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22306297 No.22306297 [Reply] [Original]

Can /lit/ tell me a list of books I should avoid reading?

>> No.22306315
File: 1.44 MB, 1874x2322, museum-yaizv5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you opening the thread with a picture of a book that you should definitely read?

>> No.22306348

The picture you posted obviously, complete waste of time and energy.

>> No.22306397

YA, capeshit, most of self-help. Even objectively bad books can be helpful if you use them properly;
from reading marxist thought i'm now able to dismantle arguments that base themselves off of it. it's still quite a hard task, since you might poison your reasoning with some of them if you're not careful.

for a small stepping stone to it, see how Marx transitioned from a romantically spurred idea to a movement that glorifies work and a bleak life.
you see the difference from the earlier works to the later ones, where he abandons the idealism of Feuerbach for a purely artificial "labor as the endgoal" plan.

it's nice to read Wagner's philosophical works on beauty to contrast that. Marx transitions from wanting such a society, that beautifies itself after getting rid of the "bad parts", to a bleak one that focuses on labor as the pleasure of living, in which anything but work is basically abandoned.

Anyhow, it's still easier to just not read it, since it's provably nonsense.
i found it astonishing that people on places like leftypol don't get the irony of saying "[ideology] made it easier to think/understand the world".

>> No.22306453

Very retarded. Even if you are a staunch Libertarian this book is invaluable. It had probably more impact on modern history than any other book written post 1800 and it only takes an hour or two to read.

>> No.22306455
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>> No.22306466
File: 121 KB, 312x500, 9780712652544-jacket-large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll save you about 900 pages of Bullshit

'woo is me, life is so difficult doing labour jobs and not getting into art school, it's the Jews fault for everything'

>> No.22306471

Does he actually write about his art school experience in the book?

>> No.22306477

Yeah, unironically a lot of it is self whining about how hard his life is hence the book title

>> No.22306478
File: 489 KB, 800x4500, commies1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well communism is a pile of shit so there is that

>> No.22306503

It's weird that his experience with art school stood out as a struggle over WW1 and being an orphan

>> No.22306509

how does one take an hour to read it?
it's literally less than the thickness of a finger.

also no, it's just marx jacking off.

>> No.22306510

based and accuratepilled

>> No.22306522

Well considering he liked the military and did well in the war its not exactly sometime he would whine about
He does talk about it if that's what you asking

>> No.22306564
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>> No.22306570

You played the Karl marx drinking game
You read the communist manifesto as a group and take a shot every time he mentions the bourgeoisie or proletariat

>> No.22306572

obviously you would say this about the Manifesto and not Das Kapital, because you are a midwit. yes, Marx's observations about capitalism are insightful if not entirely correct but he is a dysgenic and spiteful mutant, or a fervently group selective Jew poisoning the goyim with this mind virus - whichever you want to conclude the outcome is the same. Marx's conclusions and solutions to the problems he observes are not feasible and have not and do not work and never will.

what is Marx other than Hegel wrapped in dialectical materialism? what is Hegel other than Whig history wrapped in obscurantism?

obvious seething non-white/troon/leftypol. very absurd that you would focus on someone's "whining" when that person's solution to his hardship is to become the leader of an entire country after only 11 years. you were obviously also filtered by the geopolitics

>> No.22306576

Back to pol
God this board is full of pseudo these day

>> No.22306586

>no argument
>"uhm go back to LE POL"
you are a subhuman midwit and couldn't argue anything if you even tried, so I can see why you don't even bother you dumb faggot

>> No.22306594

No you're a pseudo projecting your insecurities and lack of personal accomplishements onto people over the interenet, that's why you find a need to constantly insult others on here because you know you are yourself not successful in your perosnal life.
Back to pol

>> No.22306599

>no you are... LE PSEUD, LE PROJECTING
>you know you are yourself not
ESL detected
if you're going to use your buzzwords as an excuse for not being able to argue at least use them properly
you were filtered, now shut the fuck up you dilating midwit

>> No.22306696
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That's just not true.