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22332284 No.22332284 [Reply] [Original]

I'll list my best ideas below. The problem is that I don't know where to go from here with them after the initial idea. If anyone has any ideas, I'd love to hear them.
I don't think this will be a very long or very good project so it doesn't matter much.

>A book about a tailor and his work. Each chapter would be about a piece of clothing (how it was made, who bought it, when and how they wore it).

>Young aristocrat returns from russo-japanese war to find his family estate in ruins and his family missing. This would be as a result of the impending revolution

>Crime noir mafia murder mystery in 60s new york

>> No.22332289

just start writing
throw it away, write some more

>> No.22332292

Read a bunch of books that have similar themes and take inspiration and gather general ideas on how these sorts of stories are meant to go and then write your own. Also, ask in /wg/, they'll give you better advice there.

>> No.22332314
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When you guys think about "writing" is this only in the context of an empty word document between you and yourself? Tak tak takking away on ye olde typewriter? I engage in the act of writing every day but I get the impression this "Writing" with a capital letter means something else. Please explain? I have autism btw.

>> No.22332317

Yes, empty google doc and me, in my poorly lit room, sitting at my shitty desk

>> No.22332324

>is this only in the context of an empty word document between you and yourself?
I use LibreOffice but yes. I have a general idea in my head of what I want the story to be about and then I start writing.

>> No.22332331

Title: Threads of Time: A Tailor's Journey

I. Introduction
A. Introduce the protagonist, a skilled and passionate tailor.
B. Establish the setting, a quaint and vibrant town where the tailor's shop is located.
C. The larger narrative theme: The significance of clothing in people's lives and the timeless art of tailoring.

II. Chapter 1: The Birth of a Masterpiece
A. The tailor's inspiration behind creating a remarkable design.
B. The meticulous process of selecting fabrics and materials.
C. The challenges faced during the creation of the clothing piece.

III. Chapter 2: The Enigmatic Client
A. A mysterious customer with unique tastes and preferences.
B. Unveiling the reasons behind the client's choice of the particular garment.
C. The tailor's interaction with the client and the personal connection formed.

IV. Chapter 3: Threads of Tradition
A. Exploring the rich history and cultural significance of traditional garments.
B. The tailor's endeavor to preserve and honor heritage through his craft.
C. The emotional impact of tailoring culturally significant clothing.

V. Chapter 4: The Art of Revival
A. The discovery of a vintage piece that sparks creativity and innovation.
B. The tailor's journey in reviving the forgotten beauty of an old garment.
C. The garment's newfound popularity and its impact on the tailor's reputation.

VI. Chapter 5: Weaving Dreams
A. Designing and crafting a garment for a special occasion like a wedding or a ball.
B. The tailor's role in turning dreams into reality through clothing.
C. The emotional fulfillment of witnessing the joy and happiness of the wearer.

VII. Chapter 6: An Unexpected Bond
A. The story of an unexpected friendship formed through the tailor's work.
B. How the tailor's craft brings people together and transcends social barriers.
C. The enduring impact of this friendship on the tailor's life.

VIII. Chapter 7: The Journey of a Travelling Garment
A. The tale of a garment that goes on an adventurous journey across different places.
B. The encounters and experiences of the people who wear the garment.
C. How the garment becomes a symbol of unity and shared experiences.

IX. Chapter 8: The Legacy Continues
A. Introduce the tailor's successor and apprentice, carrying on the tradition.
B. The passing down of knowledge, skills, and values from the tailor to the apprentice.
C. The continuation of the tailor's legacy in a changing world.

X. Conclusion
A. Reflect on the tailor's lifelong dedication to his craft and the impact of his work on others.
B. Emphasize the timeless importance of clothing and its ability to connect people across time and space.
C. The enduring message that creativity, passion, and dedication can leave a lasting mark on the world.

>> No.22332334

you can sit there for years not doing anything or you can just start banging stuff out and improving.
you can't wait around for the perfect ideas and perfect inspiration and perfect timing and...
just start writing. write the first thing that comes to your mind. write a rough draft. write an outline with some ideas. write literally anything to get yourself started. and then improve it. fill it in. throw it away and start over. throw it away and use what you learned to make it better next time.
no one's going to give you a magic answer. you just have to do it. a lot.

>> No.22332336

Title: Shattered Heirloom

I. Introduction
A. Introduce the young aristocrat protagonist, Alexander, returning from the Russo-Japanese War.
B. Set the backdrop of the impending revolution, creating a tense and uncertain atmosphere.
C. Describe the family estate in ruins, sparking Alexander's quest to find his missing family.

II. Chapter 1: The War's End
A. Flashback to Alexander's experiences during the war, the battles he fought, and the comrades he lost.
B. The toll the war took on him physically and emotionally.
C. His decision to return home and face the challenges ahead.

III. Chapter 2: Homecoming
A. Alexander's arrival at the family estate and his shock at the devastation.
B. Meeting the remaining staff and learning about the family's disappearance.
C. His determination to uncover the truth behind their disappearance.

IV. Chapter 3: Tracing the Past
A. Alexander's investigation into the events leading up to the revolution.
B. Unraveling family secrets and political intrigue.
C. Encounters with former friends and adversaries who hold crucial information.

V. Chapter 4: The Resistance Movement
A. Alexander's accidental involvement in a resistance movement against the impending revolution.
B. The growing conflict between those loyal to the aristocracy and those seeking change.
C. His struggle to reconcile his past and beliefs with the current political climate.

VI. Chapter 5: Unexpected Alliances
A. Alexander's unexpected alliances with people from different social backgrounds.
B. Building trust and friendships amidst the chaos of revolution.
C. How these relationships challenge his preconceived notions and shape his perspective.

VII. Chapter 6: The Hunt for Clues
A. Alexander's relentless pursuit of clues about his family's whereabouts.
B. Risky encounters with clandestine figures holding vital information.
C. The revelation of the family's hidden involvement in political affairs.

VIII. Chapter 7: The Revelation
A. The shocking truth behind the family's disappearance and the reasons for the revolution's impact on them.
B. Alexander's internal struggle between loyalty to his family and the greater good of the country.
C. The moral dilemmas he faces in the face of profound change.

IX. Chapter 8: A Flicker of Hope
A. Alexander's decision to join the resistance movement and fight for a better future.
B. His contributions to the cause and rallying others to the fight.
C. The emergence of hope amidst the chaos.

X. Conclusion
A. The climactic showdown between the resistance and the forces of the revolution.
B. The resolution of Alexander's personal journey and the fate of his family.
C. The legacy of his actions on the new society, and a message about the complexities of revolution and the enduring strength of the human spirit.

>> No.22332338

Just curious: what prompt did you use for this outline?

>> No.22332339

Write an outline for this book idea, include a larger narrative theme, >A book about a tailor and his work. Each chapter would be about a piece of clothing (how it was made, who bought it, when and how they wore it).

>> No.22332342

Very helpful.

>> No.22332351
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Makes sense. Arigatou.

>> No.22332366

you've already done the hardest part. the initial idea and especially the outline. you've practically got a book written already. now it's just banging stuff out and incrementally improving it.

>> No.22332397

Every successful writer will tell you "If you wanna be a good writer, you have to read and write a lot." So literally just start writing, it's going to be really shit at first but you'll get better over time.

>> No.22332443
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