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/lit/ - Literature

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22305242 No.22305242 [Reply] [Original]

Why is Horror’s Call so fun to read?

>> No.22305247

Because you’re a retard who has read less than 25 books in your entire life

>> No.22305268

You just hate good literature. Horror's Call is the new Goosebumps, but for mature audiences.

>> No.22305617

Prove it. You can’t. I’ll wait.

>> No.22305632

You're just proving his point. Also you wouldn't have even read this book if it wasn't a 4chan thing. That's why you like it

>> No.22305639

We are on 4chan. What’s your point?

>> No.22305650

You can be on here without being a retard for the culture

>> No.22305659

And your just pretending to be retarded?

>> No.22305676

Yep you got me

>> No.22306018

Because they’re just fun bro

>> No.22306141
File: 149 KB, 640x982, call-of-united-airlines-paperback.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because they make the reader feel good about himself...after all, he's not a seething schizo samefagging shill-spamming pseud loser like Gardner, so it's all uphill from there!
The bottom line is, Gardner's first 16 books are unedited pre-kindergarten gibberish & aren't worth the electrons it takes to store them on Amazon's servers.
But somehow, his 17th book is a vast improvement! Vastly fewer spelling/grammar/punctuation errors!
The MC is the usual self-insert, and the plot is the usual meandering dream-like incoherent babble, but you can't have everything.
So skip the first 16 garbage-tier books, and read Call Of United Airlines instead.
Even better, you can download it for free!
There are some rumors Gardner didn't actually write this, but I don't believe them...after all, who else in the entire world writes this crappy?

>> No.22306421

It’s surreal how popular Gardner’s books have become on 4chan of all places. It’s like the only series to ever come from here to actually develop a niche diehard fanbase.

>> No.22306432

I refuse to read his stuff :(