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/lit/ - Literature

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22325209 No.22325209 [Reply] [Original]

Why’d he write fawning letters to Delillo but not Pynchon?

>> No.22325232
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Who cares

>> No.22325339

Pynchon probably had Melanie Jackson tell this chud to pound sand when DFW's agent asked for a mailing address.

>> No.22325366

why does /lit/ obsess about this depressed illiterate

>> No.22325410

He saved literature

>> No.22325440
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He killed himself because Federer lost Wimbledon 2008.

>> No.22326238

Funny that he gleefully shat on Vineland numerous times in the press, then Pinch releases M&D which BTFOs anything DFW ever wrote

>> No.22327127

probably something like this

>> No.22327134

DeLillo is a legend. Pynchon is masturbatory nonsense.

>> No.22327139
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This is the most beautifully midwit post I've ever seen on /lit/.

>> No.22328031

>Funny that he gleefully shat on Vineland numerous times in the press
Did he? I know he talked about it once in a letter. What are some of the numerous articles/interviews where he shat on vineland?

>> No.22328528

This. Anyone who says otherwise needs to acquire taste.

>> No.22328562

He was hardly the only person to criticize Vineland but yes Pynchon is the much better writer and Mason and Dixon is one of the best books ever written.

>> No.22328790

He's right though.

>> No.22328884

To my knowledge, in his later years he said that he wasn't that much into Pynchon anymore, that he began to see some limitations, while being more drawn towards DeLillo.

>> No.22328947
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The only sin Vineland committed was coming out so long after GR

>> No.22329018

Because, despite the memes, and despite the fact that he probably never truly lived up to his potential, he probably really was the best of his generation and, particularly given the ever-dwindling amount of authors who actually give a shit about competing with the all-time greats, his suicide probably set back modern literary fiction many decades.

>> No.22329021

Unironically true. Realized this after reading his collected tennis essays.