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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 46 KB, 667x1000, KantianHolyBook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22370685 No.22370685 [Reply] [Original]

Read it today. Take notes. Share.

>> No.22370686
File: 257 KB, 677x845, DerMeister.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

INB4 Kant retard durr
>But I fear that the execution of Hume's problem in its widest extent (viz., my Critique of the Pure Reason) will fare as the problem itself fared, when first proposed. It will be misjudged because it is misunderstood, and misunderstood because MEN CHOOSE TO SKIM THROUGH THE BOOK, and not to think through it

>> No.22370695

Knowing the difference between Analytic and Synthetic will not help you in life. It won't even help you get philosophy major pussy since Kantians are automatic ick-givers.

>> No.22370697
File: 399 KB, 1280x1280, Hegelisthebest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

INB4 but muh Hegel
>I would mention that in [the Science of Logic] I frequently refer to the Kantian philosophy (which to many may seem superfluous) because whatever may be said, both in this work and elsewhere, about the precise character of this philosophy and about particular parts of its exposition, it constitutes the base and the starting point of recent German philosophy and that ITS MERIT REMAINS UNAFFECTED BY WHATEVER FAULTS MAY BE FOUND IN IT. The reason too why reference must often be made to it in the objective logic is that it enters into detailed consideration of important, more specific aspects of logic, whereas later philosophical works have paid little attention to these and in some instances have only displayed a crude — not unavenged — contempt for them. The philosophising which is most widespread among us does not go beyond the Kantian results, that Reason cannot acquire knowledge of any true content or subject matter and in regard to absolute truth must be directed to faith. But what with Kant is a result, forms the immediate starting-point in this philosophising, so that the preceding exposition from which that result issued and which is a philosophical cognition, is cut away beforehand. The Kantian philosophy thus serves as a cushion for intellectual indolence which soothes itself with the conviction that everything is already proved and settled. Consequently FOR GENUINE KNOWLEDGE, for a specific content of thought which is not to be found in such barren and arid complacency, one MUST turn to that preceding exposition.

I like Hegel by the way; the most Kantian of Kantians

Gott mit uns

>> No.22370701
File: 224 KB, 864x1177, WonkaWarEinDeutscherIdealist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>philosophy major pussy
don't care

Sex is for materialist normalfags. It was the redirected orgone from his sex organs to his cognitive organs from voluntary celibacy that produced the supermind and the corresponding super thinking abilities of the great Kant. Develop the self discipline to resist sexual desire and thereby acheive the intellectual heights of the Empyrean like Kant did. The never ending chase on the hamster wheel of sexual gratification is mere cope for those that can't into Kant and their seetheposts against Kant are the only way they know how to release their pent up sexual frustration. I would tell them to kys but I am not so cruel, and instead I invite them to read a copy of the first critique today. Good day, sirs.

>> No.22370730
File: 82 KB, 419x610, Hegel card.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't finagle the Hegel. Absolute Chad of philosophy.

>> No.22370841
File: 124 KB, 819x1024, 5EF8AA4A-4983-45CE-8096-31DCC1FB44C4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based, this thread is the highlight of the board everyday. I <3 KANT!!!

>> No.22370883

These threads will single-handedly save /lit/ from its perdition. Amen dico tibi.

>> No.22370974

Telepathy is the original and authentic way of transmitting information from one mind to another, without using any language or physical interaction.
- Western philosophy is a form of escape from telepathy, because it relies on language and rationality, which are artificial and inauthentic modes of expression.
- Language, however, still preserves some traces of telepathy, in the sense that it can convey emotions and intentions, even when they are not explicitly stated.
- Modern conservative philosophy is based on bad faith (mauvaise foi), which is the self-deception of denying one's freedom and responsibility as a human being. This bad faith is transmitted telepathically through language, influencing the values and beliefs of others.
- Modern capitalism is a system that conceals its true nature and purpose from the majority of people, using secret and proprietary technologies and structures. Only a few elites have access to the real truth, which they perceive telepathically as the essence (entelechy) of the whole system.
- The crisis of capitalism is caused by the telepathic id, which is the unconscious and irrational part of the human psyche that drives the desires and impulses of the system. This id cannot be revealed or controlled, but must be protected by ever more complex and deceptive mechanisms.
- The motto of elite capitalism is to trust in the deception and deceive all trust, meaning that they rely on their ability to manipulate and exploit others through their telepathic influence, while preventing anyone from questioning or challenging their authority.

>> No.22370979
