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File: 165 KB, 1200x650, jordan_peterson_speaking_1200x650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22347310 No.22347310 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people still read this buffoon? He's chronically online for the Daily Wire and got bodied on metaphysics by Matt fucking Dillahunty. What gives?

>> No.22347316

>chronically online for the Daily Wire
have you considered that this might be the vast majority of his audience at this point?

>> No.22347326

It's so pathetic. He was a tenured, well-respected clinical psychologist who could have become a meaningful public intellectual in the vein of Chomsky but his fame got to his head and now he sells lobster ties, shits on trans people and grifts for Ben Shapiro

>> No.22347328

Seriously doubt anyone could 'body' jbp

>> No.22347332

Dillahunty made some good points against Peterson's lame "even atheists believe in God" canard

>> No.22347339

Jordy is right

>> No.22347344

at least dillahunty doesn't weep over and wax poetic about Pinocchio

>> No.22347347

You need a SOVL to cry over the most based children's novel to begin with.

>> No.22347352

unironically true

>> No.22347356
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>clinical psychologist who spent decades personally helping hundreds of people severely afflicted by mental illness
>academic who published dozens of widely cited papers ranging in subjects varying from practical counseling, historical/philosophical roots of psychology, research paradigms in neurology...
>research scientist working on the operationalization of personality constructs as well as the neurobiological basis of addiction
>university professor who mentored dozens of grad students into academic, research, and counseling careers
>assisted in the development of software that increases the likelihood of at-risk students reaching graduation as a side project
>accidentally became internationally famous and ended up publishing 2 best selling books (so far) as well as organizing lectures in various countries throughout the world
>he's a drug addict tho!
>his office was messy once!
>er...you don't have a dad!
>er...wash your dick!
>his daughter is a slut!
>he likes the Jews!
>he's controlled opposition!
Still triggering trannies who don't like the truth, libtards who propagandize, racists he won't associate with, and pseuds who can't tell the difference between a media personality and real life

>> No.22347360

More like 11 rules for kike worship

>> No.22347363

The best thing about Peterson as a media figure is the outgroup he creates just by existing.

>libtard /lit/
Seethes that Peterson turns them into reactionaries by pointing out their bullshit.
>pseud /lit/
Thinks cynically dunking on mass media meant for a general audience is a sign of intelligence.
>chud lit
Thinks he's part of a Jewish conspiracy preventing them from having sex.
>tranny /lit/
Thinks he's a "literal nazi."

Everyone who has a viscerally negative reaction to the man is instantly outed as unworthy of serious attention. Try to think of another media figure who has that going for him.

>> No.22347366

Go find another site to sully you evil coward

>> No.22347368

Ez, Gutfeld

>> No.22347375
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>Delusional rationalization/disorganized thinking:
There are facts about the world. For example, that media manipulates people, Jews work in media, and psychologists study the mind. However, what a delusional person does is take such facts and use them to confirm a specific narrative (this is known as being selectively coherent). The elements of the narrative aren't actually proven by the facts but the delusional person (or ideologue) confuses their truth with the truth of their narrative. For example: Peterson is a psychologist (fact), associates with Jews (fact), and works in media (fact); therefore he is a skilled manipulator and part of a conspiracy headed by Jews. (This is the delusional rationalization part). The facts don't prove the narrative yet if you look you'll notice they are what is carrying the weight of the argument being made by people who mentally adhere to the narrative--if you deny the narrative these ideologues will confuse this with denying the facts. (That's the disordered thinking part).

Basically, the dangerous thing about paranoid narratives is that they have the appearance of being logically consistent within themselves and noticing the sleight of hand that takes place between the facts and the narrative isn't always easy to do. However, it's quite easy to see why certain narratives are simply absurd (e.g. looking at the advanced teachings of a cult versus those they use to hook people in).

Peterson isn't the crescendo of a multi-millenia conspiracy headed by a cabal of Jews who want you to not have sex. You haven't figured it all out and you aren't interpreting 5D chess. What you are doing is building a selectively coherent narrative based on truisms and confusing that they necessarily connect to your version of reality. If you find yourselves doing this seek professional help.

>> No.22347376

Chuddies are right on this one, though. Jordy Boy is a Zionist who dines with Jews and defends Israel.

>> No.22347387

I think people just think he's a coward for being able to criticize every other aspect of western degeneracy but not da joos. For the obvious reason that it's the one thing that would destroy his career

>> No.22347389

Find another site to sully, you evil coward.

>> No.22347390
File: 60 KB, 462x693, 1569234286906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Peterson: it would be productive to involve men in the conversation about violence against women in a way that doesn't label masculinity as inherently negative
>Libtard: so you're saying in order to make men care about rape women have to be returned to the status of men's property
>Peterson: the rise of identitarianism is linked to reactionary politics that sublimate personal resentment into collectivistic extremism
>Chud: so you're saying white people don't have group interests and therefore shouldn't exist
>Peterson: transgender ideology specifically targets a group of people likely to be confused and open to mental pathologies via social contagion--we shouldn't give hormones to children let alone surgically mutilate minors
>Tranny: so you're literal nazi saying we're a disease and we should be exterminated like one
>Peterson: anonymity increases the likelihood of pathological behavior so perhaps one way to alleviate the negative repercussions of its overall influence would be to segregate accounts on these specific widely used social media websites--it's definitely better than secret and selective control of the public narrative as it exists now
>/pol/tard: so you're saying you want everyone everywhere to be tied to whatever they say and do at all times...I'm a freedom fighter [goes to another thread to post about AOC's asshole while writing "nig*er" 50 times]
Basically, Peterson will touch a nerve by simply pointing out something that is blatantly ignored in the way an ideological group frames an issue. He exposes ideological blind-spots in a simple and straightforward way; this leads to the fellow travelers of whichever idea is being discussed having a breakdown and exposing themselves. He's valuable as a media personality if even for that reason alone

>> No.22347393

Omissions are just as strong as stated things. By not talking about the obvious and blatant of corruption of the Jews because he would be blackliste, he's telling us about it. He talks about trannies, liberals/wokes, muslims, women but not jews? Why? he's in their payroll

>> No.22347398

He sees rises in antisemitism as a reactionary response to the identitarianism forwarded by liberalism (note this used to be the purview of left but it was cannibalized by mainstream liberals seeking to validate their corporatist platform in the wake of the Great Recession with a nod toward Obama's presidency). It's not that he is actively seeking to subvert white people in favor of jews as part of a conspiracy--he rejects elements of your belief structure (with reason as per the above) and goes from there.

>> No.22347418

I don't think he is subverting white people either, I just think he refuses to honestly engage with questions about disproportionate jewish power. I think he gave some answer about their iq before like it's all a meritocratic phenomenon but refuses to debate further when it's shown that's a trash cop out answer

>> No.22347432


>> No.22347452

I don't care about all the legitimate criticisms on JP. What he has done, yet so little, deserves honour and respect.
All the cultural Western achievements of the future lie on foundation that he, Jordan Peterson, him alone has set.
The renaissance of the Western Man, of the Faustian Spirit lies on his shoulders alone.

>> No.22347493


have you ever read maps of meaning? It's hilarious, I'd highly suggest taking a look as a palette cleanser in betweening watching his various crying sessions

>> No.22347528
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>> No.22347541

>engage with questions about disproportionate jewish power
Again, he sees such as necessarily embedded within a reactionary identitarianism that attracts bad actors--these actors generally discredit themselves by way of their own behavior (i.e. they don't even need someone like Peterson to point it out). If you spend 10 mins on /pol/ you can see this in action for yourself.

>> No.22347549

>shits on trans people
lmao you almost had me there

>> No.22347560
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This isn't JP, it's an except from Pynchon.

You know Peterson completely btfo trannies and other mentally ill leftists by their compulsive need to spread lies and agitate against him. He quite literally lives in their diseased heads rent free and they can do nothing about it, least of all try to actually address or answer anything he says,

>> No.22347563
File: 169 KB, 831x483, 47A194E0-3B25-421D-A4FE-C116E6A5009F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody actually reads him

>> No.22347567

>I don't care about all the legitimate criticisms on JP.
Like what? I've yet to hear a single one over years of opening these shit threads, it's just seething redditors completely making shit up.

>> No.22347570

It's not him it's his fans that haven't even learned to move on despite watching all the lectures and reading his books. Just admit you want an internet daddy to follow and don't want to actually follow JBP's own advice.

>> No.22347579

Why are there regular threads feigning shock about increasingly irrelevant ecelebs? Why does a list of the names of said ecelebs closely match lists of open offers for online PR shills? It's a mystery.

>> No.22347581

The point is that he has set a milestone.
Imagine if there wouldn't have been a JP.
Sure there are characters like Ben Shapiro but they didn't have the power to shift the range of discussion they were too narrow minded for that.

>> No.22347596

Well ok I guess I have to think about what reactionary identitatianism is and if that's a valid basis to refuse to answer questions like this, or if it's actually more the fact that you won't be able to use the banking system or work for ben shapiro if you addressed these questions. I have a gut feeling on what it is but I'll put in the work

>> No.22347598

Oh look! This autist copypasta again.

>> No.22347610

He's such a moron
>yes grandmother it's soft

>> No.22347626

Here's some
>he's a bad writer
>he goes to israel and cries about how they're the most important people in the world
>works for Ben Shapiro who runs a youtube channel and pays him 40 million dollars in US taxpayer money through Israel
>doesn't know shit about the books he claims to have read and probably did, once, like 35 years ago, despite being a "professor"
>is a narcissist who considers himself a foremost intellectual... along with Sam Harris (lol)

>> No.22347645
File: 60 KB, 593x897, Screenshot_20230802-132053~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

getting bodied by Matt Dillahunty should be a career ending move. That's a midlife crisis tier event

>> No.22347673

This is a dude who has well studied the current era from every single perspective that publicly exists. He hasn't just childishly refuted the arguments of the liblefts, he has absorbed their core ideas into his worldview and synthesized them with his own to create a form of liberal conservatism that compatibilizes the core left ideas from wich their views spring. Without him, any ideology or worldview, let's call it philosophy, that is not a mere re-interpretation of old chewed out ideas, would be unthinkable. Put on some kind of pedestal, JP has given Western individualism a new shape.

>> No.22347679

You're seething about a popularizer of science making more people aware of basic science like evolutionary biology, a subject suppressed by propagandists on all sides. When pressed about the cause of this seething you have no real answer, all the other bad writers in the world don't cause this kind of response. There's something going on here with you, not with this random celeb you've become obsessed with.

>> No.22347701

>oh you want arguments!?!?
ok lol

>> No.22347723

He didn't rise to fame due to a relationship with Ben Shapiro and the entirety of his work doesn't revolve around the The Daily Wire. For example, his interview series generates a larger audience than what is released behind the paywall and, if anything, it's easy to argue The Daily Wire is more dependant one him for audience and the revenue arising from it than he is when it comes to The Daily Wire.

Again, a large part of the problem is that antisemites discredit themselves through their own behaviour. It's perfectly reasonable to frame antisemitism as part of a reactionary identitarianism that can't be divorced in the form of sober conversation. Just look at the level of schizo-tier paranoia that comes up when anyone takes even a moderate line when it comes to discussion about Jews in 4chan--its an automatic cesspit.

>> No.22347732

This is one of the reasons I don't read characters like Evola or other retards of a similar veneration.
Even if I don't like Nietzsche there's something more based about him for the fact alone that he has called himself a "100% polish nobleman without a single ounce of German blood". It's as if all the based authors from the pre-war eras had a sniff for telling the difference between chud retards and actual intellectualism.

>> No.22347742

This seems very cry out as you strike type of arguing. Most platforms you can't even discuss it without getting banned. Isn't that an even more severe reaction that should discredit their side of the argument?

>> No.22347750

No, he does not see things in your communist way that you just made up.

>> No.22347767

He's been posting that Pynchon excerpt into every Jordan Peterson thread for about 2 years. There's a meme of it somewhere but it's better to not even give him attention.

>> No.22347774

My main issue with him is that, for someone taking the role of a traditionalist/conservative intellectual critisizing the fall of academia, he is himself a perfect example of academia lowering standards. He is just not well-read and has no idea about anything outside of his own area of specialization. He would not be considered an educated person a few decades ago. A general education expected of any academic would contain a few languages (ancient and modern) and comprehensive knowledge of the classics, history, literature, philosophy, arts, etc.

An example of his arrogance and lack of self-awareness: he talked about making a seminar or a lecture series about Dostojewski. He does not know any Russian. This is absolutely ridiculous. He would be making hours-long symbolical rants about single sentences, and they would not even be the actual sentences, but once due to more or less arbitrary choices of a translator.
Another example is, of course, his lectures on the Bible. Again, endless hours upon hours about a single book of the Bible from a man who knows no Hebrew nor Greek. Last time I saw a podcast of his he was boasting about having consulted multiple translations of the Bible for his interpretation.

>> No.22347807

>check the archive
>it's true
holy shit how does Peterson do it, he literally mind raped some anon who now lives their entire life seething about him

>> No.22347815

Is there any proof his clinical practice has actually helped anyone? Finding a therapist that can legitimately help someone seems nearly impossible and his tendency to schizo ramble seems like it'd be a hindrance to therapeutic efficacy

>> No.22347821

The MSM tried to characterize Peterson as a chud/incel guru and it wouldn't stick. I'm not going to pretend that Peterson is "the greatest thinker of our time" like the pseuds project onto anyone who doesn't detract him but he's certainly well above average as far as media figures go.

Also, we have to remember that the conversation eventually narrows once a given figure is no longer alive to actively engage with an audience. We live in an age of mass media in which there's way more contemporary material being produced around any given figure than there has even been before. It's entirely likely that the idols of the past would have been found wanting under such scrutiny.
Your entire post is reflective of the "schizo-tier paranoia" I referenced and I clearly highlighted the fact that any conversation about Jews rapidly degrades into emotionally laden vitriol. Like it or not people such as yourself make it impossible to even broach the subject because no one wants to be associated with your behavior.

>> No.22347837

holy shit another SAME FUCKING THREAD XD a day can't go by without this fucking animal being brought up ... is this MI5 or NSA or Mossad doing astroturfing or what? who is actually behind these daily threads?

I'll refer to my last comment on the same fucking subject: >>22346253

lol ok,
original complaints:
drug addict (yes proven), mentally ill / emotionally unstable (yes proven), crazed messiah complex (yes proven), dishonest in debate (yes proven), generic self-help guru reinforcing cliche sterile-brained paradigm that young people really don't know how to tidy their bedrooms

add to the above, the absolute top worst:
1) army of cuntish trolls on the internet (really they are the only reason we are even speaking about him) constantly pretending he's the messiah / victim of army of cuntish trolls on the internet


2.2) did something fucking crazy instead (see: 3)

claim to fame:
said something we all know to be true
said something everybody has said

path to fame:
massively blown up by the press non-stop and made into famous persecuted hero in the same manner as donald trump

>> No.22347845

Tripfags are cancer. Take your attention-whoring to Reddit.

>> No.22347857

>(off-topic, evasion)
anonymity enables astroturfing and abuse, take your delusional political narratives back to the fucking sun and cook.

>> No.22347864

i say peterson is
>attention whore
you say i'm
schizophrenic projection noted, modus operandi of professional troll is obvious to everyone reading this.

your argument based on the ignorance of the reader is not going to work

>> No.22347867

Learn to write, autist.

>> No.22347868

>(off-topic, evasion)
>(verbal and emotional abuse)
proving my point, retard.

1) army of cuntish trolls on the internet (really they are the only reason we are even speaking about him) constantly pretending he's the messiah

>> No.22347879
File: 216 KB, 1920x777, 2D9A5FA5-2C40-43A7-88B9-F4C2936CAC72.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shows up to debate Zizek
>admits he has never read Marx
I bet he still hasn’t

Anyways he is retarded, if you actually listen to what he’s saying. Case in point: picrel. Nigga doesn’t even know that Germans capitalize their nouns.

>> No.22347881

I'm going to contact 4chan admins soon and request we ban the name jordan peterson, replacing the text with something dumb, like we did with "s o y"

>> No.22347886

Your unworthy of discussion and have to adopt a tripfag in order to get attention. Simple as.

>> No.22347904

This. He probably didn't even tell anyone to transition.

>> No.22347908 [DELETED] 

>(off-topic, evasion)
>(verbal and emotional abuse)
>(reveals himself to be Mr. Simple As)
dumb white nigger at it again

Do you think that trying to bully people on the internet is a good way to make your political position and your messiah look Good? Stupid cunt, wish I knew who you were, I'd love to end your life with a claw hammer for the number of times I've encountered (you) saying this same shit.

>> No.22347922

>calls people trolls
Fuck off, schizo.

>> No.22347924

I'm sorry that this thread has been derailed into directionless shitposting actively worsening the quality of the board

>> No.22347935

I didn't make the thread. He's one of the most famous people in the world at the moment, which is why he's more discussed than random other bad writers. He makes some good points, that's how controlled opposition works.
What would you accept as arguments? His devotion to the state of Israel is disgusting.

>> No.22347946

Peterson identified an audience who desperately wanted someone with intellectual authority to reassure them, to be their father figure who'd defend them from outsiders and speak to their fears. Peterson simply wanted to be famous and saw a group he could piggy back on, a stepping stone for a brighter career. It's a match made in heaven. His audience need him more and more since he's the only smart guy they can point to for cred, and now he's become completely dependent on them for his fame having lost all credibility. That's why he went off the rails, he realized he'd dug himself into a hole and now both him and his fanboys have no option but to double down. They like him because their afraid he'll leave and they'll lose their daddy figure, he's terrified because he knows without them he's nothing. It's like a shitty relationship where both parties can't break up and are hopelessly addicted to each other.

>> No.22347966

Wow, are you a psychologist? You know a lot about this stuff.

>> No.22347986

>still (off-topic, evasion) 3rd time
>still (verbal and emotional abuse) 3rd time
damage control mode for being called out, breaks out the big guns:
>(the word schizo)
lawl projection

spending years of its life saying the same few fragmentary abusive messages in response to anything said on the internet on any subject; never engaging in any discussion whatsoever, its brain must be atrophied black like a crack addict or alcoholics. disgusting. sick. in need of cutting to pieces and covering in sulphuric acid in a bathtub somewhere imo

ey thas great faggot, DON'T MAKE ANOTHER ONE
sick to death of daily peterson threads filled with psychopath shitposters

>> No.22347989
File: 97 KB, 887x485, fsafwe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All they have are the same few ad homs they've been depending on for years. This schizo labeled them as "original complaints" (>>22347837).

>> No.22347996

>spending years of its life saying the same few fragmentary abusive messages
No you: >>22347989. Seek help. Good luck.

>> No.22348068

>original complaints
wow your IQ and reading ability is pathetic,WHY LOW IQ WHITE NIGGERS WHO CANT READ DEFENDING THE WORST THINGS EVER HAHAHA okay so it's like this,German-Irish Tyrone,

people have been potining out those things about peterson since he first blew up, that's the "original and unchanged" critique that you faggots can't wrap your brains around or respond about at all.

>ad hom
fucking dishonest cunt i wish i could smash your skull apart against concrete and end you for problem once and for all

>seek help
I'd rather kill and eat everybody who thinks and speaks like you, you cattle brain cunt. That's only thing I need help with, finding out where you live.

>> No.22348105
File: 249 KB, 1200x859, fuck you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Opinions on Peterson are just gossip until you've actually read Maps of Meaning. Everything else he's ever written or said publicly is an increasingly dumbed down version of the material he elaborates on much more effectively there. It also makes a better introductory case for Jung than Man and His Symbols, if you're interested in that.

>> No.22348120
File: 9 KB, 275x183, laughing whores.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What would you accept as arguments? His devotion to the state of Israel is disgusting.
What the fuck does his view on Israel have to do with the validity of his psychological theories? He's a psychologists. Should I ask the plumber about Ukraine too? What the FUCK are you even talking about you brainless nigger?

>> No.22348124

>write an entire master's thesis
>none of it has anything to do with anything Peterson actually said, ever

>> No.22348130

>He's a psychologists

>> No.22348145

moshe, it's me, look, it's like this:

Dumb nigger peterson got called a nazi by dumb white press, dumb niggers rectum failed him and he went coward, "i'm not a nazi, loo i'll go and suck the balls of benjamin nitay," and so he went and slobbered over dinner, now he's thinking he's safe because the magick powers of the jews project him.

he's a cattle brain cow who you should bomb.

>> No.22348151


>> No.22348161

shush yourself goyim, a higher caste white is talking with his jewish subject CONCERNING THINGS OF GOD

>> No.22348171
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>No, you can't just judge Marxism based off all this gay retarded shit Marxists do, you have to actually look into what Marxism actually is
>No, you can't just judge Marxism based off its incredibly dark history, that wasn't real Marxism, you have to actually read Marx
>No, you can't just judge Marxism based off the Communist Manifesto, the most widely read political work in human history, it doesn't represent Marx well, you have to actually read Capital
>No, you can't just judge Marxism based off Capital and how everything he ever predicted was wrong, Marxism has grown over time, you have to read all these other gay retards
Do Marxists even understand Marx?

>> No.22348175

>actually deranged
Seek help.
>pretending to be deranged for attention
Seek help.

>> No.22348183

No one on /it/ ever respected him as an intellectual.

>> No.22348204

>(more troll shit)
yea yea go cry into your dumb book about washing your penis, you fucking wretch, go shill for that mentally retarded canadian grifter somewhere else

>> No.22348216
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job done

>> No.22348219
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>6 million posts into the reply chain
>STILL not 1 argument
I don't give a shit about kikes

>> No.22348221

You can't seethe to the level of sperging violent fantasies and then call someone else a troll, retard. If Peterson triggers you so much you should simply avoid him. You need to develop some maturity so doing just that could be a useful exercise for you.

>> No.22348232

>85 posts
>only 23 IPs
>giga cringe namefags
yep it's a reddit seethe thread
>b-b-b-but we're anti-semites just like you, achkually trans people are your best allies
You don't fit in no matter how much you dilate ;)

>> No.22348245

god damn imagine being this butthurt

>> No.22348249

rofl holy fucking shit

i typed it out nice for you earlier >>22347837 whenever i bother to enter one of these spunkfest threads I don't ever get a straight answer either, so i know how you feel stef

it's more like we're (i mean all of real humanity) baffled 'who' would be defending pitstain at this point, i really figured after he turned zionist his incel neonazi fanbase would have finally given up on him and these dumb threads would stop.

>> No.22348255
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Peterson's only goal was to fragment and redirect the growing Nationalistic and Nativist sentiment that was building the West.
>Failed to halt the use of pronouns, never addresses it now
>Failed to halt the use of gender reassignment, never address it now
>Failed to stop the continual decay of society, never addresses it now

>Succeeded in destroying the Right's collectivization in the face of growing, insurmountable odds.

>> No.22348266
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Do you read on a 2nd grade level or something? Is that why you can't understand your so called replies are completely irrelevant? I won't say you accomplished nothing here though, you made me realize there's a degree of sympathy worth considering for the mentally challenged who fixate on public figures like Peterson because they are part of the discussion, and the infirm like yourself WANT to participate, they just don't know how, they feel they are involved, even though their entire lives are one big non sequitur waste of time. Truly, that's worth a crumb of pity.

>> No.22348269

You trigger me, white nigger. I could give a fuck about peterson, but you cow brains just keep going on about him on here every fucking day, and I ignore it 99% of the time, who cares, but when I think "fuc it" and join in, it's literally the same cunts saying the same things, every.. damn. fucking.. time.

and it's always this troll shit. you can't respond to anything said, you lie, then when people are angry at (you) you claim a persecution point for jordan peterson, as if anyone cares about that rat anymore. you're keeping him alive, and worse, dumb fuck, you're making people hate his name far more than they would have done... i had sympathy for what he went through in the first days, now I'd be happy if he was blotted out of the english language internet - and it's down to people like you doing what you do.

good job, trump syndrome strikes again.

>> No.22348279
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>bringing Hitler up for no reason
>insisting on the dead and worthless Neo-Nazi ideology
unironically AT BEST you are the kike you're describing

meanwhile Peterson has accomplished far more for raising right wing awareness than your endless 'kvetching'

>hurr durr if he's really conservative why do trannies still exist? why am I still a loser obsessively posting on a mongolian image board? SELF IMPROVEMENT? FUCK THAT IT SHOULD BE DONE ALREADY, WHAT A FRAUD
top fucking zozzle

>> No.22348282

But I should have a trad wife and a 6 figure job already, Peterson was the Messiah or a fraud, there's nothing in between! There's no actual action required on my part after all.

>> No.22348288

Just keep posting worthless garbage all day on 4chan until you're 50, then it will happen - trust the plan.

>> No.22348291



yeah apparently I do need to go back to school to understand anything you just said there and what it has to do with what I said to you. Are you attacking me for being a fan of peterson now..? what?

actually i agree with everything you just said, these people are exactly that. i should know better than to talk to them.

thanks stef.

>> No.22348292

Unless you commit political suicide step 1 day 1 you're a Jew.

Never mind JBP alone caused infinitely more people to read Solzhenitsyn and learn about the Jew indirectly...that is...I mean....he's a lib, a fucking lib.

>> No.22348295
File: 82 KB, 620x465, incredulous smug asshole.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Truly, that's worth a crumb of pity.
Jesus Christ, destroyed.

>> No.22348301

another day on lit, another pointless Peterson thread. I hate this board

>> No.22348311

>attention whore namefags on a taiwanese sock puppet consortium for some reason
>finally someone notices them
>immediately gets btfo
you love to see it

>> No.22348316

it was a copypasta you dum retard

seriously you clowns who shill for peterson are the lowest types i've ever encountered

>> No.22348317

>makes the exact same ad homs pointed out in the pasta
>has a temper tantrum and attempts to derail the thread when it's pointed out
>starts samefagging own schizopost
>links to another thread where she's doing the exact same thing
>all posts are literally projection about others engaging in the behavior
Either you entirely lack self-awareness or you're a worthless troll with nothing valuable to offer anyone.

>> No.22348321

>a taiwanese sock puppet consortium
hahahahaha you again, basket-weaving guy.

SHIT NIGGER I spend my time arguing with the same two people on every lit thread. Hey, alexander of cremona from wattpad, hahaha, how u doing babe

>> No.22348329


>> No.22348334

>attempts to derail the thread
cunt fucking moron samefag anon

Meanwhile neither of you coward trolls have responded to the original argument I posted, you've both gone well off-topic into samefag psychogames, then declared "victory,"

go ahead and comment "OWNED" to yourself on VPN again, it really distracts away from the first lie that you told that I called you out on.

>> No.22348338
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The Modern Right-Wing is just a slightly less pozzed Left-Wing. There is no Modern Right-Wing in any Western nation, it is prevented from forming as it would likely appeal to a huge swathe of people and effect lasting, real change. The gaps in Jordan Peterson's thought have only highlighted the problems in society, his message is somewhat sophisticated as is his main audience.

Thanks to his complete refusal to address the obvious gaps in his world-view, he has encouraged the more engaged of his audiance to research themselves and what they have found leads them towards a more authoritarian world-view, to look in to Robert Carlyle, Oswald Spengler, Ernst Junger which eventually leads one to an anti-Democratic worldview and one that brushes dangerously close to Fascism and National-Socialism.

>Speaks about biological differences in sexes
>Refuses to speak about the biological differences in races

>Speaks about the small actions of a group of men which damages society
>Refuses to speak about the small group of Jews which damages society

>Speaks about the need for individual action in the face of increasing ethnic tension
>Refuses to speak about the need for collective group action for Whites

>Speaks openly about the need for Christians and Muslims to change their actions for the betterment of all
>Refuses to even mention jews in anything but the most glowing terms

One can not avoid these glaring omissions.

>> No.22348339

Man, I‘ve bern working to cut sarcasm (and greentext arrows) out of my speech and this is a perfect example of why. It really betrays the weakness of a case when its proponents are only able to play-act as what they want the opposition to be saying—as in this case, where you‘re simply afraid to embrace National Socialism as the only cause seriously capable of addressing the root of present social malaise, and need to invent an outlandish case of the previous poster while Peterson is vindicated purely as being a public figure (ignoring critiques as to what end he uses his platform for deradicalization) and even had to add fucking "hurr durr" to the front of your supposition. Pathetic.

>> No.22348343

>>so let's repost and see if the OWNED BASED WHOA samefag dudes can stay on topic and not divert into ad hom and fake shit

holy shit another SAME FUCKING THREAD XD a day can't go by without this fucking animal being brought up ... is this MI5 or NSA or Mossad doing astroturfing or what? who is actually behind these daily threads?

I'll refer to my last comment on the same fucking subject: >>22346253

lol ok,
original complaints:
drug addict (yes proven), mentally ill / emotionally unstable (yes proven), crazed messiah complex (yes proven), dishonest in debate (yes proven), generic self-help guru reinforcing cliche sterile-brained paradigm that young people really don't know how to tidy their bedrooms

add to the above, the absolute top worst:
1) army of cuntish trolls on the internet (really they are the only reason we are even speaking about him) constantly pretending he's the messiah / victim of army of cuntish trolls on the internet


2.2) did something fucking crazy instead (see: 3)

claim to fame:
said something we all know to be true
said something everybody has said

path to fame:
massively blown up by the press non-stop and made into famous persecuted hero in the same manner as donald trump

>> No.22348344

You literally samefagged your schizopost and were instantly BTFO by a random anon who wandered into the thread.

>> No.22348348

Peterson was just a guy who gave good advice to lost men 5 years ago, I understood why people used to watch his lectures in youtube, but the current Peterson is nothing but a shadow of his former self.
He has a huge ego, has permanent brain damage due to the russian coma/ drugs, completely failed to raise his whore daughter, is currently failing to raise his granddaughter, is obsessed with posting weird shit on twitter and is a mediocre writer.

Genuinely only retards care about current Peterson's opinions on anything, even when he was "good" it only was because he had expertise in his niche, he's pretty much retarded everywhere else. He's a peak midwit that just because he has an understanding of psychology he thinks he has it all figured out an has a deep understanding of politics, economy and philosophy.

>> No.22348359
File: 217 KB, 1280x952, CjG3m0dXEAAeweR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>insisting on the dead and worthless Neo-Nazi ideology
It would not be worthless if all of modern political discourse was dead-set at preventing even the tiniest entry of it in to society.

>> No.22348365

hahahaha, attempting to gas-light now, true to form, Alexander of Cremona from Wattpad.

> a random anon
AKA Mr Basket-Weaving Forum, who i've argued with a hundred times on this place,

and before that I was arguing with Mr SIMPLE AS, who i've argued with a hundred times on this place.

same guys, and you're one or the other. I can tell largely because you've done nothing but advanced gas-lighting techniques in every response.

>> No.22348368

dont get me wrong, i'm out of here. i'm not going to waste me time on this bullshit topic now i know who you are.

i'll spot you earlier next time hopefully and save myself some time.

>> No.22348376
File: 29 KB, 548x364, not another peterson thread.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh and no i dont expect a single on point response to anything on-topic i said here

>> No.22348377

>AKA Mr Basket-Weaving Forum, who i've argued with a hundred times on this place
>and before that I was arguing with Mr SIMPLE AS
I know it's easier on you if only 2 anons are pointing out you're an idiot but "'x' 'y' forum" and "simple as" are parlance on this board. The truth is that you're an idiot who gets a negative reaction where ever you spread your nonsense.

>> No.22348384

He's becoming what he hate

What I learned from him is that to stay under the radar as possible.

>> No.22348386

>if things were different then things would be different
>brb comiting suicide trying the knowingly impossible
wow who knew

>> No.22348395

i can cite hundreds of comments saying how great i am if you'd like, you're just a jealous pol fag, that's the truth of the situation. That's why you're hiding behind an anonymous name, afraid to be seen and have to own your remarks, which are all sociopathic shit.

no they're fucking not, the guy reveals himself on purpose by saying that shit, it's supposed to wind me up, and i get it, it's funny and cute.

mr simple as, on the other hand, is a fucking humorless sociopath who has the worst positions and argues in the same bent manner. i don't like him at all.

>> No.22348405

You do not ban things that are worthless, the Soviet Union did not ban all the things it did because they were useless, worthless and without value or threat.

>> No.22348413

it's worthless because it is banned, not the reverse

and it isn't even really banned, that's part of the ban, it serves as excellent bait for idiots and federal agencies to expose themselves for political alienation

>> No.22348419

Holy shit, who the fuck cares about this guy still? He's so 2016. Chuds moved past him and libs found new people to dunk on for being retarded.

>> No.22348423

just to point out here, as most people claim and as they deny, ... but we have an actual nazi apologist trumping for peterson here lol >>22348405 >>22348359
sorry, couldn't not mention that for the IRL readers

i'll see myself out

>> No.22348426

>hundreds of comments saying I'm great
>[nonexistent updoots]
>hiding behind an anonymous name
>["Sir Duncan Crumb" is a real name]
>sociopathic shit
>[literally expressed multiple violent fantasies]
>no they're not
>["Mongolian basket weaving forum" and "simple as" are in fact common parlance across 4chan]
>it's supposed to wind me up
>[same retard who had epic meltdowns in 2 threads over Jordan Peterson]
>mr simple as
>[personifying anonymous voices on the internet and pretending the phantom is real]
You're obviously delusional, anon. It looked like you were just LARPing but the more you post the more apparent it becomes that you're disturbed. You should sign off social media and take a walk in the park or something.

Mr. Touch Grass

>> No.22348430
File: 383 KB, 490x690, 1606527400458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This board has the worst trip and namefags, I'm pretty sure half of them are genuine bots. I really need to figure out how to filter them on my phone too.

>> No.22348434

Didn't you announce you were leaving: >>22348368.

>> No.22348459

>got bodied
I hate this mentality. It was a fun conversation with a mutual respect from both sides, and aside from a few contentious moments, it was civil and amicable. Grow up, no one got "bodied", you faggot.

>> No.22348461

>I'm pretty sure half of them are genuine bots
No they're just cringe inducing newfags trying too hard to fit in and exposing themselves instead. >>22348321 like here.

>> No.22348469

That's 2 chuds in a "you're the jew!" spiral retard. Also, you're the same retard who posted >>22348161.
Butters has become deranged.

>> No.22348471
File: 6 KB, 274x184, 32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that anon, but I could resume rockwell posting again.

>> No.22348475

>Butters has become deranged.
butter is dead newfag

>> No.22348491

Fake lore.

>> No.22348500

>[literally expressed multiple violent fantasies]
what do you mean? You're a sociopath who is trolling thousands of people to 'get' angry responses, don't act like you're not gleeful to be threatened with violence. You want it and love it; like a sexual masochist, but I'm quite serious about it. If you lie in the way you do IRL people should and will smash your teeth out. it's not complicated. You only need a bat to the face once to wake you up to this, and I'd love to do it.

>you're obviously delusional
ha. you can't stop with the gas-lighting, that's your problem bud. You get called out and you just carry on with the psychodrama, it has no impact on me at all.

As I've said to you so many times, ... but you just won't break from your script and delusion that "you're a clever troll owning the internet" to be real... sad shit is you're obviously a grown ass man who's constructed your life around harassing and psychologically abusing really young kids on 4chan by going through this same script.

fyi, that is all textbook mental illness, yes: schizophrenia, yes: go outside, all of the things you bring up in projection do apply to you. and you should really seek counselling about your habits here.

it's 2010 and he ragequit the itnernetz hur hur hur

i'll do as i like, cunt.

>> No.22348513

>announces they're leaving
>can't help coming back to sperg more insanity
If I promise not to respond and give you the last word will you fuck off?

>> No.22348524

i know, dimmy, everyone is a retard - every comment is an opportunity to wax egotism on an anonymous forum, u sure got me

>t cringe inducing newfags trying too hard to fit in
thas funny, fucker, who the fuck would want to fit in with people like you? see previous comment about you and your "culture" >>22348500 you people should be in government vocational reeducation camps.

>> No.22348531

>If I promise not to respond and give you the last word will you fuck off?
It's a deal!

last word: pls stop posting daily peterson threads they are very bad low quality


>> No.22348562

Trannies, for some reason

>> No.22348568

>t. schizo
I changed my mind; I couldn't resist pointing our you're a retard one more time. Sorry.

>> No.22348571

i got another last word,

YOU KNOW masochism is a window into submissive sex, if you have an urge to get Men to threaten you with their big hands, you might be happier if you transitioned into a femboy - i know i would be happier when coming through your window in the dead of night with a sledgehammer and dragging you out of bed if you were all shaved and greased up and all ready to go

haha hey i'm just saying,
we have fun here.

>> No.22348574

hahaha me either >>22348571 see, we're having fun :D


>> No.22348575

>multireplies on an offer to be given the last word
I have to admit that if you're intentionally trolling that's a pretty brilliant move.

>> No.22348587
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>> No.22348590

this moron got literally bodied by fucking MATT DILLAHUNTY, MATT FUCKING DILLAHUNTY

>> No.22348606
File: 6 KB, 248x158, President Joe Rogan, 2062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i am bemused that youngfags think the beginning and ending to trolling is recycling via text a few boring one-liners.

>> No.22348622

Enraging others with stupidity comes more naturally to genuinely stupid people. (You).

>> No.22348789

jordan Bertrand Peterson got literally bodied by Matt dillahunty

>> No.22348792
File: 173 KB, 902x1400, christcuck commonalities.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

simp badly wants the last word but simp isn't going to have it

>> No.22348805

Seek professional help before you hurt someone.

>> No.22348809


- fear. fear and pain.

>> No.22348811

golden. this is so pathetic. the man has bpd

>> No.22348834

The core philosophical difference in "us vs them" with jews is biblical. All their tendencies can be explained by how they altered the Torah. So actually Peterson getting into christianity is attacking them the only way we are allowed.

>> No.22348842

You know, since this fucking topic keeps coming up everyday... what is Peterson doing here? Condensed answer:

Pathos. It's the broken man with his tears pleading for ... something that he wants. A feminized youth, totally unaware, gravitates to this weak father figure and lie the weak fathers who destroyed our city, long before we were born, he affects himself with the language of effeminate noncing predatory clergy.

It is more interesting the quality of people who flock to this she-beast, recognizing some feminized amasculinity in its bearing and demeanor, than is the she-beast itself of interest. We recognize immediately in its self-debasement the sophistic repertoire of tricks that it is employing, most disturbingly it seems to have harnessed unbridled self-debasement; that is the shamelessness of complete abandon.

See, the feminized supporters of this Bacchus these Boys, chittering all around their she-beast mothers legs to stroke at its eggs, already rotten as they drop from its cunt as it howls of its misery and anguish.

Disagree if you like, reader, out of pity; as is intended to hook you in and suck away your reason towards this thing;no different from any mewling wretch; a thing of comedy, from the pages of Lucius or Martial, but ask quite seriously 'why' this spectacle is shunted forth and how it differs in any way from the lunatic screaming and defecating in the streets hollering about this or that "great grieff" that is afflicted upon it "against its will," when as there as with this fellow the grief is taken in by it like opium; relished and desired.

For my own part I consider this debasement as a form of unrestrained hedonism.


happy now i said something? will the threads peter out




>> No.22348851

Take your eceleb shit elsewhere, zoomer

>> No.22348853
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>> No.22348857

>Peterson getting into christianity is attacking them the only way we are allowed.
not meaning to attack you by this, but you know in military engineering when you create a pathway for the invading army to go through, it's littered with murder holes, barbicons and banks of archers and riflemen: this is called a Killing Field.

You have described christianity as the killing field setup by the jews. Going through it is hardly the most optimal route to take, legionary, do you remember how Titus destroyed Jerusalem?

>> No.22348860
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>> No.22348874

I appreciate the honest retort and im not even a peterson "fan" but I know of him and have been online last few years. Unfortunately for a public figure thats the only way to speak about christianity and in this world where Satan has full control id argue its actually meant to be like that for Christians and the Bible describes what you are describing as the trials of a believer. But the "military" trap full of tricks and lies can be subverted/avoided by going directly to english translations of the original letters not modern king james bibles, the key is in tbe original wordings and hebrew and directly adressing the alterations jews believe in. And if you stick to facts of the original text their pulpil and lies stop working.

>> No.22348898

maybe so, etymology has value, but is that not just part of the killing field in this instance? i mean that when all is said and done and you discover the radiance of creator prime, is it truly creator prime, or is it baal? it is, after all, foreign heathen abramism the origin of which is barbaric and alien to us.

>> No.22348899

>clinical psychologist
So he was a charlatan then, and he's a charlatan now

>> No.22348916

He was useful in getting me into better writers and thinkers. I haven’t paid attention to him at all for years now.

>> No.22348948

Mate im not as smart as you and I wont pretend to be. but knowing those things for certain adds no value to your life. For example a realization I had when reading all these original translations is the reason Gnosticism and shit like that were dropped is because all they care about is pure "knowing" like I feel youre saying, when its rather all about "feeling". Jesus's message is as long as we accept him and do our best all the trivialities of life like that "knowing" dont matter and I guess to properly answer your question: I know I am connected to "source" (a root creator) because after I totally gave myself over and submitted in my heart I started noticing synchronicity in everything and most things happening in support/accordance to my goals. To me this is the trinity, but its not something I would debate because the resolution to the debate wouldnt really change what I now believe. Sorry if unstatisfactory.

>> No.22348981

what a useless shit fest of a thread. have a (you)

>> No.22349593
File: 6 KB, 259x194, images (8).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's better not to give petardson any attention imo

>> No.22349666

P2. Anyone not controlled is prevented from entering mainstream media, or if they do get some popularity, will be cancelled.

Given this additional premise the argument holds.

>> No.22349745

He's NOT widely cited though. He doesn't matter at all to academia. Why do you fags who know nothing about that think this shit?

>> No.22349856

He is in my mind

>> No.22349858

I studied biology and its clear most the time he doesn't know what he's talking about.
His published papers are 'psychology', so they're not real science. I advise you to actually read his papers if you really they are a sign he is smart.
He definetely has a god complex and has tried hard to be famous for a long time. He wanted to found a church before he was famous so he could preach is philosophy.
He was regularily reprammende at his uni for not teaching his students, and instead just rambling on about snow white and shit.

I'm not anti-peterson an all that, but he is the classic 'dumb person's smart person'.

>> No.22349865


>> No.22349866

Based and big bucks pilled

>> No.22349892
File: 63 KB, 616x462, 20221227_213527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nobody has yet commented on how the massive decline in peterson's public apperences and seemingly health might have something to do with his lovely daughter

>> No.22349900
File: 33 KB, 993x805, jp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I noticed he recently got his crooked teeth fixed. They look absolutely ridiculous now, way too white and uniform lmao. Why is he such a vain bitch?

>> No.22349904

Trans "people" should be shat at, though. By every sane human being.

>> No.22349931


This thread is filled with the most insane lies about this man as far as I can tell. It's bewildering.

It's as genuinely bewildering as the disorienting ,distorting effect of Isreal on american politics and discourse. I don't get it.

>> No.22349937

>think people just think he's a coward for being able to criticize every other aspect of western degeneracy but not da joos
Yeah well so am I, so I understand.
Plus, most of the time blaming the Jews doesn't get any closer to a solution to whatever real problem you're blaming the Jews for. This is why there's often so much crying about dogwhistles and so on. They WANT you to be anti-semetic since it's a reliably a losing argument.

>> No.22350001
File: 69 KB, 1024x1024, 1689902730415501m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is funny how she continues to undermine his already terrible position, so must now make allowance and concessions in his worldview to prevent his daughter going off and further destroying his reputation.