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22401740 No.22401740 [Reply] [Original]

Books women can't understand

>> No.22401745

Can women understand anything?

>> No.22401781

Skincare, a bit of empathy, and renouncing your sense of entitlement. All you fucking retards need. It would take you such minimal work to become healthy members of society. And yet you don't

>> No.22401784

this board is turning into a shitter version of /r9k/. it's incredibly annoying.

>> No.22401789

Can't find a book named Skincare. Do you think you typed that correctly?

>> No.22401820

It’s been like this for a few years now. The evolution from “tfw no gf” to frothing at mouth “I HATE W*MEN!” on even the least pretext was swift

>> No.22401841

Its not even just this board, but a growing sentiment just about everywhere you go online. I guess that's what being terminally online and no pussy does to people.

>> No.22401854
File: 14 KB, 320x240, 1677924586606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're all reprobates and scum of the earth in my mind.

Pic unrelated, btw.

>> No.22401921

Women can't read

>> No.22401948

Women will never understand why man love Moby dick so much

>> No.22401958

I do recommend anons look into a neutral moisturizer once a day and a bit of benzoyl peroxide every day or every other day if they have chronic inflammation or mild recurring pimples, but I do not recommend doing this (or anything) for women

Ignore women entirely, but enjoy your pores being less prominent and your face having a healthier, smoother, more glowing look for $5 a month. Good luck!

>> No.22402102

That's because shills and bots made /pol/ unusable. Tell the kikes to abandon /pol/ if you want to save /lit/.

>> No.22402120

empathy for who?

>> No.22402129


>> No.22402143

I'm a man and I didn't understand Nostromo.

>> No.22402153

I have a skincare routine that I've been doing religiously since age 12. I have the skin of a newborn infant.

I hate women so much it's unreal. They're living a fake version of life where challenge has been stripped away to a nub and they lack the cognition to even experience ennui from such an empty existence.

>> No.22402158
File: 157 KB, 758x1000, 81N7HaJilZL._AC_UF1000,1000_QL80_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also forgot to add the book that women and even the author don't understand

>> No.22402171

They're living in a psychotic daydream they can't wake up from, which no sane person would choose for themselves if not thrust into it and raised into it before they can think

>> No.22402243

Cities if the Red Night

>> No.22402249

Don’t leave us hanging, give a rec

>> No.22402310

share the skincare routine

>> No.22402314
File: 10 KB, 259x194, IMG_0310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need one of those at best and you don’t even need great skin to land a land whale or something.

>> No.22402326

>women have it easier than men

>> No.22402337

now you gotta share the skincare routine

>> No.22402343

yeeeeeeeah. ok.
you need this

>> No.22402346


>> No.22402414
File: 93 KB, 480x480, xSt.Ives_RenewingJarFinished.png.pagespeed.ic.Lc3hvnszV5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always end every shower with at least 2 minutes within cold water.

Take lysine supplements.

Take collagen supplements or have a high collagen diet (ox tail soup good for this)

Use an exfoliating cream in the morning and before bed.

Use Pic related moisturizer.

Use coconut oil for your body rather than dedicated lotions.

Use loofahs, or tougher scrubs in the shower. Avoid those shitty plastic monstrosities.

Charcoal face mask for 30 minutes while you read before bed.

Always use sunscreen when you go outside and expect more than 1 hour of direct sunlight. Specifically, you want sunscreen with as little additives as possible. I use a Korean brand but I'm drawing a blank on the ching Chong name it has.

Go to a sauna once a week and do a cold shower right after.

>> No.22402424

damn nigga, I just watch my face every mornings with baby soap and ate bone soup for collagens

>> No.22402605

Misogyny is a road to many powers that some consider unnatural

>> No.22402609

thank you bro

>> No.22402612

no sweaty

>> No.22402680


>> No.22402688

Interesting, I don't hate women, but I do agree with everything else you said

>> No.22402714

I found out that moisturizing can prevent my weird outbreaks of red patches on my face and dry skin. I also "exfoliate" (learned this word from a girl) gently in the shower sometimes.

>> No.22403080

Someone explain why I see pics of this guy on this sub all the time

>> No.22403101
File: 25 KB, 189x286, IMG_0374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He’s my boyfriend who stole the love of my life from me. I love that woman so much I almost talked to her one time maybe. I am not sure I talked to her but I might’ve almost.

Pic related is me when I am feeling hot and bothered

>> No.22403104

I am not saying that I spoke to her but if I did I might’ve almost done that one time- spoke to her.

>> No.22403108

I'm scared that if I read Nostromo I'll either get pissed because it's inaccurate or it'll be truer than true and I end up pissed anyway.

>> No.22403121

Patrick Bateman over here