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22303224 No.22303224 [Reply] [Original]

Salvations /lit, my loins ache at the sound of your sister in the shower,
>Other older civilizations got far more right far earlier. Western and West Asian philisophy tends to be theistic for chiefly two reasons:
>1) Christianity basically is plato-socrates being interpreted by Judaized Greeks; they make their heathen barbarous ethnic deity into the "prime mover" (which is just a wya of saying that their ethnic heathen deity is god not only of the jews but that the jews are the masters of the cosmos and all things, which is hilarious) - and have never given an argument to support this association,
> and (they) have never given an argument to support this association,
>to support
> this association,

So here's a good topic for conversation; where is - if anywhere (i have never ever found one) was the argument or case that connected the " heathen barbarous ethnic deity" that the Christians and the Muslims call '(the) God' 'with' Prima Causas?

That is: who argued that the religious ethno-mythology of the Jews, of al people, managed to be exclusevly the only ones to "gt it right" about the character, words, deeds, ambitions, etc., of the Prime Mover?

some conditional blathering that will go over the heads of one in three hoes,
If, then,
there never was an argument presented then it would make more sense that the Judeo-mythos was not, in the first place, considered to have "gotten it right" anymore so than the Parthians or the Celts? That has to be the conclusion. This adds up with the Romans who had Pagan Senators evidenced as far into the Christian Roman Empire as far forwards Theodosius.

But /pol/ aside, and also /religion/ aside, I am looking for the intellectual basis by which the Romans gazed at the Jews, sitting in a puddle of baby foreskin and chopped liver, and then looked at their hovels with no plumbing and seriously cam to the belief that this culture "got it right" and truly knew and understood the deus di tutti deus: whose mythos and culture where, therefore, superior to the Greeks, Romans, Egyptians, Persians, and so on and so on and so on, to abandon their own nations and become like that immaterial universalist nation of no fixed address.

It's weird, don't you think, that the argument was never presented..?

>> No.22303238

also, this is too stupid for me but I know I have to add this fucking caveat for some of you clownpockets,

>jesus isnt da jews
Fucking (you), if you proclaim Romulus or Zoroaster to be your prophet you're obviously taking the entire cultural mythos of the nations those prophets came from (and spoke from) as being divine and following it; believing in it, etc.

>> No.22303246
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>> No.22303363

prime mover, first mover - important concepts in philosophy

atheists - see a car and say engineers designed it workers built it and so on

atheists - see solar system and say POOF it just appeared all by itself

the prime mover problem cannot be resolved

but yeah connecting the prime mover to a specific religion kind of bothers me too because which specific religion?????

>> No.22303494

>atheists - see solar system and say POOF it just appeared all by itself
Ah but they're dumb; a religious guy made that up and they're dumb for not realizing that he's just saying "and god clicked his fingers and poof," the phrase "as if by magic" should have been a clue for them.

Prime Mover; First Cause 'is' an important concept in philosophy but it's childlike in the way it comes up in religion (even if we can't find anybody actually making the argument that "god is first cause" it's what everyone believes by themselves, hence its fucking weird we have no argument introducing this intellectually) as causes (causas) are the thing being focused on; the prime mover idea seems more in context to be to spur the sluggish brain of a person to get the thinking about how things occur in the world, the cause of this and that; how did a river appear, how did this and that come about, which is greatly valuable. Whereas to to pick up "prime mover" and start attributing things to 'it' as if 'it' were a character with a personality is to just blot out the concept in a persons mind; or: it's to provide a single and simple non-answer for a stupid person which is of no value for them.

I think it can be understood as being a baseline or regressive infantlist egotism on the part of an idiot; the ego of an incredibly stupid person (i mean a person who truly knows fuck all about how anything works around them) is emboldened by being given a single answer (making it all god of the gaps) which teaches them nothing, impedes their learning anything and makes them feel as if they're better than others, with no work on their part.

>the prime mover problem cannot be resolved
I think we do know exactly where it came from

It's interesting as well that while a mythos of 'creation' kind of existed in the indigenous pagans it wasn't considered important by contrast to other parts of the culture. You don't find, for instance, parades of Romans running around declaring that they believe in Uranus and that this excuses them from paying homage to the temples of Aesculapius, or going after the temples of Aesculapius with hammers out of religious zealotry for considering all gods but Uranus to be fake or evil. The statement, "i have faith that god (uranus) created the universe/world" was never said by anybody, I don't think - then consider that that statement is the single most important act of profession for the Christian, Muslim, Jew.

>> No.22304246

fucking 6 hr bump

>> No.22304514

you have spent time thinking about this problem

>> No.22304859

not so much, I'd think it would be all very obvious without the literalistic god notion fogging the brain; people would pursue the science, recognizing it, if anything, as being the only thing worthy of divine recognition.

it has always seemed ridiculous to me that a person unable to grow cabbage believes they can muse on the origins of a solar system, or that a person unable to fathom a clogged pipe believe they possess the answer to the origins of a hundred thousand solar systems. the answer disappoints, when pressing them to explain such grand things. ha

>> No.22304869

but in their cases, the premature proclamation 'of' their non-answer reveals one highly important thing about them, that: they are 'not' interested in truth or the workings of things.