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22330998 No.22330998 [Reply] [Original]

Now that /lit/ has cracked the epub, have you taken the Katz pill?

>> No.22331428

no. It's faggy. P and V is better. There's no tonality, sure it's pleasant to read but there's no concrete voice in the writing.

>> No.22331431

dumbest thing posted all day. it's closer to dostoyevsky's intended voice in every way shape and form.

>> No.22331460

Very nice, reading it right now.
Make the bait less obvious retard.

>> No.22331472

At this point the threads are spam

>> No.22331478 [DELETED] 

I already read this overrated shit once, why would I want to do it again with slightly different words

>> No.22331480


Dude, he's just repeating my points from yesterday, were you dead yesterday fag

P&V is evidently better, Katz intended this translation for plebs, thus can't blame him too much

Yesterday's Thread:


>> No.22331483

Read Katz’s response to the other translations as well as his interview re why he did his. It’s the new definitive version.

>> No.22331490

I can read my myself to judge dumbass, & for the definitive version (sure for the illiterate americans who can't read).

Look at my Criticism from the yesterday's thread before taking a big shit here!

>> t. who uploaded one of the two circulating epubs

>> No.22331491

>The other most popular version of the novel is by the American-Russian team of Richard Pevear and Larissa Volokhonsky, published over twenty years ago, the first of their long series of translations of the Russian classics. Their translation is characterized by a too close adherence to the Russian text that results in a word-for-word and syntax-for-syntax style that sacrifices tone and frequently misconstrues a passage’s overall sense.
I don't think a word-to-word translation would be the most accurate.
As this article also states: https://www.commentary.org/articles/gary-morson/the-pevearsion-of-russian-literature/

>> No.22331494

What tone are you talking about when every character just sounds some based singular american voice (which is not a russian character would sound)

>> No.22331495

*which is not how a russian character would sound (& this is dostoevsky's best work & every character is full of life & breath)

Still, Yonekawa's read far better than any English translation

>> No.22331497

*by not my

>> No.22331508

>> & no it's pleasant to Read

It's simple & reads more like a graded book for language learners.

It shouldn't flow anyway cause each voice is different (and transitioning from one's distinct voice to another's is not flowing) & also, there are so many peasant voices which have their own strangeness that comes with it.

>> No.22331509

This Strangeness (of voices & how words are phrased (which will be different for peasants/academics/people of faith) is almost lost in Katz (which generalizes all voices & syntax to what is most LCM for Americans)

>> Even modern native russian spreakers won't find it flowing cause it's a century old novel.

>> No.22331513

* It's not pleasant to read

>> No.22331522

>this sounds better than that
>no. That sounds better than this
>I like this better than that
>I like that better than this

That’s all these Russian translation threads amount to. What have you said new in this thread that you haven’t said in the previous million threads? What have you brought to the table worthwhile?

>> No.22331532

& This is how you justify Harry Potter is better than Ulysses

>> I like it better that's how

Go away you fag! (someone's gonna read a 900 page book, least be in a proper translation)

>> No.22331535

And that translation will be Avsey.

>> No.22331536

Time and again we all come to the conclusion that Garnett is the best. Love me that sweet Victorian prose. Flows like a fucking river.

>> No.22331538

Aahh! Lol

>> P&V Gang (in gentlemen's suits with ladies & wine)

You Fags will die in hell

>> No.22331539

That’s fine but how many threads do you need? They are completely redundant and you are better served researching translations elsewhere on the internet anyway

>> No.22331540

I never created a single thread in life, though have took a beautiful shit in couple of them

>> No.22331545

Stop samefagging retard

>> No.22331581

one thing this thread proves: autists are morbidly afraid of change lol
the idea that a new translation might be better is like a knife in the back

>> No.22331875

>P&V is better
unironically end yourself. worst take and dumbest thing ever posted on /lit/
P&V publishers sent this retard to shill hard for them.

>> No.22331909

yup, just consume your goyslop of "modern" translation by Katz. P and V unironically are the best translation of Dostoevsky and it's not even close. I do have a soft spot for Garnett because that's my first exposure to Dostoevsky.

>> No.22331941

retard take. they don't even understand what they are translating. you might as well buy a fucking russian -> english dictionary and do it yourself.

>> No.22331961

>they don't even understand what they are translating
I wonder who the retard is here
>it's the translators that don't understand Russian, not me who has to actually read a russion classic in english
you sound like this

>> No.22331976

>the english speaker cant speak russian and im going to blame him for this
jesus you are a fucking retard, no wonder you like P&V

>> No.22331984

NTA, but based on what I read, one of the two translators knew very little Russian. Additionally, the one who knew Russian was inadequate in English. This combination sounds like a recipe for disaster to me.