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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 1.01 MB, 1200x847, just stop caring.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22374567 No.22374567 [Reply] [Original]

What literature will help me internalize pic related?

>> No.22374587

Max Stirner - The Unique and Its Property

>> No.22374593

Epictetus is all you need

>> No.22374629

I cant, I just cant deal with so much failure, frustration and jealousy. It is just not fair how some have everything handed to them while I have do climb an entire hill just to ve oushed down again by unluckyness.

>> No.22374692

Embrace camus. Gain pleasure from the struggle.

>> No.22374738

I really cant. I'm really tired and frustraded with everything. I'm pribably past 1/3 of my life and all I did ended up in failure. I is a snkwball of failures that will end up with me old, unhappy and alone

>> No.22374780

The power of now- eckhart tolle

>> No.22374782

I'm glad you posted this op
I had let myself forget and had been down lately since I got fired
and now I remember how little it matters

>> No.22374788

Just study philosophy and religion and practice meditation and study truth in every way. How can a person who has seen unbelievable beauty, whose life is a constant quest to reveal ultimate truth, give a shit about random trivial events?

Once you realize that the only people who are fully "awake" are seekers of truth, wisdom, and morality, when you encounter shitty people you simply feel bad for them. They seem like sleepwalkers, confused retards.

>> No.22374789

This does not work and it never has no matter how cute that white boy is

>> No.22374797

None. Excessive reading encourages internal rumination on negativity and turns you into a total bitch. See this board.

>> No.22374881

Yeah man self help books are for all intents and purposes fucking useless and for wussies, fiction being read in moderation is a more healthy use of your down time then sitting behind a fucking screen

>> No.22374892

Why do people force this meme of comparing some solipsistic dickhead like Stirner to Buddhism?

>> No.22374897

People are products of their genetics, environments, and other such circumstances beyond their control. To say you can surpass the inborn tenacity towards misery without serious contemplation in-depth is just narcissism.

>> No.22374936

>solipsistic dickhead like Stirner
You misunderstand Stirner. He has great love for humanity.

>> No.22374938

I think he's a gay pseud and therefore a fart sniffer.

>> No.22374955
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>> No.22374965

The guy sounds like a nervous wreck who is trying to keep calm and failing. In reality, when you are stressed about something and start telling yourself suddenly that everything currently bothering you won't matter in a week, that kind of self-deception might work for a while, but submerged anxiety always eventually resurfaces and when it does, you will feel even worse. All the old stress will eat away at you again, all the "why the fuck did I do that?" or "how can I get myself out of this horrible mess?" or "if only I could go back and do it all over again" or other negative thoughts will return to hound you and on top of that, you will feel the additional irritation of regretting that you tried to ignore your problems rather than deal with them head-on.

Stress and anxiety are there for a reason. They are alarm bells that ring when you perceive that you are about to make a big mistake or have already made it. They are evaluations of your behavior and your circumstances, the objective aspects of your life. Trying to neutralize them through a purely subjective change in thought is just negligence and daydreaming. You will successfully neutralize those feelings when you have actually changed your behavior and circumstances for the better.

>> No.22374978

This. When you're actually stressed the fuck out, you should be doing push ups or punching a bag, not being a smug sanctimonious prick.

>> No.22375094

Came to say this, fpbp.

>> No.22375098
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>> No.22375183
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>> No.22375190

>They are evaluations of your behavior and your circumstances, the objective aspects of your life
the most scuffed element of stress is that it isn't omniscient. you make it sound like it's all knowing, but it isn't even close to that. it's just a subconscious structure that was more useful for animals to have than not to have*. stress doesn't even connect cause and effect. stress makes you go insane in the hope you'll stumble onto something- anything- that might fix it.
it is not all knowing. it is not the personification of god. stress will not guide you anywhere, because it's not a guide. it's an alarm bell that threatens to kill you when its insane biometer decides something is wrong.

*and it can only- ONLY- be informed by your existence. it has no access to information you don't have. it's barely a single step from this to the realization that if you control/are how your stress biometer is able to view the world, you are directly in control of it. it isn't nessecarily easy, but like with all things human: the more you do it the better you get at it (and sadly this means the more stressed out you get, the better you get at getting stressed out, but luckily the opposite is also true; you just might be depressed knowing you're the fat fuck who has to work ten times as hard to get where chad is, and that chad is in fact both more mentally and physically fit than you).

but if i'm you, i guess i believe that stress is some kind of flawlessly informed uber-conscience capable of leading me to happiness. and to that? i have nothing but a pepe in a suit holding up a glass of champagne. or probably piss. enjoy your life, if you can.

there is no literature. if you know the right question, and the only one who can answer it is yourself, then asking other people will only give you false answers. you know the right question; how do i limit and remove stress from my life, but no one can tell you that. you have to practice and work at it in different ways until you figure out how you personally can control it. the only advice i can give you is that you truly are the master of your own body. in that regard look for books that help you internalize that truth. once you believe you can control- or at least influence- your own life you can start to take the next steps, but you can't just cut to the end and discover some secret trick that makes your life better.

>> No.22375326

This is unironically insightful in places.

Stres is poison. It also happens to be how women poison men to death. Look at studies on stress, then think of the witch archetype with their “poison brew.” The poison brew is stress. It eats away at the health of the body.

This visualization meditation described by the OP isn’t a bad starting place. I have accomplished a lot, and I thought it would make me more stressed not less. I raced to a life of leisure and I nearly ran out of vitality before I got there. I think I just might make it though bros, but not that stress response is deeply hardwired.

Another clue I’ve found is in Camus/absurdists and it’s called the depressive position. Understanding life is full of disappointment and pain but being honest about and comfortable with that. Reading books like serotonin/conspiracy against the human race and being able to be okay with them integrated is a good start.

I think us men are way way too hard on ourselves. If you can beat nihilism and laugh a little you are doing more than soldiers of past eras. Those men stood within a system of meaning, they were brave within it, but they still had it set for them. We have to start from scratch.

If we can love and find some passion even just a little in the every day we have won a war. The novel Stoner tells this distinctly modern story very well.

The final clue I can give you is the absurdists, they had something very right.

I think stoicism is a dead end. It’s really endless repression that will eventually make you crack.

We can make it bros.

>> No.22375343

The Tao Te Ching
All you will ever need

>> No.22375380

When you get stressed say "pepesmug.jpg" out loud and the stress will go away.

>> No.22375408

I like it, I imagine people in future will think of this as a religion with pepesmugjaypege as some sort of a "namaste"

>> No.22375526

How does Stirner interact with OP's picrel?

>> No.22375536

There will be an internecine conflict over the correct pronunciation of "jpg"

>> No.22375553
File: 340 KB, 838x1600, Lord-Christ-All-abbreviation-letters-Iesus-Christus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

None, because it is a false doctrine. You will end up a stunted loser unable to embrace true love and friendship because you fear that if you have either you will start to care and be hurt.

Only a many who can set his heart on the eternal things what is without beginning or end, cannot lose what he has. These are the things of God. One must strive for our two purposes, to love God with all your mind, heart, and soul, and to love your neighbor as yourself. This is all.

Read the Gospel of John, Romans, and Eckhart, the Book of Divine Consolation. Also Light from Light.

Glory to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, both now and forever and on to ages and ages to come, amen.

>> No.22375610
File: 1.44 MB, 1024x1024, 0_1 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thx bro

>> No.22375756


>You will end up a stunted loser unable to embrace true love and friendship because you fear that if you have either you will start to care and be hurt.
nothing in the OP image implies anything like that, sounds like you're projecting your own insecurities desu

>> No.22375799

a midwit attempt to sound smart

>> No.22376156

Many people are so stressed out that they can't do anything about their problems, and then resolving the stress (usually through medication) removes their motivation to solve their problems

>> No.22376196

Go back to >>>/his/

>> No.22376233

Doesn't work for me, to stop caring a real human need the knowledge of the absurdity of caring about these things, knowledge about this sort of thing is hard to acquire, you will probably never have it but its the only remedy, not a funny image that say basically "if you are sad imagine this happy little pupper :3" at least it doesn't work for me and those i consider humans

>> No.22376377

Bukowski. He gets fired from scores of shitty jobs, loses dozens of women, and gets hundreds of rejection slips from literary publications. His response is invariably to go get a drink and move on. His greatest pleasures are simple ones - cheap liquor, classical music on the radio, and writing poetry and stories - and no tyrannical boss or hysterical woman or tasteless editor can take those from him. He's stoic without being dour or austere the way many are.

Read the poem "One for the Shoeshine Man", it's probably the best verbal equivalent to tuxedopepe.jpg

>> No.22377711

Harassment Architecture might help you feel less lonely in your thoughts and make you adopt a more care less mindset. Just don't read it with a doomer mindset