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22400496 No.22400496 [Reply] [Original]

>fathers of existentialism
>both christians
How do atheistfags cope with this?

>> No.22400508

>two womanly hysterical explicitly anti-reason, anti-truth “philosophers”
>both are christian
How do christcucks cope with this?

>> No.22400514

Based! Christcucks are faggots.

>> No.22400515 [DELETED] 
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Dosto left. You on the right

>> No.22400520

For every Dostoevsky and Kierkegaard there’s a Nietzsche and a Camus and that’s because one of existence’s common motifs is settling for safety or familiarity and sacrificing quality.

>> No.22400524

my Ranma 1/2 status: completed

>> No.22400527

Existentialism was primarily a Christian philosophy, but it was sabotaged by cringe atheists and now everyone thinks of atheism when existentialism is mentioned.

>> No.22400554

Let me know when you can utilize your faculty of judgement without the use of memes, then we’ll talk

>> No.22400575
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Atheists are incapable of understanding the depths of the human soul.


>> No.22400594

>atheists don’t have a soul, therefore they are incapable of having [brain originated experience]

>> No.22400602

>>atheists don’t have a soul, therefore they are incapable of having [brain originated experience]
Not even remotely close to what I said. Typical atheist intelligence on display.

>> No.22400616

That is what is implied by your words unless they don’t actually mean anything and you were just stringing together memes to jerk yourself off over how intelligent you are.

>> No.22400618

Both based their belief in religion on the power of absurdity and subjectivity. They're not really Christians, but trans-Christians.

>> No.22400653

'incapable of understanding' means 'not having' to you? Or do you somehow think all 'brain originated experience' is available to every brain in the world irrespective of the particularities of biology and culture? Have you never felt a new feeling in your life? If not that only confirms how internally dead atheists are.

>> No.22400660

oh boy

>> No.22400677
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>> No.22400682

>influenced by the first titanic atheist of western civ

>> No.22400688

Christianity can't be proven through reason

>> No.22400711

>both were depressed incels

of what use is existentialism? it's just a bunch of whining

>> No.22400717

That's not a problem since basically nothing can be. The problem is that Kierkegaard believed reason proved the impossibility of Christianity. You have to accept the absurd impossibility as liberating before taking the leap of faith that inspite of its rational impossibility, it is actually true. That's Kierkegaard's view.

>> No.22400727

Understanding is an experience you have
>Or do you somehow think all 'brain originated experience' is available to every brain in the world irrespective of the particularities of biology and culture? Have you never felt a new feeling in your life? If not that only confirms how internally dead atheists are.
What the fuck are you talking about

>> No.22400728


>> No.22400734

Why would atheists care?

>> No.22400813

Nonethenless Atheists have Schopenhauer

>> No.22400816


>> No.22401065

Quintessential r/atheism rhetoric

>> No.22401071

True, atheists have no reason to care about anything

>> No.22401078

Sophists are professional confounders; "existentialists" are professional complainers.

The existential crisis will not end for sapient persons for as long as the world stands.

>> No.22402200

Based. Atheists hijacked existentialism somehow, Christians should take it back. No atheist philosopher has even half the depth of a Kierkegaard or a Dostoevsky.

>> No.22402230

>Christianity lead them to existentialism
Don't see what's positive about that

>> No.22402276

Dostoevsky fucked

>> No.22402347

reason pales in comparison to revelation

>> No.22402405

Holy cope. Dosto married. Kierkegaard had to act like an ass just so the love of his life wouldn't distract him.

>> No.22402411

>Nietzsche and a Camus
Both fakers and posers by comparison.

>> No.22402417

no, it is this episode again

>> No.22402504

>anti-reason, anti-truth
Who determines what reason and truth are? Politicians? Billionaires? Celebrities?

>> No.22402511


>> No.22402515

how can this go badly, i don't like your shitty toy train

>> No.22403070
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Christcucks on suicide watch

>> No.22403072

Dosto literally directly states it. As he, he accepts the criticism and owns it.

>> No.22403074
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Schizophrenics on suicide watch.

>> No.22403088
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>Boomer spam

>> No.22403090


>> No.22403103

The correct word is “theologian”, faith and reason hardly intersect and can exist independently of one another.

>> No.22403107

Plato and Aristotle would agree, since consciousness and soul were often one and the same up until the age of reason,

>> No.22403110

Schopenhauer was probably a deist at least.

>> No.22403112

That’s an oversimplification. The Greeks had three concepts of the soul - nous, thymos and epithymia. The person could stay conscious while thymos left the body for instance.

>> No.22403127

Faith is the negation of reason

>> No.22403255
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>Westerners cannot live without Christian morality so when they lose its ontology they degenerate into this
Atheist bros?

>> No.22403262

you are RETARDED
you've never read anything by kierkegaard LMAO

>> No.22403432

Just ordered The sickness unto death in my language "Bolest na smrt". What am I in for, boys?