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/lit/ - Literature

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22386587 No.22386587 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.22386592

What’s in the box?

>> No.22386593

billions of active sperm cells.

>> No.22386601
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grown ass man wearing not one but two bracelets

>> No.22386605

I think they’re kinda cute

>> No.22386608

I think you should shut the fuck up

>> No.22386613

Yeah and not even a cool gold chain but little gay crystals some arthoe would wear. Very very gay anon

>> No.22386615

Touch grass, your masulinity is very fragile and it shows

>> No.22386619

small book for a weak person

>> No.22386618
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It was gift, you wouldn’t understand

>> No.22386644

>it takes ten minutes for a bracelet wearing man to unwrap plastic wrap
hm unsurprising

>> No.22386664
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Verification not required

>> No.22386667
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It’s perfect

>> No.22386671
File: 3.14 MB, 3024x3024, 70383554-7E73-4352-A597-0AA399C918BF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let’s goooooooooo

>> No.22386673

Average speed of water buffalo is 30 miles per hour. Milk of water buffalo contains the greatest percent of fats compared to other species of wild cows. This is the reason why young water buffalos grow up very fast. Humans also use milk of water buffalo to produce different types of cheese.

>> No.22386675

What is this anon? Some kind of e-reader?

>> No.22386677

Oh is it one of those phone size e ink phone/music player things?

My girlfriend uses one of those, they seem like a bit of a waste of money, but they sure look cool.

>> No.22386680

I think you should stick a tooth brush up your ass.

>> No.22386685
File: 3.08 MB, 3024x3024, 024CD552-B7A4-42DB-A108-CB759FE4AF33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picrel for size comparison

It’s an e-readers but it supports android 8.0 and you can connect audio via Bluetooth so it gives you a little room for more

>> No.22386690

Ching Chong WalA wala Bing Bong anyone who buys from a chinese brand has nothing left to live for. Please have shame.

>> No.22386692

Based keyboard

>> No.22386699

i crave buffalo milk now. never tried it. would love to. where can i buy some?

>> No.22386700

My kindle mogs this but I hope you get good reads bro

>> No.22386713
File: 106 KB, 752x469, 1637568255173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a kindle, too and it doesnt mog this. Here's why:

- is smaller
- is suuuuuperlight, doesnt even feel like technology really
- lets you sideload audiobooks, doesnt restrain you to audible
- lets you sideload pretty much every app
- has separate text and graphic mode
- has moody green backside, so when you read in the sun it doesnt heat up as much (this doesnt apply if you have the gold kindle oasis or one of the superold white ones, it does apply with the blue one, though)
- has a shiny glass but comes with a matte screen cover if you prefer that
- they roughly translated some of the menu into english, but some stays chinese so you get this really /g/ Blade Runner basement hacker feeling using it
- you can not only adjust backlight power and warmness but also contrast (i dont know what this means)

it really never even began for amazon at this point....

>> No.22386721

So... What's the best E-reader out there?

>> No.22386738

A regular smartphone with a premium reader offers so much more kek.

>> No.22386740

I don’t see why I’d want it smaller. The screen needs to be wider imo so the page on the screen can fit more words. I don’t like the phone size, but still small enough to fit in a pocket. Any other app is completely unnecessary. The kindle pocket edition is god tier simple as.

>> No.22386770

>whiteboy seething at superior chinese tech

>> No.22386778
File: 43 KB, 452x336, Jeff-Bezos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> t.

>> No.22386918

thats unironically kind of kino and you should tell me it's name so maybe i'll get myself one and finally bite the bullet and get a dumb phone as mobile device.

>> No.22386933


>> No.22386939
File: 3.33 MB, 640x400, 1686254480379413.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bracelet I think are cute wearing faggot projection

>> No.22386993

your e-reader is just like your penis, mini-size

>> No.22387023

Its the InkPalm 5 Mini (2nd gen). The brand is called Moaan but it's a sub-brand of Xiaomi I guess. they made a 3rd gen with more power and a slightly bigger screen, but i really just wanted it because it is so small. I am happy so far

>> No.22387166

I like your gay crystals anon :3

>> No.22387181

It’s more like a phone with e-ink.

>> No.22387185 [DELETED] 

How does it have Apple Music?

>> No.22387189

I wish Apple made an e-reader of some sorts. Their Apple Books app is crazy good and the books are free. Who the fuck wouldn’t want that?

>> No.22387193

I‘ve been wondering if I should get an e-reader to be easier on my eyes but working security (where having your phone out is considered par for the course but a more deliberate device as unattentive) has prevented that. If I can get a phone-sized e-reader, maybe.

>> No.22387210

i often have the same thought. My Kindle is the superior reading device but the Books app is beautifully laid out

>> No.22387213

I think you should kill yourself.

>> No.22387220

what a gay ass wallpaper, but what to expect from a kindle user wearing bracelets lmao

>> No.22387231

The CCP is very happy with your purchase, and we hope you adhere to our strict guidelines as to what books you shan't read on our little device (mainly ones criticizing the CCP) from now on, lest you have us remotely detonate it in your hands.
Regards, Ching Wong Digou You.

>> No.22387314

>West good, easy bad

Truly /lit/s brightest light and most avid reader. A beacon.

>> No.22387324

Why would I read books criticizing the CCP? They haven‘t done anything to me. Hope they set up publication mechanisms for moustache man and windmill of friendship books that are being taken off western e-tailers and out of western-libraries and off western printing presses though.

>> No.22387357

>being this judgy
very feminine trait, anons, have you thought picking up weights or joining a martial arts class?

>> No.22387374

Disgusting insectoid product

>> No.22387491

West bad, East way badder.

If you seriously want to live in a state where you are basically an ant who exists solely for production and is going to be forcefed lies, then I don’t know why you are on 4chan.

I’m extremely blessed and proud to be American. Despite the problems we have that are inescapable in any country, we are the best country on Earth. Only things I think we could do better with would be the horrific road systems, predatory companies, and too much religion. And of course, obesity.

>> No.22387538

Definitely a lot of problems here. I would add wealth disparity, gun violence, high cost of living, hyper wokeness, and impotent/retarded politicians.

>> No.22387589

i also think it's kinda dumb and lame but if it encourages anon to read more then that's all that matters really. the cheap china devices will die soon but the books you read stay with you forever

(really hoping anon actually uses this thing to read instead of just being a consumer)

>> No.22387666


Yeah buddy stopped reading right there, go back to Ben shapiros comment section

>> No.22387683

How much you got paid for this and how can i get paid to do your job?

>> No.22387835

You have to fill out the janitor application

>> No.22388359

>you seriously want to live in a state where you are basically an ant who exists solely for production and is going to be forcefed lies
You could just change "ant" for "pig" and "production" for "consumption", and you get America. The West is not better off than the East, specially America. But of course, you actually believing all the dumb shit in your post just shows how you have accepted the forced fed lies of your own country.

>> No.22388410

based bracelet shamer

>> No.22389225

What monitor?

>> No.22390616

I agree, OP is a massive Faggot.

>> No.22390629

This is a /g/ thread and you should kill yourself.
Jannies do your fucking job jfc

>> No.22390633

based, at most wear a watch on your wrist

>> No.22390639

this is delectable bait. mm the taste, so good

>> No.22391050

you don’t get pussy and it shows

>> No.22391204 [DELETED] 

Jannies are fucking nigger faggots.

>> No.22391209

>at most wear a watch on your wrist
Oooh look at me, look how much better I am than you because I don't use my phone to check the time.

>> No.22391701

I was hoping it would be a kilo of cocaine (good times! ).
Oh well, enjoy your kindle I guess.

>> No.22391708
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>> No.22392012
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>> No.22392028

I'm already lifting and not being judgy is the most feminine trait. If your friend is fat would you tell them they look beautiful? Maybe if you're as fake as a woman, but every man would call his friend a disgusting fat slob.
Kill yourself, fake bitch

>> No.22392671
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>> No.22392692
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>> No.22392947

Can you write on it?

>> No.22392990

Damn you fucking retro I would literally bodyslam and choke you until you pass out you fucking bong I would shove my bracelets so fucking deep your fucking anus you retarded queer I would literally stroke your cock till you come you stupid pussy

>> No.22393217
File: 250 KB, 1280x1242, 1692364416327299.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So is this an ereader for people who are too embarrassed to explain to people they read books? What's the actual point? A 6" screen already fits in a pocket and is about 90% more comfortable to read.
Personally, for me it's the Kobo Elipsa thoughever.

>> No.22393241

Yeah it’s a e-writer
>ahhh nooooo it’s not what I have ahhh I’m going insane
Holy shit this inbred board is so fucking pathetic and projecting

>> No.22393256

It's just a simple question, no need to get mad. Unless, perhaps, I have touched a nerve?

>> No.22393577
File: 335 KB, 455x606, 1683034884897222.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Unless, perhaps, I have touched a nerv

INTJs are the worst

>> No.22393601
File: 33 KB, 500x375, 1690111003307062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>le astrology for males

>> No.22393642

Checking your wrist for the time takes less than a second, and is especially efficient when you're working with your hands. Mangling your pocket to remove your phone takes longer, not to mention the likelihood you'll get mind fucked by notifications and excess information. Over many thousands of iterations, using a wristwatch to check the time is clearly superior.

>> No.22395119

Holy cope but if want a smaller e-reader y’all sperg like retards

>> No.22395142
File: 19 KB, 200x293, picatrixredillustratedfront.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

INTJ astrologer here.
Picrel is astrology for males.

>> No.22395182

Would have been fine a few years ago. Now I need more girth than that. Time is flying, fren.

>> No.22395208

Weak men and women replied to this post.

>> No.22395261

>incel rage
I'm still right. Sneed

>> No.22396009

In 2 words, blacks and jews.

>> No.22396756

If it can't flawlessly read/process pdfs then it's a shitty e-reader. Hence the majority of e-readers are shit.

>> No.22397091


>> No.22397560

This is something my Nook and old Kobo both struggle with. What kind do you use?

>> No.22397574

how is this better than a Kindle/Kobo in any way. Seems like chinkware.

>> No.22397590

It’s smaller it’s lighter and you don’t need a fucking accounterino to use the cool features like audio

Also it makes bookmarks seethe so hatd

>> No.22397593

one question: can anyone understand this?

>> No.22397600

op can you post a pic of it next to your kindle? as a based kindle chad i’m considering purchasing this thanks to your thread. my kindle is great but i love small electronics and this looks perfect for places kindle is a little too big such as work, in line at the bank etc

>> No.22397718 [DELETED] 

Can anon provide some details pls? I've got a Kobo Elipsa and whilst it's OK (especially for the price I paid) I wouldn't mind trying another e-paper device with stylus support.

>> No.22397758

My girlfriends sister got engaged recently and she and her boyfriend decided to have a party for this reason. It’s in a big German town, a two hour drive from where my gf and me live. Me and my girlfriend used this as a means to see some other friends we haven’t met in a while. Tomorrow I am going to take my cousins who also live here to church (they have recently been baptised and they’re supposed to go a few Sundays after, they Greek-orthodox, but not of Greek origin, they from an Arab country) anyways I’m going to take them to church maybe even have a workout with them before. And after that I’m going back to my hometown where my kindle is so when I arrive I can do that but my the e-Reader is called InkPalm5 Mini and you can easily find some reddit posts or yt videos where someone holds them next to each other I wish you the best of luck

>> No.22397787

Women tell their friends straight up if they don't look good you fucking closet queen

>> No.22398818

Post the wallpaper

>> No.22398841

you can really spin a yarn

>> No.22399985

I will when I’m on my computer but if this thread dies just keep an eye on moody green threads on wallpaper General they always feature it

>> No.22400459

yeah it's chinkware dude lol