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22330020 No.22330020 [Reply] [Original]

Sad cheetah edition
Previous >>22325616

>> No.22330054
File: 908 KB, 768x1152, 2B52A479-7B25-42EA-9B6F-53280D2702A8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why cheetah sad?

>> No.22330057
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Was my dad disappointed with how I turned out? Does he blame himself? Does my mom wish she had someone else sometimes? Did my siblings deserve someone better as a brother? Were the people I considered my friends growing up really my friends or did I just confuse them laughing at me and them laughing with me? Did I really even have any potential to waste? Does my supervisor secretly hate dealing with me? Do my coworkers really say that stuff about me when I'm not around? Why do people look at me and do a weird half smile sometimes? Do my subordinates resent having me as their supervisor? Does it chafe when I have to exert authority over someone? Have I just not met the right person yet or am I actually much less attractive than I believe? Why doesn't anyone ever say anything? Is it my overthinking that leads to self-doubt or would I make these decisions anyway if I never thought about it? Why can't I ever do better? Is this really all I'm capable of? How many people have I let down without knowing? How many people have I burdened? Would the people closest to me have been better off if I was never there? Have I ever made a single person happy? Have I ever been happy?

>> No.22330064

Work is a means to an end and not the end itself.

>> No.22330116
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That's right brother.

>> No.22330122
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A lot of the pleasure in something like a realist 19th-centruy novel is similar to the pleasure of wandering aimlessly about a mazy green JRPG town and reading all lines of whimsical dialogue assigned to the different NPCs, discovering the odd folks tucked away in the hard-to-reach nooks of the map, charting the short-cut from the ruined shrine to the haunted pumpkin patch. I'm in no rush.

>> No.22330127

The end is to provide the government with taxes.

>> No.22330130

im quitting pornography

you are a natural resource
means and ends are irrelevant

>> No.22330135

Anyone familiar with the puer aeternus?

>> No.22330152

I want to try meth

>> No.22330170

Lol I never wanted to try any hard drugs but occasionally I have this odd recurring dream where I take hard drugs and I actually get a realistic high off it and afterwards I'm like: shit, I really did this.

>> No.22330205

Yknow, I keep wondering how meaningful if my existence if I'm truly terrible at everything I do.
I look like an ogre with goblin arms and a wide frame despite my short height. A consistent lisp that hinders my overall speech. Thinning hair, perhaps soon to be balding. Obviously lonely and unlikeable. Unskilled and unfit to work in a decent place.
It begs the question, what purpose do I serve in anyone's life, let alone my own? Am I destined to end up being one of those depressed construction workers that have long given up on their ambitions? It sorely pains me to see I've grown to become nothing but a heap of unfortunate features and traits alike.
Even the thought of ending my life feels too much of an unnecessary measurement.

>> No.22330227

My acidopore hurts.

>> No.22330247
File: 10 KB, 253x400, alan benett.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As like Spike Milligans single-handed influence and instruction of the Beatles, British Comedy from Radio to Television and probably many more inventions: Alan Bennett has the same feel to him, like General LaFayette he's just 'there' whenever you look into the goings on during his lifetime being the cardinal driving force.

I haven't read too much of him yet and I don't think what I have read of him is overly good but still.

>> No.22330255

cheetah sad because the SJW Hate Mob tore the kitchen clock from his neck and told him to stop culturally appropriating the black man.

wrong, as henry ford reminds you: a mans work is his life, he ought think of it all day and when he sleeps to dream about it too.
in paraphrasis

>> No.22330262

Sir Duncan Crumb, your Lordship, how's the weather in Crumbland?

>> No.22330331

Henry Ford was an asshole

>> No.22330370

i don't know how to describe it but i keep thinking about my dreams for days or even months
they feel so real and i feel some emotions that stays while awake and most of them are about me killing myself or something like that
some made me want to kill myself because they looked so beautiful unlike my real life

>> No.22330432

you should really read his book - i wont tell you the title, it's a guessing game we're playing >>22328355

>how's the weather
oh not so bad lad, just published another bestseller >>22330408

>> No.22330435

She looks like me :)

>> No.22330459
File: 3.28 MB, 1332x924, jordan weston chandler.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so whoots your bra size ey

>> No.22330465

There's hundred of millions of species on Earth (100 million phage species alone). Only about 1.2 million have been identified.

>> No.22330484

cryptozoology ftw

>> No.22330495


>> No.22330500

No way this is getting published
What level of intersectional are you

>> No.22330513

haha, it's [current year in liberal west] myfriend, answer: anything i fucking make up on the spot lawl

>> No.22330522

>almost a wizard
>about to buy first house
Life is suffering and great at the same time.

>> No.22330583

People say that scholarship about "icky" schools of thought like fascism, monarchism and the counter-enlightenment are crippled due to their histories exclusively being written by people who are completely unable and unwilling to think historically and contextually about them, who would much rather prefer writing grand tales of Good and Evil instead, but the opposite is probably even worse. I was looking for a history of anarchism but they are literally all written by anarchist activists or people who are engaged in activist scholarship. It's like if the only available books about national socialism would be those of David Irving. The absolute state of academia.

>> No.22330646

Skills can be learned, and you're obviously very intelligent, so that shouldn't be a problem.
You seem very honest. I feel like I can trust you and you don't mean any harm.
Your physique doesn't dictate that people can't love you deeply.

Carl Jung said
"There is no single, definitive way for the individual... if you want to go on your individual way, it is the way you make for yourself, which is never prescribed, which you do not know in advance, and which simply comes into being of itself when you put one foot in front of the other.
If you always do the next thing that needs to be done, you will go most safely and sure-footedly along the path prescribed by your unconscious.
Then it is naturally no help at all to speculate about how you ought to live."
Carl Jung's Letter to Frau V (15. Dec. 1933)

>> No.22330653


>> No.22330699

Grimes (Elon's gf) is writing a rebuttal to Bronze Age Mindset. I sometimes feel like life isn't real.

>> No.22330701

Chester cheeto wont sell him more cheeto dust

>> No.22330705

And what I mean by that statement is basically that government requires you to work for their end.

>> No.22330727

Truth is, almost all people are like that. In the past, people weren't all individually successful but they would make groups with frens and progress together (not as equals of course. There must be hierarchy). This is what they took from us and what we must recreate. I'm not sure how, but it's the right direction. Leftists know this and actively work to suppress it. From Sally Gearhart Wikipedia page:
>Gearhart does not base this radical proposal on the idea that men are innately violent or oppressive, but rather on the "real danger is in the phenomenon of male-bonding, that commitment of groups of men to each other whether in an army, a gang, a service club, a lodge, a monastic order, a corporation, or a competitive sport." Gearhart identifies the self-perpetuating, male-exclusive reinforcement of power within these groups as corrosive to female-led social change.

>> No.22330738

Sweet song


>> No.22330739

I think the initial phase of writing a book is exciting, and that's it.
I like to plan all kinds of things to write about, and then write a little bit about each of those things.
I really like to write small little things. Usually anything between one line up to 10 pages if I feel really inspired.
I think I will just keep writing small little things and then compile them into a book comprised of such small little stories and observations, poems, and a little bit of everything. Maybe I'll stitch some of it together later to a bigger more coherent whole.
It's really those inspired moments that I enjoy, not writing a book in and of itself.

>> No.22330755

I don't know why, but somehow while I listened to that I came to think of this song that I haven't listened to for ages:

>> No.22330767
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I can't seem to enjoy any creative content anymore. I don't know how to locate media that might like. I don't use algorithmic recommendations, so I go through this cycle of imagining the old crap I used to enjoy was really good, going back to it, finding it not that great, and then waiting a couple years so that the cloudiness of time makes it seem somewhat promising once again. In the meantime I go back to scrolling my twitter timeline and looking up obscure nootropics.and reading wikipedia articles about various drugs and receptor proteins.
I'm still wondering whether or not I should go back to being a barfly and smoking with cigarettes. Maybe wrangle me a 6 with only one or two kids. I'll wear one of those "I'm not the step dad. I'm the dad that stepped up" shirts ironically and then unironically and then ironically again.
Why don't I ever feel really pulled in by anything? I see people who are super passionate about niche interests and I'm like "nigga how u did that??"
But at the same time I know that they probably just don't spend 12 hrs a day on their computer and so they have time to lavish careful, loving attention on their interests.
Sometimes I wonder if I'm really such a genius that I just overcomplicate everything to the point that I am functionally retarded, but nah I know I'm only above average, which isn't saying much.

>> No.22330772
File: 68 KB, 636x1000, 51P15ZQ030L._AC_UF1000,1000_QL80_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should read Tom Jones if you haven't. Don Quixote is another good option.

>> No.22330773
File: 1.21 MB, 1125x1696, DB1BDA87-00FB-4FD2-BC0E-5853A7B58D0C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The worst stories have the best endings.

>> No.22330787
File: 492 KB, 1920x1449, 1689761367115338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see where the stickers go. Right here. The dictionary, not the thesaurus? What the fuck are you talking about? Oh. This is advanced. Oh. Just in case. Uh. Oh.

Guys can you look at this and tell me? What it means? Yeah, I've been watching too much Sopranos. He lives his life with plenty of gusto. He makes me overly hostile. He's just a 50 year old Italian rollie pohllie guy.

We can do this. Ok. Put our minds together. Okay. Ok. Surely anyone can do this. Any living human. Can do it. I did.


>> No.22330794


>> No.22330796

I want to write a very clever response about how you need to stop seeking enjoyment outside of yourself and instead just be in the moment and do the things you haven't been doing but you know you should, in order to have a squeaky clean conscience, and how that will somehow help you enjoy the moment and unlock new paths before you that will present themselves in something that you didn't expect, maybe in something generic you've seen or done many times before, but is now presenting itself in a new light because you've opened yourself in a new alignment to receive deeper more meaningful messages that are drawn in parallel to the path you're on.
But I'm too tired and can't think of something smart to say, so I'll just go to bed now.

>> No.22330804


>> No.22330836

If you're asking me? Well I think that's fine.
I can't really complain you know? Heh.
I don't really know what you're talking about anyway, so there you have it.
But you know.. you know what? I see something in what you're writing here. Like a certain light. There's life in it. Like I'm peeking into some reality for a quick moment, and then I'm back again here where I'm sitting.I don't have any real kinda clue what it was, what I mean to say is, I didn't really know what it was, but it was there and it felt real, like there was something actual, even though I don't know what it was.

>> No.22330841
File: 221 KB, 426x530, 1581744624441.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time is the image of eternity. Being is not the fixity of heaven's eternal instant but the transcendental unfolding of world-becoming - self-apperception - Geist's reflective contemplation in the unity of the multiplicity of instants - Becoming as the sequence of the only existent actualities enjoined in this double contemplation which unites the highest atemporal principle of intellection and the basest atemporal principle of Be. In the Incarnation is bound the objectivity of subjectivity as the principle of self-unfolding and the subjectivity of objectivity as the object of the will of Geist.

>> No.22330867

Am I folk?

>> No.22330869

What would you advise someone to do if the people they care about are holding them back from making it but making it only has meaning in so far as it involves the people they care about?

>> No.22330878

> this guy who got rich and powerful exploring your work says the meaning of life is work so keep working buddy

>> No.22330879

Did the text in the Captcha decrease in size? Makes sense. During WW2, the Allies

>> No.22330892


>> No.22330908

Would you cut off family if you think that they’re a bad influence on you? I cut off friends for the same reason already and they’re all I have now…

>> No.22330919

I feel like I fucked up my life by not finding a purpose when I was in college

>> No.22330940
File: 41 KB, 500x500, 1690098772563584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need.... a Romanian.

>> No.22330951

I shoplift from the supermarket to iron it back out

>> No.22330970

Bear was only significant because of when it was written, someone writes a story just like Bear’s every day on the internet and no one bats an eye.

>> No.22330982

I fucked up my life by finding that purpose when I was at that age and doing things to prevent me from ever fulfilling it.
Now I just hate my life and just spend recklessly to fill the void. I don't know what I'll do when that catches up with me. I'm too much of a bitch to kill myself.

>> No.22331003
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I say, I'm feeling POWERFUL racist today

>> No.22331008

I'm tired of being a pseud and want to start taking things seriously. I'm too old to have never really developed intellectually, and even if I m stuck playing a game of catch-up that I can never win, it's better than nothing.

>> No.22331025

>Good boss, arranges apprenticeship programs on the job site, arranges schooling for your kids inc. boxing, pays you well above the average, gives you free fuel during winter from own pocket
"nuh he bad"

pick your boss.

>> No.22331068

I don't ever wanna let go of these dreams of mine, maybe I'm childish for this, and sometimes I can't sleep well as anxious thoughts make me worry about my future, but ever since I was a child, this desire to show the world what I have to say through art has never left me.
Anons, I hope your dreams come true.

>> No.22331136
File: 176 KB, 1184x532, grimes_radicalized.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her twitter. It's not a tweet, but a reply to some other tweet. She's also debating Anna Khachiyan and Louise Perry on "Has the sexual revolution failed" soon

>> No.22331147

that's odd, i remember the bene gesserit were the bad guys. has Elon explained the book to her? or the David Lynch film perhaps?

>> No.22331157

>get a job
>get stupid but >functional

>not having a job
>depressed but >knowledgeable

>> No.22331247

It has but not for reasons these roasties would understand.

>> No.22331259

drunkenness' feels like re-entering childhood or the stage when you are most attached to lived experience. my progress from child to teen to adult has been a gradual feeling of becoming detached and observing myself at higher and higher altitudes.

>> No.22331315

>I didnt find purpose when I was 19 :(

>> No.22331318

That's only true if you don't add meaning to your life commensurate with your mind's improved ability to think through and around things

Toys no longer satisfy adults. You should conquer Gaul

>> No.22331406

There probably has been cases of child prostitutes falling in love with their clients.

>> No.22331519

Some things on the Internet are actually deleted forever. I've searched everywhere for certain things, and they weren't archived.

>> No.22331657

>about to buy first house
t. rentcuck wizard

>> No.22331681
File: 55 KB, 775x473, willful-ig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Conservativism must be eradicated from public life entirely.
The Republican party must be abolished for being traitors who tried to overthrow the U.S. government.
This is going to happen.
American conservatives are going to let it happen like the cowardly cucks they are.

>> No.22331786

Wtf are you talking about? You surely can't fall for the politics jew this hard.

>> No.22331800

My friend divorced his wife last month after 5 months being married, they had been together for 11 years.
I visited him last week to check on him and it was obvious he was making an effort to seem OK. Later he went on a rant about relationships, women and how being alone was the best thing ever.
I could pretty much write down everything he said, put some nice leather cover and publish it as Compendium of Cope.
I don't feel bad about him, shit happens, but this made me realize that I don't really know him. A guy I've known since elementary school felt the need to keep face in with me instead of opening up.
He was just afraid of judgment, putting too much weight on my opinion when I don't have any. I do the same, everyone around me does the same.
This whole thing just made me realize I don't really know anyone, and I do feel bad about this.

>> No.22331878

Is 11th or 7th house more responsible for being an outcast?

>> No.22331914

I watched this one documentary about a cheetah and her cubs, one of the cubs got fucked by a lion while she was on the hunt, her prey got snatched by hyenas, hadn't eaten for days(that's what the narrator said). Cheetahs have it rough man. Made me quite sad desu. Nature is brutal desu

>> No.22331942

The cashier girl who I regularly buy camels from picked out a lighter with camel's design on it without me asking for it (I wouldn't want to look more like a sperg). That was nice. Clerks do like polite customers.

>> No.22331951

>find women physically attractive but not personality-wise
>reverse true for men
Why can't I just be full gay?

>> No.22331963
File: 176 KB, 1600x900, Arcadia Bay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I won't be happy until I live in that small oceanside town that's surrounded by pine trees that I keep envisioning in my head. The town that always seems to have wet roads as if it just rained and a constant cloudy grey sky. The town that homes the girl of my dreams, the book nerd that genuinely loves me, the one that loves to wear scarves and that has freckles all over her cheeks and nose, the one that buries her face in my chest when she hugs me, the one that cries and holds my arm in an attempt to stop me when I leave and cries and holds me when I return. I want to eat at the local cafe and have everybody know my name, I want to have friends that I go beach camping with.

This will of course never happen, but a man can dream, right?

>> No.22331966

Fuck, I fucked the whole thing up, I meant to write diner instead of cafe, fuck the whole thing is ruined, fuck I'm a fucking retard.

>> No.22332010

I've been reading about Jung and especially The Shadow. Everyone is talking about how it represents the negative qualities and repressed traits of Ego. Could it represent the positive side of a melancholic person?

>> No.22332020

Ohhh she's flirting with you. I bet she did it with a smirksy smile

>> No.22332027

Not the guy that you're replying to but I doubt it, she probably just recognises him and is trying to make her miserable job a little more bearable by having a little fun.

>> No.22332041

It sounds like the start of a friendship at least
Like he gained himself someone he can occasionally talk about mildly personal things

>> No.22332054

What bad influence?
Are you not strong enough to go your own path regardless of how fucked they are?
For me, no I wouldn't cut off family.

>> No.22332055

>talk about mildly personal things
I wouldn't with a servo (gas station) employee, but you do you.

>> No.22332059

Why not?

>> No.22332083

It's not something that they need to know about, it won't improve their day, if anything it has a chance of making it worse if they're empathetic people. I also want everyone to know the least about me as possible.

>> No.22332114

>nearly two weeks sober
I am 99 years old & have just discovered the joy of Diet Coke. What small joys await he who isn't getting trollied each night!

>> No.22332135

Anon, I don't talk to people. And there wasn't any flirty tone.

>> No.22332146

Do you have any goals other than counting down the days until your parents die so you can give yourself permission to, as the French would put it, put an end to your days (mettre une fin à ses jours)?

>> No.22332150


>> No.22332158

If my parents die (or at least my dad) I will become a millionaire.
I'm not killing myself if I have enough money. I'd stop working and do something I like.
Until then I'm a wage slave.

>> No.22332162

Must be nice. I grew up in poverty and will die in poverty, it's funny considering I live in the country with the highest minimum wage.

>> No.22332176

I have other complaints regarding my parents but the money thing is nice.
Sadly I don't see much of it now, hopefully when I buy a house he will help me out a lot but that remains to be seen.
It does affect how I plan my career. Knowing that I can live in the moment and not worry about having to work when I'm 60.
I wonder often how different I would be if I never knew he had money.

>> No.22332185

>tfw he leaves all his money to a charity saying he believes in you and wants you to be your own man in his will

>> No.22332191

You'd probably be a lot different, you wouldn't be as relaxed and not concerned with life as you are now I can tell you that.

>> No.22332208

He wouldn't do that but if that happens I might ann hiro.
Probably. I've quit every job I've had so far after a max of 2.5 years. Then NEET it up for a few months and on to the next job.
No regrets, got my own place so being a neet doesn't make me feel like a loser.

>> No.22332307
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>> No.22332442

>You surely can't fall for the politics jew this hard.
You damned your soul with 4chan. You got your identity and beliefs from here, the "asshole of the internet," where years ago the worst trolls in the internet trolled each other to beliece progressively evil and false beliefs "for the lulz." Eventually the trolls forgot they were trolling completely and completely lost their minds.

>> No.22332453

>implying there is a diffrence between the two main parties besides cultural wedge issues

>> No.22332491

About to go give birth to a beautiful baby boy's weight in shit from my ass

>> No.22332502

Republicans led by Trump tried to overthrow American government by lying about the 2020 election, and continue to do so by continuing to lie about it.
Democrats did not.
Facts don't care about your feelings.

>> No.22332507

I love how the"both sides" talking point is always used by people who are totally "moderates" to defend Republican crimes and evils.

>> No.22332523

is this your 4chan gimmick, being a basic bitch msnbc libtard?

>> No.22332590

I wish

>> No.22332595

True, I picked up smoking and have become way cooler

>> No.22332612

Liking someones personality isnt gay

>> No.22332618

I'm running late for work, but I cant leave until I have a coffee induced shit, or I will be miserably hefting around lors of poo all day long

>> No.22332652

It ain't ever gonna go away.

>> No.22332709

>waaaah 4chan twists your mind!
No it doesn't, chud.
It's you who pays attention to politics in the way you do that is pathological.
You're on the same level as a boomer who buys a let's go Brandon shirt and thinks Obama brought socialism to America.
Become an actual person.

>> No.22332735

Are all forms of respect unavoidably rooted in fear? Can you respect (not to be confused with admiration) that which you cannot fear?

>> No.22332758

Just failed my no fap. Was coming onto 2 months too of not desiring to at all but then bam I'm watching porn and stuff again for hours.

>> No.22332783

Are there words of praise more vapid than "deep" and "mature"? Coming from the mouth of the average person, the former seems only that a work uses the bare minimum of subtlety in coveying its themes, and the latter that the work has darker themes than most.

>> No.22332828

>Work min wage thrift furniture store job I enjoy
>Sometimes we get donated crappy or incomplete furniture which gets put outside the back for disposal.
>Constantly send out notifications to corporate that it needs to be picked up to be disposed of
>Doesn't get done or takes weeks to do so
>Now we have delinquent looking teens/homeless loitering that area.
>Started off happening after hours supposedlt, but now today seems the first day it happened in broad daylight
>Ppl expected me to "confront" them over it.
>I'm not even the manager or a permanent worker at that store.

I mean, I would if they started messing with my car or started harrassing me directly. But they are sitting there sitting on the couches to be thrown

On days that the manager or permanent staff aren't there, or days there are no guys, am I really expected to deal with this actively? Or should I just stick to sending forms out to have shit cleared out? Normally I keep the roller door open but I think now I will keep it shut unless customers or trucks come to drop off or pick up things

On one hand I'm paranoid it's making me look like a bitch for not doing anything but on the other, who tf wants to get into a confrontation over protecting rubbish and why am I expected to do so?

Shouldn't this be treated like stealing where you technically shouldn't and can't be accusing people of thieving and definitely not intervene

>> No.22332903

There is this letter that people often quote when talking about WW2 where I'm from, written by a woman who requested the piano of a jewish family who got locked in the ghetto, because after that happened there was supposedly a distribution of previously jewish-owned goods and objects among the non-jewish populace and one way to do that was to write a letter of request. People usually quote it as proof of how corrupt people were, as proof of a moral nadir in society, but frankly I can't really say that I feel that large of a difference between this and communists expropriating goods from the previous elites and the kulaks after the war ended. I'm supposed to find the former abhorrent and the latter as some sort of grand and laudable attempt at social equalization, some form of just retribution on the exploiters by the exploited, but is discrimination by the victors against the vanquished based on class that much more moral than discrimination based on ethnicity and class? Especially considering how ethnically charged communism and anti-communism was immediately after the war. Redistributing goods from the exploitative jewish bourgeoisie probably would have had just as significant an effect on reducing social inequality as the latter did...way I see it, I'm supposed to find the former bad because it was an attempt at redistribution by those who ultimately lost the war, and the latter laudable because it was an attempt at redistribution by those who won the war, done at the expense of the losers. In a logical world I'd either have to consider both equally bad since they both expropriated goods by force, or laud both as significant attempts at reducing social inequality. But not this schizophrenic retardation where taking things away by force is good when the victors do it, and bad when the losers do it.

>> No.22332942

Who's expecting you to deal with it?
colleagues? customers?

>> No.22333174

I'm all for transgenderisms. But not that kind. Not the one taking away our oppressive countercultural friends rights. Because, it is a right to. Just not hate speech. Not the divisive, censoring, and dangerous zone of public slander (phobical), or dangerous speech that is discriminatory which should be taken action against, legally, and reprimanded in it's genderist class action libel, and the associated penalties for Absolute Spiritual values at the Absolute Mind level (cf. Hegel, Phenomenology of Mind/Spirit). We are free, but at our roots, we are what we are, born as we are; to become who, that we are who we are as profilable, and that profile does say this or that, and this should be discussed with a medical establishment in oath to do no harm, only observe the biological noumenon as it is. It is easy to profit and cause harm, as a statistical filtration, but it is also likely that what a client tells it's observant host, is receivable valid, true, and there should be legal licensure and permission to maintain this identity, or claim. If someone were to say a wrong pronoun, or slur, against someone, toward's them, this would be hateful speech, but not a licensed hateful action, until further noticing that it is under examination by a legal action contraindicated. It is not the postiori factor that occurs to me, but rather, the hateful speech to examine, that it is, and persists in it's environment. It is not polite nor acceptable to condone this, but it does occur to me that it happens. As we all transition these pronouns, legalizing Spiritual, right, lawful phenomena epistemologically and executorily to the persons who have underwent a process which is NON-NEGOTIABLE, as a solid phenomena we are capable of being this conscious of self-conscious, in manifold diverse ways together or as one in an objective shared reality (emptied of self, factual postiori it's acting upon this reality: converse to subjective content for itself or in itself (i.e. the subjective is not observable at that time, (e.g. the birth of a new citizen without technical means of understanding their right gender)))*. It is not that there is no negotiation. This negotiation is a process of hearing of the words which naturally occur to one, following the lawful path with regularity and consistency, and normalizing contra outlying factors such as, harm prevention to the collective spirit, in order to facilitate Absolute Knowledge, in and of itself, which, now, in the present case, is that one is fully confirmed and able to validate one's gender in a court of Law, negotiated with the non-negotiable intermediary, the analysts or otherwise ARBITRARY.
Shall I not believe for one moment?
*This is a good argument for legalized rights activation, for the common good, in support of this motion, to enhance the wellbeing and safety of minority groups (anyone/doctors and community, e.g. psychologists with statistics background, medical establishment must protect this).

>> No.22333215

I'm starting to think the explosion in autism is from the delayed age of parenthood. As more people wait to have kids until their 30s, some even in their 40s, the prevalence of birth defects goes up, right? So wouldn't that be an easy explainer?

I know a girl and her younger brother who are both pretty autistic, especially the brother, and their parents didn't have kids until they were in their 40s

>> No.22333220

What are you trying to say?

>> No.22333221

I am 26 and a kissless, handholdless virgin. I have become what I mocked amd I dont see a way out.

>> No.22333231
File: 170 KB, 1000x1415, gondola sunset.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the laughs, /lit/. Its time we part ways. I'll always remember (you).

>> No.22333238

where are you going?

>> No.22333249

What have you done to try and get a girl?

>> No.22333259

Too young a parent is as bad as too old a parent. It's unwise to have children when one is still a child himself.
> The youths partake late of the pleasures of love, and hence pass the age of puberty unexhausted: nor are the virgins hurried into marriage; the same maturity, the same full growth is required: the sexes unite equally matched and robust, and the children inherit the vigor of their parents.[333]
Germanics lost, the mutt element took over and now there's this highly toxic, hybrid compromise enabled by the widespread avaibility of contraceptive methods.

>> No.22333262

I'm following my dreams and joining gay clown college. I'm already a clown.. now I just have to learn to be gay.

>> No.22333274

fuck you, asshole.

>> No.22333281

not reading all that, triptranny

>> No.22333300

Privilege is when a child, such as myself, does and has gone on the computer to misappropriate culture, without the consent, supervision of their guardian's guard. They are a victim of cultural entity, spies, brainwashing, and displacement.
This is the highest and most pure definition, the only real and valid one. Privilege is what CHILDREN HAVE! They CANNOT CONSENT! Only ADULTS are their GG [redacted]

I'm speaking figuratively w.r.t. apriori fact, i.e. I'm currently an adult, merely tensed for dramatic effect.

>> No.22333301

Left my house, bought two candy bars and ate them immediately for no reason.

>> No.22333303

Meditation == discipline of pure cognition.
(Training in non-applicable or transcendent ways, which reform the psyche-somatic)
The Land that Does not Speak, Hear, Feel. The Cleared Land.

>> No.22333305

>genderist class action libel
>penalties for Absolute Spiritual values at the Absolute Mind level
>We are free, but at our roots, we are what we are, born as we are; to become who, that we are who we are as profilable, and that profile does say this or that, and this should be discussed with a medical establishment in oath to do no harm, only observe the biological noumenon as it is.
> It is easy to profit and cause harm, as a statistical filtration
>it is also likely that what a client tells it's observant host, is receivable valid, true, and there should be legal licensure and permission to maintain this identity, or claim.
>If someone were to say a wrong pronoun, or slur, against someone, toward's them, this would be hateful speech, but not a licensed hateful action, until further noticing that it is under examination by a legal action contraindicated.
>It is not the postiori factor that occurs to me, but rather, the hateful speech to examine, that it is, and persists in it's environment.
>As we all transition these pronouns, legalizing Spiritual, right, lawful phenomena epistemologically and executorily to the persons who have underwent a process which is NON-NEGOTIABLE, as a solid phenomena we are capable of being this conscious of self-conscious, in manifold diverse ways together or as one in an objective shared reality (emptied of self, factual postiori it's acting upon this reality: converse to subjective content for itself or in itself (i.e. the subjective is not observable at that time, (e.g. the birth of a new citizen without technical means of understanding their right gender)))*.
>This negotiation is a process of hearing of the words which naturally occur to one, following the lawful path with regularity and consistency, and normalizing contra outlying factors such as, harm prevention to the collective spirit, in order to facilitate Absolute Knowledge, in and of itself, which, now, in the present case, is that one is fully confirmed and able to validate one's gender in a court of Law, negotiated with the non-negotiable intermediary, the analysts or otherwise ARBITRARY.
> argument for legalized rights activation

What does any of this mean?
What's the context for it?
What's the deal with the complicated language?

>> No.22333311


>> No.22333317

You have annexed (cookie cutt'ed a thesis) the properties to fashion into your own OP. F

>> No.22333331

I'm merely asking questions
You could take any of the things and explain what it means

>> No.22333332

Im gay

>> No.22333336


>> No.22333337

>No it doesn't, chud.
Yeah I should just ignore all my experience here and other places on the internet for more than two decades, including watching what happened to my friends on the internet.
You people are so far gone that you'll make bald-faced lies to others that ignores overwhelmingly obvious reality.
You draw completely false equivalences because you think everyone is as evil, corrupt, and dishonest as you and your abuser acceptance movement.

>> No.22333340

too late

>> No.22333350

I'm wondering what's in the gets post
Let's see.

>> No.22333356

>I have no mouf and I must scream
>it's nothing personnel.
>there's no wai.
>just a bunch of rhetoric and screching.
>i feel like i'm the only asking quetion.
>It hates myself.

How does one explain Absolute Knowledge one is self conscious of? That's what I mean. It's really a rehashing of hegel a.e. SPIRIT or Gendered Knowledge (apriori, as it does come into existence during birth, determinately formed, so they say according to their word).

>> No.22333366

you know you're not allowed to troll outside of /b/ right?

>> No.22333370

You know...I'm not trolling. Do you have any more questions?

>> No.22333381

well you haven't explained any of >>22333305 yet.

>> No.22333391

I'm not a robot, here>>22333356
another point is, the word has to live and be alive in order for it to sustain society. it has... guess.
naturally be lawful.
Absolute Knowledge is a positive element.

>> No.22333395

It's mostly from diagnosing milder forms of autism where the patient could easily get through college. It's overdiagnosed, but parents' ages and maturity levels, along with their knowledge and experience of social and medical supports, play several parts in getting that diagnosis. It's likely a social mode like age of conception increasing, rather than either of them being causative of the other.

>> No.22333414

you didn't explain anything here>>22333356
you asked me a question instead.
>the word has to live and be alive in order for it to sustain society.
you mean there has to be a living entity responsible for the word?
>naturally be lawful.
what does that mean?
>Absolute Knowledge is a positive element.
Absolute knowledge of what?
a positive element for who? or to what or whatever?

please speak in whole sentences.

>> No.22333416

Capybaras are more noble than a vast majority of people.

>> No.22333460

>the word has to live and be alive in order for it to sustain society.
it has to evolved word, dominating us like we are lowly creatures. or archetypal word, memetic in nature,
>a virus for example, which does survive contra purity of nature imo. I.e. The meme that does infect, from surreal injections, which give facility to legalize rightful dignities in their actual agency. there is some >psychological/biological/or statistical element to these agencys, as programs simulating, and as these programs are, they define the fundamental cognate purity that is consciousness at it's expressive circular level to become, the image that hasn't occurred of the future, it's variable and approximate form, infinitely or otherwise empty in it's pi-rooted or real/polynomial rooted, or other rooted form psyche-somatic or laws legally of phrenia. (it has been some months since I read the passage on phrenia in Phenomenology of Mind)
>naturally (to) be lawful.
It has to be in unison, supported, absolutely known. However, contrary my opinion of 41% Hippocratic qua certified non-harm, I do think that it's important to consider what goes wrong in such negative cases, devoid of concrete wisdoms or insights solid as they seem in order to improve outcome.
>Absolute knowledge is a positive element
It's variableness makes it non-absolute, it's non-absoluteness makes it not positive (affirmable and shared knowing, not the negative of direction or volatility). Gender, should be well on it's way to positivity of absolute knowing, w.r.t. the one observable, unknown variable, which we should observe, as a matter of logic and exchange communicable.

these are my thoughts. (Are you ESL, perchance?)

>> No.22333503

Give me recommendations on the fattest books. Over 1000 pages. It has to be good though

>> No.22333554

I'm sorry. I can't understand what you're saying.

>it has to evolved word
Is this English?
>The meme that does infect, from surreal injections, which give facility to legalize rightful dignities in their actual agency.
This is not a complete sentence.
>It has to be in unison, supported, absolutely known.
Why does a virus have to be in unison, supported, absolutely known?
and what does it have to do with anything?
>It's variableness makes it non-absolute,
You say 'it' but what are you referring to?
>Gender, should be well on it's way to positivity of absolute knowing
Are you referring to gender as a living entity?

Yes I'm ESL but you're speaking in extremely esoteric specialized language and you're not completing your sentences. It's basically impossible to understand, it's like a completely different language.

>> No.22333565

A pair of heavy boots will really keep your feet on the ground.

>> No.22333566

War & Peace
Infinite Jest
Old and New Testament

>> No.22333573

Let a man wear boots

>> No.22333578
File: 68 KB, 1200x816, michael jackson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that, or some really classy dance shoes.

>> No.22333586

True. I have my work boots on right now. Steel toe and all. They actually nake me very clumsy

>> No.22333603

I want to go into media but I’ve recently realized just how uncharismatic I am…

>> No.22333609

Ive got steel toed boots on right now too my nigga

>> No.22333611

I'm also sorry, I must go now.
If I may... I'll be back later

>> No.22333615

Sure, I'll go to bed soon.

>> No.22333632

Nice. I'm painting right now. What work are you doing?

>> No.22333635

Oh you know

>> No.22333653


>> No.22333662

I do maintenance on photolithography machines. What are you painting?

>> No.22333672
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As soon as a (human) civilization becomes advanced and rich they start to realize that life is meaningless and they always existed in a relative, postmodern condition. They struggled for so long to discover that. To evolve out of a cave that just floats around nothing. Human history and evolution as a mere truman show. But also as a stepping stone - to finally see reality for what it is, one must go through heavy narrativism to even survive and evolve to this point. Who knows how many organisms went through the same thing in the universe.

>> No.22333729

>Who knows how many organisms went through the same thing in the universe.
Me. Zero.

>> No.22333756

I'm quite sure they're telling you to do it because they want to avoid doing it themselves.
My advice is that you should contact your superior, or whoever is at the level above the ones asking you to do it.
Contact him over the phone and tell him that you're stuck in an uncomfortable spot, where you're not comfortable with confronting the homeless guys nor your colleagues about it, since they want you to do it for them. That you don't want any trouble with anyone, and that it's easily solved if the stuff gets removed, and if he can help you and maybe do something to have it removed as fast as possible.

I think that's the proper way to handle it.
Then the problem is technically off your shoulders, where it should never have been in the first place.

In the meantime you could make a temporary signs on pieces of cardboard that says 'private property, (x) not allowed' or something and tape it to the sofas.
That way you don't have to directly confront them, if you do it while they're not there.

>> No.22333796

A salary is the gamification of slavery.

>> No.22333867

I went to the beach yesterday.
Had to walk like 2 KM because it's a little far away but it was worth it.

>> No.22334068

Distilled debauchery

>> No.22334118

Should a man strive for greatness or live in comfort?

>> No.22334171

I'm still racist after spending so much time for cultural studies. If anything auditing classes, specifically in women- and social studies, made me more confirmed in my views.
The methodology is shit, selection bias is rampant. They apply studies from one culture to another, without acknowledging the difference.
Their studies most often rely on self reporting and terrible use of statistics.

>> No.22334175

doesnt really matter in the end, innit

>> No.22334194

Is it permissible to say prayers for the souls of those executed for crimes, terrorists who die in violence, or similar persons?

>> No.22334203

If no one prays for the souls of the lost no one will forgive and save them.

>> No.22334220

Being depressed and browsing modern Legos is a horrible idea. Literally disgusting. Overdesigned, overpriced trash and obviously fagged out and built for girls, for GIRLS you know the ones who have entire department stores and malls and entire fucking cities built for them to buy clothes and makeup in and suck dicks in. You need Legos too though. You can't even build an army unless it's Star Wars, none of the structures even make sense because they're just forced perspective cutouts of scenes from movies because modern children (ie the anima of women) are drop dead fucking retarded.

Oh, and they're all SKIN colored. I have never hated women more in my entire life right now. Women are such pedophilic fucking rat trash internet worshipping vermin it's genuinely unbearable and unbelievable. Get a fucking life and stop ruining Legos you stupid fucking mouthbreathing hags.

>> No.22334222

Everyone is a sinner.

>> No.22334225

Amen. I work to not work. I have a manual labour job and I'm such a lazy cheeky guy, sometimes I'll feel bad and think "don't good, honest people work hard" but I think that's a Protestant/Germanic lie, unless you're working for your self. My employer gives me the bare minimum, so I'll do the same for him.

>> No.22334228


As for the dead, there is nothing for which they need to be forgiven, and there is nothing from which they need to be saved. Grow up.

>> No.22334236

Why is this view the grown up one?

>> No.22334240

Drywall and doors

>> No.22334242


This is why kids buy AR-15s and shoot each other instead. Because women ruined fucking legos.

>> No.22334245

I shouldn't have ordered the milkshake

>> No.22334247
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>> No.22334249
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When you use a search engine and want to filter out spam and garbage and find information from someone who knows what they are talking about, you don't end your search query with "4chan," you end it with "reddit."

>> No.22334250


Because it is the one in accordance with observable reality, which is that there is no afterlife. Please refrain from the usual stock patent nonsense, whether it has to do with the afterlife as such, unwarranted suggestions that the idea just expressed is unreasonable, criticism of my key word "observable" (huh but what if u can't observe it yet did you ever think of that I am a very intelligent person), basic tenets of christianity in general, or of religion in general, in your inevitable reply.

>> No.22334254

Damn that's crazy haha

>> No.22334270

Consciousness continues is what I think.

>> No.22334294

It actually makes a lot of sense, and why they push the screen so much too. The idea is that the child experiences nothing "real" except for the sinful flesh of the woman. Children are molded into being exceptionally tolerant and empathetic towards female modalities because they have never touched reality - not even their toys are real, they tap screens like an addicted gambler. Women treat their own children like potential johns, as they have so completely adapted to their lives as breeding whores.

>> No.22334298

I believe the soul continues, but consciousness requires a physical body. That's the point of a resurrected body. You'll be unconscious until then, assuming you're saved.

>> No.22334311

Just look at /v/, it's another example. None of the posts are even about video games. I dare you to find a single poster who has ever said "badass" on /v/, which is probably the single most basic appeal video games make towards their audience. Now, /v/ is like a bordello of imaginary characters for underaged masturbaters - their mothers have forsaken them and taught them that the only thing real in life is sex because they just ignore them and give them lots and lots of screen time. Every day and in every way they are trained to be submissive to the female form as the only interface or value of "reality" and even simulacra must be in the form of woman, everything must be woman to ensure the value of the product remains in demand.

>> No.22334328

You only explained your view of life after death. You made no comment on how that view is "grown up" or mature

>> No.22334373


>> No.22334374


>> No.22334376

>don't worry man just keep working on yourself eventually you'll meet someone even if it's not working out right now
Biggest lie ever told. Taking this advice doesn't increase the chances of some girl falling head over heels for you when she sees you, it makes you a healthy, financially independent guy with a twin-size bed.

>> No.22334414

He was a pedophile

>> No.22334433

Self improvement isnt some magic love potion to make some woman want to be your bride at first sight. Its about building confidence anand stability so you can better court women. When was the last time you even tried talking to a woman?

>> No.22334542
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What the fuck is up with Goodreads? I cant search for shit

>> No.22334550

dont fuckin look at the limousine when it drive up baby. just look fuckin stupid. youre good at that. so good.

>> No.22334586

i used to be perceived as a "very online" person, but now people see me as a sort of luddite. it's not that my own relationship with technology has changed that dramatically so much as everyone else is so much more plugged in than they were just a few years ago and i didn't keep up. now i'm "very irl". i am routinely stunned by how extremely online the average person i meet out and about is.

>> No.22334592

>it has to be evolved word
sorry it's a typo. this refers to words and statements from someone that knows such words and statements they speak of, they have to have first hand experience. this is English now.
>This is not a complete sentence.
Well, that's because when I happened to mash keys, it accidentally greentexted twice, breaking the single sentence up twice... IDK.
>A virus is part of OP, just like genetic
expressions would necessarily be, by encoding in a physical element, scientifically speaking.
it's just an example of a spiritual or mind phenomena abstractly cognizable from it's own view. This humanity concrete happens to be selfish, but part of a system of hosts, a.e. time. It's a temporal manifestation of the evolved word or archetypal word or some kind of agreement and essentially pure Spiritual phenomena, deconstructed from it's meaningless implementation (the particles in matter of all which do emerge as conscious and able to take masterful action, and which are true to their word, giving origin, direction to individuals as they make these agreements, which is the capital profit at once, and the benefit either, and for non-harmful activity, though, this is impossible in Hegel's dialectic to make unrighteousness out of such, such that even criminals will perchance find virtue in miscellaneous elements at random, because that's a normal distribution. Now here, I point to index of topology, which is, in this case, matter, concrete, shared, real, biological or psychological, and phrenic in nature, rooted in it's orientation about the world Absolute, or Spirit with Absolute Knowledge, in Godliness with Self-Knowing to examine the truth, until we are firm in it, reforming our ignorance into Enlightenment with respect to facilitation of such, indifferent and absolved in our solemnity at Communion Absolutely as One through it's wholesomeness, making a thing to go before the Father as Revealed (Absolute Consciousness), The course of the birds and bees (position of rite of sex/intercourse/pleasure, wrongdoing and reality) (cf. his philosophical analysis of Zeus which implies a psychoanalysis), so here, one is able to root at these phrenics Absolutely facilitating this advancement, because, e.g., we are neither Mind or Body in our Higher Sense that is wise, we a Spirits collective with such powers bestowed and begat from the Universe (God the Light in Determination/Flesh/Formality of our Descent into the world (a quantum root? pi approximate roots, or even polynomial? what about just integers?))), in order to alert in communication amongst ourselves, that which we know. (I had a typo with unison, completely different word than I intended, I meant union. pt.1/2

>> No.22334595

Especially unitary phenomena (we are just waves, vibrations).
A virus is an application of analys to the phenomenology of these mind phenomena, at the individual level, instead of collective spirit.
A virus is not absolutely known, because it's partial to affairs. It could be an expression of the self, thus 'knowable.' A virus, which has infected at all areas of living, such as a humanity condition would be such an Absolute thing, if there were one. Thanks, (I'm working on Feynman technique as well here)
>It's variableness makes it non-absolute.
It was in reference to your question, I'm sure you've maybe been made aware by now, in your discussions with others? But just in case, I do mean the random distribution of a data, this case, a.e. gender. Lol.
>Gender as a Spirit universal or otherwise, which is affirmative in it's non-transience during waking life, which is incarnate (w/e that is) as such.

>> No.22334600

My keys are fucking hacked it appears. That's the most logical explanation. You know.

I meant by the insistence we neither mind or body, that we are spirits. because if we are our body, we are not mind, and likewise being just our mind, not bodily. Essentially, the only universal happens to be a gendered (e.g.) body of knowledge.

>> No.22334606

I too know nobody, I think it's the same with many others. What should we do with this?

>> No.22334653
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>> No.22334687

I wasted my life
I must change, repent, fight, yet I see no point in any of it
I wish I was never born, I want to escape, to leave the problems I got myself into, to seek something else, but I don't even know what it is, what I want
I'm lost and tired

>> No.22334691
File: 45 KB, 640x480, sddefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I'll start a diary again
I never helped me or anything, but I feel compelled to write my thoughts and feelings
My constant visiting this threads and posting random bits of my worries and hopelessness are a great example of it.

>> No.22334760

i feel this

>> No.22334772

>Emily Dickinson
Is this supposed to be ironic?

>> No.22334778

Emily Dick-in-son
So she was a tranny, a peado, AND a incester?
How did she keep getting away with this?

>> No.22334833

Why is an octave just 12 notes, why can't it be 30? And why is Niger and Nigeria?

>> No.22334883

I don't really like hot pockets, but some times I eat them. They remind me of my first job at a distribution warehouse for medical grade glass products, working the graveyard shift. We weren't allowed to leave the building for anything but to smoke at night, I was told because someone had died in a car accident on their way to get lunch at the usual time around one in the morning. They had microwaves in the cafeteria, so I would pick up a box of hot pockets on the way to work and just eat those. I'd have just about enough time for a smoke out back after I was done. In hindsight, it was a pretty good job. At least compared to the gulags I ended up in, one right after another afterwards. It was even in a nice place. Situated in a mountain top industrial part surrounded by nothing by dense forest. Its connection to the world an interstate highway that ran straight through the valley below. I guess this is why hot pockets give me a nostalgic feeling even though I don't really like them. I wonder if one day I'll be nostalgic for insect protein patties for similar reasons.

>> No.22334981
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>> No.22334989

How does one appreciate the prose and wordplay of a book? Like Lolita for example

>> No.22335026
File: 96 KB, 1235x830, virusovertime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's with the decrease in viruses at the start? Something is causing them to break?

>> No.22335093

I cringe whenever I see somebody say "That person is cool, I'd definitely have a beer with them" Who the fuck cares? Why is that the first thing you resort to? Is your life really that shit? Shut the fuck up.

>> No.22335101

Why even try if you will always be number 3.000.000 at anything you do?

>> No.22335142

Last night I had a dream where I was in my bed trying to sleep then I heard laughing and noise from the living room, I got irritated and went to see what's going on and found someone wrapped in a blanket like a mummy with his feet on the TV buttons, it was a big CRT TV, and for some reason I knew this was my younger brother (I actually live alone), so I started thinking how do I get him back to his bed then looked back and he is gone (and somehow the room quitly changed to my old family home's living room without realizing it), I was surprised he's gone but I thought he might've woke up and went back to his bed, I decided to go downstairs and then I saw this woman with a wrinkled face gray from the lower forehead to her chin run at me so fast, I had this strange adrenaline rush that you get from stretching but x100 times more intense, she ran and her neck landed right between my hands so I choked her and beat her ass and fucked her.

I have been having this kind of rush in my dreams often, it's really weird because it is right when I realize that it's a dream (nightmare) and I start thinking: this is scarier than anything I have experienced but it's just a dream, so I have to act against this intense fear by being as violent as I can.

Does anyone else get this?

>> No.22335160

Marxism is a religion, now I'm a post Marxist.

>> No.22335294

Art thou pale for weariness
Of climbing heaven and gazing on the earth,
Wandering companionless...?

>> No.22335345

I wouldn't do any street meth but if I was given some kinda pharmaceutical meth like Adderall or something then I'd do it
Apparently Philip K Dick did speed and he's one of my favorite authors. I bet a lot of good writers did speed
I'm so sick of wage slaving. Graveyard shift security is the closest job I can think of that allows as much freedom as I'd like to have while getting paid. Basically, what I'm looking for is some way to get money by just existing and not having to do anything. The working man is a sucker.

>> No.22335356

I didn't enjoy lolita and of course it depends on the style of the writing but for me it's usually how a sentence would do a great job in conveying something more than the sum of its parts if that makes sense, like a short description of a place would make me feel some way or another about it, or how a habit of a character is talked about tells you a lot about the character and it's not really about the hard facts of the sentence but something more stylistic, but I'm only talking out of my ass desu

>> No.22335448
File: 40 KB, 676x528, DJcgT4LXkAAf_JL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You pile up too much degeneracy and it kind of balances itself.

>> No.22335485

invincible, you say?

>> No.22335561

OK. The gist I get from all you're saying is that 'the world is what we say it is'.
I am I correct in interpreting what you're saying as such?

>> No.22335572
File: 155 KB, 684x1000, 91zZmVDZlGL._AC_UF1000,1000_QL80_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you’re struggling to describe a face or a landscape, try this: close your eyes and describe what your mind’s eye sees. The mind’s eye is a tool. And so is the mind’s ear – which as we’ll see is the conductor, the musical director, of your prose.

>[Great artists] are gifted with an exceptional inner ear, which means that their prose is almost wholly free of ‘false quantities’ (in the non-technical sense): free of rhymes, chimes, repetitions, toe-stubs, letdowns, free of anything, in short, that makes the careful reader pause without profit.

>For example, when I am reading – this applies to fiction especially but not just to fiction – I partly imagine that what I have on my lap is a provisional draft of something that might have been written by me. So I’m thinking, Mm, I wouldn’t put it quite like that, I’d avoid that repetition, this phrase isn’t precise enough, that word should’ve been tucked in earlier in the sentence, and – again and again – is that rhyme/half-rhyme/alliteration intended or is it unintended? Et cetera.

>Going on being a writer while you are reading becomes second nature and helps train the ear. As for getting the prose to flow smoothly – that’s more mysterious. But certitude of rhythm can be cumulatively acquired. With [great artists], it seems to be innate. So we can marvel at them, but we can’t learn from them.

>Let me assure you that you do have an inner ear – everybody does; and it is a vital instrument (and helpmate), almost as vital as your subconscious. But before you can bond with it, you first have to find it.

>Having established a relationship with your mind’s ear (your aural imagination), you can then go on to cultivate it. I spend a large fraction of my working day saying whole sentences again and again in my head. What I’m doing is probing for dissonances, for false quantities. And I never get them all, no, you never get them all…

>> No.22335606

Im more disappointed by trying and failing than being a failure.

>> No.22335716

I sprained my wrist, it fucking hurts, fuck. The things I do in an attempt to be funny are fucked.

>> No.22335723
File: 700 KB, 1445x2048, 90D2EDFF-CAD1-47B4-9D76-88C3722043C9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you write in the margins of your books? Or take notes in some sort of journal? Why or why not

>> No.22335749

I probably should, at least on rereads, but sitting around with a pen feels a bit wanky to me, and pushes reading into "work" rather than "leisure" territory. Besides, I don't think I've ever seen an annotated copy of a book that had any insights worth jotting down. But hey, whatever works for you.

>> No.22335750

Had a nightmare that was work related.
Unopened and unresponded e-mails and al that.

>> No.22335751

I need to know what you did

>> No.22335804

I want to, but there's usually not enough space.
I've been thinking about a solution to this, and what I've come up with is printing the book yourself from a pdf and only printing on one side of the paper.
That way you read the left page and have a blank page on the right to take notes on.
If you do it in a binder, you can just add more blank pages in between to take notes on if you need it.

>> No.22335831

That sounds incredibly fussy/laborious/expensive.

>> No.22335836

I've got all the answers.

>> No.22335839

But do you know all the questions?

>> No.22335843

I'd tell you but honestly, it's not even funny, definitely one of my least funny physical bits.

>> No.22335851

a useless post
ghosting its audience
with the weight of a rainy day
when the bait is ejected
in perfect absence
no exchange can happen
between vacant seats
only wind comes through
attracted by soothing silence.

>> No.22335887

I'm so fucking sick, chicken bullion does not help and I can't write. I hate summer cold.

>> No.22335902

Make push-ups, it will curb your immune system.

>> No.22335941

I’m at my wit’s end with depression. I’ve tried everything. I’ve seen a therapist, took different meds, tried being in a relationship with a girl, tried plenty of new things. All this and I still can barely get up in the morning. I still can barely talk to friends/family. I don’t know how much longer I can do this.

>> No.22335952

For a 500 page book:

~3$ for a cheap binder
~10$ for 500 pages of A4 paper

~75$ to print 500 pages with a personal printer, making it ~88$ all in all
~35$ to print 500 pages with a color laser printer, making it ~48$ all in all
~25$ to print 500 pages with a monochromatic laser printer, making it ~38$ all in all

You can adjust the toner strength to not use as much ink if you can live with not reading pitch black text. Which will probably significantly reduce the cost.

It is what it is, but it's doable.
Probably not everyone's cup of tea.
There might be some e-book software or e-ink tablets that allows for taking easy notes on pages but I don't know about that.

>> No.22335954

Take several warm showers throughout the day.
Use the Wim Hof breathing method. (not the ice bath stuff, but just the breathing)
Use it several times during the day and you should feel much better after a short time.

>> No.22335965

>toner strength
if you're experimenting, have you tried this with adjusting the transparency of the text in the word file? notch it to like 30% or 50% transparency from black - it should produce a grey at 50% less ink

procurator general, at your service.

>I’m at my wit’s end with depression. I’ve tried everything
Have you tried cauterizing the influence of the things that make you depressed? e.g. Other People who are Stupid.

> I still can barely talk to friends/family.
ah self perpetuating cycle

thou art stuck in rut in a torpid malaise
dreaming, just dreaming, of some better days,
take up the blade
take up the blade
stick it in mother and she what she says

>> No.22335968


Here: 1/4 btl. tabasco sauce and cheese stirred into baked beans, w/ toast, clean your head with spicy food in other words

i won't recommend you fry jalapeno chili peppers outright and dip them into greek yoghurt, served over a salty bed of kale and spinach, as a means to this but i never get a chance to discuss spicy food so

>> No.22335969

Donkeys are one of my favorite animals.

>> No.22335972

>notch it to like 30% or 50% transparency from black - it should produce a grey at 50% less ink
Thanks. I'll try that.

>> No.22335974


>> No.22335978

>take up the blade
>stick it in mother
That's really bad advice anon.

>> No.22335981


>> No.22335984

>Have you tried cauterizing the influence of the things that make you depressed?
Everything makes me depressed. I’m trying to find a single thing that doesn’t. An ideal that doesn’t make me depressed. There’s none that I’ve found. There’s nothing beautiful.

>> No.22335996




and so on and so forth

>> No.22335999

I disagree.

>> No.22336003

You know, more seriously, idealism and beauty; these things we think of, they become sources of misery because they inevitably fade. I won't say "lower expectations" in this regard, because I don't mean that, but certainly looking for exceptions which by beauty does not fade is in itself to find yourself idealising sterile things which is then miserable.

felix causas

but this: a workmans tools are beautiful, a simple soup is gourmet, these kind of things are better for you.

>> No.22336007

the tavern's a cavern
for us to align
signs o' the zodiac
mansions entwined

be yee kind see
the bright vision near
coming through blinded cry
of the birth beyond fear

the first word or the mist
before words they insist
on the slime like the juice
of the Rose holy fruit

>> No.22336013

Joseph Smith is a false prophet, killing him was the biggest mistake.

>> No.22336014

Cradle Mormon here. Elaborate.

>> No.22336020

I’m not concerned about beauty fading. Just having a glimpse of beauty for a moment is enough.
>a workmans tools are beautiful, a simple soup is gourmet
Both are not beautiful. If I could walk around and see beauty in everyday things, life would be a breeze.

>> No.22336025

Bros, bring me to wisdom on Mormons. To my European eye it seems kinda based but at the same time retardedly American. But in a good way retarded. Like, in the last Bond m*vie they had a 'whitey' Mormon villain.

>> No.22336028

Gimme half an hour. I was raised LDS and my family has been in it for five generations.

>> No.22336032

Gigabased. I'm listening.

>> No.22336046

>If I could walk around and see beauty in everyday things, life would be a breeze.
that's exactly what I mean though, just from the other side of it:
>>; these things we think of, they become sources of misery
idealisms, false hope, etc., things that either don't exist or which are illusions in the first place

>> No.22336052


>> No.22336053

Haven't read anything in the past week because of the brain zaps. Feels like I'm going to throw up.

>> No.22336054

>brain zaps

>> No.22336058

I'm just done with these internet intellectuals and their stupid fucking issues and takes on stuff and the worst part is that people in real life are even more retarded and I don't know where to turn to
I'm stuck with this generation of people and it fucking upsets me every single day

>> No.22336065

You are at 4channel, king.

>> No.22336070

>idealisms, false hope, etc., things that either don't exist or which are illusions in the first place
Then what do you like? How do you get up in the morning?

>> No.22336072

>Both are not beautiful. If I could walk around and see beauty in everyday things, life would be a breeze.
Oh I misread that - you mean you can't 'see' the value of things, not that you're looking 'for' it .. or something like that ... eh .. I think you are still trapped in that dumb idealism thing, where you expect life to be handed to you, like a base consumer. heh.

my advise to you is to drink 1/4 btl of tabasco. it won't help but itll take your mind of nonsense dilemmas.

my advise to you is to drink 1/4 btl of tabasco. it won't help but itll take your mind of nonsense dilemmas.

>> No.22336082

>where you expect life to be handed to you
How so? How does one work to find beauty in things? I wouldn’t know where to start. Life seems to be handed to normies who can watch a marvel movie and be in awe.

>> No.22336083

addiction propels me from the bed to procure expensive coffee and expensive cigarettes, the cost incurred at purchasing these things forces me to have some kind of employment, the rest of the time is spent laughing at the hidden comedy in things.

i am a common human :{)

>> No.22336088

Based gentleman.

>> No.22336093

You have 3 things at least. I would kill to have 1.

>> No.22336095

You're retarded too.

>> No.22336096

>How so? How does one work to find beauty in things? I wouldn’t know where to start.
you don't! that's what I'm trying to get across to you/whoever lol, if you're miserable 'because' you're (looking for X) then consider that (X) is a lie, it's just the same mental process of a person who ties themselves in knots because they can't have some dumb new kind of shoe, which they didn't want or need until they saw an advert. false hopes; false aspirations, avoid them. it is the cardinal evil, as the ancient romans and greeks were fully aware.

>> No.22336098

antidepressant withdrawl symptom

>> No.22336105

Not him or Mormon but I guess it might be a the only guy who wasn't killed in jail was wearing the garments thing? Or could be not liking Brigham Young. Can't think of much else his death really shaped besides some weird Young hating sects.

>> No.22336114

I hate reddit so fucking much. I hate it with the eviscerating force of a thousand suns. I hate it and I hate how automatically my finger is drawn to the app, clicking, and the tired, monotone motion of scrolling down down down down.

I hate the takes. I hate the people. I hate the discussions. I don’t understand. No need of mine is being superficially fulfilled by this compulsion. So why do it? Why continue doing it? Why the failure to quit doing it? What. Why?

>> No.22336115

I don't understand what the most important part about some of these recent times to be alive in are.
Social media? Smartphones? AI? None of that actually means anything. I'm disgusted by people today.

>> No.22336116

>you don't!
Well if you don’t go looking for it, should one just suffer through and wait for something to happen?
You previously said
>you expect life to be handed to you
Implying you should do something

>> No.22336172

What the fuck is your problem, why do you go to reddit? There's something wrong with you clearly.

>> No.22336229

Dude. Close the account, uninstall the app. When you wanna search it, do
>keyword site:reddit.com
in a search engine

>> No.22336281

What has this board come to when some obviously gay person openly states that they are addicted to reddit.
Go away from here.

>> No.22336284

The quick rundown on Mormonism is that it's a proto-New Age pseudo-Christian cult, founded on the belief in an open canon of scripture, with the Book of Mormon and various other writings joining the Bible as the word of God, a living prophet and quorum of "apostles" as governing body, meetinghouses for liturgical worship as well as temple buildings closed to the public for more confidential ceremonies, and a belief in an eternal cycle of the creation of worlds and the divinization of their inhabitants into new deities as the foundation for the rest of its dogma.
Mormons hold to a dietary code known as the Word of Wisdom, which forbids the use of alcohol, tobacco, tea, and coffee. When serving their form of the Eucharist, they use store-bought bread and tap water. They are heavily discouraged from getting tattoos or wearing revealing clothing due to the belief that the body is a temple and image of the living God, who Mormons believe to have a physical body as well, and who is said to reside near a star named Kolob.
They view the Constitution as divinely inspired and freedom of religion as a divinely-instituted right, as they see America's foundation as an event portending the imminent (relatively speaking) return of Christ, who will rule the new Earth from twin temples in Jerusalem, Israel and Independence, Missouri.
Male Mormons are expected to perform a period of missionary service soon after coming of age, and female Mormons are encouraged to as well, and thus most Mormons speak another language. Mormons generally fund most of the costs of their missionary service themselves. During their missions their activities are severely restricted and they spend nearly every day proselyting door-to-door. The high rate of foreign language knowledge of Mormons combined with their typically clean backgrounds and cultural attitudes toward America makes them excellent candidates for employment in 3-letter agencies.
Mormons place a high value on family as they believe in an eternal cycle of deification: God the Father, in Mormonism, was once a man on another planet or in another universe who became a God and who created the souls of humanity through divine procreation with his spouse, the Heavenly Mother. Mormons are strongly encouraged to marry early and quickly after they complete their missionary service. (1/3)

>> No.22336286

Male Mormons are ordained into a sort of lay priesthood at the age of 12, divided into the Aaronic and Melchizedek priesthoods with further sub-offices: deacons, teachers, and priests for the former, elders and high priests for the latter. This priesthood, not to be confused with the priesthood of real Christianity, is seen as the power by which God organized the world and through ordination into it one can tap into its power, gaining the ability to perform blessings and other things. Priesthood offices form a power structure in the church, and only male Mormons are allowed to hold power as they are the only ones allowed to hold the priesthood.
Mormons are expected to pay 10% of everything they earn to the church as tithing. Recently a host of massive investments and monetary holdings of the church was exposed to the public, amounting to between $130 billion and upwards of $250 billion, depending on the value of land and businesses within those holdings. Known as Ensign Peak Holdings, this set of investments may make the mainline LDS church one of the richest organizations in the world. The average ward will give upwards of $100,000 a year in tithing to the church and receive a four-figure sum in return to use as its budget, and members are often asked to clean church buildings as unpaid volunteers. Retired Mormons may be called on new periods of missionary service in which they simply perform the business duties they performed during their careers for the church, such as serving as accountants, architects, and so forth, without compensation.
Typically in their teenage years or early adulthood, Mormons will receive what is known as a patriarchal blessing from the patriarch of their area, a person holding a specific priesthood office outside the usual organizational levels of ward (equivalent to a parish) and stake (roughly equivalent to a diocese). This blessing consists of the patriarch divinely receiving knowledge about the Mormon in question's future as well as the tribe of Israel they are descended from. (2/3)

>> No.22336290

(3/3) Near the age of 20, Mormons will enter the temple to receive what is known as an 'endowment,' a special rite of initiation into the non-public parts of Mormonism. This rite has undergone changes throughout the years to make it more palatable, but generally celebrants will don special robes, receive "tokens" or secret handshakes and gestures, view a performance of the Garden of Eden story with specific changes to reinforce Mormon doctrine, and participate in a prayer circle. In the past, the ceremony included verbalized and gestural promises to slit one's throat, remove one's heart, and disembowel oneself if one revealed the secrets they were taught; the verbal promises have been removed but the gestures remain as "tokens." Once endowed Mormons wear consecrated inner garments, the so-called magic underwear, for life. Senior members of the church with decades of service may be invited to attend a so-called "second annointing," in which they are promised entry to the highest degree of celestial glory and ordained as future rulers of such, regardless of any further sins they may commit in life, short of murder or similar. Officially, second annointing does not exist and most Mormons are unaware of it.
As regards historical issues still relevant to Mormonism: From 1850 (by official accounts) through its official termination in 1890, Mormons practiced polygamy, and notably Joseph Smith had up to 44 wives, some as young as 14. After the end of official polygamy, splinter groups appeared who continued the practice, notably the FLDS. Until 1978, black Mormons were barred from holding the priesthood as they were seen as descendants of a cursed people from the Book of Mormon. The state of Utah was once a theocracy ruled by Brigham Young, Joseph Smith's successor, and during his tenure some Mormons committed several massacres against natives and travelers, most notably the Mountain Meadows Massacre in 1857. There are rumors that Young employed assassins against his enemies, known as "destroying angels," but the historical records are fragmentary.
Contemporary issues relevant to Mormonism include the numerous historical issues in the Book of Mormon and attempts to rationalize them, conflicting accounts from the early church, conflict with current social issues such as LGBT rights and feminism, doctrinal and philosophical conflicts, sex abuse scandals perpetrated by Mormons and covered up by the church, and declining member participation rates as a result of the Internet, the COVID-19 plague, and aging populations of committed believers.
There's a lot more wacky stuff to the whole thing but that covers the basics. Any questions?

>> No.22336295

Giving birth must have been so scary in the old days when there was np pain meds and a non-neglible chance you'd die in the process. Even now with modern technology... that shit looks gruesome. I'm 24 weeks and had a dream last night that I was labor, and when I woke up it kinda hit me... God DAMN

>> No.22336299

>When serving their form of the Eucharist, they use store-bought bread and tap water.

>> No.22336300

Do women have pregnancy fetishes?

>> No.22336308

>the so-called magic underwear
Based. How do I make one?

>> No.22336312

You can't, the only accepted garments are those made and sold by the church. No, you don't get them for free.

>> No.22336324

This Joyce guy can really write.

>> No.22336358

The compound words get kinda gimmicky.

>> No.22336366

I have uninstalled this shit and redownloaded it 4 times since 6am of this morning. There is something severely wrong with my impulse control. I just wish it was with something acceptable like fucking porn.

>> No.22336368

White vinegar is the shit. Nothing else can clean toilet sperm stains (I'm a pressurized-jetter, I crouch) that well.

>> No.22336415

I want to improve my English translation skill. I find I'm using words like "however, even though, although, nevertheless, then" a lot, since the source language does this but it's considered normal. Also it's hard not to start every sentence with a pronoun or "the". I understand it may make the writing boring but I don't know how to fix this. I'm ESL. Is there any guide to teach me some writing skills for quality translation? I can't even write a compelling 4chan post.

>> No.22336421
File: 24 KB, 680x590, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't read my quota today. It's so over

>> No.22336428

What subjects do you even search for there.

>> No.22336436

How would you educate a stereotypical zoomer sibling? He is remarkably lazy and spends nearly all of his free time gaming or scrolling YouTube and TikTok. He expresses desire for things but fails to do any of the necessary work to really do them, let alone succeed at them. He is willing to do certain things, but only if you really ride his ass about it and only after he’s already clearly and publicly failed, which is obviously insufficient for long-term success. I can’t ride his ass forever and his father seems perfectly content with mediocrity or less. So I’m at a loss. My warnings have basically gone unheeded for about 6 months now. I feel a bit of a hypocrite because I’m at a stage in my life where I spend a lot of it in leisure, but I am in my thirties and I really worked very hard to be able to live this way. Still, I do feel hypocritical about it and understand that he sees the leisure and not the work it took to earn the leisure. I just want him to understand that he can have leisure and live life slowly if that’s what he wants but if what he wants is something different than he has to earn it and there’s no way around this. I’m worried he’s going to wake up at 28 as another boy with worthless parents or parent that failed out of school has no career prospects no marriage or dating prospects and spends all his time with digital heroin, a story which is far too common now.

>> No.22336442

Same reason so many come to 4chan, innit? Anger is addicting. Arguing is addicting. Watching someone be wrong and thinking "man, they're so wrong and stupid, unlike me" is addicting.

>> No.22336443

Do you think death in childbirth was more common or less common than death in car accidents?

>> No.22336479

How are you spending your 30s in leisure? Do you not have a demanding career and children? Not to judge you if you don't, but if your brother is receiving the impression that hard work means future leisure, he may get the logical idea of skipping straight to the leisure.

>> No.22336541

I’m 31. I earned a lot of money when I was younger and am currently employed in a sort of sinecure job. I have about 2 or 3 months per year where I have to work, 2 or 3 where I have to do nothing at all, and 2 or 3 and the rest I take phone calls and answer e-mails for the most part.

I don’t know if it’s his impression that my life is just leisure without having had to work for it but I certainly think it could be. It’s difficult for me to tell what I should do if that’s the case. I spend a lot of my free time reading and writing and you know that’s not exactly the same sort of mindless leisure as scrolling TikTok or whatever. I wouldn’t say I’m being productive but I don’t necessarily think I’m wasting time either. Do you know what I mean? He’s unwilling to even read. For example, he asked me to buy several books for him so he could read them. 6 months later he hasn’t read so much as a single chapter. He expressed the other day the desire to one day get a PhD in history and become a historian, which is laughable because he’s not even read a history book. You know, that’s very different from the way I am. I might not work hard right now, but I do things I find worthwhile. So I don’t know if his issue is finding nothing worthwhile and just grasping at straws, just being lazy, or being so distracted by the phone that the time and attention just evaporates. He and others seem to think I’m simply too harsh and have very high expectations for people. I can admit that sometimes this is true, but not in this case.

>> No.22336549

ESL here as well.
I feel like English is severely limited in its expressiveness. It's generally very hard to translate/transfer the meaning from a Germanic language into English in my opinion, due to how the sentences are structured in Germanic languages with much stricter grammar and the way Germanic languages use compounded root words to a much higher degree, and how it makes room for much more flowing sentences due to how word endings and filler words can be used in various different ways to express the meaning differently.
When I translate something from Danish into English, I feel like I'm reducing the sentence and so much meaning is lost.
If I do a direct translation from English to Danish it sounds like I'm speaking toddler language.
But if do a direct translation from Danish into English, it sounds like I'm old wise nobility.

When I use English I feel like half the language is missing. It's very imprecise and very open to misinterpretation in my experience.
All of this is not even mentioning how retarded English is phonetically, where every word basically has their own rule of how to be pronounced, whereas Germanic languages usually have very strict general pronunciation rules.

>> No.22336557

How much do you read and listen in English?

>> No.22336603

What do you think motivated you to work harder when you were your brother's age? Did you not have the option to neet as he currently is, or maybe you had a stronger sense of hope for the future that he lacks? I think your brother's issue is motivation. If he is doing a lot of gaming it probably means he has mental energy and talent to spare, but nowhere to direct it. A man needs a sense of having some stake in the future, a way to advance his status and the belief that the rewards for said status will be worth it. I don't think the prospect of future leisure is enough to get motivated.

>> No.22336607

Your early-life success (and his lack of it) has probably given him deep feelings of inferiority and rendered him apathetic, since he could never match you and your family's expectations (voiced or not) for various reasons. And who can blame him? Even your posts here stink of self-satisfaction between the lines, which is not to say you didn't earn it.

Sad story all around, but that's just how things shake out sometimes.

>> No.22336624

I’ve thought about this. I’m not sure. I think to a huge degree I worked hard in the wrong ways, at the wrong things. I didn’t really have much guidance in my life and a lot of expectations fell on me at a pretty young age and sometimes I think that maybe I just didn’t know any other way to be, like it was just momentum. I think also grew up in a time where severe screen addiction wasn’t as possible. I mean, I spent a lot of time online too but not mindlessly scrolling social media. That wasn’t really an option until I had long been an adult. As an adolescent we had, MySpace and Facebook and that was basically it. We did have YouTube and video games but they weren’t like they are today. He games but not that much. Frankly, I don’t have a problem with him gaming or scrolling social media or whatever. It’s rather what bothers me is that he does these things while at the same time failing to do the things he needs to do in order achieve the results he’s expressed desire for. It’s like he thinks these things are just a matter of will without having to you know live out the will. The historian thing is a perfect example. He thinks he can just along the way like choose to be a historian without having to spend a lot of time in history books first. I have no idea why this is. When I was young, I had a really hard time finding things that were worthwhile. I worked my ass off but only on things that I thought they were worth it. I slacked in school, for example, and really worked hard outside of school, and I’m prone to laziness same as anyone else but I never had this disconnect in understanding that things need to be chipped away at for certain results. Understanding that is half the battle. Doing it is the other half. You know? You can understand that and if you don’t do the work then that’s that but you can always turn it around by doing the work, but if you don’t even understand that, then it’s like it’s hopeless. Even the things you want to do will be untenable. I think my parents have spoiled him quite a lot and I think I have to a huge extent too actually. What do you think I should do who it his motivation? He tells me he’s identified a couple of careers that he’s interested in but he still seems unwilling to do what’s necessary or spend much time on them.

>> No.22336628

I disagree with your assessment but I have to agree that it is a possibility. Personally, I think your reply smacks of resentment between the lines more than mine smacks of anything in particular but but doesn’t necessarily mean you’re wrong. So what course of action would you suggest?

>> No.22336664

I don't know the answer. In myself I find that motivation is like an invisible air current that sometimes passes over me and sometimes not, and I can't control when it comes. All you can do it try to set an example by stepping out of your own comfort zone, whatever that me be, and letting him see it. I would also encourage him to get some exercise if he isn't already, maybe you can do some sports or hiking or lift weights together.

>> No.22336665

AY. You can say what I wrote says that, but it always helps to read more, comprehend better, sharpen your pencils, take notes, etc. Even the same thing multiple times, temporarily.
The world is made of laws, which have no way of expressing themselves as languages, except to do so, whether it's body language or linguistic phenomena. Mind is inherent, so it's with you when you're born and when you die, it should be a universal or authentic self-consciousness.
I don't necessarily agree with Hegel, I agree in so far as it's a language unto itself, with facility to be utilized for a (phenomenological investigations, dialectic induction), which is that that is parametric to sorting a topology out of it's own accord. I'd say, currently, today from my perspective, that I think Hegel should choose his parameters better in the next life, because it's a matter of philosophy or __boolean universal truthiness, which he did make ;his philosophy categorical of, it's a spiritual phenomena, if he could, but this is one way of attacking the thought of reason, the thing itself as if to say ''matter extends into self, and self extends into consciousness, which is both matters, or has principles and rules and laws, but yet does not matter, is not physical except that it contains a universal embodiment compliment of (notion, negativity), this parametric being the idea or suggestion, even that God determines what is Absolute Knowledge.'

In my new application of this, I'd say as an extension, anthropologically, he makes the implication potential, of which is that this, concrete, is it's own separation of thought as well as it's thinker, thinking as temporal phenomena as a fateful activity, determined by the individuation through his dialectic such that we have the peace of mind potential of such nothings that we are not and capable of, Godliness : cf. (God, Phenomena) = Anything, because it abstracted God/The Absolute Spirit, by abstracting phenomena, and by doing so makes concrete of both. (here's a cool link I haven't/never will read probably: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Concrete_Mathematics))
digressing on a tangent:
Personally I'd like to research, what I'm now setting up, to think immediately now of, fractals, fractal brains and smoke, mirrors, as well as of approximate distortion and angles that separate objects amongst each other in discontinuity of non-agreeable natures. Which sounds savage, now that I think about it, because it has no agreeableness and reflects specter-scale (cf. infinite, partiality) duty unsigned agreeably or even inmost conflict.

What I personally mean by this in brief, is that we have 1st person mind, 2nd person theology, and 3rd person basedentists. In my personal belief

>> No.22336710

>So what course of action would you suggest?
Well, what can be done? You speak of potential careers, but how will he pursue them? What are his qualifications? School grades, test scores? Is he gainfully employed? If not, when was the last time he was? That ever-widening gap in his resume will swallow him whole.

Is he as smart/talented as you? Are these careers a possibility or a pipedream? Perhaps he's happy being a deadbeat, and you're pushing your 'hot shot career and bitch wife' middle-class neuroses on him, even if it is with the best of intentions.

>> No.22336761

Next thread

>> No.22336927

Exercise is one of the sticking points. He expressed desire to do something that demands he increase his level of fitness but over the months has put a minimal amount of effort into it. I honestly think his single biggest problem is the phone, but I don’t know what to do about that.

I think he’s expressing a desire to do certain thing which, being a smart and capable young men, are well within the realm of possibility for him. It’s really just a matter of doing what is necessary, which he consistently falls short on. There’s been some minor progress in a few key areas. Maybe I’m just pushing too hard. Maybe I have too high standards and expect more than just very minor progress.

>> No.22337085

What I will say to that is that human law is a fiction upheld by violence. Its word is interpreted subjectively.
The law is only there as long as there is a human behind the law, and one in front of it. Someone judging by it, and someone being judged by it. Its application is subjective.
The totality of the world however is much different than what is dictated by the law. In its totality the world is fundamentally pure freedom, and only spirit dictates action. There is only freedom of choice as long as nothing has been chosen. Since, when something is chosen, it is being done actively, directly at the exclusion of the other choices.
Between individuals, true love can only be found in agreement of the way. The way towards whatever is agreed upon basing itself in action.
True love requires the free choice to love in order to be true. So the human law can not lead to true love unless the law is freely and mutually agreed upon through consensus.
Violence is what upholds/affirms law by nature, but only non-aggression and non-violence and mutual agreement can lead to true love.

>> No.22337615

Everyone is going to know you were an internet Nazi.
Everyone is going to hate you.
You may think you're anonymous now, that you're free from consequences.
Please keep thinking that, I want the traumatic shock when it happens to be maximal.
You're going to spend the rest of your life with everyone who knows you hating your guts.
There will be no forgiveness and there can be for what you have done.

>> No.22337745

Broke my months of no fap, and fapped 3 times in a 24 hr period.

Now Im working out and feel so weak and sluggish. What the heck

>> No.22337978

I love that word.

The greatest maximal extent of (the mind of)
The maximal extent of the production power (of a civilization)

it has an encompassing and totally enveloping feel to it i .. er .. feel.

I fucked up my supper! Too much spices! Not enough time frying!