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22312495 No.22312495 [Reply] [Original]

Business puppy edition
Previous >>22307823

>> No.22312505 [DELETED] 

The Turner Diaries

>> No.22312512
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In the end where're all Archer fish shooting water at prey.

>> No.22312521

I've spent the last two weeks automing my work on my free time. It's not finished yet although it's greatest components are already functional. It can scale easily and I'm thinking of selling the solution to my boss once I leave the company. I'm not sure how I should breach on the subject. Worst case scenario he refuses, I tell him the script isn't going to work forever and needs to be maintained, he asks to name a price, and then I get fucked because I don't know how well such a thing could sell.

>> No.22312527

Why is there so little literature on nuclear weapons or nuclear power? There are numerous anime, movies, and games exploring the consequences of nuclear technology, but non-fiction books are utterly lacking. It's just grandiose plots where nukes appear, hysterical crap where a nuke is just a plot device, or some crap about a post-nuclear apocalypse, nothing of the quality of Metal Gear Solid or The China Syndrome. Can anyone recommend me any nuke books?

>> No.22312532

I have ADHD and every time I intake caffeine, it is as if a light is being turned on, and once the effects ware off, the light is off, that is my simple thought, which makes it so funny its sad, considering how much it affects my mindset and thereby productivity, and, its not necessarily productivity that intensifies the severity, its like while not under the influence of stimulation, my mind is separated from my body and brain, which only leaves my body to run through the motions it takes to run through the same said motions as yesterday. I am only capable of writing this post because of the coffee I drank this morning.

>> No.22312533
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You need the GOOD stuff

>> No.22312544

Document and present the amount of $ the company could save yearly, and then ask for a % that equates to less than the estimated price your boss will be offered if he chooses to hire his own personal developer to replicate what you created.

>> No.22312558

I really do.

>> No.22312563

Order a sample quantity on a DNM, the price is outrageous (if it's not you're getting scammed) but it'll open your eyes and give you the motivation to lie to a shrink for a prescription. The first time I took it I cried.

>> No.22312567

I'm pooping while typing this on my phone.

>> No.22312572


>> No.22312656

I've been thinking that after college (and if I have managed to build a successful film company) I could adapt R.A.H.'s Stranger In a Strange land into an animated Mini-series/series titled "A Martian Named Smith". The title I came up with is based off of the working title. I got a few character descriptions if you want to see 'em.

>> No.22312661

Please don't for the love of God

>> No.22312665
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>> No.22312676

What do you plan to do to make your life worth it?

>> No.22312685

It'll be faithful to the original (I'm not one of those Hollywood Merchants)

>> No.22312692

I have a whole list of people I admire and want to emulate but not a single one of them was as late to the party as I am. Every single one of them did things in their twenties that I failed to do.

>> No.22312705
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List them. Both people and things.

>> No.22312704

The world has never been as bad as it is now. You're fighting against stronger currents than they were.

>> No.22312710

meant for

>> No.22312718


you never claimed you had ADHD as well, so am I correct in assuming from this you do?

>> No.22312720

I don’t want to.

Maybe it’s true. Maybe it isn’t. It does seem like a more common problem than it used to be.

>> No.22312724

>Don't want to
I can't take you seriously if that's the case.

>> No.22312728


he probably thinks you meant names

>> No.22312731

I know. But I was think people in terms of famous people (Like James Dean or Clint Eastwood)

>> No.22312734

I have no clue personally, I think ADHD is inextricably tied to computers and atomization and advertisement and if that's the case then I certainly do. I had no real interest in getting diagnosed (what difference would it make?) until I wanted muh pills at which point I looked up ADHD symptoms and rattled them off to a psych. I advised you to "lie" to the shrink because everyone on here is autistic and your instinct is to undersell your problems and act as normally as possible to escape from a social situation, when in this case you should be overselling your problems if anything.

>> No.22312735
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Develop the strength to do everything I want.

>> No.22312738

Make 900 people kill themselves on my command - Jim Jones

That's it.

>> No.22312744

So, Lemme guess. You want to start a cult?

>> No.22312750
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No, I just want to be a good salesman.

>> No.22312755

Then look to beloved salesmen, not cult leaders.

>> No.22312758

Same skillset desu

>> No.22312766

Ok. I don’t care.

>> No.22312768

How to get over cringey stuff I did in the past. It’s tough to move on because it’s always like “that is me”.

>> No.22312782

That *was* you.
It may reverberate in your mind when you're unoccupied, but it has no power you don't grant it. You've got to learn to laugh at yourself, anon. Don't take yourself so seriously.

>> No.22312790

I tend to think that who you are at a certain age is who you’ll always be. Do you not agree?

>> No.22312795

I don’t see why people shouldn’t take themselves seriously? What could be more serious than your life?

>> No.22312796

Fate/Stay Night's VN and the anime adaptation are phenomenal and I think everyone avoids thinking too hard about it and can't truly appreciate how poetic and tightly written it is.

>> No.22312810

I'm tired of my life
I regret everything
I want to change, to do something else
I'm scared

>> No.22312920

They’re okay

>> No.22313016

>be suicidally depressed anxious alienated recluse for all of formative years
>get into 20s, decide I’m going to really try to change
>rebuild basically entire life
>experience love and happiness
>realize how good things can be

Great right? Well yes, but it turns out it’s not so simple to turn around after hurting that much for that long. I’m filled with all kinds of weird emotional issues and hangups and I don’t know if there’s anything I can do about them other than hope they fade with time. But it’s frustrating, to know that nothing I do externally is ever *really* going to take that pain away. It is part of me.

And to be clear if you’re a depressed loser reading this it IS worth it. So much so. Even if you only ever get 70% of the way to “better” you’ll be amazed at how much joy you can have.

>> No.22313018

Just realized why everyone loves Hitler and Hitler "sticks" in the collective unconscious so much: he is pure New Sincerity

>> No.22313035

If you take your life seriously, you wouldn't take it so seriously. The more you worry about it, the more it negatively impacts your life and occupies your thoughts. You need to learn WHAT to worry about, and what you shouldn't. Thinking about that time you said something cringey isn't worth worrying about.

>> No.22313151 [DELETED] 

the single for the new travis scott album is so lame if that's the best song on the album it's gonna suck then again the last time travis scott was good was like ten years ago man time flies lol

>> No.22313170 [DELETED] 

woah a new 3rd secret album came out last month it didn't even trend on apple music which is funny cuz they apparently get coverage in mainstream rock mags who refer to them as a "grunge super group" heh as an aging xennial who was a teenager in the 90s the grungy vibes are quite comfy

>> No.22313258

To sleep is to be abstracted from the world.

>> No.22313261
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What would you consider to be the most interesting cultural development occurring on the internet right now?

>> No.22313278
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The Diary of a Superfluous Man is undoubtedly the most depressing story I have ever read. Despite the novella's short length, Turgenev manages to expertly paint a picture of a life hardly lived. It is almost a anti story, rather than bringing all things to a satisfying resolution the reader, much like the unfortunate protagonist, is completely denied closure. It can't even really be called a tragedy, that would imply some importance or romance to it all. It is simply what the title suggests, the reflections of a dying man on his own insignificance. Despite the melancholy that pervades the work it could be quite funny at times. Anyone who has read notes from the underground is undoubtedly familiar with the comedy that can arise from watching such a dysfunctional person try to navigate the world. I think only Russians can so seamlessly blend too contrasting tones in such a way.

>> No.22313385

I unironically broke up with my gf because my relatives think she was too ugly and that I could do better (they insist that looks are the most important thing for a woman). I'm not much of a looker myself I thought we looksmatched pretty will, but I guess not. On to the next one.

>> No.22313403

I don't know if it's just me.. But over the last few weeks I see people getting really agressive everywhere. Wherever I go, they're out for each other's blood. Nobody's even pretending to be civil anymore. All sorts of hate come into the picture. Why is it happening?

>> No.22313406


>> No.22313418


>> No.22313452

I doubt they think looks are the most important. Was she fat? I knew a guy who's family hated him for dating fat ugly girls and to be honest it was because he was kind of retarded despite being handsome. The guy got caught up in scams and cults repeatedly.

>> No.22313468

Yeah well it is what it is

>I doubt they think looks are the most important.
They've literally said that word for word for as long as I can remember

>Was she fat?
Quite the opposite

It's just a cultural thing I guess, but I'm too insecure about what others thought of her so I cut it off

>> No.22313564

Why do I have to be in group of people who have to approach other people instead of those who get approached? Its always me who has to put all the effort and it pisses me off that theres no equality even for a short period of time.

>> No.22313582

My ass is a swamp.

>> No.22313692
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The neon lights stretched out against the vast metropolitan canvas. Lights upon lights scattered in their luminescent wonder. I walk with the poise of a person on the edge of success. Drawn to the possibility of the cities allure. I hear the rumbling, cavernous sub bass of some nights DJ reverberate through the streets, heralding the promise of a night of effervescent revelry. I cue behind a group of what seems to be Dutch tourists, and commence to light a cigarette. The bass is now oscillating in a fashion that tantalises my sense of techno-taste. It's going to be such a sick night. Berlin du bist so wunderschön.

>> No.22313711
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>mfw I find a flash drive from the outside world
>It's filled with season 6 of the John Oliver show
I deleted my reddit account recently, the platform is basically propaganized into unusability. Idk how people have the cognitive dissonance to talk about China or NK being propaganized and then they're completely blind to north america's

>> No.22313718

Keep in mind that a major side effect of amphetamine is hypersexuality. You will have a major porn addiction. Ask this guy what weird shit he's jacked off too >>22312533

>> No.22313723

To be told lies and to openly embrace them with the naked whole of your being, to perhaps allow lies to strip you of your hardened sheathing. To be exposed. To exist on a foundation that is not there. Is this release? Is this passion? Is this the ether of our motives? Therein lies religion, therein lies meaning, therein lies love. The embalming lie of our health, the restorative lie of healing.

>> No.22313724

Socrates and Jesus died the same way, by pissing off the guy in charge and refusing to say sorry about it. Socrates offered questions, Jesus offered answers. It is no surprise who became more popular.

>> No.22313726

Slave morality is to keep count, and to react. Master morality is to react without counting. The uberman counts nothing, and reacts to nothing. The uberman simply does.

>> No.22313729

I have discovered a simple and elegant secret to unlimited free energy, so simple and elegant in fact leading scientists across the world have not thought of it. All it requires is a circular track, some ball bearings of differing weights, some string, some heavy duty elastics, some memory foam, ionized salt water, and a hermetically sealed glass tank.

>> No.22313734

Sincerity is a constant state for all living organisms, if an entity is alive the entity is operating under full(100%) sincerity, which can otherwise be construed as effort. The only variable in performance is the emergent property of ability. This has major implications for the theory of morality. Perhaps morality isn't real, and perhaps the premise of morality greatly restricts the compassion we can supply to others. Perhaps morality is a divider, rather than a virtue. If we can understand that everybody is operating maximally, then compassion is the master key to enlightening the behavior of others.

>> No.22313736

We step down from the heavenly ether in order to balance everything with nothing, our souls come to Earth using bodies as rucksacks to go camping, to address the nothingness. When you've got everything, it is nice from time to time to have a bit of nothing. And so our souls go on camping trips to Earth. Surely, our return to the ether is most joyous when we have strived strongly with nothing. How sad it would be to go on a voyage only to run and hide.

>> No.22313738

It is likely that if we take time as a fourth dimensional substance that is dynamic in its distribution, that the inspirations of man that come from the information of our dreams and wills, are in fact bits and pieces of an immemorial time. It may be that inventions of the local world are driven by the potential past, present, and future states leaking out into our single state time world. To say another way, we are constantly receiving divine inspiration and we are developing as a result of this.

>> No.22313741

It stands to reason that because humans are able to identify and solve problems that they in fact create these problems in the first place, and to solve these problems is simply a property contained within the framework of whatever problem we have identified it's all self-contained, self-actualizing, we are not optimizing the universe we are giving ourselves something to do. Light up the darkness. Forget the nonsense. The solution is always contained within the problem, this is a global variable for the way the universe works. Every time you identify a problem, you simultaneously construct the solution that must be discovered via the will. We can then understand that there are no problems at all, as the solution is always present. What we struggle with is the re-organization of qualities within the problem that denotes the solution. But it's always there, and perhaps when we view the organizational process as a problem we complicate the system and obscure the solution to the original problem. The framing of situations always outpacing the re-organizing of a set of variables within the situation. Why can't you uncover solutions pre-problem you may ask, and the answer is simple. The solution lacks definition until contained within a problem.

>> No.22313743

The directional filter of certainty flows into uncertainty. Belief systems are all predicated on faith. It works only one way. You must take certainty and transform it to uncertainty. Without faith, there is no belief, there is no life, the motive energy is only present with uncertainty. We take states of certainty, and erode away the borders. Of course, it is easy to assume we are experiencing the opposite situation, where uncertainty is transformed into certainty. But faith does not lie in certainty. It is a false pretense. You cannot have certain faith, but yet, if you are certain about something, you are likely to consider that you have faith in that thing. The truth is that in order to supplement faith, certainty must shift into uncertainty. Faith is quantum backpressure. One may not that zero becoming one is a metaphor for our existence. Zero becomes one, and the response to this is that certainty must flow back as uncertainty.

>> No.22313746

Should one seek the self at birth? Or should one prefer the self at death? Is the self at birth a self without loss? Is the self at death a self that has gained? What is best? Being or becoming?

>> No.22313750

all me

not me

>> No.22313752
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On to book two. It's getting really good. What manga do I read next? I'm gonna read the other Lovecraft stories this Tanabe guy has.

>> No.22313803

I've recently been hit with a strange sense of nostalgia for the early to mid 00s.

>> No.22313816

If you want to make an omelet, you've got to imprison, torture, and execute a few intellectuals.

>> No.22313885

How do you get over the “behind in life” feeling?

>> No.22313890

Saaaamee. '94 fag here bt.w

>> No.22313897

Baby gronk may in fact be the new drip king.

>> No.22313899

What is the fucking point of all of this? Why was I put in this fucking world?
Fuck you all, fuck everything, fuck everyone

>> No.22313901

Are there concrete, actionable, things you have not achieved but want? Just work toward them.

If your feeling however is rooted in being out of step with the group, well the group isn't all that happy either.

>> No.22313904

There you have it

>> No.22313906

Imagine being 80 years old and half incapable of anything and your only help is your fat flamboyant gay middle age piece of shit son

>> No.22313920
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Has anyone read Volver a donde (by Molina)?
What do you think of it?

>> No.22313930

Struggling to see the point in working 5 days a week 9-5 when you have no family to provide for.
I'm 29 and I'm going to have to make a decision soon. Find a wife, make some kids. Or work a few years, make money and spend the rest of my days working part time.

>> No.22313936

I think my life went down the drain once I started watching hc porn as a teenager. I used to be scared of porn videos and also would be disgusted. Even taking a glimpse would result in me immediately closing the window. But it didn't take long before all inhibition was lost and the path was open for degeneracy. I wish I never would've crossed the line. I think porn is the modern forbidden fruit, once you take a bite it's too late.

>> No.22313939

you dont. it will always follow you.

>> No.22313950

LMAO this nigga buying pre rolled joints.
Roll you own, you don't know what they put into those ' joints'

>> No.22313960

There is nothing easier than to be an inquisitor against heretics in Rome. Any non-anonymous debate about politics is completely hamstrung by the innate advantage of those who argue for the status quo against those who dissent from it, whose opinions are outside the overton window and who are therefore extremely limited rhetorically and logically in their argumentation, while the other side can just keep appealing to that status quo without ever having to engage the other side in any real sense or having to face a punch that wasn't pulled.

>> No.22314035

I use zoomer word as an insult even though I'm a zoomer too

>> No.22314041

Yes but there’s this sense that it really is too late, as if Z is the goal but X had to be done a long time ago to get to Z so the best you can do is Y.

>> No.22314048

The vast majority of people watch porn, bro. How much are you watching?

>> No.22314055

I personally know people who quit porn and haven’t watched it in years, or so they say but I do believe them. So I don’t think it’s over.

>> No.22314066

>I think porn is the modern forbidden fruit, once you take a bite it's too late.
This is true and I don't know why people have trouble with it. You can take physically irreversible actions, if you cut off your dick it's gone for good, why is it inconceivable that you can do irreversible psychological damage?

>> No.22314094

Because you’re not literally amputating a part of your psyche. Why is it so hard for you to believe that a non-material part of being isn’t subject to the same as a material part of being? What would it even mean to amputate a non-physical part of yourself? You’re just implicitly ascribing physical attributes to an inherently non-physical thing and that makes no sense. Can you amputate part of your soul? No, you cannot. This goes without saying.

>> No.22314102

You don't want to hear the retarded shit the other group comes up with when it's reversed. It's much nicer thinking they're not as big as sperg as you, but they are and sometimes worse.

>> No.22314103 [SPOILER] 
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>Can you amputate part of your soul?
Yes, obviously

>> No.22314127

My biggest and maybe only big regret is not finding my life’s purpose sooner. Sometimes it feels like finding it late is the same as never finding it at all. But I try to remind myself to have faith and remember that life is a process, it’s a fight. It never really stops. And when you’re behind you just got a dust yourself off and keep swinging.

>> No.22314130

Anaemia is stupid and mean

>> No.22314132

I hate this retarded world
Kill them aall
rape niggers
1488 dead niggers
i hate chads and whores

>> No.22314136

Do you need an anime girl to give you headpats anon?

>> No.22314153

I think all the whining about porn on here is fucking dumb but it's definitely possible to permanently alter one's mind, especially through repetition

>> No.22314179

Happy for you. I have a purpose myself but I can't cut it and so I have decided to off myself.

>> No.22314181

Porn is like alcohol. Nothing that world-destroying. Some can ruin their lives on it? Ok. Doesn't mean it's the end of the world. I don't think porn should exist also but so shouldn't Alcohol or drugs.

>> No.22314190

To breed. Simple as. Are you mating? Are you fugging? No. Ok. Are you the next Nikola Tesla? No? KYS

>> No.22314223

I think that would be a huge mistake. Keep in mind that life is not that short but it’s not that long either. When you’re at the end, you’ll be shocked how quickly it went. With that in mind, there’s no obvious incentive to end it in such a hurry. There is, however, incentive to take to some purpose with a sense of urgency so that its potential can be allowed to actualize. Even someone who rejects logic and rationality would have to accept this argument from a purely practical point of view.

>> No.22314227

Sure. It’s possible to permanently alter one’s gait as well. But then again, it’s equally possible to once more alter one’s gait after the initial alteration. Sometimes permanence is nothing more than a continuous choice. Few things are set in stone and then kept that way for eternity. Change is the most reliable thing that’s ever existed, and just like the mind can change into something dysfunctional it can change once more from there into something once again functional. There’s no reason to think otherwise.

>> No.22314251

Yes but irl

>> No.22314329 [DELETED] 

i'm trying to procrastinate by browsing /lit/ but it's not working. i might have to do sth productive today. maybe i'll switch my monitor to my gaming pc and browse the unplayed games in my steam account. it's fucking hot.

>> No.22314379

I am a spiteful man. I am an unpleasant man. I think my liver is diseased. However, I don't know anything about my disease, and I am not sure what is bothering me.

>> No.22314394

Someone interpret my dream.
I'm walking through a haunted house (only first I was in a tunnel that somehow turned into the house) impelled further on by a vague sense that I need to do something here.
The house is also like a trailhead somehow with trails veering off into different rooms. I find a small room hidden under a bridge and debate about sleeping there, but am worried whoever lives there might come back.
Now the dream changes and I'm on a mission with others to explore this haunted house. I abandon the mission
Enter a room, there are spooky noises in the background, and a ghost woman appears. Small, blonde, pretty hot. At first I think she's going to kill me but instead we have sex and then I wake up.

>> No.22314399

Kek underground man fits in pretty well om wwoym

>> No.22314403

I’m not calling you out but I think it’s interesting that a couple years ago even mentioning looking at Reddit on this site would get you flamed and now people openly admit to having accounts and using the site.

>> No.22314409

I feel cheated

>> No.22314415

Nobody ever promised anything, you just assumed.

>> No.22314424

I hate that i have to take breaks for a couple days from coffee to feel the effects strongly again. I want to feel like superman again.

>> No.22314429

I want to relieve myself. I raped my zoomer coworker during the covid meme and now she wants me to pay child support. What the fuck is wrong with womeme I ghost your ass for a reason.

>> No.22314448

Everyone else enjoying the ongoing memetic meltdown?
Millions of online conservatives (which is now pretty much all conservatives) have been driven functionally insane by webs of viralized lies and false accusations such that they are completely morally delusional, living in a fantasy world where the most exploitative degenerates are the heroes and anyone warning about them is demonized as a child-raping satan-worshiping communist.
4chan and /pol/ has been spectacularly influential in the creation of this death spiral of nihilistic degeneracy.
In a sense /pol/ truly did summon a demon of chaotic destruction - one comprised of hyper-parasitic tactics of informational reproduction (Share this on Facebook or the demonic libs will win!)
Imagine hating minorities so much that you sell your soul to an internet chain letter.
THAT is how degenerate and evil online conservatives are.
Access to limitless information and knowledge gives you access to endlessly confirm your own biases, reinforce your own arguments, and cherry pick your own evidence, as well as endless access to question your biases and advance your knowledge beyond the limitations of your current assumptions.
It all depends on your fundamental intellectual values, which are inextricable from your moral values.
Do you care whether your own ignorance and error hurts yourself or others, or not?
Are you so arrogant that you think you can endlessly make others suffer for your mistakes instead of yourself? Export suffering endlessly to the meaningless not-you?
Question yourself, your assumptions, your justifications and conditions of knowledge as hard as you fucking can.
Or else your soul will 100% guaranteed be damned by the carelessness of your arrogance.
Just like the conservative degenerates that clog up this forum and others with the endless hateful brain-rot oozing from their mouth-sphincters who have literally driven themselves insane from their hatred.
Online hell beings who only know endless teeth-knashing.
The word "faggot" repeated at 200 decibels on repeat for endless generations.

>> No.22314465

> online conservatives
Rent free.
I've yet to see one literal conservative on this board. Most of the discussions are not even political and when they are they're high quality and theoretical. Like, common, arguing about the theory of evolution and theology doesn't make someone a conservative.

>> No.22314469

Bruh. Why are you guys describing my life

>> No.22314472

Im not reading your gay essay.

>> No.22314476
File: 912 KB, 1920x2804, 23B56D8F-1362-448B-A4DE-FCAFCEC4E044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You ever wonder if maybe the weebs are right?

>> No.22314477

Took like 1.5/2 g of mushrooms this morning. It was cool and all, but nothing like the breakthrough I'd expected. I'm going to take the rest tonight. Now I'll make sure to do it in the dark

>> No.22314480

It's going to be harsh for your mind when you finally arrive at the conclusions of a post-truth society. Your pedestal is an illusion. The conservatives may be flagrantly nihilistic in their moral charming, but you are actually invested in something that literally isn't real.

>> No.22314484

Nah Ive lived in Japan and you have to struggle to find a jap that isnt an npc in tokyo.

>> No.22314513 [DELETED] 

I think I have this problem of never developing a thing I wanted to get really good at when I was young. I only want to try things, get kind of good, and then move on to the next thing. But people that really successful at anything want to become really good, and I think that’s why you see really successful people with lifelong hobbies and passions.

>> No.22314514
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i just wonder why the she pronoun is used for ships? so odd

>> No.22314515

Why the fuck would you go to Tokyo? I mean, visit sure. Hell, even live there for a time. But where you really want to be is some small coastal city or town.

>> No.22314518

so i just randomly saw a sc profile of a girl i texted for a year and was supposed to meet and her new profile pic is ugly and she isnt following anyone but she is followed by a bunch of niggers who rap about smoking weed and guns and have 500-1000 followers

i posted about her here a while back and everyone roasted me for not making a move earlier and mocked me for being cautious. one guy even said she dodged a bullet with me

how ironic

>> No.22314521

Nah if youre not a retard you want to live in Osaka. Good climate and Osakans are actually human. Plus youre only a train ride away from Kyoto and Nara to fool hoes into thinking you are cultured.

>> No.22314528

Osaka is like the size of New York. Fuck that. I maintain that you want to live on some small city on the coast. Sapporo seems comfy if you can tolerate the weather.

>> No.22314543
File: 132 KB, 638x696, japan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

constant earthquakes, typhoons, culture based on lies, never fitting in, language barriers, crowded as fuck

>> No.22314559

Is the Briggs translation of War and Peace good?

>> No.22314606

I recommend against dosing again the same day. Tolerance builds really quickly, you have to take a lot more for the same effect unless you wait a few days. Not sure what kind of "breakthrough" you're after, but like 3-4 g is good "personal introspection" territory for me, more than that and you're starting to see the matrix. Which is cool but not really that useful imo.

>> No.22314607

Typing up a story to give my colleagues the impression that I am hard at work. If I make enough keyboard sounds I'll look like a good employee.
tak tak tak just filling up time and looking serious while doing so tak tak tak it's almost weekend huh feels good right? oh yeah.

>> No.22314622

What is his problem?

>> No.22314628

Biggest redpill was working for the city government and realizing that even though I was a druggie fuck up I was still running circles around all the thots and fags they hired.

>> No.22314642 [DELETED] 

some how my city government hired an undocumented dude with no work papers. he overstayed a student visa years ago and then worked under the table in asian nail salons but somehow landed a job with the city. i'm like how did he fill out all of those tax forms? they never noticed something wrong with whatever he put as a social security number?

>> No.22314654

Its easy as shit they just use the ssn of some kid that died from crib death.

>> No.22314662

I'm going to start teaching high school in a few weeks. Total amateur, long term substitute. Books for this?

>> No.22314663

I remember in middle school I had a friend (since our last names were close on attendence) named Ricky who got hurt in gym. Some boy had hit an outfield ball, and let the metal bat "slip," it whipping like a tornado and cracking against Ricky's skull. He fell to the ground and tensed, the gym teacher thought he was convulsing so the tip of his catchers mitt against his teeth. The ambulance came not too long after, kids huddled around and scared. He would go in for a scan and to treatment for the traumatized area. He was never much the same since then, and later that year moved down to Arizona. What bothered me was the boy, Jared, who had let the bat go...well he got no repercussions. It was just a sad accident. But later on he would get tied into drugs, join a hockey league and get into fights regularly. Makes me wonder if it were no accident, if he just wanted to make Ricky bleed for no other reason then that he was there. I remember he didn't seem so remorseful or shocked, like the entire scene had been rehearsed. What's more bothersome is that if anyone had been absent, if the lineup were just a bit different, I would've been right there in Ricky's place.

>> No.22314666

get ready to cringe and feel hopeless dealing with modern youth

>> No.22314672

All vessels are women, because riding a guy would be gay.

>> No.22314680

Do you think it’s necessary to embark on that journey of your life’s purpose before you enter your thirties? It seems to me you need to find it before twenty-five and embark before thirty.

>> No.22314689

scroll tik tok for a few hours

>> No.22314730

not even a zoomer but I feel like I fucked up my attention span.
listening to music/podcast while working and in between the work going to different website for either sport or politics.

>> No.22314734
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i don't have that kind of phone

>> No.22314748

don't worry, it's going to be bussin

>> No.22314750 [DELETED] 

oh shit is that the guy from 3rd bass? his solo album good af why didn't he release more? it of course featured "back to the grill" feature nas, but every track went hard t b h


you're not going to try to be one of those hip white guy teachers in the hood are you though? that's highly wack, i'm sorry. you'll probably get rolled and do a disservice to your students at best.

>> No.22314753

yeah that's mc serch, zev love x (aka mf doom), and serch's...wife? back to the grill is a classic : )
and lmfao no, not teaching in the hood

>> No.22314763 [DELETED] 

>mf doom
oh shit i thought that was a chick lol no wonder he wore a mask

>> No.22314779

do u want to be software, anon? grimes does.

>> No.22314836

that explains it all, thanks.

optional question: do you distinguish the difference between abundance and rife in any way?

>> No.22314844

an intelligent man cannot become anything seriously, and it is only the fool who becomes anything

>> No.22314845

How many guys have single mothers that are typical modern women? Are those guys universally screwed in life?

>> No.22314856

is intelligent man saved and cursed at the same time?

>> No.22314874

when i was a volunteer (it was for a stipend, not sure what to call it) at a high school i had a lot of cringe moments. my supervisor would get all pissy at me if i didn't constantly check in with kids by asking them if they need help every 20 seconds. i don't miss that job at all.
what type of school are you working at anon?

>> No.22314888

large suburban public high school

>> No.22314948

Anyone else find this music video strange?

>> No.22314975

In the past, when social institutions were not as efficient in guaranteeing things like sustenance and safety, a clear delegation of roles between man and woman was optimal. Men would protect and provide and attend to worldly affairs, while women would play a subservient role, bearing children and attending to domestic affairs.

But today we live in times of surplus. Tradition is destroyed by capitalism as the world is joined through corporations and brands like Nike and McDonald's. Women are free to be as masculine as they desire, and it is conceivable for a woman to rise to the highest echelons of business and government. Men, in turn, are free to be as feminine as they want, and no one really turns their head at the mention of a stay at home dad. In fact, in today's society, women whose greatest aspiration is a family life are looked down on, and the toxic aspects of masculinity are often conflated with masculinity as a whole.

In addition to this, there is an increasing wave of non-binary identification. It makes sense that in an age where gender has been made largely nominal, people decide not to be constrained to a gender identity. As symbolic animals humans are not limited to the biological. Perhaps this is no better exemplified than in the ability, granted by cornucopia of science and technology, for individuals to have children without sexual intercourse. With the eradication of this biological convenant between man and woman, alongside the viability of designing children to become more socially acceptable, there will be no gender in the future, or it will be seen as a relic of the past, along with culture and all the other things which our children will perhaps disdain as they adapt to changing times, changing versions of the self at will as we do now with clothes.

>> No.22314984

No. Truly intelligent men aren't. It's the midwit who is cursed. Especially if he is self-aware.

>> No.22314995

what the essential difference between intelligent man and self-aware midwit?

>> No.22315006

How is it bothering you? How does this affect you directly?

>> No.22315023

It's crazy that left only cares about social justice now. Apparently economic justice is a thing of past for them. Feeling sad for old commies who are dying one by one and observing the death of their movement.

Capital truly won.

>> No.22315029

Dont lefties care about working class anymore?

>> No.22315039

Meh. Homosexuality was legal too in the Late Roman Empire. When Greece had become subservient to the Macedonians, methods of avoiding pregnancy were widespread and people had only one or two children. People sat in front of their house, sleeping or gazing into the air. Everything had been done, everything was progressing. People did what they wanted to and degeneracy was widespread. The marvel of progress had permeated through the whole of society.
Then they got conquered by the Romans.

>> No.22315063

They don't anymore. Lots of rich people try to larp as leftists so therefor they can't critique themselves(economic injustice) so they heavily focus on social issues to get a sense of persecution for raising voices for "marginalized people".

It is fucking crazy. I just hate humans.

>> No.22315092

>tense change ("stretched", "scattered", next sentence "i walk")

>> No.22315123

damn where the fuck can i get a decent cheeseburger around here? and not some thin as cardboard, tastes like cardboard, "halal burger", i mean a big sloppy american cheeseburger. the kind where u take one bite and grease and tomato juice dribbles all over your plate.

>> No.22315125

Go to Murica.

>> No.22315132

Struggling to find an active hobby that I really love.

>> No.22315136

Work the field of your grand-parents.

>> No.22315143

I would love to make friends who are into things like museums, opera, orchestra, and art and culture in general, or just friends I could convince to be into those things.

>> No.22315144

Sounds like you are a physically weak jew that is coping with the fact that you cant do shit that teenagers take for granted.

>> No.22315145

Go to 18th Century France.

>> No.22315147


>> No.22315148


>> No.22315150

The land your grandparents have. Work it.

>> No.22315152

enroll in a liberal arts degree

>> No.22315158

You write well. It reminded me of an incident from when I was like 12. There was this boy from the neighborhood and we used to play together all the time. One day we climbed up a hill. The view was nice and all. After he got down first and laid on the pavement. I don't know why, but and got down the hill running towards him and kicked the boy in his guts. It was full monkey impulse. He started crying and then I realized what I've done and I started "please don't tell my mom please don't tell".

>> No.22315160

I would love to.

>> No.22315166

Well 18th Century France is gone. GOOOONE. Welcome back to reality.

>> No.22315177

I’m long graduated.

>> No.22315180

time to do a masters at night?

>> No.22315181

My grandparents are dead and I inherited no land.

>> No.22315187

Save money and buy a chunk. Those in the outback are very cheap, shouldn't cost more than 20-30 frogs. Get a job, save that money and find an affordable chunk, preferably with a forest.

>> No.22315188

I’m German-Irish American and played American football until I was 19 and competed in powerlifting until I was 21. You’re a little off the mark.

>> No.22315192

I’d consider a full-time master’s but not in art and you know you won’t find those people that way anyway.

>> No.22315201

>i'm into artsy shit why can't my friends be deep and artsy like meeee
>oh no i can't do an art degree have to focus on my bugman stemerinos so i can advance to upper middle class!
and that's why no cultured ppl want anything to do you with you

>> No.22315211

Western culture ended with the last days of the Victorian era but this is a black pill no one wants to swallow.

>> No.22315221

What's the consequences in America of being caught saying the n-word in private as an important known figure. What are the consequences for a British royal.

>> No.22315222

I deeply enjoy reading your moronic opinions and bizarre takes.

>> No.22315229


>> No.22315234

I am on the autism spectrum.
Which book(s) should I read?

>> No.22315248

Dude have you ever met the sort of people that study art degrees nowadays?

>> No.22315249

It depends on your job. If you’re just a nobody probably nothing. If you’re a high profile public figure it’s probably a career ender.

>> No.22315254

I just had a birthday and crossed a milestone. I now have this incredible sense of urgency. It’s like I have to do something and I needed to do it yesterday. But I’m not even clear on what it is.

>> No.22315269

It was something about Victorians now it jumped to playing a modern people sex scene. I think it's supposed to be a movie but I'm not sure.

>> No.22315274

Quick update she's loading grocery bags into her car with a bored look on her face.

>> No.22315309

It's some weird outlandish blend of reality TV and cinema. It's woke and feminist don't care I'll inject myself this crap.

>> No.22315311

Thanks, tripsman.

>> No.22315314

The Lord of the Rings

>> No.22315329
File: 68 KB, 1200x247, we ain't read too good.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks his high-minded, cerebral masterpiece will sell

>> No.22315345

ya i read a thing about a report about american preparedness for war with china in the wsj and they said they would face recruiting headwinds because fighting age young people are obese, have criminal records from opioids or can't pass the asvab (a high school equivalency exam for the military) which are all disqualifying from the army. it was kinda grim. the ivy league mediocrities of the american ruling class have really mismanaged this country.

>> No.22315352

Are there any people here who only got into reading rather late in their lives? Feels like I missed on so much and wasted so many precious years being a movie/music fag.

>> No.22315365

don't worry once you get old enough you'll stop looking back and start looking forward to retirement. your fading youth will go through a sort of death throes which some might call a midlife crisis, and then as a newly middled aged old man, you can enjoy the remainder of your life with little regret.

>> No.22315402

If by "late in life" you mean 23, then yes. Although I did have a spate of time from age 17 to 19 where I exclusively read biographies and history books on very niche subjects because I wanted to start my own podcast and be the next Dan Carlin.

>> No.22315405

At least I'm not like the sjws, I tell myself every night and fall asleep.

>> No.22315416

Just enjoy it man. If you like reading what does it matter when you started?

>> No.22315430

The more I study the facts and the matters the more I realize that the Brahmins of India are the ones who most closely resemble the philosopher king of Plato.

>> No.22315454

Want advice on how to have a fun evening? Fill a bitch with lies.

>> No.22315543

hey anon, we see each other around for a while now and so I thought I'd ask. I don't mean to be so forward, but I just think you're special and I want to get to know you more. Would you be open to going out with me?

we can eat at that one restaurant you mentioned, the one with all your favorite food

>> No.22315562

Are you a teenaged girl? No? Okay well we can hang out but let's be clear up front that no GAY stuff is going to happen.

>> No.22315582

I reworked the errors. I ran a program to rearrange all the atoms of the universe. Everything is exactly the same, except India is clean this time.

>> No.22315584

I want to live in countryside france

>> No.22315585

How about you destroy everything. Nothing exists.

>> No.22315590

Nice try but we'd have noticed by now if there were no more Indians in India.

>> No.22315627

A man who feels spite and greed at his central axis, once confirmed in resolve and ambition, will then immediately start to worry about maintaining his precarious and new-found robustness. He spoils his faithfulness to his path by worry.

Having felt such an upwards pull today, I have since reminded myself to regret.

A young lady lingered by me as I put on my headphones coming out of the cinema. She had brown hair and a long white skirt and a big nose and hoped I'd approach. I had just watched Barbie of all damned films! When am I going to feel better than then!

I feel the pull of the city on the underground but even with a grin I cannot bring myself into it's swirl. Am I frightened for my faith or my lack of faith?

My friend and I experienced a wonderful coincidence.

Has God worked in my life? How can I honourably give up the church where I feel most accepted?

And which is the reality I owe my fidelity to: the thrilling coincidences which recede from my mind or the comforting drudgery that occupies its place. How long do I need to rest my spirit before I can weave these aspects together.

>> No.22315659

I get into the Uber. The Sikh driver looks indifferent, or rather a bit pensive. "Michael?" he asserts. "Yes, and you're Namir?" I confirm. His silver bracelets press against the steering wheel, jittering with the vibrations. The beaded seat cover pours over his headrest; I count them like an abacus in my mind. An insidious rain swells out of the dark sky to cleanse the earth. We cut into its waters with our craft. On a whim, I roll down the window to feel the tepid sweat pelt against my palm. I peer into the mirror, Namir's eyes isolated within a periscope, searching but lost somewhere else. The array of street lamps seem endless, anglers in the depths circling as if to signal something in an alien language. For a moment it was as if we were the only beings left on earth, pressure mounting in the sunken abyss of some forgotten trench, carved into the heel of ancient matter. I let out a long, ripping fart and rolled the window back up.

>> No.22315667

I had read some things here and there since I was younger but I didn’t really go deep into reading until I was about twenty-five.

>> No.22315673

Anyone have a sibling that’s a bit of a loser and just refuses to make the choices that would make them otherwise?

>> No.22315770

powerful stuff

>> No.22315797

What will be posted tomorrow? Like coming here ngl but today was kind of a shit show.

>> No.22315884

>No-GIL mode coming for Python
hmmm idk

>> No.22315997

There’s who you want to be and then there’s who you are, and not in a make yourself better kind of way but in the things you never got to choose sort of way.

>> No.22316184
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>> No.22316269

The sensation of urgency can be influenced by various factors, including consistency of the stool, pressure on the rectal wall, and signals from the nervous system. When the rectum is stretched or distended by stool, nerve receptors in the rectal walls send signals to the brain, triggering sensation of needing to go to the bathroom.

>> No.22316281

Got banned for 3 days for posting a Greta thread on /fit/ and shitposting on /pol/….I go to neither place. Fuck you to the anon who got me banned for no reason

>> No.22316286

I am being non stop told by people to not undersell myself. Generally speaking people seem to like me and also believe that I am sort of intellectual. I feel like one of the main reasons for that is exactly because I like to undersell myself and that I like to learn. If I'd go around being arrogant about my own capabilities and stopped learning, I feel like I would lose part of myself. The proper balancing would be to not undersell myself at certain times when it is undisputable that I am knowledgeable or competent enough, I guess

>> No.22316320

I feel pessimistic

>> No.22316393


>> No.22316447

Yeah i am that sibling. No I won't get my act together.

>> No.22316453

Kill all the niggers
Wipe all niggers from the Earth
I really hate niggers

>> No.22316459

Obese maybe but the other two i find hard to believe. Crime rates have been declining since their peak in the 80s/90s. And given that we are the most highly educated generation i find it hard to believe most couldn't pass the ASVB.

>> No.22316460

is god real. is there one or many. are there nature spirits. why do i feel like there are. I don’t understand atheists, something deep inside me makes atheism impossible

>> No.22316479 [DELETED] 

>77% of of American youth are disqualified from military service, according to the Department of Defense, due to a lack of physical fitness, low test scores, criminal records including drug use or other problems.
believe it

>> No.22316482 [DELETED] 

crime rates are declining because the birth rate cratered. there are less young people. the military recruits/drafts young people. the young people that are out there are using opioids as much or more than previous generations.

>> No.22316499

What one man does is something done, in some measure, by all men.

>> No.22316539 [DELETED] 

crimes rates are declining. how does the overall declining crime rate relate to the crime rate of military aged men which is to say those of age 17 to 24? 25% of americans have a bachelors degree, but what's going on with the other 75%? did closing schools for two years due to the wuhan virus have any impact on student outcomes? you're smart, you read books 'n shit, i'm sure if you think about these things for a little bit you can figure it out.

>> No.22316582

about what?

>> No.22316618

There is nothing that I like.

>> No.22316639

Dog-shaped holes, Female Chinese warlords, Avalanches of baked goods crushing Nepalese villages, Discriminating robots who target federal agents based on GPS data tracking humans going out of government buildings, living giraffes made of rubber

>> No.22316647

Am I supposed to like any of that?

>> No.22316658

I half expected the very list which you reply to en mass would have perhaps quite well change your your very mind body and soul which you attached to me in response to my soul and body mind henceforth forever infinite cascading snowball butterfly effect indeed. I expressed up mostly to my upmost degree of enchanted mind expanded inquiring of myself the greatest list of objects which respectfully dishes out the most utterly uttermost 123 punch in your noggin which you agree fully I must say.

>> No.22316687

I don’t agree. You’re not even funny.

>> No.22316692

You shall say this disagreement disagreeing with me but that is. We both know that the complete previous sentence completely completed represents what is is what is completed in your mind. Therefore here, thenceforth in time, we shall, you, me, vanquish the unknown you seek in the past deeply. I'm unfunny you say said in your past, my future, an Einsteinian relativity, but now in the related future you're repeating something different linguistically speaking, and thus difference is that that I'm now funny that I now have posted this reply to make such a typed thing to have posted in type made funny retrospectively retroactively considered.

>> No.22316693

Music is literal cancer that cannot be refuted and if you fail to refute it your life falls apart

>> No.22316696

mental illness

>> No.22316775
File: 6 KB, 212x250, 1590990424685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need a diagnosis and medication ASAP but i cant get 2 minutes down the street without having a panic attack that spirals out of control to the point of almost losing consciousness. im also terrified of what effects the meds might have

why did i let things get this far bros

>> No.22316798

How do you cope at home?

>> No.22316801

Sounds like maybe agoraphobia or just extreme social anxiety, maybe you have sensory overload from the autism that worsens from isolation.

Try and get someone to book an online consultation or doctors appointment, get therapy or meds you sound crippled.

>> No.22316802

That’s stoic thought

>> No.22316845

laying down is the main thing usually. during this latest incident all I could think of was laying down but I couldn't just lay down on the sidewalk. until today i had gained almost complete control while at home and was doing really well, but here we are. I know I was only a couple minutes from home but im amazed I made it back, my vision was going and my legs felt like they were going to give at any moment. I dont even understand why it happened so badly. ive even been going for bike rides and ive walked exactly as far as i did every day and i was feeling significantly better that day then i have in ages, but for some reason i just buckled catastrophically and ive been severely on edge all day since, i could barely have a shower or go into my back yard afterwards.

its definitely agoraphobia. the reason i cant go anywhere or do anything is because im anticipating an incident, it happens when i get a certain distance from home because im afraid it will happen and ill be stranded or collapse on the street, and in doing so i manifest an incident, and experiencing a new incident makes future anticipation and anxiety even worse than it was before. its ogre for me if i dont get meds or something bros

>> No.22316906

How do I stop being this know it all smug nigger? I am a retard.

I'm gonna ruin my relations. I need to shut the fuck up and stop being opinionated because nobody likes that. Real life isn't like 4chan.

>> No.22316918

I regret probably 90% or more of everything I say

The constant shame is probably what drives people to suicide. I don't know how anyone just has confidence naturally

>> No.22316939

I feel this too

What I have noticed is that most of "normal" people just don't give a shit about anything deep. They don't even have well thought out opinions so that's why they have confidence. When you express opinions at greater length you make yourself susceptible to judgment. Most of the time you feel like it is stupid to open your mouth regarding anything beyond normal cliches. Actually I don't know if people really care about you having opinions, maybe it is just the your delusion that you matter a lot.

I would like to shut the fuck up. To expect more from life is retarded. Everything is mid.

>> No.22316947

I'm done with people. This is the last time I'm putting any effort. Better to be constantly disappointed than getting your hopes up and then realizing that nothing changed.

>> No.22316954

People never change.

>> No.22316957

> [...] from so many battles won against the enemies of Roman majesty, who sacrificed not only his members, but so much wealth, that of his family, and sometimes his children, and sometimes even killed his sons with his own hand for a breach of the austere laws of the world. When they present this man of ancient ages, once honored with the triumphal robe, once or twice consul, quaestor, aedile, hereditary senator, and preparing, with that same hand, which never found too heavy the sword and the spear, the raves of his supper (1) pul, with that same hand, with that rectitude of judgment, that cold reason so useful to the republic, calculating the interest on its usurious loans, incidentally despising the arts and letters, and those who cultivate them, and the Greeks who love them: the old man, this venerable man, this ideal citizen, is never but a patrician, he's an old Sabin.

>> No.22316967

I wish I could write my own stories.

>> No.22316987

What do you mean? I'm mainly ranting about that I shouldnt expect anything from people yet if something positive happens, I get my hopes up and eventually it meets reality.

>> No.22316990

There is a homeless man openly masturbating in my apartments parking garage.

>> No.22316993

Why do people act like they are fucking lost in the grocery store? Haven't you been here hundreds of times you fat old unaware drones!? MOVE!

>> No.22317015

some grocery stores often change their layouts to test different marketing strategies otherwise those people only gk for one-two specific items then leave bot caring about where other crap is

>> No.22317027

why is the magic of the world completely lost

i wish i could live before television and the internet

>> No.22317029

Watching first amendment auditors is a fascinating look into non-violent confrontations between the righteously indignant and impotently and illogically irate. If you've seen one, you've seen them all. People arguing the same non-sensical points so often it's like they are reading from a script.

>> No.22317031

Don't defend these cattle.
Don't be naive, boy

>> No.22317034

That no matter how much you will sacrifice for them dickheads will remain dickheads. There's nothing to be gained from life except disappointments of every sort.

>> No.22317036

>Don't be naive, boy

the only thing that really seems to be better about living today is that you wont die from tb and that its possible to live as a complete recluse because of how much entertainment exists on the internet

>> No.22317037

He's free

>> No.22317039

Keep reading and you'll realize life has always been the same.

>> No.22317042

True. I just need to kill that hope somehow.

>> No.22317058

Do yourself a favor and read A Cynic's Breviary by Chamfort. You can download it from internet archive

>> No.22317060

The withdrawls have begun.

>> No.22317088


>> No.22317115

what went into the process of rebuilding? I've been feeling stuck like a cuck for a while now, despite objectively making progress.

>> No.22317117

I want to be rich

>> No.22317121

Turgenev is one of my favourite authors. Overshadowed by the greats of Russia's 19th century, but a master of the craft, especially his genre. A Nest of the Gentry is one of my most beloved books of all time. Torrents of Spring too.

>> No.22317129

What's the point?

>> No.22317138


>> No.22317143

Fuck that sucks

I will never forget brain zaps. Fucking horrible torture.

>> No.22317150

Got trapped scrolling through YouTube today, didn't find anything I wanted to watch but still wasted a bunch of time. I am a disgusting algocuck.

>> No.22317171

the nyt says:
>Elon Musk’s Unmatched Power in the Stars
>The tech billionaire has become the dominant power in satellite internet technology. The ways he is wielding that influence are raising global alarms.
some pussy on here was saying elon musk wasn't a "titan of industry" like in the guilded age or whatever. yeah, ok. you know any other private citizens that own a globe spanning network of satellites?

>> No.22317175

Whatever, is he an ideal Roman citizen?
See >>22316957

>> No.22317180

same thing happened to me yesterday but it was 4chan not youtube

>> No.22317187

kek i can't believe normies trust the nyt

>> No.22317193

the nyt is like pravda or the people's daily. people don't read the nyt to believe it, they read it to see the official line of the us government.

>> No.22317197

the nyt wrote that hit piece because he won't let ukraine use his shit for free. biden and congress are writing blank checks to ukraine but they can't compensate musk for the use of starlink? gtf out of here.

>> No.22317204

Which ones? I had nasty withdrawals earlier this year.

>> No.22317223

Cymbalta, so the withdrawls are not too bad. I was once on Effexor and it was mental torture getting off of. I intend on leaving these medications behind forever.

>> No.22317228

>leaving these medications behind forever.
I did and I realized that it didnt help me at all.

>> No.22317263


>> No.22317267

What about you?

>> No.22317271

I have AIDS

>> No.22317272

I'm an incel loser

>> No.22317274

You aren't me, fuck off

>> No.22317280
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Any comfy books like this manga, preferably romance. This is just pure comfy to the highest degree and I like it so fucking much.

>> No.22317286

I am trans
Fuck off transphobics.

>> No.22317289

You are valid.

>> No.22317340

I think I just don’t like myself or the sort of person I’ve become.

>> No.22317342

How does the current you and ideal you differ from each other?

>> No.22317356

Ideal me is not a pathetic coward pussy faggot.

>> No.22317369

You’ll probably like Kawabata and Mishima novels.

>> No.22317376

Are you asking for specifics? In general, I just wish things were different, you know the things you choose and the things you don’t.

>> No.22317381

Any specific book recs? I know these authors but never read any. I know The sound of waves by mishima is supposed to be about romance.

>> No.22317388

Do you have the main branching point as in the most influential choosing?

>> No.22317396

Modern women are absolutely fucking psycho

You can't even send them text messages or private messages and trust them either. This chick I was talking to posted all our conversations on social media. Why are there so many girls like this now?

>> No.22317405

Why do you have conversations on message you dumbfuck?

>> No.22317409
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Girlfriend had lost her virginity late in the semester before we started talking. Talked from December to March casually, started getting serious March to end of year and became girlfriend. Assumed she had been with one — maximum two — people before me. Told me she’s been with four people. Did she fuck five of us in three months or was she still fucking people after we got serious? Garbage

>> No.22317416

Fill a bitch with lies

>> No.22317417

Dude, why would you even talk to these hags if you can't trust them in a text message? Does that not scream huge breach of privacy to you? Like I'm taking crazy pills

I see more and more girls acting this way, yet you call me the dumbfuck
Why does anyone waste their time

>> No.22317426

It's because you are a low-class white trash degenerate in a community surrounding like other degenerates. You only know degeneracy, so that's what you see and get, and you assume it's like that for EVERYONE.
But no it's your degenerate culture.

>> No.22317429

Believe it or not, it happens on social media and most internet communities. I don't know her in real life at all, I was just talking to her

>> No.22317430

Talking through text is garbage anyways
It should be used for making up a meeting or asking if she can talk through the phone only
Drop a bitch if she doesn't want to talk or fuck

>> No.22317433

I mean obviously yeah, but again why waste your time at all then? Sounds like a liability

>> No.22317434

And yes you're an idiot if you revealed intimate/dangerous informations through text

>> No.22317435

Texting is a waste of time. Bitches know that.

>> No.22317438

No, you're an idiot because you enable their behavior like this. Call it whatever you want. In most cases a man would probably be sued for defamation if he did it, but most girls never face any consequences for things like this

>> No.22317441
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You don't get the Jerry Springer trashy drama nearly as much among educated people with their shit together.

>> No.22317442

It happened to Jonah Hill less than a month ago.

>> No.22317445

I literally don't care. A real man fucks a women, not talk through text with her like a bitch has time to do bitch things with non-bitches.

>> No.22317450

You're a fucking retard dude. Enjoy when it happens to you

>> No.22317451

It's about education.
Nothing promotes crime and moral degeneracy like ignorance and lack of education.
It isn't about gender, skin color, or anything else.
It's "are you a moral enough person to seek to become educated?"
Because you can't be moral without using moral reasoning and moral evidence. Critical thinking skills and intellectual values are EVERYTHING.

>> No.22317454

I have had gorillion text conversations with bitches and trust me dude, it's a waste of time.

>> No.22317455

I'm a Christian and that's exactly why I don't condone behavior like this
No one asked

>> No.22317458
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>A real man fucks a women, not talk through text with her like a bitch has time to do bitch things with non-bitches.

>> No.22317464

>Ignore overwhelming statistics in favor of muh anecdote.
Sloppy thinking is demonstration of moral carelessness.

>> No.22317466

I bet you can't even do two push-ups. You're a coward faggot who thinks hiding behind a text bar will get him pussy.

>> No.22317472

What the fuck is wrong with you retards honestly? You seriously want to communicate with people like this? You just let this slide?

>> No.22317473

The Sound of Waves, Thirst for Love, Frolic of the Beasts, Snow Country, A Thousand Cranes

>> No.22317474

>I'm a Christian
Therefore you are an uneducated intellectual degenerate and coward. You may very well have a PhD, but it doesn't mean shit if you're stupid enough to fall for the most evil pyramid scheme of all time.

>> No.22317477

I don’t understand the question.

>> No.22317480

Burn in hell cocksucker

>> No.22317482

Whats the biggest choice you regret?

>> No.22317483

You sound like you’re actually retarded

>> No.22317485


>> No.22317502

I've finished my jerking off session. Should I read manga or play a stupid casual game before I finally decide to continue writing and fail to reach my 1 thousand words again?

>> No.22317504


>> No.22317505

Fuck yourself dumbfuck, fuck yourself for giving out private information to bitches over text you literal retard bitch, it's totally your own fault for trusting bitches. Wtf did you expect, cretin?

>> No.22317516
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Much of the sexual trafficking in the U.S. involves teens who were kicked out of their house for being LGBTQ by their Christian parents. These teens are manipulated and preyed on by street predators who pretend to care for them and groom them into becoming child prostitutes.
Then these evil conservative parents turn around and call LGBTQ people including their own children groomers and blame them for the human trafficing that they themselves caused via their evil actions.
Nazis weren't even this evil, Nazis didn't genocide their own children and them accuse them of doing it to themselves. That level of evil is only found in situations such as Russia shooting down an airline over Ukraine in 2014 and then accusing them of doing it to themselves.

Christians are evil people, literally the Satanists they accuse themselves of being. Your religion is pure evil, nothing more than a scam to keep the most monstrous and abusing people in power.

Christians attacked and ridiculed the victims when the church sex scandals began to be exposed in the 80's and 90's.

It was never about the children, it was always about exploiting people's authentic care about children in order to abuse children. Accusation in a mirror.

>> No.22317522

i've decided if i don't get a girlfriend by 30 i give up completely and live alone forever
4 years left, better get grinding

>> No.22317527

Probably my career choices.

>> No.22317529

You're a stupid fucking monkey nigger. Do the world a service and hang yourself, insecure small penis retard.

>> No.22317538

> t. incel neet in his mom's basement
Very surprised.

>> No.22317543

>literal sodomite
And you wonder why no one takes you seriously

>> No.22317549

>Nearly half (44%) of Native/Indigenous LGBTQ youth have experienced homelessness or housing instability at some point in their life, compared to 16% of Asian American/Pacific Islander youth, 27% of White LGBTQ youth, 27% of Latinx LGBTQ youth, 26% of Black LGBTQ youth, and 36% of multiracial LGBTQ youth.

>Homelessness and housing instability were reported at higher rates among transgender and nonbinary youth, including 38% of transgender girls/women, 39% of transgender boys/men, and 35% of nonbinary youth, compared to 23% of cisgender LGBQ youth.

>16% of LGBTQ youth reported that they had slept away from parents or caregivers because they ran away from home, with more than half (55%) reporting that they ran away from home because of mistreatment or fear of mistreatment due to their LGBTQ identity.

>14% of LGBTQ youth reported that they had slept away from parents or caregivers because they were kicked out or abandoned, with 40% reporting that they were kicked out or abandoned due to their LGBTQ identity.

These statistics show how often this happens and just how evil Christians and Christian culture is, not to mention all the other crimes of Christians in the present and through their history.

>> No.22317558

Judging people for their actions is easy but how would you proceed with a mentally ill son or daughter?

>> No.22317561

You revel in your evil and sadism. Please keep doing it, as vocally and publically as you can, so everyone knows how evil you are.

>> No.22317571

You are one sick fuck groomer pedophile

>> No.22317574

You can use your belt if you don't have a rope. Blood supply will get low enough so you won't evel feel any pain. Do it right now, you don't have a better time than NOW. Remember all those "bitches"? Yeah, no wonder all of them don't care about your stupid ass after they saw how indecisive you are. Women can't really love a man who doesn't know how to be one. Well, at least the women who are worth any time. Don't think you ever had anything with them, you must be surrounded by stupid bitches. And you still can't be happy with one, what a failure. Put your belt on your neck and tie it up somewhere high, then hang yourself. It really is the time to end this nuisance you call your life.

>> No.22317577

Do you have stats in relation to the overall homeless population instead of the overall LGBTQ population?

>> No.22317591

You accuse other people of being mentally ill when you have the WORST mentally ill at all: psychopathy, otherwise known as pure evil.
You claim to care about mental health when you demonize the entire field of mental health as "libshit" and all mental health doctors.
You are an evil liar and a fraud.

>> No.22317596

All you have is accusations. I have history, facts, and your own evil words and actions.
Your web of lies will collapse and you will be remembered as one of the most despicable and evil people in history forever. That will be your legacy.

>> No.22317597

There's a whole lot of assumptions in this bait, my answer is, fuck yourself, underage noob desperate to cope with the fact that he gave out private information to a bitch without knowing her.

>> No.22317608

I don't care about mental health. I just see no worth to feed a degenerate from the money I hardly earned. Why invest into someone who's already decided to take a route in life EQUIVALENT to that of a heroin addict? How would you react if your 15 year old son told you, dad, I think I'm a heroin addict please accept me as I am daddy". I'd smash the fuck out of his face and tell him to get a grip and that he is a coward pussy with coward pussy friends who will rott in hell.

>> No.22317627
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>I don't care about mental health.
Of course you don't, you're a nihilist, the only thing you care about is covering the bottomless put in your evil soul with endless hate given to others so that you don't hate yourself.
You don't care about science, medicine, democracy, facts, truth, honesty, integrity, creativity, love, or anything else.
Just your hate and fear.
Your hate and fear is so vast that it has literally driven you delusional so that you can be as evil as you possibly can be.
You deserve the worst you get.

>> No.22317644

I don't hate and fear I'm a virtuous man with virtuous man, a real citizen who holds up labour and good morals, someone who would die for his nation. Like Rousseau said, even in the faggot societies it's only because of the women who bear 12 children and for the men who are skilled in the art of arms and commanding that those societies survive. The remaining people are just parasitic bugs who feed off them because of the good-will of the former.

>> No.22317649

I'm not him, you stupid nigger. Kill yourself already. The precision of assumptions doesn't matter, you're the same dumb kind of loser who invents justifications for being useless and unloved.

>> No.22317659

Fuck yourself, you hideous ape. I don't care, I literally don't care, I only smell cowardice in your dogshit post through the screen. Fuck yourself, because fuck yourself.

>> No.22317667

You "identify as" a good person, meanwhile you support, tolerate, and justify pure evil.

>> No.22317668

Existing is evil if you didn't know retard. Everyone is evil.

>> No.22317691

And there's the literal moral nihilism.
Except it isn't consistent, it's "rules for thee, moral nihilism for me."

>> No.22317693

What do you smell, subhumam? All you smell is your rotting body after you spent all your life as a deranged degenerate. Waah waahh bitches that bitches this. No bitch ever saw a man in you. You tell me of cowardice, why don't you brag about how many wet holes you fucked, dumbass? Do you think it's not evident that you're a degenerate who tries to play it cool like if you were smarter than a chimp?

>> No.22317709

I'm not a moral nihilist. I'm a cold-blooded realist. History has shown what happened to the societies that became too weak to be intolerant to homosexuals, that became too weak to have a military, that became too weak to reproduce, that became too weak to work for it's own sustainment. They fell to other human predators.

>> No.22317710

The Christian's Prayer
That didn't happen.
And if it did, it wasn't that bad.
And if it was, that's not a big deal.
And if it is, that's not my fault.
And if it was, I didn't mean it.
And if I did, you deserved it.

>> No.22317714

Are you coping with being a roastie or is this the most stupid bait I've seen all day?

>> No.22317721

The spread of lgbt and other degeneracy is directly caused by other lgbt members. Those are people who know about this evil and directly attempt to cause it for children. They are much more responsible for this and they are completely responsible for any evil caused to them by lgbt propaganda without parents kicking them out.

>> No.22317727

I'm a man with some moral sense and much greater intelligence. I can't suffer subhumans on my board. I sincerely hope you kill yourself and never shit out anything on 4chan.

>> No.22317735

Well you found the right place to be in. Too bad people here talk about things like texting with bitches on the internet, otherwise this place would be a real marvel of culture and high-quality discourse with it almost already is.

>> No.22317738

You don't actually care about what you claim to care about, such as the health of societies, sociology, psychology, the future of your family, humanity, and life on Earth, history, the truth, or goodness. I care about all these things and much more. I've spent a lifetime being an antinihilist and finding things worth caring about and taking care of them. I've spent a lifetime pursuing truth and honesty, which are the foundational values of my family. I've sought to learn from people who demonstrate that they care about the things that I care about.

Conservatives like you not only ignore the people who actually care about the subjects you talk about, but actively demonize them because they categorically don't agree with your delusional falsehoods. You just spent years demonizing the entire medical profession to own the libs.

Conservatives don't actually care about ANYTHING but having power over other people.

>> No.22317749

Whatever. I don't care about any of those women things. I wouldn't even call my ideology conservatism. Private estate-ism is the better word. And I don't care about you batching about the cons or about the libs or about whatever gay faggot institution you're talking about.

>> No.22317768

I need to go somewhere and do something with my life but I have no idea what.

>> No.22317776

Your ideology doesn't matter because it's just a justification for being an evil people personally to other human beings.

All politics is ultimately personal, and conservativism is ultimately about justifying personal abuse. Such as justifying abandoning your child to the hell of homelessness and sexual predation.
Those parents deserve infinitely worse than they do to their children. That level of evil truly deserves eternal torture, their souls should be seared in agony for all time.

>> No.22317782

Anyone who excuses and justifies the actions of such parents deserves the same fate.

>> No.22317802

What’s your best history reading list?

>> No.22317804

Moral nihilists right now: "Wait, so you're saying that there's a chance that I'm morally culpable for the evils that I repeatedly suggest and demand to be performed for years upon years? Evils that I politically hired (elected) politicians to perform?"

You better believe it. You thought free speech meant freedom from the consequences of immoral speech. You were horribly wrong, and you will pay the price.

>> No.22317812

Tell me what is evil about it, what?
Politics is not what you think it is. The state before all serves to protect the population that it governs from outer military threats. A state that cannot defend itself against outer threats is a failed state. Many of the so-called "modern, social-democratic, multicultural, gay-faggot tolerant republics" in fact are failed states. Only time will show the rot and the decay that is building up in Western society and the non-Western world knows long about it. And from that it won't be long for the stay-at-home dad's to be crushed under the sword of a foreign invader. I'm telling you this to wake up from the illusion you rode yourself into and to realize that you alone before all are the Schmitt of your own safety and of your bread.
Compared to faggotness in battle intolerance towards homosexuality is a small evil.

>> No.22317828

>Tell me what is evil about it, what?
If I have to tell you, it's impossible to do so.
Love and goodness aren't ideas or principles, they are experiences.
I can't tell you what love and goodness is if it's impossible for you to experience, as you have demonstrated by your own words.

>> No.22317850

"What's evil about kicking your child out on the street for not being straight so they can be preyed upon by child traffickers, and then accusing non-straight people of being groomers and pedophiles?"

If you can't see how this is obviously and unfathomably evil, that's because you are unfathomably evil.

>> No.22317858

Holy fucking kino

>> No.22317859

>Conservatives don't actually care about ANYTHING but having power over other people
That's all anyone actually cares about, irrespective of your ideology.

>> No.22317868

Sometimes I'll flip a coin to make a decision and go against the fated outcome.

>> No.22317871

You are literally projecting. YOU only care about power, you can't imagine it being otherwise for yourself, therefore it can't be otherwise for others.
You are philosophicizing a psychological dysfunction called "psychopathy," commonly known as "pure evil."

>> No.22317876

Next thread

>> No.22317883

Oh god this is a fad among the tweens where I live. They call themselves "coin boys" and they go around flipping coins to make their decisions even dumber.

>> No.22317889

>You don't care about science, medicine, democracy, facts, truth, honesty, integrity, creativity, love,
You are the worst caricature of a liberal I've ever seen. I find it hard to believe you are a real person.
Science is a means to an end, an instrument, not something I worship.
Likewise democracy is only as good as it's basic function--to arbitrate between rival (elite) groups in a nonviolent manner.
As for the rest, just platitudes no one disagrees with. Step out of your bubble and actually try reading those who a different worldview than you.

>> No.22317906

Why do you hate power? Power is ability, possibility, potential. Im spanish power is "poder" the verb used to indicate "can" or abilitu to do something. There's nothing evil about power. Please justify your assumptions.
If liberals hate power so much they wouldn't mind giving up all their seats in the house to the rival party, or how about rejecting the millions of dollars they, elected politicians, receive from the ultra-rich?

>> No.22317912

Everything to you is a means to an end, an instrument, including other human beings. Everything is transactional. You don't know love, joy, beauty, hope, or anything else because that's libshit, the only thing that matters is crushing your opponent. Because life is endless war and war is all that matters.

>> No.22317914

Sounds based. Nihilistic next generation. Although, if they were really based they would do what I do and decide of their own accord.

>> No.22317940

Lot of assumptions in your post. I don't even consider myself a conservative, maybe a pragmatist.
>Everything is transactional.
Many things are in life but not all. Nothing wrong with transaction.
>the only thing that matters is crushing your opponent.
And you don't care about this? Then what's all thus whining about the evil intolerance of conservatives but a desire to crush your opponent. Okay then if you truly don't care about power or defeating your enemies give up all your seats in the house to the other party. You won't? Huh that's funny.

>> No.22317950

I don't hate power, I hate power for the sake of power, everything as a means to the end of power, because this is the true evil of evils that is behind the worst aspects of Western thought. This is the evil that created the Roman empires, the Christian empires, and now the Capitalist empires. The Western worship of power is seen in its worship of a being with infinite power.

In contrast the true salvation of Western civilization is humility, realizing one's fallibility, the understanding that one can be wrong about anything, and can easily mislead themselves by what is convenient to think as true or what one wants to be true. This realization comes from caring about the consequences of one's thoughts, claims, and actions, a sense of moral responsibility: in other words love. Without love the entire enterprise of reason is dead before it can begin, because it isn't predicated on the actual truth of things. If you love something, one must seek to learn to love it, to take care of it: to cultivate, nourish, and grow a relationship.

Modern conservativism is one giant warning about how utterly corrupting arrogance and greed are to the human soul. For millions of years the warning "remember the conservatives" will persist.

>> No.22317956

It doesn't matter what you consider, idiot. Your actions speak your creed whatever bullshit label you want to call it.

>> No.22318020

>This is the evil that created the Roman empires, the Christian empires, and now the Capitalist empires
What exactly is wrong with empires? From my understanding a lot of historical empires, while not without their flaws, brought a lot of stability. Do you prefer a collection of small nation-states as a geopolitical form?
As for the rest of your post, more empty platitudes about love that no one disagrees with.

>> No.22318154

Libs just hate the 'throwness' of life. it's why the spirit moves to ever increasing individual choice and control. A lib gets to choose her own name and gender and 'identity', she does not have to deal with the fortune and misfortune God deals out. They feel bad when they dominate others AND when they get dominated. They can't help but care about status despite their efforts to elimate status.

>> No.22318409

You have admitted that you must be a habitual lifestyle liar.
You will always lie about anything if it brings you some advantage.
This is your own logic that you say you follow.
So why should I trust a word you say about anything?
The answer is that I shouldn't.
The very act of communication itself is predicated on trust.
So you have isolated yourself from the rest of the entire world by declaring yourself an antagonistic of everyone else who isn't yourself.

>> No.22318430

Your entire thinking is so flawed it's impossible to even respond to you. Other living beings to you aren't living beings, they're meaningless twitching corpses whose only purpose is to be the foundation of thrones.

>> No.22318493

>You have admitted that you must be a habitual lifestyle liar.
>You will always lie about anything if it brings you some advantage.
>This is your own logic
I don't recall saying that perhaps you are projecting.
How so? More stability means less people suffer. If i didn't care about people i wouldn't care at all about stability.
You have a real talent for inventing claims out of thin air that no one has made.

>> No.22318519

Also your thinking is highly simplistic. You ascribe to "conservatism", an early modern term, the responsibility for creating three vastly different empires (if the last one could be called an empire at all is debatable)
Extremely anachronistic and retarded. Anyways if the last "capitalism" were an empire, it's a product of America's power om the world stage, and so would equally be a creation of both the right and the left. After all pax-americana came into being following the devestation of the world wars, a period in which the progressive FDR and after his death his vp Truman were in power.
You just want to create a bogeyman for all the world's many problems.