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22311926 No.22311926 [Reply] [Original]

What does the new testament say about reacting when someone insults you, takes advantage of you, treats you with disrespect etc?

I thought it argued in favour of forgiveness and "turning the other cheek" (i.e., allowing people to do you harm and "rising above it"). That is all well and good, but as far as I can see this is a one-way ticket to letting people treat you like shit in general.

>> No.22311939

you should chimp out if I remember correctly

>> No.22311944

>What does the new testament say about reacting when someone insults you
>it argued in favour of forgiveness and "turning the other cheek"
You answered your own question. If you don t like that prescription, you don't have to follow it.

>> No.22311955

I'm just wondering, what is the practical application of this philosophy?

Let's say an unintelligent, selfish person treats you with disrespect because they know no better, and will not learn from your example that they have done wrong, what is the point in allowing them to do that and continue living as though they are acting considerately?

>> No.22312380

The phrase "meek shall inherit the earth", in Greek, most accurately translates to "those who are like well bread war-stallions (ie, who are able to master themselves and ride their ego like a brave cavalryman) shall inherit the earth".

To turn the other cheek, in the ancient world, was an invitation to a duel. It meant, "strike me again, and we shall do battle".

Jesus also said that if you have only the shirt on your back, you should sell it and buy a sword.

When someone disrespects you, you have a Christian duty to wage jihad against them, until they are dead or submit.

Good christians should also avoid paying taxes or using non-shariah courts, and view the state as an appendage of Satan. The historical Jesus was a radical guerilla warrior fighting to liberate the Jewish people from Rome.

>> No.22312386

>Just turn the other cheek, goy. Resist no evil. You will be paid in the afterlife, but for now let us abuse you

>> No.22312391

You're coping, bro. I wish you were right, but christianity is a religion for cucks.

>> No.22312392

>To turn the other cheek, in the ancient world, was an invitation to a duel. It meant, "strike me again, and we shall do battle".
>Jesus also said that if you have only the shirt on your back, you should sell it and buy a sword.
Where did you get this from?

>> No.22312472

>"turning the other cheek" (i.e., allowing people to do you harm and "rising above it").
This is more... "You are on the same level as a woman"
>To turn the other cheek, in the ancient world, was an invitation to a duel. It meant, "strike me again, and we shall do battle".
No. Who told you that? It is an insult because if a woman hit you, you didn't hit her back because it had no effect at all. You are nonverbally calling them lesser than you and that they aren't worth hitting back.

>> No.22312476

>turning the other cheek" (i.e., allowing people to do you harm
that's not what that means

>> No.22312733

You will live surrounded by immortal deities in paradise and they will burn in hell

>> No.22312742

>well bread
u wot m8

>> No.22312745

Guess what amigo. Kindness is not rewarded in this le society of ours. You want to be virtuous and successful at the same time, go live in a third world tribe somewhere not even google maps knows the name of

>> No.22312752

>"turning the other cheek"

It also says "an eye for an eye" so you get to take your pick.

>> No.22312760

His ass cheeks. He made it up

>> No.22312773
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>Let's say an unintelligent, selfish person treats you with disrespect because they know no better, and will not learn from your example that they have done wrong, what is the point in allowing them to do that and continue living as though they are acting considerately?
Christianity puts things in their proper place, and so matters of spirit, which are eternal, come before the concerns of material existence, which must be noted, are not unimportant, but compared to the former appear as trifles. A Christian, a friend of God, has already every possible need fulfilled in his relationship to God, and can therefore suffer any material loss. Now, there is no reason to put up with abusive psychos, that's not what is being said here, but even in such cases, there's no cause to enforce boundaries with so much noise and commotion. Trust in God, who is ever in control, therefore no reason exists at all to let anything or anyone disturb the peace you have already in God. This is one of the fruits of being Christian. Note, for example, how the disciples responded when they were beaten and imprisoned unjustly. They rejoiced!

>> No.22312813
File: 14 KB, 320x240, BibleKJV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I thought it argued in favour of forgiveness and "turning the other cheek" (i.e., allowing people to do you harm and "rising above it").
It does because of the following:

"Recompense to no man evil for evil. Provide things honest in the sight of all men.
18 If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men.
19 Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord.
20 Therefore if thine enemy hunger, feed him; if he thirst, give him drink: for in so doing thou shalt heap coals of fire on his head.
21 Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good."
- Romans 12:17-21

Basically, it's living in a way that acknowledges God and leaves place for the Lord to take vengeance. There is no possible way you can live like this without believing in God taking an active role in protecting you and taking care of your needs.

But if you think about it, God has already been doing this for us anyway, but we have been failing to properly acknowledge Him. Jesus is telling us to live in a way that acknowledges God in everything that we do. That is the only way in which any of this makes sense.

>> No.22312903

>The historical Jesus was a radical guerilla warrior fighting to liberate the Jewish people from Rome.
The Jews rejected Him, had the Romans sign on His crucifixion, and then got crushed by Hadrian years later when they rose up for the last time.

>> No.22312924


>> No.22313060

it's a conspiracy. i bought the pepperidge farm bread to celebrate the raise home depot gave me and it didn't fit in my toaster. they lure you into buying a bigger more expensive toaster to toast the bigger more expensive bread. big toaster owns the well bread companies, it's all one big pyramid and we're the niggers dragging blocks through the sand. don't fall for the well bread, it's not worth it. it's just not worth it.

>> No.22313111

No. Christ's message was about forgiveness, but you shouldn't tolerate hatred or abuse from other people. If they're unable to cooperate or act civilized just leave them and move on
Casting pearls before swine, so on and so forth

>> No.22313118
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>I thought it argued in favour of forgiveness and "turning the other cheek" (i.e., allowing people to do you harm and "rising above it").

Enduring injustice with dignity is not necessarily mutually equivalent with allowing it to occur; patience is a contingent measure, and counts as virtuous only to the extent that it serves faith & good actions.

>What does the new testament say about reacting when someone insults you, takes advantage of you, treats you with disrespect etc?

>“Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth; I have not come to bring peace, but a sword.”

— Gospel of Matthew, 10:34.

Urinate on fiends of the like that give false testimony, and detain them if they retaliate.

>> No.22313150

Forgiveness is more about leaving people be in the context of the original composition. So maybe avoid seeking revenge but do defend yourself and others from an immediate risk doing what's good in mind.

>> No.22313166

It's like this. If somebody decides to do something fucked up to you. If somebody decides to hurt you. You forgive them. That doesn't mean you stay around for them to hurt you again. It's like letting go of the past, because otherwise you are just going to be bitter about what happened. Obviously this doesn't mean you would let somebody kill you if they were trying to. Use discernment.
lmao thank you

>> No.22313321

Hence the sudden rise once again of paganism. Christianity was appealing in a time of constant bloodshed where people were tired and wanted peace. In the modern day, we've had it comparably easy, and now things are starting to go to shit again. The good spiritual people start to go back towards pagan roots as to prepare them for upcoming increased instances of violence. Jesus' teaching of letting yourself be abused is against Germanic warrior-culture which many of our ancestors seriously followed.

>> No.22313327

"Turn the other cheek" doesn't mean "keep turning the other cheek." You only have two cheeks and you're only commanded to turn once.

>> No.22313333

Pagans are faggots, simps, and druggies who know nothing about their religion's "roots" and anyone with historical knowledge knows that modern emasculated cucktianity is not the norm.

>> No.22313339

Most Pagans are tattoos fags with a vape pen and an open relationship. Only thing you got right is that they tend to be Germanic looking for some weird ass reason. Bunch of white trash degenerates.

>> No.22313360

>That is all well and good, but as far as I can see this is a one-way ticket to letting people treat you like shit in general.

Doesn't matter. Jesus is coming back soon. Jerks won't be allowed into the Kingdom of God. Those who don't forgive will not be forgiven.

>> No.22313445

>What is 2 + 2? And don't think I'm accepting this 4 shit

>> No.22313453

Cucktianity has literally always been the norm. Why do you think the Roman empire chose it as their state religion. 'Just let yourselfbe abused' = no riots when Emperor Justin the Faggot fucks all the hot twinks in your empire

>> No.22313466

>Good christians should also avoid paying taxes

Tell us, therefore, what do You think? Is it lawful to pay taxes to Caesar, or not?”
But Jesus perceived their wickedness, and said, “Why do you test Me, you hypocrites? Show Me the tax money.”
So they brought Him a denarius.
And He said to them, “Whose image and inscription is this?”
They said to Him, “Caesar’s.”
And He said to them, “Render therefore to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s.”

>> No.22313472

The point is to let parasites use you for their own gain while you feel righteous about it. Cuck religion.

>> No.22313475
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I'm not even Christian, but I think the idea is that you don't let yourself be tempted into sin when they sin against you.

>> No.22313476

It also says "he who is without sin throw the first stone" since everyone is born of sin no one should throw the stone. This christcoping is epic. >>22312380

>> No.22313480

Forgiveness does not mean you let the other person keep buttfucking you. It's an internal thing. You stop seething, move on, and think a little more when in the same/similar situation, maybe even with the same person

>> No.22313513

I often asked myself why God had preferences, why all souls did not receive an equal measure of grace. I was filled with wonder when I saw extraordinary favours showered on great sinners like St. Paul, St. Augustine, St. Mary Magdalen, and many others, whom He forced, so to speak, to receive His grace. In reading the lives of the Saints I was surprised to see that there were certain privileged souls, whom Our Lord favoured from the cradle to the grave, allowing no obstacle in their path which might keep them from mounting towards Him, permitting no sin to soil the spotless brightness of their baptismal robe. And again it puzzled me why so many poor savages should die without having even heard the name of God.

Our Lord has deigned to explain this mystery to me. He showed me the book of nature, and I understood that every flower created by Him is beautiful, that the brilliance of the rose and the whiteness of the lily do not lessen the perfume of the violet or the sweet simplicity of the daisy. I understood that if all the lowly flowers wished to be roses, nature would lose its springtide beauty, and the fields would no longer be enamelled with lovely hues. And so it is in the world of souls, Our Lord’s living garden. He has been pleased to create great Saints who may be compared to the lily and the rose, but He has also created lesser ones, who must be content to be daisies or simple violets flowering at His Feet, and whose mission it is to gladden His Divine Eyes when He deigns to look down on them. And the more gladly they do His Will the greater is their perfection.

>> No.22313594

Also strange how God had "chosen people". Look for any knowledge of events or anything that happens outside of the middle east in the bible - you can't. An entire planet essentially ignored. If the Romans didn't happen to be in that location at the time, they would have been nowhere to be found, and it would have been exclusively about middle eastern people only.

>> No.22313646

At the end of the day it just boils down to how badly you want to go to jail. If you resort to violence for every perceived slight then not only will you wind up in jail you will live in perpetual solitary confinement, if this is your goal you can do this by taking a vow of silence and just becoming a shut in because the food in jail is ass. Just ignore other people and keep this in mind: bitches are only good for talking and sucking dick. If they are talking, it means they aren't serious about doing anything about whatever made them retarded in the first place.

>> No.22313647

made me laugh

>> No.22313675

That is why The Japanese primarily remember the Portuguese for their breaded foods such as the cutlet (Katsu), Shokupan, and Tempura.

>> No.22313683
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>> No.22313972

The subtext is that everything belongs to god, therefore nothing belongs to Caesar.
Jeebus escaped from a tight corner pretty neatly there.

>> No.22313983

>why God had preferences
Because he was the patron god of the Israelites. Literally every Bronze Age tribe had its patron god, who smote the tribe's enemies, demanded burnt offerings, enforced tribal taboos etc.
The only difference with Yahweh is that he made it big, chiefly because one particular Israelite happened to influence a Roman emperor.

>> No.22314023

If you are christian, take it as an opportunity it to learn humility and offer it as a small sacrifice to God.
At the same time, it is good to inform people that they are doing something wrong. So nothing wrong with telling them you feel insulted, used etc

>> No.22314300

all the same could be said of alexander the great. the difference is the first written account of jesus was 40 years after his death whereas the first written account of alexander was 200 years after his death. i guess alexander the great was a cult leader and his exploits were all just mythology. christopher columbus is another historical figure without any "contemporaneous" (lol) outside sources who took men from their families, gave them new names, and demanded their exclusive devotion. historylets will never learn.

>> No.22314332

yes, that's the point. christianity at its core is not some kind of manly warrior virtue and johnny-come-latelies trying to make it so are just coping. fundamentally it's a virtue by underclasses for underclasses, which is why it spread so explosively. it beelines straight for the losers and dregs of societies that tend to produce lots of losers and dregs and tells them a story about virtue that they're desperate to hear. that's why there's so many born-again christians running around on 4chan now.

>> No.22314919
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It will be understood from what has just been said that any seeming contradiction or depreciation of the Mosaic Law that may be
found in the words of Christ or the teaching of the Apostles is in reality but an expression of the superiority of esoterism over exoterism and does not therefore apply at the same level as this Law, at least not a priori, that is, as long as this hierarchic relationship is not itself conceived in dogmatic mode. It is perfectly obvious that the main teachings of Christ transcend this viewpoint, and that is indeed the reason for their existence. They therefore likewise transcend the Law; in no other way could one explain the attitude of
Christ with respect to the law of retaliation, or with regard to the woman taken in adultery, or to divorce. In fact the turning of the other cheek is not a thing that any social collectivity could put into practice with a view to maintaining its equilibrium, and it has no meaning except as a spiritual attitude; the spiritual man alone firmly takes his stand outside the logical chain of individual reactions, since for him a participation in the current of these reactions is tantamount to a fall from grace, at least when such participation involves the center or the soul of the individual, though not when it remains purely an outward and impersonal act of justice such as that envisaged by the Mosaic Law. But it was precisely because this impersonal character of the law of retaliation had been lost and replaced by passions that it was necessary for Christ to express a spiritual truth which, although condemning only a false pretension, appeared to condemn the Law itself. All this is clearly evidenced in Christ’s answer to those who wished to stone the woman taken in adultery, and who, instead of acting impersonally in the name of the Law, would have acted personally in the name of their own hypocrisy. Christ did not therefore speak from the standpoint of the Law, but from that of inward, supra-social, and spiritual realities; and his point of view was exactly the same on the question of divorce. Perhaps the most striking proof to be found in Christ’s teachings of the purely spiritual and therefore supra-social and extra-moral character of his Doctrine is contained in the following saying: “If any man come to me and hate not his father, and mother, and wife and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his
own life also, he cannot be my disciple” (Luke 14:26). It is clearly impossible to oppose such teaching to the Mosaic Law.

>> No.22315094

No one is telling me I should be worshipping Alexander or Columbus or I'm fucked.

>> No.22315183

The whole idea is that you're called to love everyone as yourself. It's hard, very hard, which is why the way is described as straight and narrow.

>> No.22315216


Alexander the Great didn't preach an imminent supernatural apocalypse or offer to rescue anybody from it. Nor did he claim to be supernatural, himself. You only mentioned 4 parallels. Also there exist plenty of contemporaneous (why do you find this word funny?) sources affirming Alexander's existence and conquests, namely from cultures he conquered.

>> No.22315570

yes he did. alexander claimed to be a god or the son of one. that was the thing to do as a king/emperor in those days.

>> No.22315781

The justice or injustice of any particular act can be understood in two ways—the justice between the two parties and the justice between each part and God. Absolutely speaking, any sin renders you infinitely indebted to God, and therefore you are worthy of any and every evil committed against you. However, considered absolutely, whoever does evil to you has no right to commit this evil unless God has given them this right by some real authority. And of course the degree to which they administer to you what is due to you and due to them, and corresponds rightly to the circumstances, determines whether there is justice or injustice between you. Clearly, as you relate to God, you ought to receive every evil as a fitting and just chastisement from God, and in this way you ought to turn your cheek and submit to the evil which you deserve. However, by placing yourself in this right relationship with God, you will see that what has been done to you may be offensive to God by way of some circumstances. Therefore, even though you should receive the evil as though it comes from God, you should , out of love for God and your neighbor as a creature of God, respond in that way which is most conducive to the glory of God and the help of your neighbor. Often this means to simply receive the evil. But these same principles are also the theological basis for the crusades.

>> No.22315875

"Nice" people try to soften what is flaccid; brutal people try to harden what is callous; kind people cordiologically do the converse.

>> No.22316338

>As for a person who stirs up division, safter warning him once and then twice, thave nothing more to do with him, knowing that such a person is warped and sinful; he is self-condemned.

Titus 3:10–11

>> No.22316514

So God is in hell

>> No.22316553

They go to hell. If you didn't turn the other cheek, you would only be able to torture them for a finite period on earth so no amount of revenge you inflict will compare. By taking vegence, you also will go to hell to see them for all eternity. Best bet is to smile when someone takes advantage of you, let them do it, and rest well knowing that God will make them pay, not for a day, not for a year, not for a lifetime, but for all of this time multiplied an infinite number of times in the unthinkable pangs of eternity. It's justified. Taking advantage of someone cannot be undone in this life. If they can't undo it, then God shouldn't be able to undo their ultimate fate either.

>> No.22316609


That verse refers to division in the sense of fomenting (stirring) discord.

Division, in itself, is not necessarily bad; in fact, when the conqueror's step is directed in concord with the virtue of the ruler's cusp, division serves as precursion to integration & unity —as the untying to the rewinding.

>> No.22316612

I also used to cope like this when I was trying to become a tradlarper. Unfortunately it just isn't true.

>> No.22316862
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>as far as I can see this is a one-way ticket to letting people treat you like shit in general.
Nod and move on, don't interact with those people again. What >>22313111 said.

>> No.22316943

>Christian mental gymnastics

>> No.22316949

Why don’t guys like this just convert to Islam? Seriously.