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File: 121 KB, 1136x814, taleb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22282956 No.22282956 [Reply] [Original]

How is he so fucking based?

>> No.22282994

If more Arabs read books, they'd be unstoppable

>> No.22283138

Deadlift is a useless activity driven by vanity. The male equivalent of getting implants.

>> No.22283144

it’s useless for growth. they’re really satisfying to do though. id never do extreme weight deadlifts though those are just retarded and you’re asking for injury.

>> No.22283153

So true.
Imagine the amount of Talebs that the Arab people could have blessed us with if they read books.

>> No.22283163

>white pussy in ur path
Not so fast, browncel

>> No.22283167
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>> No.22283183 [DELETED] 
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What a fine buck! He would be perfect for plowing the fields on my large estate.

>> No.22283191


These pictures don't show his wound
from that knife attack ?
Ever since writing The Satanic Verses this
guy started strength maxing in case he had to
go to the mat with someone ?

>> No.22283193

wrong guy

>> No.22283446

did he pay somebody to take this photo of him

>> No.22283968

Rachel Griffiths took those pictures ?
Before date night or something ?

>> No.22284189

He's kinda embarrassing on Twitter. He's got his hands on a digital copy of his own book, and then he asks the twittersphere how to use AI to make his graphs color-blind-proof. And the solution he came up with is just to put a disclaimer in the book that says he didn't bother to change the graphs.

>> No.22284214

You seem to have both a passion and a talent for this, would you be willing to work as an analyst at my company? We need someone who can summarize the minor goings-on of random old men on their micro-blogs

>> No.22284232

It's relevant. And sarcasm is boring.

>> No.22284235

No sarcasm here, please keep me posted about what minor ecelebs chitchat about. Do you also happen to know which ones are arguing with whom??? That's the stuff my investors really care about

>> No.22284237

It's relevant. And sarcasm is boring.

>> No.22284249

k keep me posted, would you mind signing a contract to the effect that we can scan your long term memory once you're 80+ years old to see how much of it is taken up by old men's internet arguments with eachother on chatrooms?

We want to compare that data with the long term childhood memories of people who grew up before these chatrooms existed, and compare things like, how many more beautiful summer days to they remember? How many more relationships did they form? How many more skills and ideas did they pick up? Our theory is that you actually represent a new kind stage in human evolution, a "superman" if you will, because of your sheer ability to memorize what old men say on chatrooms.

>> No.22284252

It's relevant. And sarcasm is boring.

>> No.22284256

What would you say if I told you the UN wants you to convene a panel on what old men say on chatrooms?

>> No.22284259
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Ah. It's because I used the word Al. I see now.

>> No.22284272

As if the UN isn't funding retarded bullshit already, girl.

>> No.22284296

My former landlord/roommate was an Arabic man and he had a bookshelf in the living room. Only remember seeing him reading once

>> No.22284532

pullups >>>>> any weight exercises any day

>> No.22284555

4pl8 actually

And what did it get me? Nothing, DL is useless. I would have been better off doing sled pulls and yoga.

>> No.22284804

He went full retard with covid.
I have a strict policy of not taking seriously those that fell for the virus regime.

>> No.22284810

He's a race denialist retard and an arab.

>> No.22284851
File: 221 KB, 750x1231, 8CC5A611-A024-4C2B-870B-8B81A68AF694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True. Lifting doesn’t give you any practical advantage unless you’re in the unlikely situation of having to lift something extremely heavy. It does increase testosterone, but so do other forms of exercise that don’t ruin your joints. It won’t actually make you “tougher”, like a lot of men believe, since a man who doesn’t lift but has combat training could absolutely destroy any lifter who doesn’t have combat training. The only reason anybody would do it is to look impressive for girls: to comply with the false image presented by movies that big muscles means you’re tough, when anyone familiar with combat sports knows this is absolute bullshit. As soon as women find this fact out (which might be very soon given the rising popularity of combat sports), all the “gains” that lifters have accumulated will have become worthless.

>> No.22284905

Holy fucking cope this is amazing

>> No.22284933

Lifting in general is a useless activity driven by vanity, trains you to use muscles in isolation instead of using them all of them together. Worked construction for about a decade, lifters were without a doubt the most useless workers and generally washed out within a month.

>> No.22284956

Lifting is good for your cardiovascular health, posture, insulin sensitivity and immune system.

Coping, however, is extremely unhealthy when used as an escapism from reality.

>> No.22284963

Loads of things are good for all that without training you to use your muscles like a muscle bound moron. Even the old fat fucks were more effective workers on the job site than the lifters who were generally useless after a week.

>> No.22284978

Lifters barely have any endurance. Being able to lift something heavy for 12 reps x 4 sets does not really matter for jobs where you need to carry shit all day long.

>> No.22285044
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>all your hobbies and interests exist solely to become a better worker

>> No.22285045

Stop spamming this IYI Arab

>> No.22285055

Kek, I just know there are (you)'s being prepared as we speak. Imagine being le enlightened board and then hating on the physically strong like in a B film about highschool nerds.

>> No.22285148

Same with most brown people desu. Indians, Chinese, SEAmonkeys.

>> No.22285155

Eating goyslop and sitting on your ass all day is good praxis

>> No.22285160

There's literally no argument against "lifting for mere aesthetics".

>> No.22285193

No. Lifters have no flexibility, no cardiovascular endurance, no agility, no co-ordination, no fighting skill. Lifting a heavy object up and down is simply not what a well-rounded athlete does. At best, weightlifting is a supplementary but unnecessary exercise that you use in addition to more serious training. Weightlifting is only good for increasing the size of your muscles (at the expense of your joints): ie. giving the APPEARANCE of health and fitness without the substance of it. That’s why the anon compared it to a boob job: it’s fake shit done purely for aesthetics. True, a weightlifter might look like Mike Tyson, but can he go 12 rounds in a boxing match? Can he dodge punches? Does he have the agility or reflexes to bob and weave? Can he turn his hips in such a fashion as to generate the most power in his punches? Does he have the co-ordination, the skill, the ability to do anything other than lifting a heavy object up and down whilst in a stationary position? The answer is no; in most cases, he can’t even touch his toes. And don’t even get me started on powerlifting. Powerlifters, seeing the futility of Hypertrophy training, think themselves superior because they train for strength instead of muscle. Instead of doing low weight for high reps, they do high weight for low reps. They strive to increase their “personal best” and see this as the ultimate sign of strength. But this is a totally one-dimensional form of strength practiced in a completely controlled environment with very little applicability to anything outside of the squat rack. True strength is the ability of the body to withstand pressure in various contexts, positions, durations, and levels of intensity. The strength of a wrestler, for example, or even a construction worker is much more significant than that of the powerlifter who performs in a synthetic environment like the bench press where he completes a couple short movements in a pre-arranged, unchanging position with an evenly-distributed weight.

Face it: you need to cancel your gym membership and join a wrestling/boxing/bjj club, or just do weightlifting as a supplement. You might be less impressive to girls, but at least you’ll have a soul.

>> No.22285359

if they ditched their retarded religion they'd be unstopable

>> No.22285442

>driven by vanity
Curls might be driven by vanity. Deadlifts will do fucking nothing for your aesthetics. The posterior chain gains helps you carry more grocery bags and is therefore the true man’s man lift. Only stone carries and atlas stone lifts are more manly but unfortunately there are few places you can do them.

>> No.22285445

>Be me some years ago.
>Someone recomends me Antifragile by picrel.
>Check out the free chapter in his web or something like that.
>It is about how you should pick lawyers, economics advisors, surgeons, etc... with the criteria that follows: if he looks like "a butcher" (fat, shabby, big hands, sausage fingers, bulky neck, etc...) you should pick him over someone that looks more "professional" (thin, lean, clean shaven or cared beard, small hands, long fingers, long neck,...).
>The logic is that the more they don't look the part, the better they have to be to perform in such professional field. So a stereotypical good dentist (clean,good clothes, shaven, thin, bespectacled) will probably be worse than a non-stereotypical dentist (fat, ill fitting clothes, hillbilly haircut) that had to success agains stereotype by sheer skill.
>I though: ok, it makes sense.
>Then see Taleb picture.
>Realize he was writing about himself all along. A fat, bald,rough looking arab that looks like he has a goat farm who wants to pass as an intellectual guru.
>Never readed Antifragile or anything by him again.

>> No.22285447

>girls want big muscles
>muscles serve no purpose
>rich piano is representative of the average gym goer

>> No.22285474

>I embrace the homosexual aesthetics but I really really love women i swear

physical well being is done through healthy food and walking. beyond this shows that you either do it because
-you are bored, aka a failure
-you try to fulfill some power fantasy, sign of betacuckness
-you are a homo, aka a failure
-you do it for women, aka a man devoted to please women even if you claim otherwise, like all men, aka a failure
-you cling to your health, aka a failure living in fear of death

=>you are a pleb as soon as you lift.

>> No.22285502

That’s got to be the most brain dead criteria I’ve ever read. Filtered by thick Lebanese sausage fingers.

>> No.22285551

I simply refer you to >>22285044

Which is where the cope originated. Now you're simply typing out paragraphs of high octane cope because your first attempt at feeling smug and superior backfired. You would not say this to my face either, given the length of your posts.

>> No.22285568

My mistake, it was from "Skin in the Game". I readed it here:


I mean not trying to hate on the guy but is very clear he resents not "looking" the part and writes about it like this is "real" wisdom and not some freudian baggage.
Also he writes against know-it-alls and phonies and he is famous for what looks like a couple of surface level heuristic books at best if not outright self-help economic grifts. Again, I didn't read them.
Also it puts me off how his books are quoted and read by a lot of these types of phonies (self help podcaster types) he calls out himself.

>> No.22285833

The post you referred me to doesn’t refute anything. Whether I would say it to your face or not doesn’t refute anything. The simple fact is that a well rounded athlete doesn’t just lift weights. A person who trains combat sports would objectively destroy any bodybuilder in a fight. Actually read my post instead of complaining of its length, and actually address the arguments.

>> No.22285858

> asks the twittersphere how to use AI to make his graphs color-blind-proof. And the solution he came up with is just to put a disclaimer in the book that says he didn't bother
They should be solid colours so it’s just a matter of opening photoshop and selecting by that specific colour (eyedrop), then pick a new colour that’s colour blind proof. There’s 100% chance some pajeet has an instructional walking you through this.
Mr Improoovement and black swan event can’t use google to find a pajeet tutorial and wants me to trust anything he has to say?
It’s like seeing Peterstein the addict living in a pig sty.

>> No.22286018
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>the simple fact is that a well rounded athlete doesn’t just lift weights.

We went from ''man, those good looking guys sure can't move as many bricks per hour as me'' to ''a well rounded athlete doesn’t just lift weights''

What do all these have in common? Obsessive seething over people in better shape.

for the people reading this exchange: picrel, the best grappler of all time (but you don't need muscle according to anon)

>> No.22286040

I've never seen a person sperg out about the field of economics that wasn't a massive midwit .

>> No.22286050

I never said anything about working on a construction site. It was somebody else. My post is the long one explaining how weightlifting is not a well-rounded sport and at most should be used as a supplement for training.

Second, I never said anything about not needing muscle. I said that the way weightlifting builds muscle is not conducive to building athleticism or fitness. Here are the relevant quotes from my post, which you obviously never bothered to read:
>Lifters have no flexibility, no cardiovascular endurance, no agility, no co-ordination, no fighting skill.…

>True, a weightlifter might look like Mike Tyson, but can he go 12 rounds in a boxing match? Can he dodge punches? Does he have the agility or reflexes to bob and weave? Can he turn his hips in such a fashion as to generate the most power in his punches? Does he have the co-ordination, the skill, the ability to do anything other than lifting a heavy object up and down whilst in a stationary position? The answer is no; in most cases, he can’t even touch his toes.

>True strength is the ability of the body to withstand pressure in various contexts, positions, durations, and levels of intensity. The strength of a wrestler, for example, or even a construction worker is much more significant than that of the powerlifter who performs in a synthetic environment like the bench press where he completes a couple short movements in a pre-arranged, unchanging position with an evenly-distributed weight.

The man you posted (who is full of roids by the way) is the greatest grappler of all time because he trained grappling. Not weightlifting. He built his muscle through grappling, just like Mike Tyson, who never lifted weights, built his muscle through boxing.

>> No.22286209

Any construction laborer's joints are demolished by age 40, claiming weightlifting destroys joints is the same as people who don't run whining about muh arthritis.

>> No.22286295

Can you touch your toes?

>> No.22286310

Except he completely looks the part of the philosopher and you're just projecting some bullshit. And then you mention you didn't read any of his works. Fucking hell man, stay in your lane, do you know how foolish you sound even to a fool?

>> No.22286313

He's an Orthodox Christian

>> No.22286323

>some distributions are not normal
woah... the insight...

>> No.22286329

>my heuristic might be better than yours!
Is that it?

>> No.22286333

2(25 + 45 + 35 + 25 + 10 + 5 + 2.5) = 295

Weak as fuck

>> No.22286391

Only good response in this thread. Imagine taking a picture of yourself lifting this.

>> No.22286514

Lol why so butthurt?

He is literally proyecting himself as the not bald, sleek, elegant, highly refined in appearance is the faker in his article and the opposite (himself as a fat arab fruit vendor) is the true pro.
Of course I did not waste anny more time with him, that chapter of the book is really bad lol.
"Pic the shady, nasty looking professional", great advice from a nasty looking pric.
Also great advice the "stay in your lane" thing maybe Taleb will hear to it someday and stop writing about every issue like he is an expert from COVID to IQ passing through economics and choosing a doctor.

>> No.22286532

There are books about mathematics that are introductory and other books that are truly deep.
Taleb books seem to have been read by everyone who doesnt't really know about the field. The chaper I read seemed fairy simple and accesible. There is nothing wrong with that, the problem comes when someone, even Taleb, claims this is the ultimate tool, concept or whatever.
"Aha another black swan event" Says Taleb for the 1000000 time.
I mean it feels like a "feel smart book by Stephen Hawkins" written by an arrogant know-it-all.
I barely know any heuristics but written about slim, clean cut guys as fakers compared to guys that look like him seems like a strong projection that teaches me less than nothing as a reader.

>> No.22286615

Though consider that your filter was the actual purchase of a book. And your post-hoc realization that you drop a book simply because you don't have it.

>> No.22286630

just turning the business end of your bullshit spigot back on you. Got a hangup for justice what can I say.

>> No.22286634

>just make them impotent atheists that will get culturally raped by western tranny politics and jewish hollywood bro

>> No.22286636

Any boxer would murder a deadlift tranny and that's more relevant than being able to carry a bag of groceries.

>> No.22286649

Go to the gym.

>> No.22286658

thank fuck somebody still has testicles on my /lit/

>> No.22286660

Did you read his third book, The Kite Runner ?

>> No.22286663

Not at all but I make sure they do not make me a worse worker, won't be able to maintain my hobbies and interests if I get fired.
Bricks are one of the few things lifters can carry well as long as you can get them to take sensible bites. The problem is those long not so heavy things like those 16' 2x12s, whole lot of inertia in that 8' of wood sticking out either side when you carry one and it twists you up, so we two man carry those but new guy lifter laughs and takes his shirt off and has at it solo. Next day he is sunburnt and can barely bend over.
>but you don't need muscle according to anon
There are other ways to get muscles.
>Any construction laborer's joints are demolished by age 40
The only guys who end up with ruined joints by 40 are those that are constantly trying to prove their toughness and how much of a man they are, like the lifters. If you don't treat the job as a test of your manhood and a chance to show off it is pretty easy once you learn the ropes.

>> No.22286665

That's not an argument. I explained why going to the gym will not make you into a well-rounded athlete. I attend a Thai boxing club. That is how I get my exercise.

>> No.22286687

Boxing demolishes the small joints of the hand and if you do sparring you might get retarded. I did boxing for a while but after my hands started shaking I stopped for good

>> No.22286872
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>''weightlifting is useless''
>''okay it's not useless but I am better anyways''
>''please refute my post''

>> No.22286875

Also, a top-fielder is not going to be well-rounded. All according to the anti-fragile theorem. You should pick the average in a field, not the top-runner.

>> No.22286995

>okay it's not useless
I never said that, did not even imply it. Roid rage?

>> No.22287086

They're called compound lifts you fat.

>> No.22287089

Post pic of yourself with today's date.

>> No.22287275

Lifting does not raise testosterone

>> No.22287315

It doesn't?

>> No.22287509

>People who want to look nice are gay
Not everyone wants to look like an ugly fatass like you

>> No.22287615

It depends on why you lift, if you view it as a dominance hierarchical exercise it will - you can literally increase test with your mind.

>> No.22287624

Oh really? How often do you lift shit compared to getting into a bout of fisticuffs?

>> No.22287632

Arrogance is when you can’t back your shit up, except he can and has the track record to prove it, nonetheless he takes very little credit beyond being a vessel for ancient wisdom for the things he says.

>> No.22287703

Compound lifts still isolate, they train the muscles to excel at useless motions.

>> No.22287869

Right wing idiot

>> No.22288888

Weakest brown person that reads

>> No.22289083


>> No.22289322

I agree, it was odd how he wasn't at least a bit skeptical because of his iatrogenics stuff.

>> No.22289336

>being a leftist means trusting the biopolitical security state and its "media" (propaganda apparatus)

>> No.22290193

Heavy barbell deadlifts are way too taxing on the nervous system
Romanian deadlifts are fantastic for gains though

>> No.22290196

Women are not very attracted to men with bodybuilder-tier muscles as it is, they already know the appearance of muscle != strong
Men start off lifting for women but end up lifting for themselves most of the time

>> No.22291226 [DELETED] 

Shitskins are so pathetic. I guess you would have to compensate when your entire historical legacy is just getting dominated by Whites.

A shitskin does something that any aversge white man does and all the little monkeys come out as if they are the most incredible human since jesus.

>> No.22291236

Browns are much weaker than whites on average. All of the strongest people in thebworld are white, specifically from Northern Europe.

>> No.22291253
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>> No.22291264
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>nonwhite lifts weights and postures as an intellectual

>> No.22291302

>join a wrestling/boxing/bjj club
you first faggot
Also, learn how to use the fucking return key

>> No.22291309

bro lifting is very good for my mental health im not reading all that shit.

>> No.22291316

brown hands typed this

>> No.22291319

>best grappler of all time
>toughest guy who doesnt want to get punched in the face

>> No.22291330
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>> No.22292607

“ Crucial to this study was the finding that testosterone levels increase when men are in situations related to social rank, whether that’s competing, dating, or driving a nice sports car.”


Basically if you go to the gym and imagine all the other monkeys there are competing with you, you get a test boost.

I think this is also MJ and Kobe always tried to make their competition in mortal enemies.

>> No.22292803
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>> No.22292925

Would love to see the skinny armed “alphas” who rationalize their virginity with this crap

>> No.22292940

ITT: fagtarded nerds of /lit/ demonstrate they are arrogantly not /fit/

>> No.22292949

>sit in your car
>sit in your school desk
>sit in your office cubicle
>sit at your restaurant
>never stand run or push anything
>its okay to be decrepit and demented like your obese boomer parents, bro come play nintendo you don't want to be like Johnny Bravo he's a toxic male

>> No.22292962
File: 1.87 MB, 1011x1600, Nassim_Nicholas_Taleb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>BTFOs economists, DYELs, scientists, politicians, dogmatists, researchers, psychologists, statisticians, bell-curve fragilistas
>Respects grandmother
>Prostitution appreciatoor
>Inherently racist

Yeah, Nassim is based.

>> No.22292963


There's little to no math in his second novel
A Thousand Splendid Suns

>> No.22292991


The Satanic Verses
The Kite Runner
The Black Swan
these 4 books by Nassim, have been called
The Poor man's Ivy League Education, by some.

>> No.22293102

>jump on the latest fad guys trust me it has soul

Bro if you had eaten properly lifting would have worked for you, stop projecting so much

>> No.22293112

>combat sports is not a synthetic environment

Bro shut up already, if at least you would argue from some kind of ido portal standpoint, but martial arts is the stupidest most self indulgent commercialised shit around and that’s with gym culture included

>> No.22293408

Can you write a single post without "bro" in it you dumb shitskinned 3rd worlder? Go back to your toilet country, leave the West now, dog.

>> No.22293413

The thread is full of shitskinned incels who are liberals

>dumb grifting desert mutt

>> No.22293433
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jesus christ the amount of weakling coping itt is astonishing

>> No.22293530

And also not an Arab, but hey...

>> No.22293541

The joke of putting Taleb's name on Rushdie's picture flew over /lit/'s head

>> No.22294095

Many such cases on /lit/

>> No.22294218

Nobody except redditor tourists cares about those inbred desert mutts

>> No.22295579


>> No.22295585

This joke has been done to death. Are we supposed to spam keks each time? It's even more unfunny than the 'sex gifs' Spengler meme.

>> No.22295586

You don't sound intellectually curious in the least.