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/lit/ - Literature

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22376230 No.22376230 [Reply] [Original]

Siege of Angband Edition

>Recommended reading charts (Look here before asking for vague recs)

Previous Thread:

>> No.22376240

I still respect sanderfags and maasshitters ten times more than chinkshit "readers"

>> No.22376247

Racism is not allowed here

>> No.22376250

what are you gonna do about it, all your mommy?

>> No.22376253

Indeed not sirre.
The term "maasshitters" should NOT be allowed in this jap imageboard.

>> No.22376267

I take it you're a homosexual.

>> No.22376274

You VILL read 10,000 chapters of the same 5 100 chapter arcs until the mc breaks the universe.

>> No.22376282
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>thread already dominated by newfag shitstirrers

Post the
>last book you read
>current book you're reading
>next book you plan to read

>> No.22376290

Martial world
True martial world
Martial peak

>> No.22376297

>last book you read
Locke Lamora 1
>current book you're reading
Not book but a bunch of online erotica
>next book you plan to read
Goblin Emperor when I get my kindle this weekend

>> No.22376310


>> No.22376315

The Legend of the Moonlight Sculpter
Arrogant Young Master Template A Variation 4

>> No.22376326
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>> No.22376329

read ------> I Shall Seal The Heavens
reading --> Desolate Era
to read --> A Will Eternal

>> No.22376342
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>last book you read
The Art of War
>current book you're reading
read picrel
>next book you plan to read
Unfinished Tales

>> No.22376347
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>last book you read
Eternal Life Begins with Bug-Refining. Not terribly special or terribly bad, fairly average. Read it mainly because I saw it was somewhat ripping off both LoM and Reverend Insanity but didn't do a great job of either. Up to chapter 256 and put it on my backlog until it has more chapters.
>current book you're reading
长生仙游. It's pretty good so far though it shifted from very slice of life hands-off stuff to a bit more depressive stuff so it sort of depends how it goes from here.
>next book you plan to read
I'm eyeing several chinese ones but I might get like five chapters in before dropping them so no point in naming them. I guess Zhu Xian is one of those that got so much buzz and adaptations I should read it sooner or later.
As far as western ones go I have an interest in the DMR collections Swords of Steel and Heroes of Atlantis & Lemuria but i'm a bit wary that they're going to be all modern fantasy faggy even though they're S&S-themed and by a small publisher.
Weird how the author managed to make MW start weak and get better the further you go while TMW was the exact opposite.

>> No.22376372

Not that weird, he was just writing better for a period of time. I think this was Martial World, near the start he says that a princess is a vegitarian, then like 50 chapters later they go on a mission or trip together and he gives her some bbq and he makes a big deal about how he is such a good cook. Shit like that stopped happening maybe halfway through.

>> No.22376374

Speeld gondolin rwong retard.

>> No.22376384

It's over western bros, the Chinese have solved fantasy Our only hope is litRPG+Xianxia fusion.
see >>22375308

>> No.22376389

God's War by Kameron Hurley, 3/6 stars. It was pretty unremarkable grimdark sci-fi set on planet Islam. Didn't hate it, didn't like it much either.
Epiphany of the Long Sun by Gene Wolfe. This one is quite confusing coming off the amazing conclusion of Litany. It feels like all of the characters are talking past each other constantly. Still like it though.
Probably The Fifth Season by NK Jemisin. A friend wants me to read it real bad so I guess I'll give it a go.

>> No.22376401

>NK Jemisin. A friend wants me to read it real bad
Kek your friend must be a real asshole to do that even as a prank.

>> No.22376407

I konw, sorri :(

>> No.22376419

Shamefully been reading webnovels
>Super Supportive
Basically has zero to do with its premise so far and is all the better for it, this is the first webnovel that's really made me feel what it's like to be waiting for new chapters and it sucks.
Kinda treading water right now, might go back to lord of the mysteries or proper books. I think I've exhausted the royalroad webnovels that I can enjoy.
Maybe I'll go back to proper books and read Children of Earth and Sky, either that or I'll look at what's come out this year

>> No.22376424

>Kinda treading water right now

>> No.22376444
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I would rather read a 1960s technical manual for some piece of obscure specialist industrial machinery than a litrpg or chink webnovel, those "genres" have been nothing but a disaster for the very concept of literature as a medium.

>> No.22376446

Didn't ask.

>> No.22376449

>A friend wants me to read it real bad so I guess I'll give it a go.
Either your friend is trying to prank you or you need to stop being friends with that person.

>> No.22376451
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鬼神 Kill Em All 4132 Year-of-the-Tusk
I Am Mandati Man
478,637,782 CULLED SRANC

>> No.22376452

>Matter by Banks
Wasn't a big fan.
>The Hydrogen Sonata by Banks
I enjoy this a lot more especially with all the correspondence and focus between/on the Minds themselves. I don't care much for the Gzilt angle of things nor their dialogue/scenes; I skip most of those. I know, in typical Banks fashion, I'll be waiting till near the end of the book for them to Sublime and the Thing to Happen.
>Nothing planned next; maybe I'll read a little more Martial World or start rereading some Dick novels finally

>> No.22376453

why fuse fantasy/xanxia with litrpg?
in fact it's irrelevant what kind of fantasy west are going to publish next. Traditional or litprg or xanxia it's all going to be pozzed because already many of previous generations, all last generation and absolutely all current generation of western fantasy is pozzed. Traditional publishing is pozzed, kindle unlimited is pozzed, royalroad is pozzed. The whole situation is just grim and it's gonna get worse.

>> No.22376462

of course you are correct, also your favorite author is nk jemisin

>> No.22376469
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What's some good book for white men that has vampires, teenage girls, secret societies and stuff?

>> No.22376471

Harry Potter

>> No.22376472


>> No.22376487

but it has ching chong and I can't afford to be tempted by fictional chinese girls

>> No.22376495
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Sunset Mantle - Alter S. Reiss (2015)

I'm going to call this a speculative historical military fiction. There are unrealistic scenes, but there's nothing fantastical, so I prefer not to call it fantasy. A secondary world that mimics the real world without any meaningful divergence isn't fantasy to me. Historical Fantasy is defined in far too vague terms for my preference. That's entirely a personal issue though.

The simplest way to describe this would be a Logen Ninefingers, from Joe Abercrombie's First Law World series, continuation story. The relatively aged protagonist is a wandering veteran who was a hero of a tribal people and has a tendency to go berserk. He finds himself in a a settlement that is obviously doomed and knows it's time to move on. However, he then sees the sunset mantle, and decides it's the greatest piece of fashion that he's ever seen and is smitten with it. Since he can't have it for himself he commissions the blind seamstress to make something for him and he instantly likes her as well. With no other option available he joins the town's military despite assuming it will be his death, because he needs the money for the commission. Problems ensue because insubordination because he knows best, but there's also loyalty.

Sunset Mantle is mostly about the military and large battles, though there's also romance, political maneuvering, and revenge. None of it is a strong point though. It's all rather standard stuff, which provides for a decent experience, but nothing more than that. The setting, writing, characters, plot, and everything else merely suffice. The setting is unclear. It could be anything from Ancient Greek colonization efforts to much later European tribal conflicts. Clans are very important. I saw some mentioning it had an Old Testament feel, but considering how religion is used in this I didn't see that.

Theoretically this is something I ought to like, but I found myself surprisingly indifferent to it. Mostly I couldn't get over what I wrote in my opening paragraph and how it didn't favorably compare to what it made me think of. It made for a strange experience of me being rather uncertain of whether I liked it or not. I thought about it for a while and I still don't know whether I'd want reading any more from this author despite it being fine. Ursula K. Le Guin's Planet of Exile is a mildly similar story that I enjoyed more.

Rating: 3/5

>> No.22376511

Cho Chang is a roastie thot who only lusts after powerful men. She isn't worth wasting your time on anon. Also she probably has a dumb scottish accent which doesn't match her Ching Chang face

>> No.22376523
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What are some books about female were-animals?

>> No.22376531


>> No.22376533

Dresden has teen girls?

>> No.22376564


>> No.22376569

I meant books for grownups
and before you offer me porn, I mean regular books for grownups, not erotic literature, keep it PG-13, or R-rated at most

>> No.22376602

I think I'll be fine, books don't trigger me. I'm not a snowflake.

>> No.22376634 [DELETED] 

Not a snowflake just some nigger lover

>> No.22376635

>last book you read
Claw of the Conciliator
>current book you're reading
Sword of the Lictor
>next book you plan to read
Citadel of the Autarch

>> No.22376636

Several, and they're all slutty temptresses trying to seduce and rape the protagonist.

>> No.22376640

>muh i'm a big boy not a snowflake
Enjoy slurping down hambeast rants over ameriblack hangups masquerading as fantasy I guess?

>> No.22376641
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宮沢賢治詩集 (Miyazawa Kenji Poetry Collection)
Trying to dip my toes into Japanese poetry with one of my favorite authors. I'm actually still reading this, but alongside my current read. Most of it completely flies over my head and I have to spend an hour just reading explanations, even on what I assume are the more simple poems.

The Waterborn
Pleasantly surprised with this one, although the author has several annoying quirks in his writing which really get under my skin and make reading this thing a pain. He's really allergic to using the word "and", for example.
Thomas Cole by Earl A. Powell III (Biography)
I just really like Thomas Cole's paintings. Great stuff, especially Der Pokal des Riesen.

>> No.22376652

Based consoomer zombie.

>> No.22376664

Picked the fuck up

>> No.22376668

>Dresden has teen girls?
yes, but an annoying girlboss lady cop

>> No.22376689
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>>current book you're reading

>> No.22376695

do any of them succeed? are any of the slutty teenage girls secretly virgins (this is important)?

>> No.22376705


>> No.22376715
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Bet you've never heard of The Unfortunate Fursey. Get wrecked sffa hipsters because I'm reading it. So far so good.

>> No.22376726

huh, guess there's one more trashy thing aimed at hopeless manchildren to add to my backlog

>> No.22376740

ok I'm reading it on youtube right now

t. white man

>> No.22376749
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Just read "Secret Agent of Terra" (1962) by John Brunner. For such a pulpy title and cover, it's a fun, tight, well-packed little book. I'm honestly kind of amazed just how much STUFF, worldbuilding and myths and so on, he's able to pack into a mere ~120 pages and still end up with something pleasantly satisfying. Seems like one of those authors who's good at communicating a lot through brevity and inference. The one thing I'd like in fact would be for it to simply be longer. Apparently the author did rework it a few years later and add a couple more titles into a series, so I'll have to check those out as well.

>> No.22376763

This is my fetish

>> No.22376764

Please talk about books i have read. Thank you

>> No.22376769

Please let us know which books you have read. Thank you.

>> No.22376774

Whose fantasy is riding around in a hundred pounds of armor on a horse? I want to sit in a cave for 5 gorrilian years and bring my soul to the pingpong tier so I can get my flawless gf back from the bingbong clan.

>> No.22376777

Have you read Dresden? It has slutty girls and vampires in it and we're discussing it right now.

>> No.22376778 [DELETED] 


>> No.22376779

You should know that by know. HOW DARE YOU

>> No.22376781
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Still requesting a book with a lot of sexual encounters but isn't just smut or haremlit garbage

>> No.22376787

>only 120 pages
You are weak, read 10000 pages of Xianxia right now or your soul won't make it through the celestial barrier.

>> No.22376790 [DELETED] 

Don't talk to me, virgin.

>> No.22376792

Unironically Xianxia.

>> No.22376804

I don't even know what that is

>> No.22376805

Check the tag, sexual cultivation technique, and ignore harem as usually the women aren't in the same scene because they were last seen 200 chapters ago on a different planet.

>> No.22376808

your """reviews""" are SHIT

>> No.22376818

It's a genre including books like ISSTH, RI, RI, TDE, AWE, ST, MW, TMW, CD (well that's more xuanhuan), etc.
You have read all of these right? These are required reading for /lit/sffg/

>> No.22376830

Isisth, rhode island, rhode island, the dark emperor, americas worst ethnicities, street, morrowind, tomorrow, cee deez (nutz)?

>> No.22376833

For the anon asking about dmr books last thread yes they're good. their reprints of out of print fiction are all well done and their original stories range from medicore to pretty good. nothing ever gets to the greatness of howard and some of the stories in their collections can be hit or miss but they're the best sword and sorcery publisher going and they're not woke retards promoting "new wave sword and sorcery"

>> No.22376849

>they're not woke retards promoting "new wave sword and sorcery"
Alright cool. That was my main worry.
Guess i'll give them a shot.

>> No.22376861

It's on libgen

>> No.22376893

>last book you read
Unfinished Tales of Numenor and Middle-earth
>current book you're reading
Fanged Noumena
>next book you plan to read
The Book of the New Sun (serie)

>> No.22376927
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I'm into books with powerful sugar mommies that are cold to everyone else and cute when alone with her SO. Any recs?

>> No.22376936

I was reading "This assent to divinity is lewder than expected" and expected it to be that after during the first arc, but it was instantly ruined.
Most disappointed I have ever been by a book.
I guess there is also Against the Gods, but not exactly what I would call a mommy.

>> No.22376940

Kushiel's Dart

>> No.22376988
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How many is "a lot"?

>> No.22377008

Did we ever hear about the other worlds the rape aliens visited?

>> No.22377042

Between Two Fires
The Only Good Indian
Dunno, I'm starting to have a pile of books that I'm sitting on. Like a weird book dragon. I recently grabbed Malazan, the Bakker series that yall won't shut up about, and the Traitor Son series

>> No.22377051


>> No.22377055

Is there any chud-friendly fantasy/scifi romance book?

>> No.22377056
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>> No.22377091

Thoughts on Robert Asprin? Is MythAdventures any good?

>> No.22377095

Morgaine Cycle

>> No.22377144

I like anthro aliens to be sure, so I will investigate this, but this doesn't appear to be an example of therianthropy (the transformation of humans into animals or vice versa)

>> No.22377154

Animorphs is more grownup than the majority of today's YA and other books targeted for youngsters.
The one sole person who I talked about books with on 4chan pre-/lit/ ended up getting a master's focusing on Japanese lit and I want to say poetry.
It's one dude who has been spamming about the series for over 3 years.

>> No.22377171

More than 3

>> No.22377173

Why don't you people ever talk about Stephen King?

>> No.22377176

because he's a talentless hack and a huge faggot pedophile

>> No.22377184

Worth the Candle

>> No.22377188

i mildly enjoyed 11/22/63 by him

>> No.22377205
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yeah we only have room for one talentless gay pedophile author in this general

>> No.22377207

Horror doesn't actually overlap that much in readership with SFF
It kinda has its own niche away from the rest of speculative fiction

>> No.22377219

Because he's all concept and can't execute for shit.

>> No.22377223

Dark Tower is brought up occasionally but rarely. Too busy talking about other more relevant hugely-popular authors and circlejerking them to death. King has had enough.

>> No.22377237

>last book
Against All Gods. A rather mediocre bronze age story with too many POV characters but a fun twist at the end.
>current book
Rereading Aeronaut's Windlass ahead of the sequel coming out 8 years later. I still like it. The characters are entertaining, the world is interesting, and Butcher is surprisingly adept at writing nautical action. Hoping the sequel is worth the wait.
>next book
I'll probably start Memory, Sorrow, Thorn since it and the author Tad Williams always get talked up. I hear it starts slow but gets great when it picks up so I know to stick with it.

>> No.22377239

dark tower is garbage as well
fucking retard inserts himself Stephen King as a character for an entire book into his own series, imagine the ego on this faggot
and before the final ending he actually stops the story and breaks the 4th wall with a whole spiel going on for pages like "hey reader, endings aren't easy, do you really want to read the ending ? I'm warning you might not like it" yadda yadda and then proceeds to give the most cliche garbage ending off all fkn time.

>> No.22377254

Only moms read Stephen King. Do we look like moms to you?

>> No.22377274

Read David Gemmell's Jerusalem Man trilogy if you want a proper heroic fantasy take on The Dark Tower.

>> No.22377285
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>> No.22377289

It is so stunning reading those side by side, it's like comparing LOTR against ASOIAF, or Conan against Elric, just a complete mirror images of greatness and garbage, like reading a Goofus and Gallant comic

>> No.22377309

this but unironically unlike you who was being ironic and you actually like chinkshit

>> No.22377312

Yes; Gemmell's being great and King's being garbage. Agreed.

>> No.22377324

seconding them and cirsova

>> No.22377344

Yes, that's what I was saying. I hope nobody could have mistaken me for suggesting that Gemmell, Tolkien, or Howard was the bad author in those comparisons

>> No.22377367
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I wasn't being ironic and I think the Three Gorges Dam needs to be nuked

>> No.22377373


>> No.22377374

I’ve read the first 3 dark tower books, and I’m amazed how little has actually happened in over 1000 pages. It’s no wonder he has no difficulty writing the amount he does because he fills the page with so much useless shit. Hopefully the stand is better.

>> No.22377383
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Uuuhh maybe?

>> No.22377390

The Stand is honestly wayy too bloated read the comic adaptation instead

>> No.22377407

what's that

>> No.22377411

>Hopefully the stand is better.
It really isn't.

>> No.22377413

it's Sarah J. Maas?

>> No.22377416

laughing my ass off for real (nor for real real but almost)

>> No.22377466

QUESTION for you weird niggas who read fantasy written by women,
who are the modern day Lois Bujold, Ursula Guin, Melanie Rawn, Cherryh, etc of today ?
are there any good female writers or are they all writing the same old [ The __ of __ and __ ] smut garbage

>> No.22377477

I don't know of any except for the chick who wrote Piranesi and Jonathan strange, they were pretty good

>> No.22377503

>3/5 3/5 3/5
Why don't you learn to pick better? Or do you just review everything you get a review copy for

>> No.22377515

I liked The Sheep Look up, an eco-fable quite a lot. I might never finish Stand on Zanzibar, because it's an information age dystopia that hits a little too close to home in our age - it's eerily on point but somehow not quite as awful as our present era. "That, only moreso" isn't what you want to hear from a dystopian novel from 50 years ago. Anyway, sharp author

>> No.22377517

Night Watch

>> No.22377525

The most recent female authors I've read pretty much exclusively write Christian fiction, even the fantasy authors
The most recently published female written novel I've read is Miserere by Teresa Frohock, which is exactly that subject

>> No.22377528

forgot to mention that was published in like 2012 or something

>> No.22377531

The Stand is roughly 25,000x better than the Dark Tower. It's still full of schlock and goofballery, but in a good way. King can't even maintain the tone of TDT past volume 1 but it's sustained through the whole of The Stand. Plus it has the Monster Shouter.

>> No.22377542

Well Serhiy Dyachenko died and idk if Maryna's going to carry on writing without him since everything they wrote was collab but she'd be my shout for someone doing something truly interesting with the genre.
Outside of that there's loads of good female writers around but most of them are just turning in solid additions to space opera/epic fantasy instead of anything that's either revolutionary or an exemplar of its subgenre
And a lot of the names I'd consider are people like Kate Eliot or Whalen-Turner who've been around forever anyway

>> No.22377561
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>The simplest way to describe this would be a Logen Ninefingers, from Joe Abercrombie's First Law World series, continuation story.
?? What does it mean?
>The setting, writing, characters, plot, and everything else merely suffice.
???? What does it mean?

What about the grammar? Is the pacing good or there are lots of exposition that drags on? Does the author write the characters' emotions when talking or doing things, to not make it too mechanical? Is the setting easy to understand without searching things up? (Urban fantasy suffers a lot from this, I don't know how the hell most of London's houses and streets are)

>> No.22377567

the space opera chicks, Martha wells, Ann Leckie, Arkady MArtine....their work is sooo fucking cringe

>> No.22377580
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>for real
>isn't real

>> No.22377588

Wells is okay but I found the novel boring, don't like Leckie (hated Raven Tower), still haven't read Martine.
Finder (Suzanne Palmer) and Imperials (Snodgrass) are the two space operas I can remember liking off the top of my head. Although iirc imperials takes a while to get going because she wants to bait you in with the power fantasy before ambushing you with the suffering

>> No.22377607
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A teensy bit cringe

>> No.22377614

Is LeGuin actually worth reading?

>> No.22377627

yeah, Left Hand of Darkness and Dispossessed are classics

>> No.22377628


>> No.22377630


>> No.22377654

It's only a review copy if it explicitly says so at the end. The year would say 2023 as well if it were. I'm currently doing a basically random selection of novellas each day as I've a explained a few times and places. So, I'm not really picking all that much at all. For my ratings 3/5 is average and I'd expect the majority to be as such. I like to allow for surprises so I don't have that much of a selection criteria. Ironically I also don't read most of what I look at either. I could write a lot more on this or paste a relatively brief ratings definition from my GR profile, but I don't think it'd be that interesting. I have a lot of doubts concerning those who believe that just about everything they read is a 4 or 5 star equivalent.

>> No.22377673

>?? What does it mean?
It's a reference to something much more popular series that for those aware of what it is this gives them an idea of how this is. Not everything has to apply to every reader.

It means literally what it says. I have no complaints about it, though there's nothing commendable about it either.

>checklist of things to cover
I don't have any interest of writing to a template or providing a bullet list. I'm only writing a single post worth because that seemed like a decent trade-off between quantity and effort, and because I wouldn't anyone to read more that that. I don't usually care to write about the technical aspects as they aren't a focus for me. Again, I'm not trying to appeal to everyone. My purpose is nothing more to write my thoughts. Sometimes mere exposure is all that's matters. Unless what you've mentioned there seems particularly relevant to me it won't be included.

>> No.22377676

I rate everything i read as either 1 star or 5 stars.

>> No.22377686

That's basically a thumbs up or down. Upvote or downvote. There's nothing wrong with that. In my personal stuff I use a descriptor based system, which makes me feel a bit better about it and how it would be received, which can be easily converted to numbers. I prefer having more gradients of enjoyment than a binary system.

>> No.22377698

In this thread I've used words as ratings rather than numbers when writing about collections, anthologies, and magazines.
Though all the ratings are for the purpose of convience in terms of comparison. I've considered letting what I write stand alone and since I have the ratings elsewhere perhaps I should've for what I post here.

>> No.22377789

>The simplest way to describe this would be a Logen Ninefingers, from Joe Abercrombie's First Law World series, continuation story
Well that's a major turnoff. Abercrombie loves to write about military stuff but he has no fucking clue how any of it works. It's fucking exasperating slogging through his word salad attempt to describe military operations.

>> No.22377794

For example let's convert the ratings from another poster who has written what they've read out of 5, which may or may not reflect what they rated it on Goodreads

>Lord of the Mysteries by Cuttlefish – 4.5/5
>Dungeon Crawler Carl Series by Matt Dinniman - 4.5/5
>Cradle Series by Will Wight - 4/5
>Worth the Candle by Alex Wales - 4/5
>Infinite Realm by Ivan Kal - 4/5
>Mother of Learning Series - 4/5
>Ave Xia Rem Y by Mat Haz - 4/5
>All The Skills by Honour Rae - 3.5/10
>Iron Prince by Bryce O'Connor and Luke Chmilenko - 3.5/10
>Chrysalis by RinoZ - 3.5/10
>Forge of Destiny by Yrsillar - 3.5/10
>A Thousand Li by Tao Wong - 3.5/10
>Mark of the Fool by JM Clarke - 3.25/5
>Retribution Engine by Akaso - 3/5
>Beware of Chicken by Casualfarmer – 3/5
>Wandering Inn by Pirateaba - 3/5
>Virtuous Sons by Ya Boy - 3/5 (Re-Reading)
>Bastion by Phil Tucker - 3/5
>The Primal Hunter by Zogarth - 3/5
>Sufficiently Advanced Magic by Andrew Rowe - 3/5
>Reverend Insanity by Gu Zhen Ren - 3/5
>Heaven's Laws by Apollos Thorne - 3/5
>Battle Mage Farmer by Seth Ring - 2.5/5
>I Shall Seal The Heavens by Er Gen - 2.5/5
>Soulhome by Sarah Lin - 2.5/5
>Monster Menu by Terrell Garrett - 2.25/5
>Soulship by Nathan Thompson - 2/5
>Azarinth Healer by Rhaegar - 1.5/5
>Fostering Faust by Randi Darren - 1.5/5
>Reincarnation: Threads by Michael Head - 1.5/5
>Paladin of the Sword by Marvin Knight - 1/5

5s: 0
4.5s: 2
4s: 5
3.5s: 4
3.25s: 1
3s: 8
2.5s: 4
2.25s: 1
2s: 1
1.5s: 3
1s: 1

5: 1
4: 7
3: 13
2: 6
1: 4

That's not accounting for rounding up or down in Goodreads, but here as well the 3s are the most.

>> No.22377808

I wouldn't know either, so you're correct in that may not be an accurate comparison in terms of the military engagements. As it says it's about how the character is, not a general comparison of them as writers.

>> No.22377817

>last book you read
The Book That Wouldn't Burn, by Mark Lawrence. He seems to have definitely settled near the YA end of the spectrum, but I don't mind it if he keeps polishing his character-driven writing.
>current book you're reading
Pariah, by Anthony Ryan. I always enjoy Ryan's series when they start, but the escalation of stakes always leaves me cold. Can already see I will drop this trilogy by book 2, but I'm enjoying it for now.
>next book you plan to read
Elder Race, by Adrian Tchaikovsky. Had a dedication to Gene Wolfe at the start, and it's short, so will probably knock it out in a weekend.

>> No.22377824

There are plenty of fantasy authors that get stuff wrong with regard to pre-modern military but when you make pre-modern military a major focus of your books the way Abercrombie does, it's just unbelievable how clueless he is.

>> No.22377846

I considered not referencing anything. I usually don't, though I have been more recently because then it becomes a focal point and distraction. That may be good for driving engagement, but that's not all that relevant since I'm not doing this for any sort of meaningful gain, financial or otherwise. A lot of times on here defensive posting that minimizes attack vectors is necessary because otherwise it garners all sorts of ridiculousness. That's the goal for some though.

>> No.22377883
File: 87 KB, 852x1256, 616.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cruelty and inhumane crimes against catgirls, elves and monster girls
>cruelty and inhumane crimes against men

I've read a wish fullfillment smut for women and my god I never felt such discomfort reading words before. I'll stick with the safest vanilla romance there is from now on.

>> No.22377890

Women are scum.

>> No.22377891

I did not think so. She has strong talent, but it's employed in the service of stuff that was novel in the 70s but is pablum now. Pick on book of and see if it resonates, just in case.

>> No.22377892

who gets it right then

>> No.22377896

why be so defensive to some random faggot's reply on mongolian throat singing forum

>> No.22377904

Okay, if you are all so very smart and well read then you can give me a writing prompt in 2 sentences that is original and exciting.

>> No.22377947

Glen Cook does a pretty good job in Instrumentalities of the Night, which is essentially just an alt-history 13th century Europe with all the names changed in a way that is rewarding to puzzle out if you are a history buff.

Nobody else really comes to mind as far as really nailing the pre-modern military stuff. Again, though, it only really bugs me with authors like Abercrombie who put an inordinate amount of attention on military stuff while also heavily leaning on real world parallels and then getting all of the details wrong. Authors who do their own thing and don't try to be the least bit "historical" are fine, and I actually enjoy them a lot more cause I don't feel any kind of urge to nitpick when the author is just being imaginative instead of an ignoramus.

>> No.22377958

It's just something that I wanted to do.

>> No.22377982

I see.
your """reviews""" are not shit and you should NEVER fuck off !!

>> No.22377991
File: 72 KB, 635x745, scif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From the perspective of Hitler's ghost, write an analysis of modern day and if you agree or disagree that the Thousand-Year Reich is still achievable thanks to society never being able to shut the fuck up about Nazi bad guys. Bonus points to literary references to Dickens A Christmas Carol.

>> No.22377996

despite reading his Black C, Dread, Passage at Arms, Dragon waiting, Tower of Fear, and more,
I've never even heard of this series by him
Cook is just too prolific lmao

>> No.22378004

I found it at a used book store. It's an unfinished series, by the way, with four books in it. The last one was published in 2015, so he might still be working on it. He clearly had to do a lot of research for it.

>> No.22378053

Who doesn't respect Maas' shitter?!? Amirite?!

>> No.22378098


Brent Weeks, pick one, just pick one

>> No.22378114

This general tends to have a very consistent userbase with a coherent culture, what this means for your question is that unless you can render something amusing via ritualposting or the like then older subjects tend to get discussed thoroughly and then discarded.

Stephen King on top of that has managed to avoid the genre ghetto, so most of his stuff wouldn't really be seen as fitting for this general, and what has is tainted for various reasons. The Dark Tower is a fine series IMO but almost universally its seen as shitting the bed with its second half which really hurts discussion. Other King fantasy works really aren't that well known and thus avoid discussion. This put together means that most of King's library is not seen as belonging here, what does has been mind over by the forum, and the most famous and worthy series of discussion has been reduced to the setup to telling people about the good news of David Gemmell and the Jerusalemn Man.

>> No.22378117

Brown people are so featureless and dull, their thoughts and the way they talk are both the same color as their skin and eyes, brown and dull

>> No.22378148

I dunno man, three seems like a good ceiling if you're not just looking for porn. Most books can't maintain a good coomer/"the rest" ratio with much more than that.

Most of the stuff I finish is a 5/6 star or a 6/6 star because I'm more likely to just drop books I'd give a 3 rather than finish them. I can finish a 3/6 once I'm done with all the stuff I know I'm gonna actually like, which isn't going to be any time soon.

>> No.22378152

Fucking grim

>> No.22378154

>last book you read
The Black Company
>current book you're reading
Shadows Linger
>next book you plan to read
The White Rose

I dunno, I like reading a series all the way through

>> No.22378157

Sue Burke has done a couple of pretty fun works, nothing too deep. Granted in general any attempts at being profound in modern times are towards things I find distasteful, so its really hard to nominate any of the "serious" female genre authors. I think Becky Chambers is probably the only one where I actually can appreciate that she brings a different perspective to the genre, its interesting seeing actual relationship and social interaction being key to her plots.

>> No.22378163

Not really. We only here it alluded to by the Inchies.
The Nonmen are alien too if I recall. Makes you wonder about humans.

>> No.22378164

I find anyone who is into L'Morte De Arthur is a bit cringe, but they make for great adventure series if you can get into them.

>> No.22378166

I don't know what think of you using 6/6, but alright. There's nothing wrong with only spending time with what you most enjoy, especially if you know how that will go. What about series? Would you drop a series instantly if the quality declined?

>> No.22378170
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You guys like voyage to arcturus? I've nearly finished it and I think alot of it went over my head. Although the chapter with the music was interesting.

>> No.22378180

ritualposting is never amusing

>> No.22378184

I think so, its always interesting to me when an ideologue distrusts their own theories in practical terms, so her work retains a dimension that a lot of latter-day writing doesn't. To the casual eye what she does has become commonplace, but I'd argue that she herself remains a cut above. There's always some element that elevates her point or narrative above someone wishcasting into the void: Omelas isn't just about a utopia, The Dispossessed features a failed eternal revolution. These wrinkles make her still interesting when every other book it seems tries to be about gender or society.

>> No.22378218

My 6 scale is the same as a 5 scale, I just don't like using decimals to rate stuff. On it a 3 and a 4 are the same overall quality but dferentiate how much I enjoyed it.
I will drop a series on a dime no matter how far I am into it if I stop feeling it. I dropped New Jedi Order 350 pages into book 17 of 17.

>> No.22378235

>a very consistent userbase with a coherent culture

to put it another way: this place has become a circlejerking subreddit with equally poor taste

>> No.22378277

libtard gender fluid garbo author

>> No.22378294

I use decimals entirely for the purpose of making it easier to rate because I can be rather indecisive. That's certainly a decision you made. One would think that this site would've disappointed you often and severely enough that you'd drop it as well, including this general.

>> No.22378298

And that's a good thing!

>> No.22378301

ANY anons who have been browsing SFFG for 5 years straight ? thoughts , funny experience, incidents to share ? please amuse my bored self

>> No.22378304
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>oneshot'd by a chorae

>> No.22378335

This site disappoints me in different, mostly amusing, ways than a boring book. Plus it's not a time sink and I've gotten a decent amount of recs since I started browsing this general.

>> No.22378363

It's more than a general for me. It's a wormhole to a completely different board. And unlike /lit/, oldfags still browse it.

>> No.22378372

Well, around 3 years ago we started getting spammed by an autist and his discord posse, and mods only occasionally ban him, but never for long. Place used to be pretty fun before then, now I barely bother to post here cause he and his gang killed all discussion here.

>> No.22378382


Wow, fuck that bastard hope he gets ass cancer

I keep seeing so many ritualposters and spammers here and i report their posts but nothing ever happens.
Its literally in 4chan rules that your posts must be of good contribution so why dont these faggots get perma banned

>> No.22378421

Tell me of this "ritualposting" please.

>> No.22378429

Anime derivatives

>> No.22378483
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>mogged by your daughter

>> No.22378532
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>> No.22378590
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For me, it's Esmi.

>> No.22378633


>> No.22378722


>> No.22378760

The 4th book is good but really is an unrelated story. The remaining books absolutely shit the bed.
The Talisman is kino.

>> No.22378879

What do we think about K.D Robertson?
I feel like there are some pretty noticeable spelling mistakes throughout his work. I get the feeling he doesn't really revisit older chapters before publishing them.
Guy's got a patreon so I get he's feeling a bit of pressure and can't do just writing to make a living, but he's definitely found some success on KU from the looks of it.
What do you guys think? As far as an author goes what's your opinion about him?
I was so into Neural wraith's first entry but I'm so sick of the harem bullshit. I get writing crime is hard and on top of sci-fi futuristic world building but that's the one part I feel he shines in.
Doesn't help I'm not into harem and he's a fucking harem writer, but you know what I'm getting at.

>> No.22378909

Can i get some sci fi noir recs anons ?
Ive read most of the popular stuff

>> No.22378914

Kind of the same for me. I really enjoyed the first Neural Wraith book, but the sequels fell kind of flat. I don't like his other series' at all.

>> No.22378958

Neon Harvest by Jon Mollison

>> No.22379221

I liked his heretic spellblade series at first but I do feel he's gotten worse as a writer. I think the pressure of success has gotten to him

>> No.22379236

Adding more Stephen King is the answer?

>> No.22379256

No. She's the exact same type of person as the current slew of Hugo/Nebula award winners. Pushed entirely by convention politics and with nothing to merit it.

>> No.22379280


>> No.22379363

Would any anons be interested in a small SFF writing server of no more than five people? The server is already set up. I just need the numbers (four). If interested, my name is a throwaway email.
I only ask that you give some detail about your overall experience, influences, current/finished projects, long term goals, and obviously your discord tag. I just want a solid core of anons to grind with, away from the bullshit of normal /lit/ servers.

>> No.22379411

how is he a pedophile? he's very clearly into experienced women letting him watch and getting fucked in the ass by bigger, stronger men

>> No.22379528
File: 31 KB, 297x475, 55810656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Servant Mage - Kate Elliot (2022)

Thirty years ago the Dragon Queen was slain, along with the rest of the royal family and many of their supporters, the Monarchists. The Liberationists, led by The Council, came to power. They're the sort that claims to be for the people, but really is only interested in empowering themselves. It's never made entirely clear how life is for the common people, though it doesn't seem like it's all that much better, but it's certainly worse for anyone who held higher station. Mages were once respected members of society and had their own guilds. Now they are feared and indentured at the least. Their powers may only be used in service, never for the self, and they may learn only the basics of their powers. A mage may be fire, water, air, earth, or aether. A dragon-born has all five.

Fillian is a nineteen year old fire mage in her fifth year of servitude, in which she cleans privies and provides light as a lamplighter. In her spare time she secretly continues the same crime for which her parents were executed, teaching people to read. She dreams of one day escaping and returning to the surviving members of her extended family. She has no love for either the Monarchists or the Liberationists. Both sides are bad, but choices have to be made of which to support. The Monarchists offer freedom for services rendered versus lifelong oppression, so for her, there's not really much choice until she's free to make her own choices.

The way that the novella is written makes it either seem like the set-up for a trilogy or a long prologue for a very long standalone book. The ending is all talk about the future, and what can be done now to prepare for what could be done in the years to come. For those who want a complete epic fantasy story, you won't find that here. Maybe it could eventually be, but as it is, it's the story of a single person's escape to freedom. Whatever other plans the future holds are outside its scope.

I don't know if it was intended, but what it made me think of most was political parties. None of the choices may be suitable, but one tends to be worse for you personally. A third party would be better, but that's much easier said than done. That at least sets it apart from many works that assume the binary of either being part of the system or directly opposing it. It may be best for some to wait until the system collapses on its own. The common folk suffer regardless.

Overall, everything about this novella is fine. It gets the point across. The characters, plot, setting, magic, whatever else are simply there. There wasn't anything I especially liked or disliked about this novella. It's all rather standard and makes for a decent read. The weakest part to me was probably the dialogue, as I thought it was silly at times but I didn't dislike it, but I see how others could be annoyed by it. After reading this I'm neither more likely to seek out or avoid anything written by Elliot.

Rating: 3/5

>> No.22379537
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>regressor sugar mommy starts pampering her boy toy
>immediately after said guy starts acting like he's an alpha male and gigachad with the life purpose of protecting the woman
Every time.

>> No.22379612
File: 301 KB, 1556x1000, sorcerer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just watched Dragonslayer for the first time and well other than the main actor it was incredibly kino. any books for this feeling? basically dark & high medieval fantasy. 14th century England but with some magic and a dragon.

>> No.22379615

Not a book, but watch Dragonheart. Just avoid the sequels.

>> No.22379645
File: 607 KB, 1528x807, read.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/SFFG/ Recommendations:

Read Reverend Insanity, Lord of The Mysteries, Neuromancer, Hyperion, The Prince of Nothing

Also read The Wandering Inn, Between Two Fires, Mother of Learning, Cradle, I Shall Seal the Heavens, A Song of Ice and Fire, The Poppy War.

>> No.22379651
File: 339 KB, 891x686, LITRPG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/SFFG/ Recommendations: LITRPG Edition

Read Azarinth Healer, Primal Hunter, He Who Fights with Monsters, Dungeon Crawler Carl

Also read System Universe, Dissonance, Defiance of the Fall, Iron Prince.

>> No.22379706


Sean Connery, Dennis Quaid AND Davis Thewlis?? Sold... thanks anon

>> No.22379709

It also has Pete Postlethwaite.

>> No.22379717

Dragonheart is recorded on vhs from tv core
I think I've seen it 4 times and all 4 were from different times by dad taped it

>> No.22379719


>> No.22379720

I read only the first Neural Wraith book from him, and it was just... Eh. I didn't care enough. It seemed surface-level with its 'interesting stuff'. I've read surface-level stuff before, but surface-level stuff that I like doesn't pretend to be anything else. Neural Wraith felt like it was trying to be more than it was.

>> No.22379771

>Rating: 3/5

>>3/5 3/5 3/5
>Why don't you learn to pick better? Or do you just review everything you get a review copy for

I wonder if it's just a natural consequence of being well-read in a genre, but it seems in times all ratings tend toward 5+/10. I do the same when I review books, because generaly you just feel they are average, yet they are not offensive, so you by default do 'average' + small bonus. Tendency to do 3/5 by the review bro may be the consequence of that.

Personally, I dislike five-tier ratings for that reason, it's either significantly bad (2/5) or good enough (3/5). doing 5/10 or 6/10 appears to give more room for sharper ratings, as rating 2.5/5 just doesn't have the same impact as 5/10. It's all psychology, me thinks.

>> No.22379824

There are a multitude of problems with the five-tier and other rating systems. As I later noted their usage is mostly only for quick and convenient comparison at scale on a profile. Their reductive nature is both helpful and harmful. I completely agree with the differences of psychological impact of the mathematically equivalent fractions. All the various other differences between raters and their definitions doesn't help either. It often seems like anything with a less than aggregate 4/5, 8/10, 80/100 is considered trash, or at least not worthwhile by others. Maybe it's related the academic rating system, or many simply have ostensibly high standards.

>> No.22379827

Any other good dark fantasy, like Schweitzer or CAS? Not necessarily grimderk type stuff, but something nightmarish and wistful. I just finished The Mask Of the Sorcerer and am looking for other similar authors (I intend to read The Shattered Goddess later in the year)

>> No.22379917

i know some anons here have read PGTE, but has anyone here read his new series? The first volume finished and i was curious if it was any good.

love PGTE btw.

>> No.22380007

The only good place to discuss literature on 4chan was ~2008 /r9k/.

>> No.22380013

/tv/ used to have great sff lit threads as well but the recent trend of making terrible tv adaptions of beloved fantasy series has made even the stealth /sffg/ colonies on /tv/ be flooded with shitposts.

>> No.22380016

I've had better book discussions on /b/ than in all the other boards combined

>> No.22380020

Book discussion on other boards, like /tv/ and /v/, is no different in quality than here: Circlejerking over the same selected hugely-popular and known authors.

>> No.22380240

Want to read "Faithful and the Fallen", by John Gwinne. Your opinion on work or author? Is it any good?

>> No.22380243

I like it. Not as action packed or dramatic as the Guide and heavy on character interactions and relationships, backstabbing, politics, etc.

>> No.22380296

I read like 1/3 of the book called malice by john gwynne and have to say it's somewhat boring
there is a lot of characters that get introduced at the beginning that I lost track of and I couldn't continue reading any further

>> No.22380316

I've never read it, but I saw one guy go into an extremely long and in-depth review of it some months back and it turned me off from reading it because of one particular plot element: apparently the heroes are woefully outmatched by an absurdly overwhelmingly more powerful evil enemy (and I'm not talking about LOTR Rohan vs Isengard here where they have wizards and trees and other shit to make up the difference, I'm talking a force disparity in the range of 3 guys with one sharp stick between them against the entire US Military) for like 3500 pages until the plot finally moves and the heroes get to actually do something, at which point the enemy immediately folds. I HATE that shit. I hated it in Memory, Sorrow, Thorn, and I will never read such dreck again if I can at all avoid doing so.

>> No.22380339

r*ddit tier series

>> No.22380387

Thanks for the info, still might read it though (to know for myself). Got gifted it a while back (might as well browse the content a bit in my spare time).

>> No.22380407

What fantasy books you recomend, in general (Malazan excluded). I have thoughts of reading "Elric" saga, after I read what I have on the shelve.

>> No.22380416

Thank you for the warning, will take that in mind when reading the book.

>> No.22380450

to be fair, I'm not saying it's bad, and I'm not even sure that that account is necessarily true, but I fucking despise that trope, and I definitely don't want to risk potentially weeks of my time reading a book series that's going to make me angry after being so badly burnt with shit
for all I know that kind of story will appeal to you, and you shouldn't refrain from giving it a try if you're up for that sort of thing

>> No.22380502

Read A Canticle for Leibowitz, NOW!

>> No.22380511

Throne of Bones by Brian McNaughton is edgy, but in a sly black comedy sorta way and it's extremely comparable to CAS.

>> No.22380548

very mediocre in pretty much every regard. not good, but not utter trash.
very tropey characters
only recommended if you have nothing else to read

other anon mentioned he 1/3'd the first book.
stuff doesn't actually start happening until ~2/3 in

>> No.22380562

Thank you.

>> No.22380577

Good to know, will keep that in mind. I simply have three choice after my curent read, which are "Faithful and the fallen", "Elric Saga" or "Kings of the Wyld" by Nicholas Eames.

>> No.22380599

How many sagas do you have on your TBR?
After finishing Urth of the New Dun, i plan on starting The Wheel of Time and Book of the Fallen. I'll probably sneak in Pillars of the Earth and the Books of Blood too.

>> No.22380600

Kings of the Wyld is great. I enjoyed every page and spend a portion of every day wishing Eames would hurry the fuck up with the third book.

>> No.22380618

your """reviews""" are SHIT

>> No.22380621

Have many (Idealy), but I mostly read phisical books, so for the moment I have three sagas, "Elric", "Drenai" (have read some of it, so for now will read something else till I get more books), and "Faithful and the fallen", have thought about "Wheel of time", but I want something with a bit more grit, humor or action.

>> No.22380629
File: 103 KB, 600x800, 1677908406_circle-of-inevitability.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Klein still fighting the Lord of Mysteries?

>> No.22380633

Good to know, for now I'm trying Sanderson (I know that he is cliche and uses some bad thropes), Mistborn first book to be exact (I think that it is fairly decent, although he uses some fairly overused thropes).

>> No.22380681

Wheel of time has plenty of grit, humor, and action - the problem is that it's 10,000 pages long

>> No.22380728

Not a problem, have read long works (though a long time ago), and I already have read the first book many years ago (have forgotten most of it, but remember enough to know that the Amazon show horibly butchered the story).

>> No.22380764

Not many
>Tbr shelf (324 books)

>> No.22380781

Elric is great, definitely worth reading some Conan beforehand as Moorcock subverts a lot of the typical S&S tropes

>> No.22380834

Thanks for the advice, though I already have read "Witcher", first 3 books. And it takes a lot from Elric (as I have heard), one of the reasons why I am interested in Moorcock's writing.

>> No.22380837

he's a jew what else would he do but be subversive

>> No.22380839

Conan is great, I have read a bit, though mostly the comics.

>> No.22380840
File: 58 KB, 258x390, 1632-Eric_Flint_(2000)_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anything out there like 1632 but not shit?

Just finished the book yesterday. I went in expecting a bunch of autism about kickstarting the Industrial Revolution and curbstomping European armies of the time - it delivered on the latter but completely ignored the actual fun stuff with a bunch of hand-waving about building a new power plant eventually. Instead it seemed every other chapter was devoted to characters preaching about Jews or women's rights or other bullshit, which of course all the mid-17th century German peasants accepted without issue.

Given how many books are in the series I'm guessing they get to the actual industrialization stuff at some point, but I could barely finish this one.

>> No.22380849

And to add some more, just because he subverts tropes doesn't mean he hates said tropes, moorcock loves conan and Howard and it's very obvious by the way he talks about them in interviews. Literally the first stories he wrote when he was a teen where conan and John carter pastiches (sojan the swordman)
Very based post chuddie! Now tell about how the west has fallen because you can't have sex

>> No.22380877

You shouldn't have expected otherwise from someone who was a proud and active member of the US Socialist Workers Party.

>> No.22380879

>Moorcock subverts a lot of the typical S&S tropes
No he doesn't.

>> No.22380892

The Faerie Queene
The Worm Oroborous
The Fortress Unvanquishable Save for Sacnoth

>> No.22380948

Monarchies of God

>> No.22380956


>> No.22380962
File: 80 KB, 474x799, OIP - 2023-08-15T162503.251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22380964

>The Two Towers
>Return of the King
>The Tailchaser's Song or The Master and Margarita

>> No.22380986
File: 109 KB, 768x574, 1661477768757274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>last book you read
Curse of Challion
>current book you're reading
Penric novellas.
>next book you plan to read
Read all the other Penric novellas then either Paladin of Souls or Kushiel's Dart, or maybe Malazan.

Also somehow this thread started talking about Bakker like a year after I've read it. And then about web novels, two years after I lose interest and have started reading more western lit.
Are the webnovel posters just shitposters like the Bakker cultists?

>> No.22381024

Maybe not a lot, but definitely the idea of the s&s hero

>> No.22381029
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>Kushiel's Dart
Hotwife kino

>> No.22381044

>last book you read
>Curse of Challion
How was it? I've heard good things ITT

>> No.22381049
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Just ignore him, he has a hateboner for moorcock and shitposts every time he's mentioned

>> No.22381053

What is some good fantasy to read while travelling around Europe? Backpackingcore, if you will

>> No.22381056

I have a regular boner for Brit/pic related iykwim haha

>> No.22381124

A lot I guess. I went through it and found everything I have yet to complete:

The Witcher
Various Star Wars
The Culture
Lord of the Rings
The Gap Cycle
Thomas Covenant
Prince of Nothing
The Black Company
The Expanse
Demon Cycle
The War Eternal
Shadow of the Apt
The Accursed Kings
Song of Ice and Fire
The First Law
Faithful and the Fallen
Revelation Space
Red Rising
The Solar Cycle
The Dark Tower
The Lost Fleet
The Craft Sequence
The Dagger and the Coin
The Demonata
The Sun Eater

>> No.22381146

Do women really look like this?

>> No.22381147

>The series is noteworthy for its ruthlessness in dispatching major characters, its large number of epic battles and its use of gunpowder and cannons.
>The series has also been criticized for its pessimism, prompting some to label it - and other of Kearney's work - as grimdark fantasy.
OW THE EDGE! Thanks, but I'll keep my fingers far away from those pages.

>> No.22381176

>strong, independent female MC disguises herself as a scantily clad dancer or courtesan to get past the bad guys

God this trope is so kino. Any more series with it?

>> No.22381231

>Hotwife kino
Got any more recs?

>> No.22381240

CAS did the evil S&S protag thing earlier, and better. I guess Corum and Elric do have the dishonor of being uniquely whiny and self-pitying.

>> No.22381273

Mira's Last Dance :))))))))

>> No.22381287
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Is this meant to be an Alzabo, right?

>> No.22381291
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People hate beta characters too much. Not everyone and every story is meant to have an uber giga chad protagonist.

>> No.22381329

Bro spends more time sorting the tbr shelves on goodreads than actually reading (literally me)

>> No.22381330

Yeah, it's a movie only thing though.

>> No.22381335

What are some good military-focused sci-fi books?
Currently eying Honorverse.

>> No.22381357

Moorcock deserves hate. And the only Elric stories worth reading are the ones written in the 60s.

>> No.22381362

Confederacy of Valor
Ok chuddie

>> No.22381372

Okay jewie

>> No.22381382

Is Ivanhoe considered fantasy?

>> No.22381383

Nah, I've just got a lot of catching up to do I started reading again late 2020 and when I was a kid I basically just read Forgotten Realms and Dragonlance.
I could definitely read more, but even then I'm no slouch.

>> No.22381386

looks kino, thanks bro

>> No.22381390

what do you do when a book just don't interest you anymore?
I tend to have hyperfixation and have to finish books in 1 sitting or binge them hard. if I stop even for a day then I just don't feel like reading anymore
what do?

>> No.22381400

just drop it lmao it is just words
now if you bought a physical book then sorry

>> No.22381402
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>when I was a kid I basically just read Forgotten Realms and Dragonlance.

>> No.22381450

>physical book
I'm not stupid bro

>> No.22381467

No, it's historical fiction. The fact that something isn't attested by the historical record or fictional characters are appended into it does not make a novel fantasy. Fantasy typically deals with things that are supernatural, like magic, time travel, portals, fairies and trolls, etc. Three Hearts and Three Lions is fantasy; The Song of Roland is not. Ladyhawke is fantasy; Prince of Foxes is not.
>in b4 smarmy posts about the holocaust or religion

>> No.22381479

All literature is fantasy.

>> No.22381485
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are there any atleast some-what contemporary (preferably fiction) books that picture the worst possible outcome for humanity?

best 89 iq example i can imagine: the world is thrown into a new dark age, u.s. is under constant civil war and is basically africa with nukes, education is non-existent and everyone relies on whatever little bits their parents can teach them, europe is completely controlled by tyrants and has a new genocide every weekend, indian and african phenotypes are the most common phenotypes you can find etc

any books along those lines? i wouldnt ask but i dont really know what to search for. idk if its retarded but i like to daydream about stuff like that lol.

>> No.22381498

I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream is quite a famous example

>> No.22381499

ive read that... thats not what im thinking of at all.

>> No.22381514

>indian and african phenotypes are the most common phenotypes you can find etc
Like racial war? Stand on Zanzibar (Kino), Jagged Orbit and The Year of the Quiet Sun are similar.

>> No.22381523

So, more like Camp of the Saints?

>> No.22381531

Nightside of the Long Sun feels like a jump-the-shark moment.
Pretty much what I'd expect of any woman author who gets as much acclaim as she has. Just consensus gatekeepers. Never original or interesting or deep.

>> No.22381548

ISSTH 2.5/5 while cradle is 4/5 is retarded.

>> No.22381556

Is this real? Do Americans really have "holocaust" class? What do they learn?

>> No.22381561

>Do Americans really have "holocaust" class?
Of course idiot. Who do you think controls America? Did you think we were kidding all this time?

>> No.22381574

Give me a good intro to Gemmell's work, you guys seem to have convinced me.

>> No.22381580

Legend, when in doubt always go for publication order unless you are a redditor who's scared of reading """""old""""" books

>> No.22381587

Do you wear uggs and drink pumpkin spice latte? Platinum blond hair dye perhaps?

>> No.22381592

Have you read a book by someone born this century?

>> No.22381594

Why would anyone do that?

>> No.22381597

Why on earth would you ever read a book written by a sub-23 year old?

>> No.22381603

Get with the time grandpa. Xianxia and LitRPG are here to stay, your swords n shit is going to take a back seat.

>> No.22381607

Fr no cap ONG.

>> No.22381610

Eww, no. Why would I want to do that?

>> No.22381614

>Me reading some old school fantasy from the 1980s
Oh i don't thinks so, i'm quite comfy here

>> No.22381620

Shit like LOTR and GOT appeal to the lowest common denominator, only a webnovel serialized with your input will suit your tastes perfectly.
Imagine if say in the hobbit, Tolkien had a poll and the audience decided that the ogre caught Dildo and reamed him a new one in lurid detail for the rest of the book

>> No.22381630

Lol. Lmao. Imagine reading a book written by a literal child.

>> No.22381634

Nah I like old books. I regret not picking up the Gemmell books I saw at the charity store now. Probably going to go there on the weekend to see if they're still there.

>> No.22381641

If your "fantasy" isn't magic school based (like most xianxia) then you lack world building.
The main character should in the vast majority of cases not know everything about the world. Changing perspective too many times in a fantasy novel is an antipattern and makes the novel impossible to follow and unpalatable .

>> No.22381658

I still can't believe Paolini got away with it. Goddamn nepotism

>> No.22381659

Between fang yuan and your average goodreads fantasy pick #53, I'll stick with the chinks

>> No.22381663

I like Eragon.

>> No.22381665

What if, and now here me out. Harry Potter, right, but he isn't a wizard, just mistaken for one, managing to, through sheer luck stumble onto the train to Hogwarts, gets placed, then finds a secret room that only muggles can enter with a cheat item and the soul of wang din a peak spirit-severing ghost. Who gives Harry a legendary (found on an asteroid shortly before he was chased and killed) qi refining scripture and a simple technique that can simulate magic with qi. Also, he fucks a bunch of the women at hogwarts and the other schools.
Doesn't have to be Harry Potter at Hogwarts, could be Barry Totter at magic school X

>> No.22381667

Well anon, i guess we are gonna have to fuck each other to death because of a minor misunderstanding like in your chink books

>> No.22381674
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What if harry potter but the male students fuck their female teachers...?

>> No.22381676

>says lotr appeals to lowest common denominator
>recommends webnovel goyslop from the most bugman unoriginal talentless country of all time

the cognitive dissonance is real

>> No.22381677

I already have one scene in mine where Ms McGonagall is riding Harry then she morphs into a cat while still on his dick and Harry goes "A cat is fine too"

>> No.22381682
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McGonagall fucking all of her students and morphing into their mothers and if they don't cum they fail the class

>> No.22381683

Literally everyone and their mother has read LOTR. Xianxia is an aquired taste that only the most hardened souls can read. 1000 chapters for minimal advancement in all subplots is the norm. Most books would be finished by then.

>> No.22381687

Diamond Mask
Fatal Revenant (re-read)
probably Port of Saints or Magnificat

>> No.22381688

Shut the fuck up

>> No.22381693

Night Shift is amazing, and it's mainly sci-fi surprisingly. Dark Tower is kinda ass tho

>> No.22381697

If you like Eragon check RR for dragon novels that are like that but they fuck the dragon. (but they all lack the awesome magic system)

>> No.22381702

Tod dragon pussy, plap is plap now plap my plap cumdump plap.

>> No.22381703

I really liked it, but the last 2 chapters definitely went way overboard

>> No.22381711

>A Voyage to Arcturus has been described as the major "underground" novel of the 20th century. The secret of Lindsay's apparent originality as a novelist lies in his metaphysical assumptions.[9] Like the gnostics he seems to have viewed the "real" world as an illusion, which must be rejected in order to perceive genuine "truth". In The Haunted Woman, the two main characters discover a room which seems to exist only some of the time; while they are there together, they can see more clearly and express themselves honestly. In The Violet Apple, the fruit of the title is of the species eaten by Adam and Eve, and Lindsay's description of its effects is a startling, lyrical episode in a novel which is otherwise concerned with rather ordinary matters.
Ah, pretentious bullshit. I'm good; I'll just be over here breeding plump toddler-dragon pussy.

>> No.22381712

You are reading the Peneic novellas in the chronological instead of the published order right?

>> No.22381720

>in the chronological instead of the published order
Always a mistake. Never has chronological order been done better than published order.

>> No.22381732

I've been reading
"Using a newly-hatched dragon as a fleshlight to attain immense strength and eventual immortality while inhibiting its growth with ritual magic and drugs"
It's actually pretty mid. Could have used an Eragon-esque magic system.

>> No.22381735

>/sffg/ - fanfiction

>> No.22381736


With this most recent achievement, fate has, in a single stroke, marked the decline of the west and spelled a new era of wondrous prosperity and peaceful global dominance for the Chinese dragon, which promises to firmly stand in sharp contrast to the historically bloody ascent of western powers and the cruel subjugation it brought to the humbler nations of the world. The blessings of Chinese plasma stealth technology, undetectable hypersonic combat vehicles, quantum direct-current electricity, neutrino submarine detectors, gamma titanium mono crystal turbines, quantum aircraft carriers, unmanned autonomous A.I. tanks, near-space ballistic air-to-air missiles, super light tanks, +2km range airburst rifles, quantum enhanced railguns, 5G Remote Surgery, magnetized plasma cannons, and quantum superalloy drones will be the instruments with which China affirms its noble stewardship of 21st century world politics and offers the non-western world a different option; an humanist alternative to the depredations of Western leadership and the opportunity for a more equitable and dignified multilateralism.

>> No.22381743

Book with ten chapters of 30 pages or book with 30 chapters of ten pages?

>> No.22381744

>non-western world
So China and Russia

>> No.22381763

K.D. Robertson is good as an author he has plenty of room to grow. Demon's Throne and Neural Wraith are his best series.

>> No.22381772

More like India and arabia

>> No.22381811

Recommendations if you actually have good taste:

-Calamitous Bob
-12 Miles Below
-Journey of Black and Red

>> No.22381823

You have to say person of color now, okay?

>> No.22381840

I have finished The Hydrogen Sonata. I know the author got cancer and abruptly died soon after but what a spot to leave the Culture on; then again, I suppose it was always self-contained stories that take far too long to get to where they're going, with a lot of needless subplots.
The Minds doing ship things and figuring it out as they go was easily the best part.

>> No.22381854

>last book you read
The Traitor by Anthony Ryan
>current book you're reading
Light Bringer by Pierce Brown
>next book you plan to read
Lord of Emperors by Guy Gaverial Kay
I took a break from the Sarantine Mosaic cause I was excited for both the recent releases for the Covenant of Steel and Red Rising.

>> No.22381904

any good >western book with raped fmc turned to lover?
this shit is common with chinkshit and I kinda like it

>> No.22382226

OH YEAH the dude with all the penises walked out of Dungeon Crawler Carl I swear. I'll paste some excerpts next thread.

>> No.22382349

The Mandibles

>> No.22382438

You guys might know, I could never find it. I read a book in which space had geometric storms that annihilated any unnaturally shaped buildings, basically anything with right angles/standard earth architecture. A ship involving the protagonists crash on some alien world and need to escape before one of said storms hits, and eventually come across ruins of some previous spacefaring civilization which happened to be bird people. Any idea who wrote it/what the title was? I had found it at a cabin out in the woods of Wisconsin a decade or two ago, but it was definitely older.

>> No.22382444
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Citadel of the Autarch
Wizard and Glass
Perelandra or Urth of the New Sun

>> No.22382453

Hyperion Cantos?

>> No.22382473

Nothing in that series (to my knowledge) involves geometric storms or anything of the nature, nor do I recall Shrike or anything of the sort. While it is the first thing that pops up it doesn't seem like it.

>> No.22382479

Solaris or Rendevouz with Rama?

>> No.22382492

Nothing in those descriptions seem to fit with the earlier description, no.

>> No.22382603

Anyone have recommendations with a father & teenage or (preferably) adult child characters?

>> No.22382619

Sounds like some ridiculous idea that Greg Egan would do and add a lot of other math into it.

>> No.22382626

Yea the idea of it seemed kinda interesting, though as far as I remember Earth and her colonies just countered it by building more spherical/rounded buildings.

>> No.22382699

Codex of Alera by Jim Butcher might fit the bill though the teenager grows up throughout the series. It’s a really easy read, though some people aren’t huge fans of it.

>> No.22382730

Is it a bad thing that people no longer read the epics and mythologies that inspired the biggest names in fantasy, and that today they're more often derivative of their peers and at most, read Tolkien?

>> No.22382733

Is it okay to feel good because someone you disliked passed away?

>> No.22382744

If you could conjure up one high quality piece of fantasy slop to read, what theme and style would you choose?

>> No.22382770

probably some non-Euro/Asian fantasy because I want to see something different.

>> No.22383016


>> No.22383311

Because the MC, Tavi Alwaysright, uses Talk no Jutsu to get his way out of problems, on top of being the Chosen One farmboy, and six stretched books of piddle paddling to get anywhere. The author wrote the series on a dare, and big surprise, it sucks!