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22291152 No.22291152 [Reply] [Original]

F Gardner has repeatedly insisted that he does not believe reality exists in his YouTube videos. It all just seems insane. Is he an actual IRL schizophrenic? Has there ever even been another author like this before?

>> No.22291384
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You don't possess enough intelligence to have beliefs, Francis Edward.
Much like someone in the 4th stage of syphilis.
Come to think of it, that would explain a lot.
Your first 16 books are unedited pre-kindergarten gibberish & aren't worth the electrons it takes to store them on Amazon's servers.
But somehow, your 17th book is a vast improvement! Vastly fewer spelling/grammar/punctuation errors!
The MC is the usual self-insert, and the plot is the usual meandering dream-like incoherent babble, but what are we to expect from a literal brainlet, after all.
I recommend everyone skip the first 16 garbage-tier books, and read Call Of United Airlines instead.
Even better, you can download it for free!
There are some rumors Gardner didn't actually write this, but I don't believe them...after all, who else in the entire world writes this crappy?

>> No.22291515
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I love F Gardner but its pretty obvious he is playing a character on his youtube channel. He wears a kimono and mentions the "ancient chinese and japanese" in every video.

>> No.22291554

Look Gardner, it's really obvious when you're personally shilling your own threads because either there's like 4 threads or none at all. Just go with one if you're going to shill. Nobody in the history of this board has organically started a conversation about you. You aren't interesting.

>> No.22291694

are you sure it's actually him? it could just be some random autist, every board has a guy like this