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/lit/ - Literature

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22363742 No.22363742 [Reply] [Original]

Interested in what /lit/ thinks about my work-in-progress collection. 21F who has recently moved on from YA. Some books are currently omitted from the photo, such as Crime and Punishment and American Psycho. Thoughts?

>> No.22363747

switch to Oxford world classic paperbacks before satan steals your soul

>> No.22363758

There's something to be said for beauty, and that bookshelf ain't pretty, you need to make things beautiful, very ugly and miserable, 0/10

>> No.22363769

The shelf itself, or the books? How do you recommend I go about this?

>> No.22363778

>The shelf itself, or the books?
>How do you recommend I go about this?
Idk, get a nicer looking shelf, really shop around for a shelf, or do something arts and crafty with the shelf, paint it maybe, do something, be creative
Idk what u do for the books, I've always hated that penguin classic design

>> No.22363981

why would you feel the need to post your sex and age?
garbage shelf btw. Hope you didn't buy these new. There are 4 decent books.

>> No.22364014

We've said it before, but we'll say it again:
Tits or get the fuck out!

>> No.22364033

What do you look like OP?

>> No.22364043



>the rest
Not my pick.

It would look nice if you had some variety.

>> No.22364048

I, too, buy exclusively from one publisher
I have about 50 of those shitty little yellow Reclam pieces strewn all around my appartment
any germanons will know what I'm talking about

>> No.22364052

Whats up with the weird penguin editions, with the bigger white line etc.
Got one off amazon and it looks shit with the other penguins.

>> No.22364056

Keep reading.

>> No.22364101

At first, I wanted to tear into you for the obvious. Upon closer inspection of this so called collection—work in progress or not—I couldn’t help but see a couple of red flags.
>The Haunting of Hill House
>The Art of Happiness
>The Poetics of Space
>I Never Promised You A Rose Garden
>Can You Forgive Her?
>James and Milton
Looks like you recently met someone who made you realize there was something deeper in life than Tyrone’s 8 incher. I doubt you’re 21 and if so then you have been getting used since early on. I would stick to the Netflix and Chills, you won’t find a conscience in these books.
0/10 no tits

>> No.22364174

You misspelled Norton Classics but I agree.

>> No.22364246

Why are they so damn tiny? I have some but they look so out of place.

>> No.22364448
File: 2.92 MB, 4000x3000, IMG_20230811_185519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

besides just using a smaller font, they have no commentary whatsoever, including in the margins, allowing them to be slimmer
going by the gutenberg.org editions Faust I has 33k words, Faust II has 48k, but as you can see I still mogs II with the right publisher
(you can't see it well but it has around 2/3rds the pages as well)
I love them because they are so cheap and small, you can take them anywhere, give them to kids without worrying about the damage etc.
we discussed it thoroughly in HS so I don't need the benefit of commentary in this case
it's nice that someone is just "shitposting" public domain works in physical form
otherwise you'd have to have clowns like Luke Smith (I do like the guy but yeah) fill that roll

>> No.22364647

damn the new penguin design is trash the more I look at it

>> No.22364758

>The shelf
It's fine. The wood looks a little cheap. I'd organize the books by their type of spine and pull out the receipt though.

>The books
Good, but probably a little bit dense and boring if you've just moved on from YA. Start with Bachelard if you're interested in philosophy or Bronte for fiction. Avoid Milton and James.

Overall a good beginning, though heavy on the bookshelf books rather than pleasant reading. For where to go next, consider Nabokov, Salinger, filling out your Dostoevskys with Notes from the Underground, all of which you'll probably enjoy.

>> No.22364892

You know what you must do or I will say the line
Also there's nothing wrong with penguin classics, I own a few myself, but I disllike when people ONLY get those. Especially when you can get collection of works from authors that are uniorm with eachother
A bookshelf should have variety
Also hardcovers are and always will be better than shitperback

>> No.22364908


>> No.22364925

I think that books are nice and reading is fun :)

>> No.22364939

wtf is wrong with James?

>> No.22364986

Shut the fuck up james

>> No.22365303

In a years time you'll be known as a reader, you're heading in the right direction

>> No.22365325

you should spend more time reading and less time shit posting on /lit/

also there are other publishers asides from penguin you idiot

>> No.22365546

I would need to see pictures of the shelf in relation to your bare feet in order to really judge accurately

>> No.22365625

Haha yeah they were incredibly cheap when I bought mine, like 0,5€ each at some second hand store in Germany. I was just mostly surprised by the size. I thought the “pocket” format that’s popular here in Sweden was quite small compared to English paperbacks but I guess not. They usually don’t contain any commentary either.

>> No.22366477

This is the manliest shelf I’ve seen in weeks.
>different cover designs mixed instead of being separated into two groups
>worn out books which implies that someone actually read them and now they don’t look so pretty on the shelf
>the actual shelf is some ghetto ass plywood
OTOH, a man would’ve ordered books by publication date and wouldn’t have included those two female authors I’ve never heard about.
Verdict: you are a manly woman or a womanly man. Either way, please marry me.

>> No.22366529

Why does Penguin have two different types of covers? It's something that has always ticked me off.

>> No.22366975
File: 39 KB, 640x400, heh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw known as a reader

/knownasareader/ bros, it's time to rise up

I'm sorry you didn't get the replies you were expecting anon. I think to get the attention of the more unhinged contingent you have to actually post a picture of a woman, or at least of some kind of ragebait headline, you took too subtle (and simultaneously perhaps too far-fetched) an approach. Better luck next time.