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22297815 No.22297815 [Reply] [Original]

/lit/ doesn't know that L. Ron Hubbard btfo'd Hegel and refuted German Idealism in Dianetics

>> No.22297845


>> No.22297862
File: 127 KB, 800x653, L-Ron-Hubbard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I try to tell people that, but let's face it, 4channers are the worst.
All the social impairment of nerds, and none of the brains.
lazy ass

>> No.22297865

>lazy ass
tell or I will say mean things to you

>> No.22297900

There is no end of QRDs on Scientological philosophy on their websites. They even make videos.
If you need some motivation, consider this.
Ron's 2nd book, "Science Of Survival" (published 1951), contains a section on determining someone's hypnotic level.
As an aside, he mentions that Dianetic processing is uncovering (and healing) government-imposed pain/drug hypnosis.
This is what would later be known as MK Ultra. And he uncovered it (and had the techniques to fix it) in 1951.
Needless to say, when they heard about this, the Deep State lost their shit.
And the vast majority of the vitriol you hear about Scientology began with the Deep State seething and trying to cover up their offenses.
Now, who do you want to side with...the self-serving Deep State, or the organization that not only uncovered their evil, but can actually fix the damage?

>> No.22297920

hubbard was a crowleyite from what I remember

>> No.22297932

Hegel was built for HHC (Huge Hubbard Cock)
Thetan Fags BTFO
Hubbard's analyses of the inner demons of individuals rapes Hegel's consciousness theory
Hubbard also cucked an incubus. Look into Jack Parsons and that metal rod in the desert.
David Miscavige under the guidance of Hubbard removed internal Hegelian Corruption from the IRS.
Ya Hubbard Madad.

>> No.22297934
File: 11 KB, 326x327, pepe-crowley.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He knew Crowley, and associated with him for a while, but that doesn't mean he's somehow responsible for, or agreed with, everything Crowley said or did.
You're implying guilt by association.

>> No.22297957

I's possible that it might have some good elements but the organisation is very tainted

>> No.22297958 [SPOILER] 

Every once in a while these schizos try to recruit there. You’re going to need to pay for classes and guidance to get that privileged info tho.

>> No.22298001

This article is ridiculous

>> No.22298011

ok but why science fiction author L. Ron Hubbard?

>> No.22298280

How would you turn out, if you'd been hounded for years by corrupt government agencies who are dramatizing their guilt and trying to silence the messenger?
The fact that the Church has survived this onslaught is testament to its inner strength.

>> No.22298698

Thetans? More like Cretins.

>> No.22299122

>all I know is bitches and money

>> No.22299141

Right but I’m gonna side with the people that went against psychology as a discipline. Not that I consider myself an ally but it’s one thing they got right.