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22396288 No.22396288 [Reply] [Original]

For me, it would be between "cornichon" (pickles) and "croquant" (crunchy)

>> No.22396329


>> No.22396425
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>> No.22396440

Maybe 荧光(luminescence)
In English my favorite word is 'delirium.'

>> No.22396450

Cycunie (boobies)

>> No.22396459

"doch" it means "but", "after all", "yet" or just "no"

>> No.22396491

Bėgiai (railtrack)
"a thing that someone/something runs on" in a literal sense
lihuanian is a funny language

>> No.22396499

also depending on context it can also mean a drive gear in a car lol

>> No.22396808

In Esperanto (not my mother language, but my favorite), "tohuvabohuo" (utter chaos, pandemonium, confusion), or "ĉiesulino" (slut, literally 'everyone's woman'). I also like "kolportisto" (peddler) because for a long time I thought it was from kolo (neck) + porti (to carry) because peddlers in the old days used to carry their wares around on a board held up by a strap around the back of their neck or something, but no, it turns out the word "kolporti" was just borrowed as a unit from French. Oh, also "diskogurdo" which means a jukebox but is literally a disk barrel organ.

>> No.22396918


>> No.22396947

can't choose one and since OP posted two, i'll throw in my favorites - dor (to miss someone), vis (dream), amurg (sunset), noapte (night), luna (moon), silva (forest), eva ("courtesan" to put it lightly when used as "a daughter of Eve")

>> No.22396971

what kind of question is this? are you a woman (ywnbw)? what's your favorite world? what's next? what is your favorite song/movie/color/star sign.

>> No.22397034

Ah, an ESL thread

>> No.22397058

it means both "empty" or "void". I also like passarinho, which is a little bird. In Portuguese (Brazilian at least, I know nothing about Portugal) you can add the suffix -inho or -inha to make something little. Kinda like birdie or doggy.

>> No.22398357


>> No.22398361

"you will never be woman"
you will never be literate

>> No.22398645

verschwinden (to disappear), Wange (cheek)

>> No.22398776
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Hakenkreuze- the symbol of our eternal forefathers

>> No.22398792

Mashkiki (MUSH-kee-kee)

ogiichida (Oh-GEE-cheh-da)

>> No.22398799

המבין יבין

>> No.22399085

Amore (love)

>> No.22399197
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eendracht (unity)
lief (sweet)
ochtendgloren (dawn)

>> No.22399239


>> No.22399247


>> No.22399423


>> No.22399426

it's verb for 'cleaning your anus' and very specifically that, you would not use the word to describe cleaning any other body part.

>> No.22399437

troço (thing), treco (thing), bagulho (thing)

>> No.22399449

not my native language but a personal favourite is realitatsverlust meaning loss of reality in German.

>> No.22399467

Αμπλαούμπλης(someone who talks a lot but doesn't say anything)

>> No.22399468

I have a fondness for sublime, it is a word like love or hate which is thrown around carelessly to the point of loosing all meaning but unlike love and hate the meaning can not be returned through emotion; for sublime to properly convey its meaning its use must be just as sublime as what you are describing. Few if any words are as challenging to use as sublime and seeing it used well is a joy like no other, like the words themselves have orgasmed.

>> No.22399483

Meant to post the sentence which taught me to use 'sublime.'

>So sentences are copied, constructed, or created; they are uttered, mentioned, or used; each says, means, implies, reveals, connects; each titillates, invites, conceals, suggests; and each is eventually either consumed or conserved; nevertheless, the lines in Stevens or the sentences of Joyce and James, pressed by one another into being as though the words before and the words after were those reverent hands both Rilke and Rodin have celebrated, clay calling to clay like mating birds, concept responding to concept the way passionate flesh congests, every note a nipple on the breast, at once a triumphant pinnacle and perfect conclusion, like pelted water, I think I said, yet at the same time only another anonymous cell, and selfless in its service to the shaping skin as lost forgotten matter is in all walls; these lines, these sentences, are not quite uttered, not quite mentioned, peculiarly employed, strangely listed, oddly used, as though a shadow were the leaves, limbs, trunk of a new tree, and the shade itself were thrust like a dark torch into the grassy air in the same slow and forceful way as its own roots, entering the earth, roughen the darkness there till all its freshly shattered facets shine against themselves as teeth do in the clenched jaw; for Rabelias was wrong, blue is the color of the mind in borrow of the body; it is the color consciousness becomes when caressed; it is the dark inside of sentences, sentences which follow their own turnings inward out of sight like the whorls of a shell, and which we follow warily, as Alice after that rabbit, nervous and white, till suddenly--there! climbing down clauses and passing through 'and' as it opens,—there—there—we're here!...in time for tea and tantrums; such are the sentences we should like to love—the ones which love us and themselves as well—incestuous sentences—sentences which make an imaginary speaker speak the imagination loudly to the reading eye; that have a kind of orality transmogrified: not the tongue touching the genital tip, but the idea of the tongue, the thought of the tongue, word-wet to part-wet, public mouth to private, seed to speech, and speech...ah! after exclamations, groans, with order gone, disorder on the way, we subside through sentences like these, the risk of senselessness like this, to float like leaves on the restful surface of that world of words to come, and there, in peace, patiently to dream of the sensuous, imagined, and mindful Sublime.

>> No.22399485


>> No.22399509


>> No.22399523


>> No.22399734

It means stupid in Greek

>> No.22399770

>vulgaari lainasana 'lemmen' sijasta

>> No.22399788

notice the palindrome
it means soap dick butt cunt seller

>> No.22399798

Corps Nichons

>> No.22400001


>> No.22400013

-Rotten seafood with pungent smell.

>> No.22400048

Funny as it means a black cat in mine.

>> No.22400344

kosomak, a7a, neek

>> No.22400407

We call jet as “exterminator”. Same word

>> No.22400701

I don't know man. I like words. I thought it would make for a good convo ?

Tu l'as !

>> No.22400723

What are the contexts in which "woman" does or doesn't need an article, anyway? Helen Reddy sang "I am woman, hear me roar"- not "I am A woman". Is that just because she's speaking from the perspective of womankind as a whole?

>> No.22400733

Interesting, Toki Pona uses 'misikeke' for medicine. I guess it must be borrowed from Ojibwe or some related languages.

>> No.22400737

And for those who don't know the Greek alphabet:
The former bears a resemblance to Spanish 'hablar', could there be a connection there?

>> No.22400772


>> No.22400873

My favorite word is Nigger.

>> No.22400955

fellow cebulak

>> No.22400989

Literally just Hebrew tohu wa-bohu

>> No.22400991

You'll never read Houellebecq.

>> No.22401001
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What's your favorite animal?
Mine is the pine marten :3

>> No.22401006

Math et dessin.
Manger épicé.
On est jamais trop aidé.

>> No.22401033

Yes, it comes from Hebrew. How many of the other words posted in this thread ultimately come from another language?

>> No.22401092

Mine is the nigger. The jazz breed makes excellent music. Not much use beyond that.

>> No.22401093

Zdrowie (health)
Jędrny (firm)
Rześki (brisk)
Żywioł (natural aspect; a natural element like earth, wind, fire, water)

>> No.22401284

Fickstute, Sacksahne, abwichsen

>> No.22401309

>a sailor that prefers to stay on land or just a bad or lazy sailor in general. Tupi roots.
>a street jester or acrobat. Italian roots.
>a city in the state of Rio and a nickname for conservatives during the Second Empire.
Formação de quadrilha
>a criminal association of at least three people, despite the name.

>> No.22402234

Μα φυσικά ο Έλληναρας μπαίνει αμέσως με τις βρισιές. Δε ντρεπόμαστε δηλαδή; Έχουμε τόσο όμορφη γλώσσα και πας αμέσως στα ξεφτιλίκια; Πες τουλάχιστον κάτι έξυπνο αν θες να το παίξεις και αστείος

>> No.22402237

Και εσύ τα ίδια

>> No.22402244

>t. built for bbc

>> No.22403227

Κατσε τι εχουμε ?

>> No.22403319

Byst (bust)
kärlek (love)
näktergal (nightingale)
tusensköna (common daisy)

>> No.22403323

Third language, achckshually

>> No.22403329


>> No.22404598

its so badass that this German word is now days used by English speaking literates

>> No.22404783

қaнaғaттaндыpылмaғaндықтapыңыздaн (from your dissatisfaction)

>> No.22404985

go kill yourself already you miserable dick

>> No.22405001


>> No.22405083

Yes, for people who speak two or more languages, and not one like you.

>> No.22405353

"Morriña" is the feeling you get when you are far from your home country and you just want to go back

>> No.22405545

So homesickness? Or Heimweh.

>> No.22405665

Not Chinese myself, but Mandarin my second language and Classical Chinese is my third. My favorite is 自然. For others, it's usually translated as "nature" or "natural." I remember talking about it a lot in classes. 自 is "self" or "oneself." 然 means "right," "correct," etc. I like Ames' translation of "self-so" for Classical texts.

>> No.22405924

I believe etymologically 然 is a contraction of 如之- it makes more sense in Old Chinese pronunciation.

>> No.22405952
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>> No.22406857

love this. this is from On Being Blue, right? Gass? it certainly sounds like him.
beautiful thread idea op <3

>> No.22406860

>On Being Blue

>> No.22406932

>salasso (bloodletting)
>cherubino (cherub)
>pozzanghera (puddle)
Remarkably cute in english too.