No.22405728

I would ask yourself why women your age won't give you the time of day

>> No.22405735

It's so mind boggling to me. Everything i do I do disinterestedly barely thinking of others, and many would see this as selfish behavior, but to me it's the opposite.
I can't imagine going through my day holding in my head my status in the eyes of a whole cast of characters, that sounds immensely draining.

>> No.22405742

>34 year old single women
Why would anyone give them the time of day?

>> No.22405750

Why do anons on 4chan like Boston so much? I asked this question on /int/ a few days ago and half of the replies said Boston. I hate it here. It’s expensive, the people suck, and there’s nothing to do. NYC seems cool and I loved it when I visited, but it’s way too expensive and living spaces there are so small and cramped. I’ve considered Philly too, but there’s too many black people and too much crime. I’m not even that racist and it’s still too much.

>> No.22405751

They’re not really kids. One was a little sketchy, but 5. Once I got in with one of them, the playing field opened up. Girls like older guys

>> No.22405753

I just want a place I can talk to strangers and walk around to coffee shops and bars for a few months. As weird as that sounds, just putzing around in the city like that helps me. The only place better is wandering around at home because I’m basically a farm kid.

>> No.22405755

I’ve been thinking about Southern California, particularly San Diego or LA, because it seems like it’s exciting but the cost of living is holding me back. I’d make good money there, but I would still never be able to afford a house there.

>> No.22405757


I'm sure you haven't really been to NYC then cus there's just as much crime and POC

>> No.22405759

5 high school girls. You are asking for serious trouble.

>> No.22405762

Ah, then not NYC.
People generally keep to themselves NY

>> No.22405764

NYC POC are more diverse. Philadelphia POC are mostly black.

>> No.22405765

SoCal is pretty cool. I live here. You can move inland, away from the coast, to find cheaper living.

>> No.22405766

This post is why I still come here and proves my point made up here>>22404102

>> No.22405768

A lot of their guy friends don’t like me. I always hear snide comments under their breath if they pass by. Probably jealousy. Lol

>> No.22405769

Try Chicago. It’s similar to NYC but more affordable and the people are nicer and more open.

>> No.22405770

Yeah probably becuase you're a grown ass man poaching children

>> No.22405776

Are you the same guy who beat up a teenage boy after you stole his teenage girlfriend from him

>> No.22405777

They best be learning life isn’t fair

>> No.22405785

Relative to a lot of other cities, Boston is pretty safe and clean. It looks nice because it’s old. It’s easy to get around by foot. Bostonians are relatively highly educated and more interested in things like literature than elsewhere, which isn’t saying much but it is something. It’s not particularly hot or humid. There are no tornados or tropical storms. Boston is a pretty white city.

Philly is very black but the white parts are more or less safe. They’re downtown, which is nice.

Chicago is a lot like New York but cheaper. Seattle is sort of like Boston in some ways but is a lot better for the outdoors and a lot shittier with drugs. Other than that, I don’t really know where else to recommend. It is too hard to sift through the thousands of cities without knowing what you’re looking for.

>> No.22405790

I’m not looking for anything in particular, just looking for something new and exciting.

>> No.22405791

>not particularly hot or humid. There are no tornados or tropical storms
Yeah but it gets crazy blizzards and snow storms

>> No.22405793

Well, the only thing I would add to that is that it is relatively affordable.

>> No.22405804

I mean NYC is exciting, just don't expect people to talk to you.

One of my friend from WV said they were pretty shocked how chilly people in NY are. I guess I can tell you that I agree there was one time that some guy in line behind me at the natural food store was really trying to have a conversation with me in broken English about how organic food is better. It like dude I'm just here to get the super processed Vegan butter and chocolate chips

>> No.22405807

That's pretty damn neat, anon. Writing a score is definitely within your reach, given that you spend enough time & effort on absorbing the necessary knowledge to do so. Hell, you could even practice by writing alternative pieces for silent films/short experimental films (think Brakhage). It's a fun to interact with yourself and the world around you on a deeper level. Best of luck to you
A Keyboard and a Piano do fall under different categories, no? I understand your sentiment and agree with your point about it being more intuitive, since the notes are literally staring back at you, but the methodology and the general feeling of writing through a midi keyboard is, from the little that i know, different from writing on a traditional piano. I guess it's more forgiving is what i'm trying to say.
It's interesing how you both switched from composing music with your own fingers to programming your compositions. Did the freedom of being able to do anything through a computer ever feel too overwhelming?
I should note that touching the sublime through music tends to happen accidentally in these contemporary times. The few counterexamples I could think of are guys like Mark Hollis or Florian Fricke, but they only managed to reach that place through establishing musical connections with large ensembles and spend a painstaking amount of time tweaking every little detail.
The problem is that Music is luxury.

>> No.22405812

This unironically is why I have trouble fitting in with the rest of the country. Even though I'm not in the city, but outside of it, it still holds true. And on top of this, I fucking loathe many Bostonians. Yet I am one by a lot of measures.

I went to Nashville not too long ago, and thought it was cool, but in no way shape or form would I fit in there.

>> No.22405817

its been awhile lit im reading persuasion and rhetoric rn

>> No.22405825

yo wassup g? whatchu think of that an hero opus? i personally dont find it depressing nor life denying at all, but curious to hear your feeling on it

>> No.22405826

>writing through a midi keyboard is, from the little that i know, different from writing on a traditional
yeah there is a difference with the vibrations which is important, but I was simply coming from a pragmatic point of view. A $200 Yamaha on FB Marketplace is better for the newb than a baby grand or something.
To overcome this problem I also recommended anon sing or at least hum while playing to internalize the vibrations to learn the difference.

>> No.22405838

all philosophy is about masturbation, especially nietzsche and plato. once you realize this you can't unsee it.

>> No.22405839

I'm 41 myself

girls like older guys if they have good social skills and are attractive, if they're anything like they get the cops called on them.

>> No.22405840

no, its just if you really think that its because you, are in fact, someone who beats off a ton so its constantly on your mind. any subject you approach will be colored by your deepest impulses.

>> No.22405842

I thought I’d be able to consume media for the rest of my life and that would make it bearable. But I’m in my 30’s now and I don’t care at all about any of it and everyday is hell. I thought it would be enough for me to make it to old age, but I don’t think I can make it to 40.

>> No.22405844

like me* rather

>> No.22405846

nietzsche had a bad addiction to jerking it. it was so bad that wagner had to intervene and take him to the doctors, and they arranged for a prostitute to take his pain away. this is not even a joke, it's a well documented piece of history.

>> No.22405850

stepped on a nail

>> No.22405856

i met my mirror and he turned on me
i think it’s all i had ever wanted in a relationship
unrivaled passion that blew right back up in my face and ended as dramatically as i ever could have dreamed it to
it’s not romantic, nothing about it is romantic, it’s a travesty and its wreckage took casualties beyond the two of us, nothing about it is romantic
i read his numerology reports every day and imagine him going about tasks. i know he wishes i were dead. i just can’t say the same of him
i just want to hold him again
nobody else fit against me quite as right.
i wish i could understand what in particular made him snap. i would have thrown away everything just to hear him keep calling me a sweet girl. i’d blow my brains out right here and now if i knew for sure that he’d smile instead of cry about it. i think we tried to kill ourselves together one time.

>> No.22405861


>> No.22405867

What? Boston is absurdly expensive.

>> No.22405870

White people don’t care about that

>> No.22405872

The Philly suburbs are also like that. San Francisco and Seattle were like that somewhat.

>> No.22405877

I know, I meant that’s the only thing I’m looking for in a new city besides it being new and exciting. Boston being so expensive is part of the reason I want to get out of here - I’m paying NYC/LA prices for a shit city.

>> No.22405890

livers up up up down left left I go up the ladder I go down I'd rather have a a a catholic lather novelty determinate old recreated corruption innovation valuable corruption of memory creativity not not possible creating not possible only look back forward what no only what livers sign sign of signs observer ideal observer look at me ideal observer look at me me look at me me as not me look at me me as not me watch me extension me extend me look at me is not that what or what is not that what or not is what that not or what is not that name him name ideal observer look at me name him name him name of name of the name him of the name know you name what name of him. name make real make less real well maim or fame leapfrog leaps at my eyes well livers look at what ideal observer observe me woman future woman past man man look ideal observer man two man look man man man man look man look man ideal observer idea of observer man look name of ideal observer him is man of ideal observer.

>> No.22405904

Pretty sure every major city is like that. Where in the Philadelphia burbs are/were you?

>> No.22405915

Over the course of my studies in normie zoology I've learned this natural egoism is something like an instinctive reflex. It barely even registers to the normie and if you were to call attention to it, you would arise an anger reflex. As it likes to think of itself as benevolent even while cleverly utilizing the laws of reciprocity and social skills to maximize his own benefit.
To the normie his private world of petty dramas is the center of the universe. He cannot conceptualize anything outside of social value. All social interactions are effectively just a game to optimize and increase his standing by appearing smart or strong or funny or distinctive. He desires to stand out but also is careful never to step too far off the line. Even ideas are just social currency to be deployed to make others like him more. Abstract thought is not known to occur. As of yet the only known way they process ideas is to relate ideas to proxies for social value: what is in fashion, out of date, new, youthful, Chad v.s virgin, etc.
The normie is also a very sensitive creature equipped with various anger reflexes which randomily deploy when he senses his ego has in some small way been violated. The normalfag ego must be constantly bathed in various kinds of social assurances just to get through the day.
Normals also exhibit an extraordinarily odd behavior I've observed in the field on multiple occasions; a kind of mock aggressivity which increases social bonding. This pretended hate allows the creatures to release frustration in a nondestructive way, which also strangely increases the attraction between the two specimens.

>> No.22405921

Try making it.

>> No.22405922

I think if you think Boston is shitty you’re going to be downright depressed at the state of the rest of USA, but maybe you’ll find a place you just really click with.

>> No.22405933

West Chester, Malvern, and Wayne. There’s something unique about the Philly suburbs and Boston metro that they share but is unlike other places in the United States.

>> No.22405935

Jesus was the original Mary Sue.

>> No.22405938

Places where the adage rings true; you can't escape where you are from.

>> No.22405942

I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. I've done things that would make your hair stand on end.

>> No.22405947

This is horrifyingly true. Something only only a modern-day Lovecraft could capture in prose. Well now that I think of it, Arkham falls within Greater Boston, so perhaps he was picking up on the same oddness to the general area.
But I'm tipsy posting at the moment.

>> No.22405958

I hit day 9 and drank a sixer.
Gonna go for two weeks this time.

>> No.22405966

I am the whitest person on this general and I could not live somewhere that gets blizzards

>> No.22405969

>a sixer

>> No.22405972

>somewhere that gets blizzards
blizzards are the comfiest part of winter, it's the darkness, cold and wind that makes it awful.

>> No.22405973

I went to school at West Chester. Good times. I was there around when Ryan Dunn died and I was surprised that the sentiment was “that’s good”. I guess looking back it doesn’t surprise me that the jackass guys weren’t well liked. I’m in Montgomery County now, the Huntingdon Valley/Abington area. I’ve always felt Boston and phill were sister cities. They both got that blue collar vibe

>> No.22405976

>Boston and phill
The commonalities are the Irish stock and the American History. But beyond that neither would find the other city hospitable towards one-another.
There was an old video clip of Bill Burr (Bostonian) doing a gig in Phila and they fucking lit him up and he fought back with a rant... been a while, can't remember specifics. But generally each city dislikes the other, human nature I suppose.

>> No.22405981

Tell me about it, my chosen career was "none".

>> No.22405987

I've spent a lot of time on gore sites, so I doubt it.

>> No.22405990

Yeah. I just mean they both seem to have the same mentality

>> No.22405991

A gore site doesn't even come close.

>> No.22406016

Would they make my dick stand on end?

>> No.22406020

>literally gets brutally killed in public and weeps

>> No.22406023

One time, i was walking in my friends shitbag, overgrown yard. I was all full of myself as I deftly jumped as I detected a nail piercing the sole of my shoe. I retracted my foot just in time to barely graze the skin and land full square on a different nail with the other foot. Shit's gay. I feel your pain.

>> No.22406029

I ran around barefoot as a kid and got all kinds of shit stabbed into my feet. You sound like a pussy

>> No.22406031

It’s been said for a long time but I really think /lit/ is approaching its end. The offtopic and bait threads have been bad for a couple years but now there seems a concerted effort to make the board more about genre than literary

>> No.22406035

>You sound like a pussy
So it goes.

>> No.22406039

Be the change you want to see in the world. As for me, I am bringing the novels of Alan Harrington to /lit/ whether they are wanted or not.

>> No.22406040
File: 41 KB, 220x97, puta-latina.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22406043

We don't

>> No.22406045

At least we have /wwoym/
For example the nonsense word "chud" exists nowhere in this thread, except for this very post.

>> No.22406047

Yeah, you probably did not want Guenon, either.

>> No.22406051

Such is life.

>> No.22406057

I think it goes back to early America. They were the two big cities before they built the canal linking New York to the Great Lakes and very English. That’s why we still have fox hunts and the like down here. It’s mostly a LARP now but some of that legacy is probably still in the air and in the dirt and you see it in the old buildings on the side of road.

>> No.22406062

You know you’re wrong because there are no other two cities where that but would even make sense let alone be funny. The communicability of the joke means the affinity already exists.

>> No.22406092

you need to sign in to confirm your age, but this is important.

>> No.22406110

unrelated: Are philosophical threads not allowed on this board, I got banned from one.

>> No.22406118

The trick is to include the book from which you are working from, otherwise you will be jannied.

>> No.22406127

The rule isn’t enforced but they should reference a specific book. Too many /qa/ tier pseudo philosophy threads survive that don’t reference anything and are just open ended stoner “dude, what if…” quality

>> No.22406143

I'm wriggling out of this trap I'm in, God willing. I'll gnaw my own tail off if it'll leave my future unshackled and tomorrow's thoughts unburdened.

Never get too involved. Playing the savior is a fool's errand. We humans are not meant to lift others up as if they've been compelled by a godly vision.

And I need to fucking read and exercise more. What the hell am I doing with my life? The juice is dribbling out of a terrifically ripe coconut and I jerk off and slave away.

God keep me and my family safe. Give us long lives so we may patiently and persistently undo some of these stubborn knots which grow taut as we try to take flight.

>> No.22406169

Yeah. Identify the philosophy at its source document, and also contribute meaningfully to your own thread.

>> No.22406170

I either need a good job or some kind of productive hobby. Fell for the /lit/ meme of learning Latin but gave up. Felt like i was wasting my time learning something autistic that I will never use. Also excruciatingly boring.
I would like something that exercises my mind maybe, but it would also be cool to have a hobby like drawing where I can create something real.
Reading is okay but it's still kind of passive and easy, and when I finish a book I don't really have a sense of accomplishment.
Idk I just need to be less of a lazy sack of shit.

>> No.22406171

Jackass audiences are almost exclusively Midwest types like myself and my peers back in the day. I never liked Chicagoans and their insistence on “roasting” people constantly. Those people should have themselves stripped naked and forced to walk into expanse of Appalachia and then try their shit.

>> No.22406191

I’ve seen this. I think you missed my point.

>> No.22406195

Everyone I knew loved Jackass in its heyday and I’m not a midwesterner. I’d imagine that stuff is fun to watch but it would lose its charm real quick if you were the one being fucked with in a mean spirited way or your bar was being trashed. I imagine Impractical Jokers is much more popular now because of that

>> No.22406207

I did actually

>> No.22406209

I'm trying to write realistic superheros and supervillains. It keeps turning into a slice of life romantic dramedy.

>> No.22406255

Would I, a 25 year old man with the typical 21st century faults, gain anything by reading any of the stuff that the Brontë sisters wrote?

>> No.22406297

I would not take it seriously but, yeah, I think that you should burn through at least one of them. There is massive broad bias in there, but you should have the exposure. Just do not pore through the details, do not dwell on it, and do not mold your world view on it. Take it as the woman's perspectives. Maybe a quick follow up with Pickwick Papers will give you the male contrast. As I type this, I am really liking the Brontë paired with Pickwick. That's it for sure.

>> No.22406324

Anyone ever get that feeling that their very existence is terrifying and the nature of consciousness is generally just very odd? The idea of what I consider being core to me like my memories, thoughts, perception of time, sensory experiences, etc just being arbitrary and conditional. It's quite hard to put into words but I think it's something similar to what Lovecraft was trying to convey.

>> No.22406335

probably just a local problem then. there's a lot of film and tv shows people liked but I didn't and caught a lot of flack for it too, Big Lebowski and the show Arrested Development to name two.

>> No.22406340

I had an idea of a world building of a reimagining of the Three Kingdoms novel with fantasy elements with famous characters with Jedi like abilities using the chi and psykinetic energy system called the Chords of Heaven based on the Wuxing elements wood, fire, earth, metal and water.

Wanted to do a three-part novel in mind starting With Three Kingdoms: The Fall of Azure Sky, Three Kingdoms: The Rise of Warlords, and Three Kingdoms: The Crimson Flame. where the first one centers around Liu Bei, and the three brothers epic battle against the Yellow Turbans, the second part focus on Cao Cao starting with the events of Dong Zhou, and ending with the fall of Yuan shao and establishment of Cao Wei state, and third novel focuses on Sun family clan and ending with the events of battle of Red Cliff.

Never done any creative writing before let alone start a Novel, I just don't know how to start a chapter that would be captivating and kinda afraid I'll just burn out after a while of writing.

>> No.22406369

Yes, a long time ago. That has long passed for me.

>> No.22406390

when I was a kid that was the source of many panic attacks. odd now that I've done pieces on metaphysics in my spare time.

>> No.22406418

is there any alternative to psychoanalysis that isn't just basic cognitivism? Was Freud really the only initiator of psychology?

>> No.22406449

I'm trying to figure out if there really is such a thing as "abstract humor" or if it's a made up concept to explain my own stupidity. There are certain odd little details that never fail to make me burst out laughing because they specifically 'look or sound funny', without any other source of humor other than the thing itself. For example, whenever a donkey faces me directly, I find it be one of the funniest visuals i'd ever laid eyes upon, and I am unable to explain why that is. Same with certain faces that people make, or draw. As if all of this stuff contained the pure 'funny' attribute in their essence, which is something that lies beyond man's feeble understanding. The comedy of the world shining through them, without any debasement or mockery or ill-will. Laughing while being at harmony with the world. I suppose subversion is the foundation of all humor, but I can't see who or what is getting subverted in those situations, since they're removed from the personal, id-ego aspect of the typical deal (laughing *at* someone). It's interesting to note how levity, literally derived from lightness, serves the purely human angle of humor ; while some animals are able to experience it, only this brand of almost nonsensical, incomprehensibly funny comedy can solely be considered a human capacity that is detached from the roots of the concept that are shared with the animal world.
Have any of you experienced something like this?

>> No.22406485

Please explain consciousness

>> No.22406489

One’s ability to understand one’s continuity when passing from one moment to the next.

>> No.22406500

How come every single person has his own understanding of consciousness?

>> No.22406543

As in explanation of consciousness without unconsciousness?

>> No.22406554

Behaviorism but it’s dire. I guess Functionalism by extension but unironic Functionalists don’t really exist anymore. And if you want to get crazy I guess Systems theory but that was a product of biology not psychoanalysis

>> No.22406559

What is a comprehensive list of concepts/literature I must understand in order to be able to do literary/philosophy analysis myself? When something is being explained to me I can understand it well enough and can sort of articulate it in my thoughts, but fail to explain it in my own words in a structured way. This goes about every subject, not just literature. I heard keeping a journal helps with putting your thoughts into words better but that sounds gay and I feel like someone will find it and embarrass me.

>> No.22406581

i think years of teenage drug abuse, then a decade of slowly sliding more and more into isolation and spending all day sedentary looking at screens have left me "living in my own head" so to speak, disconnected from physical reality and utterly destroyed my sense of self, and im guessing thats why i feel so much derealization, like im experiencing a never ending metaphysical-existential crisis, and in turn have such severe anxiety

how does one recover their sense of self? i feel like socializing more is important since it forces you to act and express yourself and become a person contrasted among others in the real world, but there has to be something i can do to get me to a point where i can overcome agoraphobia and go out into the world and function so i can socialize again

i feel like im a stones throw away from schizophrenia sometimes

>> No.22406587

start with the greeks

>> No.22406659

I want to eat a hotdog.

>> No.22406666

---- Solaria ----

Orion rising into a late July sky of unusual clarity, seen from a high porch.
Pleasantly mellow coolness under a placid sky

Fragrant and beautiful beyond belief,
Beyond all imagination.

There are other kinds of heavenly weather, but few so celestial
In sense or circumstance.

>> No.22406726

---- Solaria ----

The 17 kilohertz whine of several thousand brown mantises
Tests my ears, but I wonder what

Goes on in the audio spectrum in fields this
Buggy, rich in variety.

A lonely guy crosses my path, and asks about digital photography
While my mind reels with music he can't hear.

>> No.22406816

>While my mind reels with music he can't hear.
me on a daily basis

>> No.22406871

The term ''touch grass''' is more than just an insult. Go outside, touch grass, touch dirt, touch the trees. Read the ANSI A-300 pruning standard and start cutting trees somewhere. It's good exercise and it will get you back in touch with the physical realm. Study germination and collect seeds. Start planting them in the Spring. Seeing a tree grow that you planted will cement your relationship with the natural order.

>> No.22406909

Thinking about joining the Army

>> No.22406960

I hate self injecting, but I also don't want to wind up more disabled. It would be nice if one doctor were able to read a blood test, but at this point I'd be happy with one who could read the instructions on ramen.

>> No.22407005

My brother is twenty and I’m a little concerned that he seems to not really be dating or interested in dating. It’s just another item of a long list of things I’m concerned about with him, most of them coming back to his phone and how much time he spends on it (24/7).

>> No.22407014

Did you ever ask him on dating topic?

>> No.22407015

Substance abuse slowly rots your brain and body over long enough periods of time. You lose your memory and numb your senses
At least with stimulants I mean. Every drug destroys your CNS anyway

See a neurologist or a specialist man
I don't think most general physicians spot symptoms like that easily

>> No.22407021

Life is either coping or jestermaxxing

>> No.22407025

based inner peace achiever

>> No.22407026

I hate my life man

>> No.22407032

if you're from the US, just don't

random thought, I was never a guy who thought "women belong in the kitchen" I cannot stand 99% broads but nah cooking is an art. making meals is exciting and I love the process. it takes skill and a lot of experimentation to make good dishes.

>> No.22407033

Creepy crawly man

>> No.22407034

No. So far, I’ve felt like it’s basically not my business and his school situation has been a little complicated so it’s not easy. To be honest, I’m more concerned about the apparent lack of interest and the way that he’s growing into a sort of soft and pudgy mouth breathing adult because his health and hygiene habits are just so bad and because he is on his phone 24/7. He’s been living like he’s 18 and it’s summer for 3 years now. What do you think I should do? Do I need to take up an early morning fitness regime with him or something? When I was his age I was waking up at 5:30 and going to a workout and then to class and then to work.

>> No.22407055

I say just spend some time with him, even if its taking a walk around the block.

>> No.22407059

It seems like it’s a total waste of time right now, but it’s also the only way to get where I want in life. Otherwise, I can go to law school and pursue a career in international law.

>> No.22407062

22 is young and just try it for fun
You'll pick up a lot as you go

You may eventually hate it over time but that happens with any hobby

>> No.22407065

We spend a lot of time together already. But it’s usually afternoon, hanging around the house or going to the book store together or we’ll go for a hike or something. The problem is not spending time together. The problem is his laziness and the way he’s just sliding into the worst zoomer stereotypes. I think I’m also setting a bad example but I’m at a point in my life where I worked very hard for a long time before I chose to take it easy for a while. I feel bad for him as well. Things have not gone well for him or others his age since the COVID lockdowns. I see the effects in my own life.

>> No.22407066

>blog, the thread

>> No.22407085

I kinda get it. Like why bother with all this shit if it's can all be ruined by something completely beyond his control? Though honestly I doubt he's happy living the way he is

>> No.22407088

I posted a poem on Facebook and it only got 1 like :(

>> No.22407093

I don’t think he realizes just how lazy and addicted to his phone he is. And I also think he is fairly typical among his age group and so he sees that and thinks it’s more normal than it is.

>> No.22407124

I can offer a prespective similar to your brother as I'm 19 and have spent a year or so of COVID in self indulgent drug adventures. Laziness grabs ahold of you like a parasite & any outside source that threatens its core existence is immediately deemed as annoying no matter the importance. I wish to have had a brother as caring as you, though if one wants to fix such a deep rooted problem you must maintain patience no matter how childish his behavior gets. Before you even consider thinking about his dating life you must first tackle his mental. 3 years is plenty of time to habitually destroy yourself especially at such a young age. Try suggesting doing activities which require a certain amount of discipline and commitment, act as half-mentor half-friend and display the values you'd like him to develop while also not being too harsh. Introduce him to your hobbies and show interest in his hobbies. A good big brother figure can turn a life around, really.

>> No.22407133

I just said goodbye to my wife. I will go back to the US to work. We lived a beautiful first year together. Full of bittersweet memories. We have been apart before, but at this point my heart aches with sadness. A while ago was the closest time I last saw her and the farthest I will be to seeing her again. I must not cry anymore. Just as I hate to see her weep, she must feel the same. It may feel we only have loving memories now, but the best days are ahead of us. I truly love her, with all my heart. The heart she filled with warmth and hope.

>> No.22407153

I wish I knew what it was like to be married. I turned 41 this past june. five years single now. I'm a shell of a man at this point. back pains, weight gain, mostly complaining most of the time and just really hard to be around anymore.

>> No.22407155

I wish I knew what going to college was like. not free here, unfortunately and I live in a run-down neighborhood. I'm also the 41 year old guy who made this post >>22407153

>> No.22407161

I don’t see any problem with going to college at 41. Money is always an issue though. In my experience, going to college was pretty terrible. When you’re 18 the social stuff can be fun at college but when you’re 18 the social stuff can be fun anywhere, just not for everyone. The actual school itself is fucking miserable and especially so in the 21st century because the curriculum and the professors and the students are just off-putting if you’re like a remotely serious person.

>> No.22407188

I've fucked my life, I've fucked it so badly. I feel like I'm on the verge of reaching the point of no return where I'll just be forever stuck with a shit life and not achieve anything. I'm 25 and I've never held a job and I dropped out of college. I've managed to con my family into giving me one last chance so they help me by paying for a new college where I'm studying computer science (I'm not American so it's not as expensive and they are kind of wealthy) but still I feel hopeless and afraid and feel like I'm fucking it up again. How am I even going to get a job after all this time? Hell the only thing I love is coming up with stories in my mind but I'm too lazy, unmotivated and fearful of a lack of actual talent on my part to write them down which pains me and makes me feel angry with myself. I may actually end up killing myself.

>> No.22407205

I mean, it makes sense to me
>if there is such a thing as a rational morality, it must have the characteristic of universal applicability
>therefore, any moral claims which can't be universally applied cannot be part of a rational morality

>> No.22407255

25 is basically the perfect age to buckle down and get serious. Here’s what you do. You find a thing which both practical and which interests you and you pursue that seriously, or you find one thing which is practical and one thing which interests you and pursue both seriously. That’s it. It is really that simple.

>> No.22407260

I feel a bit like a failure for not getting advanced degrees in my twenties.

>> No.22407264

clam chowder

>> No.22407279

Is communism and protestantism compatible?

>> No.22407359

It’s an interesting question actually. Do you think there’s an age where entering a certain career means your potential is capped? It seems like a lot of really successful people enter their careers sometime in their 20s but that could just be coincidental.

>> No.22407363

>mostly complaining most of the time and just really hard to be around anymore
Stop complaining you old ass bitch

>> No.22407370
File: 56 KB, 1024x683, Gabaghoul.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I accidentally got on the wrong train when coming home today, instead of going to my current place, I accidentally got on the train that goes to my old place and that's in the completely opposite direction. Old me would've completely freaked out and would've had a mini panic attack on the train, current me analyzed the situation, realised it was only 3:00 so I had plenty of time to get home before it got dark, realised I knew the area I was in so I didn't need to stress about being lost, took the piss out of the situation (called my mum and joked about it with her) and then got on all the appropriate trains and busses to get me home, I'm proud of the progress that I've made.

>> No.22407384

Kinda, late 20s or early 30s most people invested sveral years into career/education

If you waste any time, fuck up or regret your major then it really sets in. I wasted years trying CS but ultimately I'm not cut out for it. Not sure what to do now either

>> No.22407397

I used to be really ambitious, but I hit a deep depression in my twenties and never really saw things the same way. I regret that now. It was too early. I wonder if a lot of people feel that way. Probably not, I was a little spoiled. Most people don’t get opportunities like I had and squandered. I should feel guilty, not just embarrassed.

>> No.22407404

Yeah. I feel I’ve spent too much time wandering and wheel spinning.

How old are you?

>> No.22407406

>3 seconds of the video plays
>7 seconds of the video plays
>error: video cannot be played
>reload page
>11 seconds of video plays

>> No.22407414

No I’m gonna do it more specifically to piss you off. Faggot. Go have sex with your dad.

>> No.22407416


>> No.22407424

because everyone person is his continuity (and because philosophy is seldom studied in depth)

>> No.22407427

the butterfly, a cabbage white,
his honest idiocy of flight,
will never now, it is too late,
master the art of flying straight.
yet has - who knows so well as i? -
a just sense of how not to fly.
he lurches here and there by guess
and god and hope and hopelessness.
not even the aerobatic swift
have his flying crooked gift

>> No.22407434

I'm turning 30 in a matter of months. There's never too late. Unless you're into your 30s.

>> No.22407446

i'm getting closer and closer to picking up a book, but idk what it will be.

>> No.22407453

Maybe I should quit my job. It seems stupid because I get paid a decent wage to do basically nothing from anywhere I want, but the situation is so comfortable that I don’t have the kick in the pants to go do what I want with my life. I just kind of hang out and work here and there. It’s comfortable but it’s a waste of time.

>> No.22407457

All things considered, my cowardice and powerlessness are virtues.

>> No.22407460

I wish I had your job, sounds comfy.

>> No.22407464

how so?

>> No.22407465

If you don't like it, don't buy it

>> No.22407482

It was. At first. But it’s been like 3 years and my life is just stagnant. There’s not even any promotions or more money on the horizon if I don’t change jobs. I’ll be mid-thirties unable to afford a house, a family, and I’ll have wasted my life basically. It does feel like the trade off is to be able to succeed but be miserable and a slave or or be a failure but be kind of free. It’s not that I want a better job or more money really. I want to do something worthwhile with my life. You know?

>> No.22407496

No drive to do something creative?

>> No.22407503

Oblivion by David Foster Wallace.

>> No.22407508

What do you consider to be something worthwhile for you?

>> No.22407515

I do. And I write. But I’ve not published anything and I don’t really have a lot of hope to be a great novelist or something.

>> No.22407523

Well, I thought I wanted to commit myself to public service but I’m sort of in that now and I’m not really finding it worthwhile. If you want me to make more concrete what it means for something to be worthwhile, that’s a harder question to answer without like telling my whole life story you know?

>> No.22407526

pffffffffff bruh look at this dude ahahahahaa
nigga is a white Buddhist like bro get a grip my nigga

>> No.22407531

If I had the means and the constitution, the world would be a worse place.

>> No.22407539

>that’s a harder question to answer without like telling my whole life story you know?
Is it though? I don't need to know that your dad beat you over the head with blueberry waffles every morning to know that you wanna save cats from burning buildings.

>> No.22407544

We've all been raised on television to believe that one day we'd all be millionaires, and movie gods, and rock stars. But we won't. And we're slowly learning that fact. And we're very, very pissed off.

>> No.22407554

Sure, but then I’m just reduced to platitudes. If I said “I want to help people” you probably not accept that as a serious answer nor should you.

>> No.22407564

Sometimes I'm gripped by this overwhelming ambition to dedicate my life to something greater than myself, like the Rothschilds in that Roman ghetto or Josef Smith wiring the sequel to the bible. I want money and power. I want decadent luxury and amoral excess. I want people to fear me. I want to take whatever and whoever and I want whenever I desire. And then I become obsessed with starting a legacy that will span centuries. An empire built on the backs of a million slaves, all started by me. Thats my idea of making the most out of life.

Other times, I just wanna get a comfy job and write books until I kill myself.

>> No.22407566

I personally was raised very poor and told that I was gonna be poor for the rest of my life, I've always known that I'm not gonna be a millionaire, sucks to be you guys.

>> No.22407570

>you probably not accept that as a serious answer
It's a fine answer but yes, I'd probably want more of an explanation.

>> No.22407576

Theoretically, if one could remove Marx from Communism, then it could be compatible. In practice, no. Further, one would never get very far before the Communism got co-opted by existing Communist movements. They would attach as ''allies'' and eventually assume the leadership.

>> No.22407583

Stay at it.

>> No.22407585
File: 11 KB, 256x256, 1691772622684878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im surrounded by weed addicts. Im the only person in my friend group that doesnt smoke anything whatsoever, or does any drugs outside of drinking alcohol once a month. In fact I somehow keep meeting these druggies that want me to try shrooms or ketamine or whatever the fuck.

>> No.22407592
File: 43 KB, 256x320, 1690594198397290.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I turned 20 I felt like my life was over and I was too old to do anything.
Now that I'm almost 30 I feel highly motivated to pursue my passions.

>> No.22407599

Like ol' Ben Franklin said - time, once lost, can never be recovered. Get your shit together and move on. Worrying about lost time just wastes more time.

>> No.22407603

You can always move on. But to what? I think it’s possible that certain possibilities are just forever off the table. What do you think someone should do if you think that what you really want most just isn’t an option anymore?

>> No.22407605

The White Rainbow by Alan Harrington.

>> No.22407606


>> No.22407609

Acceptance or death.
Anything in between is a waste of time.

>> No.22407643

>You can always move on. But to what?
That is personal to you.
>I think it’s possible that certain possibilities are just forever off the table.
What do you think is now off the table for you?
>What do you think someone should do if you think that what you really want most just isn’t an option anymore?
Is there really no second choice?

>> No.22407738

Its nice, if youre willing to put the effort. Like I said, it was bittersweet. We had some nasty arguements. But it was mostly due to miscommunication. But the good times outweighed the bad. She is quite virtuous in my book and that is what makes me love her. What makes me want to make it work , and why I feel so lonely right now. It will just be a year of separation. Not long, but I still feel so very sad. At least we can talk and "see" each other online
I cant help you with getting a girl. We were childhood friends and it just sort of happened. But love is out there. You jabe to make it, not find it

>> No.22407832

Do you ever worry that it will one day end in divorce and she’ll take the kids and your property? This is a huge worry of mine. Property is important, but not so important. My kids are ultra-important. I don’t trust modern women enough to feel like I could expect a marriage that lasts until my children are adults.

>> No.22407847

But if what you want is off the table, you’re a slave at that point, aren’t you? So why not choose death?

Assume they come up empty handed. Assume there is nothing else they aspire to do with their life. This is just an interesting question. I’m not looking for advice. I feel like at bottom most of us are existentialists struggling to find something to make our lives worthwhile. I think a lucky few find it, but there’s a problem that’s ignored by existential philosophy. What happens when you find it but can’t have it? You’re just doomed? Like what if I’m a Nietzschean but I’m dumb and crippled? What if I feel called to be a philosopher but I can’t write? What if I just want to set up my family nicely but try as I might, I can’t make any real money. These are interesting questions.

>> No.22407916

The ball has been fumbled

>> No.22407930

>what if?
You cope, seethe, dilate, and move on like the rest of us.

>> No.22408324

It's sad how true this is desu

>> No.22408403

Does it still mess with you at all??

>> No.22408669

A little leaven ruins the lump

>> No.22408997

>>22404057I just keep thinking: "Everyone knows 'The Anarchist Cookbook' and 'Steal this Book', but are there truly BANNED books in America? And presuming yes, how would we even know what they are or how to find them? I wonder if /lit/ would know. /pol/ would call me a fed for asking."