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22322351 No.22322351 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.22322359

Its funny

>> No.22322401

it predicted /lit/

>> No.22322437


Like Maya Angelou, Sandra Cisneros, and Amy tan, John Kennedy Toole shines a light on those left in the shadows by the dominant culture, and his work belongs as much to forbidden anthropology as it does literature.

>> No.22322519
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Its over.PNG
Also: together with 'catcher in the rye' and TPK it forms a kind of holy trinity.

>> No.22322552

It's about (you).

>> No.22322577


>> No.22322641

its basically my diary desu. I got embarrassed and destroyed it after reading this book.

>> No.22322647

Cool cover. Haven't seen that edition before.

>> No.22322663

>forbidden anthropology
At first I thought this was a pretentious way of putting it, but the more I think about it the more insightful it seems. It reminded me that Saul Bellow studied anthropology instead of English. What is The Adventures of Augie March if not a vast collection of field notes from the weird, scattered tribes of the Great Depression?

>> No.22322732

The Pale King

>> No.22322751

It's funny, that's it.
I'm tired of reading depressing and lol so deep shit.

>> No.22322767

it's okay. catch 22 and infinite jest are better books of the same "genre". the guy who wrote it was having trouble getting it published and you can tell he modified the ending to try and make it more publishable before his seppuku, the ending was completely stupid.

>> No.22322787

Really? What’s it about?

>> No.22323034

>catch 22 was better
>the ending was bad

Retard take

>> No.22323044

Is Ignatius legitimately intelligent? Never read the book but some of his quotes make him seem smart but lazy.

>> No.22323058

No he isnt very smart. His character has no good traits. He is not likeable in any way. And as you read you think okay so the point is that this book does something new in providing a character that has no good side. He’s fat, lazy, childish, hateful, dirty, and self-inflated. But youre laughing the whole time. Then by the end of it you reflect back and realize he was actually BASED the whole time.

>> No.22323074

he's a genius and very sympathetic, I say this without an ounce of irony

>> No.22323183

he's literally me, so yes

>> No.22323390

It’s been like 12 years since I read it but isn’t he a doctorate or something in the novel? Was that just satirizing idiots with degrees that make them feel intellectual?

>> No.22323409
File: 17 KB, 300x300, Feser_photo_2-300x300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's a scholastic LARPer with a master's degree in Medieval History. Edward Fesser even looks like him

>> No.22323434

Yes, but he’s extremely autistic.

>> No.22323485

How the fuck are you supposed to know what he looks like? And that guy has no mustache...

>> No.22323491
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>How the fuck are you supposed to know what he looks like?
Gives a description of him in the book. And the cover art and actor's portraying him have been pretty consistent

>> No.22323543

Books typically describe how important characters look you dork

>> No.22323576

You guys are the dorks. A book cannot give a very accurate description of facial features, so unless the book somehow said "he looked like Ed Feser" as if it were written by James Patterson, there is no reason to make such a comparison. And I already said one reason that comparison is unfounded is because of the lack of a mustache.

>> No.22323579
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Why can't far right dudes resist Jewish women?

>> No.22323584
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>> No.22323594

catch 22 was significantly more chiseled. it had jokes that were built up over the entire course of the book. dunces was carried by the personality of the MC and nothing more.

>> No.22323598

Is cover art really canon? And more importantly, does that picture look anything like this guy? >>22323409

>> No.22323608

Fesser's smirk is channeling Ignatius in his purest form.

>> No.22323727

supposed to be satire
boring disgusting crap
projectile diarreha
author died
his mom convinced pulitzer comittee to vote for him
another leftist farce

>> No.22324318

No man of taste could resist such a mousey little minx.

>> No.22324624

Its about a wasp kiddo who tries hard to larp as a Holden Caulfield but ends up as a Ignatius Jr.
When the fun begins the novella stops on the short side [spoiler ] BC writer ACK's himself [/spoiler] which is a Kitty though.
BC the work tackles some hitherto untackled themes of modern technological society in the style of Pynchon.

>> No.22325044

Her pale complexion, frail body, messy black hair, baggy eyes, and generally neurotic appearance all beg, nay DEMAND, to be conquered by a virile goyim penis.

>> No.22326246

it's literally you

>> No.22326362

>infinite jest is better

>> No.22326369

Extremely low intelligence reading

>> No.22326371

quite literally fifty times better. dunces was not that good of a book. it just had a compelling and funny main character. there is a reason the guy couldn't get it published.

>> No.22326701


>> No.22327090

catholics: the book

>> No.22327158

Dunces is a very very good book. IJ is crap.