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/lit/ - Literature

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22388250 No.22388250 [Reply] [Original]

I'm about to start a master's program in English literature because I genuinely love the subject, but looking at the syllabus this will be a slog.

It's literally all Foucault, Adorno, Lukacs, Susan "the white race is the cancer of history" Sonntag &c. &c., and >50% of the fiction is written by some kind of brown gay feminist railing against whites and western civilization. Gone are the days of Milton and Shakespeare.

Can I even get through this without selling my soul to Satan? I just wanna analyze some literature, not man the barricades ffs. I wish I was born a century ago. Have any of you chuds made it all the way to teaching at a university level? Should I just quit asap, get a real job and enjoy literature in private while the Kali Yuga eats away at our precious canon?

>> No.22389215

because communism (dialectical materialism) is correct

>> No.22389230

Why would you sign up for a masters' program run by leftists
>Foucault, Adorno, Lukacs, Susan "the white race is the cancer of history" Sonntag
all extreme midwits except for foucault was literally so gay he had AIDS

Either transfer to a different program or quit
the program you're in is trash postmodern wannabe sociology

>> No.22389235

Lukacs was probably the most erudite philosopher of the 20th century though

>> No.22389238
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>read books instead of chop wood
>become gay
many such cases

>> No.22389241

Sure, if you are also a midwit who should have been doing sociology

>> No.22389412

>It's literally all Foucault, Adorno, Lukacs

>> No.22389416

filthy commie shoo shoo!

>> No.22389625

University is for faggots and foreigners, if you want to learn you have everything you need at your fingertips already.

>> No.22389634

>Why are literary studies all gay and communist
That’s what the kids are into these days. What’s it is weird and scary to me, bros

>> No.22389639

it's grad school

>> No.22389641

>I'm about to start a master's program in English literature
Why? Because you crave endorsement of your reading ability? Because you think it will get you a job (it won't)? Because you'll get to join the "literary establishment," even though you despise them?
There is literally no use for arts degrees in current year. If you "genuinely love the subject" then pursue it for its own sake, not for some pat on the head from academic gatekeepers.

>> No.22389642

Transfer to a program where the chair of the department is an expert on what you find interesting. That's the best advice I can give you.

>> No.22389647

>Because you think it will get you a job (it won't)?
It does though. Not sure why you're worked up. Teaching (whether you like it or not) is a job and we need plenty of good teachers.

>> No.22389660

Foucault is good, the rest are whatever, look you aren't going to quit and get a job, with just a bachelor's in what I am guessing is English you would be better off at least digging yourself deeper in debt to get the MA so you can make the same or less as an English teacher. Coloreds and females are shitting up places at record pace, I am still hoping the homos come out of nowhere and start replacing them, most are racist and sexist themselves.

>> No.22389662

>waaah waaaah the book hurts my feefees
If you can't read something that you disagree with you're sub 90iq and should go flip burgers.

>> No.22389672

>Can I even get through this without selling my soul to Satan?

>> No.22389726

No we don't. AI is an increasingly good teacher, and teaching is usually seen as a career for failures.

>> No.22389729

>and teaching is usually seen as a career for failures.
yea it's much more prestigious to megapost on 4chan and be a lazy bum imo t bh desu

>> No.22389855

>materialism is correct, which is why the inquisition had to burn all those witches
>just a joke haha

>> No.22389864

Nice projection there. I'm a stock investor, formerly a software developer.

>> No.22389873

Post screenshot of online portfolio with timestamp right now or forever be a cucked fag...

>> No.22390933

as your run of the mill leftist lit student (definitely not a chud), i also hate current day literary studies, although literary discussion in general has always strayed into irrelevance historically, so im not conservative there. i think the problem has less to do with politics and more to do with what is an art form being treated as a convoluted vessel for philosophy. the focus should be on aesthetics, technique, style, relation to tradition etc when it is on "unpackaging (usually existential) Ideas from their dispensable fictional packages." unlike many other art degrees, the making of the art is separate from the analysis of it when in comes to literature, as creative writing is seperate from english. im not saying we should introduce creative writing into the mix but literature should first and foremost be seen as an artform like any other, with conventional structures, artists with personal styles, and the ultimate goal of arriving at some kind of beauty, rather than as a propaganda tool with varying levels of pretention.

the canon should be flexible as long as the changes dont come from tokenism. i think theres room for the profs or tutors personal taste there.

"critical theory" is a complete sham and theres barely anyone who falls under that name who isnt trying to sell their basic childish lack of insights with conveniently nebulus academic sounding jargon.

i hope you have enough free time and stability to dedicate yourself to literature

>> No.22390937

meant for op

>> No.22390941

Good post. Literary Studies has been turned into a wannabe Sociology for about twenty years now. All good critics were from the 20th centruy or earlier desu

>> No.22391012

>Can I even get through this without selling my soul to Satan? I just wanna analyze some literature, not man the barricades ffs. I wish I was born a century ago. Have any of you chuds made it all the way to teaching at a university level? Should I just quit asap, get a real job and enjoy literature in private while the Kali Yuga eats away at our precious canon?

Anon, that's just what they want.THEY WANT TO FILTER OUT PEOPLE LIKE YOU. What they want is whenever the subject of english lit comes up, they can say "well, um, acshually the experts in the field don't agree with you" ACADEMIA IS THIER LITTLE CORNUCOPIA WHERE THEY GET TO MAKE APPEALS TO AUTHORITY TO CIRCLE JERK ABOUT HAVING THE CORRECT OPINIONS BECAUSE THEY HAVE INTENTIONALLY EXCLUDED PEOPLE LIKE YOU.

I suggested for a project that I might analyse ghost in the shell through analytical philosophy, and my tutor said that it really didn't gel with literature, but apparently lacan and freud are perfectly fine.

You are what they fear, anon. They don't want a debate, they want to dominate the field through alienating dissenting thought. They do the same thing at the undergrad level so that all the english teachers are hardcore leftist gay men or women that will force kids through an intersectional feminist reading of jane eyre. When I was growing up, there were male english teachers that taught the classics, but slowly they are being replaced.

Whether you choose to go on is up to you, but if you do, take comfort that unbeknownst to your instructors you slipped through the cracks.

>> No.22391018

Because majority of rightwingers are retarded. Why is that so hard to understand. Look at /pol/ and other rightwing forums. You'd find they want ti impose themselves all others and have no respect for individual thought.

>> No.22391022

Agreed. I prefer Rachel Maddow and Laurie Penny intellectual thought myself.

>> No.22391025

based post

>> No.22391036

Because conservatives can't make art. Just look at how you all treat school as some indoctrination center because you all can't think for yourself

>> No.22391038

>as your run of the mill leftist lit student
How many degrees do you need to learn about those things called "capital letters" and "apostrophes"?

>inb4 boohoo bitching about spelling on a basket weaving forum
Yes, if you are a student of literature who is complaining about the lack of focus on technique and style.

>> No.22391042

titally agred sir

>> No.22391044

you need a pjd

>> No.22391046

>György Lukács was a Hungarian Marxist philosopher
>contributed to Marxist theory with developments of Karl Marx's theory of class consciousness
>Lukács has been described as the preeminent Marxist intellectual of the Stalinist era
>seemed to support Stalinism as the embodiment of Marxist thought

>Lukács was born Löwinger György Bernát in Budapest, Austria-Hungary, to the investment banker József Löwinger and his wife Adele Wertheimer, who were a wealthy Jewish family.

>> No.22391047


>> No.22391049

>Rachel Maddow and Laurie Penny
Imagine them both going down on a bbc. God that makes my dick hard.

>> No.22391054

>an actual baron
>btfo's modernist shit and elevates classics
>wrote a 1000 page comprehensive overview of modern drama in his early 20s
He mogs every other 20th century literary critic

>> No.22391101

opening up a book is equivalent to chopping wood

>> No.22391116
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Because the only type of employment they could ever get is a public sector sinecure provided by a big government. Either as a teacher or as a public servant of some kind. Ironically the only way they can get such a job is by oppressing the proles with high taxes. For most communism boils down to a dream of having your hobby as your job, or to live on welfare. That's why it attracts writers, actors, painters, academics etc and from the academics it of course doesn't attract the STEM people but the useless decree types who feel entitled to get a good paying job which is impossible for them on the private sector.

>> No.22391150

If you actually cared about what other people thought, then you wouldn't complain about not being able to easily impose your own views on other people

>> No.22391153

like two pompous bitches carefully pawing over a plate of sushi. gross.

> Gone are the days of Milton and Shakespeare.
which led directly to this.

idk, kids, your inclination is good but
whoever gave you the impression that academe was for "learning"? the universities are unreformed theocratic institutions which reinforce any selected dogmatism partly under the pretense that "if we all think XYZ" it will have some benefit to the society but mostly under the pretense of limiting inquiry by directing the focus of the unpolluted mind and constructing a clerical class of broken-brains. You can see the proofs for this in the identical mentality of such persons from one century to the next; the verbal content of their lesson changes but their character and actions remain the same; always censorship and always ad hominem against the inventors and discoverers of anything actually new.

this course, hypothetically as you lay it out,
>Foucault, Adorno, Lukacs, Susan
is a rote learning of a non-reality based theology, as like memorizing a copy of the koran and adding nothing to it. A course compiled of (select authors oppositional to those name) would be the same thing. it is merely man as cretin memorizing what other cretins have written down in their leisure time with no interest in the development of the student into attaining skills.

quite demonstrably.


>> No.22391154

that was a troll post

>> No.22391272
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>I suggested for a project that I might analyse ghost in the shell through analytical philosophy
Holy shit anon you autistic piece of shit this has nothing to do with culture war meme politics. Any sensible member of an academic institution would be against a proposal that gay.

>> No.22391313

you say this but Oxford is already using VHS tapes of Keenan and Kel to teach theatre.

>> No.22391368

Academia is always conservative in the sense that it always affirms the current status quo, opposes the previous status quo, and rejects anything and anyone who might challenge the current status quo.

Aside from that, it's a matter of practicality. Students and teachers of our times would be laughed out of any decent humanities department of the universities of a century or two ago. Standards have been falling for well over a century, ever since industrialization and the emergence of the managerial bourgeois hegemony in the wake of the enlightenment. To accommodate this change, literary criticism had to be dumbed down so any borderline illiterate undergrad could use it, hence the theories of today.

>> No.22391387

Lukács was Adorno before Adorno. The master of communist copium.

>> No.22391410

He wasn't a real baron. Rich jews of the austro-hungarian monarchy often bought titles for themselves because the titles were literally sold for anyone by the crown who was willing to pay the price. That probably speaks more to just how meaningless nobility became by the latter half of the 19th century than anything else.

>> No.22391420


>> No.22391422

Your views directly led to where humanities departments are today. You're just a couple steps behind the orthodoxy, but there's no way your views wouldn't lead anyone who subscribe to them to anywhere else but the current orthodoxy due to their innate logic and presumptions.

>> No.22391440

Lukacs wasn't a crypto-liberal glowie like Adorno though

>> No.22391534

19th century transformed education from the classical model into a civic-corporate institutionalization program and the 20th century made the civic-corporate mainstream overt anti-Nazism, anti-Fascism, and anti-Traditionalism. The regime is liberal-progressive and the university exists basically as a propaganda arm for the regime.

>> No.22391539
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t. seething mongrel

>> No.22391547

100% Anglo. How about you? Ameritard projection?

>> No.22391562

If you’re not interested in the curriculum, then your MA is a waste of time because that’s all the universities will want out of an MA grad should they hire them and there is no other reason to get an MA.

>> No.22391680

>lack of focus on technique and style.
doesn't really apply to posts but sorry still. keyboard has problems so its an extra hassle.

>> No.22391814

It's because most right-wing people nowadays sees humanities as a low status field and tend to suck the dick of the STEM fields and blue-collar work (which is also a low status area, but they chose because they don't want to pay for college).
The smart people there are turboautistic filled with adhd who only have interest in creating robowaifus.

>> No.22391954

wtf are you even trying to say

>> No.22391990 [DELETED] 

Why have English departments become the dumbing ground of failed "intellectual movements" from other disciplines? I mean no economist takes Marxism seriously and no psychologist takes Psychoanalysis seriously and no one takes Critical Theory seriously. And yet all this trashy Jew-invented nonsense gets taken very seriously by English professors. Why?

>> No.22391992

Oh I forgot to mention Queer Theory. That's another one.

>> No.22392075

Because I want to teach at the highest level (for my middle of nowhere Euro town, anyhow).

>> No.22392083

Hmm, I'll have to look into it. It's a pretty small uni so I'll probably end up having to transfer to another city.

>> No.22392091

Man, if only you were the professor, I'd actually have some respect for the subject (even as a certified chud)

>> No.22392100

That's a good whitepill, I guess it's my cross to bear.

>> No.22392129

You could say the same about clergy, but they were also largely based until quite recently.

Fair enough. I guess I was foolish to think that all of this wasn't just trickle-down theology. Nothing authentic or grassroots about it.

Reading literary analysis from the late 19th century makes me so depressed. I can't find anything even nearly equivalent today. Surely this is rock bottom.

>> No.22392143

In for a penny, I guess.

>> No.22392186

>it of course doesn't attract the STEM people
Mathematics departments are full of communists

>> No.22392362
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Bloom = brain dead

>> No.22392369

he was a based retard simple as

>> No.22393758

just admit you don't know when to show up to the party anon

>> No.22393790
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Read Jesus G. Maestro.

>> No.22393800


>> No.22393807

A liberal arts degree is for failures ergo a class like that will draw failures to it. Not hard.

>> No.22393836

Why do you think that's the case?

>> No.22393849

Are you speaking about teaching at a college/university? Because if that's the case, you're better off doing something else. I teach professionally and all I have is a bachelor of arts and bachelor of education, no need for graduate school.

>> No.22393872

The hope is to teach at a university. I was originally planning to teach at a high school level (simply to avoid living in a city, always preferred small towns), but after giving that a try I grew tired of the low level of analysis compared to uni seminars.

>> No.22393882

Why do you need a master's program to study English literature? So you can chase women around? Just read the books and cut out all the other crap.
Please save yourself this trouble and look up my good old friend Chad Haag on YouTube. He can not only help educate you in philosophy but also in your idea of studying literary criticism in graduate school.

>> No.22393886

>Why do you need a master's program to study English literature? So you can chase women around?
What's life like with 90 IQ points?

>> No.22393908

I don't need it to study the literature, but I do need it to teach at the level I'd like.

>> No.22393913

Are you for real? I repeat: why would a man waste his time in an English literature masters program if they weren't chasing pussy?

Also the fact that I wouldn't even consider wasting my time and money studying English literature in a master's program shows that I'm smarter than you are.

>> No.22393921

>I repeat: why would a man waste his time in an English literature masters program if they weren't chasing pussy?
the fact that (You) took this from the OP's post is proof that (You) are an extremely low-IQ coombrained imbecile. And even more embarrassingly, thought it was worth repeating.

>> No.22393926

I wouldn't.

I assume you're probably in the United States, so teaching at uni *might* be better but here in Canada, I make more money than most adjunct and university instructors.

>> No.22393936

It's years and years of repeating the same bullshit, just scraping by. Check out Chad Haag for real. He was my friend in college and studied literary criticism in a master's program. Despite the fact that he's like a half Amish half Korean book reading machine and literally does nothing else he still struggled for years as an adjunct. He gave it up, moved to India and now he reads books and grows mangoes. That's a much better plan.

>> No.22393937

where is the lie? Most of the philosophy/English grad students I've met have this strange perception of themselves and hounding for first-year undergrad pussy.

>> No.22393948

DUDE SEX LMAO! get a fucking grip bro

>> No.22393962

Get through it and then teach differently.

>> No.22393965

I think one strategy to use is for those classes where you must read out of a dreadful syllabus to focus only those works that deal with the Jewish Question. So Freud and Adorno. I have a casual interest in this. So it works for me.

Try to find Professors that ascribe to New Criticism. This is really the only sensible critical school.

I'm a novelist and I'm near to completing my first novel. If I don't make enough money to continue then I'll have to go to graduate school as well. Lucky I'm already an expert in 19th century Anglo-American literature. Henry James in particular. And am writing a book on the late novels.

Sadly English Literature is full of what I like to call "intelligent idiots." So people that ascribe to Marxism or Psychoanalysis or Critical Theory. Trashy Jew-invented nonsense that academics in economics or psychology don't take seriously.

>> No.22393977

Yeah, I have a grip and a well-paying job without going into the cesspit of graduate school. Sorry to be that guy but I imagine you're probably mid-to-late 20s, so maybe actually get a job and stop putting it off.

>> No.22393978
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>>I suggested for a project that I might analyse ghost in the shell through analytical philosophy
Jesus fucking christ, this is worse than the bible autist thread. The fremdschämen is too much.

>> No.22393980

I'm actually across the pond, and the salary (though it doesn't really matter to me) would be significantly better. There's way more to it than money, though.

>> No.22393981
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>English Literature is full of what I like to call "intelligent idiots."
>Lucky I'm already an expert in 19th century Anglo-American literature.
>Henry James in particular

>> No.22393983

That does sound appealing. I'll check him out. Thanks.

>> No.22393998

Name your top three James novels.

>> No.22394002

That JQ strategy actually worked for a couple of my undergrad course, so I guess it could still work now (can't be candid ofc but it can still be interesting). The thing that has me worried now is just the sheer volume of bullshit.

It's a shame about how English Literature turned out in the end. There is just so much potential there that's been completely snuffed out by subversives and their useful idiots.

>> No.22394007

>Just look at how you all treat school as some indoctrination center because you all can't think for yourself
that's some pretty audacious gaslighting

>> No.22394013

>it's a shame about how
wow my esl really comes out in force when I've been drinking lol

>> No.22394085

I honestly can't believe you're for real. It's like everything about my post--which I will admit isn't particularly challenging in any respect--just flew right over your head. Are you autistic?
I obviously wasn't suggesting going to grad school to chase pussy was a good idea, or that is how one should think. I was criticizing the institution by suggesting that A. It's easy and for women so there's lots of them around. B. It doesn't lead to gainful employment and it's educational value beyond simply reading the books is dubious so why else would one bother with it?
Suffice to say when I was in college I spent my time studying and didn't have time for parties or girls.

>> No.22394095

Honestly, James achieved his greatest technical achievements in the late novels. Yes, The Portrait of a Lady is magnificent. But I have to say that The Golden Bowl, The Wings of the Dove, and The Ambassadors are his three greatest works. The final scene between Lambert Strether and Madame de Vionnet when he tells her that she's scared. Scared for her life. Is one of the most moving passages in all of English literature. Or this passage near the end of the Golden Bowl, where Maggie Verver comes to fully appreciate her father's greatness, is sublime.

"But what stood out beyond everything was that he was always, marvellously, young—which couldn’t but crown, at this juncture, his whole appeal to her imagination. Before she knew it she was lifted aloft by the consciousness that he was simply a great and deep and high little man, and that to love him with tenderness was not to be distinguished, a whit, from loving him with pride."

And then there is, for the shorter works, The Beast in the Jungle, which is probably the most powerful work of fiction I've ever read. A work of supreme imagination.

"He had seen outside of his life, not learned it within, the way a woman was mourned when she had been loved for herself ..."

>> No.22394101

>Suffice to say when I was in college I spent my time studying and didn't have time for parties or girls.
lol I would say this is the anonymous story on 4chan.
I take back my criticism of you.

>> No.22394139

I recommend New Criticism. A lot of great academics (most of them Anglos of course) from the 1920s to the 1950s. I have a whole load of great books and articles from this period on my Internet Archive page. You can still do work in this area. The thing is to try to find Professors that ascribe to the his school of thought, which is best embodied by the essay of T.S. Eliot called The Perfect Critic. Read it. It is excellent.

My approach if I have to go to graduate school (which I probably will). Is to lay low (remain apolitical) and continue in the tradition of New Criticism. But I agree with the sheer amount of BS. It caused me to have reservations too. But I don't have a choice. It's too late for law school and I don't want to work as a lawyer anyway.

>> No.22394175

That's because mathematics is all abstract nonsense. Someone who pursues pure mathematics is just as much engaging in a useless hobby as is a writer or a painter.
In fact, even a painter has the potential to paint something beautiful that will touch the hearts of many, whereas all that your average mathematician produces are papers that languish unread in obscure journals.

>> No.22394198
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>> No.22394203

>soi millennials bring up their gay fetishes up unprompted, even in a book thread
truly the faggiest generation in the history of the world

>> No.22394211

Brother the average PhD in literature has between a 15% to 30% chance of getting a professorship at all. Now you are a right winger and probably a white heterosexual male do you really think you will get the necessary connections and endorsements to land a spot? Plus universities are going to feel the crunch of lower student enrolments do to increasing costs and failing demographic growth. You are essentially spending 10 years of your life for a small chance at a spot in a dying institution that hates you. If you want to get a graduate school that’s
fine but be prepared to pivot to being an independent tutor or something else entirely.

>> No.22394232

>cant think for himself
>outsources it to some kike to tell him what to think
Sorry pal, but you’re gay. What’s the last book you read and I’ll prove it.

>> No.22394238

>>cant think for himself
>>outsources it to some kike to tell him what to think
nice low IQ word salad and strawman, you retarded phone poster.

>> No.22394246

>cant even name a book
>confused by two sentences
Something tells me you’re an audiobook fag, I’ll bet you like having a man’s voice right in your ear narrating everything for you. That’s sick.

>> No.22394250

Also you should read this article from the Occidental Quarterly titled Why are Professors Liberal? (http://www.kevinmacdonald.net/professors.pdf)) to get a better idea how we ended up with this situation. And there are a few other articles in the Occidental Observer on this subject as well.

The fact is you should stick this out. I'm not especially committed to a career as an academic. It is just that I need a stable day to day job. Being a writer is too taxing on my nerves. The money and stress etc. But still if we don't do our part by advancing our vision of what a proper literary education looks like the radicals will win. Again I don't recommend getting politically aggressive. But we might try forming groups or movements of our own. Meeting like minded people etc.

>> No.22394255

>being a phone poster
>expecting anything
eat shit and die, homo. hope this helps

>> No.22394267

>illiterate audiobook faggot
>cant even think of an insult has to recycle mine
>proving he can’t think for himself
Sounds like a skill issue, sorry I broke your brain asking you what book you last read kek

>> No.22394269

If you speak another language and are willing to move to another country you could teach English as a second language. Besides there is other work you can do as well with a doctorate in this area. It doesn't have to be teaching.

>> No.22394274

insanely retarded and schizophrenic phone poster shoo shoo

>> No.22394275

At this rate he might get the job as a diversity hire

>> No.22394280

Holy shit I recognize your debate style, is this you?

>> No.22394281

I accept your concession, phone poster. gg ez

>> No.22394288
File: 55 KB, 800x804, AB78E3FB-FE13-4D05-8711-E29CFB729100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That’s what I thought nigger.
>tfw 50 cent has read more than you

>> No.22394289

>our vision of what a proper literary education looks like
Which is?

>> No.22394290

>gg ez
>That’s what I thought nigger.
glad you think so too, tyrone. up your trolling next time. you posting off a samsung? KEK

>> No.22394293

Nokia actually, you could’ve skipped this tired joke 50 times since you’re phoneposting too and just articulated why you disagreed with the original image, but you’re too busy sperging out like a nigger. For real what book have you read that’s enriched you? If you can’t name one, you’re just proving the meme right.

>> No.22394298

okay, explain thoughts and consciousness

>> No.22394299
File: 33 KB, 500x375, cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You got demolished poor FAGGOT posting on a garbage samsung phone LMAO

>> No.22394301

No women, minorities or leftists should be celebrated in the literary world

>> No.22394312

>Susan "the white race is the cancer of history" Sonntag [sic]
You have never read Sontag, stop pretending.

>> No.22394315

clergy has little to do with material concerns

thats funny considering mathematics doesn't automatically assume 2 + 2 is wholly dependent on social factors, but I guess common core is in the universities now.

>> No.22394316
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Um, those are like, subjective
iPad nigger, sorry you’re poor, nice reddit meme btw, r/funny?

>> No.22394321

>all extreme midwits except for foucault was literally so gay he had AIDS
Oh NO!!!

>> No.22394326
File: 1.64 MB, 498x278, ice-t-you-are-gay.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can your shit samsung phone do this tyrone? No? I guess it means you're GAY. KEK

>> No.22394329

Literally works the same way to this day m8

>> No.22394336

nice demoralization psyop, Pierre, if that's your real name.

>> No.22394339

um, "like" nope, faggot.

>> No.22394377

no one actually needs to read feminists. when you have tons of sexually starved men in the world killing themselves over a crumb of pussy its time feminism ends.

>> No.22394379

It’s only demoralizing if you’re a nigger

>> No.22394384

Sounds like those men weren’t going to make it anyway so I have no issue with culling the weak

>> No.22394387
File: 383 KB, 181x292, 1689151114241804.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do what, a gif? Commit webmrel on your way back, predditor

>> No.22394393


>> No.22394401
File: 1.29 MB, 368x368, 1688744114573620.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post tits and I'll read your little book mk babe

>> No.22394402

>guy can't do a gif on his phone
u mad tyrone? oh you mad

>> No.22394407
File: 1.93 MB, 608x1080, 1677722055320405.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. You

>> No.22394409

lmao at retarded phoneposters who can't even do GIFs
LMAO at thinking that phones cant do webm you retarded reddit basketball american

>> No.22394416

Only newfags dont know how to watch a webm kek, massive L gramps, BTFO, go back and find some better memes you tech illiterate nigger

>> No.22394421

This might blow your mind but every ideal, ethos and belief system that's ever existed, good or bad, all led us to exactly where we are today

>> No.22394436

You don’t need a PhD to teach English plus it doesn’t pay very well. As far as using a PhD outside or academia it’s hit and miss. You could probably do something with writing like copy writing or something like that. However it’s a big opportunity cost in time and money invested in a program you don’t agree with surrounded by people who will destroy you if you ever show any sign of disagreement with their dogma. Can you really justify spending all that time and lost potential to be surrounded by midwit commissars?

>> No.22394443

>people who will destroy you if you ever show any sign of disagreement with their dogma
Not true, by the way.
>midwit commissars
I guarantee you those people are smarter and more well-read than most posters on this board, you included.

>> No.22394453

your trolling is lol. you're underage and poor, and possibly even black. that's for sure KEK

>> No.22394463

>Says black instead of nigger
>cant play webms
Shitskin confirmed

>> No.22394477

>being racist on a blue board
>and you're underage

>> No.22394561

Nigger in a literature board is like a tranny in a girls restroom, you stick out like a sore dick. Wait for your welfare somewhere else.

>> No.22394563

Cool story underage. Is this your first time out of /b/?

>> No.22394587

Why are you obsessed with the idea of talking to a minor? Oh right, you’re a predditor. Sorry to ruin your boner pedo, I asked you what books you liked but you have been all over my dick ever since.

>> No.22394615

You're gay and a troll. A gay troll. Is that how you want to spend your life?

>> No.22394633

They may indeed be more well read and smarter than me that is no big accomplishment. However it is true in my real life experience that you are under no circumstances allowed to express right wing views without consequences. You can be rightwing as an undergraduate or discuss controversial opinions but as a grad student or teacher forget it. You will be forced to sign DEI statements and surrounded by monoculture thinking.

>> No.22394654

This. As someone with high grades I hate most of the other people in my major because they are all low status low IQ people, except for philosophy and history majors for some reason.

>> No.22394664

You should have taken the STEMpill and done humanities on the side. Arts degrees won’t be trad again until after the day of the rope, sadly.

>> No.22394669

*School (humanities)

>> No.22394673

the western humanities curriculum has unironically fallen
you're wasting your time OP

>> No.22394697

Do you feel trolled or something?

>> No.22394715
File: 30 KB, 600x451, you are soy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>do you feel trolled or something

>> No.22394730

kek just now realized you aren’t a native English speaker (ask me how I know). Kinda impressive how you learned to be a homosexual pedo in two languages.

>> No.22394738

>I guarantee you those people are smarter and more well-read than most posters on this board, you included.
Not that guy but you have to realize how funny this is. /lit/ is a club for NEETs getting into reading, there are no qualifications for posting here whatsoever and the best-read people tend to filter out over time. I should certainly fucking hope the average woke PhD student is at least still better read than the guys here. But the fact that it's even a question, that you phrase it like that as some bold claim, is an excellent sign for this place. /lit/ has always been impressively good for what it is.

And for the record, there are a plenty of people here biologically smarter than the vast majority of woke commissar grad students. A lot of those people aren't even real students, just like black women let into some critical theory program on AA, basically hired to make the school look less racist

>> No.22394740
File: 9 KB, 229x250, 54343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>(ask me how I know).
You still phone posting lil guy?

>> No.22394745

Work on your conjugation nigger

>> No.22394750
File: 25 KB, 300x250, 230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Work on your conjugation nigger

>> No.22394754
File: 1.76 MB, 404x486, 1690575681292708.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the nigger likes tranime, shocker
Fits your pedo vibes too so I guess that checks out. All this because I asked what book you read last, you can just say you're illiterate into your text to speech and post that, you know.

>> No.22394755

>newfag thinks a webm is a computer file

>> No.22394761
File: 2.87 MB, 726x720, 1651424356479.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You iPhone fags cant watch wembs can you? Found your dad online btw, watch what you say

>> No.22394764
File: 1.75 MB, 800x919, poorfagphoneposter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you coping and SEETHING this much over being poor
you're a poorfag NEET who doesn't own a computer KEK

>> No.22394776
File: 1.98 MB, 640x360, 1631676030060.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. (You)
>not denying being a pedo
>hes been phone posting this whole time
Holy projection dude, and seriously your meme folder sucks ass

>> No.22394777
File: 161 KB, 480x360, kek at phone phags.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is a penniless pauper neet with N O C O M P U T E R
>seethes and cheeses

>> No.22395132

I’m watching this webm on an iphone

>> No.22395223

Thanks for the solid advice! Definitely going to stick it out to just to stick it to them now. I'll keep my head down politically but at least I won't be one of them (maybe just a tiny jab here or there).

Will definitely check out New Criticism in depth, and thanks for the KMac article, I hadn't read that one before.

Good luck with your writing, and God bless.

>> No.22395268

Just anything but endless railing against straight, white, christian men and their evils. Don't get me wrong there should be room for that, too, but years upon years of that shit is just tiresome. Even when we did Shakespeare as undergrads it had to be Othello. Read into that what you will.

>> No.22395269

I read her notes on Camp, and that was enough for me to see her pseud status.

>> No.22395273

lel this
and her "work" on vietnam is so cringily boomer it's frankly cringe

>> No.22395274

you should have majored in electrical engineering or something. you know you can read whatever you want without having to go to school

>> No.22395293

Yeah, but I kind of wanted to be a counterweight to the raving lunatics manning the departments. I knew it would be bad but I had no idea it was at this level already.

>> No.22395324

>considering mathematics doesn't automatically assume 2 + 2 is wholly dependent on social factors
2 + 2 depends on what you define 2 and + to be, mathematically illiterate retard

>> No.22395342

If the syllabus looks like a slog, you will not enjoy it and will consider it wasted time. Do something else.

>> No.22396083

/pol/ is full of lolberts which are a kind of leftist

>> No.22396154

The troon-chudcel internet war has been a disaster for /lit/ and most other websites

>> No.22396161

just because it's not metaphysics

>> No.22396218

Nobody has ever satisfactorily explained why the universities are so overtly and dogmatically progressive. In the case of political parties, there’s obviously an enfranchisement and thus vote manipulation thing going on there. In the case of corporations, I think you could easily argue there’s a financial incentive. But universities have such a stranglehold on entrance to professional careers that they don’t really need to be as dogmatically leftist as they are. Sometimes I’ve wondered if there’s this impulse to sort of engineer the perfect society that the humanities and social sciences fee responsible for, and because gradual enfranchisement and legal liberation has been such an obvious failure that the only thing left is to re-engineer the whole super-structure (western culture/civilization) and that’s obviously a left-revolutionary project.

>> No.22396271

When someone says "2+2" with no other context they're talking about the natural numbers, and while in formal math the axioms of the natural numbers are just one of an infinite variety of possible systems, they are obviously based on the way things work in objective reality. The folk notion that "2+2=4 is objectively true" is correct. Denying it is low level sophistry and not remotely clever.

>> No.22396280

back to /pol/, kind sir.

>> No.22396281

Why did you enroll without reviewing the course of study / curriculum? That;s one of the dumbest things I've read on this board lmao. Yale + UChicago have notoriously conservative lit departments but even still if you are pursuing terminal degree in a field you will need to be exposed to all of the thinking within and adjacent to that discipline. If you don't like that then graduate school probably isn't what you think it is

>> No.22396293

That's not how things work over here. The courses for this semester didn't even get a description until more than a month after applications closed. A couple of weeks ago they were just generic "this course provides insight into an aspect of English/American literature" placeholders. I had no way of knowing.

>> No.22396299

Oh, and since I'm not an amerimutt I don't have to pay any kind of tuition so there was really no risk. I can bail whenever at zero cost.

>> No.22396311

>Yale + UChicago have notoriously conservative lit departments
In the context of academia this could mean, like, 1/4 of the professors are centrist dems instead of raving commies, and they've managed to protect like one guy in the department who's actually right wing. If you want to convince anyone it's more than that show us the data.

>> No.22396318

>it's real...in my mind!

>> No.22396320

you just admitted that you’re fucking retarded oml HAHAH. imagine thinking education is for gays and foreigners. most american shit i’ve ever read, ur entire society is so anti-intellectual it fucking hurts.guess all the doctors and lawyers r gay and foreign, lol give me a fucking break

>> No.22396330

based. conservatives are too absorbed in making incorrect calculations to show how the earth is supposedly flat despite us knowing otherwise for hundreds of years

>> No.22396338

the sad thing is that ur probably talking about urself. get off the internet and continue leaching on tax payer dollars, thanks NEET

>> No.22396345

because average far right conservatives are all fucking NEETS who have no ability to communicate/empathise with others let alone write down coherent texts on the world outside their IPhone

>> No.22396352

because right wingers are too busy learning their ABCs and how to look the opposite gender in the eyes

>> No.22396357


>> No.22396359

Since when does schooling encourage thinking for yourself? Absolutely retarded leftist take

>> No.22396364

Come to think of it I'm pretty sure I know exactly what that guy is talking about. BAP went to Yale, which apparently has a handful of Straussian professors, one of whom approved his thesis endorsing eugenic fascism on free speech grounds. Recently the thesis advisor gave a negative quote to some article about him, and some other ""academic conservative Straussian"" wrote an article, and it's all like the weakest, gayest, most timid and handwringing anti-racist anti-Trump Classical Liberalism you can imagine. Literally sub-David French level stuff. Their leftist colleagues write bloodthirsty screeds denouncing "Whiteness", they cringe and cower and plead to be allowed to speak. Unfortunately there's still no real alternative, so of course we should all support those people and if you get the chance to study under them you should take it. Just understand it for what it is.

>> No.22396368

because they're sick of all the shit but need the money. that place would be entirely different if it weren't for traditions

>> No.22396373

God forbid an adult has objections when it comes to racism.

>> No.22396375

most fucking schools lol. i don’t know how they do it in your country but in mine the intellectual liberties/freedom of the students is encouraged. even when it comes to something as simple as writing essays teachers, our point of view and ‘own thoughts’ are rewarded. does your school not have group discussions? Just admit ur a retarded conservative and you are actually just unable to think for yourself lol.

>> No.22396382

lol this
these """"Conservative""""" yale profs say Trump is bad... because they're too cucked to say anything positive about him though they have 100% golden job security to say what they think

>> No.22396383
File: 322 KB, 1200x800, 123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's with the sudden influx of infantile gaslighting leftists in my thread? Shoo!

>> No.22396386

I can tell from reading this that your brain is completely smooth, no gyri (brain folds), and it probably banged against the surface of your skull before you wrote this. the way you mfs type/speak is so schizo i genuinely have to burst out laughing but then i remember certain people don’t learn about propaganda in school/how to spot propaganda, then i just feel bad

>> No.22396389

>muh hivemind

>> No.22396391

or they’re just not retarded. no way anyone can look at trump and think that’s a sane, respectable man.

>> No.22396392

first chapter of my novel was unironically called Gaslighting Chamber. did not get past the editor.

>> No.22396395


>> No.22396397

call us infantile but you guys think the earth is flat and taht aliens made the pyramid of giza

>> No.22396400

Case in point. Shoo!

>> No.22396405


>> No.22396406
File: 424 KB, 1170x1519, 46159FE3-7746-42EE-8BAF-24DE07EF3D8E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yuh uh BasedBoy

>> No.22396413
File: 13 KB, 213x237, E525CA25-D336-4513-984E-DF8A7C903AEB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22396420

No shit retard. Unfortunately we live in a democracy where the two-party system is a brute fact, so however nuanced your supposed private views one side has to support the Republican candidate while the other supports George Floyd. And worse yet, the public positions you take in order to participate in mass politics tend to seep into your private views, so smart people on all sides end up at least partially believing their faction's self-contradictory low-IQ propaganda. It's a great shame that we live in such a fallen world. Trump is narcissist and more or less a nihilist, and that doesn't give you permission to vote against him.

>> No.22396473

sorry that’s my fault.

>> No.22396486

>that doesn’t give you permission to vote against him
yes…the fuck…it does

>> No.22396522

If a guy survives in an ultra-leftist social environment by materially supporting his supposed political opponents and encouraging them to take power, so that he can beg from them the occasional, contingent permission to say that his real position is "True Conservatism", it is completely reasonable to question whether he actually supports True Conservatism. He wants to, he wishes he was allowed to, but to say he actually does requires evidence. It's completely possible that he's just a sort of defeated slave, and there's no longer any real distinction between what he "believes" and what he's forced to say

>> No.22396540


>> No.22396547

But leftism is better than conservativism

>> No.22396573

This is pathetic. Unwilling to just stay home on election day while purporting others to be slaves.

>> No.22396578

This. If no one votes the two party system would be fixed

>> No.22396618

Why the fuck would I stay home on election day? We elected the mean billionaire guy over some fake Christian who unconvincingly pretends to think Jesus rose from the dead, and from that we got a 6-3 Supreme court that just abolished affirmative action. That is 100x more real than your "beliefs". You could read some stupid article tomorrow and completely change your "ideology", which you picked on basically arbitrary aesthetic grounds anyway and doesn't actually matter at all.

>> No.22396633

Yeah we have discussions at my uni and they are always within a leftist-value framework. When you oppose the norms you get guilt-trip tier arguments about how your views hurt people's feelings. Conservatives literally get canceled if they are too obvious about their views, while leftist reasoning is encouraged. School is dogmatic and ideological. Within that framework you can think "feely", which is just an illusion of freedom. If you don't see that you're just a brainfried treachers pet.

>> No.22396638

For leftoids' consideration:

>> No.22396879

Yeah, it's just the logical extreme of equality in action. By rejecting the aristocratic principle of nature they just have to keep doubling down in the hope of finally reaching their perfectly "just" world. Hence the extreme focus on perceived injustice, which is easily traced back to Marx/Engels, even Rousseau.

The problem of course is that there is actually such a thing as tyranny and injustice in the world, but it's hard to actually discern if you've been hoodwinked by Boasian anthropology combined with a healthy dash of "never again".

>> No.22396882

correct about what?

>> No.22396899

This thread reads like a dumpster fire, 90% of the posters would not by accepted in a neoeugenic program and this tells you what you need to know about their motivations

>> No.22396919

I don’t get what some anons want. You can absolutely espouse conservative or right wing views in academia with no consequence. It seems some of the far right want to put forth arguments for white supremacy, fascism, and spew hatred for minorities, women, fags, and all that. If you can’t see why the latter is unacceptable, that’s on you and a you problem

>> No.22396929

3/10, burned out too fast

>> No.22396938

because all right wingers are retarded

>> No.22396946

>You can be a "conservative", but you can't say any group of people is intrinsically different from any other or should be treated differently in any way, and you can't imply it might be true or hold any position that follows from it being true because we'll carefully pick apart anything you say to discern your secret thoughts
>You can be conservative as long as you're a communist

>> No.22396949

Are you for real or is this parody? The presence of the term "spew" makes me lean toward the latter, but I'm not entirely certain.

>> No.22396993

What do you want to write about in academia that you can’t that isn’t considered hateful?

>> No.22397037

I'm not in academia, but obviously acknowledgement of race and gender differences and open endorsement of e.g. normative heterosexuality. The black/white IQ gap ultimately isn't the most important fact in the world, it's an easy thing to justify lying about, but it's incredible how the entire leftist project can be made to follow from that one lie.

>> No.22397044

>gender differences
this is the big one for me.
so much of academia is virtue signaling and ducking your hand in the sand when it's politically necessary

>> No.22397070

>I cant write that niggers are stupider than basedboy whites

Such a sin. Why would you want to focus on this topic anyway? What would be your endgame?

>> No.22397075

>because communism (dialectical materialism) is correct
Then explain why this so-called ideology failed, why China chose capitalism in the end.
Hint: (you) can't

>> No.22397084

Individual greed and lust for power

>> No.22397117

>aliens made the pyramid of giza
No. The construction is poured limestone cement blocks.

>> No.22397127

>If no one votes the two party system would be fixed
The electioneers would just pretend that everything was normal and select their preferred candidate anyways.

>> No.22397133

>Why would you want to focus on this topic anyway? What would be your endgame?
You have to acknowledge the black/white IQ gap because the black/white *performance* gap is absolutely staggering, and all reasonable explanations for its existence have been removed. There's not really any open racism against blacks, discrimination in hiring etc obviously favors them, their schools are better funded than average, there's nothing. Either the gap is because they're dumb, or our society is fundamentally evil to the core and should be dismantled root and branch. That's what it comes down to, there's no coherent non-radical antiracism any more.

>> No.22397950

No, because /pol/ is right.

>> No.22398023

Based beyond belief.

>> No.22398029

Lynch pin and beach head into the University system, long term convergence strategy (gate keeping accreditation for Ameri-nomenklatura). The baggage of map displacing terrain typology of REV 3:9 good book < commentary types invariably draw to belletrism as world historic fucking nerds. Doing prophetic concordances in schizo granular detail helps one bullshit about novel narrative structure.

>> No.22398042
File: 553 KB, 200x221, eww.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit

>> No.22398714

In English, doc.

>> No.22398745

If you know Spanish, Jesús G. Maestro is a very prominent literature professor who's much more normal. He posts on youtube very regularly.

>> No.22398757

does anyone care about the hardcover in this class?

>> No.22398785

Because your time is over. You've had a millenium. Grow up.

>> No.22398851

even for stem, it's just computer science and engineering. they suck off business too.

>> No.22398856

this can take as long as you need it to take anon.

>> No.22398885

huh? sorry, i dont understand, anon

>> No.22398887

'just computer science and engineering'

brother will you share your oats

>> No.22398898
File: 44 KB, 800x615, piggy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, i shall not

>> No.22398991

I'm starting literary studies literally tomorrow. The first class after orientation is about climate change lol

>> No.22399077

>Why are literary studies all gay and communist?
Because literature is an extremely female-dominated field.
80% of readers are women.
80% of publisher staff are women.
Why would you expect academic literary studies to be different.

>> No.22399089

>If you can't write an essay on a topic you disagree with then you will just have to sleep in the low quality POW accommodations
>t. CCP brainwashing officer (Korean war era)

>> No.22399104


Pick one (1). Capitalism hasn't existed in over 100 years.

>> No.22399111

does it matter that you can do this?

>> No.22399115

I just lampooned it in my race and genders shit course. On one I used the verbage from ancient aliens where they constantly say "ancient astronaut theorists contend" and I just used radical feminist theorists contend throughout. We were supposed to do a film showing imperialism and nationalistic superiority and I chose Crocodile Dundee 1 + 2.

>> No.22399119

I mean it's a good scam if you're the reserve currency. The US has been exporting their inflation for the last 25 years of near 0% interest rates.

>> No.22399168
File: 127 KB, 643x654, 1692331571489789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>going to university to study literature in the year of our lord 2023
>you will read feminist and minority perspectives of shakespeare
>you will burn out and despise reading within two years

what the fuck were you expecting, hit the oil rig nigga and study literature on your own

>> No.22399175

And your plan to do away with these aspects of human beings is?

>> No.22399179


>> No.22399407

My options for courses this first semester of grad school are:
>democratic values
>migrant perspectives
>climate change

Might as well just go get my education on reddit. Thankfully they also offered one course on aesthetics which will help keep me sane this fall.

>> No.22399652

Man if only I could get on a rig. The competition for oil jobs is fierce over here.
If I burn out I guess there are always shelves that need stocking.

>> No.22399656

Good luck, last time I tried to get a job stocking shelves I was one of 73 candidates and didn't get the job

>> No.22399712
File: 45 KB, 256x256, 6f7d6eef42a105f5fd272b19ba19d5b2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are anons in here at this very moment putting themselves in debt to study minority perspectives and subversions of classic literature
lol, lmao even

>> No.22399747
File: 81 KB, 1048x772, ec4ad0d8eefc8df2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I for one am not taking any loans because I've been part of the workforce long enough not to need it
Still a waste of time and money of course but I don't want to die without a degree