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/lit/ - Literature

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2232152 No.2232152 [Reply] [Original]

Dearest /lit/,

I am in search of a truly terrifying novel that should keep me up at night. Something in the horror field that is actually scary and well written. I want to skip the usual authors that are very dull such as Stephen King, Peter Straub, Dean Koontz etc...
Not really looking for gore either since the last third of American Psycho and Exquisite Corpse has already scratched that disturbing itch.
Lovecraft is out too since I have just finished reading his collected works (he likes to pad things out, doesn't he?).
So any recommendations of brick shitting good novels would be fantastic.

Thank you



What is the general consensus on the Song of Ice and Fire series? Are they actually worth reading?

>> No.2232158

If you like reading shitty books they are.

>> No.2232167

Don't listen to this mouthbreather. A Song of Ice and Fire is a pretty good series. Most people here don't exactly think of it as high art, but the novels are damn good entertainment.

>> No.2232178

the general consensus is that they're badly-written books for manchildren.

that being said, said manchildren tend to enjoy them a lot.

>> No.2232238

Fair enough, entertaining but not astounding.

So, any ideas for some good horror?

>> No.2232262

"good entertainment" is a really horrible criteria to use when judging something's merit.

I imagine the coliseum was "good entertainment." I imagine any version of "the Aristocrats" joke is "good entertainment."

So what?

Don't you want more from your indulgences than "good entertainment"?

>> No.2232321

Not all the time. Doesn't matter if you're a 50's Eastern European film buff, you can still enjoy watching Hobo With a Shotgun.

I translate minor archaic poetry for fun, I still enjoyed reading ASOIAF. Get off your horse.

>> No.2232330

Not really. There comes a point where you've been exposed to so much better stuff than the lower stuff just doesn't do it for you anymore. It's like discovering you have a mind-bending kink that you can satisfy at any time, when you try to fap again it will just fizz out.

>> No.2232336


When I read your post I see a guy somehow injecting himself with liquid Gravity's Rainbow while screaming, "YES, GOD, YES."

I just wanted you to know that.

>> No.2233586

Well, it's day two of this thread and my primary question still hasn't been answered.

Anyone know any shit scary horror?

>> No.2234061
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Wow... just wow, congratulations
on writing the most pretentious post the internet has ever seen.

Ive read the Song of Fire and Ice series, some are good some are bad, but certainly ALL of them were entertaining... Its a good thing HBO picked them up for a show because before that I often thought of the series as the HBO of novels.

>> No.2234590

OP, I'm reading a collection of horror stories by Richard Matheson called "Nightmare at 20,000 Feet." The stories are well written, gripping, and pull no punches; I'm a horror aficionado and even I found myself pulling my sheets a little tighter when I went to bed last night.

In particular, the stories that really got to me were the titular tale (which you may recognize as a classic Twilight Zone Episode) Long Distance Call, and Prey, which was also featured on the Twilight Zone. Not all of the stories are typical horror, but they are still profoundly disturbing. Some of these include The Distributor (which, if you've read Needful Things, will be very familiar to you) Mad House, Legion of Plotters, and Disappearing Act.

I highly recommend it.

>> No.2235856

Thank you very much, I will check it out. It is very rare to find good scary horror novels nowadays, especially when everyone only recommends King or Koontz.

Does anyone know any more?

>> No.2235861

I know nothing about horror, but I am curious as to why you included the last portion of your post.

>> No.2235862
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> pretentious mouthbreather detected.
Don't people indulge for entertainment? No one other than an idiot will say they're more than escapist literature, but they're good either way.

>> No.2235873

You might enjoy some of George R R Martin's horror short stories. I recommend "Meathouse Man," it's not exactly traditional but it left me feeling fucking weird for days.

>> No.2235916
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Check out Thomas Ligotti. He's very similar to H.P. Lovecraft.

>> No.2235975

Thank you both very much, am checking them out now.

About the Song of Ice and Fire series? I enjoyed the TV show but usually tend to stay away from fantasy novels. Was just curious to see if they are actually worth reading. Didn't want to create a flame war, even though the rule of thumb for all of 4chan is if something has mass appeal, people here are bound to hate it. /v/ and /mu/ are the biggest culprits.

>> No.2235979


If you enjoyed the show, you'll enjoy the books. They're not high art by any means, but they're consistently entertaining and, honestly, that's good enough for me and most other people.

That said, I'm >>2235873
and greatly prefer his short stories.

>> No.2235998

T. E. D. Klein is pretty scary.

>> No.2236061

So, that's 3 novels purchased from different artists, Used book store down the road had something from each of them. Any more, guys?

>> No.2236064


which GRRM book did they have, if I may ask?

>> No.2236066
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Besides the Grim Dark world the story is set in the fantasy in SoIaF is kinda little and far between.... Personally Id read it more like War of the Roses meets Medieval faggotry + the occasional dragon or such....

The books main goal I think is to show how impossible it is to rule a kingdom without becoming some kind of villain or pissing off nearly everyone around you.

>> No.2236070

Read what you have so far then come ask for more, you gluttonous pig.

>> No.2236365

Dreamsongs. It was right next to all the aSoFaI novels. Got for about $12 Aud.

NO. You give me more NOW.

>> No.2236392

Does anyone else find it difficult to be scared by literature/films/ghost stories? I just can't turn off the logical part of my brain that says "you are holding a book and reading words on a page about someone that isn't you." I get sucked into the story if it's engaging and exciting but nothing keeps me up. I think /x/ is the most laughable board on this site.

However I can get really freaked out by video games because there is a more personal stake and it's more sensorial.

Non-fiction true crime stories get to me and make me feel fearful and disgusted but that's about as close as I can come. Feels bad man.

>> No.2236615

For me, while reading books themselves, I feel no fear. It is the thinking afterwards of it that sends me into paranoid delusions. A lot of good creepy pasta from /x/ does this to me constantly, I walk away from the story and start freaking out about my cupboard since that was the theme.

Same about video games, Silent Hill 2 did numbers on me and fog.

>> No.2238170

1984 still remains one of the scariest books I've read.