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22335332 No.22335332 [Reply] [Original]

he's right you know

>> No.22335340

God is unknowable and you do need to leap into his cunt.

>> No.22335341

Philosophy of the femboys

>> No.22335349

Never understood why he is called an existentialist. Christianity is fundamentally incompatible with existentialism.

>> No.22335380

I'm right, you know.

>> No.22335392

Right or wrong, you will still regret starting this thread, OP.

>> No.22336490

Never understood why midwits think they should express their, "thoughts."

>> No.22336503

>Christianity is fundamentally incompatible with existentialism.
>believe in christianity

>> No.22336611

One of the few writers to profoundly change my outlook and how I look inward.

I had to put the book down and go for a walk after reading "The opposite of Sin is not Virtue but Faith" in Fear and Trembling.

>> No.22336621

That god is dead, and we should just pretend he’s real and never get married?

>> No.22336981

Nobody denies people exist, morons. But religious dogma clashes with exustentialist self-realization. Its accepting that there is objective meaning outside yourself, rather than meaning derived from the individual.

>> No.22337061
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midwit detected attack attack

>> No.22337095

>first existentialist philosopher is a Christian
>first existentialist novel is by a Christian writer (Dostoevsky)
>first existentialist text is from the Bible (Ecclesiastes)

Yes, tell me again how existentialism didn’t literally spawn from Christianity.

>> No.22337144

>jerks off and writes about muh faith instead of getting married
degenerate faggot

>> No.22337176

Everything spawned from Christians, doesn't mean its a good fit...

>> No.22337189

Also Ecclesiastes BTFO your entire argument
>everything is absurd
>except le hard work and le serving God
That's not existentialism.

>> No.22337208

Right about what? The existence of anyone who chooses not to believe in Christianity and then doesn’t experience any angst, despair or anxiety refutes his corpus, and his own philosophy forbids him from making any actual arguments in favor of Christianity. All Kierketaards can do is cope with this.

>> No.22338162

>That's not existentialism