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File: 25 KB, 626x447, ebook.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22318607 No.22318607 [Reply] [Original]

where the fuck I can pirate ebooks

>> No.22318627


>> No.22318635


>> No.22318639

how about you buy the books? why do you think you deserve things for free?

>> No.22318648
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>paying some random faggot for the words of a dead person

>> No.22318659
File: 20 KB, 438x456, 278896340_1053684928911138_8234704178811358272_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry I can't pay for text file.
I can pay for physical book sure, but ebook? I will pirate it all my life.

>> No.22318664

Bigger problem is that more often than not I'm not finding articles on sci-hub.

>> No.22318669

I would download a car if it was possible

>> No.22318684
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>> No.22318693

Hello Anon >>22318607,

We hope this email finds you well. I am writing to inform you of an important matter concerning the content on your Kindle device. Our records indicate that copyrighted material, which may have been obtained illegally, has been detected on your device. We must emphasize that even if your Kindle device is set to airplane mode, Amazon still has access to the content stored on the device.

At Amazon, we take copyright infringement seriously as it violates intellectual property rights and undermines the hard work and creativity of authors, publishers, and other content creators. As a responsible digital platform, it is our duty to address any instances of copyright infringement promptly.

We kindly request your immediate attention to this matter. In order to avoid any legal consequences, we require you to remove all copyrighted material from your Kindle device within the next five days. This includes any books, documents, or other digital content that may infringe upon someone's copyright.

To remove the copyrighted material from your Kindle device, please follow these steps:

1. Turn on your Kindle device and navigate to the Home screen.
2. Select "Books" or "Documents" from the main menu.
3. Locate the copyrighted content in question.
4. Press and hold the title until a menu appears.
5. Choose the option to delete or remove the item from your device.
6. Repeat these steps for any additional copyrighted material.

We understand that mistakes can happen, and it is possible that the presence of copyrighted material on your Kindle device may have been unintentional. However, it is crucial that you take immediate action to rectify this situation to comply with copyright laws and protect the rights of content creators.

Please be aware that failure to remove the copyrighted material within the specified timeframe may result in further legal action being taken against you. We strongly advise you to review your Kindle content library and ensure that all items are obtained legally.

If you have any questions or require further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact our customer support team. We are here to help you through this process and ensure that your Kindle device remains compliant with copyright laws.

Thank you for your attention to this matter and your cooperation in resolving the issue promptly. We appreciate your understanding and commitment to respecting the rights of content creators

>> No.22318701

Nice try kobo tranny, still not buying one.

>> No.22318704

I thought these levels of cuckoldry were not possible

>> No.22318707
File: 9 KB, 241x241, god.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want to read Blart: The Boy Who Didn't Want to Save the World, but I can't find it...

>> No.22318715

It isn't. Amazon has no way of knowing if the document is pirated or not. Just turn on airplane mode if you're hyper paranoid

>> No.22318723

Libgen, mobilism, irc

>> No.22318742

all the links for anything you would ever wanna download at https://fmhy.pages.dev/

>> No.22319018

Read the pinned thread, Fed.

>> No.22319080

You will never become a moderator, dick slurper.

>> No.22319296

People post the same questions over and over again when the pinned thread solves them all.

>> No.22319329

Nobody said they deserve anything. Learn to read, idiot.
There's nothing you can respond with that will improve my opinion of you. You will also take my post as a defense of piracy.

>> No.22319547

Sorry for being rude, the sticky is based... thought it would say that piracy is hurting their feelings...