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22277997 No.22277997 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.22278016

Immense cope

>> No.22278032

>no refutation
>Can god purple green?
>checkmate, christcucks
Also the God trapping paradoxes are too rooted in things normal humans without the concept of infinity in their heads find impossible or contradictory.

>> No.22278038

But how does it change the fact that God doesn't exist?

>> No.22278039

Man had a beginning, therefore true comprehension of the infinite is impossible.

>> No.22278058

>Also the God trapping paradoxes are too rooted in things normal humans without the concept of infinity in their heads find impossible or contradictory.
Seems awfully convenient. Maybe theists should stop creating illogical concepts such as "omnipotence" before basing their religion or idea of God around it. C.S Lewis had to come up with a word salad and moved away from the paradox

>> No.22278074

Omnipotence is an illogical concept by itself, but when mixed with some sort of agency (i.e God's will) it just become laughable

>> No.22278082

>calling something word salad when the very paradox you cite is total word salad

>> No.22278087

>Omnipotence is an illogical concept by itself

>> No.22278094

Yeah, or without massive amounts of cope

>> No.22278097

>not a single argument itt
The athiest always impresses.

>> No.22278099


>> No.22278125

>God can do anything except the things that are impossible, checkmate atheists!

>> No.22278146

>"Can God create a stone so heavy that even he cannot lift it" is a "word salad" to the average theist

>> No.22278150

I imagine God can limit his abilities, and then release the limitation. Now the real question. In an infinite number of universes where everything is possible, is it impossible for there to be God?

>> No.22278152

>he’s omnipotent and can do everything logically possible
Like forgiving humanity for crimes he made up without some convoluted son incarnation sacrifice?
>Nooooo it’s necessary! He had to by the rules he made up! It’s humanity’s fault! He is omnipotent! He is! All three parts are, at the same time!

>> No.22278159

>Terrance passed D-Money the blunt, the pair reclining on the steps of a brownstone porch half lit by the mid morning sun."This nigga talkin philosophical, cuz"
>"Nah, D," now screwing up his face, "nah, he ain't ready," balling his fists in mock combat.
>"Lil nigga really askin 'can God purple green?' "
>"He really askin," D-Money sprung up to his feet,"listen," blunt on lip, "God purple greened this weed, nigga!"

>> No.22278187

como vai a caça às putas, virjão?

>> No.22278250

Pergunte à sua mãe

>> No.22278349

words words words the left can't meme

>> No.22278370

>god doesn't deal with impossibilities
>trust me though he can do anything possible
then why must things follow physical laws? he can bypass those? if I said "can God create x" one might say well yes, by natural methods, but then is that even god at work? God becomes less an entity and just a system, and attaching wants and hopes and intuition onto these causes and effects is a human problem.

>> No.22278376

>Can god purple green?
thanks doc

>> No.22278394

This is how we know that Jesus wasn't God. It doesn't make sense for someone to be both human and God at the same time, so we shouldn't expect God to be able to do something like that

>> No.22278466

i would like to have faith but a lot of christianity seems to be interpretive based on a vague text
it seems you either need to just follow dogma or spend years with critical/scholarly interpretations just to get something of a complete answer, but even then you end up with theories like pentateuch being a composite work which only adds to the schizo-ness of christianity.
ironically it seems that human interpretation and bias sours christianity for me.
scientism isn't any better but interpretive faith doesn't feel complete either.

>> No.22278940

>"I can do anything!"
>"ok, do this"
>"that thing you listed is not a part of anything"
I guess giving you a functioning brain is not something intrinsically possible

>> No.22279109

the left invented christianity memes

>> No.22279623

If I was the all-powerful master of the universe, I'd make myself immune to paradoxes, especially low-effort paradoxes rooted in mundane concepts like lifting rocks.

>> No.22279691
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Then why did he disagree?

>> No.22279715

>can God create a creature so sinful he cannot forgive them?

This is an interesting restructuring of the paradox that actually has some relevance.

>> No.22279752


>> No.22279957
File: 74 KB, 750x593, 368C16EF-18C2-41F8-85DD-66E4CB9BBD17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>“Nothing which implies contradiction falls under the omnipotence of god”
>b-because IT JUST DOESN’T, OK?

This is cope because God would be the source of all things such as possibility, contradiction, etc. meaning they are ultimately not fundamental as God created them. Also midwitted because the trinity is a contradiction but Catholics will just say “it’s a mystery ok? IT JUST IS!”

>> No.22280695
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>yes, I do think I could understand something outside of reality

>> No.22280703

Wow you are retarded, I'm shocked. At least you have the nuts to post it

>> No.22280706

Why is god limited to the set of what is intrinsically possible? Why can he not add or subtract things from that set? If he is incapable of doing that and there is something preventing him from it, how can we consider him the supreme and ultimate authority?

>> No.22280709

>will he
No. What a real head scratcher there anon.

>> No.22280713

>do this thing I want you to not do
Are midwits realy?

>> No.22280725

If he creates a creature that is so sinful he cannot forgive them, I guess someone who blasphemes the Holy Spirit (whatever that entails) for example, that would seem to limit his omnipotence, woupd it not?

>> No.22280738

Why do you single out Catholics? Orthodox are really known for chocking things up to mystery and being sticklers for this especially in the matter of grapsing the Trinity. And I think even Calvinists would say its not easy to grok.

>> No.22280762

Forgiveness is a choice, your not asking if he can or cannot, your asking if he will or will not. They are completely different questions anon, and to answer the original point, the question is retarded, you are trying to ask if God can do something he can't do, it's retarded from start to finish.

>> No.22280767

Interesting argument. I'll have to stick with "no", however.

>> No.22280826

If he cannot do something the he's not omnipotent. Simple as. Like other people have said, the concept of omnipotence is incoherent.

>> No.22280839

>do something you can't do
Do you realy not see how it's not a God problem but a you asking retarded questions problem?

>> No.22280851

>nothing which implies contradiction falls under the omnipotence of God

Then he's not omnipotent, because apparently consistency is superior to him

>> No.22280855

Yes, or a you making retarded claims problem

>> No.22280856

Ask him if God can do nothing. He will answer "yes." And then the entire "paradox" is resolved, because they are basically asking if God can do something which doesn't exist, i.e. do nothing. Of course God can do nothing; he is omnipotent.

>> No.22280863

It's retarded for me to think the creator of reality can do anything? Lol

>> No.22280966


An object that is not liftable by an all powerful being is not a real object. How could it be a thing?

>b-because IT JUST IS, OK?

>> No.22281001
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Can he kill himself?

>> No.22281012

Basically a clearer way of putting the point is that "an object an omnipotent being cannot lift" is an incoherent concept, much like a married bachelor.

>> No.22281027

Literally just "nuh uh"

>> No.22281083
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>arguing with Religiousfags
Go bang your head in a wall, that's more productive use of time and effort. You can't argue with someone who has no concept of rationality. It's like teaching calculus to a dog, even that might be possible some day but you can't reason with them.

>> No.22281091

People keep using greenish purple at me as something that's impossible but I have always been able to imagine it clearly?

>> No.22281135

atheists truly are fascinating.
it is obvious that they have not given a moment's thought to what is actually meant by "God", what the transcendentals are, or the classical view of privation boni (never refuted btw, despite the fact that german idealism fags seem to think it will become refuted if they keep repeating that they have refuted it)
how can they "profess unbelief" regarding something when they have no idea what that something even is ?
any attempt at making the classical doctrine clear is met with hand waving, with the implication being that theists have been backed into a corner and are resorting to word games.
>"it's convenient"
as truth often is. the classical view, in which the problem of evil, the round square paradox, the eutyphro dilemma, what have you, aren't "solved", but simply don't arise, are simply dissipated, is literally millenia old. it's not some late invention conjured up in order to respond to the devastating arguments of fedora atheists.
irrational people often resort, once all their objections have been met, to repeating that their opponents "has the answer to everything" or defends a doctrine that is "convenient", as if somehow that made the opponent a sophist. but they never provide an explanation as to why the answers are unsatisfactory.
God is just defined as Being itself, Truth itself, Good itself, the cause of the world (i.e. the world's intelligibility, the truth in the world), etc. and it turns out, when you work out rigourously what this means and the implications, all of these "paradoxes" evaporate. this is not some late, desperate definition game, it's just what God has always meant to everyone throughout history.

tl;dr: summer was a mistake

>> No.22281268

Again, it[s a simple question. Why are god's abilities limited to this set, and if something is limiting him to it, how can we see him as some sort of greatest and ultimate authority?

>> No.22281280

>grown ass men writing about god
>grown ass men arguing about what said god can or can’t do

They have nothing better to do?

>> No.22281402

God is bound by the laws of logic? Do the laws of logic precede God?
So are we doing away with the ontological argument (the strongest argument) for the existence of God then? We bringing back Euthyphro again? Really?

>> No.22281422

I take bible lessons with a cute girl I aspire to sodomize. Every single time without fail she repeats the same thing: that we don't choose to believe,that we don't choose Christ; it's Christ who chooses us. We're not learning this shit out of our own free will, but because God has chosen us.
This pretty much sums up what I think. You either believe this shit or you don't. No amount of intelligent talking points or gotcha moments will move you if it's simply not in you. It's like the time god hardened the pharaohs heart. You can stare at the "evidence" straight in the face and it will not move you.
I doubt these threads have ever changed anyone who wasn't already predisposed.

>> No.22281432

>when they have no grounding at all for reason or truth

>> No.22281444
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You literally believe that a guy named Jesus had star trek esque replicator powers.

>> No.22281452

>tl;dr: summer was a mistake
But tradlarping is the newer phenomenon here. Next.

>> No.22281584

there is nothing better for men to do.

>> No.22281606

that's a lot of words for
if god defines the limits of possibility as creator of the universe than he can also defy them. So yeah god can create a stone so heavy he can't lift it.

>> No.22281616

>intrinsically impossible (self-contradictory) things are beyond the principle of omnipotence
>except for dying without dying, that is not a self-contradiction - that's a miracle
>also conception without conception

>> No.22281619

You are aware that "intelligent" atheists actually don't use arguments like this because they know that they're retarded. They know it's not a gotcha or anything like that. It's just pointless words, it's not a substantive argument and they're intelligent enough to know that even to them personally it doesn't prove their beliefs.

>> No.22281626
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Also, without having thought this through at all and just throwing this out there off the top of my head- if we can say it/conceptualize the conception in any way ("round square" etc) doesn't that mean that it is on some level a feature of the program God has written?

>> No.22281628

Even Tractatus Wittgenstein says this is correct. Atheists are just coping

>> No.22281647

What are you even saying mouth breather

>> No.22281652

u dum lol

>> No.22281653

tradlarpers are embarrassing, but christians have always gathered around literature forums across the internet, and there's nothing about anon's post which hints at him being a tradlarper

>> No.22281663

You anon are in fact the legendary cock wrangler, now if you are in fact real, ask your self, can you ever stop sucking dicks? Checkmate faggot

>> No.22281672
File: 321 KB, 1024x1024, 1667835304901778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread retroactively proves David and Solomon right about every single Psalm and Proverb they ever wrote.

>> No.22281676

>Orthodox are really known for chocking things up to mystery and being sticklers for this especially in the matter of grapsing the Trinity.
Orthodox don't engage in the rationalist discourse of divinity - they believe that possessing any thoughts that are not the Lord's Prayer is inherently a sin and therefore. So if you ever start thinking about whether God exists or doesn't or whether he can or can't do a thing - you just need to stop immediately and get back to Our Father in Heaven, anything else is literally Satan.

>> No.22281782

That question is like asking if a square can be round. It goes against God's nature.

>> No.22281844

And what determines God's nature?

>> No.22281934

>Can god purple green?
God can ''purple'', as a verb, green, turning the latter ontologically into the former. Read Kierkegaard and realize that Christianity is an immense cope and the destruction of philosophy.

>> No.22281948

his divine traits: omnipotent, omniscient, enteral, purely good, etc.

creating a stone so heavy that he couldn't lift it goes against his omnipotent nature.

>> No.22281954

You cannot conceptualize a "round square" retard

>> No.22281956

Sounds like a plothole to me.

>> No.22281961

I can talk about the concept though, which counts for something.

>> No.22281964
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>grounding my rationality on the incomprehensible infinite omnipresence being

an yet somehow this makes them have more authority in reason and truth?

>> No.22281965

Meant for

>> No.22281967

So it's safe to say that omnipotence is an illogical concept, thanks for your output. No if you want to get into the "you can't possibly explain God within the realm of possibilities", then you could use the same affirmation for any type of god or metaphysics.

>> No.22281980

You can talk about a lot of things. I could say "virgin whore" and it wouldn't be anything intelligible or meaningful.

>> No.22282002

Wouldn't it? If it's mentionable, the concept itself is a feature of reality.

>> No.22282015

Funnily enough, God seems to be a byproduct of humanity's limitation to fully grasp the world and universe. Having an abstraction such as a being that is thing itself is not different than someone like Schopenhauer defining the Will as the world's essenxe; it is just a vague concept designed to fill the gaps of our comprehension, and it works as long as we cannot comprehend (and we will never be able to) the world.

>> No.22282018
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>x doesn't fall under the omnipotence of God
Not so omni then, is it?

>> No.22282025

>If it's mentionable, the concept itself is a feature of reality.
Unthinkability = impossibility and therefore the round square is meaningless. Saying something does not mean we can think of it.

And the statement above would seem to prove the ontological argument would it not?

>> No.22282031

>Unthinkability = impossibility
Right, but we can think about it.
>Saying something does not mean we can think of it.
Do you spontaneously become an unthinking zombie for the time it takes to type "four sided triangle"?

>> No.22282039

>big rock require strengtht to lift
>bigger rock requires more strenght
>is there a limit to this?
what a tremendous cope, 'anything that i can't answer is not a valid question' is a child level argument
just because it doesn't make sense to you doesn't mean that it doesn’t make sense
take this gem for example
yes an omnipotent god could compress or stretch the frequency of the electromagnetic spectrum to purple green, or changer his or your light receptor to perceive as such.
if your ultimate argument is that infinity and omnipotence is too large for mere humans to understand, then why don you just answer that instead of making up some bullshit argument about the validity of the question.

at least there's merit in saying 'i dont understand'

>> No.22282047

When you hear "four sided triangle" do you conceptualize anything intelligible? What exactly do you think of?

>> No.22282055

I think of how while I can't picture what that would look like, I can type it, and consider the seeming paradox as something that I don't know would not be solvable were I an all powerful God who happens to have created everything, including my contemplation of this mystery.

>> No.22282062
File: 95 KB, 1024x576, christcuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is literally nothing to refute, nothing you've posted here is a refutation, just a cope.

>> No.22282071

Nta but shocked that you do not think you have noodles for brain to think you can understand God when you can't even understand yourself you nigger.

>> No.22282077

You dont have an argument to begin with retard, just a bunch of quotes from other christcucks who are also skirting around the obvious and glaring flaw in the argument for omnipotence in your made up sky daddy best friend.

Why are christcucks such painfully stupid brainlets?

>> No.22282082

Do you believe God creates logic?

>> No.22282086
File: 402 KB, 1600x1500, christcuckdemographics.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or maybe god doesn't exist and you're a delusional, stupid, narcisstic, manchild who cant let go of his imaginary friend.

>> No.22282089

I don't believe in God, but for the purposes of this discussion, yeah, I am operating as if God created... everything.

>> No.22282095

Well then you are attacking a strawman since that's not what Aquinas or any classical theist would believe. The paradox is the Euthyphro dilemma under different terms.


>> No.22282168


imagine if god drew every 2d shape that was possible, a man with a robust enough theory of shapes, could go through it and put every shape in a category (Square, triangle, hexagon, circle, etc). The fact that a man would not be able to logically consistently put one shape into two contradictory categories (both a triangle and a square) is hardly a mark against god's power.

He would not

>> No.22282180

I don’t even see how you could be a logical person and not believe in god, atleast some kind of God.

>> No.22282313

Is God not THE creator?

Yeah I get that argument, and it makes a certain amount of sense, but it also seems like we are confusing our limitations for those of a Supreme being. Who is to say he can't fuse a platonic triangle and square into one thing (or however you want to describe overcoming the so called paradox)?

That's a whole nother big of worms.

>> No.22282314

; )

>> No.22282316

*can of worms

>> No.22282446


I could define blublyness as the property of weighing more than 30lbs, I then could define globryness as anything less than 10lbs. God could not create something both globry and blubly but that is because I defined these things to be mutually exclusive not because of any limit on god's power.

Of course, he could change the meaning of the words but assuming we keep the meanings, then we can create mutually exclusive catagories

>> No.22282646

This post didn't advance the conversation.