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File: 221 KB, 1545x2000, B8C95586-39F7-4004-94EA-464B9A5B122B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22348694 No.22348694 [Reply] [Original]

or, Tramp Stampazine, an Aural Treatise of Everything as a Matter of Taste (in fact), AKA GeorgeTown and Z-Michael: Pleb Virgins vs Patrician Chads (Chads to the Right, Virgins to the Left)

THREAD THEME: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3mAk7mrJAII [Open]


>Sex, Drugs, Rock and Roll
>Unclickable Advertisements
>Two Hundred Dots Per Inch
>Works of Great Import
>Nine Eleven Reenactments
>Sharp Contrasts
>Shame Cube: https://i.4cdn.org/3/1689264629394374.gif

>>>/x/35504852 #
>>>/x/35502104 #
>>>/3/951384 #

DIRECT LINK (for the ladies): https://lampbylit.com/magazine/issue-018/
SUBMIT: lamp.lit.magazine@gmail.com

Username: anon
Password: god




>> No.22348708

Good Samarithan was my favourite story of the issue.

>> No.22348715
File: 659 KB, 704x480, 1682560063208884.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Justice is coming fast.

>> No.22348737

Can’t wait for Gardner to glass this whole shithole

>> No.22348761

You have questionable taste.

>> No.22348769

Idea for the next issue: candid interview with Woolston where he explains his writing method, inspiration etc. Centrefold of Woolston's uncircumcised penis in full colour.

>> No.22348770

New andamp? Time to get reading

>> No.22348774

We'll have him circumcised by then, don't worry. We've already called in our best men from Brit Yosef Yitzhak and had him agree to it on condition that our next issue be sixty consecutive photocopies of his gooch.

>> No.22348820

15 hours until &map.

>> No.22348837

James Krake was fired from his job pass it on

>> No.22348840

Friendly reminder that &map’s name stands for & Minor Attracted Persons. It’s a zine for nonces.

>> No.22348845

does Russell know about this?

>> No.22348854

Kinda want Woolston to edit the next issue just to see the world burn.

>> No.22348870

Lewis should edit it

>> No.22348908

would be a fucken kino occurrence

>> No.22348913

kiss my arse lads

>> No.22348931

Favorite piece?
Favorite classified ad?

>> No.22348934

This issue bussin’?

>> No.22348957

Read it and let us know

>> No.22348960

/lit/ has spoken. &amp is finished

>> No.22348997

I just woke up, was quite the bender. Lewis is there any way to contact you mate. Went to the Gentleman's club, lost my wallet, went back to my wife's house, lads I still love the girl but I need to turn my life around. Lewis, your books have helped me at my lowest. Now the rest of yous can kiss my arse.

>> No.22349003

Fuck off lad you ain’t me and I’m drunk again and still miss my wife. Lewis is just a fellow Aussie not my favorite for fucks sake. I was drunk and said too much. Hopefully Debby’s lawyer doesn’t see that. I love my wife. I’m in deep shit because of shit I did last arvo into the morn

>> No.22349005

Favourite I’m drunk you Americans stuck your shit spelling on me.

>> No.22349007

Quit pretending to be me lad kiss my arse and go to bed

>> No.22349009

Listen to me you little shit. Go fuck yourself and kiss my arse. I have enough shit on my plate.

>> No.22349016

fuck you faggot anyone defending that pig should die in a ditch you dumb drunk loser

>> No.22349021 [DELETED] 

Kiss my fucking arse mate i don’t have time for this shit I’m drunk and miss my wife. Fuck you fuck you fuck you and I mean it.

>> No.22349024

lass you need to stop posting your wife is a whore and you're a fat dog. A drunk mess pretending to be your biggest fan begging for libraries to take one of your books. Look in the mirror pal.

>> No.22349028

Mate I ain’t Lewis I’m just a guy. Maybe you’re Lewis I was drunk and don’t know why I said it. I miss my wife mate. You gonna help me out or what.

>> No.22349029

Sure I'll help you out. What's up

>> No.22349057

I’m drunk and miss my wife and Lewis doesn’t care about his fans he didn’t even ask how I was doing.

>> No.22349065

ah mate just give me a ring sometime I love me fans maybe we could even meet and fuck

>> No.22349067

You little shit fuck you fuck you and I mean it.

>> No.22349121
File: 6 KB, 259x194, Andrew McGahan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude you're embarrassing yourself, you sound like how an American thinks Australians sound...in other words retarded. What do you gain by pretending to be Woolston? Your shitposts are as futile as your life.

>> No.22349128

Arrr matey it’s me Lewis y’all walk me plank if I ever see that arse on this side of the sea. Ya done messed up lad. Arrrrrrr

>> No.22349132

I’m the captain of amp now arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

>> No.22349239 [DELETED] 

Hey faggot editor, ever stop to think the reason your magazine has so many enemies is how you treat people who submit? The trannies are only one half of the problem; the other half is you being a cunt. Now kiss my arse mate, I have a dog to fuck.

>> No.22349247

I gave Fremantle a SIX?
Jesus, I must have been tired last night.

>> No.22349274 [DELETED] 

look mate you're just saying that out of bias. kiss my arse I don't have to take this. my dog loved my entry and so did my wife. they both agreed they loved the piece while she sucked off his lipstick

>> No.22349298

Sorry but that's absolutely insane. It's impossible to fucking read, and so objectively poor in so many areas it's hard to now where to start.

>> No.22349311

>thread is spammed to bump limit in less than two days, needs a new one
Any comment is just throwing more oil on the fire, but this sucks—I mean these threads; the issue (number) may or may not suck but that’s not the issue (problem), here.

>> No.22349327 [DELETED] 

I don't claim to speak for everyone else but I for one will continue to be as offensive and noisome as possible until the talentless trannies are off this board

>> No.22349353

This is an Unreal Press board now, we own it

>> No.22349357 [DELETED] 

No, you don't, and last thread proved that. Which is why you had to go crying to the janitors.
You will never be real writers and we will never allow your threads to go on unhindered.

>> No.22349365

Regarding Cantos 50 and 99, where there are lines consisting of only one or two words, please mentally shift those upward in your reading to join their intended brethren in the preceding line. There was some unintended margin squeeze.
Briefly touched on this in the last thread but mentioning again for those who weren't in that one and haven't yet read the issue.

>> No.22349373

We will never allow your threads to go unhindered....sounds like someone is a tad obsessed, are we living in your head rent free? Oh yeah bitch, you've been cucked by the Unreal Press Gang.

>> No.22349375 [DELETED] 

You're not a 'Press', you're just a discord group of sadsacks who cry to one another in a circle jerk. It turns out that you can't just call yourself something and have it be real. It requires actual talent, something completely foreign to you. You will never taste success in your life. The best you can do is have people get annoyed about you on this small board and pretend it's a kind of fame.

>> No.22349416

One day people will be talking about Woolston, Nesmer and Zulu Alitspa in the same way we talk about Kerouac, Ginsberg and Burroughs. Visionaries ahead of their time who changed the culture and left work of lasting merit behind.
You can either be part of this amazing and successful story or you can seethe and cope with Gardner and the other losers.

>> No.22349429 [DELETED] 

>associating himself with the guy who wrote that abysmal trash in this months issue
Not looking great for you lot

>> No.22349436

who revved spammy again?

>> No.22349465

Small typography advice, especially for future classifieds: adjust the kerning so there aren't huge gaps, or use hyphens to split words at the end of the line.

>> No.22349497

Yeah, Canva seems not to have hyphenation (lol), so editor ought to just try to do it manually-

>> No.22349503

Woolston is no Kerouac (which is saying something). Nesmer Ogden as fucking Ginsberg is one of the most genuinely hilarious things I've ever heard. You have to be truly clueless to think fucking Nesmer Ogden is on the level of Ginsberg.

>> No.22349505 [DELETED] 

He's not even on the level of an average Amazon self published writer. The whole thing is a cluster of egos with no discernible skill or talent.

>> No.22349537

>how you treat people who submit
I've always been treated very politely and respectfully by the &amp editors. Maybe you're acting like a fag and being treated like one in return. It would be consistent with your constant shitposting.

>> No.22349543 [DELETED] 

Plenty people on here havent been treated well at all. Getting not so much as a reply for their effort, expected to wait with no answer eternally and see if it turns up in a future issue. That's not how magazines work. And I'm not sure why you're saying 'editors', when theres clearly just one fag behind it. Clearly if he sucks your dick you're one of the trannies.

>> No.22349550

Well, plenty of people act like dramatic fags. Also:
>everyone who says something I don't like is a tranny
I'm not in the discord and don't have a personal relationship with anyone from &amp... or anyone, really. I'm far too schizoid to tolerate even acquaintances. The point remains, though... garbage in, garbage out. Maybe try to act like a decent human being if you want to be treated like one.

>> No.22349552 [DELETED] 

>Maybe try to act like a decent human being
>not a tranny
>uses trannyspeak

>> No.22349555

You're too far gone.

>> No.22349563 [DELETED] 

this arse is not gonna kiss itself mates

>> No.22349638 [DELETED] 

Not even my dog will kiss me arse now after what you said about me. I've had it

>> No.22349681 [DELETED] 

The problem is an individual who goes by Mr. Heck. He repeatedly spammed the submission thread with like 10-15 posts asking if we’d received his submission. I made the mistake of responding “Yes, unfortunately,” which was a remark directed at his obnoxious shitposting, but he took it as a slight regarding the quality of his writing. When we couldn’t fit his submission into Issue 018 (although we fully intended to use it for issue 019) he became incensed, and sent us a seething email withdrawing his submission. Now he’s spamming these threads LARPing as Woolston in a petty attempt at revenge.

You can listen to him reading his submission here. Judge it for yourself. https://youtu.be/ezsK41USdCI

>> No.22349690 [DELETED] 

See there you go again naming names when it's clearly more than one person here. This is why no competent writer wants to submit. Every time with you fools, a new bogeyman.

>> No.22349694

What was your negative interaction, then? Third party here.

>> No.22349703 [DELETED] 

Seeing how others have been treated/doxed there's no way in hell I'm giving more details so you can narrow it down. Frankly this behavior is contemptible.

>> No.22349720

Others? Like the guy who got the scathing reply of "Yes, unfortunately"? You're being so vague that it's impossible for any rational person to do anything but disregard what you're saying.

>> No.22349721 [DELETED] 

So the kiss my arse poster who has doing this shtick for months is also a random submitter. Problem solved! I guess everyone loves your magazine after all, except for this one bad dude.

>> No.22349724

I get treated pretty well imo

>> No.22349725 [DELETED] 

This is the most unprofessional shitshow I've ever seen. The editor's out here doxing people in a witch hunt.

>> No.22349738

What's the point of expending this much energy trying to troll your competitor? You're way too invested in this, and it's why we can't have nice things. This faggy, sectarian conflict between 4chan literature rags is precisely why we can't have nice things. I wouldn't be surprised if the jannies got sick of this garbage pretty soon, because no matter how people want to paint it, it's not "4chan versus discord trannies." It's two groups of people, most likely both on discord or IRC or some other system of social media, pretending the other group isn't doing the exact same thing they are. It's fucking pointless. We're all talentless hacks who just want to write and share our writing. Just shut the fuck up and write something.

>> No.22349743 [DELETED] 

Kiss my arse mate, my wife loves what I do. Fuck you fuck you fuck you

>> No.22349749

Who else even has a mag? This is just randoms giving &amp shit, and well deserved shit at that.

>> No.22349753 [DELETED] 

I dont have any mag mate, but the library kissed my arse so much I gifted them a few copies of my oover

>> No.22349797 [DELETED] 

The trolls are stupid but the response to them is equally if not more stupid. Just ignore them for christ's sake.

>> No.22349915

first time seeing a schizoposter?

>> No.22350008

What was all the deleted posts?

>> No.22350043
File: 609 KB, 1545x2000, Schizo Cantos (fixed).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m so sorry for the formatting error—here’s a fixed version.

>> No.22350049

a samefag derailing
Mods finally did their jobs

>> No.22350059

It was the amp editor who was banned

>> No.22350061

Considering that he just posted this >>22350043 it really doesn’t look like he was banned.

>> No.22350085

The comments are pretty easily accessible if you use 4chanX. I highly doubt it was the editor posting that.

>> No.22350098 [DELETED] 

It was one of the editors. The deleted post was saying that they rejected someone, accused the spammer of being the person they rejected and then posted a video that had that guys face in it. Very scummy move.

>> No.22350102

It was probably the guy doing it himself to further villify the editors.

>> No.22350115

This. Why else would it get deleted at the same time as all of the samefag’s other posts?

>> No.22350127 [DELETED] 

It's the exact same thing they did to that woman last time.

>> No.22350148 [DELETED] 

>he doxed himself to hurt us
That's what you said about Ari and Atlas.

>> No.22350205

Yeah, obviously. Idk why the jannies pick and choose when to delete samefag posts.They do this every thread.
It obviously wasn't

>> No.22350251

No worries!

>> No.22350301

>villify the editors.
Are we talking about &amp editors, or Unreal editors?

>> No.22350307

The samefag had a grudge against the &amp editor and was complaining about him in a bunch of his deleted posts.

>> No.22350309 [DELETED] 

It just shows that &amp can’t be trusted. Deflects criticism of Lewis’ shit story by larping as him and then by doxxing a random rejected guy then trying pinning it all on him. I think F Gardner needs his magazine printed asap so we could end these shady online doxxer publications. That’s just my innocent stance.

>> No.22350324 [DELETED] 

While your post is clearly tongue in cheek you're pretty close to the truth.

>> No.22350326

That’s funny because I only see the &amp editor larping as Lewis and then doxxing a random guy while trying to pin it on him. But hey I’m just a third party tourist who cares what I think. Any publicity is good publicity right?

>> No.22350341

You shut your mouth you little shit. Mr. Heck is an enemy of &amp and Lewis is my best mate. Now kiss my arse or else!

>> No.22350343

2 hours until &map.

>> No.22350519

The amount of vitriol here is unreal.

>> No.22350536

tales of the unreal

>> No.22350591

volume 2 fucking SOON

>> No.22350622

This is so fucking sad. Why are you people like this.
To the editors: you guys are doing good work, but I would really recommend that you dont publish anything under peoples names. It should all be anonymous. Namefagging violates the 4chan ethos and encourages this kind of petty infighting. Also, close off the discord. It should be for coordinating magazine logistics and nothing more. I really want this project to keep going strong, but you have to take things back to basics. Thanks again

>> No.22350660 [DELETED] 

I'm sorry but that's not going to fly. You doxxed a rejected contributor after your plan to deflect hate from a complete shit story that never should have been included failed.

>> No.22350687

I decided to include my own submission under my name because I wanted to have at least one instance of me being published. In hindsight however I would agree with you, it made more sense to keep my contribution anonymous.
I’m other cases though, like with Gavilovski, I assumed that having his name would actually draw readership, since he’s proven himself as a very decent writer.
When I get submissions and the author asks me to use a penname, I don’t have a lot of recourse if I want to retain consent, so I think the best thing I can do is just encourage anonymous writing. I agree that the culture has changed since the early days of almost entirely anonymous contributions, and that the namefagging has attracted an element of ego, but all in all, it’s an evolution, and who am I to stand in the way of nature? Also as &amp builds prestige, contributors are going to want attribution more and more. Imagine having your work published in, say, The New Yorker, under Anonymous. Not saying we are Nee Yorker-tier, but the concept applies.

>> No.22350691

>just use public 4chan threads that are currently being spammed so that basic conversation is impossible and anyone wandering in will run for the hills
Retarded. If anything the lesson is to become even less exclusively dependent on 4chan. Why should a magazine have to conduct its business in the web equivalent of a public shitroom just to appeal to a few super spergs?

>> No.22350721 [DELETED] 

>as &amp builds prestige
What prestige does a magazine have when it doxxes and publicly humiliates its contributors?
Pride cometh before the fall.

>> No.22350733

Talk about the FUCKING ISSUE.
I for one thought that Have@It and Fucking Faggot were both funny and had genuine merit beyond their crude guises. They had some real "/lit/ spirit" for lack of a better term.
I also think people should bitch less about namefags and instead SUMBIT TO &AMP.

>> No.22350755


>> No.22350785

the fuck? i’m not involved with &amp but virtually every prestigious magazine has all of its contributors publish under their real names and often includes photos and bios of them. normal writers who aren’t terminally online weirdos aren’t paranoid about having their writing associated with their name and face. plus the “doxxing” you allege was obviously done by the samefagger himself in an attempt to capitalize on the current outrage and shill his youtube channel, which uses a generic pseudonym and as far as I can tell has neither his face nor his name associated with it. none of his private or identifying information was posted.

>> No.22350833

I don’t get why this issue is getting so much hate. There was some good shit in it. The only stories that really dragged were Fremantle, Good Samarithan and Waffle, but a few bad apples in each issue is par for the course with &amp. Gemini was mid. The Tent was excellent, I loved the 9/11 story, and Fucking Faggot and Have@It were both classic &amp-core. I’m not big on poetry generally but the poems seemed good too, not bad at all. I liked them enough to read them two or three times. Overall I’d give this issue a solid 6 or 7 out of 10. Not the best issue of &amp I’ve ever read but certainly not the worst

>> No.22350878

>When I get submissions and the author asks me to use a penname, I don’t have a lot of recourse if I want to retain consent, so I think the best thing I can do is just encourage anonymous writing.
If would be contributors arent cool with anonymity, they should submit elsewhere (i.e. go back). Simple as

>> No.22350905

That’s a ridiculous idea. Most people want some form of credit for their work. &amp would get few to no submissions if they adopted that policy.

>> No.22350954

I don't know how you think writing, or creation in general, works. "Should"? Listen to yourself; listen to how you sound.

>> No.22351010

That probably sounded more persuasive in your head.

>> No.22351097 [DELETED] 

Yeah, this utterly convoluted theory is far more plausible than just the editor being a little cunt. Check out Occam's razor and then slit your wrists with it.

>> No.22351112

That simply isnt true. Lots of anons, myself included, would submit. the more this project becomes about validation-seeking and reputation-building, the further it strays from the spirit of the board, and the site more generally. There are plenty of other vanity litmags that cater to the hordes of mediocre writers trying to get their names out there.
what we have here is unique...a nameless, aimless space for fags and tards to share their work, good and bad (mostly bad). That space is worth protecting and celebrating. And if you dont see that, maybe you too should
>go back

>> No.22351121 [DELETED] 

>i’m not involved with &amp
>proceeds to write a 1000 word essay defending the actions of the editor
Not a single soul is going to be fooled by this damage control. Do you want a repeat of yesterday?
Right kiss my arse, I'm gonna open another can of Guiness.

>> No.22351128

>would submit
Then fucking do it, you'll almost certainly get printed. There are multiple anonymous submissions in every issue and half the pen-names are meaningless throwaways.

>> No.22351136 [DELETED] 

first you put your dick in my dog, then last arvo you tell my wife I'm not a good writer. this is your last arvo mate, it's time to kiss my arse permanently.

>> No.22351146

this is what /ffa/ was you dummy; &amp is the luxury peridocial amid this hive of villiany and scum
it's the highclass whore who still sucks dick for a living but does it for $2k a night

>> No.22351197

This. Be the change you want to see. Anyone who dislikes the namefagging should submit anonymously and encourage others to do the same.

>> No.22351213

I do and I have and I will continue

>> No.22351234

>give us your story because, uhhh, it'll own the namefags. Yeah that sounds right.
Thanks for the suggestion, but I think I'd prefer to be actively hostile to namefags in my own way. It's far more effective.

>> No.22351244 [DELETED] 

I'm drunk as hell and my wife kicked me out. Kiss my arse, I'm sleeping on a park bench tonight.

>> No.22351258 [DELETED] 

My wife caught me getting a root from someone at the gentleman’s club. Her lawyer saw my posts on here. It’s over mates my arse is fried. All you dogs are going down with me. I’m on a park bench and drunk again. Kiss my arse.

>> No.22351272

>Then fucking do it, you'll almost certainly get printed

These threads are full of people complaining they didn't get printed again.

>> No.22351279 [DELETED] 

Right I've had it with you people saying my wife fucks dogs. She did not fuck that dog. She did a taste test of its lipstick and thats all. Kiss my arse, I'm sloshed.

>> No.22351289 [DELETED] 

Guys don’t pay attention to the criticism it’s just one anon we rejected named Mr. Heck causing a lot of noise. Don’t worry we’ll post his social security, bank info, and Tax number in the following threads to distract from the fact we published utter dogshit like Woolston’s story. In the meantime kiss our arse.

>> No.22351293

I didn't feel like I was complaining. I just said I was bummed out one time in the last thread. It'd be more helpful to know submissions status because I don't want to do simultaneous submissions.

>> No.22351296 [DELETED] 

Better be careful mr heck you need to bend down and kiss our collective arse. &amp army unite!

>> No.22351300 [DELETED] 

Yes they received it, unfortunately.

>> No.22351305 [DELETED] 

Except Mr. Heck of course he needs to kiss our arse.

>> No.22351311 [DELETED] 

Woolston does not look like a pig and anyone saying that can kiss my curly tail. And arse.

>> No.22351322 [DELETED] 

Lewis is a real man not like that skinny fat loser mr. heck. Now kiss my arse. You little shits.

>> No.22351329

How can we factually prove that Woolston is a talentless hack?

>> No.22351330

Umm, Janny?

>> No.22351336 [DELETED] 

Impossible. Ability is subjective. Now kiss my arse.

>> No.22351338 [DELETED] 

It's not a samefag, there's nothing to ban. Can't you see we just want you to kiss our arse.

>> No.22351348 [DELETED] 

kiss it kiss it kiss it real good kiss it kiss it kiss it real good ooo arsey arsey ooo arsey arsey

>> No.22351490

>magazine will publish anything
>your sub is STILL too shit to get in

>> No.22351571 [DELETED] 

I had too many pints this arvo and my wife won't let me in the house. Kiss my arse, I'm off!

>> No.22351584 [DELETED] 

I’m drunk kiss my arse

>> No.22352611

Nice classifieds this go round

>> No.22352805

I will upload the fixed version for print and digital immediately.

>> No.22352837

swiggity swag

>> No.22352910

I dunno, ask chatGPT

>> No.22353054

>he doesn't understand soul
cringe bro. try non-fiction, more your speed.

>> No.22353060

I must confess to not liking You'll Always Remember Freemantle for basically the same reasons anons have already listed. Lewis, if you read this, I think you need to develop and evolve your style. This really felt like you were going through the motions. I can hear you too comfortable in your own voice here and you are not challenging yourself or the reader. Phoning it in, as they say! Literally, this story is what you would get if typed "Lewis Woolston" into ChatGPT.

>> No.22353113 [DELETED] 

I just typed "Lewis Woolston" into ChatGPT and it came back with "I'm drunk and so's my dog. Kiss my arse."

>> No.22353265 [DELETED] 

You'll Always Remember Kissing My Arse

>> No.22353292 [DELETED] 

Any libraries want to buy my book? I'm out of booze and my wife kicked me out again this arvo. I miss my wife and it's not my fault. Kiss my arse.

>> No.22353529 [DELETED] 

I used up all the toilet paper, my wife's gonna be furious! Shouldntve had that tenth guiness. Fuck me fuck me, she'll have my head on a plate with an apple stuck in my mouth.

>> No.22353540

Woolston is the best thing to ever happen to this general. The shitposts, not the stories. Those are shit.

>> No.22353546

has anyone purchased a physical &amp issue?
Are they worth it?

>> No.22353550 [DELETED] 

I convinced my library to pity buy a copy. Kiss my arse.

>> No.22353590

The baby shoes one was really fucking funny.

>> No.22353594

which issue did they get?

>> No.22353603 [DELETED] 

The issue where a third of the content was given over to Woolston's unique expressive voice, intense prose, and adept use of imagery and character. Now kiss my arse.

>> No.22353612

Why do you want to have your ass stimulated so much?
Are you perhaps a homosexual? An eromenos?

>> No.22353617 [DELETED] 

Blame god for putting the pig's g-spot there.

>> No.22353620

Victim mentality

>> No.22353773

Best of &amp when? Pls gib

>> No.22354081

Kiss my arse ye filthy scallywags. Me wife let me in the house this morning. Been locked out since the arvo a few days ago. Time to work on my next &amp submission.

>> No.22354085 [DELETED] 

This arse ain’t gonna kiss itself. I need some volunteers.

>> No.22354086

Please don't. I'm begging you.

>> No.22354172

Let me guess. That story's lo-fi prose too?

>> No.22354198 [DELETED] 

my arse needs to be penetrated right fucking now mates

>> No.22354398 [DELETED] 

I'm sick of you little shits impersonating me. Kiss my Bloody God Damned arse right fucking now you little shits. Fuck you Fuck You Fuck you and I mean it. My library buys my books, my wife loves me, and my friends love me. I know how to write you little shits. Fuck you.

>> No.22354427

What even is lo-fi prose. (As opposed to vaporwave prose)

>> No.22354435

woolstonposting might be the most cringe thing to come out of /lit/ in years

>> No.22354452

True, but it's exactly what &amp deserves. I hope this continues forever.

>> No.22355114

James Krake is the best

>> No.22355991

Lofi prose is a retarded cope

>> No.22356065

>2 posts in the last 9 hours
&amp is dead. Bury it.

>> No.22356080

The spirit of &amp will never die

>> No.22356512


>> No.22357129

Are you retarded? Good Samarithan was almost comically bad. Like if you had a checklist for what constitutes bad writing it would fill every single box. I hope that writer has the good sense not to submit ever again.

>> No.22357132

That article was perfect, my wife loved it and so did my dog. Kiss my arse and I mean it.

>> No.22357138

Did your wife's son like it as well?

>> No.22357289

This. It made me cringe. One of the worst things I’ve ever read in &amp.

>> No.22357299

I'm the biggest fish of this small pond kiss my arse nesden, woolston and the lot. My book is in the top ten hundred thousand of amazon I am the bestest writer of all, definitely not a talentless tryhard.

>> No.22357921

Thank god someone else here has some sense. It wasn't just bad, it was almost completely indefensible. Just zero fun to read.

I have lost all respect for the reviewanon who gave it a 9. It's not even subjective any more. That's like giving a 9/10 to an Olympic diver for shitting himself mid-air then doing a bellyflop.

>> No.22357926

I'm drunk off my arse and my wife loved that piece. So did my dog. So that's all there is to it. I miss her. Kiss my arse.

>> No.22357969

Whoever you are, you're only doing this because you lack internal strength, and you're using this place as an outlet for your bitterness because you're too weak to process it. Obviously you're disguising it all as humour, but nobody with any sense of personal strength larps as a hack writer on an anonymous image board for fun. its almost beyond pathetic.

Go ahead and keep larping. Go ahead and tell me to kiss your arse. See where it gets you. I'm sorry your life has led you to this.

>> No.22358008

You sound cross lad, not like the good blokes down at the pub. How about you get outside, touch grass, and kiss my arse, incel. I'm sorry my sweaty arse has not been pecked by your lips yet, but don't worry my arse is fresh and ready to be kissed just for you.

>> No.22358013

>this much seething projection
Maybe he's doing it because it's funny? It's not his fault that Woolston is a joke.

>> No.22358019

must have struck a nerve. The lad can't even string a coherent thought so gung-ho about kissing my arse. Don't you worry I'm sure my wife will respect me again after seeing how much the lad wants to kiss my arse.

>> No.22358024

Shut up Shithead Woolston posting is the best thing to come out of this general.

>> No.22358025

The only thing I lack in this moment is your puckered bum-bum-lips right up against my arse. Kissy kissy kissy.

>> No.22358026

Doesn't sound like him at all. Rent free.

>> No.22358033

shut up Krake

>> No.22358042

That's obviously Atlas. Only a woman could have written such passive aggressive projection.

>> No.22358043

I want to be Frank's favorite boogieman.

>> No.22358047

Both of you find it funny because you're bitter. Even if I was projecting (which I'm not), that doesn't make me wrong.

>> No.22358048

It was Krake

>> No.22358055

Everyone is laughing and having a good time and you're being the buzzkill telling us to be bitter and miserable like you. Must suck to be you I'm sorry anon.

>> No.22358056

He's right. All of you need to grow up. Now kiss my arse, I'm off to grab a pint before the wife finds out no one respects me as a writer.

>> No.22358059

He's butthurt that no one replied to his comment declaring he's the best. The best at what? Being a talentless faggot? LOL.

>> No.22358066

That wasn’t me I haven’t even posted yet in these threads. I am the best though none of you are serious and this thread shows it.

>> No.22358074

>telling us to be bitter and miserable like you.
I haven't told anyone to do anything. Sorry that youre so weak you conflate someone sharing their opinion with someone barking orders at you. You must be a real pushover irl.

>> No.22358077

Is that why you surround yourself by amateurs like LA Lasagne and Woolston?
Random shit posts surpass you in skill even at your most 'inspired'. Keep drowning in that sunk cost fallacy and wasting more years developing 'craft' though.

>> No.22358079

Woman post.

>> No.22358087

I don’t know if you’ve heard the news buddy but I have a fairly successful podcast. I don’t even know who Woolston is

>> No.22358090

It's not fair. Read the magazine and comment on it. I spend 100 hours of my fucking life on this and all I hear is "Kiss my ass. My dog has sex with me. Haha I'm Woolston." I'm going to have a mental breakdown.

>> No.22358091


>> No.22358092

The man whose arse you were born to kiss. Now piss off before my wife gets home.

>> No.22358100

Sorry Atlas you did good. I’m here if you ever need a shoulder to cry on.

Grow up

>> No.22358109

kys simp

>> No.22358113

>Unr*al trannies have to resort to jannybannies to silence detractors
>Thread is still full of people who hate their work
You love to see it.

>> No.22358123

Fuck off you simpering little maggot. We never got shit like this before issue #16. Unnecessary hate and insincere praise is all I get for busting my ass on this.

>> No.22358128

That's not true. I genuinely loved this issue, especially the piece about remembering Freemantle. Now kiss my arse, I'm hammered and I mean it.

>> No.22358134

what's your beef with LA?
he can almost see the future

>> No.22358141

I have no 'beef'. He is an amateur passing himself off as a professional. That is a statement of fact.

>> No.22358145

>can see the future
>chose to transition after all of your masculine traits have developed

>> No.22358148

Atlas baby don't cry, I just want to help you and tell you it's going to be okay.

>> No.22358151

an amateur what? a professional what?

>> No.22358155

huh? huh? huh?

>> No.22358157

I'm shooting my shot bros help me out. James Krake is a good writer.

>> No.22358167

Shouldn’t have included Woolston if you didn’t want drama after his disgusting posts in the wg server along with doxing Mr. Heck. Fuck you Atlas.

>> No.22358170

Krake is probably the only writer here with a chance at success. His prose may be middling but he has a great work ethic. There are plenty of successful writers with the same trait.

>> No.22358173

that's not an answer
passing himself off as what? do you even know why you're so mad?

>> No.22358176

huh? huh? huh? huh?

>> No.22358177

Atlas I know it's you I always found you cute

>> No.22358193

cowards fear me because of my size. at mcdonalds the cashier gives me back too much change. i intimidate her. using my thumb i wedged the extra coins into the nozzle of the soda fountain. i am not a thief.

>> No.22358195

kiss my arse lad I'm drunk again and miss my wife

>> No.22358218
File: 379 KB, 828x1132, AtlasCanva.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ve been AFK babysitting since 10:00am.
None of these posts were me. I have no interest in engaging with the trolls in this thread.

>> No.22358226

listen bud. we are not going to fight. tell your wife hello.

>> No.22358269

Worst issue I've read. I can see why you're getting trolled so relentlessly. You'll get no sympathy from me.

>> No.22358271

I guess I will take a break from editing/writing and read the issue.

>> No.22358283

James Krake is the greatest and has strong work ethic

>> No.22358293

I love James Krake he’s better than LA and Woolston he’s serious about his work

>> No.22358299 [DELETED] 

Woolston’s wife tosses him out but my wife will always love me and help with my YouTube account. James Krake is a good writer. I don’t know how many times your wife kicked you out but it seems like every hour judging by your posts. You seem mentally ill.

>> No.22358314

Does anyone know anything about this "Raw Egg Nationalist" guy? Came across his stuff by accident yesterday, i'm curious

>> No.22358330

This argument is just bizarre in this day and age. The market is flooded and being completely forgettable is not a selling point. Mike Ma had to get plowed by Milo to make it. You're just too boring Krake, give it up.

>> No.22358337

Atlas is out here babysitting his wife's son and is the only one liable to make it. No one else has that work effort, not even "Piggy" Woolston or James Crackhead.

>> No.22358369

How am I boring. I think my reads on Royal Road speak for themself. I think my youtube success in such a short time speaks for itself. I think being a micro twitter celebrity speaks for itself. Anyway my rule is if you get too popular you lose IQ points, all those big twitter accounts are brain damaged anyway.

>> No.22358373

My wife said she prefers Woolston's prose, Shithead's attitude, and Anderssen's imagination. Kiss my arse, I'm drunk.

>> No.22358375

Is that you Rhyme there's a reason you were booted from Unreal. Nobody is falling for it.

>> No.22358379 [DELETED] 

I'm LA Lasagne and I Hate Mondays.

>> No.22358388

Fuck off LA stop trolling me I'm just trying to get by and you know this. I left unreal because of trannies like you.

>> No.22358394 [DELETED] 

Fuck you fuck you fuck you, I'm sloshed on Fosters and I mean it. I miss my wife, why won't she come back to me? Ahuwhuwhuwww.

>> No.22358396

remember when /b/ used to be the funniest place in the world?

>> No.22358401

I legitimately have zero idea who you are. Maybe a fan? I like the competition.

>> No.22358402

I wrote Remembering the Freeware, that story about winzip in the latest issue of amp.

>> No.22358405

>still haven't published my piece
Is your aversion to quality truly that great?

>> No.22358410

I'm James Krake check out my newest book

>> No.22358412

If they rejected the venerable Mr Heck they must have a raging hateboner for good writing.

>> No.22358415

Resubmit, we’ll put your work in 019.

>> No.22358418

lads been sitting on a park bench the past 3 days writing up my next submission. This arse isn't movin' until it's done. Hopefully, my wife takes me back after.

>> No.22358421

It's too late, you asshole. You've broken my spirit. To think I lost out to Woolston of all people. I'll never write another sentence again. Not a word, not a syllable.

>> No.22358426

I take no responsibility for my opinion on something I read and reviewed at 4am—that's also when I usually write and often my own poems will confuse me the next day on lucid assessment. I don't think it was as garbage as you think it was but I may go back and re-read.

>> No.22358427

&amp made their bed when they chose that Woolston piece of shit over my story. They laid their bed. These threads will be spammed for eternity. HA!

>> No.22358465

Based spite autist. Doing God's work.

>> No.22358469

So you admit to being a bitter and twisted failure?

>> No.22358493

no he's not Krake

>> No.22358558

Lol stfu Atlas you are the worst kind of namefag. Just stfu no I don't need to see your &amp credentials it's embarassing you even shared that.

>> No.22358566

And to think these are the people acting opening their mouth full throttle and savoring all the steamy diarrhea that floods out of Woolston’s arsehole.

>> No.22358570


>> No.22358583

You will drink Woolston's piss and call it champagne

>> No.22358586

no u stfu and keep my queens name out of your mouth. atlas can do no wrong in my eyes

>> No.22358601

Shut up Krake

>> No.22358621

How can I do that if I'm busy kissing his arse?

>> No.22358628

Editor of &amp here. You people are insane, and you need to stop. Or else I'll release Mr. Heck's entire human genome.

>> No.22358629

You people are legitimately insane.
editors: again, I repeat, if you care at all about the future of this project you will return to anonymous submissions only. this shitshow is the inevitable result of namefaggotry. please, for your own sakes and the board's.
Much Love,

>> No.22358635

Mr heck did nothing wrong

>> No.22358661

What do you do with old subs? If I don't resubmit will they not get considered?
I have one story I submitted for 017 and resubbed for 018, but I'm almost done editing another story which I think might fit &amp better. I have images to go with it too.

>> No.22358679

>"anonymous" 4chan magazine
>all the contributors namefag and attention whore
Very cool!

>> No.22358683

Depends if Woolston submits or not. If not, you have a shot. If he does, kiss my arse you're not getting in.

>> No.22358687
File: 99 KB, 921x640, 1589817932077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ctrl + f anonymous
>223 matches

>> No.22358699

You don't need to apologise review bro Good Samarithan was soulful. You were in the perfect state to receive it and gave it its due spiritual acclaim. These fags are all reading it with one eye on /gif/ and somewhere to be, they skim a style not toyally obvious to them and call it shit. Losers in life!

>> No.22358705

You're absolutely write and I'm ashamed to admit I read it while sitting on a park bench nursing a can of Fosters and waiting for my wife to let me back in the house. Kiss my arse I've done it a disservice!

>> No.22358730

Not caught up on the thread yet but did anyone read "Remembering the Freeman" by Louis Woolfson?

>> No.22358918

I am working my way through the issue, but I did read "You'll Always Remember Freemantle." I've read both of Woolston's short story collections, and I think this story in 018 is pretty good. The setting kinda fits with the stories in Remembering the Dead, which is really when he started looking at the military.
Taken as a whole, I think his writing shows deeply personal events that draw various life-altering conclusions. Some of those conclusions might conflict with the other stories, but it seems the point is that people tend to see life as what life has given them. That is what gives the stories value, when it stops you at the turning point of someone's life that you might not be at yet or ever.
What interested me particularly in the story is that Woolston has never written this much about religion, which is especially transformative. Even with the hedonism and peer pressure in this story, there is this example of Jones' parents who were incredibly diligent and principled. Especially the father, who lost the respect of his parents by pursuing mission work. And I think Jones wanted to live up to a higher calling too, but he just didn't have the wherewithal or the spiritual leaning to go through with it and thought the military would fulfill him in a similar way. By the end of the story, the military didn't appear to bring any new meaning to his life. It questions what makes a boy into a man. As far as the style, it is standard fare Lewis. It doesn't beat "Driftwood" or "the Exile," but it's one of his good ones.

>> No.22358935

*of discord/unreal-namefaggotry

>Louis Wolfson
The English-hating schizo publishes in &amp? Incroyable !

>> No.22358969

In my opinion, Woolston's two biggest weaknesses are that he focuses too much on the material reality of the story he wants to tell instead of the emotional reality, and I don't think he's spent enough time outside Australia to fully grasp what makes his culture unique. I think "You'll Always Remember Fremantle" really illustrates the first point, you have the contrast between this being (supposedly) the defining moment of Jones' adolescence, in fact the event which will signal the end of his youth entirely, and a matter of routine for the prostitute. This connection remains unemphasized by the author, when it could have been exploited for a bit of clever thematic depth. The result is a flaccid fictional essay lacking in any genuine artistic ambition.

The closing line would have been brilliant if it had been attached to a better story.

>> No.22359069

Woolston's story doesn't deserve to be deconstructed. He needs to be discarded with his stories.

>> No.22359102

for fucks sake kiss my blood god damned arse and I mean it. stop impersonating me lads.

>> No.22359106

my wife kicked me out again what do i do now lads Lewis help me Lewis Lewis and I mean it this time. She caught me last arvo at the strip club again. I hope her lawyer doesn't see this.

>> No.22359368

Lewis we see you seething in the discord. Be careful now. Don’t trust everyone you speak with. Maybe my review was already posted :D

>> No.22359393
File: 476 KB, 1078x1397, tex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His constant beating the reader over the head with AUSTRALIA reminds me of pic related or something. Nothing Woolston writes can be incidentally Australian, or in Australia, it is all so desperate to represent something about that retarded ""culture"" that I get so tired reading beyond a few paragraphs.

>> No.22359394

you're literally obsessed with Lewis at this point, i wouldn't be surprised if you fap to him.

>> No.22359405

I don't think he's trying to force AUSTRALIA on people. He's more writing autofiction, and as far as I can tell that's all he writes.

>> No.22359413

Crab moment.

>> No.22359420

In that youtube interview he did with Unreal Press he said he tried genre fiction but "didn't have the knack for it" so he found a voice that worked for him and is presumably sticking to it.
Makes sense, play to your strengths and all that.

>> No.22359422

Don’t mess with Mr. Heck or else

>> No.22359486

For those anons who aren't trolls and read Good Samaritan, what were the strong points? What are some areas that could've been improved?

How does it compare against my previous piece, Skype. (Posted in issue 15, under anonymous lol)

Thanks to everyone who read it, even those who thought it was terrible lol.

>> No.22359499

It's not worth explaining it to you. You're not actually interested. You're just following Zulu's advice to "be the bigger man". Lewis, you're almost 50 years old. You shouldn't need advice that is given to a crying 4th grader.

>> No.22359513

It’s okay Atlas baby, don’t let the trolls get to you. Ari couldn’t give you what you needed but I can. You need the love of a real man.

>> No.22359519

Me being James Krake

>> No.22359783

log off

>> No.22359922

Call me a troll if you want, but I'm really not trying to be one. I don't think there's a single thing right with it. In Good Samaritan you just sound like a pseud trying really hard to spin every sentence into a clever witticism without understanding any of the fundamentals of form and structure. It's like you think that's what good writing is; just annoying digression and cramming as much commentary into every sentence as possible. It makes the whole thing an uncaptivating mess that's uncomfortable and tiring to get through.

If you were going for stream of consciousness that's fine, but it's like you're too lazy to look at how someone like Joyce does it. His writing is at least legible because he's so controlled with what he focuses on: one image after another - one thought or concept, given time for explanation, then onto the next one. That style guides the reader forward, mitigating its density. You just vomit anything at the reader at any point in any paragraph, in any sentence, and seem to think you're having the same effect, when in reality it strands the reader and leaves them burning energy hunting for when the story picks up again. And you do that at every possible moment. It's just complete shit.

I genuinely mean it when I say that an editor would drop it after a single paragraph (try posting it somewhere on Reddit or submitting one paragraph to an editor for feedback if you don't believe me). As a piece of text it's just completely irredeemable.

I remain completely amazed that it has garnered any praise from any anons on here. It's a testament to how fucking wacky this place is, as if we needed reminding.

>> No.22359960

I write in the voice of AUSTRALIA and that's that. Kiss my Camberrarse if you don't like it. When my wife left Australia, she left me.

>> No.22359985

You guys are just not serious. That's the problem. You make jokes and say things that aren't immediate reality, and that doesn't sit well with me at all. As the most hardest worker and the bestest most serious writer of this board,
I think you have to be more like me, James Asscrack: Boring Faggot.

>> No.22360039 [DELETED] 



love u
- editor-kun

>> No.22360112

As much as topical settings bother me, I ended up liking it after the first page. The flow of the story was kind of strange, with memories of Christian coming back and forth. But I've met people like him who did terrible things but were a kind spiritual guru if not rogue. People that I hated but wanted to like. The themes about apocalypse brought it to life the most, from the stuff about Lanza to the nightmares about Mario Galaxy or Inconvenient Truth. I get the impression that Leo realizes most people don't care about the apocalypse, and by the end I see there might be a reason why, possibly due to some faulty conception of grace. I'm not certain what Leo might be thinking (gotta have some coffe first) but grace is a great thought to end on.
Zaniel's story is the only one I haven't read so far. I liked the 9-11 show the most. What a riot. But your story is a close second because of the soul.

>> No.22360128

018 cantos power rankings:

>> No.22360314

I mean this honestly: it had no strong points. Just give up. Please, I beg you, never submit to &amp again.

>> No.22360503

I haven't read the last story either but mark my words it's terrible kiss my arse

>> No.22360546

Your story was some of the worst writing I’ve ever read in my life. It’s like you went through and crammed the whole thing full of stupid and pointless metaphors that were chosen at random. There were too many flaws to name.

>> No.22360781 [DELETED] 

Stop impersonating me mate. Kiss my arse and let me mourn my wife leaving in peace.

>> No.22361288 [DELETED] 

kiss my arse

>> No.22361334

Best of &amp when?

>> No.22361349

you'd need to publish something readable first ...

>> No.22361466

Oh shit, July is over. Did it drop?

>> No.22361490

A week-and-a-half ago Ari posted in the iceberg thread and said he was gonna release it in the next day or two but it never happened

>> No.22361506

Editing never ends. I'm thinking that he is literally me.

>> No.22362393

Need 2 more weeks and it'll be up

>> No.22362497

cmon son

>> No.22362536

fixed and uploaded. thanks for your patience.

>> No.22362558


>> No.22362593

>all those other books
>BAS postcards
>BAS flyers
>spinning around instead of standing still

>> No.22362740

I know this feel. There is nothing more insulting and misanthropy inducing.

>> No.22362765
File: 2.55 MB, 2448x2448, BAS martbenis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22362781

Hey you kiss my fucking arse why aren't you reviewing my two books you god damned druggie queer. I'll show you when I rip you a new one in my first novel. Kiss my fucking arse my wife was expecting a video from you to help pay off our mortgage now she's going to kick me out again and I'm already on a park bench. Kiss my fucking arse, fuck you fuck you fuck you and I mean it you little shit.

>> No.22362804 [DELETED] 

I'm through the fucking roof with this fucking magazine. Doing book reviews now aye mate. And Now you didn't review my books mate when I was the premiere story last edition. People only talked about mine I'm the only reason people keep posting here. Kiss my fucking arse kiss it right now God damnit fucking hell. Kiss my fucking arse Mr. Heck you suck. Kiss it and Fuck you you little shit. My wife caught me rubbing on the bench and she put my chastity cage back on. Fuck you you little shits.

>> No.22362808 [DELETED] 

I've never been so wobbly in my God damned life with this shit. Fucking hell kiss my arse lads. I thought the editor was a good bloke but he won't even review my books or fuck my wife with me. Aye kiss my arse mate.

>> No.22362816 [DELETED] 

Mates Kiss My Arse it seems I didn't get my message across and am going to spam for eternity. Kiss my Big Fat Australian Lumpy Arse lads. Kiss it long and hard until you're red as a crayon. I'm fucking Crook mates.

>> No.22362827 [DELETED] 

Aye I need some Fosters and a pack of durrys. Lads kiss my arse.

>> No.22362832 [DELETED] 

Sorry for being Aggro. Hope my wife's Lawyer doesn't see this. Sorry Debby and Sorry Lewis I'm just wobbly they disrespected you bruv. I need a Durry and a trip to the Bottle-o for some Fosters and I'll be good. I miss my wife.

>> No.22362838 [DELETED] 

I threw a wobbly mates. Aye.

>> No.22362841 [DELETED] 

Now kiss my arse ye piece of shit.

>> No.22362858
File: 176 KB, 852x944, greenwizBAS2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22363095 [DELETED] 

don't ignore me kiss my arse my wife kicked me out again. Lewis Lewis give me advice. i'm sorry I was aggro.

>> No.22363160 [DELETED] 

I've been aggro all arvo because of this. Kiss my arse you janitors of satan. You're the ones who need beheading, fuck you and I mean it this time. Pucker up and blow me an arse rarsberry. Struth I'm more hammered than a shark. Thanks to the wife I'm more away than home these days.

>> No.22363239
File: 103 KB, 1521x503, fag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quite possibly the gayest thing I've ever read, including Woolston's piece.

>> No.22363275

And yet you manage to be even gayer by posting discord screenshots.

>> No.22363280

Kiss my arse buttercup, it's Fosters time.

>> No.22363322

You know what else is gay? Doxing your contributors and setting them up as a fall guy for your elaborate damage control scheme. And then having the nerve to suck your own dick on a job well done behind the scenes. Repeatedly, this cum guzzler demonstrates that it's not about creating something decent but just about fanning his own babydicked ego.

>> No.22363326
File: 291 KB, 658x633, 85b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22363330

Real intelligent rebuttal. Braindead moron.

>> No.22363340

I was gone from /lit/ for just long enough to not know the details of this retarded drama and when I came back it was the only thing you fags were talking about—though it's always in vague terms that just make it seem dumber. I have no idea who supposedly doxxed who and I am legitimately incapable of caring.

>> No.22363342

>Yawn, I don't even care bro, what is this even about? I'm le incapable of caring about it at all, this thing--what was it again? I don't even know. Or care. But stop talking about it, whateverr it is. Not that I know or care. I have no feelings or thoughts on the matter--but also you're gay for talking about it and should stop.

>> No.22363343

In fact I care so little about this after my 10 year absence from /lit/ that I'm gonna attack anyone exposing &amp for being revolting little shits. That's how little I care about this. Not a single fuck given, not one. Not one single littlest of fucks.

>> No.22363344

I don't care about this at all but you really need to stop talking about this thing which I don't care about... It's making me uncomfortable even though there's no rational reason for me to be involved at all, but ignore that for a second and just stop talking about it.

>> No.22363351

I've been on a mountain for the past twenty years and don't know what this website is, but you really need to stop exposing &amp

>> No.22363355 [DELETED] 


>> No.22363371
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>> No.22363541
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>> No.22363629

Can’t believe &amp lost this hard. The poor guy is literally begging for Gardner to stop rawdogging his ass.

>> No.22363637

You're up awful early for a guy who doesn't have a job, Frank.

>> No.22363647

I can appreciate a one sided struggle snuggle at any hour of the day. Try tapping out a few more times, maybe Frank will let you catch your breath if you’re just that bit more submissive. A reward for his plaything mayhaps?

>> No.22363657

good stuff

>> No.22363659

It's the closest thing to witnessing a live rape in progress.

>> No.22363673
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>> No.22363678

Rember happy day of before issue 16.

>> No.22363687

How many libraries do I have to bribe to take my book before amp will print me? I'm blotto and the wife is gonna be furious if she even lets me back in this arvo. I'll be kissing arse until my lips chap at this rate and I mean it.

>> No.22363703

>we’re not on the wrong path. It’s called growth
>also, everyone I don’t like is Gardner
It’s like he’s learned nothing at all.

>> No.22363714

No they are rivals
Like Kojirō and Musashi.

>> No.22363716

He will learn the hard way if he keeps taking potshots at completely insane people. If you set up people to be your bogeyman they will rise to your expectations. I suspect there's part of the editor that gets off on the attention, but at some point he's going to bite off more than he can chew and then his little circle of arse lickers won't be able to salvage his ego in the ensuing carnage.

>> No.22363721

Gardner was a meme and good for a laugh for a few months but he's had his day. Everyone recognises his total lack of talent and utter stupidity. He's done. &Amp and Unreal are the future of this board.

>> No.22363723

This isn't about Gardner and the fact you think it is just demonstrates how little you understand what's going on here. You and your clique are tempting fate.

>> No.22363731

>he will learn the hard way if he keeps taking potshots at completely insane people.
Editor interviews completely insane people as of 017. He is creating a mad house, the Asylum of Athens, and that's a based thing.

>> No.22363734

The only thing the unr*al trannies are the future of is Walmart's employment pool.

>> No.22363737

Go back to bed

>> No.22363754

Rhyme already works at a grocery store. He got rejected from every MFA so his mom said she’d kick him out if he didn’t start working full time.

>> No.22363761

I wouldnt even trust that dull tool to scan my frozen pizza properly.

>> No.22363801

Here’s another fun fact from the secret Unreal Discord direct message group: Rhyme deleted the F.Gardner interview because, during an in person interview for an MFA, one of the interviewers brought up the video and asked why it had 6k views but only 3 comments. Rhyme had no answer for this. They then directly accused him of purchasing views. He was so embarrassed and angry that he deleted the interview and now says that it’s because Gardner bought views for it, when in reality, he did because he wanted his first upload to be successful.

>> No.22363803


>> No.22364049

Cool fanfiction!

>> No.22364082

Based Krake spilling all the juicy secrets. Keep going.

>> No.22364272

this is absolutely going to Russell!

>> No.22364586

Unfortunately that’s not the truth. Gardner buys views for his entire channel.

>> No.22364678

>Gardner buys views for his entire channel
I don't think so. His views to subscribers is a near consistent ratio and he gets a more than reasonable amount of comments per view. Not a single thing stands out.
Unreal's 3 comments for 6k views on the other hand...

>> No.22364690

Rhyme bros... did we get too cocky?

>> No.22364693

This adds up when you consider that many people talk about Gardner, whether it be good or bad, whereas only Unreal trannies talk about Unreal trannies.

>> No.22364779

Ari is scum desu. Atlas deserved better.

>> No.22365143

You’re absolutely correct. Gardner is actually talented and writes compelling works whereas &amp consistently puts out garbage.

>> No.22366199

Insider here, RhymeandGrind did bot the Gardner interview but what you don't realize is that all subsequent videos were viewbotted as well. He just dialed it back after the MFA board of directors called him out. The worst part is that RhymandGrind siphoned funds from his ailing mother's grocery budget to buy all the fake views. The Unreal trannies get maybe 6 organic views per video max (I've seen the analytics)

>> No.22366248

yea fuck ari and fuck his best of

>> No.22366896


Reviews are in!

>> No.22367288

I don't think Lewis' story is a a great story, but it isn't terrible either. It's certainly worth reading. Not the worst story in this issue and certainly it doesn't warrant the circlejerk it has received. Most of the criticism thrown at this piece on the &amp thread back on /lit/ has no substance. As such, I don't think most of the comments warrant any attention being paid to them. What is said without evidence can be dismissed without evidence. You're laughing, you're laughing! But my wife threw me out again so kiss my arse, I'm shattered.

>> No.22367494

I'm just reading 017 and I thoroughly enjoyed Manifesto Inc. Looked at the previous threads and other people didn't seem to like it - I don't understand - I think the prose of good quality and the plot was funny. Most enjoyable story to read from the previous issue for sure.

>> No.22367563

Thanks for the appreciation guys, I hope you enjoyed it and helps those who got published.
Btw, I wasn't the one who put this link on the &amp thread on lit. If any of you did it, I appreciate the gesture, otherwise it was a troll lol

>> No.22367601

Deadass, respect.
*Clinks glass and tips fedora, nodding respectfully in your direction

>> No.22367603

I appreciate your honesty about my piece. Much love. *Nods respectfully in flame shirt and touches rim of trilby.

>> No.22367700

Thanks mlady of the anime avatar. It's refreshing to get an honest, nice review instead of the bile coming out of this thread. My wife also enjoyed the review and let me back in the house this arvo.

>> No.22367826
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Based. I also think September Eleventh was the best. Also I don't think I've ever looked at agoraroad until now, you anons got some kind of style going on.

>> No.22367967

lol what is this site?

>> No.22367984

Thanks for kissing my arse and I mean it. My wife might even let me back in tonight. In the meantime I'm gonna get blistered.

>> No.22368007

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. I don't own any fedoras though. In fact, my hair is a lot thicker than I thought it would be at my age. Thank god. I may have needed a hat to cover it up or something.

>> No.22368013

That's good to hear. It's too bad that you talk like such a simpering faggot though, or you might be popular with the ladies.

>> No.22368022

I'm married, actually. So I guess you're half right.

>> No.22368035


>> No.22368044


>> No.22369679
