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22389521 No.22389521 [Reply] [Original]

What do you think of this sentiment? We can extend the warrior side a bit too hard masculine work in general.
I think it's true, I think cultivating the "warrior" masculine side will make your ideas more tangible, less disconnected from reality, more in line with common sense.
Can you think of any authors that fit the bill, Tolkien comes to mind for me, he lost his four closest poetry friends from school, saw awful things, and goes on to write a book beloved by common people as well as more academic types. Contrast that with the slew of fantasy books largely written by no life nerds. You just can't write about violent death and hope and all that without having lived a certain kind of life.
Are you doing anything to cultivate your "warrior" side so your ideas will actually be grounded? If you accept the premise.

>> No.22389657

>There are but three beings worthy of respect: the priest, the warrior and the poet. To know, to kill and to create. The rest of mankind may be taxed and drudged, they are born for the stable, that is to say, to practise what they call professions.

>> No.22389675

all of those three things are just parasites whose existence is only secured by the surplus goods produced by farmers and builders

>> No.22389680

Farmers and builders can be all three.

>> No.22389682
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that will be $500,000 + tip, Gomez

>> No.22389684

Except they never actually were in history.

>> No.22389686
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combines both the sword with the letter

>> No.22389690

Socrates was a stone mason.

>> No.22389692

>not recognizing a baudelaire quote
not that guy but socrates was also a soldier for athens

>> No.22389693
File: 622 KB, 2502x1408, 304fce41-2b5e-4f83-9ae2-7c75d1b76979-Cincinnatus[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even warrior emperors were farmers

>> No.22389694



>> No.22389696

Jesus was a carpenter

>> No.22389699

the most based combo is warrior + farmer
as in Cincinnatus, Jefferson, Washington, the entire greek city states etc

>> No.22389700

His family was rich

>> No.22389702

for you.

>> No.22389704

... and the foremost Priest...

>> No.22389708

Jesus wasnt a priest

>> No.22389709

If you say so.

>> No.22389710
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There's a reason why the Greek goddess of wisdom is usually depicted wearing a helmet. War is the most basic form of scholarship. If you can't defend yourself, you will either be dead or a slave.

>> No.22389714

Not that anon, but Jesus was not a member of the priesthood, therefore not a priest.
He was a preacher, but that's not the same thing.

>> No.22389715
File: 194 KB, 900x675, 7899059E-E172-411A-975A-2CE27EB4E2FF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There’s no glory in modern war. Who the fuck is still jerking it to the idea of getting blown up by artillery? I thought we got rid of that shit in WWI, but apparently the ol meat grinder is still going strong.

>> No.22389717

up until 1970 almost all men were soldiers or sailors first
the vietnam war killed that
now we have soi boomers and millennials dominating the world

>> No.22389732

i suppose it works out better than having the fighting done by cowards and the thinking done by fools.

>> No.22389738

Forasmuch then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, he also himself likewise took part of the same; that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death, that is, the devil; and deliver them who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage. For verily he took not on him the nature of angels; but he took on him the seed of Abraham. Wherefore in all things it behoved him to be made like unto his brethren, that he might be a merciful and faithful high priest in things pertaining to God, to make reconciliation for the sins of the people.

For in that he himself hath suffered being tempted, he is able to succour them that are tempted [...] Wherefore, holy brethren, partakers of the heavenly calling, consider the Apostle and High Priest of our profession, Christ Jesus [...] Seeing then that we have a great high priest, that is passed into the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our profession.

For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin. Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need [...] Though he were a Son, yet learned he obedience by the things which he suffered; and being made perfect, he became the author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey him; called of God an high priest after the order of Melchisedec.

>> No.22389739

I feel like the glory part is secondary, the main part is risking your life, killing other men, enduring absolute hell etc for a cause. And there is still glory in modern warfare.

>> No.22389767
File: 1.53 MB, 1170x1750, 6D4DC92A-6D56-42DF-B1D1-7760A982CA7B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This fetishization of war and death is almost exclusively practiced by retarded chuds. If there is any good in killing, dying, and watching your friends die, it is that it easily dispels this way of thinking.

>> No.22389770

The priests of Israel were from the tribe of Levi, Jesus was from Judah.
BUT what made a priest a priest wasn't that they were Levites , a priest was the one who sacrificed the animals in the temple. That's what a priest is in Judaism, the ones who administer sacrifices, that's why Judaism hasn't had priests in 2000 years, because the temple was destroyed.
So Jesus was a priest because he administered the ultimate sacrifice.

>> No.22389771

Maybe I recognized the quote but didn’t feel the need to flaunt my literacy to a bunch of anonymous morons like you

>> No.22389782

Just wanted other anons to know they are replying to a copypasta desu

>> No.22389786
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um... BASED

>> No.22389789

>this level of cope
A priest is an official office, bestowed by religious authority. Nobody ordained Jesus as a priest.

>> No.22389792

Just to be clear, I agree with that. Also consider that for premodern war; we can glorify that a lot, but remember that most of the stories and poems and such we get about it is from knight equivalent social classes. The best armour, in strategic locations in the battle, half the time your not even killed just taken hostage. What they talk about less is the average pike man just getting mowed over by calvary.

>> No.22389794

Other than the Bible?

Wherefore, holy brethren, partakers of the heavenly calling, consider the Apostle and High Priest of our profession, Christ Jesus [...] Seeing then that we have a great high priest, that is passed into the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our profession.

>> No.22389795

Who ordained Melchizedek, who was born before Levi?

>> No.22389796

based. you're probably going to get dragged into a concern troll though

>> No.22389798

you're arguing with a troll imo desu

>> No.22389801

>trying to claim direct authority from Jesus
That Paul was a piece of work.
Of course all Christian kings did the same thing, and that was bullshit too.

>> No.22389804

He's God, he ordained himself. But my point still stands about the sacrifice stuff too. If you're accepting Christianity, then you have to answer what happened to the priestly role. The Israelites had it with the first priest being Arron. No one ordained him, except merely God. Then Jesus came and initiated the new order/testament with a new line of priests. It's symmetrical.
Idk if you are Christian, but if you're not, I'd ask how would the priestly line start if not with someone who just declares himself as one.

>> No.22389809
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>concern troll who doesn't know basic ancient history
Don't you have a /r/atheism convention or something to attend?

>> No.22389828

Good answer. Appreciated.

>> No.22389846

>basic ancient history
You mean that Christianity is the invention of Paul, rather than Jesus? Because if you disagree, the Vatican would like a word with you.

>> No.22389851
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I agree, my fellow gentlesir.

>> No.22389871

Well if you need a hint, I suggest you compare the lifestyle of the Pope with the lifestyle of Jesus. Have fun with that.

>> No.22389879
File: 495 KB, 2000x1274, USAF_F-16A_F-15C_F-15E_Desert_Storm_edit2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agreed. And I would say that modern war is still decent if you're a part of the knight/lower nobility class.

fuck off retard.

>> No.22389887

agred sir

>> No.22389928
File: 61 KB, 748x265, 240116F8-5247-4C35-AFE4-F2C128B9BFF7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We can extend the warrior side a bit too hard masculine work in general.
Work is only masculine when for survival, anything else is effeminacy.

>> No.22389930

phone poster shoo shoo

>> No.22389937

It's absolutely right. Th abolition of war has destroyed the human species.

>> No.22389942

>the abolition of military training
not gonna get killed for mr sheckleberg

>> No.22389943

I think we're about to be "saved" from that.

>> No.22389950

>i suppose it works out better than having the fighting done by cowards and the thinking done by fools.

and i'm sure the statement made sense in its original context, whatever that was. today, it probably serves as fodder for the "masculinity sellers", as someone else on 4chan put it, who publish so much pandering tripe about manhood.

>> No.22390306

Farmers were the backbone of the Roman Republican army you clown
just one example of many

>> No.22390309

soldier-farmers are the most based combo
cincinatus, washington, etc

>> No.22390447 [DELETED] 

i love how women can't stop deifying pots, ie peak hedonists

>> No.22390450


Farmers are pieces of shit who created the agrarian revolution glorifying weaklings

>> No.22390609

Actually it still makes sense today in the context which he suggests, which is having both the fighting and the thinking done by men that are both intelligent and brave. Are you being purposefully obtuse?

>> No.22390636

I disagree, I'd blindly fight an opposing nation. Regardless of views.

>> No.22390678

there is no thinking at all in democracy, because humanists have no enemy since they killed all monarchists. the only thing remaining for them to remain in power is to create boogeymen to keep the fire of their revolution alive towards the plebeians

>> No.22390684
File: 473 KB, 4808x2148, 1685422449671894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Physical activity is pretty important, and not given nearly as much importance as it should. Schoolchildren in my country carry heavy schoolbags filled with books which fucks up their back for life, and majority of focus in education is skewed in favour of studying absolutely useless garbage rather than physical exertion. This sentiment is carried over to universities and eventually adult life so that the entire nation is just a bunch of weaklings arguing with each other. Free time is composed of mindless consumption of media because they never learnt the discipline required to run a certain distance or lift a weight for a certain time.

>> No.22390740

agriculture promotes weaker men and the rise of women. The only activity farmers need to do is get up in the morning and planting stuff. Woah.
And farmers are naturally centralized which centralizes women, which gives women more power by giving them a bigger pool of beta cuk devotees.

>> No.22390742

Yes sadly it's been proven than lifting is the peak homosexual activity.
>I embrace the homosexual aesthetics but I really really love women i swear

physical well being is done through healthy food and walking. beyond this shows that you either do it because
-you are bored, aka a failure
-you try to fulfill some power fantasy, sign of betacuckness
-you are a homo, aka a failure
-you do it for women, aka a man devoted to please women even if you claim otherwise, like all men, aka a failure
-you cling to your health, aka a failure living in fear of death

=>you are a pleb as soon as you lift.

>> No.22390751

taking a shower is a sign of beta cuckness
you are a pleb as soon as you start shaving your neckbeard

>> No.22390770
File: 2.31 MB, 1345x9280, Lardass schizo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're a legit schizo at this point

>> No.22390775

>only active between june and september
guaranteed underage

>> No.22390779

Just a hundred years ago agriculture was encouraged just to have more good soldiers because city dwellers were useless as soldiers. Farmer boys were fitter, taller and often knew how to shoot.

>> No.22390792

friend i kind of get your point but you're taking it too far
Lifting weights once or twice a week is not bad and gets you strong for doing sports or just being healthy.

The actual faggots (like legit homos) will be taking steroids, taking "gym selfies", "comparing physiques" and other assorted unbelievably gay shit.

So there's a difference

>> No.22390813
File: 19 KB, 411x600, ee50e1fef2127bd0ae2f12daff0fbe3d--big-people-a-minor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

glorified war, violence, strength, industry and modernity. volunteered for both world wars, survived the eastern front in ww2 in his 60s. he seems less impotent than most artists who called for changes to the art scene. it wasnt "we (you) should change our style and we (i) should get paid for it" but rather "im going to do this and you can follow now or later"

>> No.22390829
File: 23 KB, 331x334, stirn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

marinetti, cervantes, robert graves, hemingway, sassoon, norman mailer
all veterans and all pretty based literature
advice to anons: don't sign up for the military unless your country is based but get physically fit and know how to take care of yourself etc

>> No.22390876

>factual sociological statement

>> No.22390904

>advice to anons: don't sign up for the military unless your country is based but get physically fit and know how to take care of yourself etc
And if you do, don't go for basic infantry. You'll fuck up your knees and back and have no appreciable skills when you get out.

>> No.22390913

>we can extend the warrior side a bit too hard masculine work in general.
Wrong. If you kill people in battle you are a warrior, if you don't then you're not, and never will be.

>> No.22390915

t. hot take guy