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2236688 No.2236688 [Reply] [Original]

For all you phil savvy fags out there, I'm mid-writing a paper for class on 'a study of Karma theory in the upanishads' and I have no goddam clue what else to say.

I have the very basic: Karma Theory in the Upanishads
In the Upanishads the Karma Theory is presented as a system of justice in the universe. It is shown as the law of moral causation in the universe. Essentially, the theory states that there is a cause for all the inequality we experience: we design our own future and are responsible for all of our own happiness and misery. The Karma Theory is based on the choices we make and our own volition, but also the volition of our ancestors we are birthed from. Karma literally means ‘deed,’ in reference to how each thing you do in life is charged with a positive or negative volition. The cycle of karma is not always a quick or recognizable process. It is also not effortless, and requires effort on one’s part. Although some interpret karma as a force of justification in the universe that cannot be stopped, one’s own actions determine their own karma and how it will effect their future. The Upanishads specifically differ from the Buddhists view in that they hold a view of karma where one’s social status may be the result of bad karma from previous lives. The Upanishads also state, however, that the true self is not based on karma, only one’s embodied jiva, the effect of one’s actions.

>> No.2236689

Going by karma theory, what one reaps today is what they have sown in either the present or the past. And the good or bad which one does today will either effect them in the future or possibly the next life. Karma is a law which does not require ‘God’ or any other forces in the universe, it works in itself as the power of the universe. It tells if you will enter a pleasant or stinking womb in the next life; pleasant being one of a person and stinking being one of a lowly animal.
There is real no way to prove if karma works in an individual’s life. It is merely a theory which could account for the negative and positive aspects that come in and out of a life.
I need a page and a half more though and don't have the slightest clue of what to write. you don't have to write it for me, but help on what to write?
pic unrelated

>> No.2236692

holy fuck op that picture is hot.


>> No.2236753


Yeah what porn is that from? I know it's sasha grey, but what movie?

>> No.2236755

every sasha grey movie. she does humiliation porn for a living.

>> No.2236764


And it's for that reason googling 'sasha grey toilet' is frustratingly nonspecific.

>> No.2236778
File: 58 KB, 540x720, 1319512113373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I REALLY fucking need help, and it's so easy too, I only have to write a few more paragraphs. This is worth 30% of my mark.

Any ideas at all on karma that evaluate/criticise/ karma?????!?!!?

>> No.2236782

>Any ideas at all on karma
OP's karma will decrease because he is trying to get help on his homework from /lit/

>> No.2236783

i know that feel OP, got like 700 words left on this damn nietzsche paper and i'm just blocked on where to go. fucking finals.

>> No.2236791


The only thing I have is 'its just a theory with no proof' but that is pathetic and i dont know how to expand that

>> No.2236794

you are not trying to find new profound insights about nietzche. everything you can possibly conclude about his work has been written about over and over again in the past 100 years.

you should have planned your essay properly before you started.
god i hate fucking students

>> No.2236795

i did plan it. i have a plan. if i didn't have a plan i could just write whatever fucking bullshit, it's the fact that i know precisely what steps i need to go through that makes it difficult to write.

and yeah, nothing i say is novel, education is bullshit, death to undergraduates, etc etc etc

>> No.2236799

if you got 700 words to go and you're "just blocked on where to go" you didn't have a plan... or you haven't worked out that you don't know how to plan an academic essay yet.

god I hate fucking students

>> No.2236800

what are you, a proffessor or something

>> No.2236809

For the niet fellow, look up dr jason j Campbell on utube he has a lecture series

For karma guy, you can write how like all religious ideas it keeps the powerful in power and justifies the suffering of the poor it's also a slight change from the divine right policy of leadership

Also you shouldn't call it a theory call It an idea. If it's usually called a theory explain how it's inappropriate. Then write about how even on casual examination the idea is ridiculous. What did the Jews do to suffer in the holocaust? Or those in Africa. Also; where do the souls hang out in between reincarnTions?

>> No.2236830

>It is merely a theory which could account for the negative and positive aspects that come in and out of a life.
It is not a theory, its belief which justifies the negatives and positive that follows from the basic assumption "the world is or should be fair"

>> No.2236836

You don't preserve ethnicity or whatever via reincarnation, its not that the Jews deserved it, its that people deserved to be reborn as the jews, make of that whatever you will. Also souls hang out in the hells or paradises or what not while they wait.