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22341543 No.22341543 [Reply] [Original]

You wander along alleyways. You hear running water within the walls; the vaulted sky above, the sounds, the blue and almost—Behold! Comic Nike Box Cat!
"Huh? Who goes there?", he said as he chucked a half-eaten sardine behind him. "Ahh, a hominid. It has been millennia since an ape has been deemed worthy by the Universe to stumble upon my presence. I shall grant you whatever miscellaneous item I have with me. Choose wisely."
[1] A Can of Sardine(s)
[2] A Box Borrowed (Stolen?) from the HobGoblins
[3] Wise Words
[4] Death

>> No.22341550


>> No.22341639
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"What was that? You chose Wise Words you said?" *Muttering to himself* "Oh no, they really have evolved." "Huh? Yea, I'll be right with you. Give me some time to remember will ya? Gosh. Oh yea here we are. Ahem. 'Tis sometimes wiser to bib from the lavatory than it is to bib without, during a thundersto—"
"Cosmic Nike Box Cat! Why are you accosting that poor gentleman?! Get back to your room!" "I'm sorry about him dear; are you alright? Don't worry about him. He has no celestial power. Huh? Comic Nike Box Cat? No, it's COSMIC Nike Box Cat. He is no Comic."
"Now tell me about yourself. Why are you here?"
[1] "I got lost."
[2] "Your son summoned me here... somehow."

>> No.22341836

I appreciate the effort, anon, it's fun
I'll be going to sleep after I read your next reply, hope the thread is alive in the morning

>> No.22342357
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"Oh so he summoned you did he? And how do you supposed he managed that, given that he has no celestial power as I've already told you? Father!"
"Huh, hwat!?"
"Did you grant Cosmic Nike Box Cat a wish?"
"Y-yea I did; poor lad needed a friend. Y-you always keep him immured in t-t-that BOx of his; like if he is some sort of paraplegic RETARD!"
"Language, Father! We have a guest. And Cosmic Nike Box Cat IS paraplegic. You snapped his back when you hit him with the meteor that was suppose to destroy the dinosaurs and the earth, remember?"
"Are you still yapping on about that? I told you he'll be fine. Just put some dirt on it. It works like V-Vicks, didn't I say?"
[1] "I think I should go..."
[2] Probe on about their relationship
[3] "Where exactly am I?"
[4] "Are all you cats ascended?"

>> No.22342593


>> No.22342782
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"Where are we? Umm, yea hun that's a bit hard to explain."
"Shut up, Father! We are not in space. Well we are, but we are on earth as—"
"Silence, please Father. You know how Richard doesn't like you yelling so near to his study ro—"
"Honey, is your old man getting out of control again?"
"Umm n-no sweetie, it's just that we have a guest here, and he's quite intelligent too! Umm h-he was just wondering where exactly was he, you know? In the universe."
"Hmm, is that so? A chosen one such as he should know by now where exactly he is. Unless, someone happened to meddle in this affair?" and Richard snucked a glance at the old man
"Hwy you looking at me yyou Dick! I ain't do nothing. i-i am too old for that. No magic no nothing."
"Sure, old man. Honey, put him to bed will you? I'll be taking this guest of ours to the study room. Come with me, child." Richard leads you downstairs, towards his desk and sits you down. He coolly faces you, seeming much taller and much handsomer in his aspect than before. He scans you up and down.
"I take it your kind has graduated from the likes of Plato, Descartes, Hume, Einstein, Riemman, Jesus, Ego, Science, Spirituality, Empiricism, Nihilism, Astral Projection, Reincarnation, Objective Morality, all of Mathematics excluding Topology, Geometry and Fractal-Geometry?"
[1] "What"
[2] "The"
[3] "Fuck"

>> No.22342857

[4] You fukken no it bruh