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22335015 No.22335015 [Reply] [Original]

I liked it. Not his best.

>> No.22335059

Seems like he has alot of threads in the previous books that this one retconned. Or simply didn't address. What the fuck is the Abomination doing this whole time? No explanation for Lysanders "minds eye" which is pretty much just Dunes Bene Gesserits ability. Also the explanation and then throwing away of the Parasite seems like sloppy writing. Not to mention it feels like Pierce Brown is doing to end up doing the same shit all over again with the Abomination being the BBEG in the end. Also what the fuck is the point of Sevro escaping the Abomination after he was supposed to be mind controlled like some Manchuria Canadite, and that pretty much being dropped as a idea with what felt like a paragraph / throw away line from Sevro. The book was alright but not nearly as good and Dark Age and seems like a step down.

>> No.22335137

Lightbringer and Red God were originally supposed to be one book, IIRC.

Also Sevro acted very unlike himself this entire book if I'm being honest.

>> No.22335145

Err, I believe they were supposed to be one book, so it's possible those threads will be brought back up in Red God.

>> No.22335226

This book was probably the worst for me after Red Rising. Sevro continuing to be an annoying cunt for 3 books, Darrow continuing to be a whiny self flagellating self hating cuck since 3 books, Too many characters like Ajax doing 180s from their original, Terrible plot writing overall. And ofcourse butt obvious death flags so you don't even feel a smidge of surprise when that person dies at the end. Not to mention the Figment, Oculus, Abomination and all the other dropped plotlines. I'm forever glad for piracy so I don't have to buy this shlock.
The only good part of the book was the Phobos battle at the start.

>> No.22335415 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.22335469 [SPOILER] 
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"I am Cassius Bellona, son of Tiberius, son of Julia, brother of Darrow, Morning Knight of the Solar Republic, and my honor remains."


>> No.22336627

>What the fuck is the Abomination doing this whole time?
Starving on Luna?

>> No.22336644

Just finished the first trilogy last week. Should I just wait for him to finish book 7 before I read the rest?

>> No.22336766

Nice digits anon. Also yea might as well wait for the next book. The first trilogy is a good stopping place. Until then just enjoy the trilogy on its own.

>> No.22336867

I didn't. To each their own though.

What'd you think of it?

>> No.22337782

Nobody's talking about how they got swallowed by a sea serpent and sawed out of its guts like it wasnt the dumbest, greatest, most metal thing of all time.

>> No.22337817

Not going to read this thread because I don't want to get spoiled, but I will be pissed as fuck it Atlas turns out to just be stupidly loyal to Atlantia and Fa is just his tool. It seems like there is a perfect set up for Fa to be going to rule it all and for him to show Lysander why the Society is bankrupt. Plus it would allow the Rim, who seem mostly decent, to not be antagonists.

Also, the Athena thing is stupid. There was a move towards more realism in the new series, less YAish elements, and this seems very hackneyed. Another Dues Ex Machins. Why couldn't the Republic just rise up back from its losses because it controls Mars and Earth and still has some resources in Luna?

Plus, wasn't Darrow's survival on Mercury some Napoleon tier genius? So why is everyone now all "oh you're a retard who spent all the men's lives for nothing." They were fucked already and he saved them initially and inflicted horrendous losses on the Society. But then this is all retconned out and now the Society appears to be just rolling to victory. Even if the Vox is retarded, they still have a fleet. How is the Society just pushing into Earth and Luna right after Mercury when Darrow tore them a new asshole in the Rain?

>> No.22337908

Golden Son and Dark Age are the best two books IMO. It's worth going on just to enjoy Dark Age kino.

>> No.22337917

>So why is everyone now all "oh you're a retard who spent all the men's lives for nothing."
Because he's been grinding his own people into dust and they've been manipulated into thinking it wasn't necessary.

That was the entire Vox Populi plotline.

>> No.22338807 [SPOILER] 

How can you hate the first book? Red Rising was great.

>> No.22338967

The first one is universally agreed by every single person in the fandom to be one of, or the worst in the series, wtf are you smoking.

>> No.22338984 [SPOILER] 

Some good shit apparently, because I rather liked it. I thought Morning Star and Iron Gold were rather dull by comparison.

>> No.22339021

They’re all the worst, it’s like reading toilet paper before wiping your ass with it

>> No.22339064 [SPOILER] 

Well aren't you wonderful.

>> No.22339167

If you think they're all the worst then why continue after a couple of them.

Either this faggot loves them and wants to be cool and say he hates YA sci-fi or he's simply a fucking gay autist.

>> No.22339228


Red Rising - Pretty good start, but then gets sorta meh for awhile. Thought it got good again when he gets reset back to zero and has to start over. And from there until the end I thought it was pure sex.

Golden Son - Just great all around. I dont recall any part of this book that I didnt like, aside from maybe how dumb Darrow is to repetedly fuck over Roque. Made the betrayal pretty obvious.

Morning Star - Like the opening chapters with the whole prison escape and the stuff back at the base. The mission to capture quicksilver was also pretty good. Then it feels like a few hundred pages of slog until the big space battle. I didnt find the part with the obsidians at all interesting. As for the ending, I thought it was kinda meh just because how obvious of a fake out it all was. Plus I really dislike when your seeing it from his POV and he is well aware its a fake out but his inner monolouge reads like he dosent which is lame writing imo.

>> No.22339263

Same here. But I thought he did a good job writing himself out of the Mercury corner and bringing the solar system to a state where the next book could conceivably wrap everything up with a satisfying 3 way throw down.

Considering they sat there basically unmoving for 3 days, then they immediately spring into action and have no problem with sniping or incredibly difficult sword fights, I thought it a bit unrealistic honestly. Metal? Hell yeah. But sitting unmoving for 3 days sucks ass.

Red Rising is enjoyable, but objectively it's got serious problems:
>has to set up Darrow's Red heritage and his motivation
>this takes 100 pages of depressing story that's unlike anything else that follows for the rest of the series
>then there's a sequence of him being modified to Gold, wherein it's revealed that he's some kind of super genius in the top 0.01% of all Golds after like a couple months of tutoring
>then it goes super YA but dark and edgy in the school section
>admittedly it's cool how he overcomes it despite the instructors fucking him over massively
>but then he throws everything away to apprentice to the guy he hates most who also pisses on all the meritocracy Gold supposedly stands for
This all makes it a bit of a disjointed mess that doesn't even properly introduce the wider setting of the Society and how the Solar System works. The plot of the series revolves around Darrow, but the narrative is then saved from Darrow's character by the awesome side characters surrounding him. Much of the rest of the series is Darrow pissing off side characters and basically fucking himself over with vendettas.

>> No.22339318 [SPOILER] 

>But sitting unmoving for 3 days sucks ass.
That's funny. I just listened to Pierce talk about how much he hated being in a sensor deprivation tube for three hours when he wanted to research something.

He threw out 400 pages apparently when writing it. Maybe that was some of that.

>> No.22339874

>then there's a sequence of him being modified to Gold, wherein it's revealed that he's some kind of super genius in the top 0.01% of all Golds after like a couple months of tutoring

It is already sorta implied that hes a pretty exceptional person. If I recall correctly hes like the youngest helldiver ever and everyone around him already looked up to him. He also gets those drugs that lets him consume like all of literature in like one night and its never said if thats something all the other normal golds would also have access to or not. If not then obviously he would be quite exceptional.

>> No.22340881

Also the Golds, while on the average above everyone else, are not exceptionally so.

>> No.22341332

I thought it shocking that Pierce would bother to write that Darrow crushed the entrance test so badly that they thought he was a cheating Gold, especially when the actual school is just battle royal / hunger games. Didn't feel necessary other than to hype up Darrow as special.

And that raises questions about why they're so indisputably on top. On first reading I assumed they saved all the genetic engineering for intelligence for themselves, but then it turns out a Silver is the richest man in the solar system and other colors are also super smart. So I guess they just genetically engineered EVERY color to be smarter than standard humans, and Golds stay on top by simply being more brutally violent than everyone else when push comes to shove.

>> No.22341355

Because they control the apparatus of the state and as you say, are ruthless.

As a bloc they probably are smarter on average than say Reds, but they're not so far removed that Darrow can't rocket past them. He's not some singular kind of genius either, he's just better than the idle rich and those who would write him off.

>> No.22341391

Shit like emerging from a leviathan to duel a false obsidian king [spolier] is half of why I read these books. The other half is cruel political backstabbing, which this book also delivered on.

>> No.22342056


I feel like it may be a sorta retconned part of the story that golds have higher intellect then all the other colors since after the transformation stuff its never really brought up again. One would think the blues who control the ships would have probably the highest of all except that they are like the most brainwashed color.

>> No.22342175

A lot of of them are geniuses though. They think quickly and make for very effective opponents. They get better nutrition and education on average too.

There are no overly mentally handicapped golds. They or the Society would kill the child. I'm just saying Darrow is like Will Hunting.

>> No.22342517

This might answer some complaints.


>> No.22343062

Lmao I never read past the first half of the first novel. This basic bitch edgy series for 14 year olds wasn’t for me, I have too much self respect. I merely came to openly laugh at you midwits with a 7th grade reading level.

>> No.22343097

I never understood why this board falls over themselves to tell other people who very smart they are.

>> No.22343103

>replying to my post in less than 20 minutes when it took me over a day to bother responding to your shitty thread
How asshurt your are is a pretty succinct description of how insecure you are in your own intelligence. Know what else is? Your taste in reading children’s books. Develop some taste and culture because you have none.

>> No.22343169

No I don't think I will.

>> No.22343176

I should also notice that you didn't even notice my typo. lmao

Good job egghead.

>> No.22343418
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>> No.22343621

>Sevro continuing to be an annoying cunt for 3 book
Huh sevro carried the second and third books for me honestly. The part where he did a flip and hanged himself was some of the most retarded and funniest shit I've ever read.

>> No.22344264

I need to reread the series because I don't remember that.

>> No.22344295

If you hate the first book, why would you read the books that came after it? Is this just the /lit/ equivalent of
>it gets good after 20 hours

>> No.22345275 [SPOILER] 
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Why do the best girls have names that start with "V"?

>> No.22345277 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.22345800

Victra's whole rage killing revenge roar girl boss shtick is retarded as hell lmfao
The Red Hand killed her baby not AJax and Lysandee or whatever, her whole they must pay shpiel is so cringe

>> No.22345805 [SPOILER] 


>> No.22345888


>> No.22346623

I was drunk af when i wrote that my b for the typos , shpiel wasn't one though ive only heard that word on TV and thought you write it like it sounds kek

>> No.22347010

It's a German word, written
No, I don't know why Germans read S as SH.

>> No.22347041

It's almost like you can enjoy multiple levels of literature Anon... I enjoy epic poetry, drama, classic novels, etc. but I also enjoy cheesy sci-fi and fantasy. I even enjoy some of the kids books I read my son, at least some more than others.

Get over yourself.

Yeah, you just sort of have to accept that he is supposed to be like a Napoleon, or even more than that, like an Achilles. That said, enough major side characters have died that there is still drama and I have my fears about Darrow making it out of the series alive.

I mostly agree with this. The first book is fun, enough to make me keep going, but the second book is possibly the best of them all. The third gets a little hackneyed and over the top, which, being 1/3rd into the sixth book, seems to have become a problem again. Books 4 and 5 are really good too though.

Yeah, he mentioned throwing out like half a book. DESU, it is annoying to see threads retconned out, but I also would rather he do this and finish then pull a GRRM, get too many threads to wrap up well, and then just not publish for 10+ years. He definitely got himself into trouble with Book 5 by doing too much.

Of course, GRRM even did just cut out a whole plot line with that Dornish hero who just eats it, but that isn't enough because he has like 60 fucking things going on.

I actually loved how the Diomedes' sister character gets kind of "cut short," because it shows the randomness of war, but the Lyria arc seemed silly. IDK why he couldn't have used the Lyria arc for the Athena plot line. That feels over the top, another Dues Ex Machina.

>> No.22347046

Lysander is such a punchable piece of shit. I hope he gets to see what his precious gold has wrought by having to see Fá's horde eat all his Praetorians and friends before Fà personally eats his heart.

>> No.22347055

There is a lack of good Vulsung Fa art. Most make him look too inhuman or too small. Like, this one seems closer, but not scary enough. Isn't he supposed to be covered in metallic repairs and augmentations? I thought he had a robot arm too. And then a giant skull scepter and sword, but it's been a while since I read the Fifth book and he hasn't shown up in Six yet where I am.

And then his Ort Cloud crew sounded like they were essentially some Berserk tier monsters.

>> No.22347062
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Forgot the pic. Like, he's supposed to be a bigger, scarier Ragnar, who took in Aja with a razor.

>> No.22347167

>Red Rising is enjoyable, but objectively it's got serious problems:
Honestly it's just an ok YA series. Has some interesting political themes, but at the end of the day like a lot of YA it's a power trip/fantasy

>> No.22347223

Lyria's arc is all about the agency of being a victim; she's a stand-in for the Republic at large.

>> No.22347229

>write a whole book
>get mad at it and delete the whole thing
He is just like me.