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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 169 KB, 600x900, holy-bible-black-gold-130894049-2609260531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22401277 No.22401277 [Reply] [Original]

>try to read the Bible to get some "historical context" and "cultural familiarity"
>accidentally become Christian
>read only Christian literature ever since
Post your favorite Christian writing. Bonus points if it's from the 1st millennium.

>> No.22401292

Confessions of St. Augustine

>> No.22401294

Marquis De Sade

>> No.22401408
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I just bought a book that is about the day Jesus was born and the day Jesus died. It goes into depth about cultural things and stuff the two days. Very interesting, can't wait to finish Beowulf.

Beowulf is also an interesting piece of Christian literature. Grendel hates people for having the capacity to be happy.

>> No.22401413

>be retard
>read book for retarded reasons
>accidentally become a different kind of retard
>now for some reason fixated on this specific brand of retardation

>> No.22401526

Comfy book. I heard his On Trinity book is interesting but many Orthodox reject his interpretation of the Trinity.
Not Christianity.
Not Christianity.
Not Christianity.

>> No.22401540

I will soon be reading the Bible for the same reasons, but I really doubt it will convince me to convert.
As to Christian writing: Silmarilion

>> No.22401547

Not Christianity. Damn /lit/ has fallen rather low these days.

>> No.22401733

My gf is converting to Orthodoxy, what are some books I should read to help me understand?

>> No.22402822

I’m reading City of God right now

>> No.22402826
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these are all good books by Christian authors
except for Huxley and that one is to show dystopia world

>> No.22403118

Why can't she explain it to you if she's your gf?

>> No.22403120
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>> No.22403343
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The two Books of Homilies.

>> No.22403626
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I haven't seen this guy posted but he's a major theologian and really interesting

>> No.22403646

TS Eliot
YB Yeats
Douglas Goldring
Alice Corbin
Orrick Johns
Alfred Kreymborg
Edgar Lee Masters
Harriet Monroe
Harold Monro
Carl Sandburg
Allen Upward
William Carlos Williams
Ezra Pound
John Rodker

>> No.22404153

>Post your favorite Christian writing.
The Gospel and the Catholic Church. It's by an English bishop but orthobros might find it interesting as well.

>> No.22405015

did your priest rape you?

>> No.22405035

Not Christian, just absolute modernist faggotry that will pass away before the Bible.

>> No.22405040


>> No.22405046

He's right though. Also

>> No.22405051

based, thanks. Is this from /lit/ charts?

>> No.22405054

You’re retarded, samefag.

>> No.22405058


>> No.22405061

Nope. You’re retarded.

>> No.22405067
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>Nope. You’re retarded.

>> No.22405072

>collapses into jak posting
We don’t post selfies here

>> No.22405077

>resorts to reddit humor

>> No.22405082

So fucking what if I browse Reddit?

>> No.22405604

The Orthodox Church (Ware)

>> No.22405612

Journal of George Fox

>> No.22405674



>> No.22405682


No one chooses to believe. Belief chooses you.

>> No.22405799

Do you think the epidemic of prisetly rape redounds favorably upon Christianity?

>> No.22405805

3 minutes between posts...

>> No.22406277
File: 154 KB, 646x1000, Paradise Lost .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No bonus points today but Paradise Lost

>> No.22406798

Read orthodoxy by Chesterton recently, and the everlasting man came yesterday. Loved orthodoxy, everlasting man eels weaker. Also dislike how he spends ages insulting other viewpoints in flowery prose, like get to the point cunt

>> No.22407834


>> No.22407941

>Post your favorite Christian writing.
All 66 inspired books of the King James Bible, the English Bible accurately translated from the text best supported by history.
"Heaven and earth shall pass away: but my words shall not pass away."

>> No.22407944

Christianity doesn't have priests; Christ is the head of the church, not a pope or patriarch; man must live every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God (Matthew 4:4), not a priest or "scholar" to tell them what God's Word akshually means. If any lack wisdom, let them ask of God (James 1:5).

>> No.22407965

Is paradise lost or the inferno Christian?
Haven't finished them yet

>> No.22407974 [DELETED] 

>can't read greek
>muh kjv
Give it a rest brainlet

>> No.22407984

Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor. I accept your concession, impenitent sinner.

>> No.22407994 [DELETED] 

>kjvtard is also a redditor
What a surprise

>> No.22408017

I don't use reddit, so you're still bearing false witness and still sinning. Further: "But I say unto you, That whosoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment: and whosoever shall say to his brother, Raca, shall be in danger of the council: but whosoever shall say, Thou fool, shall be in danger of hell fire." You never have any arguments, all you do is derail threads whenever the King James Bible is mentioned or quoted with your little tantrums. I'm full of love, rebuking you so you don't die in sin and perish, but you're just full of hate and ignorance.

>> No.22408020 [DELETED] 

Go back

>> No.22408023


>> No.22408041

Jesus is more Lucifer than satan ever will be tho.

>> No.22408047

Both are fanfiction and shouldnt be used for theology.
Inferno for example has demons torturing people in hell but hell was actually created for satan and his allies to suffer in,satan doesnt rule over hell he rules over earth.

>> No.22408048
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>Jesus is more Lucifer than satan ever will be tho.

>> No.22408062

If you have nothing to say stay silent.
Who do you think is the true light bringer.
Christus verus lucifer.

>> No.22408743

Based promethues vs virgin jewsus

>> No.22408800

does having different faith bother you in any way?

>> No.22409151

This is from fear and trembling.

" If there were no eternal consciousness in a man, if at the foundation of all there lay only a wildly seething power which writhing with obscure passions produced everything that is great and everything that is insignificant, if a bottomless void never satiated lay hidden beneath all -- what then would life be but despair? If such were the case, if there were no sacred bond which united mankind, if one generation arose after another like the leafage in the forest, if the one generation replaced the other like the song of birds in the forest, if the human race passed through the world as the ship goes through the sea, like the wind through the desert, a thoughtless and fruitless activity, if an eternal oblivion were always lurking hungrily for its prey and there was no power strong enough to wrest it from its maw -- how empty then and comfortless life would be!"

>> No.22409881

Seraphim Rose

>> No.22410877
File: 91 KB, 723x1306, 61yCoXOYMfL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Philosophy of Jesus - Peter Kreeft

>> No.22410930

>read Thucydides
>1000x more interesting than jewish desert adventures

>> No.22410994

Too bad he didn't teach you how not to be so needy and attention hungry.

>> No.22411312
File: 360 KB, 684x674, aquinas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im currently reading on the trinity,what is confessions about ?
also should i read summa theologica or maybe start with the shorter summa of summa and later read summa theologica when i want more ?

>> No.22411321

Your faith is a commodity that's perishable. You have gone full circle from the reformation.

>> No.22411328

Your faith is placed in mere mortal men and their words, rather than God and his words. All you have is false accusations.

>> No.22412037

wojak poster should hang himself.

>> No.22412064

Pilgrim's Progress

Not as cool as Paradise Lost or Dante's stuff, but still a really nice piece of 17th century literature.
I love that early modern English. So cool!

>> No.22412475

Mere Christianity by C.S Lewis is a given. also try reading The Apostolic Fathers by Michael W. Holmes. This particular version has the Greek along side the English if you ever want to learn Koine Greek. Regardless, it has some historical background and commentary on them as well.

>> No.22412592
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Me and my parents went to church for Wednesday night supper. I talked to the pastor about the Illuminati and the Freemasons. He didn't know that much about it but I said how they are gnostic Luciferians and he knew what gnosticism is and how it is against the Bible.

>> No.22412684
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Try this. It has great footnotes.

>> No.22413205

Question. How do you feel about people--who have less vices than you and more virtues than you--getting sent to hell simply because they do not believe? How do you feel about rapist, murderers and thieves sharing heaven with you while men and women who have never committed such crimes get sent to hell? Is this fair? Isn't it selfish of you to believe in such a God? Or rather craven of you? Is such a God good? Would any of you send a virtuous person to eternal suffering simply for not believing in you? It seems to me Christians enjoy talking about the good but don't know what it is. It seems to me that for all that Christian talk of souls, mercy and empathy they have none. None have refuted, countered or contested this initial question of mine. All they do is debase, dishonor, deject what little respect is due to a human being. They contort themselves. Alas, it must be. For their morals are contorted.

>> No.22413218

Anything by Peter Kreeft, started reading him for his book on Tolkien, stayed for the christian works

>> No.22413234

How do you know who goes to heaven? That's not for us to decide.

>> No.22413264

No it isnt

>> No.22413502

>deject what little respect is due to a human being
now just try imagining how much respect the triune God is due.

>> No.22413572

Even less than little if what I initially stated remains true.

>> No.22413575


Moorcock, "Behold the Man"

>> No.22413601

>read obvious allegory
>believe its literally true

>Post your favorite Christian writing.
franny and zooey.

>> No.22413611

Scripture does contain allegory, e.g. Song of Solomon, but whatever you're referring to is likely not an allegory and treated as actual historical events by the text.