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22318083 No.22318083 [Reply] [Original]

What did Nietzsche mean by this?

>> No.22318088

Blond - Male with yellow hair
Beast - Animal

>> No.22318109

He was larping and experiencing power fantasies. Very embarrassing to try to pass this kind of stuff for serious philosophy imo.

>> No.22318114

Arabs, Japanese, Romans were blond beasts and didn't have yellow hair

>> No.22318118


>> No.22318129

Fine. He was referring to the waring impulse driven by hopes of personal or patriarchal lionisation (Lion - blond beast)

>> No.22318131

Lion. Fits in with his three metamorphoses schema from Zarathustra. Read the Gay Science, Nietzsche had an extremely dim view of Germans and wanted multiracial European cosmopolitanism to replace country-specific nationalisms.

>> No.22318132

This. Think camel, lion, child

>> No.22318141

He foresaw (Me)

>> No.22318157

Aryan supersoldiers

>> No.22318161

He's a fag that's all

>> No.22318162

Blonde (woman)
(Black) beast

>> No.22318168

Legacy -> Legate

a general or governor of an ancient Roman province, or their deputy.

>> No.22318169
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>> No.22318186

Yes, that's why Kalergi is based.

>> No.22318207

As an aside, the older I’ve gotten the more I feel Nietzsche’s main focus is about the artist and creativity, ie. why the artist creates, how the artist creates, and how the artist fits into society

>> No.22318252
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My thoughts exactly.

>> No.22318256

Gym albinos

>> No.22318317

Never heard of Berbers – hell, Saiyans?

>> No.22318390

nietzsche discusses the lion in his three metamorphoses as the animal claiming it's freedom
it's the rejection of established order
it has nothing to do with being blond (e.g. hitler was a brunette)

>> No.22318420

If there's anything Nietzsche's taught me its that absolutely everything, including the arts is downstream of biology. There is absolutely nothing man-made which is distinct from the biological constitution of the people from which it originated. The only great task of future societies is hopefully overcome our contemporary race to the bottom and perhaps lay the foundation for the elevation of greater types. I don't believe anything truly great in culture of the arts is possible without this. Of course, this is something the ancients understood very well, something only our arrogance and insistence on perfect equality between men can cloud.
>"To beget and breed a man is easier than to put into him good wits; none hath ever devised means whereby he hath made a fool wise and a bad man good.104 If God had given the Children of Asclepius the art of healing a man's evil nature and infatuate wit, they would receive wages much and great; and if thought could be made and put into us, the son of a good father would never become bad, because he would be persuaded by good counsel. But by teaching never shalt thou make the bad man good."

>> No.22318425

The lion from Zarathustra has nothing to do with the blond beast in the Genealogy. He’s talking about conqueror races. Faggot.

>> No.22318433

Truly the chud is the highest form of life

>> No.22318550

Romans and arabs (Berbers, actually) definitely had blonde hair.

>> No.22318557

Kill yourself shitskinned subhuman.

Wrong. He called Germans Hyperboreans (i.e., totally superior) in Anti-Christ.

>> No.22318565

Go back to redd1t you politically correct coping faggot. Blond beast at that time was synonymous with superior conquering races of antiquity (Aryans). If he was talking about lions (hilarious cope) he would have said gold.

>> No.22318573

I like how you can't refute him so you just unironically call him a chud like an impotent troon untermensch. Time to kill yourself, faggot.

>> No.22318601
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On the Genealogy of Morals, Essay 1 section 5:

>the vulgar man can be distinguished as the dark-coloured, and above all as the black-haired (‘hic niger est’), as the pre-Aryan inhabitants of the Italian soil, whose complexion distinguished them from the dominant blonds, namely the Aryan conquering race; at any rate Gaelic has afforded me the exact analogue – fin (for instance, in the name Fin-Gal), the word designating the nobility, finally – the good, the noble, the pure, but originally blonds in contrast to the swarthy, black-haired aboriginals. The Celts, if I may make a parenthetical statement, were a wholly blond race; and it is wrong to connect, as Virchow still does, those traces of an essentially dark-haired population which are to be seen on the more detailed ethnographical maps of Germany with any Celtic ancestry or with any admixture of Celtic blood; in this connection it is merely the isolated remnants of the pre-Aryan population of Germany which appear in these districts. (The same holds true for almost the whole of Europe; in point of fact, the subject race has finally again come to dominate, in complexion and the shortness of the skull, and perhaps in the intellectual and social instincts. Who can guarantee that modern democracy, still more modern anarchy and indeed that predilection for the ‘Commune’, the most primitive form of society, which is shared by all the Socialists in Europe, does not in its essence represent a monstrous reversion – and that the conquering and master race, the Aryan race, is not also becoming inferior physiologically?)

>> No.22318604

>/pol/tard(s) begin derailing another thread

Nietzsche threads can never last long before they become shitshows

>> No.22318609

/pol/posts were preceded by troonposts thoughbeit

>> No.22318611

Less multiracial and more pan-European.

>> No.22318613

/Pol/tards dindu nuffin.

>> No.22318615


>> No.22318616

Congrats. What's the next step in your masterplan?

>> No.22318619
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>> No.22318626

>redditcuck pseud gets BTFO and can't even respond
>starts whining about le /pol/ instead

>> No.22318630
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posting this frog

>> No.22318631

Nigsistas...i dont feel so good

He refuted you and now you're coping.

>> No.22318637


>> No.22318645

Trannies and anti-white shitskins can't even respond to this

>> No.22318656

they don't have to respond, they just have to die

>> No.22318657
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>> No.22318719

Fuck you fashist racist transphobe.

>> No.22318797

Lol. Truly anon, why do you even concern yourself with Nietzsche? You know if you're doing any honest assessment of his thoughts it's more than evident he's the absolute antithesis of anything modern or so called progressive. You'd be better off just reading other people more in line with your own thinking than going through the millions of contortions necessary to argue Nietzsche believed things he explicitly stated to the contrary. If not, please try to refute the quotation this anon >>22318601 mentioned. Nietzsche's primary concern was with biology, and the biological constitution of various peoples, and their respective capacities for ennobling greater and worse types. I don't think this is disputable. He's further very specific about egalitarian and universalist movements as being primarily biological phenomena, intended to mobilize the worse and poorly turned out for their shared resentments.

>> No.22318804

he surely meant fags and leftists

>> No.22318814

We won /pol/bros

>> No.22318822

>the conquering and master race, the Aryan race
B-but i thought netche was le based egalitarian communist who didnt see race?

>> No.22318901
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Last month I have made few normalfags(who are into Phil) so uncomfortable by sharing few passages from Genealogy of Morals.

They probably think that I am fucked up.

>> No.22318935
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Aryans were literal invader niggers see>>22318601 with no culture and writing traditions. Harrapans gave them civilization.
>Vedas were written by Aryan
Kek, cope. All imagery in Vedas belongs to South Asia. There is no mention of Steppe or any other Eurasian shithole. It was a coombination between Brahmins Harrapan nerds and Aryan Kshatriyans.

>> No.22318949 [DELETED] 

>seething shitskin
The wisdom was passed down orally, it was more sacred that way. Writing came from lesser races and marks our decline.

>> No.22318957

Zero mention of Steppe or other Eurasian landscape I'm Vedas.

>> No.22318962

I see this thread is veering into we was the real Arjunas n shit territory

>> No.22318971

Survive the J*ve fagboys always do this we wuzzing and way harder than dindus

>> No.22318978 [DELETED] 

>shitskin cope
>mention Aryans
>shitskin gets actually mad

Move back to your 3rd world toilet and take your stinky immigrant family with you, dog. Until then, shut up.

>> No.22318981

Learn English, you stupid shudra. Do not concern yourself with the Vedas, that is for White brahmins, who today are Europeans.

>> No.22318985

Your race has fucked up humanity with Industrial Revolution. You have no right to talk shit about any other race.

>> No.22318992

>can’t do nothing but wewuzzing, calling anons shitskins, and hurling 3rd grade insults

*yawn* Isn’t it time you got another ban? Calling a white anon a shitskin does nothing btw

>> No.22318997

Why? Other races adopted materialism and industrialization faster and more fervently than we did, Whites were just the first to create it, since they are pioneers.

>> No.22319002

>White brahmins
Top kek. Open your eyes bro. Faustian man pissed on tradition and primodial wisdom with Industrial Revolution. Your in no position to claim any superiority.

>> No.22319009 [DELETED] 

Awww you're upset that I called someone a mean word on 4chan? Poor baby needs a safespace. Keep crying, fag.

Also how am i wewuzzing? The first person to mention ancient civs and Aryans was a seething anti-white shitskin, desperate for people not to talk about ancient India coming from the Aryans, nobody else was talking about it.

>> No.22319013

Your race polluted the waters and white man is the reason behind Kali Yuga. Snow, by blocking the divine light, has fucked up their brains. No wonder Europe today is a spiritual wasteland today.

>> No.22319021

I’m not upset in the slightest. I’m just trying to tell you with the straightest face I’ve ever worn, that your mother cheated on your father with a nigger. Nuttin u can do about it but we wuz blonde beasts n shit

>> No.22319028 [DELETED] 

Don't call me bro, shitskin. You aren't my brother.
>Your in no position to claim any superiority.
Wrong. Whites are superior, even in a degraded materialistic sense. Why else do you all run to white countries for more comfort and better material satisfaction? Whites don't run to your countries. You can't even feed your own people or get clean water half of the time. Talk to the average 3rd worlder, they have little or no control over their base impulses and only think of their most immediate material gain. Your English is nowhere close to the English of many Europeans I've talked to. The more shitskins come into white areas, the more dirty and violent they become. This is quantifiable and objective. You're a fool.

>> No.22319055 [DELETED] 

>shitskinned primate didn't know that only lowest class obese garbage fucks niggers
Meanwhile your entire genetic history amounts to nothing more than being utterly dominated by White men. No wonder you're butthurt...your ancestors are all irrelevant simians like you, but at least you learned English adequately.

>> No.22319060

I’m literally white. Kek

>> No.22319062

That's hilariously idiotic. China and India and Africa are far less environmentally conscious than white nations. Environmentalism came from whites because they fwlt bad after winning and wanted to make things better. Look at any 3rd world country where they use their own streets and sacres rivers like garbage dumps.

Your only valid argument is that white people were the first to modernise. Nonwhites also do it, or try to, and they are much less responsible about it.

>> No.22319065 [DELETED] 

Which is worse: being a cuck who simps for niggers on 4chan, or being a shitskin pretending to be white because he's so embarrassed?

>> No.22319085

No you aren't ahmed

>> No.22319184

No they didn't. The majority of them did not have blond hair. Are you stupid?

>> No.22319204

What about us dark brown-haired?

>> No.22319218

I would post proof but the effort put in isn’t worth it for this shitposting. Believe as you wish
Just tired of you faggots. I had sympathy for the alt right in the beginning but they fucked it up quick. Fighting against the indoctrination of leftist politics being spammed seemed like a worthy fight, but the alt right turned into the far right and spams their shit in your face on this site, no different than leftists in the media. I wish you would take your dissatisfaction with the world elsewhere. Whining about shit on a literature board will accomplish nothing. Let this board become alright again

>> No.22319239

See the Guanches for the original ethnic stock of the Berbers. When they were discovered by the Spanish they were frequently described as having blonde hair as well as being caucasoids with coloured eyes. Read the physical descriptions of Roman Emperors, half of them are described with coloured eyes and hair as well. Definitely different from modern "Romans".

>> No.22319243

Don't worry, they will never have any real power in the world, no matter what they do.

>> No.22319261

You're just a cuck who simps for niggers. You have no principles. You don't stand for anything, you just flipflop based on whatever is cool at the time. Alt right no longer hip? Ok, now I don't care about standing up for my people against hirdes of 3rd worlders who want to take everything from me and my family.

Most whites have blonde hair as children. Even when they have brown hair later on there are tints of red or blonde/gold. My hair becomes lighter after being in the sun for a long time, and I was blonde until puberty. Now it is more brown. Most of the women in my family are blonde, it occurs less frequently in men, and when it does it's usually darker.

>> No.22319268

Some of the Roman Emperors have contradictory descriptions. Augustus is commonly taken to have a Swedish like phenotype, but there are analyses of traces of pigmentation in his official statues and it showed that he was represented with brown hair and brown eyes. Look at their art, the Roman frescoes, the absolute majority of them represented people and mythical figures having brown hair. Some red, dark red hair, and very occasionally blond hair people. There is not a significant cleft between old Romans and current Italians at all.

>> No.22319270

If so it's only because the economic elite won't let them, since the far right are actually revolutionary. Have fun living in your soulless materialist life while violent and hateful 3rd worlders are imported in against the democratic will of the people, bringing more violent crime and cultural rot, while your currency becomes worthless and the anti-white media portrays black criminals as victims as they continue to brutally assault their white hosts everyday while you remain ignorant and they collect welfare to rape your women and go around in packs looking for your men to beat up and rob.

>> No.22319275

I definitely was not blond as a child, but had some lighter strands standing out. Today when some light is reflected, mainly sunlight, I can spot few goldenish hairs shining, but then depending on the lighting it can look just like plain dark brown hair.

>> No.22319280

Roman emperors are often described as having coloured hair and eyes, more than half of the ones with physical descriptions describe it. It's pretty absurd to think that there would be no genetic changes 2000+ years later after all the people who have gone through there. There was also probably a genetic distinction between the elite and the masses.

Why do Homer or Hesiod routinely describe Gods and Royals as having grey eyes or golden/yellow hair? Those traits are almost entirely gone in those regions now, nearly 3000 years later...

>> No.22319286

Well you're still descended from Germanics and not black-haired or dark-skinned.

>> No.22319289

You clearly didn’t understand what I posted. Never have I flip flopped politics based on what is popular because I don’t belong to a side, I evaluate issues independently. What I have a problem with is the shoehorning and bombardment of ideological issues and and politics, which you faggots are guilty of here

>> No.22319331

As I said, their descriptions can be contradictory and be contradicted by other forms of representation. Besides the moral charge of their descriptions (like how Seneca describes Caligula's being physically repulsive; Alexander's description of heterochromia), most needed to represent them in an idealized way, for they were literally fucking emperors.
>It's pretty absurd to think that there would be no genetic changes 2000+ years later after all the people who have gone through there.
First, read any book on the Mediterranean and you'll see that since the Iron Age there was an expanding movement route between the Southeastern and the Northwestern parts of the Mediterranean. I don't doubt there was more contact between Italy and Greece and the non-European Mediterranean regions from 6000 BC to 400 AD than from ~1000 AD to ~1800 AD. The difference of religions Christian vs. Islam, the development of north European countries isolated the North African and Near Eastern countries from the Mediterranean countries in Europe.
>There was also probably a genetic distinction between the elite and the masses.
Where do you retards get this idea from? There are literally frescoes showing common people with blond hair and Rome had literally a North African emperor. Fayum portraits show that there were upper class abominations. One must be a literal nigger to think there were something like the apartheid happening in old civilizations segregating people who had native physical traits.

>> No.22319341

I'm Brazilian and only have Iberian ancestry.

>> No.22319347

>Those traits are almost entirely gone in those regions now, nearly 3000 years later...
Have you seen the picture of any Ancient Greek pottery in your life? Lmao.

>> No.22319389
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I have arrived at the conclusion that the National-Socialists of Germany embodied his ideas more ably than any other group or individual. We are uncomfortable with that fact and so allow Last Men to dictate to us what they think it means, which to them can only be security and safety.

>> No.22319399

Nietzsche was clearly an anti herd person

>> No.22319431
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The only place you can be an individual is in a ethnically homogeneous society, otherwise you will always be classed by those around you as a member of your ethnic group, precluding any attempt at anti-herd behavior.

Furthering this, the National-Socialists were not collectivists in the same manner as the Soviets or others. They were as anti-collectivist as we are today, perhaps more so.

>> No.22319469
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>LOL Have you seen the picture of any Ancient Greek pottery in your life? LMAO Many Greeks were opaquely black and some of them had horse heads.

>> No.22319549

I was referring to the paltry quantity of light haired people in the pottery representing real, social occasions like symposiarchs at a symposium. You literally just posted Theseus's killing the Minotaur for God knows what dumb gotcha you devised.

>> No.22319566

Nazis were literally herd minded cattle preaching the most inane collectivist mores. A defying nature would certainly be treated like a degenerate, an evil in the most moralizing sense. See how Nazis wanted Stefan Georg to join them and after many of Georg's principled and dignified refusals they started to accuse him of being a Jew.
From Hitler's speeches:
>The Germanic race created the notion of the State. It incarnated this notion in reality, by compelling the individual to be a part of a whole. It's our duty continually to arouse the forces that slumber in our people's blood.
> What we need is a collective view of people's wish to live and manner of living.

>> No.22319893

just a lion :^)

>> No.22319907

The reason white peoples want power, is the reason why they don't. I have no hatred nor praise for the modern whiteoid, the only benefit they have brought to humankind is availability of amenities. Despite living in the west, I hope one day I can return to my homeland. The only reason im here is due to western imperialism, but in any case it's funny how you can screech about something your own people have caused. You reap what you sow.

>> No.22319909

There is no point arguing with someone who believes national socialists aren’t collectivists. “The only place you can be an individual is in an ethnically homogeneous society….” is such a laughable sentence

>> No.22319968

This was taken frim Julius Evola's book on mountain climbing you disgenius fuckhead.

>> No.22319971


>> No.22319978

>Where do you retards get this idea from? There are literally frescoes showing common people with blond hair and Rome had literally a North African emperor
Ah so now you will admit that there were ancient Romans with blonde hair? Justp read the descriptions of the old emperors, they're described as being blonde or red haired with having coloured eyes more often than not. Those traits aren't found much in that area today if at all. They have also dug up Roman sculptures with red hair.

Ancient North Africans (Berbers) were caucasian and very white. See the Guanches who are their original ethnic stock. Many north Africans are portrayed as very white also.

Why would there not be genetic distinctions between ruling elites and the commoners? The commoners or slaves were basically just a mutt melting pot from all over the place, the elites interbred after conquering and subjugating the lower classes. Assuming they would be the same is delusional. In India the dark-skinned natives were conquered by the light-skinned or white Aryans.

That doesn't mean anything you little anti-white turd. Try reading Homer and Hesiod, they always describe the gods as having "nordic" features, the royals and demigods as well. You're coping.

>> No.22320013 [DELETED] 

How did we cause hordes of shitskins coming here for free stuff? Nobody voted on it, the overwhelming majority want immigration severely limited if not shut off completely, yet no politician will actually fulfill their promises they use to get elected.

If we were actually imperialist, you would be enslaved. You wouldn't voluntarily enter for material benefit, you're a liar.
>You reap what you sow
What did whites "sow"? How is it our fault your countries are still corrupt, dirty shitholes after all we've given them? And do you believe in karma or something? Your argument just tells me that we didn't oppress you brutally enough. Next time ee should leave you to rot on your own or just outright enslave you all or kill you. Right? Because playing nice with you people clearly doesn't pay off, it's actually the opposite.

You aren't here because of imperialism hahaha. That makes no sense. You're here because your faggot parents wanted an easier life and more free shit and the people running our countries have betrayed us, so they let you in easily and made you a citizen, which is farcical.

I have a lot of contempt for 3rd world trash. Apart from any apparent biology, they are lesser in terms of their inner nature, their character. They're only concerned with their own immediate material benefit, they also can't contain themselves, like animals. They have low morals and aren't normally charitable or compassionate. I can see it with my own eyes. The ones who grow up here usually aren't much different either. Just shitty people, even apart from all the crime and litter and stuff.

>> No.22320019

>Nazis were literally herd minded cattle preaching the most inane collectivist mores.
You sound like more of a herd cow than he does. You think you're an individualist with your hollywood version of history informing your worldview?

The only place you can actually enjoy true individualism is within a racial collective. His argument is correct. Individualism is also a very white concept. The only places that can allow it to thrive are white societies. Do you think all these mexicans and pakis and africans coming to the West give a shit about individualism? Ha.

>> No.22320046

Cumskin cope.
The reason for most of the mess in 3rd world(at least in the case of India) is European imperialism which was aided by industrial revolution/Faustian mindset. Claiming superiority on the basis of Industrial Revolution is retarded asf. Even after so much of that pollution a man from 3rd world has less carbon footprint than a westerner. These immigrations are additional horrible consequences of Industrial Revolution. Some cultures are in degenerate phase? So what? Civilizations rise and fall.

>> No.22320053

>China and India and Africa are far less environmentally conscious than white nations. Environmentalism came from whites because they fwlt bad after winning and wanted to make things better.
All of this happened in Europe after they achieved economic stability. Where is European Wildlife? Oh das rite le superior deep ecologist whiteman has hunted them out of the existence.

>> No.22320095

As a white man, why should I care more about some bitter, white basement dweller who offers nothing to me or society over my hardworking and friendly Chinese and black employee? Why should I value the white basement dweller over the friendly Puerto Rican down the street who helps me with automotive problems for free and invites me over to cook outs with his family and friends? The idea that we should be blindly loyal to people of our own skin color is absurd. I will be loyal to people after my heart and soul, and those people aren’t recognizable by appearance and you can only know them when you interact with them.

I’m not sure what country you’re from but in the USA this whole racial national socialism thing is a pipe dream. The far right can’t even decide if the Italians and Irish are white. What would a racial hierarchy look like in the USA? How would it be implemented? How would it work? The idea that my time, effort and labor would go towards supporting some white people I don’t even know instead of myself and my family is retarded. It’s clear to me that the far right are basically accelerationists at this point. They just want things to get as bad as possible. How many anons here have ever put forth an actual plan or system? It’s all just bitching about the state of things and getting off on outrage, hence the whole ragebait that thrives on this site, which is really just propaganda, because there is no coherent vision, it is all “see!! Look at this tweet!! Look how bad things are!!” The far right has absolutely nothing feasible to implement. I guess they are hoping society collapses where that will be their cue to emerge from their basements, and their asocial asses who have no practical experience will gather a group of fellow whites, become orators and warlords suddenly, and lead their band to the promise land. Or something like that. It’s all very unclear. The gist I gather is that it’s all some type of revenge fantasy or daydream

>> No.22320099

Well apparently your kin group thought it was a good idea. The best and brightest amongst you, the ones in power you see, so how about you take it up with them?

The thing is, you were imperialist, then the world woke up to your bullshit which makes it seldom difficult to carry out your oppressive, destructive will of pillaging and plundering nations.

And yes, they are still dirty and corrupt shitholes, partly because of the corrupt disposition of the inhabitants, but more importantly, because of the hidden hand of western imperialism. Don't forget whites created Israel, and nothing you can say can change such a travesty.

Your apparent interactions mean nothing in the greater scheme of things. History shows that the natural disposition of whites is far more barbarous than that of the east.

>> No.22320105
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Lmao, no its not shit for brains.

>> No.22320132

>Learn all about the big burly blond aryan beast in my book, The Gay Science
sounds pretty gay ngl

>> No.22320157
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When did I deny it, you absolute retarded nigger? I said they were just not the majority.
>muh le descriptions
Suetonius is the main descriptor of the Emperors' physical appearances and he was born after most of those he described had already died. Augustus, Tiberius, Caligula, Claudius, Nero, all dead before he was even born. Pliny likewise is born after Augustus had already died.
>Guanches were blond
This is a blatant lie, there are even genetic studies showing they were common Mediterranean people: dark haired, dark eyed. Now you niggers are even claiming North Africans as Nordic, this is inconceivable levels of insanity. Anyhow, see the North African Emperor I mentioned in contemporary portrait in the picture attached.

>The commoners or slaves were basically just a mutt melting pot
Holy shit. Read a book in your life you dumbfuck. In Greece many of the lowest social rank, slaves, also what Solon would call thetes, could gain political powers by joining the army and ascend socially. Marcus Aurelius was from the plebeian gens Annia, The gens Flavia was not distinguished, the emperor Vespasian was from this family which ''lacked pedigree''. Many, even people like Cicero, were from equestrian families, many ascended by election, and were what is called novus homo, some which were: Tacitus, Cicero, Cato, Gaius Flaminius, etc.
The fucking Tribune of the Plebs took place 500 BC, you retard, allowing intermarriage between plebeians and patricians. Phaedo of Elis was described as beautiful and was took captive, being sold as slave until he was freed in Athens.
You forget that slaves in Greece and Rome were also simply war prisoners and or their offspring and that the Greek cities warred between themselves.
They were the same, there is not a single source pointing to racial distinctions between people in Ancient Greece or Ancient Rome.

>Those traits aren't found much in that area today if at all. They have also dug up Roman sculptures with red hair.
You are obviously retarded. The traits are easily found, they are just not the most common features just like they were not before.

>you anti white
Telling the truth and not being a brainwashed nigger is being anti-white for you. What a cattle like you is doing in a thread on Nietzsche? Your kind is worse than niggers and jews, you are literally the scum peddling divisive lies against Europe and Europeans.

>> No.22320163

nothing funnier than nordcopes
imagine thinking LE BLOND HAIR is everything

>> No.22320165

Didn't know hollywood history meant quoting verbatim from Hitler's table talks, citing anecdotes of aristocratic and reactionary poets. Anyhow, talking to you people is of no avail, literally brainwashed and born to serve.

>> No.22320168

He is a snownig. He always try to stir shit up with his usual "muh nordick" bullshit. He has been refuted in previous threads but he won't stop.

>> No.22320187
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Nordic man here.
Yesterday I ate a pig and learned HE HAD BLUE EYES. OMGGGG! I was so devastated that I pooed my pants. Can you believe it? A PIG WITH BLUE EYES! I devoured an ARYAN... worth far more than any SHITSKINNED shudra. I now understand the true meaning of "Lovecraftian horror".
For days I cowered in the corner, for days I wept. I ate a BLUE EYED ARYAN... But secretly I loved it...
Slowly it dawned upon me that there is nothing tastier than a BLUE EYED ARYAN.
I invited my fellow Aryan friend one night to reminisce on how the Ancient Indians, Chinese, Berber, Arab, Persian, Greek, Jewish, and Mesoamerican elite were all BLUE-EYED ARYANS. When my friend visited, I told him to wait on the couch.
I then grabbed my swastika decorated machete and proceeded to cut him up. The eyes, the liver, the brain matter, the ears, all gleaming in RED ARYAN BLOOD.
After rinsing the blood of my holy blade, i decided to cook his liver in ARYAN olive oil. When I finally took a bite, the face of both my friend and the pig flashed before my teary eyes, as they wore glittering golden ARYAN garb. Like INDRA THE BLUE EYED ARYAN GOD. We are all red inside, just like the pigs -- I've learned from this bloody ordeal -- but there is an exquisite taste of the ARYAN flesh.
Whenever I now visit Church for Eucharist, I like to imagine BLUE EYED BLONDE JESUS and savor the thought of how he tastes and to absorb his essence. I wish for all ARYANS to become one within me. I wish to devour the ARYAN GODS.

Join the ARYAN serpent King, as family... Together, we will devour the very ARYAN gods!

>> No.22320509


>Perhaps a subtler comparison will reveal that, to the credit of Richard Wagner's German nature, he fashioned stronger, more daring, more severe and more elevated things than a nineteenth‑century Frenchman could have done — thanks to the circumstance that we Germans are still closer to barbarism than the French —; perhaps the most remarkable thing Wagner created is even inaccessible, inimitable to the entire, so late Latin race for ever and not only for the present: the figure of Siegfried, that very free human being who may indeed be much too free, too hard, too cheerful, too healthy, too anti‑Catholic for the taste of peoples of an ancient, mellow culture. He may even have been a sin against romanticism, this anti‑Romantic Siegfried: well, Wagner amply atoned for this sin in his old, melancholy days when — anticipating a taste which has since become political — he began, with the religious vehemence characteristic of him, if not to walk at any rate to preach the road to Rome.

>> No.22320537

>it's white people's fault for everything
Kek, classic turd worlder cope.

I'm not claiming they're superior because of the industrial revolution. You're claiming they're inferior for it, I'm saying other races would have done it if whites hadn't gotten there first. It's a materialist mindset, and nonwhites adopted it unquestioningly and crave it, it's why they run to the West if they're able to and why they chase it so desperately and forsake their own Traditional heritage for it.

>> No.22320549

So? You were claiming whites polluted the oceans or whatever, but nonwhites are doing it much more, whites are the only ones at least trying to do anything about it and feeling bad for it.

Take a look at crime stats or the state of inner cities, or 3rd world countries for that matter, to see why the racial collective of nonwhites is inferior to that of whites. Ideally you/the government could pick and choose every individual, but that doesn't work in reality. Generalizing is necessary. You won't be able to live in your cozy individualist society when blacks and mexicans become the majority and vote to tax you of all your shit. Why are tou pretending that if whites are the minority that nonwhites will afford you any courtesy? Look at how they behave in Europe or in the US. Obviously it isn't all of them, but their overall effect on white society only brings it down. All of the data shows this, lurk /pol/ for 5 minutes, newfag.

>> No.22320553

>everyone arguing against my anti-white garbage is the same person
Take your meds.

>> No.22320556

>shitskin actually seething

>> No.22320559

>imagine thinking LE BLOND HAIR is everything
That isn't the argument at all, you have a simple mind. The argument is that Germanics are superior.

>> No.22320562

which started it

>> No.22320574

Germanics never created a civilization.

>> No.22320580

>There is not a significant cleft between old Romans and current Italians at all.
Based on what, your feelings?
Yep, nigga in his feelings.

>> No.22320582

Do not concern yourself with such things, shudra.

>> No.22320587

This is what poomen tell themselves to cope. You live in a Germanic society and are forced to learn a Germanic language to even be a part of the world. Using technology invented by Germanics, living a comfortable life brought to you by Germanic ingenuity, and you'll keep crying because your people do not hold a candle to them.

>> No.22320590

Balance between high and low, wisdom and passion, the Jungian light and shadow, or, the Perfect Man. Beast is self-explanatory, and blond connotes the most advanced evolutionary form of humanity to date.

>> No.22320603

Why do Nietzsche and huwhite people make trannies seethe?

>> No.22320606


>> No.22320615

You wouldn't know this, but brown-haired white people have blond hair when they're young. There's no doubt in my mind that 100% of ethnic Italics were born with blonde hair, however, Rome was an empire and the nature of empires is to incorporate their conquered slave castes into their own body and be doomed.

That's why the Germanics were superior, they were wise enough to know that civilization meant racial (thus spiritual) degeneration.
The Gauls weren't morally wrong for being conquered by Rome either. Rome for all its strength was the morally blameworthy party, as every empire is. Revaluation of Values.

>> No.22320630

2 thousand years of heavily suppressed Northern European paganism

The numinous must be summoned and invoked. 'Art' is a cargo cult of past regular religious rites nowadays.

>> No.22320698

He literally had brown hair since he was little. You are not just your hair colour, Nietzsche was also a Francophile and Italophile, he even wanted to move to Spain. Those three countries have done more for Europe than any other north of Germany even though they have way more blond people.

>> No.22320736

>You're claiming they're inferior for it,
Never said that. Stop projecting. I hate retarded snownigs who claim superiority on the basis of Industrial Revolution. Why Europe is accepting those immigrants? I don't fucking care about immigrants. Whites should move to 3rd world rather than other way round to reduce the carbon footprint.

>You were claiming whites polluted the oceans or whatever
That was just a phrase. Whites are responsible for the greatest blunder in history. The source of this degeneracy lies in Industrial Revolution.

>> No.22320745

>arguing against my anti-white garbage
Kek, you're a clown

>> No.22321661

Based on genetic studies, painting, statues and portraits.

English has more latin and french than german. It became relevant only when it reached American soil. The technology I’m using now had the founding contribution of a Spanish guy, at least.

>> No.22321868

This was literally the view already with Hegel though which influenced alll totalitarian ideologies. He saw most important form of freedom the freedom for self actualization and this freedom could only be achieved by a true state which allowed man to achieve his greates potential. So the individuals ability to have true freedom (as opposed to just natural freedom) was tied to the community.

>> No.22321899

>lurk /pol/ for 5 minutes, newfag


>> No.22322069

Already with Rousseau. Hegel spent years reading his Émile. But both have heavily idealistic implications regarding Reason, Will, State with reference to freedom, completely different from a correspodance of these to concrete reality like Nietzsche will posit. Also Fichte was certainly more influential to German Nationalism than Hegel.

>> No.22322121
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>neetfags finally realize he was a racist chud the entire time

>> No.22322856

>Also Fichte was certainly more influential to German Nationalism than Hegel
Yeah but Fichte was mostly vital for the creation of the German idea of the Volk in general. Hegel was less important overal but he was for individual-state relations. Mostly through Werner Sombart who used to be a Marxist and so pretty familiar with Hegel. His work Traders and Heroes was a major inspiration for both Spenglers Prussian Socialism and for the early Austrian National Socialists.