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/lit/ - Literature

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22285605 No.22285605 [Reply] [Original]

2023: I am forgotten...

>> No.22285621

and that's a good thing

>> No.22285622

He called me a goon; he's dead to me.

>> No.22285634

he will retvrn...

>> No.22285635

he was until you posted him.
you just made his cumback possible

>> No.22285647

You should've called him a gook

>> No.22285656
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>> No.22285662

He deserved it all. The bullying.

>> No.22285685

Do you deserve to frequent 4chan?

>> No.22285693

>One sentence at a time
Stupid faggot doesn't even realize this is why his writing sucks. Can't see the forest for the trees.

>> No.22285706

Holy fuck his is some of the most feminized shit I've ever read. This nigga worse than that pajeet bitch who writes the bad poems and doodles.

>> No.22286043


Not like this

>> No.22286138

Two questions for anons to consider...
1: who is the better Australian writer? Woolston or Waldun?
2: Who would win in a fight? Woolston or Waldun?

>> No.22286387

He was cool in United Airlines

>> No.22286410

I always kek what I see this word

>> No.22286450

>Bataille turned me into a degenerate.
Yeah that explains a lot.

>> No.22286522
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Yeah, this is proof that reading and writing doesn't make you smart. You just become knowledgeable, and articulate, But still a retard.

Be careful about what you put into your head and always be conscious about how your mind chooses to processes it all or else you become an un-self aware parody like this guy.

>> No.22286585

I just feel like every single of his videos is about the same.

>> No.22286806

I only know this person by their image and that's because its fat face is spammed here.

>> No.22286947


>> No.22287328

He ran away from his tiger parents to be an intellectual and he types like that? Zamn.

>> No.22287414
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>> No.22287482

His writing is amateurish and boring.
See for yourself:
L'Academie: https://files.catbox.moe/n1l2zh.pdf

>> No.22287589

he's not even knowledgeable or articulate m8

>> No.22288586

Now, I just need Emmie's essay on Frankenstein. She said she would publish it.

>> No.22289156

See Middle C by William Gass. It's about that very fact.

>> No.22289165


>> No.22289190

I haven’t been on /lit/ for like 3 years is this guy still around

>> No.22289194

Reminds me of a student in my Creative Writing classes in college who always insisted on saying "bosom" and "betwixt" and even "thou" sometimes. He would also say this shit in conversation. I think he was autistic. His best moment was when he wrote a Tarzan ripoff short story that was so unaware of itself that it was overtly "sexist" as shit. It pissed off all of the feminists, which was cool.

>> No.22289198

We all have a little Waldun in us. Us /lit/izens (tehehe). Yeah, it's true. Deep down inside there is a faggy little Asian boy larping as a young Oxford student. The Dead Poets Society. Cambridge in the Fall. All sweater'd up, leaves crunching beneath our feet as we carry a bundle of the classics. Our little fantasy lands we drift off to that exist between the yellowed pages. A nice cinnamon tea warms our souls as we delight in the simple pleasures of Literature. You may not like it but even your meanest writers, the Bukowskis, the Palahniuks, the McCarthy's...inside them is Waldun.

>> No.22289214

"The Regime" really? He couldn't make up a name for a totalitarian scifi regime and then have us discover it's totalitarian nature over the course of the firsr chapter? I understand just calling it "The Regime" in his first draft, but certainly he should have named it at some point.

>> No.22289222

He writes like a woman, very wholesome, i'd fuck that little twink

>> No.22289362
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>They're there

>> No.22289368

this has to be the gayest shit I've read in 2023 so far

>> No.22290644

I got really into schizo style
discord writing from
someone I used to talk to from /p/ years ago
it's great to practice and use
especially on chan
where you type what you're thinking at the moment
and then as you move on you break it to a new line

it's pretty great
no need for punctuation

Why the fuck is this lactose intolerant motherfucking trying to write like this with punctuation.
It doesn't work. The whole idea is to NOT use punctuation. Put a capital letter at the start if you feel like it or it feels like it would be the natural start of a sentence-
-but don't launch all out into putting a fucking fullstop at the end without fail.

I feel kind of sorry for people like this, at the end of the day: they're only rape bait.

>> No.22291750
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please somebody buy this and refund it and post it all online ... waldunchad revival inbound w/ jaidyn l retard

>> No.22291755
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R.C. Waldun is my creative writing teacher. At first we were all impressed with him. He was young and apparently talented (published while still in high school). He wowed us with his successful YouTube channel and told us about him becoming published in high school. We all felt lucky to get such a talented writer as our creative writing teacher.

Then he started teaching. Let's just say he didn't really know what he was doing. He kept repeating platitudes. He didn't know how to give feedback on any of our submissions. He would mark things as grammatically incorrect or suggest placing commas here and there, but his corrections were always grammatically incorrect. One of use pointed this out to him and said these types of corrections actually weren't helpful. He then pulled the minority card and said you can't correct a nonnative speaker on their grammar. He said if we continued this line of thought he would have no choice but to report us to the universities diversity affairs office.

After his lackluster teaching ability, we delved further into his supposed literary career. Turns out he is not actually published (self-publishing is not real publishing), the book he self-published is dogshit, and the rest of his writing is mediocre autofiction full of grammatical mistakes. So I went and complained to a department head about them letting someone with such a track record teach creative writing. I mean R.C. literally has no qualifications. I asked the department head if they ever checked out his qualifications or why he was allowed to teach a creative writing class. The department head said they were short on faculty and needed someone, anyone, to cover the class. Turns out they didn't even check his qualifications, and just hired him because he applied and because he said he wrote a book. After my meeting with the department head they said they would make sure he never steps foot in another creative writing classroom again until he becomes a legitimately published writer.

I couldn't fucking believe it. Now we just make fun of this dweeb behind his back. Pretty much every day in class he brags about how he and his friends are reviving the Beat movement. Or he talks about his upcoming novel L'Academie and how much his editor loves his prose. We asked him what publishing house his editor works at and he clammed up. He admitted that he hired the editor. Someone in the class who has real talent explained to him that you don't hire an editor. Your publishing house has one and your work with the editor at your publishing house for free. Waldun got really angry and told them to shut up and said some bullshit like "Who's the creative writing teacher here? Who has a book published?" The dude's a joke. I can't believe the University of Melbourne hired this dweeb. Probably a diversity hire anyways.

>> No.22291926
