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22396870 No.22396870 [Reply] [Original]

I cried at the end :')

>> No.22396873

this is refreshing, does he really say the specter of communism? or something less cool?

>> No.22396972
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Behind the Iron Curtain we cried throughout it all.

>> No.22397849

the extension is truly based but this guy saw a guy fall off a cliff

>> No.22397872

free education and free healthcare all over developed world have permanently trivialized communism
listen, i get the appeal for feudal societies with official classes and illiteracy
but today, doctors and engineers and other workers are only oppressed by 6 digits starting salaries

who the fuck is calling for communism in the 21st century? only the utterly unskilled, unproductive, unmarketable, technically illiterate blue hair weirdos who spent their whole 20ies acquiring addictions, face tattoos, gucci latte debt and felonies and art degrees

in the 21st century, the only solution to the poors is sterilizing them, filthy poors arent oppressed anymore, they are merely dysgenic *tips thatcher, reagan and ayn rand*

>> No.22398684
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communism kills

>> No.22398695

yeah trying hard doesnt matter even if you do it with 2 potential leathal brain injuries manny manyn thanx.

>> No.22398697

If the poors were being killed, then who would be exploited by the system, faggot? Labour creates values. The commodity has utility and a particular price because of labour time + raw materials.

>> No.22398705

incredibly based

>> No.22398864

the first chapter (and hence the rest of the book) is totally brain dead. defining value as a product of labor and resources is completely incorrect. the value of a product is only what a person is willing to pay/trade for it. this also means that the value of a product differs between persons.
karl marx doesn't understand basic economics and is not an economist, he's a philosopher and should stay in his lane.

>> No.22398890

Wow, you must be fun at parties

>> No.22399039
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someone revive them pls

>> No.22399088

I love the first and third chapters. The rest I can do without.

>> No.22399177

maybe when you have to leave your basement and get a job

>> No.22399219

>When you base all of your political opinions on a shitty agitational pamphlet tageting barely literate 19th century rural Germans and ignore literally all of the theory of and counter-points to communism
...aaaand that's how you get zoomerziggers forming a soviet aesthetic cargocult

>> No.22399331

>utterly unskilled, unproductive, unmarketable, technically illiterate
you live with your parents and this is projection

>> No.22399348

>Projection gets answered by another projection

>> No.22399356

I just wish we had capitalism and not planned keynesian economies of monopoly money.

>> No.22399361
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Dilation status sisters?

>> No.22399363

>labour time + raw materials.
Plus overhead on rent and property tax, cost to ship (fuel and), and most importantly tooling, plus crm, plus liability insurance

>> No.22399369

ESL moment

>> No.22399370

So... It's not as simple as Adam Smith and Marx put it?

>> No.22399372

>Red herring

>> No.22399373
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There is no such thing as ''free'' healthcare or education r*dditnigger, however you are also correct the only people who call for communism are the lowest of the low, subhumans and the bottom of the barrel of society.

>> No.22399377

that's the utopia

>> No.22399381

like jews?

>> No.22399388
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Yes, jews like Marx who was literally a worthless
subhuman kike who never worked a day in his life, a trustfund baby that even his own family hated.

>> No.22399406

I’m working in construction over the summer holidays to earn some extra money before uni starts since it pays more than the typical student job like barista.

The proletarians I meet there are utterly vulgar, racist, dull-minded consumerists. They come to work in their fancy Porsches and BMWs, depreciating assets which they bought instead of investing their money. All they talk about is football or getting into fights or fucking women or getting drunk or when their next meaningless holiday to some sunny destination will be. Their only political beliefs seem to be hatred of “niggers” and “pakis” which, like everything else about them, arises from some inner animalistic impulse instead of any real developed worldview. Any talk about philosophy, history, politics, spirituality, religion, economics, man’s relation to the world and his ultimate meaning, are met only with mockery and strange glances.

It seems the proletarian lives in a world which is simply an unchangeable brute fact, about which no questions can conceivably be asked. A world which simply exists as it does because it does. The proletarian’s consciousness, his cares, his worries, the structure of his mind and perception, the things which motivate him — all of these are simply foisted upon him, he lives them out unquestioningly as if they are simply given and necessary. He is, in a word, decontextualised, deracinated; he appears in this world thrown into a rootless subculture with no Weltanschauung, no idea how to situate itself within the drama of cosmic history, and not even a justification for its own existence.

The proletarians' “higher metaphysical wants”, if they can be so called, are shallow enough to be fully satisfied by the theatre of competitive sports or a vague sentimental nationalism that hates the foreigner without even knowing why.

How, then, does Marx suppose that this class is suppose to rise up and emancipate itself? The lack of a political will among them is evident. What leader will galvanise them, what higher principle would they be willing to die for? Their minds are numb enough not to be affected by the dull excruciating physical labour they’re put through 8 hours a day. Unless they are starving they won’t rise.

>> No.22399414
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>> No.22399421
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>> No.22399422

>Never worked in his life
But Marx worked as a journalist back then. He exchanged his intellectual endeavor for penny to survive. He was a proletariat.

>> No.22399432

>worked as a journalist
>Real work
pick one nigger.
>im a writer born into a wealthy family let me tell you goy miners and railroad workers how you are oppressed.
Honestly the fact that so many retards actually fell for this grift is amazing, the fact that this grift killed millions is even more amazing. Get a job nigger.

>> No.22399444

why the fuck would you buy fancy cars and shit instead of investing your money so that you or at least your sons can escape the excruciating hell of prole labour

>> No.22399445
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Oh we doing memes now?

>> No.22399457
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Better question is who the fuck are you to tell people how tho spend their money? If u wanna give advice thats fine faggot.
As always /leftypol/ troons have to most cringe inaccurate memes. Ancap society inevitably leads to monarchy, everybody knows this. Dial8

>> No.22399469

>journalism isnt work
>goy miners
So fucking easy to spot you NEET losers lmao. Too weak to work so you cope by throwing scorn at the ones that do. Utterly pathetic.

>Get a job nigger.

>> No.22399471

>Better question is who the fuck are you to tell people how tho spend their money
Let me guess you bought a cheap Mercedes second hand that breaks down on you every few months and now you're trying to justify it to yourself

>> No.22399473
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Like clockwork the discord troons seethe. Allow me to remind you faggots that you will never ever be a real woman.

>> No.22399480

You are mentally deranged

>> No.22400062
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>> No.22400074


>> No.22400091

Stirner doesn't provide us with practical ideas on how to run society better. Fuck off you dogmatist stirnerist !

>> No.22400097

Let me know when the marxists have managed to actually run a society.

>> No.22400104

oh can she not swim?

>> No.22400105
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>run society better
Who said anything about that? Also society is a spook

>> No.22400311

Soviet, China, Cuba ?

>Also society is a spook
No, society is not a spook. It is real. It is observable: you can see it with your own eyes on daily basis. There has to be norms, laws, and state apparatus to prevent delinquency and punish the bad guys so we can fulfill our needs and our interest in society comfy and peacefully.

Egoism would only breed chaos since it Against the general will (Rousseuan view).

>> No.22400317

maybe some people shouldn't write

>> No.22400323

Doesnt exist
Literally has abandond communism and is slowly privatizing everything
A shithole where everyone dreams of jumping on a banana boat to Florida. Are you gonna try again?

>> No.22400509

Journalism is writing for the noncreative. A video camera is superior to a journalist.

>> No.22400818

>Lefty thinks that the state's protection is what keeps the capitalists alive
Completely wrong. If even a small percentage of the workers wanted to pull a DOTR on their bosses we would have TCD (total capitalist death) in less than a week.
Speaking as somebody who once tried to be a revolutionary, the main problem is apathy. Most people want to go to work to put bread on the table, have a little bit of free time, and go to bed so they can do it all again tomorrow. Your higher ideals don't matter to them, and as long as they're comfortable they will refuse to revolt.
Funny enough, the enforcement of minimum wage does more to protect capitalism than any army or police force.

>> No.22401554

Capitalism does not exist.

>> No.22401923

Bleak but accurate.
Lenin's answer to this problem was obviously to form a vanguard party to lead the unenlightened masses into a better material condition. But a government of self-proclaimed intellectual elites lording over the workers they claim to be saving can be a recipe for disaster as well.

I don't really know the solution to this problem.
The world sucks because people are fucking retarded and evil.
I am still a socialist but see no way to get around this problem other than just hope I'm wrong and that there are enough good people out there to one day meaningfully challenge the exploitative excesses of capitalism through electoral action.

>> No.22401990

For me it's actual capitalism. Another solution is genetic engineering or eugenics to remove all the sub 100iq people.

>> No.22401995

Or, get this, you can give people a drug that sterilizes them by calling it a vaccine like Bill Gates wants to. Only the most retarded people would fall for it.

>> No.22402094

>actual capitalism
But define "actual" capitalism.
"Actual" capitalism inevitably devolves into something that subjects the majority of humanity to abject deprivation and is not meritocratic in the slightest.

>> No.22402113

Well to start off, the beginning point would be actual capital instead of fiat funny monnies

>> No.22402327

Well yeah, but any society that is delusional enough to believe value can emerge independent of real labor is already making use of fiat currency