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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 388 KB, 790x1412, lit renaissance iceberg 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22290630 No.22290630 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>22266544

It feels like there's a pent up feeling in literary and intellectual culture that some new trend or literary convention is about to emerge onto the scene, in the same way the Gen X television generation brought maximalist post-modernism to the fore in the 90s or how the lost generation ushered in psycho analytical modernism.
Is whatever it is that's about to emerge going to stem from the people involved in the so-called /lit/ renaissance? I don't know. On the one hand I stress the importance of, as a writer, having one's finger on the pulse of the collective unconscious. Being ahead of the trend, understanding the modern condition to such an extent that it seems like one is a prophet. This lays the foundation for then creating that very unconscious and those trends by stimulating and exploiting them via creative works of passion. 4chan is certainly the incubator and birthplace of much of Gen Z culture, humor, anxieties and sub-dermal political tendencies so I can definitely see this generation's best authors and underground literary leaders emerging from here. I think, however, the main problem /lit/ authors have is that there's no single strong stylistic vision. You have esotericisms, realists, maximalists, minimalists, deconstructionists and (admittedly) some plain poor fucking writers in the mix. Those published under the umbrella of &amp, Unreal, the many self pubbed authors here are who I have in mind.

Call Of United Airlines (free e-book): https://files.catbox.moe/aw9gz2.pdf

>> No.22290711

can't tell if I'm too much or not enough of a newfag to get these

>> No.22290717

>writers on notoriously anarchist 4chan need a single strong stylistic vision
not bloody likely

>> No.22290721
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>> No.22290727

>4chan is certainly the incubator and birthplace of much of Gen Z culture, humor, anxieties and sub-dermal political tendencies
but is /lit/ in particular even influential because zoomers don't actually read, at least not books, even less write.

>> No.22290738

maybe you're exactly the right amount of newfag

>> No.22290745

>4chan is certainly the incubator and birthplace of much of Gen Z culture, humor, anxieties and sub-dermal political tendencies
that would be tiktok

>> No.22290753

4chan isn’t anarchist it’s just retarded

>> No.22290797

you're not wrong...4channers have all the social impairment of nerds & none of the brains

>> No.22290860

I love James Krake

>> No.22291109

I’m pretty sure that >>22290616 is the real AnderSEN, because iirc he was a big fan of TTT and often talked about MNM-DR.

>> No.22291167

>there will never be a /lit/ renaissance as long as the most interesting component of this renaissance is how pathetic and reactionary the authors are. You retards need to hunker down and write something of worth.
I don’t care what side of the discord war this guy is on, that is a based take. If the lot of you spent as much effort on your art as you did on your discord drama then maybe the “/lit/ Renaissance” would be something more than a medal that you’ve awkwardly awarded to yourselves.

>> No.22291176

I think there are plenty of people on this board that aren't reactionary. I've had some anons tell me, in regards to a work in progress, that they hope I fail because I wasn't reactionary enough. I'm just going about things my own way.

>> No.22291259

I don’t doubt it, but how many of our current authors are? Not saying that you’re an extreme outlier but that seems like a fairly accurate description of the who’s-who of /lit/. Even Gardner can’t escape the accusation of being a member of the alt-right.

>> No.22291283
File: 289 KB, 1314x731, IMG_1953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Defending Gardner

I’m so glad I saved this pic. Gardner fucking wrote this. He is an unironic nazi.

>> No.22291291

i hear nazis are back in fashion

>> No.22291296

You forgot
>James Krake has mosaic Down Syndrome
>RhymeAndGrind and Ari are twins separated at birth
>Woolston impregnated an underaged inbred hick
>KRH and Atlas sex tape leaked
>Tooky has a double life as a rockin’ twink
>AnderSEN is in cahoots with MNMDR’s stalker
>Gardner is HIV-positive and moonlights as a low class hooker

>> No.22291320

This is just crab mentality. You don’t actually believe that Gardner is a nazi, you just want him to fail. Heck, where do you think we are? You’d probably like him more if you actually thought he was a nazi.
This crab mentality is another thing preventing the renaissance. Put this hatred into your writing. Come back with something that transcends how pathetic you are IRL. Change the way normies view us instead of trying to own Gardner.

>> No.22291333

I'm not really sure. I haven't read all of them, but from some premises and references in stories I would at least say it could approach a third.
I think delving into topics that reactionaries think about is fine. Even I want to do that. It's the way you characterize that matters. But I suppose writing about anything controversial these days without express condemnation is tantamount to reactionary writing. Or talking about God means it's Biblethumping.

>> No.22291343

I would unironically read and support Frank if he developed his style beyond shitposting. I held my breath during the hiatus. Guess I don't know him that well. But seriously I think the whole /x/ voice could be awesome if he made a sincere effort to learn from the paranormal writers on /lit/ or elsewhere. Until then he is like a voice crying in the wilderness.

>> No.22291365
File: 17 KB, 300x184, f-gardner-vs-gollum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i put it to you that one needs a minimum IQ level to even form political opinions
gardner clearly doesn't meet that
it'd be like blaming a bison for goring you

>> No.22291366

Checked. I don’t actually have an issue with reactionary writing. What I take issue with is the fact that almost every reactionary writer we have is woefully out of his depth. I enjoyed Mike Ma’s writing but most of what he writes is hand waved away with a “haha just kidding!”, and I’ve also heard good things about MNMDR, but everyone else? Nothing but shit. These are early twenties high school dropouts who are attempting to preach a worldview before they’ve even kissed a girl. We all see right though it.
But this is my take, and that’s actually a big problem. I’m far more forgiving to reactionary styles than most normies would be. Look at how the normies treat Ma. The guy has trolling communities dedicated to fucking with him irl for being a shitty alt-right author. How would the normies look at us? We need to change our image. We need a book that becomes THE /lit/ book.

>> No.22291372

This is getting out of hand. I love it.

>> No.22291388

What a gay and useless thread. Discuss literature, not your retarded fantasies

>> No.22291391
File: 73 KB, 262x200, strokin.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

francis edward is shill-spamming again...
feel free to sh...i mean, express your heartfelt opinions about his "work".
his biggest shill-spam sperg-outs seem to be on the weekend these days.
dear god...he's not employed, is he?!
maybe he gets released from the state institution on weekends.

>> No.22291395

> We need a book that becomes THE /lit/ book.

To people outside of these threads that just means Call of the Crocodile. Not that many people are even aware of /lit/

>> No.22291396

What do you hope to see in a quintessential /lit/ book? There have been threads for years about "the great incel novel" and the attempts I've seen are missing something. Like it took the steps to illustrate what anons have seen, but nothing further. I think there's fertile ground to deal with the subject in a way that relevant to more people. Today, over half of people use the internet everyday. But the experiences of anons are ahead of the curve and intimately familiar with the frustration of communication breakdown that occurred by moving our lives, and the expression of ourselves, into text, images and sound. There is also a vast library of idiosyncrasy to explore that I think could reveal more than just incels do.
One hope I have is to develop metamodernism in a stronger way. Some kind of idea that has cultural force to it, something that is deeper than a talking point we expect.

>> No.22291406

Nta but making a “/lit/“ book is bound to be a catastrophic failure. The style, content, and culture of 4chan will not lead to a book that will be anything beyond a flash in the pan curiosity at best. Write something normal with themes that anyone can relate to. Develop your own voice and style. A culture war style book is almost bound to be a laughingstock.

>> No.22291407

Wouldn't it be Mike Ma's "Harassment Architecture"?
That gets far more actual sales.

>> No.22291410

Gardner is vocal about actually coming here. As far as I’m aware /lit/ isn’t on Mike Ma’s radar.

>> No.22291418

>What do you hope to see in a quintessential /lit/ book?
I’m less looking for quintessential and more looking for something to break the mould. The quintessence of what we have now is bound for failure in the normie sphere.
It needs to completely and totally avoid any philosophical or alt-right notions. It should be based on comedy. There is a huge market for 4chan comedy, and that’s likely the reason Mike Ma is as successful as he is, not his political views.

>> No.22291420

Yeah this is in a nutshell the harsh reality. CotC is the only book from here that I’ve ever heard referenced elsewhere.

>> No.22291421
File: 35 KB, 306x475, john-kennedy-toole-a-confederacy-of-dunces.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And yet "A Confederacy Of Dunces" won the Pulitzer.
It may have been written ~50 years ago, but it's as 4chan as it gets.

>> No.22291426

Does "Re: Trailer Trash" count?
It sells well & has hundred of legit Amazon reviews.

>> No.22291427

You guys are all beginning to make Call of the Crocodile sound amazing from all this seething.

>> No.22291429

Post the link. I know what Call of the Crocodile is but I’m not familiar with that one.

>> No.22291436

I agree with you actually. The theme of 4chan itself, or Us vs Them, isnt compelling. It's just a setting, if not an origin point for something more interesting, a complex character and conflict that anyone could get without losing all sympathy. I think the style can explore some unique aspects of anonymous voice and blur POV at times. Simply imitating posts will not cut it.

>> No.22291437

Here’s the thing. F Gardner advertised his book series as a “4chan book series.” He’s the only one (or at least the one most people know about) who ever did this. He bought ads in such high frequency that it cemented itself as “4chan books.” And because Call of the Crocodile had such an autistic cover and batshit insane plot and was used in all the ads it subsequently became the book everyone associated with this site. If others have done the same they didn’t spend as much money advertising it as such as Gardner did.

>> No.22291446
File: 186 KB, 385x842, call-of-united-airlines-lucas-bineville.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop stroking yourself frank
"call of united airlines" is all people need to read

>> No.22291448

That actually makes perfect sense. It’s like the perfect storm of F Gardner being a lucky retard.

>> No.22291450


>> No.22291455

Not really. Re:Trailer Trash developed its audience almost entirely independent of 4chan and had no real involvement with /wg/ or the community as a whole.

>> No.22291457

I see what you mean. But why not philosophy? Do you only mean no philosophy that is reactionary? I can't really write humor besides the occasional wit. I try to reach for drama and spiritual depth but I wouldnt dare repackage a view without developing it.

>> No.22291459

I’ve never read it so I couldn’t say
A 4chan book would just be the typical detached ironic book that seems all pervasive with amateur (and professional) writers today, but with an edgelord twist. I see it as a cart or horse first type of thing. I would like to see an anon write a book that is a trendsetter for /lit/ writers, not an anon trying to mimic /lit/. I’m not a writer nor do I have a desire to be but I would really like to support an anon and see someone succeed, but many writers here make it hard. If Mike fucking Ma or BAP is the goal for many anons, they are fucked. Write on the side and don’t worry about making money, you won’t. Stash away earlier books in case you do make it then you can just reach back and keep “new” material coming forth (I’ve always thought songwriters do this a lot). Write a lot. Many great writers consider themselves to be not good writers but their compulsion to write eventually brings forth fruit.

>> No.22291466

No one is interested in 4chan philosophy. What is 4chan known for over the past 5 years? Donald Trump, pedos and Qanon? Who reads a losers manifesto looking for insight?
And yes, comedy is difficult to write. It’s the ultimate filter of poor writers. You can phone in a drama scene and no one will notice. Phone in comedy and you’ll have people close the book cringing. Comedy has the lowest lows, but also the highest highs. Another reason why it’s the perfect genre for our theoretical best author to write.

>> No.22291470

These threads are fucking dumb. Aspire towards becoming original intellectuals or creating great art for the 21st century rather than circlejerking about a secret club on a website

>> No.22291478
File: 143 KB, 532x550, gardner-cotc-review.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not really

>> No.22291483

Judging by >>22291283 F Gardner seems to be the funniest unintentional comedy writer of all time. Every time I see a screenshot of a F Gardner novel I immediately start keking.

>> No.22291487

I have two other manuscripts stashed away right now and finishing my first up. There are some writers here I like but it's not the meme writers. Hope to make something strong one day and although I believe in my work I accept that my first novel won't be a five star. I write every day now at least.

>> No.22291489

Honestly, if any of us are going to hit breakout success, it will be Gardner.
All it will take is one video exposé from some zoomertuber like Turkey Tom to have him be the next Neil Breen.

>> No.22291490

Oh god. The serious reviews of Gardner books makes me laugh even harder.

>> No.22291497

If you want to be like Gardner I pity you. He is a clown. If he breaks out it will be a break out because he I laughed at

>> No.22291498

No, I didnt mean "4chan" philosophy. I meant philosophy in general.
Read the thread

>> No.22291503

>I would like to see an anon write a book that is a trendsetter for /lit/ writers, not an anon trying to mimic /lit/.
I think it needs a few more releases of major books by /lit/ adjacent writers. Even I'm working on one slowly, but it will probably be another 1.5 or 2 years before it's ready to hit the ad space. Maybe by then we'll have started to get a firm foundation and stories to aspire to. Like any writer I'd hope mine is good enough to join that wave.

>> No.22291504
File: 58 KB, 760x700, call-of-united-airlines-sample.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

indeed...ripe for parody

>> No.22291508

Lol. Imagine writing a review like this about the Tommy Wiseau of literature.

>> No.22291511

Neil Breen is selling 360p DVDs for $600 a pop. That will be Gardner soon.

I know, but to a normie, philosophy in a 4chan book is immediately relegated to being a joke or so offensive that it should not be taken seriously.
In order to respect someone’s philosophy you must respect the person preaching it. That’s why Jordan Peterson fell off so rapidly. It’s hard to take a pill popper’s outlook on life seriously.

>> No.22291516

>if you are writing for money you are fucked. I don’t know who Neil Breen is but if he’s selling $600 CD’s he’s a grifter. Be a writer where you can be proud of what you wrote, not a conman. Gardner damaged this board’s reputation more than he helped it.

>> No.22291526

Consider that such a book does not have to be the first book the author writes, and can cultivate a reputation through other stories first. Part of what pushes people away is the feeling of didactic lit. If an author demonstrates that he can explore an idea without forcing the reader to make only one conclusion, I feel that readership may more readily give him the benefit of the doubt.

>> No.22291527

Gardner’s a clown because he’s oblivious to everything. I read his book about gorillas. I was about a man who gets drunk to break into his own work. He literally just goes outside in downtown Chicago and talks to himself for the first chapters and eventually passes out because he can’t take off a gorilla costume he’s wearing. It was absolutely baffling. It was a 200 + page book about a man day-drinking and investigating the existence of gorillas and it ended with him getting kidnapped and pulled into an even stranger mystery with some schizo woman. I’m not going to describe it any further than that because it got too retarded for words. Gardner evidently thinks he’s the next Stephen King.

>> No.22291531

I didn’t mean to greentext this. No clue how that happened

>> No.22291536

Be honest, besides Gardner's book have any of you bought another book written here? No of course not. Because Gardner is the only one you're willing to shell $10 on, hence making him the greatest /lit/ author of all.

>> No.22291537

So he writes good goyslop. Call of the Arcade is probably the most fun I’ve ever had reading a book suggested from this board.

>> No.22291542

I guess there’s some truth to this. With Gardner I at least know it’s going to be a wild and retarded ride.

>> No.22291543

i've bought (and reviewed) 4
none of them yours, frank

>> No.22291548

The thing with Gardner is the whole so bad it’s good doesn’t work with books because reading is an active medium. If you think his books are good or entertaining you’re probably retarded. Not even retarded in the 4chan sense but like shrieking Benjy Compson retarded. Unfortunately his whole clown act has hurt the reputation of other writers here by mere association

>> No.22291555

Chris-Chan would be a more accurate comparison. One of the books is a Pokémon knockoff in the Gardner-verse.

>> No.22291559

Here's all the /wg/ pastebin authors' blurbs:

>Retribution Engine
The world's great heroes have slaughtered one another for the ideals of their countries. Amidst the post-war struggle for survival, a towering figure emerges from the Exclusion Zone. She aids a trio of disgraced soldiers in crossing the border to their homeland, and soon takes up the mantle of a beast-slayer in one of the last sovereign city-states remaining. But tensions from the war remain, and soon trouble comes knocking at the gates...
>Son of the Sun
In a beautiful and prosperous land, great cities are falling one by one to rapacious barbarians, jealous of their ancient wealth and glory. Without the emperor that once united them, these fractious city-states are proving easy prey to their fierce enemies. But in the midst of this turmoil, a citizen of one of the first cities receives a sign from heaven and chooses to make a stand against those who would destroy his world.
>Catalogue of Haunted Houses
Bunch of short stories
>Infinite Money Heist
The most advanced videogame in the world is so popular that the in-game gold is a recognized currency on Earth, but that does not mean it was programmed particularly well. Some of the sentient NPCs have just discovered an exploit in the market and it might just be time to buy their world back from the players. If they can pull it off that is.
A privately contracted informant arrives at a small-town liberal arts university in the high desert of Wyoming. His job? Observe and report on a group of nihilist extremists calling themselves the Crusaders. If only the company paid him a little more. As the line between "terrorist" and "buddy" blurs, powerful and sinister forces descend upon the town, intent on building a stage for an act of violent political theater. The informant must decide which he values more: his life or his soul.
>The Emily Project
Nobody likes having their plans disrupted. Caleb's plan was simple, to live alone, collect toys, and be on the internet every waking moment, as he has done for the past thirty-three years. No dates, no friends, no experiences.
...Until the android Emily entered his life.

>> No.22291564

>Last Call
Former corporate lawyer Kevin Little didn’t expect to become a groundskeeper at a golf course in his midlife. But neither did he expect a life of violent alcoholism, getting disbarred, entering a recovery program, and losing his beloved wife and children.

While working at the golf course, Kevin discovers unattended young children at every corner. They roam freely in basement corridors, closets, and behind locked doors. Kevin can’t figure out where they come from and who they are, but, more than that, they are a painful reminder of his own estranged family, the loving memories of whom still haunt him hour by hour... Kevin risks losing his only remaining possessions—his sanity, his sobriety, his will to live, and his last hope for recovery.
>Xenos Depths
Europa has always been a treacherous, frozen moon fraught with untold danger both on and under the ice. For three individuals in particular, though, the icy globe becomes something more as they run from their pasts, their presents, and their futures. The local wildlife, colony residents, and sinister off-worlders conspire to upset the careful balance that has sustained Europa colony for decades, all while testing the conviction and character of three unlikely heroes. The fate of Europa, and perhaps the entire solar system, hangs in the balance!
>Salvation on Peril Island
In the year 1983, a cargo plane crashes onto a desert island, somewhere in the Caribbean. The four survivors know their priorities well: find shelter, find food and fresh water, get rescued, and, above all, find the mysterious missing cargo. But, as time passes by, these priorities wane, as all of them seem to be having too good of a time. As they get to know each other better, they start re-examining their whole lives and the paths that led them to this island.
Arda is a writer covering the LA art scene...
Things quickly become stranger on the island; lunatics, blood-rituals and a deadly fungus all threaten Arda's quest for the perfect interview with a killer. Art and life seemingly mimic each other in a competition to be the strangest, as everything Arda believed previously about creativity is challenged by what she fears in mankind. In the end, she must choose between artistic integrity, and escape from the island.
Can Riley shield his loved ones from the chilling secrets that Aerodyne has concealed from the world? Or will he succumb to the same dark fate that befell his father? Brace yourself for a heart-pounding race against time as Riley navigates a treacherous labyrinth of deception, betrayal, and survival. In this battle between light and shadow, one man's resilience will be tested, and the consequences of his choices will ripple through the very fabric of his existence.

>> No.22291568

>Mystery of a Real Live Dead Person
Come with him on a journey through the seamy underbelly of one of America's least cities, as he confronts anarchy, corruption, giant lizards, beautiful women, unhinged vigilantes, irreconcilable duelists, organized religion, taxation, and a teenage runaway, uncovering not only the brutal foundation of our system of law, but the nature of God Himself.

And through it all, even in the darkest moments, he steadfastly manages to avoid getting paid what he's worth.
...The mansion of Tim's design is an alluring, Gothic monstrosity of tapered glass and dark stone that Saundra is eager to call home. But shortly after moving in, Tim disappears, swallowed into the bowels of his creation. And now, something is swelling in the places he once occupied: a hunger that haunts the darkness beyond locked doors, a malice that can smell Saundra's fear through the layers of opulent woodwork and wrought iron.

With grief blurring the line between reality and hallucination, Saundra must make a choice between sanity or the lives of those she loves most.

Lets be honest, none of them seem all that interesting.

>> No.22291569
File: 258 KB, 1548x801, IMG_0557.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting any page from any random Gardner books is sheer comedy gold.

>> No.22291571

Kudos to them for finishing a book, and God knows I'll never even write one chapter, but none of them seem interesting enough to throw $10. And they all do a terrible job at marketing. Some of them I never even heard of.

>> No.22291572
File: 270 KB, 1539x804, IMG_0558.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe I should post a storytime

>> No.22291576

Imagine reading this. Maybe it is a type of outsider art but it’s not worthwhile. The type of person who reads a full book of this and laughs throughout is the type of person who would keel over like Chrysippus after watching two cartoon characters go back and forth hitting each other over the head with oversized mallets

>> No.22291579

If this thread has proven anything it’s that F Gardner isn’t the hero we need but he’s the hero we fucking deserve.

>> No.22291586
File: 174 KB, 1385x739, IMG_0114.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22291605

i did and its all faggot shit about that gardner loser

>> No.22291622

Sounds about right. Welcome to /lit/

>> No.22291685

>That’s why Jordan Peterson fell off so rapidly
It's because he became a broken record complaining about wokeness. Wokeness is a trap; everyone knows it's retarded, but dunking on how retarded it is has a short lifespan for how entertaining, funny or insightful it is. After a while you're just complaining about retards being retarded.
His early work still holds up, but he hasn't evolved or added anything new.

>> No.22291720

If F Gardner is a loser why does everyone always talk about him? Based on his YouTube videos it he seems rich and happy. Is it just envy here? Everyone here clearly knows who he is and has read his books based on what I can tell.

>inb4 it’s all just F Gardner

The number of posters in this thread has gone up and there has been constant threads for the past couple of years on a daily basis so that refutes that. Remember F Gardner literally has gotten to the front page of Reddit before in the past solely based on controversy alone. He’s doing something right that no one else seem to be able to mimic and he doesn’t seem to care what anyone thinks.

>> No.22291725

He’s a meme and it’s quite sad that a lolcow is the greatest literary mind that this board can produce

>> No.22291736

That’s one way of looking at it. Another way of looking at it is that an antisemetic schizophrenic being the most famous author to come out of 4chan is extremely fitting and feels like fate.

>> No.22291746

This. On Gardner’s youtube channel he actually has a rant about the jews that’s over an hour long. It’s one of his most viewed videos other than the ones where he talks about how he thinks gorillas, outer space, and Kim Jong Un are all make believe. He is utterly detached from reality and lives in his own little world. The fact that he is a meme here isn’t even the strangest thing about this guy’s life. I remember people posting before that he once ran for mayor of chicago or something. He seems to just do whatever he wants and lives atop a chicago skyscraper. He is like a living cartoon character.

>> No.22291825

You are ALL overanalyzing Gardner. As someone who has actually read Horror's Call I can explain the appeal. To the anons who haven't read any of Gardner's books outside of screenshots they might've seen memed and spammed on here you have no idea just how weird Horror's Call gets.

The plot-twists in much of the books are the weirdest I've encountered in fiction by a large margin. Sam is a really unique villain and is in most of the books and the books with him seem to be the better ones. It's ironic that he is not in Call of the Crocodile though. I don't even think Call of the Crocodile is one of the best ones.

Ouroboros was Gardner's best book. That is a genuinely great book and I would honestly recommend it to anyone that likes fiction. Some of the subplots in Horror's Call go in bizarre directions and are hit or miss. I don't think F Gardner is the next Shakespeare but I have never not had an enjoyable experience reading one of his works.

If one single book is to ever be read from Gardner's list of books it's Ouroboros which is criminally underrated by comparison. The pacing, big reveal and everything in that one book is all really spot-on and is a unique mystery that encompasses the best of all the books he's done.

>> No.22292074

>I remember people posting before that he once ran for mayor of chicago or something.

Holy crap. I completely forgot about this till right now. It's as if every retarded rumor about Gardner somehow always turns out to be true.

>> No.22292080

By the power of the gods I want the rumor of F Gardner having a tranny girlfriend to be willed into reality next.

>> No.22292084

Goonan > Gardner
>gives away his book for free
>charming young man
>actually runs for city council
>fake reviews on goodreads? No! Just harassing hot girls on there to read his book
>can actually write and think
Why did /lit/ turn its back on him again?

>> No.22292089

iirc Gardner has talked about fucking trannies before in one of his vids

>> No.22292109

Because he has a hot shemale wife and is living the /lit/ dream. Men want to be him. Women (male) want to be with him. Seriously though the guy has retard luck and always ends up getting his way even if it doesn’t make sense why. I’m beginning to think he must be using magic at this point because it’s beyond absurd. He even uses his real name and broadcasts where he lives and doesn’t appear to give a flying fuck about getting doxxed or anything that would worry a normal rational human.

>> No.22292117

reading comprehension, frankie; you gots it?

>> No.22292128 [DELETED] 

Does Faggot Gardner actually sleep with trannys or is this another epic new meme

>> No.22292150

fucked up if true

>> No.22292243

That is Frank talking to himself you stupid newfag. There is another discussion going on.

>> No.22292468

>91 posts
>19 IPs

Frank is samefagging with a vengeance

>> No.22292574

You could always read the "Look Inside" portion on Amazon and then decide what you think.
Or is making a tiny effort some sort of deal-killer?

>> No.22292581

Good Lord...it's like he literally forgets what he wrote in the previous paragraph, and simply repeats himself.
Goldfish have better memories than this.

>> No.22292595

No, he ran for a seat on the Chicago water board.
But he was too lame and corrupt, even for Chicago.

>> No.22292971


>> No.22292989


>> No.22292997

holy shit lol

>> No.22292999

Gardner's political career, in happier times:

>> No.22293129
File: 572 KB, 828x1136, 4E8EBE14-4984-4BD2-B89D-0C0EDF216D0B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Young Gardner’s face disturbs me.

>> No.22293140

Most of the iceberg alludes to events that happened less than 2 years ago

>> No.22293145

cute ass lil bitch

>> No.22293147

I will always remember frater warmly
Good guy and went out of his way to help me

>> No.22293182
File: 104 KB, 612x1584, nigger screenplay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so can i be the /lit/ renaissance?

>> No.22293193


>> No.22293205

Where is this anon when we need him
he posted in a writing thread awhile back and said a lot of progress had been made but I havent seen anything else since then

>> No.22293210

Camp of the Saints vibes, I like it.

Let's see your nigger screenplay then.

>> No.22293292
File: 1.66 MB, 1223x844, art collection.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. Once it was added to the index of forbidden literature, a physical copy of United Airlines grew an estimated worth of ten millions dollars. Very few people own one of these rare books. Not only do I have one; I have three.

>> No.22293376
File: 149 KB, 640x982, call-of-united-airlines-paperback.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aw, poop. i knew i should have ordered more than one.

>> No.22293395

>littered with gay unreal tranny shit
Don't care & fuck off. None of them can write for beans, let alone are they the least bit mysterious.

>> No.22293404

Nah, Unreal Pressed is based. Submit to Tales 2! >>22292878

>> No.22293406

No. Real writers want nothing to do with your moronic clique. In fact we are hiding and you're never going to find us or latch onto us to try and clout chase.

>> No.22293681

Quit flexing bruh.

>> No.22293825

you only speak for yourself
stop pretending otherwise

>> No.22293923


>> No.22294026

>Unreal Pressed


>> No.22294439

James Krake actually has a mild form of Downs though.

>> No.22294685

He sure looks like it.

>> No.22294817

I would prefer to judge people on qualities they can actually help, on the choices they make.

>> No.22294866

Did I say I was judging him? I was just making a neutral and factual observation.

>> No.22294971

There was nothing neutral about your observation & you know it.

>> No.22294975

Calm down Krake. Don’t let that extra chromosome weigh down your spirits.

>> No.22294981

not Krake
and this is more evidence you're not neutral about this

>> No.22294989

lol why did it get taken down from amazon?

>> No.22295048

Brenda Sellers strikes again

>> No.22295571

Sure, Krake

>> No.22296055

Based Sellersposter

>> No.22296067

I heard (so I have no evidence) that it was a copyright strike filed by Gardner over the cover.
What a wuss and a bully.
Parody is LEGAL. The Supreme Court established that in 1994.
I wonder if G. Farmer tried to counter the strike with that.
Since you're so sure of who anons are, why not pick who wrote Call Of United Airlines, and respond with a parody of that anon's work?
There are two reasons you won't:
1) You have no idea who anyone here is
2) You can only write unedited pre-kindergarten gibberish

>> No.22296255

Not Frank, but nice try.

>> No.22296266

It's not-Frank and not-Krake, in a duel to the not-finish!

>> No.22296606

Is he dead? RIP

>> No.22297313

Can’t believe Rhymenigger is so obese. I pity him.

>> No.22297318

When fat people get sick, they get skinny.
When skinny people get sick, they die.

>> No.22297335

/lit/ was my main board in like 2015 and I don't recognize anything on there beyond the stupid 'Pynchon browses /lit/' theory and Hypersphere

>> No.22297390


>> No.22297409

When people get fat they get heart disease.
Heart disease is the leading cause of death worldwide.

>> No.22297428


>> No.22297564


>> No.22297851

I bet he’s gained even more weight from eating his feelings since he got kicked from Unreal. He’s probably pushing 300lbs now.

>> No.22297853
File: 52 KB, 584x584, carolina-reaper-scorpion-ghost-pepper-powder-375-oz-spice-gift-spice-gift-sonoran-spice-730166-501711_600x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only some people.
My veins are clear as a bell, thanks to the power of capsaicin.
You've got nothing, normie.

>> No.22297899

Come back to Unreal please, we miss you Rhyme.

>> No.22297924

not Rhyme

>> No.22298094


>> No.22298143

I’m 220 so cap Andersen

>> No.22298158

What’s your height tho

>> No.22298171

6 ft 1 nigga

>> No.22298205

Pls come back to Unreal Rhyme we miss u

>> No.22298228


>> No.22298247


>> No.22298268

Who dis

>> No.22298341

You were the backbone of Unreal Rhyme, you should go back.

>> No.22298360

Tell me who you are and I’ll consider

>> No.22298365

I’m not even in the server anymore tbqh, I just feel really bad that you had to leave and I think Unreal really needs you

>> No.22298384

This is because of you incendia

>> No.22298385

Also I’m not the one who commented about your weight, presumably that was AnderSEN

>> No.22298388

Yeah. I’m truly sorry for everything. Idk what else I can do or say.

>> No.22298405

Nope. It wasn't me. I've been lurking these threads but haven't been shitstirring since May.
Rhyme doesn't sound THAT overweight.

>> No.22298435

Check your Discord DMs

>> No.22298463

I ain’t looked at that shit in a minute what you got to say

>> No.22298472

Then who’s been posting the screenshots

>> No.22298478

James Krake he told me himself

>> No.22298485

James Krake is also shithead btw not memeing that’s why he deleted it someone exposed him

>> No.22298497

I could tell you but I don't want to start shit with him.

>> No.22298538

Who is it

>> No.22298558

It’s exactly who you think it is. In May he came into my DMs asking me to confirm whether the dox he got was correct.

>> No.22298573


>> No.22298621

Nah James Krake

>> No.22298622

I just hate that things ended up like this and I’m truly sorry—I want to help make things right if I can. Please consider going back to Unreal. You brought a lot to the project and I think it really needs you. It would be a huge waste for you to just walk away from everything. And if you don’t want to go back to Unreal then at least consider contributing to &amp—Hartley is really interested in collaborating with you and would definitely let you guestedit an issue or contribute however you wanted, plus he told me that Zulu (who is now helping to edit &amp) also wants you to come back. Hartley is also looking to release a &amp Standards anthology in the fall and would like to have you on board, since he was a big fan of the work you did as editor of Tales 1. Hartley is on Discord at lampbylit if you want to talk to him, or you can join the &amp server if you want. https://discord.gg/hrqvUdVYXA

>> No.22298629

I’ll leave it open to interpretation.

>> No.22298733


>> No.22298927
File: 91 KB, 668x500, retro-futuristic-80s-car-sunglasses-3d-model-max-obj-stl .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i would love to have rhyme team up with lamp, that would be a dream. but people have to go their own way. i respect his autonomy. however i will say that with him around, the scene would enjoy another Golden Age. consider it my dude.

>> No.22298954

who is Ari

>> No.22299816


>> No.22300444
File: 168 KB, 828x587, FCAC0425-CD75-4C6A-A142-8DD77B71D3F9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Frank…it’s over

>> No.22301237


>> No.22301390

checked and based

>> No.22301855

Krake’s retardation is well known

>> No.22302084

can you mail one to &amp Media Inc. so that I might review it? I'd like that very much. email me at the inbox and i'll pay you double. admin@lampbylit.com

>> No.22302355

Just read the free PDF, linked in the OP.

>> No.22302363
File: 83 KB, 1669x553, f-gardner-chatgpt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22302857

Checked. No, I need the physical. I’m going to have to use the PDF to print my own, and then order my own copies, which I recommend everybody else do as well.

>> No.22303597


>> No.22304214

Why do you need the physical? Can’t you read the ebook just as well?

>> No.22304720

Check all the &amp emails, I sent a submission last night mentioning I can mail over the book. This also means I have a third available paperback to give someone so I'll have to figure out who should have it.

>> No.22305255


>> No.22305751

ChatGPT is a demon

>> No.22306098

I don't think &amp guy has $10M.

>> No.22306167
File: 30 KB, 482x723, f-gardner-report.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

francis edward is shill-spamming again...
feel free to sh...i mean, express your heartfelt opinions about his "work".

>> No.22306196

>Saying bad things about F Gardner (PBUH)

Are you trying to get our blessed website shutdown?

>> No.22306203

if all the mass shooters inspired by this dumpster fire, or all the kiddie porn on /b/, isn't enough to get it shut down, francis edward sure as hell won't.

>> No.22307160

4 down, 1 to go

>> No.22307172
File: 41 KB, 1025x415, DMCA2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, but his daddy might. Apparently Frank Sr. has been spamming danbo with DMCA claims against &amp and the Incel guy to stop them from running ads.

>> No.22307206

H O L Y B A S E D !
I didn’t expect him to actually take my DMCA suggestion in the &amp thread seriously. Big respect Frank.

>> No.22307218

Jesus Christ, Frank is actually mentally ill.

>> No.22307249

Frank is an unironic genius here. No one on 4chan can contest DMCAs because it requires you to fully dox yourself. He’s actually invincible. He can DMCA anything that you guys put out and you can’t do anything about it. Even if you do come together, dox yourselves and come after him, nothing will happen to Frank. DMCA trolls are the most protected fuckers on the planet.
Genuinely impressive Frank. I mean that. I am actually impressed.

>> No.22307253

Anyone can take the L on doxxing and then it won't stand up if it goes to court. It's a patent inconvenience and nothing else.

>> No.22307258

Wrong. He can do this to anyone and everyone who posts any sort of creative work on any platform with a DMCA policy (every website with more than 200 actives users). Those who are being contested need to dox themselves. It won’t be one guy taking the fall for you guys. Each person who is DMCA’d will need to dox themselves to Frank in order for their content to not be automatically removed.

>> No.22307271

And, if you guys do contest, it will not go to court. There is a get out of jail free card for DMCA trolls where they can simply accept your counter-notice. You have no recourse from there. But of course, that counter notice is a legal document that requires you to fully dox yourself to Frank. So by DMCAing you there is literally no risk to Frank at all, and if any of you do contest him, he just doxes you.
Like I said, it’s genius. Good job Frank. You actually won.

>> No.22307276

This is giving me 2013 Youtube flashbacks. How is DMCA still this fucked?

>> No.22307301

Because it was designed with the express purpose of allowing bigger companies to scattershot no names with as little effort as possible. No one gives a fuck if those no names use that law against each other in the most petty ways imaginable.
But yes, this is exactly like mid 2010s YouTube. If I remember correctly, this is exactly how people managed to dox Quintonreviews.

>> No.22307340

GardnerGODS… I kneel.

>> No.22307348

John David Card Sex Change?
lol, which way?

>> No.22307349
File: 1.55 MB, 300x250, image.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Behold, the ad/youtube video F. Gardner doesn't want you to see:

>> No.22307351

Careful. He can DMCA that channel just as easily.

>> No.22307352

/lit/ video standards will never be the same. The bar has been raised.

>> No.22307368
File: 167 KB, 779x778, 51A218FB-FC3D-4686-BA11-9CA69ACB01B1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s Johanna Davina Card now, don’t deadname her

>> No.22307374

So Gardner actually won?

>> No.22307377


>> No.22307422

Never was defeated

>> No.22307427

Wait...what was the basis of the DMCA?
And what is Frank's legit objection to this video?

>> No.22307457

lol. lmao even.

>> No.22307477

>You have esotericisms, realists, maximalists, minimalists, deconstructionists and (admittedly) some plain poor fucking writers in the mix
and now you have me
be on the lookout for something out of the Eastern Bloc, it will mark the beginning of the renaissance you're talking about

>> No.22307499

checked and screenshotted
you better deliver anon

>> No.22307664

This. Have a purpose in mind and strive for objective quality.

>> No.22307908
File: 48 KB, 1594x480, discord 009.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well gee, guess what leaked just a couple days ago on one of the servers. It looks like the rumors were true.

>> No.22307946

then what you’re telling me is Call of United Airlines has become the second true samizdat /lit/ book that’s only available through clandestine distribution?

Absolutely fucking based, Gardnerfags on literal suicide watch

>> No.22307955
File: 90 KB, 1000x558, Bell_X-22_ducted_fan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you see this website btw:


>> No.22307957
File: 80 KB, 735x422, 42A12113-87B3-4071-8382-03DC230F1DC1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is your captain speaking,
Flight attendants please prepare for seething

>> No.22307964

Damn, Gardner is actually a beast. No mercy for his enemies. You have to respect it.
Don't let up now Gardner.

>> No.22307979


There's still the 4chan-->twitter-->reddit pipeline when it comes to meme but TikTok is everything now.

>> No.22307992

Not like this :(

>> No.22307997

Shouldn’t that fall under fair use? It’s an obvious parody

>> No.22308030

Technically G. Farmer doesn't consider it parody according to his interview with some literally who. The dude comes off as legit fucking nuts though. Like, beyond Gardner's pretend crazy.

>> No.22308032

Link? I gotta see this

>> No.22308035

It provides literally no substance.

>> No.22308045

Fuck off tranny shill

>> No.22308049

>fair use
lmao. lmfao even.
You guys are so cute.

>> No.22308270

Dude has a really fuckin nasally voice

>> No.22308296
File: 260 KB, 1242x1394, 1669370694733680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank fuck I do not recognize anything in this image. For a while i thought i might have browsed this board too much which i clearly not the case now

>> No.22308347


>> No.22308440

How hard is it to just send them the exact files containing the original artwork with datestamps and get this shit reinstated?

>> No.22308509
File: 79 KB, 1024x768, 1674907480292969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>make neocities &amp site
>"you receive DMCA takedown"
>put it to a new site
>host it on tor/fediverse
Fuck he's gonna do now?

>> No.22308514 [DELETED] 

>And what is Frank's legit objection to this video?
Well, there are no shortage of theories.

>> No.22308524
File: 5 KB, 476x85, hmmmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And what is Frank's legit objection to this video?
Your guess is as good as any.

>> No.22308537
File: 88 KB, 618x559, E68CAB51-9A89-4D91-983D-5DBA21B2E6F7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Join the official Discord community:

>> No.22308627

Holy fucking kek

>> No.22308799

Call Of United Airlines has already been posted in public.

>> No.22308831

so gardner is openly waging lawfare?

>> No.22308843

Gardner is playing a dangerous game. Being a public figure harassing 4chan users. Most of these guys are harmless autists but there are a few genuine real life schizophrenics here.

>> No.22308848

he could still claim his interview was a parody too
Call Of United Airlines is obviously parody

>> No.22309310

I hope someone goes after him in Minecraft

>> No.22309311

What is Krake’s Law?

>> No.22309639

not to walk on all fours...that is krake's law

>> No.22309652

He's in chicago, right?

>> No.22309736

Nothing will happen to Gardner. You don't have a single schizo sociopath in your normiecord.
He will continue to file DMCAs and there's nothing you can do about it.

>> No.22309821


>> No.22310160

he retired from /lit/

>> No.22310173

that picture always made me laugh. its either hes found out something totally life changing or hes completely autistic

>> No.22310191

I only saw something vague about him making a life change that involved having zero or very limited internet access, I suspect he went to a monastery.

>> No.22310703

Nah, his kid got married and he’s taking some time off to focus on being a father-in-law/family man.

>> No.22311192

How old is that nigga that his kid is getting married? Damn

>> No.22311326

Idk, gypsies get married young though

>> No.22311674

i dont even have a discord account so i must be miles ahead of these other guys already

>> No.22311773

I hope Unreal does retaliate. Frank has shown an insane amount of intelligence with this DMCA tactic. He's fucking them into the dirt while breaking no laws. The same tactic doesn't work against him since he's already doxed and anyone who does DMCA him is automatically doxing themselves to Frank. Any retaliation that Unreal could muster would either be extremely illegal or completely ineffective.
Frank has unironically won and no amount of seethe will change that. All he has to do is keep filing DMCAs.

>> No.22311986

Hey Frank

>> No.22312002

DMCA abuse can lead to criminal liability.

>> No.22312062

In what world? You could maybe attempt a civil claim against him, but good luck with that seeing as how he'll have his bigshot lawyer father protecting him while you guys rely on self representation.

>> No.22312126

I don’t think you realize who posts here…

>> No.22312141

Just imagine being Frank's mother. "You watch what you post on that 4chan. Your father and I don't want to be characters in Farmer's next book!"

>> No.22312148

>my daddy is rich and you are poor!
Christ what a way for a 35 year old man to carry himself on a forum for children. Frank is like Francis from the pee wee Herman movie

>> No.22312165

His father isn't a bigshot lawyer, he's just a regular lawyer. Criminally corrupt, but also 90 years old. Plus, the other "doxxed" figure on this board is a felonious crack addict who isn't even American so I'm sure this is a bear worth poking.

>> No.22312173

Frank knows Tae Kwon Doe he’s not afraid of any criminals. He knows the law is on his side.

>> No.22312177

But James Krake is strong and handsome and tough

>> No.22312182

Damn James Krake is a drug addict now no wonder he just got fired. Who’s next.

>> No.22312187

James Krake getting fired has nothing to do with you Gardner he stepped down to focus on his writing and travel the world. People actually want to meet him unlike you Gardner.

>> No.22312193

James Krake quit his job to write shitty books. Guess we can’t all be rich and successful like F. Gardner.

>> No.22312197

James Krake is handsome and traveling the world and rich. His books are better anyway Gardner doesn’t take it seriously like I do.

>> No.22312209

F Gardner already did that years ago and outsold you.

>> No.22312210

Crabs upset that they lost.

>> No.22312266

I heard from a trustworthy source that F Gardner never recovered from Tales outselling him. He released four books in a month that failed to unseat it and he’s been trying to sink them since.

>> No.22312385

Frank reminds me of that one kid we all knew from elementary school whose parents waited way too late to have kids and then didn't want to admit that they'd birthed an autist. So instead of getting him counseling to help him fit in with his peers, they just bought him a shitload of multiplayer video games that he didn't want to share and threw him lavish birthday parties at Chuck-E-Cheese that no one else ever went to. He's like one of those old /r9k/ tendie meme stories.

I actually kinda hope, for his sake, that Frank Gardner never becomes self-aware. It would fucking crush him to even slightly consider his life from an outside perspective.

>> No.22312517

The man has an 8 figure inheritance in his future. That’s far more than you can say. He could buy any of your high school crushes and fuck their brains out. Maybe if your McDonald’s manager lets you take a sick day he’ll set a little stool beside the bed and let you watch.

>> No.22312528

I can recognize you in almost every devolved Gardner thread. Your posting is interesting because it always makes me wonder what kind of mind would be so cuckolded into literally cheer leading for a pseud on the internet. You're either a contrarian taken to the natural extreme, having recognized through these recent scandals that nobody is left to like Gardner anymore. Or you're just Frank.

>> No.22312542

Gardner did literally nothing wrong. You can hate his writing all you want but he’s clearly in the right here. You just blindly hate him and aren’t willing to see reason. You’re so blind that you’re accusing me of being the 25+ people who correctly see Gardner as the hero in this situation.

>> No.22312557

No. I'm correctly identifying you as one poster. Carry on.

>> No.22312570

Keep thinking that. I’m sure it will make you feel better when that crushing realization that Frank is living ten times the life you are comes creeping back in like it always does.
Frank was within his rights to throw a takedown notice at &amp and Farmer. If he wasn’t then it would have already been reinstated, but it isn’t because Frank is morally and legally correct. You being a bitch won’t change that.

>> No.22312587

NTA but Gardner is crushing you guys so hard that it’s difficult not to cheer him on. I don’t want either of you to win but his recent escalations have been genuinely praiseworthy. I want you both to go down in flames and this another step towards that reality.

>> No.22312598

You know the ads immediately went back up, right? And, just like gardners actual books, no more than 10 people would’ve read that parody, and only five would’ve bought the thing. Gardner’s not actually doing anything except making himself look like an asshole. The renaissance just carries on. Almost like e drama doesn’t matter.

>> No.22312614

And anyone who sees this edrama comes to the conclusion that you are both imbeciles who are not to be taken seriously. It’s a win-win for /lit/. Cancer killing cancer.

>> No.22312629

As dumb as Frank is, this DMCA arc is probably the smartest thing he’s done. Makes me think his father came up with the idea.

>> No.22312631

I’m a person seeing this e drama and I’ve come to no conclusion other than Gardner continues to be a nuisance three years on.
I half believe that the farmer book was never even for sale and also, I’m seeing everyone’s ads on my phone right now. Wishful thinking on your part I’m afraid.

>> No.22312650

>you are both imbeciles who are not to be taken seriously
This. I don’t give a single shit about any /lit/ author. The sooner they kill each other through infighting, the sooner I don’t need to see their faggot shill attempts anymore. Good riddance. Hope you all fuck with each other so badly that half of you are murdered and the other half is in prison. It’s the only suitable retribution for the mental anguish you’ve inflicted on me and other innocent anons with threads like these.

>> No.22312671

Krake is the best stop whining Gardner or I’ll put you in my next book

>> No.22312680

James Krake is handsome

>> No.22312690

Swear a new /lit/ author joins the fray every week. Surely one of them breaks through eventually. There should be a betting pool for the first author to hit 100 Amazon reviews. I’m betting on myself in all honesty.

>> No.22312693

This is why I thought Call Of United Airlines was so enjoyable. It was literally just the /lit/ authors killing each other lol

>> No.22312708

F Gardner is much better than G Farmer stop pretending to like obvious poorly done rip offs. Gardner Is a genius Krake is an imbecile.

>> No.22312811

>Frank is morally and legally correct
no hes not
parody is legal
frank is an insecure bully

>> No.22312820
File: 299 KB, 660x534, call-of-united-airlines-raven-reading.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I half believe that the farmer book was never even for sale
It was. Here's my paperback copy: >>22293376

>> No.22312869

Woolston has the best chance being with a real publisher etc

>> No.22312900
File: 49 KB, 565x486, 1664985470725641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>skimming through the book
Captain Nesmer and Zulu
Ari is a girl and kills Atlas with an ax
Jason Bryan and Bineville are goodguys
Detective Woolston
Frank's katana sheathed through his belt loop
Labuschagne's thick French accent
Waldun and Card attack as a team
"Decapitate all Devils"
S.S. Hartley
Daniel Drabblovski
McNaughton the secret villain and Adem is his pet
Sex isn't real
Multiple endings, one in which Frank solves philosophy by shooting himself in the head

>> No.22312926

It certainly is an astute roast of Gardner's foibles, isn't it.
No wonder that insecure bully got it removed from Amazon by any means necessary.

>> No.22312929
File: 263 KB, 768x1280, chibi-crybaby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And yet the knowledge that he is useless eats away at Frank's soul on a continuous basis.

>> No.22313078
File: 155 KB, 300x295, BAS moptop204.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what page is "decapitate all devils" on?

>> No.22313089
File: 490 KB, 1079x1311, 1690333587292890.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying any of that stuff should be above the water
I literally recognized one thing (Hypersphere)

>> No.22313115

sup, lemur? gr8 article about you in this month’s &amp

>> No.22313124
File: 109 KB, 253x295, BAS moptop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello there.
thank you...i enjoyed the piece too...it turned out great.

>> No.22313145

Shut up Woolston

>> No.22313157

If that happens it's not gonna be because of anything /lit/ does. Almost everyone here who has read it fully endorses Mixtape Hyperborea as genuine market-level literary fiction, and it doesn't even get any serious discussion here on /lit/. Mixtape could be a real sensation, but if you tried to go start a thread about it everyone would just assume that it was Adem sucking himself off, because of the antics of Gardner and the only two people in the world gullible enough to believe that he was famous.

>> No.22313159

You’re straining yourself trying to understand unfunny discord in jokes. Don’t bother. Just filter the words Unreal and &amp and save yourself the mental anguish.

>> No.22313167

That’s because everyone here who sucks off another author only does so to buddy-up to them for personal gain.
Adem is a great example. &amp 16 had his excerpt in a near unreadable state due to fuck ups in copy&paste. Not a single person noticed until 17 had been out for days. It took over a month for someone to actually read Adem’s story despite the praise that was heaped upon it in the threads.
Every bit of praise you receive from another author here is completely and totally two-faced and self-serving.

>> No.22313200

Mantelpiece came out at the same time and it was unanimously denounced by everyone who read it, despite mostly being &amp alumni. The &amp reviews video for Tales of the Unreal was full of harsh words for over half the stories. What's probably going on here is less a bunch of idiots thinking they can circlejerk their way to success and more like a bunch of wannabe beats trying to get early adopter cred.

>> No.22313222

No. It’s a circlejerk. One or two exceptions do not shatter the rule.
Shitting on the truly awful does not excuse the fact that most of these people are willing heap praise upon a book that they’ve never read just because they want every author that rises above a 3/10 to feel safe and appreciated around them. I’d argue that the few putdowns that they do are only done as a light form of troll shielding.

>> No.22313239

Stop being such a fucking faggot. I just went back and reread the excerpt of Mixtape Hyperborea in &amp, and it was by no means in an unreadable state. There was ONE (1) instance where a short section was accidentally pasted in twice, and a few minor typos—that’s all. It was perfectly comprehensible. It’s likely that other readers noticed the error and just didn’t bother to comment on it, or had forgotten about it by the time they finished reading.

Let’s be honest, Mixtape Hyperborea has mediocre writing and panders to the 4chan demographic of mildly disaffected young-ish white dudes who are nostalgic for their adolescent days. It’s by no means market-level literary fiction—it reads like YA. It’s unfunny and unremarkable. If you believe that it has the potential to be a sensation, you’re either extremely poorly-read and ignorant or genuinely delusional.

>> No.22313247

>I just went back and reread the excerpt of Mixtape Hyperborea in &amp, and it was by no means in an unreadable state.
They fixed it the day it was found you retard. All you're telling me is that they didn't fix it entirely. Guess it was too much work to actually read Adem's story.

>> No.22313267

You’re wrong, the editor didn’t fix it. I saved a PDF of the issue to Google Drive when it first released, and I just compared that PDF to the current version that’s on the site, it’s exactly the same. The editor said that he would fix it if it was really that bad, but it looks like he never actually got around to doing it.

As I said though, the pasting error was minor and barely impacted readability. You’re making a big stink over something trivial. Keep in mind that &amp isn’t a professional magazine with a team of paid staff who can go through it with a fine-toothed comb and check for errors—it’s the passion project of a single guy, plus a couple of people who help him out occasionally. You’re not paying for the product, so you’re not entitled to perfection. It’s absurd of you to act all grievously offended over minor errors in the magazine when you’re literally enjoying the product of someone else’s work entirely free of charge.

>> No.22313383

>It’s absurd of you to act all grievously offended over minor errors in the magazine
I didn't do that a single time you dysgenic fuck. Stop being so wounded that you have to put words in my mouth. &amp has always been a half edited meme. It's embarrassing, sure, but I'm not expecting anything different. That's not what this is about and you know it.
My entire gripe is that people are giving these stories 10/10s when they haven't even read them. It's pure circle jerk, just like this thread is. The idea that 80+ people read Adem's story and didn't realize that the fucking title was spelled wrong is so fucking ridiculous that I can almost understand why you felt the need to deflect to something that was never brought up.

>> No.22313392

James Krake quit his job and is a new man

>> No.22313393

James Krake Is strong and handsome I wish he was my boyfriend

>> No.22313396

Lies you got fired for asking out some girl at work and she reported you to hr

>> No.22313401

James Krake Is bold and quit his job Gardner has a small cock. Mine is bigger.

Fuck off retard

>> No.22313405

Why does Unreal hate Krake so much?

>> No.22313407

James Krake Is my favorite lover

>> No.22313412

They’re jealous of my big cock and general respectability also stop impersonating me retard. Are you that same retard who said I wasn’t charismatic. Go away

>> No.22313417

James Krake quit his job

>> No.22313699
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>Decapitate all Devils
>Annoyance Engineering
>Answer of the Alligator
>la Scuola

>> No.22313818
File: 74 KB, 415x738, lemur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's on Page 44, king.

>> No.22313925

No one in Unreal hates or thinks about Krake as much as this board pretends they do

>> No.22313955

I'm sure it really stings for you. One guy ran one ad for his one book and within a few days he was already more popular than Horror's Call. He didn't embarrass himself by pretending to be his own fan or pay anyone to pretend like they read his work. He didn't have his dad file any bogus legal motions. He didn't go around trying to handicap other authors and then simpering for their attention. They all chose to read it because it actually appealed to them. And then everyone involved gave it some honest reviews and moved on with their life. Adem didn't try to capitalize on it by endlessly shilling himself as the "breakout star of the /lit/ renaissance" or whatever idiotic shit you would have come up with if you'd gotten that much legitimate praise. His fans didn't go on a rabid shilling campaign all over /lit/ to make him famous just because he's a writer from 4chan, like you apparently think people should/would do for books they like.

That's the funny part. All of your cheap potshots have done less damage to the reputation of any other author than your genuine efforts to promote your own work. Everyone involved in Unreal and &amp writes because they understand what makes reading enjoyable and they want to be people who write enjoyable stories. They all have jobs and lives. Not a single one of us, aside from Woolston, is banking on this as their future and legacy, we're just trying to find an audience among people to whom we can relate. That's why you can shittalk and plagiarize and try to buy us out, and it will never be more than a minor annoyance.

>> No.22313991

Most insanely based post I've ever read on this website.

>> No.22314017

I like Adem because he called my a pimp

>> No.22314299

New thread when?

>> No.22314537

>Playlist Atlantis
>Infant Xander
>I Worship the Peckish Deity
>The Stained Stool
>Mondo Pollo
>The Final Guy at Liberty and Other Stories
>The Very Final Gorging, tome I
>The Covidbury Tales
>Stories of the Illusory, No. I
>Pierre; or, The Ambiguities: \lit\ Annotated Edition

>> No.22314561
File: 109 KB, 428x429, TURD2_electric doo doo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Stained Stool

>> No.22314563

spoonfeed me all on these

>> No.22314624

Here’s a new thread
