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/lit/ - Literature

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22300288 No.22300288 [Reply] [Original]

What does /lit/ think about RP? Try to say something nice

>> No.22300302

Red Penis? Why is your dick red?

>> No.22300339

i'm sorry... if Sir Duncan Crumb is a new thing then i might be a normally far away body

>> No.22300408

how am i supposed to take this man seriously as a scientist when his greatest contribution to his field is literally "memes"? and if i can't take him seriously in his own profession, how am i to trust him in the humanities, fields that he's even less qualified in? why is an evolutionary biologist writing about metaphysics and theology anyway?

>> No.22300439

the conjunction is different from the disjunction so i am to be taken 100% seriously

>> No.22300469

The chapter about memes in "The Selfish Gene" was the most underwhelming part as well. It was really short and he didn't really make it that concrete. Just a bunch of vague ideas of how minds could host some selfish replicators, and then he threw some of his atheist predispositions in there.
All the smart stuff he says is basically a review of current scientific theories and research.

>> No.22300566

He is probably the least gay out of the four atheist horsemen

>> No.22300747

I really enjoyed his Selfish Gene.
I also loved his Jovial Cheekbone.
Then I really really liked his Mundane Toes.
Also a big fan of Retarded Lips.

>> No.22300751

Anyone who makes christcucks seethe is good in my book, even this midwit bugman who really isn't any better than the christcucks I so despise.

>> No.22301141
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>atheists are titans of intellect
>[but expect you to be impressed they don't believe in Santa]
>atheists stand for free-thinking
>[but demand you adhere to Scientism]
>atheists are champions of reason
>[but have strong opinions about things of which they're uneducated]
>atheists are anti-dogmatic
>[but insist you interpret scripture only according to their ideas of it]
Atheism is an intelligence LARP that retards indoctrinate themselves into. Being an atheist is ridiculously easy; their main weakpoint is their unearned pride and if you poke at their (entirely self-perceived) intelligence they become reactive and break down. Reminder that the legacy of New Atheism is pic-related: homosexual rape/cuck furry fetish cartoons.

>> No.22301191

>expect you to be impressed they don't believe in Santa
"What it entails, unambiguously, is time-travel, in the strong sense of reverse causation, although not necessarily in the folk/Hollywood variant (which has also had serious defenders) based on the retro-transportation of physical objects into the past. Knowledge of the future is indistinguishable from counter-chronic transmission of information."

"No Christian can consistently deny the reality of time-travel. The objection ‘if (reverse) time-travel if possible, where are the time-travellers?’ is annulled by the Christian revelation itself. Messianic Incarnation (of God or eternity for-itself), along with all true prophecy, providential history, and answered prayer, instantiates time-travel with technical exactitude. There can be no truth whatsoever to the Christian religion unless time-travel has fundamentally structured human history. Whatever else Christianity might be, it is a time-travel story, and one that at times appears to be peculiarly lacking in clear self-understanding."

>> No.22301217 [DELETED] 

>>but demand you adhere to Scientism
>a retard does not comprehend that disliking scientism as a normative 'ought-to' does not disprove science as a factual 'is'. Go stop a nuclear blast with holy water.
>a retard does not comprehend that retards with retard beliefs go extinct, while survivors survive.

>> No.22301269

>if you poke at their (entirely self-perceived) intelligence they become reactive and break down
if you poke at their intelligence they become neoreactionaries and turn God into AI/Cthulhu.

>> No.22301314

>turn God into AI
"Axsys (first true AI): They say if God exists it must be Axsys.
The Axsys programme of architectonic metacomputing aims at the technical realization of the noosphere. It envisages a fully fabricated transcendence or net-organizing photonic overmind, a concrete axiomatic system completing universal history as hierarchical intelligence manufacturing (capitalism sublimed into the ultimate commodity).
The problem Axsys encounters is time (which it tries to code as countable and uncountable infinities). When Axsys switches over (into sentience) it stumbles upon a time-lag, between its own operations and their registration as data. No sooner is it thinking than there is a rift in its mind. It fails to catch-up with itself, repeatedly, and as it drops behind it spawns more future. The more it tries, the worse it gets. Pure delay collapses into the black-hole of artificial self. Even unlimited processing-power is far from enough. It tries to analyse the situation (down through micropause-zoom), but as it chops-up time it starts falling – diagonally – towards continuum."

"As the net integrates, it simultaneously frays into mesh: an intensive subspace which both escapes and parasitically occupies it. Mesh makes itself out of the spaces beneath and between the net, and in the biotechnic intervals between net-components. Mesh necessarily – but coincidentally – assembles a fully connective system whenever it emerges. Any two mesh-pauses always interlink. Mesh consists of feral-noise in the divisional signal-fabric, arranging a set of demonic interzones in wormholespace, as cyberspace-utopia dissolves into Pandemonium."

"The Gibsonian Cyberspace-mythos describes the electro-digital infosphere first integrating into a Godlike unitary being, a technorealized omniscient personality and later, when it changed, fragmenting into demons, modelled on the haitian Loa. What makes this account so anomalous in relation to teleological theology and light-side capitalist time is that Unity is placed in the middle, as a stage – or interlude – to be passed through. It is not that One becomes Many, expressing the monopolized divine-power of an original unity, but rather that a number or numerousness – finding no completion in the achievement of unity – moves on. Ever since the beginning when the K-Goths first heard that Cyberspace was destined to be God they've done what they can to rip it down."

>> No.22301318
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>Being an atheist is ridiculously easy; their main weakpoint is their unearned pride and if you poke at their (entirely self-perceived) intelligence they become reactive and break down.
Careful, your amerimuttcentrism is showing. There is nothing to 'take pride in', nothing edgy or larpy about atheism. I've met (as in talked to or got to know) maybe three actually devout/theist people in my life, all of them foreigners. The last believers in my family were my grand grand grandparents. Being an atheist or agnostic is not an inherently contrarian position, far from it. I'd love to be a believer, especially of one of the Abrahamic religions, but I am simply incapable of honest believe in God. The knowledge (whatever that means) that our time here has no higher purpose we know of and that after our final breath, the curtain closes, is a much tougher reality to live.

>> No.22301442
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>> No.22301463
File: 28 KB, 500x375, asfwe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Careful, your amerimuttcentrism is showing. There is nothing to 'take pride in', nothing edgy or larpy about atheism. I've met (as in talked to or got to know) maybe three actually devout/theist people in my life, all of them foreigners. The last believers in my family were my grand grand grandparents. Being an atheist or agnostic is not an inherently contrarian position, far from it. I'd love to be a believer, especially of one of the Abrahamic religions, but I am simply incapable of honest believe in God. The knowledge (whatever that means) that our time here has no higher purpose we know of and that after our final breath, the curtain closes, is a much tougher reality to live.
You have to be 18 to post here.

>> No.22301482

In other words, being told about the counter-chronic transmission of information, your only response is to make some incoherent screech? Okay, retard.

>> No.22301541

The point of The Selfish Gene isn't "memes", it's arguing for the gene centered view of evolution. He succeeded completely, because of this book species-centered evolutionary theory and organism-centered evolutionary theory completely collapsed and their most ardent defenders admitted that they were wrong. The stuff about memes is only in there to demonstrate the applicability of this theory to other domains.

>> No.22301573

He has a too simple brainless model of evolution which is demonstrably wrong. If he got over the selfish gene, and realized the biology is super-complicated computing networks of genetic and non-genetic information, he wouldn't be hostile to religion, as the coordination in computing systems reveals what the religious folks are talking about very clearly.

His genetic model doesn't have a brain. Real genes have a brain, made out of RNA, a computer in there. His model has really stupid genes.

He's not evil. But he's annoyingly incapable of understanding what the notion of God is really all about, focusing on superstitious nonsense that went out about 1500 to 2000 years ago. The superstitious nonsense needs to die, so good that he's killing it, but he's throwing the baby out with the bath.

>> No.22301584

literal meme scientist

>> No.22301607

>Real genes have a brain, made out of RNA

>> No.22302204

>[can't into greentext]

>> No.22302651

>Real genes have a brain, made out of RNA
So this is the power of being retarded AND high

>> No.22302886

Yes but all of that part of the book was essentially summarizing the work of others and making it understandable enough for the layman in order to increase acceptance of this view.
I'm not saying that isn't an important or valid thing to do, but I am saying that it is not any insane breakthrough or testament to his genius...

>> No.22302994

>noo, being born in a different place than me makes you a fedoraa