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22298831 No.22298831 [Reply] [Original]

Most modern philosophers are largely lacking for anything worthwhile to say because the true theists/deists among them have become the exception rather than the rule. I honestly believe atheists are generally incapable of producing insightful philosophy, and by becoming the majority, they have polluted the entire discipline, especially the analytical schools.

>> No.22298836

>my ideological enemies are bad and dumb
Really insightful stuff man

>> No.22298840

>tr/a/nnies are christian now.
Modern philosophy is dead because of school education brain rot and general disregard for any philosophical works.

>> No.22299863

I'm an atheist and I agree that theists tend to make better philosophers.

>> No.22299883

That's because they have a greater need of sophistry to obfuscate and dress up their illogical beliefs.

>> No.22299898

If you actually read modern philosophy you would realize how wrong you are.

Really it’s because being an open Atheist leaves little room for anything other than reductionist materialism, otherwise you will be ridiculed by your fellow Atheists and be called “not a real Atheist”. Many such cases.

>> No.22299979

I think OP's just been deceived by the "pop philosophers" of today who are, admittedly, reductionist midwits with nothing of substance to say.

>> No.22299998

>largely lacking for anything worthwhile to say
just like OP

>> No.22300004

It's not just atheism. Any defining trait which is negative, especially negative to the highest degree (which is atheism), by definition limits the intellectual possibilities and horizons of the philosopher because they are artificially limiting the total possibility through their refusal to engage with and accept certain aspects of reality. You can level the same criticism at not just atheists, but also reductionists of any kind, monists, etc.

>> No.22300239

First off, I'm fairly certain the Japanese cartoon you posted doesn't in anyway punctuate your point.
Second off, you offer no reasoning for why non-theists/desists are worse at philosophizing: all you do is assert your believe as being in the hopes that someone who already agrees with you, agrees with you.

>> No.22300357

We need more Kierkegaardians

>> No.22300423

It's good you've recognize that philosophers are just cunt theologians who argue unverifiable claims and produce nothing of worth. But I feel you haven't quit grasped the import of this just yet.


>If you actually read modern philosophy you would realize how wrong you are.
a worthless opinion w/ no case to back it up.

No he's speaking of Plato, Hume, Kant, Truncheon, Pole and Snookums.

>. Any defining trait which is negative, especially negative to the highest degree (which is atheism), by definition limits the intellectual possibilities and horizons of the philosopher because they are artificially limiting the total possibility
The unconscious projection of the limitations of cretinous theology is staggering.

I have questioned many theologians and philosophers and none have demonstrated the faculty of intelligence possessed of a common workman. If a Man cannot grow food, repair a tool, build a thing, etc., what in Gaias Fuck can he POSSIBLY comment upon the nature of things many times more complex than those basic things?

Notice how such person will oppose the actually wise persons,such as myself, who highlight their impotence in this regard and reveal themselves quite content to be sitting on the playroom carpet with their playdough up their nose.

>reductionist materialism
As opposed to expansionism with multiplying degrees of unverifiability?HM seems reliable /sarc

>> No.22300707

I say, I am getting rather bored of nobody challenging me anymore. Am I King now? Good.

>> No.22300956

Are you a bot?

>> No.22300970


>> No.22300985


>> No.22301354

looks like someones getting banned, dum white nigger

yeah, cunt, I'm a RO BOT
fucking retard


literally fuck all on any thread hahahaha

>> No.22301374

>illogical beliefs.
Many theists are illogical, but not all. Same for atheists and agnostics too really. It's a people thing.

But objectively, theism is correct. Or rather, gnostic theism. We know that God exists know.
>yeah right
NDErs say that we are eternal and will go to heaven unconditionally when we die. And NDErs talk about God running the afterlife. Therefore God exists.

And NDEs are more real than this world, in every way. For instance, NDErs report expanded intelligence. One NDEr said that the greatest supergenius who ever lived, with the help of the greatest supercomputer of all time, would be immeasurably dwarfed by the intelligence she had access to while in the light, so much so that it would be closer and fairer to compare the intelligence of Einstein to that of an ant. Literally and seriously. And as another NDEr described their cognition during their life review:

>"I looked up, and saw four translucent screens begin to appear - and form a kind of gigantic, cubed box all around me. It was through this method that I was shown my life review. Without ever having to turn my head, I panoramically saw my past, present, future - and there was even a screen behind me that displayed a tremendous amount of scientific data, numbers, symbols and universal codes. I was in complete amazement because (as all of this was occurring) I realized I understood absolutely everything I was seeing - even in the most microscopic detail! There seemed to be no limit to the thoughts I was able to think or the ideas I was able to absorb. In this space, what we tend to think of as a limited comprehension or single-mindedness here on Earth, becomes truly infinite and limitless here! I kept thinking over and over how true it is what they say: that when we go back home - we all really are of one mind!"

From here: https://youtu.be/U00ibBGZp7o

Another way NDEs are more real is how one NDEr said that he saw more than 80 new primary colors in the NDE world, compared to the 3 primary colors we have here.

From here: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/mysteries-consciousness/202204/does-afterlife-obviously-exist

So heaven is undeniably real because we have no justifiably reason to doubt NDErs given how they're self-evidently real to all NDErs, even atheist neuroscientists who are more skeptical, intelligent, and comprehending of the brain hallucination argument than whoever you are reading this. If NDEs were hallucinations, they wouldn't convince those people. But they do.

>> No.22301479
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>goes on a rant about le atheists

>> No.22301483

Atheists are anti-philosophy

>> No.22301507

omfg what are these stupid fucking reddit generalizations? Please fuck off back to /pol/ or whatever cesspool you came from and let the grown ups post on /lit/.

>> No.22301512

You sure are sensitive for an atheist

>> No.22301517

How do you even infer that I am one from my posts? I know that this is b8, but jesus fucking christ you have to try better if you want anyone on this board to fall for it, you fucking faggot.

>> No.22301519

Only an atheist would argue like that

>> No.22301540

God enjoyers at it again

>> No.22301577

I would contend it has less to do with belief or lack thereof in a God, it is probably the same affect that you are seeing in Literature since historically philosophy uses the same medium and that is books are dying. I have more philosophical discussions on this website than I have in real life, aside from philosophers who were publishing in the 90's or before there really aren't any that come to mind that I have read recently. I secretly suspect philosophy will actually revert back to mathematics and this was foretold by Wittgenstein in Tractatus.

>> No.22302236

I am an athiest, why should I care about philosophy?

>> No.22302251

People talking philosophy in public are cringe. They virtually only want to brain sponge off of readers and pretend like they can pseud their way through it.

>> No.22302310

>anime image
>retarded “take”
Like pottery

>> No.22302349

>through their refusal to engage with and accept certain aspects of reality
This is no worse than theists starting with unproven beliefs (God exists, the immaterial exists, souls exist, etc.) and trying to use pure reason fallaciously to ground these beliefs. There is a very clear tradition of naturalistic epistemology which drives materialist thinking, and to chalk it up to the fact that they don’t want to confront the objects of possible study as opposed to consciously limiting themselves based on what they believe to be the limits of reason is misrepresenting the other side of the argument. Both theists and atheists operate with unconscious desires to prove their assumptions right. Neither are free from this. But to call one side’s motivation or worldview artificially limiting is silly.

>> No.22302382

It doesn't matter if you are atheist or not, you have to deal with the fact that materialist thinking cannot account for qualitative experience, or even consciousness. This is artificially limiting and a fundamental principle.

>> No.22302472

>materialist thinking cannot account for qualitative experience, or even consciousness
And it can’t exactly how? Not all materialism or monism is reductionist, nor do all materialist thinkers fall under one umbrella.

>> No.22302484

>Not all trannies are groomers argument
Ok kid, now how about you actually start saying something.

>> No.22302489

>materialist thinking cannot account for qualitative experience, or even consciousness

This does not mean that magic suddenly becomes a useful or even plausible explanation.

>> No.22302496

To justify your lack of belief in god or gods. Why is that even a question?
>I don't actually believe that you're an atheist, just an anonymous theist trying to stir the pot

>> No.22302518
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Did you know that the most influential philosophers like Descartes and Kant were deeply religious? This is some next level "I'm merely pretending to be retarded just to troll you" level shit.

>> No.22302826

They were largely atheistic in their thinking

>> No.22302839

twitter is my religion, joe biden my god, ambear heard my christ and elon musk my satan.
reminder that atheism is a religion, just like any other one: it has symbols, priests, oppressions, lies, dogmas, creation myth, hierarchies, social rules and so on. It has also a theology, but it's atomized (ie the rats believe in self determination in order to be compatible with the propaganda of the human rights). The only novelty by atheist rats is that they say ''atheism is not religion, it's an ideology'', because those dimwits deeply believe that if they change the words they use, reality will change.

reminder that contrary to the atheist propaganda, there is no several flavors of atheism. The truth is that there is only one atheism but atheists keep making up various flavors, like social liberalism, nationalism, communism, to keep people running in circle among all the atheist religions. In other words, atheists use their fantasy of market to balkanize their own religion in order to keep people trapped in it while thinking they become free thinkers when they explore the various flavors of atheism.

the bourgeois created atheism and their revolutions precisely to remove any theology bigger than society, so that the wageslaves can ''create their own goals'' , ie self determination.

>> No.22303050

>gnostic theism. We know that God exists know.
>NDErs say that we are eternal and will go to heaven unconditionally when we die.
No they don't. I've listened to hundreds of those stories - and ghosts and stuff like that probably thousands - if the person connects it to (local religion) they've never presented say real proof of that, it's just an association they've made in their heads. On the surface of the thing the NDE and the Ghosties strongly 'dis-prove' the religious soup, because (the experience) is not as the religions profess. Ghosts aren't supposed to exist, for instance, they're supposed to be up in the clouds hanging out with the 72 Virgins or on some other plane of consciousness, etc. These things seem mostly to be people who have ha those experiences and who just associate it with (local religion) because they don't know any better. By the same logic of Ghosties, if you were indoctrinated into (local religion) and you died you'd probably go on thinking you were a demon or something as you weren't up in the guesthouse paradisos.

> And NDErs talk about God running the afterlife. Therefore God exists.
If they're all right in their interpretations; a Hindu a Muslim a Pagan and a Chrustian (with very different ideas), then they're all wrong - it's same for psychedelic trips. Just possibly human religions are made up and nobody knows shit.

Other older civilizations got far more right far earlier. Western and West Asian philisophy tends to be theistic for chiefly two reasons:
1) Christianity basically is plato-socrates being interpreted by Judaized Greeks; they make their heathen barbarous ethnic deity into the "prime mover" (which is just a wya of saying that their ethnic heathen deity is god not only of the jews but that the jews are the masters of the cosmos and all things, which is hilarious) - and have never given an argument to support this association, it coming along after the fact by threat of violence via the christian roman empire.
2) For seven hundred or so years in the west you would have been killed for disagreeing with any of the religious claims, so naturally the worms who you call "philosophers" in christian times were are all cucks for the local SJW ideology due to threat of death; writing under duress, or were outright propagandists or political actors trying desperately to rationalize and remedy some of the obvious gaping faults in the religion for the common good. St Benedict or St Basil, for instance, would have gotten nowhere if they hadn't verbalized their intentions to help their fellow humans in the language of the local religion, they would have been brutally killed and founded no charitable missions.

this is religious dogmatism; any critique or thought at all is heretical.

>> No.22303062

you shouldn't, see: >>22303050

BUT you shouldn't throw the crippled baby out with the bloody bathwater. If you can differentiate between the unverfiable non-material nonsense of some philosophers (which is all bunk as they speak with thought of proof and discard all objective reality, as plotinus pointed out to them) and the verifiable material philosophers then there's a big difference.

BUT then I'd argue you/they/I wouldn't be doing philosophy anymore but straight science, like Arcimedes or Galen discovering and inventing real things about and in the real world, for the common good, vs. St Todger of the Interesting Day Dream who invented nothing.

>> No.22303075

The NDEr tranny made a real post that wasn't a shilling copy pasta?

>> No.22303852

Pansychism, Emergent Physicalism, Neutral Monism, need I say more faggot?

>> No.22303854


>> No.22303857

>I honestly believe atheists are generally incapable of producing insightful philosophy
Duh. They're fools. They literally think their ancestors were fish and that nothing created everything on blind faith!

Psalms 14
>1. The fool hath said in his heart, [There is] no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, [there is] none that doeth good.

Romans 1
>22. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,

1 Cor 1
>19. For it is written, I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and will bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent.
>20. Where [is] the wise? where [is] the scribe? where [is] the disputer of this world? hath not God made foolish the wisdom of this world?
>25. Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men; and the weakness of God is stronger than men.

1 Cor 3
>19. For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. For it is written, He taketh the wise in their own craftiness.
>20. And again, The Lord knoweth the thoughts of the wise, that they are vain.

>> No.22303865
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>this is religious dogmatism; any critique or thought at all is heretical.
Evolution and naturalism are religious dogmatism, any critique or thought at all is heretical. But they call it science and get tax-funding and indoctrinate kids with their religion. They can't allow any criticism then they'd lose tax-funding and access to indoctrinate kids in "public" schools.

>> No.22304176

yep, but you're just sore you're not the one able to force your dumb beliefs onto other people: you're the same as them . If you go back to 1920 or something it would be closeted christcucks doing this as they were in power. The real position to take is that anybody doing it is a fucking idiot, I mean, look at (your opinions): you couldn't be more politically activated 'against' what you've been force-fed, censorship obviously doesn't work.

nor does prolonged psychological abuse w/ no reasoning, it just makes all christians look bad.

>> No.22304198

> they call it science and get tax-funding and indoctrinate
actually, you know what, it's the academy. It'snot even religion, it's the fake academy which did targeted harassment to people, for centuries, only to embrace their ideas in the end and take the credit for it, whilst going after them like 4chan sociopaths while they were alive.

BUT that was the churches before it was the academy, and it's still dogmatism; religion comes from dogmatism not the other way around, that is:t he psychological need of the stupid human to make-up some thing, pretend it's true, then force others to go along with it.

and that isn't fucking science anymore than the american democrat party is democratic or the contemporary liberal is a liberal.

>> No.22304210

>They literally think their ancestors were fish and that nothing created everything on blind faith!

maybe you'd take a swing at this, cardinal: >>22303494

>> No.22305290

or maybe you'll shirk away to wank over trannies and return tomorrow to proclaim your faith in st paul.

>> No.22305295


>> No.22305312

sociopathic mental cripple you, come on, poor poverty stricken little microwave meal boy seeing your country over taken by foreigners and your own little babies being turned into faggots, with you to look up to hahaha

>> No.22305328

Incel philosophy needs to be a thing

>> No.22305330

Its limits them on a linguistic level too