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/lit/ - Literature

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22352556 No.22352556 [Reply] [Original]

1. Your religion
2. Your top three writers
3. Your top three books

>> No.22352595

1. Christian
2. Gaddis, Garcia, Auster
3. The Great Gatsby, The Foundation Trilogy, The Tin Drum

>> No.22352604

1. Christian
2. Alexander Dumas, Toni Morrison, Virginia Woolf
3. Siddhartha, Count of Monte Cristo, Meditations

>> No.22352624

1. Not sure
2. Cormac, Michael Cisco, Faulkner
3. Blood Meridian, Stoner, Outer Dark

>> No.22352635

1. Nothing formal or organized. I take what I like or find useful from quite a few and incorporate it into myself
2. Henry Miller, DH Lawrence, Nietzsche ( I have way more and only the first 2 are set in stone)
3. Van Gogh’s Letters, Cellini’s autobiography, Leaves of Grass (have dozens more that are interchangeable depending on the day and my mood)

>> No.22352657

1. Christian (Currently non-denominational, but don’t plan on staying that way, broadly Protestant)
2. John Milton, Edmund Spenser, William Blake
3. Moby-Dick, Paradise Lost, The Faerie Queene

>> No.22352705

1. Agnostic
2. Nabokov, de Sade, Kafka
3. Lolita, the Plague, Infinite Jest

>> No.22352716
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1. n/a
2. n/a
3. n/a

>> No.22352722

I didn't know there were this many Christcucks on this board. Why don't you faggots take a trip to Jerusalem to be crucified?

>> No.22352749
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1. Born and baptized as a Christian, but I feel ashamed to claim that title in light of the life I've led.
2. Melville, Poe, Boccaccio
3. Moby Dick, Madame Bovary, Decameron (translated)

>> No.22352762
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1. Judeo-Christian values
2. Conrad, Dostoevsky, Houellebecq
3. Cellini autobiography, Nostromo, Submission. (Honorary mention: Guerrillas)

>> No.22352824

1. Quaker
2. Vonnegut, Kafka, Artaud
3. Slaughterhouse Five, Moby Dick, and it's nonfiction but Ecology, Community and Lifestyle: Outline of an Ecosophy

>> No.22352836

1. Catholic
2. Dante, Chateaubriand, Voragine
2. The Divine Comedy, Memories from Beyond the Grave, The Golden Legend

>> No.22352848

Dostoevsky, Vonnegut, Tolstoy
The Brothers Karamazov, The Name of the Rose, Slaughterhouse Five

>> No.22352854

Based! Let's see those Christcuck tears!

>> No.22352856

I can’t really say, there are too many to choose from

>> No.22352858


>> No.22352864


>> No.22352866

I cannibalized Jesus and his whore mother, so you should worship me instead.

>> No.22352870

/lit/ is a proudly Christian board. Don't like it? Go back to plebbit

>> No.22352872


>> No.22352876

All authors and books could be good. How am I supposed to know which ones? What if I’m wrong? I prefer not to choose.

>> No.22352878

I am here to tell you the good news. You will die and suffer eternally in hell unless you repent and accept Jesus Christ as the Lord and Savior ASAP. This gift has been made available to ALL of you, so you have no excuse.

>> No.22352880 [DELETED] 

I see plenty of Buddhists and Hindus too. Unlike them, you deserve absolutely no respect. I'd make a garden out of your heads with the Muslims and Jews.

>> No.22352881

I am a Quaker and Quakers are Christian.

>> No.22352882


>> No.22352883

Camus, Wilde, Easton Ellis
The Picture of Dorian Gray, The Fall, American Psycho

>> No.22352884

Imagine seething this hard

>> No.22352886

You sound like that gutless cuck Bertrand Russell. Get out of my sight, faggot.

>> No.22352889 [DELETED] 

The Holy Spirit is a maleficent entity where no good has ever come, and I will be reborn a billion times over to bring to end the tyranny of your trash tradition. I will never kneel before your infernal Jew of death and pestilence. You stupid fucking cuck. No Abrahamist deserves to live. All of you are responsible for turning Original Sin into a reality. There was no reason to feel guilt until now with the Anthropocene, widespread environmental devastation, and destruction of cultures in the world.
I'd crush and mutilate every single last Abrahamic child and make art forms out of your corpses. Shut the fuck up, you pitiful weak bastard. Go cry about it to your stupid fucking Jew.

>> No.22352893

The more you seethe, the stronger /lit/ Christians become.

>> No.22352895

Asimov, Borges, Vonnegut
The Outsiders, Romeo and Juliet, War and Peace

>> No.22352898

You're a non-entity. You're like transparent ghosts. It's not like I am talking to any sentient being. Every single Abrahamist is scum.

>> No.22352899

Get off the internet and stop listening to so much Marilyn Manson. You sound like a dumbo.

>> No.22352902

lol, it's 4chan bro, relax

>> No.22352903


>> No.22352906

1. Misotheism
2. Lautreamont, de Sade, Goethe
3. Decameron, Gargantuan and Pantagruel, In Search of Lost Time

>> No.22352907

Go pray about it to your dead Jew on a stick. At least Zeus, Dagda, Odin, and your ancient gods were born from your race. If you had remained pagan, the world would have been better. European Christcucks are the bane upon this world. You've basically turned Original Sin into a reality, and I cannot forgive you for this unless you abandon Christcuckery.
I am serious. You have moral duty, an imperative, to abandon Christianity. Even Asatru is respectable.

>> No.22352914

Thank you kike demon. Very cool.

>> No.22352918

You literally worship a kike.
You literally have more genetic ties to steppe peoples or Central Asia than you do to Levantines.
You fucking retard.

>> No.22352921


>> No.22352922

Ah it's an edgy pagan cuck. Makes sense he's a violent retard, metal "music" rots their brain.

>> No.22352924

Least deranged /pol/tard

>> No.22352925

>I'm not a Christian
>You still sound like a dumbo

There is a guy who rides his bike down my street at least 20 times a day. He talks to himself, sometimes yells at the voices in his head. Somehow I feel talking to him and all his different personalities would be more engaging than talking to you.

Grow up. No one is to blame for your problems but yourself.

>> No.22352927

You literally are a kike though. That's a lot worse

>> No.22352928

There are no pagans on 4chan. It's all Jews having a cry about Christianity.

>> No.22352943

It never had a chance of not going to shit

>> No.22352949
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Chekov, Ligotti, Kafka
The Tatar Steppe, the Stranger, 100 years of solitude

>> No.22352981 [DELETED] 
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1. Islam
2. Baudrillard, Ibn SIna, Nietzsche
3. Scorch Atlas, Simulacra and Simulation, Devdas

>> No.22352996
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1. Islam
2. Ibn Sina, Baudrillard, Nietzsche
3. Simulacra and Simulation, Scorch Atlas, Devdas

>> No.22353004
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>I am here to tell you the good news. You will die and suffer eternally in hell
Christcucks law

>> No.22353007

It really isn't thobeit

>> No.22353014

>/pol/,/lit/,/his/,/x/ etc... are Christian
Fuck off, you boomer faggots came here in 2016.

>> No.22353025

Kafka, Cervantes, Borges (my favorites, not the boring list of those I would consider to be best, though Cervantes would be on that list)
Don Quixote, Temple of the Golden Pavillion, The Idiot

>> No.22353032
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Readily having decided-upon favorites, let alone a list of 3, is for smallminded people.

>> No.22353036

1. Judaism
2. Kafka, Freud, the J writer
3. The Hebrew Bible, The Trial, The Christian Bible

>> No.22353042

>the J writer

>> No.22353067

The J source of the Hebrew Bible as defined by the documentary hypothesis

>> No.22353077

So he's memeing? I'm pretty sure only atheists and other outsiders to Abrahamism support the documentary hypothesis.

>> No.22353092

I mean coming from me as a Quaker and someone who did religious studies for my degree, the documentary hypothesis is widely accepted among both secular and religious scholars, but the level of adherence may have minor differences.

>> No.22353099
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1- Islam, Sunni & Wahhabi & Salafi-madkhali
2- Al-Hafiz Ibn Katheer Ismail bin Omar al-Dimashqi, Ghazi Al Gosaibi, Abdullah Thabit
3- The Beginning and The End( Al-Bidaya wa'l-Nihaya ), Zad al-Ma'ad, The rejection of the conflict between reason and revelation.

>> No.22353177
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Don't the Hadiths say not to use websites like this?

>> No.22353185

1. Cultural Hindu (non practicing)
2. Don't have a favorite
3. The White Tiger, The Alchemist, The Pilgrimage

>> No.22353190

The Talmud, how to win friends and influence people, The Prince

Machiavelli, Roth, Kafka

>> No.22353524

1. Atheist
2. Melville, Dostoevsky, Proust
3. Moby Dick, Bible, Brothers Karamazov

>> No.22353543

1. Catholic
2. A. Theroux, Borges, and St. Thomas Aquinas tied with St. John Henry Newman
3. Holy Bible, Rumi Red Book, and honestly Don Quixote or something but I'm bad at favorites

>> No.22353551

Willing to follow anything that’s trad and nonmaterialistic

Sherwood Anderson, Pessoa, Dostoyevsky

I couldn’t possibly narrow down to three but the Book of Disquiet is my favorite.

Honorable mention to Tanizaki

>> No.22353552

>conquered by big bulky Christians
Oldfags will ngmi

>> No.22353562

I don't think so

>> No.22353564

You don't think at all.

>> No.22353584


>> No.22353588

Sorry but you haven't shed the programming yet

>> No.22353631

technically Catholic, but with a strong interest in Indo-Aryan metaphysics

Henry James, James Joyce, Jane Austen

The Golden Bowl, The Wings of the Dove, Pride and Prejudice

>> No.22353671

Baptized Catholic but I consider myself non-denominational Christian.
I guess lyric poets don’t count so Shakespeare, Hawthorne, Tolkien
Macbeth, The Scarlet Letter, Lord of the Rings

>> No.22353682

The very first page in the very first chapter of Snorri’s Edda tells us that Odin came from the Eastern Mediterranean (Troy, modern day Turkey, you know, the one quite close to modern day Israel) but you didn’t even know that because you don’t actually read.

>> No.22353694

Mostly agree. It’s very difficult and a list of a few can only be decided for the purpose of crafting an impression and not necessarily because of some organic and authentic affinity. If you could have been and be a fly on the wall, you’d probably see that reading habits and attention. diverge quite a bit from what’s been indicated here.

>> No.22353710
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>man in the 6th century knew what a website was

>> No.22353715

Kafka, Dosto, Lovecraft
Oblomov, Stoner, The Trial

>> No.22353729

1. Islam
2. Ibn Arabi, Ibn Farid, Nitro+
3. SICP, Bushido Soul of Japan, Saya no Uta,

>> No.22353797

I thought they were still being written. Admittedly, I don't know shit about Islam other than the moon splitting in two and the sun sinking into mud

>> No.22353804

1. Quaker
2. Thomas Wolfe, Thomas Bernhard, & Frank Stanford
3. Proud Beggars by Cossery, Mount Analogue by Daumal, & The Battlefield Where the Moon Says I Love You by Stanford

>> No.22353805

you can tell that to SATAN when you burn in HELL!

>> No.22353822
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How does one end up becoming a quaker?

>> No.22353838

the only way you become any religion in the 21st century is by being born it, and that doesn't always suffice.

>> No.22353899

For me (>>22353804), I grew up in rural poverty. Quakers, in their goodness, outwardly expressing their inner love of God, selflesslly helped my family by donating food, clothes, school supplies, helped my drunkard of a father find jobs even though he would always lose them. Through their love and support, I became one too.

>> No.22354211

>the only way you become any religion in the 21st century is by being born it,
This is just saying the omnipresence of cameras disproves miracles which the Shroud of Turing, Our Lady of Guatalupe, and Eucharistic Miracles show are all not leaps of faith against rationality but the rational response to a hyper rational Being.

>> No.22354267

>a shroud from the medieval period is a miracle
>lying/schizo Mexican peasants are a miracle

>> No.22354269
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1. Gnostic Christianity
2. Nietzsche, Kierkegaard, Weber
3. Two Discourses, Civilization And It’s Discontents, Understanding Media, On The Origin Of Language

>> No.22354271

Atheism is the programming from society

>> No.22354279

1. Mahayana
2. Aeschylus, Aristophanes, Dostoevsky.
3. The Oresteia, Bodhisattvacaryāvatāra, The Adolescent.

>> No.22354286

1. Whatever I happen to find that makes sense
2. Whatever I happen to find that is illuminating
3. The last three I happened to read

>> No.22354312

No one is born believing a religion. Babies can't understand what religion is. Many people become Christians despite what their parents taught them. How do you think people became Christian in the first place? I'm sure you've seen news of Westerners converting to Islam or whatever Eastern religion.

>> No.22354458

This nigga worships miso soup!

>> No.22354581

1. Atheist
2. Joris-Karl Huysmans, Michel de Montaigne, Fernando Pessoa
3. À Rebours, Essais, John C. Calhoun: an American Portrait

>> No.22354599

>Anatolia is Semitic
Ok retard

>> No.22354629

>The vast majority of U.S. adults (85.6%) say they were raised as Christians. But more than a fifth of them (19.2% of all adults) no longer identify with Christianity. Far fewer Americans (4.2% of all adults) have converted to Christianity after having been raised in another faith or with no religious affiliation.

>> No.22354660

1. Christian
2. Tolkien / Martin du Gard / Casanova
3. Berserk / Don Quixote / Le comte de Monte Cristo

>> No.22354702

1. Whoever will bring me to heaven
2. Nabokov, García Marquez, Flaubert
3. One Hundred Years of Solitude, Lolita, Sentimental Education

>> No.22354724

1. Nietzschean
2. Marayush Avaastavam, Behren Kechrizadeh, Sotis Volanis
3. Slit Slit Genocide, Seven Healthy Sins, the Tanakh

>> No.22354729

he's correct, you have no relation to the first and overall early christians. you are spiritual cuckolds and try to justify your cuckold fetish

>> No.22354775

1. N/A
2. Nietzsche, Kant, Schopenhauer
3. Critique of Pure Reason, World as Will and Representation, Brothers Karamazov

>> No.22354782

>top writer is nietzsche
>top books are by sch*penhauer

>> No.22354831

No hate like Christian love.

>> No.22354860

ah, the original copium

>> No.22355544

Nice. I just ordered the Gnostic texts. Seems very interesting.

>> No.22355570

>no one is born believing in a religion
You know what I meant
> How do you think people became Christian in the first place?
I said in the 21st century
> I'm sure you've seen news of Westerners converting to Islam or whatever Eastern religion.
Histrionic tiktokers, roasties, and homosexuals don’t count

>> No.22355589

Isn’t this kind of admitting that Muhammad wasn’t divinely inspired? If god really knew everything and wanted the Koran to be the “final” and perfect revelation he would have included shit about the internet seeing as he included provisions mundane shit of the time. Otherwise he would have to update the Koran.

>> No.22356547

I was born into a lapsed Southern Baptist family. My grandma was hardcore but my mom lapsed when she met my dad, who's an anti-church establishment Christian. I lost faith at my grandma's church very young and was pretty anti-religion until my late teens. Then I ended up doing religious studies for my degree. I had always heard great stories about how upstanding Quakers have been since the foundation of the society. I just showed up at my local meeting and was welcomed immediately. Quakers make me feel home. FGCQuaker has a find a meeting tool on their website.

>> No.22356599

Plato, Homer, Virgil
The Illiad, Moby Dick, The Odyssey

>> No.22356623

What if I told you that one does not automatically proceed the other?

>> No.22356626

Atheism is the real cope which allows you to engage in degenerative behavior

>> No.22356633
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1. secular humanism / philosophical postmodernism
2. pynchon, gaddis, wallace
3. Gravity’s rainbow, the recognitions, the pale king

>> No.22356635

Nice projection

>> No.22356640

I own some but not the Nag Hammadi. Seems too expensive.

>> No.22356659

You God is a dead man on a stick.
Stop believing in the Israeli desert delusions and adopt Islam while there's still time left.

>> No.22356710

1. Judaism
2. Dostoevsky, Fernand Braudel, Nietzsche
3. Plato's Republic, BotNS, Crime and Punishment

>> No.22356713
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I don’t read books. I am smarter than everyone who has come before me and also I don’t have time cause I have to harass some guy who doesn’t even know my stupid name.

>> No.22356786

You too since you deeply wish it to be true and try to change peoples minds trough fear. You think your God will look at you as a good man?

>Some people act evil in plain sight, some cover it with robes of religion

>> No.22356903

2.Machiavelli, Tolkien, Goethe
3. Goethe's Faust, LOTR, Count of Monte Cristo

>> No.22356904

Born and raised Catholic. Feel drawn to Germanic paganism and the beliefs of the early Anglo-Saxons of my homeland. My mind is a mess to be honest. Spirituality is important to me and I think I need to do more meditation to find what is right. The oneness with nature that paganism promotes is very attractive. Christianity doesn't feel like it has much connection to nature at all, maybe I'm wrong I just can't feel it. I don't know why nature gives me such strong spiritual feelings, must have had some druids in my family or something. There is something about Christianity that just feels too much like a tool for power and manipulation. The whole thing about God being completely unreasonable and you are doomed regardless of how much good you do in the world unless you are specifically worshipping him, even though he will never show you a direct sign of his existence. With pre-christian european beliefs there are still many of the same virtues, but with less focus on other people, if I am a good man that lives with honor and courage the gods will favor me regardless of if I do a specific ritual or not. Christianity is the opposite in this regard, you are expected to do very specific rituals in order to gain God's blessing. Technically a superior man in all areas can be fucked and an absolute snake weasel of a man can get good standing with God in Christianity, because God seems to care less about your individual characteristics and actions than about being God-fearing and doing things like confession to please him. Also, another thing that bothered me is when I first heard people criticize Christianity and said how it is all about the Jews and how that god literally calls himself the "God of Israel" and how every single event that happens in the entire bible is all a small part of the middle east and africa. You have an entire planet, yet the bible is only about that locale. Kind of feels like if say for example, someone took Odin, made a monotheistic religion with him as the one all powerful god, and then spread it about, and then you have people in Japan worshipping a Norse deity. If Christ appears to me then of course I would 100% be convinced I am not a hater of anything.

>> No.22356915


>> No.22356990

Brother if I wanted you to burn in hell I wouldn't be telling you how easy it is to avoid it. I wish all pagans/atheists would not disbelieve their way off a cliff to burn in hell. Our Lord Jesus Christ can save anybody.

>> No.22357014

Good evening, sir.

>> No.22357018

Based Autsen Chad.

>> No.22357045

You cant fool me with your covert intentions.

>> No.22357171

Hi friend. I resonate with what you wrote about your draw towards nature and the beliefs of your ancestors. This is part of my own spiritual life too, and eventually brought me back to Christianity. If I may, I'd like to recommend a couple of modern figures who address these topics brilliantly.

The first is Paul Kingsnorth, an environmentalist and former new ager turned Orthodox Christian. His work is all about the wilds and the idea that Christianity has always had a place for the wilderness
If you prefer to listen: https://youtu.be/V4ZJYQKxXx0
Or if you prefer to read: https://www.paulkingsnorth.net/wild-christianity

The other is Martin Shaw, a mythicist and folklorist, formerly pagan I believe. I'm newer to his work but I think he talks about the reality and centrality of Christ even in the context of a pagan story and worldview.
Video: https://youtu.be/8luN8bDDRBs
Text: https://emergencemagazine.org/essay/navigating-the-mysteries/

I believe that J.R.R. Tolkien had similar affinities to what you describe, and for him and many others Christianity, especially the traditional or pre modern forms, was the fullest way to be a part of the stories of those people and see them really alive. Remember, even though history records many tragic instances of conversion by the sword, most of our ancestors chose to become Christian. At the same time, they chose to preserve the stories of their people.

God bless you in your journeys.

>> No.22357198

Dubious Atheist
Cioran, Schopenhauer, Pessoa
The Trouble with Being Born, The Trial, The Book of Disquiet

>> No.22357200

I’m not reading all that. Give me a one sentence summary or go to hell faggot.

>> No.22357216

Christianity is the fulfillment of our ancestors' beliefs, not the negation.

>> No.22357222

You don’t even know how to use commas correctly. Your parents have failed you in your education. Go back to worshipping your 3 gods and reflect on how you failed to bring me closer to jesus through your own utter inadequacies.

>> No.22357239

>because, even though our ancestors believed in many different things (as thousands of people across thousands of years can only do) and even though we have no clue what the vast majority of these beliefs were, well... it just is, OK?!?!?!?!?!

>> No.22357323

Yes, different people can look at the world and come to different sets of conclusions or interpretations, and they're not all mutually exclusive. I never said our ancestors were right about everything and were actually dogmatically orthodox Christians.

Oh yeah and
1. (Greek) Catholic
2. Pynchon, Tolkien and Lewis off the top of my head.
3. Till we Have Faces, The Three Body Problem and Lord of the Rings

>> No.22357341

If you're the anon I originally wrote to, just know that the connection between Christianity and European pagan stories and values is a very rich, deep and interesting topic to study. I care about you and hope you find some resolution to your conflicts, not just because I know how cool it is.
And if you're someone else then idk, I hope you're also studying something that you find really cool or that you find whatever it may be.

>> No.22357353

Vonnegut, Irvine Welsh, William Gibbson
Mother Night, Trainspotting, Mona Lisa Overdrive.

>> No.22357354

Weininger, Dostoyevsky, Ibsen
Sex and Character: An Investigation of Fundamental Principles, Injured and Insulted, Emperor and Galilean

>> No.22357363

My second-hand has quite a bit of Irvine Welsh. Where to start?

>> No.22357364



Crime and punishment
The trial

>> No.22357578

“values” isn’t a religion, anon

>> No.22357605

I am the person you originally replied to. Thank you for the links, I’m checking them out now

>> No.22357647

"Judeo-christian" only applies to philosemtic denominations, such as American evangelism. Not something I'd be putting out there anon

>> No.22357666

I understand this is a troll, but I can't help but feel like such people on this board exist

>> No.22357681

hi you just finished meditations of the tarot, right? thanks again for making me get a copy of darconville's out of jealousy

>> No.22357697

Christian. Southern Baptist
Borges, McCarthy, Rachel Cusk
Ficciones, Blood Meridian, An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding

>> No.22357829

Heavens no that would be too embarassing to put that out there on anonymous 4chan. Oh poo poo

>> No.22357859

1. Catholic
2. Kierkegaard, Dostoevsky, Steinbeck
3. The Idiot, Moby Dick, Grapes of Wrath

>> No.22357867

The Trinity is Allah, you blaspheme

>> No.22357877

We all walk an Eternal pathway, and our direction can always change towards Heaven or Hell.

Jesus is the redeemer that will guide you and keep you safe from any woe

>> No.22357881

>3 gods
Christians believe there is only one God.

The Trinity being The Father, The Son, and the Holy Ghost(Spirit)

>> No.22357883

How is trainspotting compared to the movie?

>> No.22358307

Bernhard, Kafka, Dante/ Spinoza, Montaigne, Nietzsche
Mother Night, The Trial, The Divine Comedy

>> No.22358315

1. Christian transhumanist.
2. Don't have any.
3. Don't have any.

>> No.22358440

you are so fucking gay