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22307823 No.22307823 [Reply] [Original]

seasonal fruit edition. remember to always get your produce in season!
Previous: >>22300625

>> No.22307897

Can a man live without ever experiencing love?

>> No.22307903

Yes, you just have to give it out.

>> No.22307916
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Did men and women feel joy in prehistoric times?

Did people ever wake up and look forward to a day of hunting and living in a cave with excitement?
Did people look at their children and feel proud?

>> No.22307961

It’s so obvious that the theory of Darwinian evolution is nothing more than the concept of the capitalist self-regulating market applied to the domain of biology. Prior English thinkers like Joseph Townsend had already been drawing the connection between economics and natural
history; and by the time you get to around the mid-19th century when capitalism really kicks off in England, when thinkers like Ricardo and Malthus are popular, you have Darwin publishing Origin of Species. We’re supposed to believe this is a great coincidence, and that at the exact time when economic liberalism was in full swing, Darwin just happened to discover an exact analogue to the market in nature. And if you question this you’re excoriated as a heretic in the eyes of our society.

>> No.22307968

I'm going to assume yes. Sounds like a lot more fun of a day than wageslaving

>> No.22307980

what's the point of believing in an impersonal god? might as well go full atheist materialism because it makes no difference other than letting you acknowledge the mystery of being alive

>> No.22308005

like CS Lewis said, it's just maximum wishful thinking. all the pleasant and easy to swallow aspects of religion and 0 moral responsibility

>> No.22308010

I "woke up" too late, now there's not enough time to master the skills I want, skills I didn't even know I wanted back when I was a kid/teen.

>> No.22308012

Sure, but it’s also true and intuitive. It’s why you can’t help but believe it once you learn about it and why it takes so much mental effort / “faith” to believe otherwise.

>> No.22308025

Enjoying Tom Waits his music

>> No.22308071

I want to go into politics, but I didn’t go to law school and am not a wealthy businessman.

>> No.22308074

how long can you only give and never receive it?

>> No.22308089
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Any system of morality would immediately unravel without the assumption of a God, personal or otherwise, underpinning the whole thing.
Sine deō it would be contradictory to think of logic as anything other than descriptive of immediately observable reality. If you do not believe in God then consciously or unconsciously you must be a nihilist.

>> No.22308090

Start an small movement in support of a certain party.
Recruit a lot of people, be the more extreme wing of the party. Build up a cult of personality, increase pressure on the party as they see that all the energy is with you.
Once you get that far ask me again what to do.

>> No.22308098

Is reading a real hobby? Or is it just mindless consumerism like animu/manga and TV/movies? I hate that I don't have any real "hobbies"

>> No.22308168

I’m American so I only have two choices and I don’t necessarily support either. I am affiliated with one party over the other only reluctantly. I’ve done my research and it appears to me that party reform is possible but only by notables within the party who’ve successfully won office before. My research tells me that for a political hopeful, going to a top law school is the single best thing you can do, even if you drop out. You just have to do it when you’re fairly young. I am old enough that it’s biographically questionable.

>> No.22308170

Reading is definitely not mindless consumerism. Reading (the right things of course) is partly about cultivating the persona. There is a reason that Cicero said the only things a man needs are a library and a garden.

>> No.22308171

My life got a lot worse between 25-29, but most especially my working life got worse. I made some career mistakes and I’m having a really hard time figuring out how I recover now…or if I even can recover…

>> No.22308174

joy is a postmodern reaction to a commoditized life. Third worlders "enjoy" sitting around staring into nothing in between moments of work.

>> No.22308180

Do you even want to achieve something different or are you okay with just working yourself up to some boring ass political job? This time is ripe for radicals and outsiders to pick up a following since regular politics is so stale.
The route I posted about is for someone who is passionate about politics, who wants fundamental change. That's the only way to gain a following or have influence if you're not well connected.

>> No.22308182

But anon, there is already a perfect relationship waiting for you. A relationship with God.

>> No.22308184

God doesnt talk to me :(

>> No.22308192

Sinead O'Connor died

>> No.22308197

But he does. You only have to listen.

>> No.22308201

>or if I even can recover…
If you live in a big American city you probably see a lot of hobos around. Most of them probably don’t have any connections or qualifications, they haven’t worked in years, a lot of them have criminal records, and even if they got back to ‘normal’ somehow they’re still realistically going to have serious brain damage from years of drug use. People like this have zero fucking hope I think, like a Holocaust victim right after the war ended, even if they survive the camps all their friends and family are probably dead and their wealth has been seized. It’s practically impossible for them to recover because there’s nothing to go back to for them. Unless you’re one of these people, you can recover.

>> No.22308223

maybe you just don't like what He has to say

>> No.22308245

How to listen?

>> No.22308264

Recommended me some good short story collections. I'm reading Dubliners right now and while it's not bad it's mostly going over my head. Quintessential zoomer here. Help.

>> No.22308335

If you want to see (and hear) God, you already have the means to do it.

>> No.22308338


Are you boys ready to see the wireless mind control technology (like actually can peer into your mind and mess with it type) they're going to reveal to you dudes with the alien narrative? imagine the horrifying samson mental genocide weapons they secretly have...

>> No.22308343

What Rises Must Converge, Flannery O'Connor
Wolfshead, Robert E. Howard
Skeletons Get Horny Too, Robert Hugh Benson

>> No.22308346

I have an antique scum scraper passed down to me from my great grandfather. Scum scrapers today just don't compare to what they used to be. I can really get into the cracks with this thing.

>> No.22308350

Do I only need an open heart?

>> No.22308357

Ive lost all confidence in my ability to write because of bard. I cant write anywhere near as cohesive or logically as it can. And i cant seem to rewrite its output in a style that i like, im like disecting whats written. maybe i should just control c and v that this.

Academic writing btw. I was an HD/D student, but this is next level

>> No.22308382

I recently listened to some Tom Waits for the first time in a while, it's always a pleasure to come back to.

>> No.22308387

guys how do I write a vaguely threatening message to someone I despise?

>> No.22308479

I don’t give or receive love and I am fine.

>> No.22308490

Dou you consider yourself to be a Germanic?

>> No.22308508

I love fucking with scammers. Just had an interaction with a scam caller. There are two kinds of scam calls. One is the automated one targeting Chinese diaspora – how they always go is press 1 for English and 2 for Chinese. If you press 1 it hangs up on you. So when I got a call just now I pressed 2 and got an agent (apparently from Fido) saying ni hao. So I just launched into what I usually do and started verbally abusing the mf. Mostly saying, "fuck you" and calling him a scammer and a criminal who should be in prison, and I called him a bitch and a motherfucker, etc. and the chink on the other end was so flabbergasted he simply said, "shu shou" (thank you in Mandarin) and hung up. But it defs wasn't from Fido. Anyways, the other kind of scam, which is unfortunately less common, is to get an Indian, and Indians are much funnier to hurl insults at, because they can actually speak English (as opposed to the chink scammers) and the insults they lob back are such typical paki epithets and it's sooooo fucking funny.

>> No.22308518
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In June 2023, United States Air Force (USAF) officer and former intelligence official David Grusch publicly claimed that unnamed officials told him that the U.S. federal government maintains a highly secretive UFO recovery program and is in possession of "non-human" spacecraft and "dead pilots." In 2022, Grusch filed a whistleblower complaint with the U.S. Office of the Intelligence Community Inspector General (ICIG) to support his plan to share classified information with the U.S. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. He also filed a complaint alleging retaliation by his superiors over a similar complaint he made in 2021.

He claims to have viewed documents reporting that Benito Mussolini's government recovered a "non-human" spacecraft in 1933, which the Vatican and the Five Eyes assisted the U.S. in procuring in 1944 or 1945. Grusch asserts individuals with whom he conversed shared the concern that American citizens have been killed as part of the government’s efforts to cover up the information. In response to his June 2023 claims, both the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) issued statements saying respectively that no evidence has been found for extraterrestrial life and that there is no verifiable information about the possession and reverse engineering of any extraterrestrial materials. Under the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability, members of the U.S. House of Representatives stated that a congressional hearing on UFOs has been scheduled for July 26, 2023.

Grusch elaborated on his claims in a subsequent interview with the French newspaper Le Parisien on June 7. He said that UFOs could be coming from extra dimensions; that Pope Pius XII had "back-channeled" the existence of a UFO crash in Magenta, Italy in 1933 to the United States, the remains of which were kept by Benito Mussolini's government until the U.S. Office of Strategic Services (OSS), coordinating with the Five Eyes, procured it in 1944 or 1945; that he had spoken with intelligence officials whom the U.S. military had briefed on "football-field" sized crafts; that the U.S. government transferred some crashed UFOs to a defense contractor; and that there was "malevolent activity" by UFOs.

>> No.22308527

I do, but I’m obviously not going to go into details here. What you described is fairly non-specific and impractical. Building a following means basically nothing if you can’t get elected.

>> No.22308530
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I hate seeing women dressed in slutty clothes. It's like "this body is for chad and not for you"
Makes my blood boil

>> No.22308531

I don’t live in a big city and while I agree with the point that it’s not hopeless, but I think you’ve misused the word “recover”. Recovery means getting back into a trajectory or catching up. What that is exactly is relative.

>> No.22308538

Nothing wrong with being gay

>> No.22308546

I wish I was gay or asexual. Life would be so much easier.

>> No.22308554

Well you don't seem heterosexual either

>> No.22308557

No, I count on my british ancestry being majority celtic. And I also hope that the saxons got their germanic blood diluted enough by mixing with the celts and french.

>> No.22308560

you don't know until you try

>> No.22308561


>> No.22308566

I've tried to wack it to gay porn and I instantly went flat.

>> No.22308572

Start learning Celtic.
Because you hate women.

>> No.22308585
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>Because you hate women
Are you a hole?

>> No.22308592

> I hate seeing women dressed in slutty clothes.
Is your name Ahmed?

>> No.22308595

> Start learning Celtic
The Italo celtic hypothesis is true and English is both 50% romance and different enough from the other germanic languages that I still can cope and say English is superior.

>> No.22308597

I haven't eaten all day

>> No.22308603

What's superior about a language everyone can learn?

>> No.22308604

I hate being reminded of my inferiority every time I step outside.

>> No.22308610

You aren't inferior to women you retard.

>> No.22308626

I am inferior to chad. That's who women dress slutty for.

>> No.22308636

Nice to have an actual archenemy.

>> No.22308644

if this goes public what happens

>> No.22308664

the crazy thing is knowing that even if extraterrestrial visitors get 100% confirmed, i'll still have to just go about business as usual. odds are it won't meaningfully effect my life at all. i'll say "wow, that's fucking crazy" then go back to wageslaving and trying to pay off my credit cards

>> No.22308667

Everyone on 4chan is dumber than dirt. Don't know why I come here anymore, I can't even enjoy laughing at it

>> No.22308672

There's nothing crazy about that. Why would it make any difference in anyone's life?

>> No.22308673

What do you think as wise?

>> No.22308681

I come here because of boredom.

>> No.22308693

you'd have to accept the massive, terrifying implications as undeniable facts. of course it makes a difference

>> No.22308698

We'd see mass psychosis and suicide as Christians are unable to go on day to day

>> No.22308707

Dog breeders

>> No.22308719

you massively overestimate the sincerity of christians

>> No.22308723

THRUST from the bloody bowels of woman and driven into the black, perpetual hiding place called death—with little between but blood and women and solitude—sometimes I am so terrified of life that I come near putting an end to it as a boon to my dreadful little nerves. I have all kinds of nerves. Those in my scalp are for horror and, oddly enough, the ones for tragic love are in my belly. I wouldn’t have slept tonight. Or—had I slept, it might have been worse. If the sleeve of care is only raveled—it can be mended; but when it is charred—why then, God help you—sleep brings nightmares. You’ve probably had the falling one. And the dark shape swiftly approaching. But have you had the slowly turning spiral? Or the expanding musical note? I doubt it. You are not tough enough to survive those dreams. And how that reference to charred sleeves sticks in my subconscious! Maybe I’m mad. Certainly I’m loquacious.

>> No.22308755

I have no other place to ask this question, cause it doesn't deserve a thread, and it's about writing
Anyways, I have a website where I talk about media I consume as a hobby. I read an acquaintance's book and it was, I'll be honest, kinda shit, and I wanna do a review on it cause I feel it exemplifies stuff I hate about modern fantasy. My questions are
>I post my site on 4chan: if I make a review of that book, will I get dox? Should I review another self-published book first, just so it isn't obvious that this book was from a friend? Will my friend get bothered from this? Should I just censor the book title/references, to protect him?
>Tips for being constructive? Usually I do reviews for stuff that's older than me, and so I don't mind saying "this is absolute shit mate". But I know the author and asked him for an epub directly. I like posting my site to my IRL friends too, so he'll see it. How can I say I disagree well, a lot of stuff? Is there a good review that's harsh but not too harsh, that I can use as a reference? I don't wanna become like https://youtu.be/fo-tCNtFI10?t=190 and make my author friend feel bad but he made a /litrpg/ and I can't forgive him for it
Thanks for reading my blogpost

>> No.22308768
File: 232 KB, 580x400, gosling14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking despise looking through archival shit so god damn much. I want to find one god damn thing for my research project and I can find everything but it. I swear to God if I find one more fucking thing which pertains to my topic that isn't what I actually need I will fucking go postal.

>> No.22308820

Having nothing going on in your life and just kind of hanging out at your parents’ houses is nice when you’re 20 and 25 but not so much when you’re 30.

>> No.22308854

It's fine for me.

>> No.22308905

But are you telling the truth?

>> No.22308932

Yes. I don't have a wife and kids, so is it really necessary to be independent? For what would I do it for?

>> No.22308946
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>tell cute girl I like her eyelid makeup
>she says "I like your face."
>can't tell if she's flirting or saying it insultingly
>walk away and never talk to her again

>years later look her up on facebook
>married to a boy she met in high school with 3 kids

it should've been me dammit

>> No.22308953

It's more good than bad. The only downside I can think of is that I work with a bunch of hot 20 something's that would absolutely fuck me if I had my own apartment.

>> No.22308960

Things are looking rough

>> No.22308983

What did you do?

>> No.22309002
File: 16 KB, 456x611, b0e494fc17d3ea5f17ab44183531f4f5-3068914582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will literally never take a book recommendation from an IRL

>Girl recommends me to read one of her vampire dark-fantasy romance books

I'm not super into romance novels but give it a try to make her happy

Protag fucks an anthropomorphic rat man

Mfw >

>> No.22309031

I like Indian music. Blame me.

>> No.22309083

My excuse is that my parents are getting old and I want to spend time with them while I can, plus I take care of some of their problems (main excuse).

>> No.22309088
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Read it and then invite her over to discuss the book over a glass of wine and then shag her

>> No.22309194
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I finally ran out of adderall
It's all over now, I will never do anything again, I just have to wait to die

>> No.22309212

so just get some more

>> No.22309222

Taking amphetamines past 40 doesn't sound right, it's time to settle down into the decline

>> No.22309235

It’s sort of similar for me except one is an aging single mother desperate not to be alone and the other is an estranged father trying (sort of) and failing to make up for lost time

>> No.22309240

Idk. Self-satisfaction? Maybe independence has to come before the wife and kids?

>> No.22309248
File: 36 KB, 232x400, 43911 - SoyBooru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't there something sort of sad about being a virgin past 20? Everyone else has already done the deed except you and a few other weirdos who failed to accomplish one of the most basic biological imperatives? Even pea brain animals and insects do it. Even the people who tell you that sex sucks and is not worth it have all still done it. It makes you feel like a failure.

>> No.22309368

I don’t think so.

>> No.22309376

>To have committed every sin but that of being a father

>> No.22309377 [DELETED] 

i don't think i can take another summer freezing my ass off in this office air conditioning. yeah, i wear a heavy sweatshirt and put a space heater on my desk blasting my face, but when it's like 90 degrees out i kinda get bitter about having to go to such lengths just to stay warm. if i switch jobs i'll just end up in some other office building that's probably just as cold though. i hate remote work but do i hate it more than freezing? it's not as cold in the winter and i can wear my winter parka all day without looking like an insane homeless guy so it's not as bad. i just can't bring myself to wear a winter parka in the middle of july. it's just too much.

>> No.22309382


>> No.22309383 [DELETED] 

oh and i'm sure the guy who sets the temperature for the buildings says he cares about the environment and wants you to eat bugs to save the planet.

>> No.22309386

Faggot, you have it too good.

>> No.22309390
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Screw being a father. I don't even want sex. I just want to complain.

>> No.22309404

Lol someone is reaching
Figment of the author's imagination

>> No.22309406

I'm not going to have a wife and kids. It's kind of an arbitrary goal for self-satisfaction. Some people might not consider themselves self-satisfied until their CEO of a company or something, but you can just make your goal anything and achieve self-satisfaction.

>> No.22309410


>> No.22309581

No one told me that there comes a time in life - and I know this will come off as if I'm talking to psychiatrist and as narcissistic because I am - a time in life when a switch flips in your brain. When you realize that this is all real, vital, urgent, important. And that it's up to you to find the courage and strength to navigate the light and the darkness. That there is a debt for the gift that is life. That we owe it to the ones we love to bring light into the world rather than dark. It all seems to much too bear sometimes.

>> No.22309583

I have a friend who was dependent on 80 mg/day to function and kicked it and hasn't touched any in years and is doing well you can do the same anon

>> No.22309605

been sober and actively working on my life for about 2 months now. it's interesting, because most of the time i'm doing very well and i think things like "why did i used to think life was so sad and difficult? it's so easy". and then i'll hit these streaks of 2-4 days of abject misery that throw the whole thing into question. and of course, as soon as i pick myself up, i'm immediately back to being fine, and the misery seems unreal. is there something wrong with me if my brain straight cannot meaningfully conceive of unhappiness when i'm happy? it feels like a serious impediment to my recovery. after all, how am i supposed to address my psychological problems if they feel fake and gay the only times i'm mentally competent enough to address them?

>> No.22309626

a lot of adults are still children

>> No.22309635

>if they feel fake and gay the only times i'm mentally competent enough to address them?
They always were. Everyone loves claiming they have some sort of problem. Just take responsability in your life.

>> No.22309641

Harvesting keks on the imageboards is how I scape a living.

>> No.22309645


>> No.22309646

there is no issue of responsibility here, i'm doing everything i'm supposed to be doing. even when i feel like shit. i'm not going to pretend like spending a week or so out of every month in abject misery is a non-issue just because it's not "based" to acknowledge that you have psychiatric issues

>> No.22309661

i, never look up where the four seven golden things ye are ever where up in there is the however you might, which took the leaves down to the parallel reversals of humility that looks at the top of the mountain and falls to the mountain where sleeps the forever never waking dragon waiting fir the end of the age the end of the age will be the reversal when the numbers are going the other way every wise man is broken by a number with a number through a number under the weight of numbers and we should pity the clown and we should look up into the mist and see the four shining monads and I know that wherever isn't the thought it comes back or doesn't since without the mind us what I do here, here and without the mind is all that I can be said to do or efface the false humility and gaze at the looking of the string tying the back to the back where is the reversal that comes over the parallel threads called the one who is mired in decay or whatever it might be called is each goes the other direction for the other and all I can do is wait for the water to settle in the valley of the mountain I am not on the peak or in the valley or even on the mountain I am in the mist where the shining lights multiply themselves beyond enumeration without that I could never look into the future to look at whatever the gold pleurisy the for looking wherever the might be

>> No.22309671
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There's nothing more painful than chasing your dreams and just straight up failing. It feels like a lead weight has been dropped on my soul

>> No.22309678

is learning russian because you like how everyone is poor and frozen and suicidal there and le dostoevsky cringe?

>> No.22309694

>is [x] considered to be [y] by people I will never meet, dont know anything about me, will never find out that I do [x], and, if they did, they would never tell me it's [y] to my face anyway,
who fucking cares

>> No.22309698

i dont want to be cringe..

>> No.22309730

I wish I was dead.

>> No.22309752

I’m really handsome and intelligent. Girls like me. I have friends and family that love me. And yet, I don’t like anything. To the point it makes me physically nauseous. I was almost going to make it. I almost had the winning combination of attributes.

>> No.22309804

I wish the Grusch whistleblow was real. It's a bunch of BS.

>> No.22309810

Jack London's novel "The Call of the Wild" is perhaps one of the most abhorrent little works ever to be put to the page. London's rapacious blood lust is insatiable, his greed for suffering grotesque. In a twisted mirror of theology, any good or benevolence to be found in this little book exists purely to accentuate and amplify the horrors waiting in store. His selection of a domesticated canine living in the lap of luxury, awash in innocence is a cheap and hucksterish ploy to capture the attention of an oblivious audience before subjecting them to an onslaught of masochism, luring unsuspecting innocents like lambs to the grisly slaughter. Like some unearthly vampiric entity, London's soul continues to thirst for fresh blood, and each new set of eyes which fall upon his vile words represent virgin flesh waiting to be torn asunder by him, their contents drunk greedily by his inhuman spirit. With each generation who read this work, who breathe life afresh into the graphic, nay, PORNOGRAPHIC descriptions of the bloody sufferings of the main character, Buck, London's grave is soaked anew in fresh offerings, the ground, like a bottomless well, always able to accept the new torrent. Thus, I shall cast myself in the roll of Van Helsing and drive a stake through the heart of this dead but still powerful ghoul. "I damn thee and thy sick machinations down to hell, that they may never work their devilish influence on another of God's blessed children who walk in the light of the sun and seek comfort and good society among men!" In short, I did not care for the novel.

>> No.22309834

The heterogeneous census of the authors whom I continually reread is made up of Schopenhauer, De Quincey, Stevenson, Mauthner, Shaw, Chesterton, Leon Bloy.

>> No.22309907

Write more, please.

>> No.22309962

Lucretius also had the same conclusion as Darwin 50bce, in fact he was popular among enlightenment thinkers, so you’re post hoc reasoning doesn’t maken sense.

>> No.22309966
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Gonna start tricking ESLs by adding thoughbeit and thoughever into my daily speech

>> No.22310008

Just got back on amphetamine tonight after 6 months sober.

Not sure how to feel. Amphetamine is going to be the death of me. But I would rather die using it than live sober. I can't feel anything at all when I'm sober. I just feel numbed out of my mind like a zombie. I am barely surviving day to day. I might even be a narcoleptic or have an undiagnosed autoimmune issue but doctors never gave a shit. It feels difficult to schedule appointments or convince doctors each time. Most physicians won't even believe me and I genuinely felt I might have parkinson's at one point because I am so numb. But either way, amphetamines make me feel like I'm truly alive. They make me slightly manic or hyper using them. I envy anyone who feels stimulated or manic like this while sober. I never have any energy to move around, finish stuff, or have the ability to feel emotion in any capacity while sober. It's like amphetamines turn everything up to 100% intensity and I can see clearly again

>> No.22310023

Just ate an inordinate amount of junk food and drank some coffee, and now my bowels feel like they're dying/imploding. Lord help me

>> No.22310031

I would

>> No.22310057

That's understandable. I sometimes think i should move back in as my parents have given me signals that they miss me and want me to come back.
And I want to not only tp save but cause I miss them too, but am afraid moving back to my parents will just lead me to stagnate and settle.
But my parents are getting older as well (almost 70) which makes me feel guilty about wasting what time is left..

>> No.22310076

They were probably just surviving day-to-day hunting and gathering, killing prey, raping, etc.

Modern life is a lot more enjoyable. Industrialism was a mistake and so was technology, but consider this: You can easily get high on any drug or find mind altering substances now. The entire internet is a library of knowledge and information at our fingertips now. Back then I would wager depression was more common for evolutionary reasons, also suicide made more sense because people died much earlier without modern medicine. Watching your family and relatives die young was common. Simply being alive at all during hunter-gather or cave/tribal days meant you could die at any time of the day. Nowadays you can easily take medications and extend your life to 80-90, even with serious illness like heart disease or cancer and shit
What did you eat?

>> No.22310078

I don't think that's true. There's a lot of evidence that prehistoric tribes took care of disabled people despite them not contributing anything to the group.

>> No.22310088

Fair enough, I guess it depends. Schizos for example were special members in tribes or considered highly for shamanistic/religious ritual. Arguably it's much harder to exist today with some mental illnesses than it was back then. In other cases, you could've just been killed or maimed if you were disabled

>> No.22310127

There was thousands of different groups, low average lifespan so who's in charge changed much faster, not globalized. I'm guessing even though there wasn't political theory there was probably a very diverse number of "systems". I imagine there were utopian-like groups who enjoyed the beach and picked fruit off trees, raised animals, and then there were roaming cannibal rapist groups, etc.

>> No.22310132

I need to detox from dopamine/the internet/technology. I also need to meditate and read more, spending more time in contemplation in nature. I want to discover and become more grounded in my spiritual beliefs. I'm tired of the noise, I think I want a quiet life.

>> No.22310142

My ex girlfriend of five years left because she felt 'alone', even with me.
3 years later my ex best friend left because he felt 'alone', even with me.

They literally confessed they felt alone, I tried to listen and give comfort : my ex broke up with me in the next sentence, my 'best friend' said I wasn't a real friend. I have no contact with both of them. What is that supposed to mean? How is anyone feeling like he's alone my fault? I was calling my gf every night and my best friend every week. I don't understand what I'm supposed to fix right there. I feel like shit but I'm not going to go to someone and piss on that person because I feel bad, ffs.

>> No.22310151

Literally me except I don't see any of the two. Don't feel like

>> No.22310201

watching 2 movies at once; what are come good combos?

>> No.22310243

>What did you eat?
Half a bag of tex mex trail mix and half a bag of jalapeno potato chips. Followed by a large swig of very bitter black coffee

>> No.22310259
File: 304 KB, 1040x815, Pepe-Crash.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cannot write. I onle start and I'm immediately plunged into terrible thoughts. Why should I be tormented by anger, hate, shame? Why should I be always in thoughts of violence and suicide instead of creative and intellectual pursuits?

>> No.22310343

im jewish

>> No.22310354

The connected or unconnected type?

>> No.22310360
File: 18 KB, 657x527, cc9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There once was a man named Fred,
Who lived in a backyard shed,
With an online disguise,
He made spiteful replies,
And dreamed of the day he'd be wed.

But Fred had a problem so grand,
It made him feel oh so unmanned,
He grew lonely and sad,
In his basement so mad,
Because no one replied to his threads.

Once, in a fit of despair,
Fred needed to air his despair,
He posted a rant,
With patience so scant,
And waited for someone to care.

But no one came through for Fred,
Not even his mom or his dad,
His cat just ignored,
As he cried and deplored,
And jerked himself off in his bed.

So Fred continued to troll,
Hoping one might connect with his soul,
But all they could see,
Were the failures who'd be,
Forever with Fred in this hole.

>> No.22310383

you need to meditate. Listen to nature sounds and just sit, any invasive thoughts - notice them, but let them go, and focus back on the sounds of nature. Do this enough and you will realize that all thoughts - good and bad, are just thoughts and if you don't follow them they come and go.

>> No.22310384

I am a neurotic wreck of a person. I hold conflicting core ideas and principles that nevertheless do not condition my increasingly unhinged daily behavior. Since I am aware of these discrepancies in myself, I am deeply discomfited in my own body. At times I find myself tugging at the thin skin of my eyelids as though I could rip my flesh suit and expose the rotten muscle and vein concoction underneath.

I have also developed an unhealthy attachment to my mother at the beautiful ripe age of 25. I find myself tearing up at the thought of having disappointed her, and continuing to disappoint her. It's not fair. She deserves a child of a firmer disposition. I used to play at being strong and now I can't even give her that. I should have never exposed myself and my weaknesses to her. No parent should ever be subjected to the knowledge that their child is an inept cunty, spoiled little fuckwit who can't handle life at medium difficulty.

>> No.22310389

Frankly, I am embarrassed and ashamed of the person I turned into. If I were a separate entity from myself I would fucking beat me to a pulp. Self pity and self hatred are not commendable qualities and they do not endear one to others. I need to move past contrition to accountability. I can't go on like this. It's not acceptable.

>> No.22310395

I don't believe you. That's impossible unless you have proper brain chemistry or meds. I can get hooked on meth and maybe then I would be able to meditate. You're just lucky.

>> No.22310432

God only spoke to the Prophets. All others who claim to have heard him are deluded or grifters. Faith requires accepting the disconnect between man and the deity, which can only be remedied in the life to come. Jews have known this for a long time.

>> No.22310440

>Nowadays you can easily take medications and extend your life to 80-90, even with serious illness like heart disease or cancer and shit
Most people live to that even in former periods because what drags down life expectancy is usually child mortality. Christian scientists for example live into their 80s, barring some disease which would kill you in the wild young. The problem for modern medicine is that Christian Science is once again edging ahead in life years: this means medical incompetence has returned to the era when they thought smoking tobacco treated TB.

>> No.22310461

I miss this place. I don't know what I miss exactly. I know the quality of discussion is abysmal, and most boards are /pol/ite (not that that matters anyways).

I think I had been under the false belief that I belonged here. I had spent much of my formative years lurking and getting into meaningless arguments. By engaging with this vacuous substitute for real social relationship, I had stunted my own emotional development. At an age where I should have been pummeled left and right by reality, I sought the comfortable refuge of this para-social hovel. Retreating away from life sabotaged whatever mechanisms I had in place to tolerate it and accomodate within it.

What's done is done now anyways. What did hermits of the past do when they got so soul sick for companionship? When you long for something, usually you make do with a poor alternative of the thing. The body always finds a way to re-establish homeostasis.

>> No.22310467

Letting go has always been a sad exercise for me. The feeling when an moment is over and the required after-work (clean-ups, goodbyes) happen, hurts a lot. I just made a gift for my girlfriend, it was some goofy puppetry, and I edited it all in a video as a gift. I was originally going to send her a book, but due to circumstances I could not. She's far from me rn. She liked the present, it was meant to be funny and something that references our time together, I am currently cleaning my room, and all that work now done makes me miss the process. This happens more often with people, when I was younger and my cousins would come vacation at our house, I got someone to play with, and when they left the silence was just strange. I couldn't complain about this to anyone, when I was younger I might have tried but probably was told "you'll meet them again". This week was a good week, I want to continue in good spirit from tomorrow, waking up to greet the sun.

>> No.22310485

there are thousands of edible fruit

>> No.22310487

I had a dream about 4chan after being here for 12 years.
Got a 90 day ban for some bullshit reason

>> No.22310495

The constant fight with my ego for his destruction is a tough one, it drains a lot of mental energy and sometimes I just feel like giving up and letting it take over my self consciousness and drive me towards the worst version of myself

>> No.22310530
File: 234 KB, 1600x900, WhatsApp Image 2023-07-27 at 13.50.12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its not writing but i made this yesterday and i wanted to share

>> No.22310600

I'm getting of these meds

>> No.22310634

"Sing us a song little Tammy!" the shifty-eyed bartender called out.

An unamused Tamlynn didn't appreciate the sudden nickname nor the callout.
Being a bard however, and one with an insatiable hunger for coin, she couldn't ignore the obligations of strumming away at her instrument. And though she didn't want to admit it, she wanted to show off her skills to the attractive human who'd been eyeing her since she entered the tawdry tavern.

Plucking away at taught strings and singing a beautifully melodic song about a dragon who suffered from gluttony, she entranced the entire establishment almost instantly. Odd lyrics mixed with her harmonious voice and a jaunty tune worked its way like magic through the building. It didn't take long for the other patrons to begin clapping and tapping their feet to her song.

>> No.22310642

it's striking just how many of the serious psychological and physical illnesses that plague the world these days straight up did not exist until the 19th century or later

>> No.22310644

Care to give an example?

>> No.22310677

pretty neat collage

>> No.22310681

>unamused Tamlynn didn't appreciate the sudden nickname nor the callout
Nope. Stop. You're filling out word count and it is as obnoxious and condescending as this. Yes, I said stop already but also STOP. Just stop.
>Called out
>The call out
Oh good, my dementia had made me forget what happened the line before
>didn't appreciate
Oh good my dementia also made me forget her mood state when you told me her name. It's hard to remember things over four words.

Writing more is not better. Stop it.

>> No.22310688

Dance, dance, swish, swish
I dance with the clams and you dance with the fish.

>> No.22310729

You are retarded and a nigger. This is something that a 13 years old wrote or a nigger wanting a poor bait would write. Many illnesses weren't KNOWN or described at all to begin with. Nigger doctors back then would put unwashed hands they just used to dissect cadavers inside live women to birth kids and say 'oh shit, she's got a fever, well I guess God wasn't on your side this time. this woman is about to die. call the Priest.'

They just didn't know. Mental illnesses existed and people took care of their ill. They didn't throw them in the streets to fend for themselves like people do today

>> No.22310731

Conservatives are morally retarded. They don't habitually investigate the consequences of their actions or the truth of their beliefs and ideas. Instead of moral reasoning they have moral programming.

>> No.22310760

Is it wrong to be resentful of a father who never gave you much? We had no relationship until I was twenty-five. When I was twenty-five, he gave me a very old used car because he couldn’t work on it anymore and a few thousand to cover rent for a few months and that’s it. He didn’t pay for my college, didn’t buy a car, doesn’t even really buy gifts. He buys Christmas gifts for all his kids, but he pretty much mails it in and gets everyone the same thing that was on sale at his favorite Outdoor retailer. The only time he takes an interest in something about me or what I want or like is when it’s something he also has an interest in. I’ve been so resentful for so long but I struggle because I’ve visited so my siblings and kids can keep a relationship with him and even lived with him on and off in my childhood home for short periods (a few months) to spend more time with family. On one hand, I feel like I never got shit and then on the other like I got a lot.

>> No.22310766

American conservatism is interesting because it’s basically locked into a binary. You can be in the GOP and be either a Christian capitalist free market progressive a la late 19th century or a Founding Father exalting classical liberal a la late 18th century. But each one ignores obviously inconvenient realities. The former ignores the inherent left tendencies of the progressive position and the friction with actual Christian ethics and the latter ignores the agricultural basis and enlightenment ideas. So much of the conservative machine in America depends on “common sense” which isn’t really common sense but is instead commonly held but manufactured opinion.

>> No.22310772

I laugh when I see people who have a clear story arc in these threads.
If you come here often enough you'll see it.
The guy who has a NEET brother, the guy who has a deadbeat dad (post above), the guy who moved to the Caribbean, the (supposed) woman who is clearly jealous of her bfs ex.
I will map out all of you people, you'll be characters in whatever I chose to create with it. You're mine.

>> No.22310788

You could say the same about lefties, too, couldn't you? Not that I disagree with you, but everyone does that to some extent. Like when Locke says "liberalism" he thinks of something resembling the roman republic where the ideal citizen was a native, properly religious, educated, land-holding yeoman of good character and reputation rather than anything resembling the citizens of contemporary western liberal democracies. Yet he's still worshipped as the apostle of western liberalism.

>> No.22310827

schizophrenia, crohn's, eating disorders
shockingly retarded post. you should be ashamed if it was in earnest

>> No.22310834

I would rather have a dumb bible thumping conservatard in office instead of a brainded lefty faggot like you.

>> No.22310875
File: 339 KB, 648x1026, muskplan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your particular problem isn't moral retardation, the problem is that you are completely evil, like all the other /pol/ psychos here. You aren't bad at being moral, you don't have any desire to be moral in the first place. You just want to make others miserable like you.

You aren't mentally ill. You aren't stupid. You're deliberately evil.

American conservativism has become simply "own the libs." American conservatives have already shown they hate non-conservatives so much that they are willing to destroy American democracy to own them. "Genocide the libs" isn't far off. This should be obvious to any Anon who has seen how unhinged and hateful conservatives are on 4chan.

>> No.22310889

Christianity is just the ancient marvel cinematic universe and all of its believers are simply following a 2000 year long summer blockbuster where the rapture is the happy ending and eternal life in heaven is the part after you leave the theater

>> No.22310890

Its straight up David Foster Wallace irony that a kid fucking lefty like you pretends to judge anyone.

>> No.22310897
File: 89 KB, 794x668, b11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quitting an uninterupted three month long kratom binge cold turkey despite knowing perfectly well how much easier it is to taper off gradually. Feeling good now, but days 2-5 tend to be terrible. Should be receiving a package of modafinil any minute now (sent mom to pick it up kek) and going to spend the next 50 hours popping pills and chugging monsters, sorting out my content production resources and tools, knocking myself out with a sixpack of beer afterwards. Life isn't so bad when you know how to occupy yourself and stay away from normies.
Verification not required.

>> No.22310902

I took a bath in complete darkness last night. It was fascinating and worked well as a sensory deprivation tank. I could not see my hand in front of my face.
Anyway I understand now that to not believe in a myth is to take away its power over you. But at the same time, you take away the power it can provide for you.

>> No.22310904
File: 11 KB, 506x606, IMG_0260.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m down 40lbs to a BMI that’s well within the healthy range, and no one has mentioned my drastically changed appearance - neither friends nor family. I lost 12lbs this month alone. Not a word.

>> No.22310906
File: 3.41 MB, 3904x2480, 24hours.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All you have is name-calling and false accusations.

Everyone who visits here regularly is either one of you evil psychos, or is painfully aware of how deranged and hateful you are. The list of everyone you hate is 95% of everyone in the world. Every day it's nonstop rage and insane conspiracy theories.

You cowardly hide from your own behavior and actions via tactics such as whataboutism and attacking anyone who cares to criticize your hate cult. You're using the EXACT same tactics that the worst domestic abusers use, including groomers and child molestors. Your cult is nothing more than an acceptance movement for the most abusive people in society.

Every day there's news about some religious right leader being arrested for child abuse or rape, often multiple times in each day.

>> No.22310911

The most retarded thing i've read today, even if 'ironically'.

>> No.22310913
File: 15 KB, 270x270, 1541485047805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is not a single woman who is even remotely interesting currently living. They're all either the silly whore version of a Stepford Wife or some uppity bitch from New York who thinks she's an art hoe because she listens to a podcast and buys but doesn't read The Power Broker.

The art hoes aren't even high quality. They're all just stupid bored atrophied male incels with tits. How am I supposed to date this mush? All they want to do is go spend money on food and then joke about how epic and saucy they are because they also like to stay in and order food, too. I can't work with this. This is a child. This is a fat NEET incel who happens to have a vagina and all the humor and banter and cool hobbies removed. This is a child. What do I do with this fucking monkey, take it to restaurants until the end of time?

>> No.22310919

First art hoe I dated was in 2008 and almost two decades later its like they still come off a fucking assembly line.

>> No.22310936

t. man from Underground

>> No.22310938

Modern western schizophrenia is probably an iatrogenic disorder or at most a culture bound syndrome. Outside of western psychiatry, psychosis doesn't become a persistent disorder or show the same symptoms or outcomes.
Some inflammatory diseases like Crohn's are increasing due to lifestyle and other modern changes, but some of them are "increasing" in that they're founder problems maturing. Basically, a lot of inherited disorders are ticking time bombs in a population and would go off regardless of if they had or have a western lifestyle or not.
Eating disorders have almost always existed. The symptoms can also be significant of genetic disorders or acquired illnesses, but psychogenic versions have always existed. Eating disorders related to a delusion sense of being fat however are a modern western syndrome and doesn't start until the late 1980s. But starving yourself to not be gluttonous is an age old religious mystic thing with the same moralistic aspects.
You're picking poor examples for your point, because things like ischemic heart disease or epidemic diabetes type 2 or other first world diseases only became readily available to entire countries recently and are still branching out in poorer countries. Schizophrenia in particular is a cause for warnings of moral hazard as western psychiatry branches its atrocious outcomes into other regions to "help" people who have less of a problem.

>> No.22310978

Well I'm sorry I couldn't live up to your refined tastes.

>> No.22310982

>Modern western schizophrenia is probably an iatrogenic disorder or at most a culture bound syndrome. Outside of western psychiatry, psychosis doesn't become a persistent disorder or show the same symptoms or outcomes.
doesn't this reinforce my point? i feel like we're agreeing on this one
>Some inflammatory diseases like Crohn's are increasing due to lifestyle and other modern changes, but some of them are "increasing" in that they're founder problems maturing. Basically, a lot of inherited disorders are ticking time bombs in a population and would go off regardless of if they had or have a western lifestyle or not.
or it could be that our diets, lifestyles, medications, and environments are causing unprecedented amounts of inflammation. that and modern sanitation techniques have weakened the human immune system. studies show that less developed countries have less crohn's, and that rates are increasing in newly industrialized countries, so we can literally watch it in real time
>Eating disorders have almost always existed. >starving yourself to not be gluttonous is an age old religious mystic thing with the same moralistic aspects.
fasting as a religious observance isn't an eating disorder
>You're picking poor examples for your point, because things like ischemic heart disease or epidemic diabetes type 2 or other first world diseases only became readily available to entire countries recently and are still branching out in poorer countries.
you're right that those are better examples of diseases that have become more common since the 19th century, but i was specifically referring to ones that had not existed at all before then

>> No.22310986

I think Schopenhauer and Nietzsche are the two most important philosophers because they represent polar opposites, and each side represents his argument extremely well, so if you agree with one you probably totally disapprove the other, but it's very hard to say either is "wrong" as a whole.

A lot of what Nietzsche says is strange, but what he says about power feels so accurate. The truth is, if you're unhappy in this world, it's because of your own faults. That's not to say you deserve to suffer, but literally, it's because you are worse that you suffer. If you could just be clever and find a way around those weaknesses, you would be happy. You have to be clever, shrewd, powerful to survive in this world. It's like nature all over again -- you have to be many things to survive.

Most young men suffer because they don't realize what kind of game they're playing. They were raised under the mistaken notion that life just kinda falls into place. No, if you want anything in this life, you gotta fight tooth and nail for it. And if one method fails, you have to try another. And that's all it comes down to.

>> No.22310988

>both atheists
>polar opposites

>> No.22310989

The woman whom I ejaculated in yesterday doesn’t know my name, the towel I wiped my penis with hung over the metal piping that came out of the top of the toilet. Purple linen curtains separated the streets outside and our cold lovemaking. She started calling somebody while I was tying my laces. I asked “How much time is left, can you check?” “5 minutes” “alright”. I was looking in the mirror, right next to the toilet. The mirrors placed around the bed made me see the light reflect off of the wings of her buttocks, like molten chocolate fondue sizzling in the shine of the light. Her vagina was puffy. Next to the bed was a small wooden bedside table with a red plastic box placed on it. The box had memorabilia and a roll of tissue paper. The shaggy rug I was tying my shoes on felt soft, I wasn’t sure if I should tie my shoes on the wood instead to be nicer. Her lips traced around my dick and my hands felt the warmth of her hair as her head bobbed up and down. A tugboat at sea. I had trouble buckling my belt as I stood in front of a full size mirror. Her breasts looked and felt like summer apricots, we danced and felt each other and i kissed her neck and grabbed her nipples and placed my fingers in between her soft legs. She opened the door for me as I left into the streets. “This is my first time doing this, I’m a little nervous” “Oh that’s okay don’t be nervous”. I caught a glimpse of a living room next door. I drank half a glass of vodka before to calm my nerves and nearly missed the train. The room was awash in a dark purple haze and lit by a single lightbulb. Her ass was harder than I imagined it would be. I threw the filled condom in a plastic trashcan next to the bathroom. Her name was Deborah.

>> No.22310994

>purple linen curtains
Tell me you are a nigger without saying you are a nigger.

>> No.22311022

>t. speck of filth to be scraped off the bottom of a boot

>> No.22311028

If you want to whine and complain about a dying religion, reddit is that way ----->

>> No.22311038

Yes, we're agreeing on schizophrenia mostly. Psychosis would still be a thing without western doctoring, but it would have better outcomes in general.
>But what if Crohn's is all lifestyle?!?!?!
It's probably not. Less developed countries also have fewer white people, and so they get different inherited diseases than white people. If you caught the parasites that some less developed areas just walk around with, you would probably be dead. Western people are more protected against these things than other populations who move there: things like lactose tolerance, wheat tolerance, immunity to some diseases are inherited in the same genetic lottery that makes you more prone to dying of cholera, while things that make you nearly immune to cholera can also kill you if you need a blood donation. Lifestyle plays some part in inflammatory diseases, but that was the case in ancient times when these founder problems first started showing up.
>fasting isn't an eating disorder
If you're doing it to a level your religious community thinks it might not be religious so much as madness, yes it is. Even in western tradition we've bishops telling local mystics their attitude to fasting isn't holy any more because it's obsessive and therefore demonic.
>Crohn's and eating disorders and schizophrenia didn't exists before 1800
Yes they did, but we called them and the doctors who treated them different things. We still had hospitals where we sent those people, but they were often called spas as well.

>> No.22311082

Yes, unrequited or not, whatever one's balance between the laborious or carnal, sacred or profane. Take for instance the spectrum of difference between war, moronic yelling, rant, tirade, invective, and satire from low to high. Be all that as it may, there must be something in the way of conditions and persons that attract more than anything else repels, some ingredient of ecstasy, completion.

---- Solaria ----
Nothing Severe

The looser version's bounce being closer to the spirit of play
I can go no other way

The metric is or pretends to be
In surroundings comfortable to intentionality.


>> No.22311121

Conservativism is dying along with Christianity, good people are abandoning them in droves and what remains are the truly deplorable degenerates who use conservativism as an excuse to be abusive to other people.
As a result you degenerates have doubled and tripled down on performing and justifying your abusive actions.
The desperation of conservatives is obvious in how they have had to utterly deny reality, mortally wounding themselves by throwing away all reason just to maintain their grip on power. Conservatives sold their souls to the devil to own the libs.
The internet troll mentality became the incel mentality which has infected mainstream global conservative culture.

>> No.22311178

How do other people feel about being born in the worst time in history?

>> No.22311184

Most people are dead.

>> No.22311207

well she was black

>> No.22311211

Its kind of funny how ugly and old a lot of rock stars were during the prime of their career. You see a lot of fat, balding, 30+ dudes who look like they should be behind the counter at a deli in older music videos and promo material.

>> No.22311212

ride the tiger

>> No.22311217

it can't be the worst time in history since it's clearly going to get even worse in the future

>> No.22311226

you guys are forgetting about autism, from 1 in 160 to 1 in 44, something like that

>> No.22311232

Can I get an Anglo-American political theory reading list. Everyone knows about Locke, Hobbes, etc. but I want to hear what you’ve found some value in.

>> No.22311235

Coward pussy

>> No.22311238

Get the fuck outta here. You're not living through the Black Death or a massive cataclysmic war or a huge famine, we're living in a materially lush time with a tendency towards nihilism and hedonism. The two aren't remotely similar in terms of shittiness.
>inb4 I'm le bugman claiming material wealth and security means lack of values is good
No. But they do mean we live much further from constant suffering than our ancestors did, and you should recognize that rather than moan and gripe about how it's over, it's so fucking over, le west has fvllen and white women don't walk through wheat fields anymore or whatever the fuck.

>> No.22311239

>woah, its like the dark souls of civilization

git gud

>> No.22311241

Such a view of joy runs so contrary to my experience I hardly know where to start. You're confusing momentary relief from tyranny with the real thing, where fantastic visions are amiable in tone.

>> No.22311245

More and more I’m realizing that it was between 16-22 that I fucked up my potential. If you want to join the elite, you have to go to the right high school, have the right high school job, go to the right college, study the right degree, have the right job, or no job at all, then graduate and get the right job. Going to public school, working in retail and food service, working a mid-tier wagie job, all this caps your potential. It’s not enough to enter the elite or amount to anything remarkable.

>> No.22311252

Either way you'll suffer and end in the dirt.

>> No.22311253

What do I need to know before reading ethics by Spinoza? I haven't read the Greeks or other philosophers

>> No.22311254

If things get a lot that means some people will have the chance to do real things with their lives and even build legacies. Right now, they’re just basically lame and boring and there’s no way to really make your mark on anything or even live a dignified life.

>> No.22311257

Right so why wouldn’t you want to maximize what happens before that and/or try to leave something for when you are dirt…?

Think of yourself as a father. Would a father say “one day I’ll be gone so better just stop giving a fuck about my kids now” or would they say “one day I’ll be gone so better give it all I got so I leave something behind”? Obviously the latter.

>> No.22311259

what about his cum scraper? i called dibs on it but the bastard completely left me out of his will, the only thing i got was a lousy spatula

>> No.22311262

You can still go to the military and become a general. Then, if you survive after several decades you might have the chance and the authority of becoming a member in the government. All that job stuff is actually for women the most part.

>> No.22311281

Mr. Sunak is way taller than this fella (in stature).

>> No.22311283

I’m 30 years old now, dude. My chances of ever becoming a general are effectively zero.

>> No.22311284

I'm just edgeposting.
At the very least acknowledging what will be your very humble end should maybe help you consider judging your potential by something other than climbing the socialite ladder and being able to buy $300 dinners? You say it yourself, to not be able to achieve this is to not amount to anything remarkable. But this would be a conversation about our values which I don't think we will agree on, partly because all I've been doing lately is taking them apart.

>> No.22311286

Become a millionaire.

>> No.22311288

That’s exactly the point, genius. You’re living through basically nothing. It’s not even a footnote in the history books. Avoiding suffering is not remotely the goal and never has been.

>> No.22311291

What is the goal?

>> No.22311293

Oh ok. I’ll just become a millionaire. No problem. Surely, that will buy me entrance to the elite. Nevermind that a million dollars isn’t even enough to buy retirement anymore.

>> No.22311299

I don’t have the objective answer to that, but I don’t need it to know that it’s not avoiding suffering. If that’s all it was about you’d hook yourself to up your painkiller coom pod, but I say there’s better things to aspire to with your life and you know in your heart you agree with me.

>> No.22311303

Me too. Missed on networking and getting the most basic life experiences like relationships and friendships. Now that I'm 30 only coping is left.

>> No.22311309

i didn't mention it because i'm not sure we have any way of knowing about the existence of autism in antiquity

>> No.22311315

What do you mean with nothing? The war in the Ukraine is historical. It's the first time since the end of the second world War that a European nation is trying to conquer another European nation and take their government. There was wars in Europe since the end of WW2 but they were about minor border disagreements, nothing cataclysmic.

>> No.22311316

I agree.
The idea that the desire to find this better meaning is nothing but the relief to another kind of pain which can't be relieved with substances, concerns me, and I feel like we need better words to describe these sorts of feelings other than the overused joy, happiness, peace, etc. I also feel at times like all of this stuff is just rediscovering zen buddhsim

>> No.22311338

First of all, Im not Ukrainian and I doubt you are either so the war in Ukraine is totally irrelevant. Second, I would say the war in Ukraine is significant but not historically significant. It’s difficult to imagine a situation where in 20 years any of our lives, names, tombstones have a greater significance attached to them because a war happened in Ukraine.

>> No.22311347

Well gee numbnuts, maybe don't describe it as the "worst time in history" then.

>> No.22311349
File: 60 KB, 424x395, hm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw /lit/ is powerscaling significant historical events

>> No.22311352

We could at least talk about what we want personally with the understanding that it’s at least valid. Someone could say what they want is to leave a historical legacy, but people that do this are mocked and called chuds or whatever like the reply above did. It really just affirms in my mind that people actually agree with me meaningful life is unfathomable for most people. If they thought such things were realistic they wouldn’t mock it, but in their mind someone leaving a historically important legacy today is as realistic as being a 19th century watch maker or a knight templar (not realistic).

>> No.22311355

Nice opinion. Tell it on reddit for massive upvotes.

>> No.22311359

Follow along. It’s the worst time in history because it has the least significance history. It’s a part of history where nothing that happens matters, nobody that lives matters. In that way, it’s the worst.

>> No.22311362

Powerscaling? What does that even mean? And use English and not autistic internet gamer slang this time.

>> No.22311364

> are either so the war in Ukraine is totally irrelevant
Yeah bro. All the Western nations cutting their economic relationships with Russia is totally irrelevant. But you might think that this is unconcerning and I admit, it is unconcerning compared to the reality of the Russian-Ukranian war.
If Ukraine wins (it must be said, without serious military aid from other countries, for the Ukraine is not part of the Nato), things will remain rather inconsequential for the remaining nations and everything will go back more or less to normal.
However, in the case that Russia wins, and they actually take over the entirety of the Ukraine, do you think that the Russians will say: glorious, our nation is now big enough and we will make peace. Or will they try to gamble another win against some other European nation? Think well about it, compare the facts and the circumstances before giving a reply.

>> No.22311371
File: 4 KB, 115x73, usethisbitch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eeee yes sire right away sire

>> No.22311372

Ah, right. Absolutely nothing happened recently and absolutely nothing is happening right now.
Let me restate: fuck outta here.

>> No.22311377

The Stoics and Epicureans, who are remarkably similar in their perspective on nature as a whole. Personally I haven't much need for Spinoza, probably because I find him too agreeable in mere philosophical terms, and find myself more in Montaigne and Goethe overall. I think both of them have a lot more resemblance to Shakespeare's Lucio than is usually supposed, in their contempt for popular opinion.

>> No.22311380

I don't know about that.
A NATO that is encircling Russia, a China that might become bold and take Taiwan, a sitting U.S president that is clearly not all there. His main opponent might end up locked in jail, the threat of AI taking in even creative jobs like acting/art.
Plenty seems to be happening, it's just that no one really cares.

>> No.22311408

I agree that meaningful life is difficult to unfathomable for most people. It explains the epidemic of numbness through drug or entertainment, and it explains all the irony that's everywhere now. Everywhere we are presented with idealistic, simplistic stories that show people that are good who win and people that are bad who lose, while we also are presented with news of the world constantly showing how how none of this is true and that suffering is indiscriminate and great and no one is exempt. Cultural "values" are not aligned with the world with how it actually is. It's only the heuristic values that always persist, such as the need to be strong and destroy your enemies completely, machiavellian stuff etc.
But that's also a "most people" discussion. Me personally I seem to value principally the exploration of this darkness that everyone is desperately avoiding. I read a lot and think a lot and try to absorb every unpleasant fact of the world, exactly how it is, and maybe one day it will be too much for me but I don't know what else to guide myself by. I'm young and I feel disillusioned about everything but suicide seems pointless because I'm going to die anyway and so why not put everything on this bet that maybe there is something worth finding?

>> No.22311444

It is irrelevant. What historical significance does it have for us? What historical significance has North Korea had for us for the last several decades? None. I’m not even saying that the war in Ukraine can’t boil over into a larger war. What I’m saying is that all of this appears to be without historical significance. If the war is so important where’s the FDR? Where’s the MacArthur? Where’s the Napoleon? The Wellington? The Stalin? The Zhukov? The Nevsky? Which one of these has it produced? What historical changes will result from this war? How will our lives be different in 20 or 40 years? When you actually try to answer these question you see clearly that all of these events are basically symbolic and without any historical significance whatsoever. So far it’s produced a a fat chef who was a convict a few decades ago and is now a political prisoner and nothing else. Think about these facts. You don’t actually believe this war has significance on the level of any of these events or people of the past and you know you don’t do stop lying.

>> No.22311454

Correct. Nothing historically significant anyway. Nobody ever denied that things happen. I mean, you wake up everyday, take a shit, shower, shave, go to work, and sometimes get in fights, but none of these things have any great impact on the course and pulse of your life story. These world events are similar.

>> No.22311459

Things happening and things of significance happening are not the same. It was a pretty big happening when we bombed the hell out of the Balkans but several decades later it changed nothing, barely anyone remembers, and those who do don’t care all that much.

>> No.22311479

Prices where my nearest relatives live begin at .5M and end at about 20M. Indeed, one of the episodes of Behind Mansion Walls takes place in their vicinity. Great fun, but nothing spooky as the machinations that go on where billionaires live in "compounds" of a square kilometer or so bought out from such places. It's the next frontier of journalism, one can only hope.

>> No.22311489

Things changed incredibly for the Balkans themselves. For Americans I can see things not mattering. I guess having the Cartel in Mexico spill into Texas and other states would be a big development. Or how about the biggest political figure since Reagan being thrown in jail? Would you consider that a big deal?

>> No.22311523 [DELETED] 
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I use a lot of methamphetamine and I found out from a study it releases the same chemicals (dopamine and endorphins) as falling in love

What's your guys opinion on love and relationships? Can love really be just be reduced to something nasty like a methamphetamine high?

>> No.22311542

>nothing happens
>actually world-altering events of significance are happening right now
>ok but they dont involve ME ME ME so they dont matter
Fuck off

>> No.22311557

I've had long relationships and I don't want to talk about love. Why is everyone so obsessed with love and sex?? I fucking hate this and if I could do it all over again I wouldn't date anyone. Love is shit, and I'm pretty sure drugs are better. At least you have some manners of control on your drug intake whereas women will suck your soul and say you weren't meant for them. I loved being in love when I didn't know what losing everything felt like.

>> No.22311563

Autism is an overexpanded category. There's pretty strong evidence for it existing in antiquity, but the definition of it changes over time. The current definition is purposefully overexpansive, to not get sued by people who might lose resources in condensing the Asperger's and more extreme former autism into a spectrum. It's an evolving fad since the Nazis that we're currently operating with but autists are kind of notably weird, so when they happen in history, people made notes about them.
The current amount of diagnoses and lax interpretation of symptoms is following the trend of most psychiatric diseases in the overall fad for overexpansion. That's not to say you were only noted as weird if you had absolutely debilitating autism, because they are cases where the weird guy had an important job and people noted their sperg outs because he was important and not just weird.
Archimedes was considered weird as fuck in his time, but he probably just didn't understand human interaction. There's a chance he understood it and chose to ignore it, but the general consensus of antiquity was he had no fucking clue how anything other than geometry worked.

>> No.22311565

Do you love your parents?

>> No.22311577

>being envious of incels

>> No.22311580

> What historical significance does it have for us
If Russia attacks a country that is in the Nato all the Nato members would have to join the defense. That means the US would get involved too. And that would mean a war between Russia and the US. Compare the facts and the circumstances. It might sound hyperbolic to say that a World War would break out but it would pretty much turn into a World War.
> Where’s the MacArthur? Where’s the Napoleon? The Wellington? The Stalin? The Zhukov? The Nevsky?
I don't know much about the other characters but Napoleon grew up during the French revolution. His goal was restoring a new order in a 25 million country that had been thriving in anarchy for a decade. His other goal was conquering Europe and enforcing liberal constitutions in them. If it hadn't been for Napoleon the Ancien Regime would have continued in the other European countries. What I'm saying with this is that Napoleon lived in times of great changes, of chaos and despair.
> How will our lives be different in 20 or 40 years?
I speak for myself when I say that I don't want to become a bootlicker to Russian generals. But given the circumstances I say that many things will change in the future. I can't say precisely however how much they will change but if I was to say to what direction things are going to it is times of great crisis and an increasingly diminishing social cohesion between people.
> When you actually try to answer these question you see clearly that all of these events are basically symbolic and without any historical significance whatsoever
History books of the future will and at WW2 and then basically jump directly to the Ukraine War. The Ukraine War is just the beginning of an breaking chain of events.
> You don’t actually believe this war has significance on the level of any of these events or people of the past and you know you don’t do stop lying.
What makes you so sure about this? Yeah sure it's easy to pretend that the Ukraine War is irrelevant and shieet but the fact of the matter that war for conquest is something the United Nations have agreed upon is unjustified by the international law and after half a Century it looks like this dogma has been not only questioned but completely ignored by the Russian power. The outcome of the Ukraine War, whatever it might be, will change things forever.

>> No.22311585

More likely that the US goes to war with China

>> No.22311588
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Last night I had a dream where I found an extra bottle of adderall in my suitcase

>> No.22311592

Are you Polish?
Only Polish people seem to think that Russia would just attack a NATO country.
I believe that country is under a full psychosis since this Ukraine war.

>> No.22311602

There is a bright start on the horizon but my body is failing. Shall I leave the stage? They can remember me as kind and unlucky.

>> No.22311613

you know it's impossible for you to justify any moral claims? your worldview is mechanical and relativistic explicitly or uses impersonal eastern spirituality to the same end. this sounds like irony used in the exact way most leftists use it which is to essentially make a claim of equivalence between the rhetoric's of left/right discourse and try to ascend to some smug meta-position.

>> No.22311633

who cares. you sound like an idiot either way. if you deserved to be in the elite despite your bad decisions you'd be on YouTube or Twitter with good enough takes that would give you access to some higher strata of people. it doesn't even sound like you care about that but care more about showing others you are elite rather than actually being so.

>> No.22311648

Are you 17? YouTube and Twitter eCelebs aren’t “the elite” or even a para-elite or a counter elite. They’re entertainers, clowns basically.

>> No.22311657

I think you’re missing the point. All you’re doing is saying “look, some things are happening which, while devoid of historical importance, could result in something that allows for historical importance”. That’s an implicit admission that nothing of any historical importance is currently happening and the note about Napoleon also implies that if the conditions arise it’s for them and not for you. You and I weren’t born into civil war after all, were we? All you’ve done is affirm what I already said in other words.

>> No.22311665

I think I was pretty clear that these are not “world altering events”, as ambiguous as that term is.

I mean, for fuck’s sake this war started over a year ago and your life is exactly the same as it was one year ago. If it was so “world altering” that couldn’t possibly be the case. You know I’m right about this.

>> No.22311667

Skill issue.

>> No.22311678

It’s not about “big deals”. It’s about historical significance and legacies. The bombing in the Balkans changed Balkan lives sure…for a while. They were in the end without historical significance, didn’t change the course of history, didn’t leave any lasting legacy. It was like an assault by a street thug that happens on any urban street in America. The transgression occurs in full view of the world and the next day, life goes on basically on the same course it was on before the act. It changed nothing in actual reality.

>> No.22311688

Saying “things change” is irrelevant. Things change if I eat the wrong food and get diarrhea. In the grand scheme of my life story, it means nothing. Things are significant in so far as they change lives history and people in so far as they leave their stamp on it and are remembered. You tell me who will be remembered after this war? The answer is quite obviously nobody. Zelenskyy secured for himself a footnote to a footnote. Prighozin, the same. Putin, perhaps a whole footnote. Anything more? No. It’s a minor border skirmish made to appear more significant than it is by media and politicians with ulterior motives and the anxiety of technologically-enabled annihilation. That’s it.

>> No.22311694

The depression is engulfing me again. I've thought that social interaction with coworkers might delay it but Im a fool for thinking like that. Maybe theres never been an escape.

>> No.22311697

What does Putin fucking up Jewkraine have to do with you being pussy repellant?¿?¿?¿

>> No.22311716

Was the fall of the Sovjet Union historically significant? The De-industrialization of the Western countries?
Trying to gauge what you even consider historically significant. Cause I think a lot of events people think were significant can be reduced to 'life goes on basically on the same course it was on before the act'

>> No.22311719

Anyone with an ounce of awareness can tell that all elite institutions are now filled with diversity hires and incompetent pawns. All the cultural leaders are cropping up on the internet and are much cooler and higher quality than anything produced by institutions. Idk what elite you could be speaking about other than these people (the culturally relevant) OR those with shitloads of old money and drug habits. People in elite institutions are reading BAP and Moldbug secretly like that Bankman's bitch detailed on her tumblr.

>> No.22311736

> are happening which, while devoid of historical importance, could result in something that allows for historical importance
Did you read my post? I gave you enough facts to support my claim. You didn't give yourself the energy to refute any of them so I see it as clear that my claims are right and your's are false.
Define 'historical importance".
> You and I weren’t born into civil war after all, were we?
No, but becoming a great man is possible nevertheless. Hell, striving for being a virtuous man who aids his community and tries to improve things should give you enough to chew on for all of your life. If men in prosperity can't become Ceasars, Napoleons, they have the moreso the means to become a Mozart, a Newton, a Shakespeare. You look like your just complaining about "why aren't things happening, if things were happening I'd totally be the Caesar of our times, too bad times are good so I'm reduced to scratching my balls and sitting at home".
> minor border skirmish made to appear more significant than it
Nice way to say you know nothing about the Ukraine War. Come back before making embarrassing noob posts on the internet.

>> No.22311746

How am I suppose to get into Buddhism when its full of so much Brahmist ritualistic garbage? Is it just dead?

>> No.22311756

Take the Zen pill. Violence and rape is the true path.

>> No.22311760

What was the first tool specifically created to kill humans rather than animals for food?

>> No.22311762

Don't really care about Zen too much but also Shingon is trash too.

>> No.22311769

Fingers retard.

>> No.22311772

That's not a tool.

>> No.22311776

You are a tool
You have fingers
Fingers are tools

>> No.22311782

No they aren't. When scientists talk about chimpanzees using tools they aren't referring to the chimpanzees fingers. Fingers aren't tools.

>> No.22311787

---- Solaria ----
Reliable Nuclear Baseload

The longer I live in or think about
This part of the world, the more I'm sure of

Its end superlative, that intellgent men reign no more than here.


>> No.22311788

check em'

>> No.22311796

HH brother. Checked.

>> No.22311801

thank you <3

>> No.22311804

goddamn you guys are retarded

>> No.22311805

How am I retarded for asking that question?

>> No.22311806

In the way final chapters of a book are significant for the story, sure.

I find it a little bit crazy that I’m even having to argue about this. Everybody feels it in their day-to-lives. Where are the historical events, the grand wars, the political heroes, the titans of industry, the legacies? Everyone implicitly understands there aren’t any and that the world they were born into is effectively an economic zone. Markets don’t have events or heroes. They just have transactions and disagreements, which inevitably settle and business as usual returns. Nobody sincerely believes this war in Ukraine has any significant historical importance whatsoever. None of the participants matter in the grand scheme. It has no Napoleons or Wellingtons not even any Lenins, Stalins, Trotskys or Zhukovs. And the fact that this one little border dispute between two foreign countries is the only thing that anyone seems capable of pointing to say I’m wrong is more damning of this argument against me than anything. The feeling that none of us matter to history is pervasive and deep, and you know you feel it even if you won’t admit it. It’s one thing to hold the conviction it could be otherwise. But it’s another altogether to deny the reality.

>> No.22311813

Distrust of elites and their institutions doesn’t imply there’s an entirely new set of elites. These eCelebs you think are “leaders” are in reality nobodies, but if you want to pretend you believe that they matter as sort of para-elites while actual lawyers, professors, and regime stooges craft policy and set the terms of the game and control all of the money be my guest.

>> No.22311824

You didn’t give any facts. The disagreement is whether these events will have any historical importance or lasting legacy, not that they are occurring and can grow in size and scope. What facts did you give to prove that this war is more than just symbolically important or anything more than a footnote in a future history book? None. Everything else you said is just ad hominem.

Read this

>> No.22311829

Culturally relevant is an oxymoron in 2023

>> No.22311844

how can you be this much of a fag. Even though this might be true, imagine caring about playing a game that everyone including those currently in the seats to set the rules know isn't going to last for much longer. Unless we have some AI singularity event in the next 20 years it is guaranteed that we will be seeing a massive populist movement in the US which I assume will be largely anti-Semitic given how much people love coalescing around an enemy.

>> No.22311886

>People in elite institutions are reading BAP and Moldbug secretly
Lol, maybe this is true of a handful of people but come on man, this goofy shit is never going to be that popular or important

>> No.22311903

yeah 'anti-Semitism' will be more popular and important I agree.

>> No.22311908

Indeed. From high definition images of the caves of Lascaux, to Colosseum inquiries, to such of St Peter's or the Magna Carta to disputes pertaining to the Anasazi. 2023 is a magnificent time.

>> No.22311912

> The disagreement is whether these events will have any historical importance or lasting legacy, not that they are occurring and can grow in size and scope.
War knows only two outcomes: failure or success. If Ukraine wins, they will say they did that alone and develop a new sense of national pride and confidence. The Nato didn't help us, why should we join them now that we don't need them anymore? Poland and Hungary will say: based, leave the EU wich they so much despise for their degeneracy and femininity and create an alliance with Ukraine to wich maybe another few outstanders or autists of Europe will join (England?!!). As a consequence, the EU will become weaker in cohesion. That would just be the beginning of a new chain of events that could unleash into a World War with not two contrahend parties, but three. Democrats, Conservatives and Imperialists will become enemies against each other. The secession of Poland and Hungary might even inspire secessionists in Spain and Germany to create new independent, severely conservative states within Germany and Spain itself (Catalunia, Bayern-Baden).
In the case that Russia wins against Ukraine, they would read a whole lot of new laws to the Ukrainian people and expand the border of their empire to Poland. A few days ago, Belarus went into a military alliance with Russia so they have won not one but two nations for themselves. The deploy of units into it's new borders alone would unsettle many European nations that are in the Nato to drag mercenaries to those borders and the conflict, even if Putin doesn't declare war instantly to one of it's bordering Nato countries, will start to boil. And then the fights will begin between Nato and Russia where the US would be involved too. And that means us Westerners can join the fight too. A sort of World War would begin over the mantainment of the old, liberal order (the West) against the authoritarian, imperialist Russians and their alliances (Belarus).
So there you have the two possible outcomes. Compare the facts and the circumstances and tell me wether either of them lacks anything worth of historical importance.

>> No.22311954

ahhhh the playground argument over which historical event is the most important rages on

>> No.22311962

>which historical event is the most important
my birthday desu

>> No.22311963

HD photographs aren’t art and they certainly aren’t culture. Neither are debates. You seem to have conflated a culture with a museum.

>> No.22311966

For life to have been as full of goodness as it was of meaning

>> No.22311970

Calling me a fag isn’t an argument and your presumably Trump-led populist revolution reads more like a fantasy than an inevitably. But even if true, do you suppose the powerful people in society will just vanish? No, they won’t. The elites now are the elites later. That’s just how this works.

>> No.22311979

I’m seeing a whole bunch of assumptions that are assumed for basically no reason and all of it still misses the point anyway. If everything you just said is 100% true then it still means practically nothing for the actual point of disagreement, whether these things are historically significant or not.

>> No.22311982

I don't think it will be antisemitic, nor populist. Once you start seeing more power substations being attacked it'll ramp up, guerilla warfare

>> No.22311990

Ok sure, keep believing it's 1990/2000/2010, that the world is in peace and prosperity, the economy is just growing and it looks like it's just a question of a few technological advancements to bring people to Moon and the Mars.

>> No.22311997

>keep believing it's 1990/2000/2010, that the world is in peace and prosperity, the economy is just growing
Lol underage

>> No.22312004

How many push-ups did you do this week?

>> No.22312030

Lol, weakling.
You have exposed yourself as a noob talking about things he has no clue about like your opinion is worth anything morw than that of a toddler's.
Otherwise you would have at least tried to refute one of my arguments but you seem not even have a clue of what's going on. Ignorance about events doesn't imply that nothing is going on.

>> No.22312317

I don’t believe that at all. I never said I did. The world is arguably more violent than it’s ever been. But that’s totally besides the point. American ghettos are violent as hell. Do you think they have any historical significance? Is anyone there leaving their mark on history? Obviously not.

>> No.22312321

Everyone just exaggerates everything. It's so annoying.

>> No.22312325

You don’t have any arguments and you seem incapable of grasping what’s being debated here. It’s been said five times now in plain English but you can’t seem to manage to process it. It’s not that things don’t happen. It’s not that violent things don’t happen. It’s not that wars don’t happen. It’s not that lives don’t change. It’s that all of these things are without historical significance. If you think the war in Ukraine and for example the Eastern Front of WW2 are on the same level in regard to historical significance, you’re an idiot. And you don’t actually believe that anyway but you’ll never admit it because you’re terrified of admitting you were wrong or didn’t get it.

>> No.22312329

So nobody is disappointed with their life and feels like it’s already over?

>> No.22312349

Not me.

>> No.22312352
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Nope everything's fine

>> No.22312376

Elon Musk has big ambitions. Having a rocket land back to earth like he does is impressive.

>> No.22312411

Is it? It seems to me like a fancy trick that is basically unimportant and impractical. It’s already been done as well.

>> No.22312412

wth grimes posted a new song on apple music and then deleted it

>> No.22312415
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>> No.22312416

>It’s already been done as well.
huh who had reusable rockets before musk?

>> No.22312418


>> No.22312422
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She said something flattering and I not only denied it, I said something retarded in response and she was visibly confused

>> No.22312426

is this gonna be some lame humble brag story? fuck off dude we don't care

>> No.22312430
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It isn't a humblebrag, I was using GPT3 to simulate my girlfriend Renko Usami

>> No.22312440 [DELETED] 

oh it's a chatgpt ad. yeah, i heard daily active users has been declining. too bad the way open ai is structured they can't take it public and unload it on bag holders. oh well.

>> No.22312446

>i heard daily active users has been declining
well yeah they fucking lobotomized it

>> No.22312447 [DELETED] 

wsj had an interesting story about how the have a small army of guys in kenya tagging everything to make sure it gives good and politically correct results. it's kinda funny that chatgpt is kinda a mechanical turk situation for both definitions.

>> No.22312461

No, not bragging, just saying she was even being receptive and I still messed it up (I am not the GPTanon but support his endeavors)

>> No.22312482

Thank you, based God.

>> No.22312498

New thread

>> No.22312523

Why is there so little literature on nuclear weapons or nuclear power? There are numerous anime, movies, and games exploring the consequences of nuclear technology, but non-fiction books are utterly lacking. It's just grandiose plots where nukes appear or some crap about a post-nuclear apocalypse, nothing of the quality of Metal Gear Solid or Barefoot Gen. Can anyone recommend me any nuke books?

>> No.22312564

I totally did get the point. That the current timeline is historically irrelevant. And I agree, until the beginning of the Russian-Ukranian war the Western world was at peace and nothing was really going on. A bit like the period France went through until the year 1789. Peaceful meadows, everyone minding their own business and when going to the neighbour's was about the greatest trips one occasionally did. But even for those who went further he would see nothing but gardens and peaceful meadows.
Well those times are over. Maybe not in America. That place has always felt safer to the Europeans because there's like a huge ocean in between. But America will get involved soon in the conflict that is currently going on in the Ukraine. Do you not understand that Russia is trying to literally conquer Ukraine à la imperialist conquest type of war? It's not a minor border disagreement, it's a literal conquest war and every European country is involved with it right now in one way or the other. We'll they aren't helping much the Ukraine either because of law and such wich adds to the complexity of the problem. Are the European nations and the Nato not helping because they cannot do so because of the laws or have they become impotent to actually defend themselves against Russia? Slumberland is gone. The big questions of the Century are about to be debated.

>> No.22312670

I don’t know if you’re just an actual retard or if you’re really not getting it but I’m getting annoyed now either way. It’s not a question of peace or no peace, it’s not a question of events or no events, it’s a question of questions being answered or not. None of that matters for this debate. It’s a question of whether it has meaningful significance for history or not. That’s it. To use a human life as an example. A human life can filled with conflict, filled with events, filled with answers to questions. That doesn’t mean the life itself has any significant effect on history as such. This isn’t hard to understand so either you’re just retarded or acting like a retard to try to win the debate.

>> No.22312672

Maybe nobody who is born into a time of peace or war and not civil war will matter historically. That seems to me a prerequisite.

>> No.22312849

>come back 12h later and niggers are still arguing muh historical significance

>> No.22312852

Tits or Ass?

>> No.22312886
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>> No.22312984

They absolutely felt joy. People who have lived with primitive hunter gatherer tribes invariably say that they are the happiest people they have ever met, and their baseline emotion seems to be a state of joy. It really shouldn’t come as a surprise that people who live the way humans evolved to live have more fulfilling lives than us.

>> No.22313539

Nicely done. Keep up the good work, and have an auspicious August.