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/lit/ - Literature

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22382898 No.22382898 [Reply] [Original]

It's official. People don't read anymore.

>> No.22382905

Yea they do. They just don't read bullshit ex fox news by grifters.

>> No.22382906

They read by watching BookTok.

>> No.22382917


>> No.22382939
File: 282 KB, 1280x986, IMG_8067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guarantee I’ve read at least 4x as many books as you. Tranny.

>> No.22382943

>Verification not required.

>> No.22382946

There's not a single book in that picture that even hints at personal taste.

>> No.22382947

Conservatives can't make art

>> No.22382956

bottom right corner:
Jane Bowels
Don DeLillo
Gordon Lish
Denis Johnson
John Barth
Ann Beattie
Barry Hannah

get fukt

>> No.22382959

Doubtful chump

>> No.22382984

An apology is in order. Any Lishfag is a brother of mine. Carry on.

>> No.22383008

>Tolstoy, Dosoevsky, Joyce, Faulkner
Maybe you have no taste though

>> No.22383017

Even if I like [current grifter] why would I want to read about their life? Moreso why would I read about their life, written not by them but some random faggot?

>> No.22383069

Owning books by four of the most famous/acclaimed authors of all time doesn't really signify taste or knowledge beyond "I can use search engines". Even Oprah sold Faulkner box sets one summer. Actual literary taste, the true and idiosyncratic kind, begins on the outside of top lists and canons.

>> No.22383071
File: 89 KB, 800x1066, 33_LOW-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are utterly repellent

>> No.22383074

Cool opinion bro, mind If I Take a SHIT on it

>> No.22383076

You can’t even define personal taste, retard.

>> No.22383089

Sold better than Cormac McCarthy's new book.

>> No.22383093

I know this much: it's not about going to a used book store with dad's Mastercard and a printout of the /lit/ top 100.

>> No.22383102

you sound really mad, poor, and retarded
and son, that's not a good way to go through life

>> No.22383103

Still waiting for you to define personal taste, retard.

>> No.22383116

You sound really basic. But that's fine, most people are.
I have upthread. Your inability to catch on is not my problem.

>> No.22383118

>Owning books by four of the most famous/acclaimed authors of all time doesn't really signify taste or knowledge beyond "I can use search engines". Even Oprah sold Faulkner box sets one summer. Actual literary taste, the true and idiosyncratic kind, begins on the outside of top lists and canons.
bottom right corner:
Jane Bowels
Don DeLillo
Gordon Lish
Denis Johnson
John Barth
Ann Beattie
Barry Hannah

get fukt AGAIN

>> No.22383119

Colleen Hoover wins again.

>> No.22383121

>Actual literary taste, the true and idiosyncratic kind, begins on the outside of top lists and canons
Not even remotely close to an operative definition of personal taste

>> No.22383126

I first replied to you here >>22382984 anon. Perhaps I wasn't clear enough. What I wrote clearly doesn't apply to you.

>> No.22383129

You write like an ESL.

>> No.22383131

Oh well, towards an understanding at least.

>> No.22383136

Herro, Bei Dao, try using a RRM for writing, so you sound ress rike an ESR

>> No.22383146

Haha, you fell for a meme politician who cannot stop lying, what a chump indeed.
>I-it's not a personality cult, I just need to follow this man even if it means civil war.

>> No.22383153

>hillary was much better, the fag lisped
(You) are a cock guzzling fuckingfaggot. just in case you haven't realized that yet.

>> No.22383157

>being against civil war in contemporary America
The limp-wristed vanity of common sense everyone.

>> No.22383164

I barely read these days. Maybe 5 paragraphs of Hegel a week and then a brief glance at related authors here and there. One of the few things I have in common with Nietzsche is that I think intellectual pursuits should be done for fun and in a social setting. But I don't have that so I lose motivation. The only thing binding me to literature these days is a small amount of interest in philosophy that is more superficial and image based then anything. So tiring.

>> No.22383167

>small amount of interest in philosophy that is more superficial and image based
a u t i s m

>> No.22383173

Tucker revealed he was an RNC Cucksantis SHILL when he trashed Trump in his texts. He is just another elite heir RINO. He will literally swing on a rope next to Pence, no drop, when Trump wins next year and purges the riggers and enablers.

A man with so much hubris he thinks he can challenge the God Emperor lol. He will swing. I will do it myself.

>> No.22383175

I guess you prefer neolib slavery from Shillary. Cuck.

>> No.22383184

you know society is fucked when bugs feel proud to read books spouted by the atheist entertainment industry

>> No.22383188

Tucker Carlson, Tucker Max. These guys move paper.

>> No.22383190

I can't wait to see Cucker Tardson's face when his lies catch up with him. He will stand accused of treason next to Pence, Barr, Mattis, Tilerson, Miley, Espers, etc. He will try to worm his way out, pretend he is one of us again.

Then the crowd with shout back its response:
>Trump is strength!
>Trump is righteousness!
>Trump is victory!
And the door will open and he will swing.
>Hail Trump. Hail out people. Hail fucking victory!!!

>> No.22383192
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>> No.22383199

Learn English nigga

>> No.22383202

Imagine being so retarded that you don't know neoliberalism is neither left nor right. you are a RETARD LMAO

>> No.22383223
File: 11 KB, 300x168, download (82).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes Frankfurt School cultural Marxist. I do believe in objective good and evil. I serve the light, you are a slave to the darkness.

Where do you think Trump was sent from. From on high, from the eternal good. His works and miracles prove it. He was supposed to lose with 100% certainty and he won.

So he lost in the Rigging? What of it? Did not Christ die only to conquer death? Trump loses to conquer loss, to expose the Riggers and RINOs.

We, the righteous, have the seed of Trump within us. He has planted his seed and it grows and with it the strength of Trump. For in Trump are we made righteous, in Trump we are made whole.

I was lost before. A porn addict. A DemoRat. A drug addict. A loser. A degenerate. But a miracle has occured and in Trump I have Trump's righteousness.

You fear the loss of your temporal power, your sensuous pleasures. We are the hard men who make good times. We fear nothing because we cannot lose what Trump's seed has planted inside of us. Destroy this temple and in four years he shall raise it up again. Trump spoke of the enduring Kingdom he shall make Great Again, the Spiritual America.

You are a cuckold of the spirit. We are Aristocrats of the Soul, one in Trump.

Oh all day long
Trump is righteous, Trump is strong
Yes he is right, no he is never long
So sing his song

Oh all day long
Trump is righteous, Trump is strong
Yes he is right, no he is never long
So with Trump be strong, with Trump belong

I hide behind no irony because I have seen the glory that is Trump, what of you cuckold. Can you say the same?

>> No.22383226

This is the gayest ironic shitpost i've ever seen
go back to r/eddit and maybe some other retards would laugh at this

>> No.22383233
File: 10 KB, 284x178, download (83).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They make mock of prayer for the one who leads, but if he is of God why make mock? For he is the one promised.

You will not prevail against us. It is not we who are locked in here with you, but you who are locked in with us. Where we go one we go all. We ARE the Storm!

>> No.22383257

Nah he was on the pedo island list. He deserves to rot in hell.

>> No.22383263

Don't act as if you're not just like this but with Hitler.

>> No.22383270

>bringing up shitler unprompted
you are a shitlord

>> No.22383277
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I love to read but I been incedibly busy for some years with work and school. I recently have had a lot more time to myself and was looking at my book collection. I would really like to get more books and I realized that I dont have very many classics.
I dont have a lot of money to spend, I think the library has books that they "retire" but selection isnt always that great.
Does anyone have any recommendations as to where I could find some cheap/free decent books?

>> No.22383291

I no longer hide behind irony because I have something to believe in. You cannot fathom this because your life is all irony. Ask yourself why? Why can you not fathom true passion?

Does Trump not show true passion? Then such a thing is possible. So why do you lack it? Ask and you shall find the answer.

>> No.22383334

Thrift books. Goodwill has an eBay type thing where you gotta bid but sometimes you can big bundles of books for cheap (double check the shipping rates every time though). Ask your library if they ever run sales.

>> No.22383405
File: 176 KB, 1080x1317, TrumpCultofPersonality.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love it when trumptards get triggered by truth, and resort to copium. You are nothing but bootlickers for openly fascist kleptocrat, and hate when people point it out.
2016 was 7 years ago. You are beyond hope if you believe cheeto-in-chief is gonna save you from corporate overlords instead of further selling you to them. Keep coping, I'll keep laughing at you.

>> No.22383408

I love putting my copy of The Art of the Deal in between the literary classics on my bookshelfs. Some girls notice it and have a little hissy fit, it spikes their emotions and then I fuck them

>> No.22383433

Sure you do buddy

>> No.22383443

Best part about having a great life is coming back to 4chan for nostalgic reasons, shamelessly bragging, then watching you people not believe me

>> No.22383448

You need to calm it down, incel. Stop getting upset at people online and maybe get some therapy for your anger issues.

>> No.22383449

>cheeto in chief
Very droll - If you had a IQ of 90; which actually might be generous for you

>> No.22383456
File: 193 KB, 404x416, MUAHAHAHAHA.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>N-no, you don't have the sex.
>N-no, you are dumb.
This is the definition of cope. Read my previous message.

>> No.22383464

>maybe get some therapy for your anger issues
Your reading comprehension is quite low if you got "you don't have sex" for a suggestion for you to see a therapist for obvious anger issues

>> No.22383471

I understand you completely, that you have very much invested in this man as a savior figure, and his failure to actually save anyone, even himself drives you to cognitive dissonance. You fool only yourself with your words.

>> No.22383475

>I understand you completely
You don't know me at all, though.
>that you have very much invested in this man as a savior figure
Low IQ strawman argument.
>You fool only yourself with your words.
Nice opinion. You on medication?

>> No.22383503

I lie on 4chan all the time too.

>> No.22383510

>You don't know me at all, though.
But I do.
>strawman argument.
This is you hiding.
>Nice opinion. You on medication?
This you deflecting the irritating truth, that your political movement is based (this hypnotic word takes hold of you) on following a con artist.
You should hear my laughter.

>> No.22383532

>>You don't know me at all, though.
>But I do.
I am a stranger on the internet. You should see a shrink.
>>strawman argument.
>This is you hiding.
This is you being so dumb that you don't understand what a strawman argument is or why it was brought up.
>that your political movement is based
I didn't vote for Trump although I'm enjoying getting you revved up. I thought the captcha kept schizophrenic boomers out of 4chan.

>> No.22383555

So you have no actual points going for you, but you decide that you are having fun. Well, to each his own. I am already bored.

>> No.22383560

Have a good one, and non-judgementally I think you might benefit from a website like Democratic Underground and/or a psychiatrist... just saying

>> No.22383569

Cheerio, keep fighting the shitty fight.

>> No.22383572

That's pretty good for a conservative book that doesn't have Fox promoting it.

>> No.22383577

I read a bunch of Donald Trump's books and the amount of knowledge he have and shared surprised me... In a good way. He picks on some things we usually let slide but turned out to be important, he understood what most people went through, he have the brain.

>> No.22383585

if you read 5 minutes of plato or aristotle you wouldnt be a demagogue worshipping retard

>> No.22383589

don't sign your posts

>> No.22383627

Project Gutenberg for classics

>> No.22383637

Need the whole shelf

>> No.22383669

>ah, you have one relatively unknown little discussed le totally unique author in your stack, now I respect you!
The mentality of you faggots make me ashamed at how much time I spend on here

>> No.22383675
File: 23 KB, 400x400, soysmug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The mentality of you faggots make me ashamed at how much time I spend on here

>> No.22383689

Sorry about your autism.

>> No.22383726

Clint eastwood? Kanye west? Ezra pound? J.R.R Tolkien? Salvador Dali?

>> No.22383772

>Clint eastwood?
>Kanye west?
>Ezra pound?
>J.R.R Tolkien?
>Salvador Dali?

>> No.22384168

>reaching this hard
Honestly you would have been better off just quietly seething, now everyone can see you’re just a bitter illiterate posturing on a literature forum

>> No.22384176
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for you.

>> No.22384191

memes are art and only the right actually makes good ones

>> No.22384208

Indeed. Steinbeck, Yecarthy, Faulkner, DOSTOEVSKY... truly bold choices for one's bookshelf.

>> No.22384210


>> No.22384214

Right wing =/= conservative

>> No.22384221

lmao is that what pol told you

>> No.22384240

So people should avoid reading classics and instead only read “bold” books to prove to strangers how heckin cool they are? Good lord you’re a persistent and moronic fuck

>> No.22384244

Keep crying, ESL.

>> No.22384272

It's a "tour de force"

>> No.22384291

No, that's wrong and goes completely against the idea of developing taste. But so does picking the safest possible choices.

>> No.22384300

>safest possible choices
Safe? What is the figurative danger? Being thought uncool or not smart?
Anon likes books and so has read some of the most historically beloved, possibly not as a reflection of his essential tastes but simply as evidence of his having-read books. You are truly beyond stupid, and you only reinforce this every time you post.

>> No.22384303

the anon you're responding to is lol

>> No.22384333

idk anon, you seem a bit slow yourself. Try reading the reply chain again (paying attention this time), maybe it'll clear things up for you.

>> No.22384352
File: 329 KB, 558x680, IMG_7258.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> idk anon, you seem a bit slow yourself. Try reading the reply chain again (paying attention this time), maybe it'll clear things up for you

>> No.22384365

Chadwick Moore choose the wrong medium. populist MAGA chuds/boomers don't read long form books, he should have made a series of short form multimedia optimized to distribute on chud (social) media platforms like Facebook/Rumble/Twitter/OANN/Newsmaxx etc.

Only libtards and femoids still buy books, which they often don't read. Normie conservatard books are often bought up in bulk by rich donors to astroturf propagandists and bribe/reward their political operatives.

>> No.22384402

Moderate conservative actor, "George Bush doesn't care about black people!", don't know who, proto-environmentalist who called the Nazi Germany obsession over 'Aryan' blood stupid, and don't know enough about.

>> No.22384411

Look sweaty I know you’re fresh from rebbit but this isn’t some vacation home for using potty words.

>> No.22384425

NIGGER you're on a chinese soap forum
maybe plebbit would suit your sensibilites since it came to your mind unprompted

>> No.22384430

u ok bro?

>> No.22384437

I'm so fucking sick of the snarky effeminate tone of millennial journalism, the cloying sentimentality of millennial social justice puritanism and its obsession with weirdos and freaks, the millennial mix of histrionic and narcissistic traits, the obsession with therapy and medication and describing all their fucking ailments, I can't stand this shit anymore, I can smell the stink of pussy ass millennial mentality behind every news headline and stupid fucking social media post, the effeminate "gotcha" sniping and endless drama gossip session

Fucking die already fucking broken ugly society just collapse

>> No.22384440
File: 27 KB, 179x282, 16876214688270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can u believe this nigga
he frfr doe

>> No.22384446

Lmao did this guy really think he had what it took to make it big without Fox backing him? Did he forget he was a nobody before they gave him O'Reilly's position?

>> No.22384453

soi millennials have been a disaster for the journalistic race

>> No.22384458

The modern right is anti intellectual. Uppity nigs like Andrew Tate tell their base that reading is le bad.

>> No.22384460
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>> No.22384461

They haven’t always been like this

>> No.22384462

Yeah that too. I personally prefer Rachel Maddow myself.

>> No.22384464

Republicans actually used to have a pretty strong hold on the college-educated electorate.

>> No.22384488

back when college education was a meaningful thing for intelligent people and not whatever it is now. a POC participation trophy.

>> No.22384495

Education is not bad today because some negroes are in college.

>> No.22384604

Incomes for college degree holders have only increased with time.

>> No.22384636
File: 48 KB, 255x139, 1691571595195211.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>numbers go up goy
>look at this percentage of this percentage
>i majored in economics with a minor in data science at the university of liberalism

>> No.22384646

>Creates boogeyman
>Attacks it
>wins in in his mind

>> No.22384647

Yes, making more money is better than making less money.

>> No.22384648

people where they shouldn't be is symptomatic of institutional rot, so yes.

>> No.22384662

nobody's wages have risen in fifty years you dolt. and that's only adjusting for inflation—not even the sky-rocketing price of real estate.

>> No.22384704
File: 3.90 MB, 498x294, mask.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. you describing your high school calculus tier economic projections of "wealth increase" while real wages provably haven't gone up since the 60s, despite costs of basic amenities rising steadily every decade, quality of life plummeting in every way, and the middle class imploding into a lumpenproletariat doing part time food delivery at 2am to supplement their primary income

>> No.22384724
File: 46 KB, 1312x435, st.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But that's wrong you fucking retards.

>> No.22384746
File: 55 KB, 255x139, 1691571595195211.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>federal reserve says colored line go up
>product of decades of book-cooking by incestuous priesthood of "economists" (fake profession)
>crony capitalism + corporate welfare = not even real capitalism, it's literally already state socialism just for the benefit of the stock trading classes
>recent events have shown the stock market isn't even some meritocratic "high seas," when plebs do muscle into it by fluke and introduce some dynamism, they are gatekept and ejected, and the hole they entered through is sealed
>country has repeated bubbles and busts and nearly totters into a great depression on steroids every five seconds until gov bails it out using funny money for the 4th time
>both left and right wing economists have been saying a collapse is inevitable for years
>but also saying that so much has been prevented from failing naturally and kept in an unnatural state of assisted living that letting any sector of the phony economy fail would mean crashing the whole system
>"we're more prosperous than ever"
>"that's why you feel like shit all the time and everything seems so much worse. don't listen to that, look at my federal reserve graph"

>> No.22384759

bro bases his whole ideology around a slightly increasing line lmao

>> No.22384761
File: 38 KB, 1552x866, middleclass1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feels over reals: the post. There is zero real world data backing this retarded notion that Americans are getting poorer. You are a spoiled child living in a tutorial-mode difficulty country. There is zero reason for being poor other than being retarded.

>> No.22384768

Yes I happen to actually back my statements with facts and logic.

>> No.22384772

I always get a kick out of skimming the drivel in the political shill section

>> No.22384778

nobody gives a shit about some fucking basket full of shrinking onions beans portions and subsidized chicken assholes—the fact is your money can't buy you real things that actually impact quality of life, like real estate or education

>> No.22384783

>What the fuck is inflation?

>> No.22384784

Commander in queef.

>> No.22384791
File: 83 KB, 850x400, 1677613233450698.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one cares about your state-backed priesthood and its mission to maintain the illusion of normalcy anymore.

“The coming of Caesarism breaks the dictature of money and its political weapon, democracy. After a long triumph of world-city economy and its interests over political creative force, the political side of life manifests itself after all as the stronger of the two. The sword is victorious over the money, the master-will subdues again the plunderer-will. If we call these money-powers 'Capitalism,' then we may designate as Socialism the will to call into life a mighty politico-economic order that transcends all class interests, a system of lofty thoughtfulness and duty-sense that keeps the whole in fine condition for the decisive battle of its history, and this battle is also the battle of money and law. The private powers of the economy want free paths for their acquisition of great resources. No legislation must stand in their way. They want to make the laws themselves, in their interests, and to that end they make use of the tool they have made for themselves, democracy, the subsidized party. Law needs, in order to resist this onslaught, a high tradition and an ambition of strong families that finds its satisfaction not in the heaping-up of riches, but in the tasks of true rulership, above and beyond all money-advantage. A power can be overthrown only by another power, not by a principle, and no power that can confront money is left but this one. Money is overthrown and abolished only by blood.”

“Two ideas are opposed — not concepts or abstractions, but Ideas which were in the blood of men before they were formulated by the minds of men. The Resurgence of Authority stands opposed to the Rule of Money; Order to Social Chaos, Hierarchy to Equality, socio-economico-political Stability to constant Flux; glad assumption of Duties to whining for Rights; Socialism to Capitalism, ethically, economically, politically; the Rebirth of Religion to Materialism; Fertility to Sterility; the spirit of Heroism to the spirit of Trade; the principle of Responsibility to Parliamentarism; the idea of Polarity of Man and Woman to Feminism; the idea of the individual task to the ideal of ‘happiness’; Discipline to Propaganda-compulsion; the higher unities of family, society, State to social atomism; Marriage to the Communistic ideal of free love; economic self-sufficiency to senseless trade as an end in itself; the inner imperative to Rationalism.”

>> No.22384883

People who take Tucker Carlson seriously haven't read a book in their lives, what did he expect? Doesn't he know his audience?

>> No.22384884

Concession accepted.

>> No.22384886

> What the fuck is inflation-adjusted?

>> No.22384904

Ok, it seems you are making a lot of assumptions here and therefore it's hard to really reply with anything other than "you are wrong about this"
But what does qualify as "good taste" my absurd friend?

>> No.22385202

of absolutely shit quality, christcuck shabbos goy tier

>> No.22385348

How exactly is the range 35K-100K from 1971 - 2016 inflation adjusted?

>> No.22385427
File: 122 KB, 300x300, 1672105336990124.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd love to know the average age of posters in this thread. It's either under 18 or well over 40

>> No.22385613

that's a lie

>> No.22385622

Statistically NO ONE reads these books, they get basically bought by libraries and other money-laundering schemes. Even Republican senators like Ted Cruz are able to get in the grift, but people like Tucker are out of the loop and can't sell books that way.

>> No.22385662

those are literally the only people that matter in this world so what’s your point

>> No.22385792
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>> No.22385809

It’s funny because you “guys” get mad about election tourists to this day.

>> No.22385812

Because they never left

>> No.22385821

I’ve become increasingly tired of your kind

>> No.22385829

others are increasingly tired of bataclan theater massacres and 8 million illegal immigrants crossing the border in one year. to each his own

>> No.22385839

lmao go suck putlers dick then =)