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22287689 No.22287689 [Reply] [Original]

What do you think best captures capital D Depression? Fiction, pop-sci, or even poetry - anything goes.

>> No.22287692

every fucking book

every fucking book is a seethe and a cope

>> No.22287693

Depression isn't real

>> No.22287695


>> No.22287699

ong no cap

>> No.22287701

why are people sad then?

>> No.22287705

no pussy

>> No.22287706

Lack of character

>> No.22287836

Bob dylan will settle your troubled mind, first two replies are GAYYYY

>> No.22287840

>or even poetry
>or even
poetry is the most supreme form of literature. the absolute state of /lit/

>> No.22287846

Depression is real, but it’s in your power to dispose of it.

>> No.22287920

Reminder that Steven Bonnell is smarter and wittier than you. Despite being relatively small he still pulls more baddies because he is literally the internet batman. The vanguard of liberalism who will suspend liberalism in order to save liberalism (ie how he will use tactical racism and calling his interlocutor a faggot or a nigger strategically to win the argument in favor of liberal ideas). He totally humiliated /lit/ incarnate (Logo Daedalus) without even trying and bested every single right winger.

He proves that IQ and social skills beats reading le old books and being autistically devoted to learning historical trivia.

Honestly, he deserves a much better wife than the 5/10 hoe who sullies his name and is an embarrassment to his movement. Sometimes I'll wish I was a woman (but not in a tranny way) and be Destiny's ideal girlfriend so it would smooth out any friction into his transition into the internet version of Ozymandias. History will remember Bluestiny Man as one of the greatest individuals and philosophers of the 2000's and his son must be proud to have such a father

>> No.22287932

This but unironically

>> No.22287949

I will defeat him

I will take Adderall and I will best him at his own game.

>> No.22287960

What the actual fuck are you saying

>> No.22287965

>humiliated JF (140 IQ geneticist)
>humiliated Fuentes multiple times
>humiliated InfraHaz
>is the only reason Zherka isn't some methhead screaming about schizo shit outside a Dave and Busters
>is the single cause of the left wing dominance of 2020-2022 on the internet

>> No.22287966

Depression is entirely mental. People are sad because they want to be sad.

>> No.22287974

If you think Aba got anywhere with her on that stream, then you're too pornbrained and online and should be unplugged from your life support. Also, to answer your question, Red House Painters' first three albums. I know that's music, but these works are the best expressions of a young life spent in chronic depression and neurosis that I have ever come across.


>> No.22287979

That is not what "mental" means

>> No.22287980

Mental - relating to the mind. - relating to disorders of the mind.

how is it not mental? what is it?

>> No.22287989

It's not "sadness". It's like greyness and detachment, it's like you can remember a time when things outside of you made an impression on your interior, when life itself actually touched you, but you can't make it do that anymore, you can't feel life touching you anymore. If this sounds like bullshit to you, then good for you, I'm glad you've never experienced it.

>> No.22287993

Even Freud acknowledged about this one

>> No.22287995

Yeah it's entirely in your head or in some very rare cases vitamin deficiency or something of sort.

>> No.22288001

4chan be like "goyslop make people retarded" when also believes this

>> No.22288004

I would say it’s a combination of your physiology and your mental status. Unhealthy people tend to have unhealthy mindsets. Anyway, the point I was making is that you can change all of this. You can exercise, diet, cut negative addictions, go outside, focus on positive thoughts, etc. etc. and you will certainly improve. Those who aren’t able to do this are just unintelligent (unable to adapt) and we should not spend too much effort trying to help them.

>> No.22288006

How can both not be true? Obviously eating lead or whatever will make you retarded but that doesn't mean depression, ADHD, and addiction are real things

>> No.22288007

>Yeah it's entirely in your head
LOL that's right, that's why it's called a "mental illness", smart fella

>> No.22288010

That's not what it means. Illness means it's real thing. In your head means your inventing it out of nothing

>> No.22288013

When did /lit/ become filled with Scientology views on mental conditions and why did it happen?

>> No.22288021

Google "Inflammatory theory of depression"

>> No.22288027

If you have a genetic predisposition or brain damage that causes you to not produce enough of a certain neurotransmitter, say dopamine or serotonin or GABA, then it's not just imagined, there is a physiological process that is not working right somewhere. I'm not gonna deny there are plenty of people that abuse the idea of "mental illness", but that's far from every case.

>> No.22288028

Tom Cruise was proven right lol did you not see all the news article about anti depressants not actually working recently??

>> No.22288034

Does this mean take advil for depression

>> No.22288038

>news article
Where's the data? What were these articles referencing?

>> No.22288040

I agree that's so rare that it's not even worth talking about. I read Bipolar has a real case for depression. Seems true in my case. Out of the hundreds of people who i met who were "depressed" the only real one was my friend with bipolar disorder but depression is the least of your worries when you go schizo and start writing hieroglyphics on your wall and shit

>> No.22288044


i dunno

>> No.22288047

You’re right. It’s retarded to try to relate quantitative brain states to qualitative subjective feelings like “depression.” Feelings are not testable scientifically because they rely on the person’s interpretation of them. Modern (((psychology))) was a mistake.

>> No.22288059

>depression is the least of your worries when you go schizo and start writing hieroglyphics on your wall and shit
Maybe for everyone else, but doesn't mania feel great for the bipolar person? The depressive episodes are just absolute annihilation, no? Also, my own mother is clinically depressed and has been for decades. She has periods where she has more energy and interest, but she often just wants to sleep and stare at her phone. She has a very introverted temperament too and doesn't really converse all that much.

>> No.22288065

It's totally OK to say SSRI does not work. What I cannot stand on is retarded STOIC approach of "Only you can save yourself". When classic, /lit/'s favorite text such as Hegel's Phenomenology of the spirit literally says that "it is not only in your head".

>> No.22288067

It does feel great but when it goes away is when the serious depression comes I think. It's like blowing your load.. I could tell when my friend was about to start a manic episode because his personality would change for like a week before and then he would go offline for 2 weeks and end up in a psych hospital and come out and tell me had an episode. The depression was real bad for him. My friend if you are reading this post then message on steam I miss you buddy

>> No.22288069

>doesn’t mania feel great
No, it’s like going on a bad psychedelic trip mixed with amphetamines.

>> No.22288070

>Antidepressants, including SSRIs, remain an effective treatment.
That's from the third bullet point in the "Key points" section.
Then it goes on to say "A review of randomized controlled trials, the most reliable type of study for making causal claims in medical research, concluded that SSRIs did significantly reduce the risk for depression". They even say in the article that SSRIs do work to improve depression, but now there's just more doubt as to HOW exactly. Come on, man.

>> No.22288072

When you ask depressed people have you actually tried to cure yourself they havent. They don't try. It's all their in head

>> No.22288074

Are you speaking from your own experience?

>> No.22288077

NSAID correspond to advil.
Brain is one fucking strange thing

>> No.22288078

Yes. I was diagnosed with bipolar 1 years ago.

>> No.22288080

Interesting. I read advil lowers your testerone probably not good idea to turn depressed guy trans

>> No.22288081

What treatments have you tried? I read it just gets worse and worse as you age until you become full schizo or go travis bickle

>> No.22288082

I had an old friend who had bipolar as well and he was very similar to what you're describing, except he complicated things by getting addicted to IV drugs, specifically opiates. He was a really creative, interesting guy, although he could go off the deepend with his mania and shit and freak everybody out. He threatened to kill a friend's dog when he came home drunk one time lol. Nobody was really afraid of him (physically) though because he weighed like 95 pounds soaking wet and was like 5 foot 9. He's probably still haunting /x/.

>> No.22288084

Not exactly. SSRIs are WORSE at erectile dysfunction. Near 2/3 of SSRI takers has this sexual adverse effect on it.

>> No.22288087

So you found mania to be unpleasant while you were experiencing it? Did you experience hallucinations or anything?

>> No.22288091

I just went on a mood stabilizer after I turned 18 and haven’t had one since.

>> No.22288094

NTA but is it Lithium? Also are you saying you're 19 years old?

>> No.22288095

He was my best friend super smart nice guy but one time he attacked a friend of his with a knife on manic episode and I tried to keep being friends but that stayed in the back in my mind and I had to no contact. It's hard to be friends with someone when you always have to think what if this dude goes crazy and tries to stab me while i'm sleeping or something. It's terrible because once the episode is over they go back to normal nice people it haunted him whenever he would do things like that

>> No.22288097

Yes, it was extreme unpleasant. It is like being on crack cocaine without any exaggeration. Maybe some people enjoy that stuff, I don’t know. And no, I didn’t have any hallucinations.

>> No.22288102

No hallucinations, OK. What about delusions though? Like you genuinely believed that you were the second coming or shit like that? Or was it just a general sensory thing where everything just felt a lot more intense and you were hyper-stimulated?

>> No.22288104

Did you ever record yourself talking or write gibberish down?

>> No.22288111

I had intense delusions that slowly wore off in about a week.
No, I didn’t record anything but I did write stuff.

>> No.22288112

I'm sorry, my man. I know the feeling. It's painful to "lose" a good friend to mental illness. Do you know if he got on meds and got any more stable since?

>> No.22288114

> had intense delusions that slowly wore off in about a week.
Do you mind if I ask what they were? If it doesn't freak you out to bring those memories back up.

>> No.22288120

Yes he got on lithium and didn't have an episode after that but I still went no contact because even though our relationship was great I felt like it was wrong for us to act normal when I couldn't stop thinking about the possibility of him attacking me if it happened again. I stalk him still and his life looks much better now. Has a girlfriend, a nice job. I think about contacting him again often.

>> No.22288121

It’s hard to remember much of it, but I think I was convinced that I was dreaming.

>> No.22288127
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Hey, that's great. There's hope for him, even if there's not for you and him together. Just out of curiosity, was he big and strong enough to be a threat to you if he did chimp out and try you?

>> No.22288130

Yeah he was a 6'3 bodybuilder and at the time I was 5'7 120 pounds lol

>> No.22288132

Like convinced convinced? You remember any other delusions?

>> No.22288138

Yeah, I did extremely risky things because I literally didn’t think I could die at the time.

>> No.22288151

Damn, you felt literally invincible huh? What was the dumbest shit that you did when you thought nothing could touch you?

>> No.22288155

Holy shit, yeah I understand your fear now lol. Wow. He could've broke you in half, son!

>> No.22288171

anyway man, I sincerely hope you find peace, contentment, and companionship in your life. May you have no more terror or panic. I struggle with panic attacks and shit myself, and I absolutely hate the feeling, it is debilitating. Yeah, best of luck man.

>> No.22288189

Ever take a long break from /lit/, come back and wonder why you ever liked it in the first place?

>> No.22288192

Insecure cuck. His girlfriend is Swedish. Exclusovely whores outside of Sweden.

>> No.22288195

I’ve made peace that I’m a lifer even if I take breaks here and there

>> No.22288205

If this were 2018, I assume that one competent guy would recommended The Noonday Demon, and then another more competent guy would explain what was quite wrong with that book

>> No.22288209

Lol I"M the insecure cuck here? I'm not the one clearly trying to insinuate that there was something between this guy and this chick. Pay attention to her body language, the things she was saying, and the way she was saying them, she wasn't interested beyond a platonic sense.

>> No.22288365

>insinuating that Swedish women are whores
If you said that irl I would knock your teeth out.

Destiny is a pathetic faggot who should have stepped up and stopped it but I agree that it's quite obvious that the black guy was just making her uncomfortable and she was not at all interested, which is why he should have stepped up, but he's in an open relationship and a feminist or whatever lol.

>> No.22288368

>If you said that irl I would knock your teeth out.
>swede tough guy on the internet

>> No.22288384

I'm 50/50 Scottish and Swedish and engaged to a Swede, you dark-skinned simian. There are plenty of tough Swedes, and the average height in Sweden has to be >6ft. They're just quiet people and aren't interested in boasting and posturing like a classless dumb nigger like you.

>> No.22288395
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>*mogs you*

>> No.22288400
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>>humiliated Fuentes multiple times
>>is the single cause of the left wing dominance of 2020-2022 on the internet
btw the second one isn't because of destiny (can't believe how gay that name is typing it out now), it's because youtube banned everyone right wing after Trump got elected and started astroturfing leftists.

>> No.22288419

I'm a Dinarid, 6ft is average/low around here. Don't make me mog you with my dick as well.

>> No.22288422

/lit/ is sucha meta board

>> No.22288453

ok ahmed

>> No.22288461

it is more real than you retard
it's not feeling sad. The way it hits is far more devastating. Usually it begins with you not being able to feel anything at all, and you continue living your life because you can still function. Then this state starts to fuck you up because the dopamine reward system is disrupted and no matter what you do you won't feel anything. Then other symptoms crawl in such as tiredness, sleep problems, lack of energies etc. Your life is being torn apart because you simply can't do anything and if you do it's painful, even the things you once liked and the things that in general makes a person feel good (including having sex).
Nobody understands your condition and you are actively ridiculed and isolated.
Another retard. You are assuming that your mind is basically an immaterial ghost on which you have absolute control and willpower triumph everything when in reality it runs on insanely complicated biological machine. You are negating the physicality of the brain. A slight damage in a certain area can render you a complete different person.
Bipolar isn't the only real case of depression you fool.

Depression is awful and real, unfortunately it is self diagnosed by incels and in general people that are not happy with their lives and think they can get an excuse or even sympathy points, when in reality everybody will genuinely hate/despise you if you actually have depression.

>> No.22288468

Kill yourself retard, nobody likes you.

>> No.22288473

>Depression is awful and real, unfortunately it is self diagnosed by incels and in general people that are not happy with their lives and think they can get an excuse or even sympathy points, when in reality everybody will genuinely hate/despise you if you actually have depression.
I'm pretty sure incel's depression is very real and very concrete

>> No.22288485

it's not depression in the vast majority of cases, for anything because depression usually lowers you libido and you don't give much fuck about sex or being alone you just want to get rid of the illness.
Incel depression (as in "sadness") is usually a byproduct of other issues.

>> No.22288496

stop larping about having depression
your libido doesn't just die
your motivation to do anything does
sleep, eat, they're all shades of ennui

but worse
you don't even have the motivation to get better to get rid of the illness pls stop larping as someone with depression or at least step up your game so you're truly depressed

>> No.22288498

>it's not depression in the vast majority of cases, for anything because depression usually lowers you libido
So you're a woman and feel obligated to hate incels.
Libido doesn't fully disappear in depressed men, or at least not uniformly. It sort of comes and goes, coupled with loneliness even the most depressed guy will occasionally turn to porn.

>> No.22288503

The world is lucky you're not a practicing psychologist.