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/lit/ - Literature

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22293520 No.22293520 [Reply] [Original]

Why don't writers live interesting lives anymore? You see all these stories about what Hemingway and Faulkner and Burroughs did and how that influenced their writing. What happened to people living dark, dangerous lives? A lot of modern writing is insufferable because nobody has onteresting lived experiences. It's all mfa programs and suburbanites

>> No.22293551

Hemmingway sux

>> No.22293561

because we live in the bean counter era

>> No.22293611

You summed up why I like my authors dead.
Zoomers have no life experience and nothing interesting to say. We are witnessing the death of literature.

>> No.22293626

Because anyone who lives an interesting life nowadays is too busy to write a book.

>> No.22294279

I wanna say smartphones ruined everything, but the truth is nothing stops one from ignoring them and pursuing a life of adventure and real experience.

On the other hand, pretending the pathetic atmosphere of the times does not bear any influence on one's mind and spirit is also disingenuous.

>> No.22294300

It's hard to find friends in the modern world. And when you do they certainly don't want to do anything interesting out of the mainstream cultural zeitgeist.

>> No.22294873

Wish me luck lads I've booked myself a boxing fight with zero experience.

I will most likely gas very quickly and get absolutely battered, but the experience will make people view me as a quirky madman worth reading.

>> No.22295016
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It comes down to money and lifestyle.
Around the post war boom in America people realized they didn't have to live in shithole conditions anymore. They could work for a corporation and live a comfortable life instead of hopping from job to job; the standard of living increased. Mass suburbs fostered the idea of an ideal place to settle down and raise a family. In three generations the populace went from expats running from creditors to Sunday afternoon burger flippers for the neighborhood watch. You didn't have to be a boxer and a tailor and a shoemaker to make ends meet. You could just do land surveys, for example. It's a lower bar to entry, pays more consistently, and keeps you in one spot while you had a family. Lifestyle and the desire for stability and consistency in paychecks neutered the need to live an interesting, hard life like the old guys did.
Nowadays you can still live that interesting life, but most people are reluctant for the same reasons: lifestyle and money. Fear, too. What if you get trafficked? What if you get shanked or have to go a day or two without a "proper" meal? (We have a tremendously nutritional diet now compared to 100 years ago, when a president ran on a ticket with the slogan "A chicken in every pot") The "smart" thing is to go to an Ivy league, get a stable job, study the arts and listen to propaganda, and surrogate the struggles of the past by inventing new ones in this time. You just don't need to live that way to survive anymore, so, people don't.
This isn't to say anything of third world countries where people do live like that still. Because the world has changed, the background of writers change too, and maybe people complained that Faulkner and Hemingway weren't explorers or gunslingers or Rough Riders like the old guys back then were. I think you can even still live an interesting life in today's world better than you could then, because in this world you can pick what you want to experience instead of enduring whatever is thrown at you, and that hones your writing and your voice far better in the long term.

>> No.22295025

Fluoride emasculates men.

>> No.22295028

Hemingway, Faulkner and Burroughs would not get publishing contracts today, because they are white men.

>> No.22295450

Rob Doyle is a decent modern literary writer and he’s been out in the world doing shit. Mostly exotic traveling and exotic drugs. I enjoyed threshold even though it’s probably a little plebe.

>> No.22295472

I spent a decade chasing instant gratification with prostitutes and message parlor girls and have also gone through life as a minor-attracted person and am writing a memoir on all that, is that good enough?

>> No.22295481

>I think you can even still live an interesting life in today's world better than you could then, because in this world you can pick what you want to experience instead of enduring whatever is thrown at you
I think this is precisely the opposite. the people, as you said yourself too, almost always pick the path of least resistance.
Beyond that, I think that way of thinking(very present in the developed world) is indicative of putting safety over freedom so I while I agree it's the best in order to have a safe, comfortable experience, I don't think it's the one that will teach you the most about the human condition. Thus the lack of something older generations of writers had OP is noting.

>> No.22295683

Cause theyre spending all their time writing the book

>> No.22295688
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Some do live interesting lives but they're not the ones getting picked up and promoted.
Take me, i grew up in a cult, became a drug addict briefly, got clean, became a bouncer, did a stint in the Australian Army, was a prison officer for a little while, lived remote for 5 years, so on and so forth.
I've used most of these things as fiction fodder but what books get promoted in my country? Diversity novels...transgender muslim refugee with autism fight climate change and women's empowerment while acknowledging indigenous land rights blah blah fuckin blah.
This is why little pockets of resistance like the lit renaissance are so important.

>> No.22295724

Godspeed retard

>> No.22295730

It's because we live in a hyper regulated high tax environment where getting odd jobs that can accrue savings for you to be a tramp or travel just don't exist. Also, mass camera production decreases the value of travel exponentially.

>> No.22295779

god you are insufferable lmao, I won't elaborate further because you're clearly too fucking stupid to get it, now or ever

>> No.22296121

based retard

>> No.22297571

Take classes. At the very least watch some youtube videos and go for a run.

>> No.22297610

How are they different that the men OP post about? Why is it that the people living interesting lives now don't have time to write, while OP's writers did have time? Bullshit.

>> No.22297723

The best writers and philosophers were wealthy aristocrats who led comfortable lives relatively to their time period. I think it comes down to culture and education which has become utilitarian everywhere.

>> No.22297738

One of the reasons rich people are so unpopular today is the idea that just because someone is an aristocrat he ver went through hardship. For example, finding a job is not an easy thing if doing manual labour is forbidden to you. Great Men are upper class people who went through a shitton of hardship, basically, but they have always had some sort of material basis under wich they could never fall on, earning both a stronger character without destroying their health or strength.

>> No.22297759

I don't mean to offend but how is any of that interesting apart from growing up in a cult? You just lived a mundane working class lifestyle, not unlike every brown person in some third world shithole.
I think that interesting lives are exceptionally rare because it depends on cultural and historical events outside one's control. For example, Che Guevara lived a very interesting life which would be impossible if certain historical events outside of his control hadn't happened. It's all about being in the right place at the right time with the right genetics, contacts, etc.