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/lit/ - Literature

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22399465 No.22399465 [Reply] [Original]

>Randall:...so that's really interesting, they're not sure whether the weight loss was because of the extra walking or more stringent food regulations. You know, federal subsidies to Io...
>*light giggling from Becky that's perfectly calibrated so that Randall can't tell whether she's interested or condescendingly laughing at him*
>Randall: *thinking to himself, expressed in a split second* Just going outside in college is working. Everyone gets laid at college parties. Things are going oka-"
>*Brad sneaks up behind Becky and grabs her*
>Brad: HEY BECKS, shall I put you out of your misery!!
>Becky: *piercingly* TEEEEEEHEEEE!!!!!!!!
>*Randall's thoughts are a totally wordless melange of panic, confusion, resignation, and then more coherently expressed puzzlement about whether Brad was making fun of him or his topic of conversation, which he had gleaned and sanitised from multiple alt-light and right blogs, rather than the Economist and Atlantic, which made him more confident about being interesting*
>Brad: ...we're going down to the creek and the minibus only fits 12 and someone's got to sit on my...
>*Randall is unsure where to look during pauses like this in the conversation and momentarily looks down before panicking and remembering that it would make him look submissive. He sees a camera pointed near him and Becky's slightly bitchier looking friend screaming and laughing, at something*
>Randall: *thinking* They're filming something else, this isn't a teen movie or one of those greentexts I saw on the Twitter Reddit 4chan bot, just remember those statues of Roman generals, I had my Sol sups for 4 days in a row, I don't even care anyway, remember tuxedo Pepe, this is just a-

>> No.22399478

That poor bastard

>> No.22399550

We live in hell.

>> No.22399552

just derive it. there is a movie.

>> No.22399602

>the struggle is re-
no one gives a fuck
>but I'm an alpha male n-
no one gives a fuck
>the system is rig-
no one gives a fuck

>> No.22399615

it's amazing how beta cucks will do anything to please and entertain a vagina

>> No.22399989

It's completely over.

>> No.22399999

Weak submit to the strong, Brad is a strong alpha while randal is weakest of betas. Young roastie is also weak therefore when Brad grabbed her ass and it's she submitted to him. If Brad were to grab randals ass and stick his cock inside it randal would also happily accept it

>> No.22400103

i don't understand the males who watch this and instead of learning to emulate the confident and spontaneous behaviour that gets pussy dripping they make up elaborate self-insertions with the loser

>> No.22400126

What do you guys think of my (OP's) writing?

>> No.22400141

because its funny


>> No.22400172

You ever wonder how conquest was a unifying principle in superior races, but now we've been divided and conquered and we compete with each other. Competition has always been around but not on this scale with the wider social tolerance for hypergamy, and the denial of differences between sexes.
Moral of the story; Everything lead goes back to zionist subversion

>> No.22400186

lol no, losers have always been mocked, bullied and cuckolded by high value men
the only difference is that women aren't dependent on loser's income anymore so they have no obligation to play nice

>> No.22400187

Flirting is a complete crapshoot nowadays, if his attempts had failed he wouldn't have merely been rejected, he would have been labeled a creep and possibly reported for sexual harassment

>> No.22400189

How is your shit thread doing on /pol/, loser?

>> No.22400217

randall looks like he follows destiny, brad looks like he drives a truck. nice try twisting the story.

>> No.22400220

demoralization/sissy fetishism is destroying this website

>> No.22400226

hit a nerve, huh

>> No.22400228

Why would I even spend effort learning something like that? My free time is spent on internet and 4chan, I hardly ever leave the house (except going to work), I don't need to waste my time with real roasties outside, self inserting on the internet is enough for me

>> No.22400235

you can overcome your fetish, i believe in you. just try posting about literally anything else.

>> No.22400239

why do people make this happen?

>> No.22400247

i'm woman, idiot

>> No.22400249

post em

>> No.22400258

your birth certificate begs to differ

>> No.22400259

Post em

>> No.22400266
File: 1.10 MB, 1074x1022, have problem dont care ez pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you were talking politely with a woman and this happened to her and she didn't IMMEDIATELY slap the larger man then she is a whore with no self respect, and you can not only disregard your previous attempts to woo her as well as just laugh and walk away. The "Randall" in the situation is only a loser because he didn't laugh and walk away, in which case he would be a winner.

>B-But you aren't le based tall muscular chad who spontaneously gets (loose & amoral) woman by acting like an ape!
Don't care. Will have a cute wife who thinks its cute I still play video games and can hold a deep conversation about literary themes. Bye bye to your shit thread.

>> No.22400279

You just rewrote what I said, dumbass...
Status has now become at the discretion of women, and we see their evaluation of men is more base and surface level. This is not sustainable, as these "losers" still fix their powerlines, and keep the heat working in their houses.
Either it will be fully automated and men will all become useless for anything besides modelling or casual sex, or there will be a re-subjugation of women, and a suppression of the figurative leviathan ruling our society

>> No.22400281

Yes yes very good, however what does this have to do with literature?

>> No.22400285
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