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/lit/ - Literature

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22397367 No.22397367 [Reply] [Original]

>In May 2013, 80 per cent of Ukrainians said they had a positive general attitude to Russia. Last May, only 2 per cent of the Ukrainians that pollsters could still reach gave that answer. And Pushkin Street has been renamed. Putin has done for Pushkin.

> Pushkin is a symbol of the Russian imperialism that has long denied Ukraine’s right to a separate national existence. Pushkin was a great poet, but also a poet of Russian imperialism, just as Rudyard Kipling was a great poet, but a poet of British imperialism.


>> No.22397376
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Not like this…

>Ukrainians now refer on social media to “Pushkinists” launching missile attacks on their cities. For example: “Pushkinists didn’t allow us to sleep properly — it was very loud in Kyiv”. (After a couple of late-night hours in an air-raid shelter, I didn’t feel all that friendly to Pushkinists myself.)

He was such a big influence on Ukrainian writer Gogol too.

>> No.22397385

Ukraine war had made me richer therefore it's good, Pushkin can seethe and cope

>> No.22397398

No problem. We can put the statue back when all the hohols are dead.

>> No.22397405

Wait why would Russia want to kill them? I thought Ukrainians were all just Russians but the Jews confused everyone into thinking they aren’t so Russia has to put them back in Russia?

>> No.22397413

you thought wrong, russia just wants more land, more territory, that's all there is to this war

>> No.22397418

Who gives a fuck what Holol pigs think

>> No.22397421

Ukrainians are fighting to the last Ukrainian and Russians don't care

>> No.22397452
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>Reading Pushkin makes me imperialist now
I will specifically start playing Tchaikovsky at full volume in honor of my new imperialist phase

>> No.22397463
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Enemy of the west, go in Siberia to worship your "based" Khan

>> No.22397466

Does /lit/ support Ukraine or Russia?

>> No.22397467

Fuck the west

>> No.22397470

/lit/ supports Israel and reads only pro-jewish literature like Bronze Age Mindset

>> No.22397492

Pushkin was always Russia's nation-building project, canonized and promoted by the state.
It may be hard for Westerners to understand the extent of Russian use of culture and art as nation building. Ordinary Russians are convinced that Russian culture is the best and even that the Russian language is the best, most beautiful and expressive language.

>> No.22397515

Everyone in the west knows how much Anglo culture was used this way and how Shakespeare was promoted. That’s why the Irish hate him

>> No.22397521
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>> No.22397523

you are just an edgy chud that has never been in either ukrsine or russia

>> No.22397526

Whomstever group gets me the most cunny. As of now that's ukrainian girls slutclubbing in my country. SLAVA UKRA8NIA

>> No.22397528

Both Shakespeare and Pushkin were good and that's what all we care about

>> No.22397538

Pushkin is not Shakespeare-tier.

>> No.22397546

This but unironically. Israel is a good ally to have. Only libs disagree

>> No.22397548

Cool it with the antisemitism, tourist.

>> No.22397550

He is just as good but Shakespeare is more overrated

>> No.22397558

Even Pushkin is not black enough for globohomo

>> No.22397566

I support honest peer against peer war

>> No.22397583

Israel isn’t actually an ally though, America just simps for Israel. Israel won’t even supply arms to Ukraine

>> No.22397588
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>> No.22397759

Ukraine because I'm not a thirdie

>> No.22397782

>strive for demilitarization
>strive for denazification

>> No.22397812

hohols is a disposition, not an ethnic group. Eastern European history should have taught you at least this.

>> No.22397995
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Futile and fruitless attacks on Russian culture do no more than only further exposing the real nature of the fabricated Ukrainian identity built on denial and renunciation instead of creation and self-sufficiency.
Should one really wonder then, that such an artificial formation on every level of its being resembles the dog barking at the caravan rather than a genuine and natural community of compatriots standing on a common foundation? Indeed, in spite of all the maniacal attempts to conjure a nation out of nothing, the best that the unfortunate contrivers of the non-existent Ukrainian originality could come up with was the astonishing in its self-condemning and self-deprecating secondary nature and dependency paradigm that "The Ukraine is not Russia".

>> No.22397999

Ukraine is 80% christian and russia is 40% lmao

>> No.22398026

Least deranged Russian nationalist

>> No.22398031

Well that was awful anti-octoroon of them. Oy vey.

Not like anyone outside of Moscow & St. Petersberg reads anyhow.

>> No.22398037

Ironically, Pushkin used to be a symbol of Ukrainian resistance during the Fascist times like in this movie based on real events of the Sevastapol theater company.


At 12:05 - 12:15 you have the soldiers burning Pushkin and hanging their horses on his statue. Later in the film it is a plot point the resistance quote his poetry to identify one another. Great film.

>> No.22398049

Ukraine is an extension and intensification of Covid, hence the "no upper limits friendship" reaffirmed just prior by Putin visiting Beijing. No Nuremberg trials after Perstroika for USSR giga-murders? Same old fucking power elites. Nothing's changed, except the possum act pantomime doesn't have to be maintained now they think they had/have the strength to continue with their bullshit by force of arms; it's Lenin's "New Economic Policy" playing nice reformist all over again and "the capitalist will sell us the rope we use to hang them with!" The worst person possible to lead the free world (a man bankrolled by verified Soviet assets Armand Hammer & Leo Slizard, latter an friend of VI Lenin himself) is doing the bare minimum, and they still can't leverage their vaunted manpower meat waves because they're technological and logistics cargo cultists and improvising everything down to the tactical level. The amount of lightswitch brained conditioned retardation left & right is by design and the product of two decades of infotainment preparation.

>"Now it seems like we are in the same critical period as the “horses were drinking water in the Yangtze River" days in the revolutionary era, as long as we resolve the United States problem at one blow, our domestic problems will all be readily solved. Therefore, our military battle preparation appears to aim at Taiwan but in fact is aimed at the United States, and the preparation is far beyond the scope of attacking aircraft carriers or satellites." — Defense Minister Gen. Chi Haotian (2003)

People you can negotiate with don't set up jerryrigged biolabs in your backyard, like the ones dug up in California recently. Russia & China apologists of the rights would cut their own dicks off to own the libs and the tankies already have in brotherly-They/them solidarity The situation is quite grim and only the shitbrain criminality of the Enemy foreign & domestic is forestalling total mayhem.

>> No.22398057

Sevastopol and the rest of Crimea belonged to Russia at the time.

>> No.22398069

>/pol/his/ thread disguised as /lit/

>> No.22398074

>destroying the statues of a great artist who had nothing to do with the current military invasion
hohols just proving their subhuman status here

>> No.22398080

First of all
This is pure hysteria at this point, just like the classical music boycott that happened at the beginning of the war. Even during WWII people still played and enjoyed german music

>> No.22398081

It was the Ukrainian section of the Council Union of States. Pushkin was never a symbol of foreign domination in Crimea or any place.

>> No.22398169


>> No.22398188

Honestly I was and am against the Russian invasion but the constant lying and absolute despicable behaviour the Ukrainians has made me dislike them. Seeing normgroids swallow The fake Ghost of Kiev shit and all the propaganda about le glorious slava Ukraine is depressing as fuck. It’s like people have no understanding of the nuance or critical thinking and just swallow propaganda like dogs to vomit. Plus the sheer number of disgusting shit like taking prisoners phones to call their moms only to execute them on video is repulsive subhuman behaviour. It doesn’t help that their NAFO supporters in the west are awful. The vicarious use of real human beings being killed, mostly young conscripts, as away for them to live out toxic e drama is just depressing as hell. Also the fact that their leader is literally a Jewish comedian puppet of bankers also gross. I just hope the fighting comes to an end soon and no more lives are thrown away on this fake and gay war.

>> No.22398190

Normies in every country in every time will always be soulless nigger cattle swayed by whoever is in power.

>> No.22398212

>namefagging on 4chan


>> No.22398217

>I thought Ukrainians were all just Russians
Yes, Ukrainians are Russians, but Russians are not Russians as we think of it. Nowadays, after a century of dissolution by way of multiculturalism, the Rus are only considered one splinter ethnic group within ''Russian''. A Mongolian is considered to be just as much of a Russian as a Rus is.

>> No.22398219

Russia is disappearing kids from Ukraine from their parents by the thousands. I might remind you that Russia only lately banned the production of child porn (but selling it is still allowed), and that is almost entirely unenforced.

>> No.22398221
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My opinions are most important and my several phds from notable European universities attest to this fact. My several books of compilation essays which take a more aporetic view of late era Platonic thought were highly influential in their time though I had to publish anonymously.


>> No.22398223

Erm you think cultural differences within the Russian Empire didn't exist until a century ago? Ukrainians have their own language. If anything, Russians and Ukrainians grew culturally much closer over the last century.

>> No.22398227

You just got memed hard. He had both ''our greatest ally'' and ''only libs disagree'' in there.

>> No.22398232

Retard, this is anonymous board, the entire point apart from image sharing is not blue checks or identities whose words and opinions are given special prominence. Why would you come onto a board specifically for leveling posts purely according to content and factor out identity, in order to peddle your identity?

>> No.22398240

I Jon Kolner, am just too important to not be recognized for my superior intellect and enlightened circumlocutions.

>> No.22398246

>If anything, Russians and Ukrainians grew culturally much closer over the last century
How about genetically?

>> No.22398250

Bro, I think that he is the troll version of you on steroids.

>> No.22398251

Since when do Slavs care about that? The Bosnians and Serbians are the same people

>> No.22398295

Whether or not they care about it, it is a reality. I can most assuredly agree with you that ''Russians'' consider this a non-issue. Also, agreeing that Russia was always multiethnic, one should also recognize that the Rus used to be the dominant genetic base within Russia. Yes, the multiethnicity was always there, the weighting is very different.

>> No.22398329
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Well, first of all, you are going to have to try harder than this.
And secondly, the house of cards that represents the Ukrainianism has not only failed to tie up the Orthodox religion and let alone the Orthodox faith to the fey business of vainly pushing the figment of the phony Ukrainian statehood, but also as it is always with such artificialities, in a strike of the complex of inferiority which is nested as deep as the very decayed roots of the slapstick performance of their identity, and submitting to the inescapable awareness of the simple fact that the Orthodoxy has invariably remained a zealot of the triune Russian unification for over a millennia since the Baptism of Rus, the barkers and preachers of this farce birth of a nation found nothing less exposing of the nature of their subjugated fixation to commit, than to breed schisms and, in accordance with the only mode of thinking available to them, to fabricate an ecclesiastical body not unexpectedly as faux as the very concept of the self-delusion of their authenticity.

>> No.22398411

Yup not a fan of “based and tradpilled” Russia either nor the contrarian shitheads who support Russia to “own the libs”. I understand geopolitically why Russia did what they did to secure their borders from NATO expansion creep. Still the Russian government is responsible for killing fat to many innocent people including civilians. The whole war is a depressing postmodern theatre with each side dumping pozed propaganda loads into the brains of political Twitter addicts. I feel bad about all the young guys who have been killed or injured fighting this war. I try not to pay attention to it because I can’t do anything about it. However even in university I see teachers hyping the Ukrainians and the War like it’s some good vs evil Hollywood bs. I had a professor go on and on about how brainwashed all the Russians are by the media completely oblivious to the irony of saying that as an American. I wish people could be more nuanced and act like they understand the real consequences of what’s happening.

>> No.22398415

And yet, I am sure you are equally appalled about the 16K killed since the color revolution of 14 by Ukrainian nationalists.

>> No.22398421

Denazification will be completed

>> No.22398466

>Russia is disappearing kids from Ukraine from their parents by the thousands
They also mince and stuff pelmeni with them, as I heard.
>I might remind you that Russia only lately banned the production of child porn
And the US still hasn't banned lobotomy. Come on, sunshine, surely you can come up with a better defense for the pathetic troglodyte attempts to assert the non-existent national identity that is only founded on obsessive contradistinction and denial by demolishing monuments to artists and pulping literature that had become imperishable long before this exercise in spontaneous generation of self-determination was even conceived.

>> No.22398491

>My opinions are most important
kys retard, respect the board culture. if they are truly important, they'll stand out. and if you feel like your importance isn't being recognized, then either change your approach or change your venue. this self-important namefagging shit is going to fuck up your experience here 100% guaranteed

>> No.22398510

I am not an average poster though. I am Mr. j. Kolner. My inestimable jargon is so important that everyone needs to read it, especially you it would seem. Sit back, ya might learn something, kid.

>> No.22398521

This is a clear false flag doxx

>> No.22398522

Ah yes, this "century of dissolution by way of multiculturalism" that blended the Russian ethnicity with all the others across one sixth of all the landmass on planet Earth making them one splinter of the Russian nationality, but by some strike of an unknowable chance within the very same span of years and borders managed to genetically distance them from the ethnic Ukrainians.

'Have you, citizen, ever had to spend any time in a mental hospital?'
'Yes, I have, I have, and more than once! Where haven't I been! My only regret is that I didn't stay long enough to ask the professor what schizophrenia was. But you are going to find that out from him yourself!'

>> No.22398530
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Nothing gets past you, Hippias.

>> No.22398531
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Doomsday Clown Time is Up

>> No.22398535
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The world isn't the problem. And I'm not going to flee from the world and country I love like a goddamned coward. The problem is the haters. Always has been, but won't always will be. Haters are an infinitely small percentage of the world. How they work is by falsely magnifying their importance. When people find out they're nothing, they will be exterminated. Zero sum losers is what they are. Play zero-sum games, win zero-sum prizes.

They can't create and cooperate, so they turn creative and cooperative games into competitive ones, manufacturing division so they can exploit it for power and profit.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SzlyUZoVPGU [Embed] [Embed]


I do not know the form The Final Harvest will take, but I know that it will happen, because it must. Life is finding a way. You reap what you sow. Simple as. Reality's rules, not mine.


>> No.22398538
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I just went on a walk to the lake near my house. I watched a solitary duck 20 feet away from me just enjoying life in harmony with nature, bathing, washing herself, just chilling and doing nothing but enjoying the beauty and serenity of life. I broke down in tears of complete sorrow from the ongoing systematic destruction of our biosphere and the priceless living beings it is comprised of. All I could think is "I am so sorry." All of these billionares and their politicians will be pulled out of their mansions and slaughtered in the streets like the pigs they are. Their entire families will be exterminated - wipe their precious bloodlines out, utterly destroy every trace of their legacy.

Death to the life haters and world destroyers! Death to the Republican traitors! Death to Putin and Russia! Death to all fascists and straight supremacists! They all deserve to suffer infinitely for all eternity. It will be the kindest act of mercy that they are merely erased instead.

>> No.22398543
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>Futureculture, from Media Virus!
>Written in 1994:

>While too conceptual to be of any transformative value to the public at large, this idea goes to the heart of today’s viral efforts, and is certainly understood by those who consider themselves soldiers in the meme wars. Biological viruses are only successful when they are able to turn their host cells into manufacturing plants for more viruses. The virus interpolates its genetic material into the DNA code of the cell, so that the cell will begin reproducing the virus. Eventually the cell divides or explodes, releasing many copies of the infected code. This is how a whole organism can become infected with a single virus; the code has iterated millions of times. The strategy of these Internet viral manifestos is to use the iterative potential of the computer nets to spread memes about viruses housed within units that are themselves viruses. The virus 23 strain even makes reference to chaos math and the predictions of some fractal influenced observers that the world itself will reach a critical mathematical moment of “singularity” near the turn of the millennium. The virus writer exploits a chaotic device—the computer-generated media virus—to spread the conceptual and spiritual implications of chaos mathematics.

>"meme wars"
>Chaos mathematics
>Written in 1994.

>Referenced directly in The Kremlin Papers.

>"virus 23"
>23 references Discordianism, a parody religion about the goddess of creative chaos Eris

>Duginist appropriation of a primarily western occultist framework (and specifically the worldview of Chaos magic) and its transformation by the Duginists into a strategy for political action in the service of the Fascist Internationale.

Kek and "meme warrior" culture was a Russian memetic engineering psyop, along with much more.

>> No.22398548
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Mind viruses are much worse than biological ones.


Meme Wars I: Memetic Entities
Published June 2, 2015.
14 days before Trump announced his presidential bid.
Before the meme war catapulted Trump into the White House and conjured a memetic pandemic of apocalyptic proportions.


>> No.22398553
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>> No.22398677
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Again, Pushkin is one of the first OGs of all time. He wrote rhymes and sheet, he faces off in duels against other niggas and and banged all the hoes he could even when married. In the end he threw his life away over nothing with a duel. A true afro-slavic icon.

>> No.22398682

It's funny how liberals were telling me this wouldn't happen and it was all a crazy Russian conspiracy and suddenly I'm supposed to join them in thinking that this is actually great and if it weren't happening it should be

>> No.22398815

>>In May 2013, 80 per cent of Ukrainians said they had a positive general attitude to Russia. Last May, only 2 per cent of the Ukrainians that pollsters could still reach gave that answer.
Which jsut means opinion are fleetings and basing society on them is moronic

>> No.22398821

>>Ukrainians are fighting to the last Ukrainian
it's weird how the leftist president said women could flee but not the men. If only he was feminist like me, i would support him.

>> No.22398895

while Ukraine was the of child porn production before the war (now they're just pimping out their kids to westerners), pot calling the kettle black

>> No.22399477

As an absolute pragmatic: The world needs a strong Russis much more than Ukraine sitting about in the EU feeding Germany. I don't support the war or the Russians but I hope to God when it ends Russia isn't dismantled or stipped down or taken over by some retard group of dreamers. Best case scenario is that Putin gets thrown out a window and Russia get's something at least representing democracy with a strong head of state. Some sort of constitutional monarchy would be ideal but that's LARP zone.
>That’s why the Irish hate him
What a retarded statement kys.

>> No.22399554


>> No.22399571

Ukraine can't stop behaving like a colony. Ironic. Literally Algeria after the French left.

>> No.22399591

>Caring about a US client kingdom's culture

Doesn't matter

>> No.22399607

I support both Volodymr Zelensky (jew) and Yevgeny Prigozhin (jew) and wish them to fight longer and harder. I'm a philosemite.

>> No.22399611

i know? how do i not?

>> No.22399650

No no not like that, not Bunin.
Anyhow Russians are paying for their sins dearly. Such crippled inbred aids riddled nation. A hidrogen bomb would really be a true mercy.

>> No.22399655
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Dey raciss oppressin' brotha again

>> No.22399749

>Ukraine sitting about in the EU feeding Germany
>The Ukraine
>In the EU
>Feeding Germany
My dude, the EU association agreement that Yanukovich refused to sign required the Ukraine to quite literally destroy large portions of its industry in order to "comply" with the EU markets, i.e. for this than 45 million country to pose less threat to the EU economy had it been accepted into it by inflation it beyond any measure with cheap workforce and goods. The only way for the Ukraine to "sit about" in the EU was not by "feeding Germany", but by first cutting their limbs, and then paying Germany for the prosthetics.

>> No.22399772

What will this mean for Pushkin Press…?

>> No.22400072

The separatists consistently committed far more atrocities including but not limited to shooting down a civilian airliner and dumping the tortured and mutilated corpses of elected local officials in rivers.

>> No.22400106

>why cant russians accept the geopolitical american power claims
>they are evil

>> No.22400120

today there is no russian culture. Soviets destroyed it (together with cultures of all other countries that russia/ussr occupied), today russian population consists of all kinds of scum and degenerates as well as occupied asian people who have nothing to do with russian culture (unless you consider mongols and chinese to be russian). The old russian literature has 0 effect on modern russian mind, all it is used for is to boast how once in the past russia produced some great authors

>> No.22400142

>It’s like people have no understanding of the nuance or critical thinking and just swallow propaganda like dogs to vomit. >The sheer number of disgusting shit like taking prisoners phones to call their moms only to execute them on video is repulsive subhuman behaviour. It
you contradicted yourself there.
Russian pows are treated in a humane manner according to various international conventions, russia on the hand does not even consider this to be war so any captured Ukrainians are not even considered as pows, many cases like the man who said Slava Ukraine getting shot on video, also all the castration videos, beheadings were all committed by russians on captured Ukrainians. In fact I admire Ukrainians for not executing every single russian a soldier or civilian for causing mass death and destruction in Ukraine.

>> No.22400158

what does religion have to do with any of this?

>> No.22400175

Both countries had and still have very lax attitudes towards children sexuality. Ukraine has produced a ton of cp as has russia. When any such case becomes public people often display their critical opinions (in public) often blaming the abused children, in private they watch the materials themselves.

>> No.22401669

>today there is no russian culture
That's not for you to decide, 4chan nigger.

>> No.22402165


>> No.22402184

Go back to your designer pills and off-brand house music Blovchik

>> No.22402220

>ressentiment isn't real, it can't hurt you

>> No.22402967

Go back to eating shit, 4chan nigger.

>> No.22403675

Its the Russian church that broke with Constantinople, not Ukraine btw. Russians are a bunch of schismatics who follow a version of Christianity created by Jewish communists

>> No.22403689

This thread has been up for two days, I bet there's at least one new dead Hohol for every post ITT.

>> No.22403690

Likewise its not up to a bunch of people who still want to return to the USSR whether Ukraine gets it's own culture

>> No.22403694

>it's own culture
Is being ruled by gladhanding actors that sell children into sexual slavery to western elites a "culture"? It sure seems to be a common culture.

>> No.22403700

Are you talking about Russia or Ukraine, because anything of that nature applies to both. You want to know why? Because Ukraine was left in that position by the breakup of Russia's great Jewish utopia

>> No.22403701

Oh you're an antisemite we're in basic agreement then

>> No.22403747

I denounce the Talmud and brother's wars fought for the profit and benefit of the jews. May another Hadrian arise soon

>> No.22403772

Neither, because it's not my problem. I try to not care too much about any problems that extend beyond the borders of my parish.

>> No.22403818

Death to all zegroez

>> No.22403828

Ukraine because Russian government is a pile of shit

>> No.22403855

Yet you're here