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File: 103 KB, 667x1000, bowlingalone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22268134 No.22268134 [Reply] [Original]

He's right, you know. It's clear that the collapse of immediate community paired with terminally online culture has had a major hand in the deterioration of American life and society. It feels like nobody cares to even know who their neighbors are anymore.

>> No.22268188
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As an avid individualist I wouldn't mind if not for the fact that society refuses to provide the structures and resources to be independent.
It's impossible for the individual to be authentic in mass society so you're stuck in a shitty limbo where there is no community but also no space for individualist self-expression.

>> No.22268208

Can you elaborate on this

>> No.22268324

Later perhaps, right now I'm about to watch my nightly film.

>> No.22268331

What film

>> No.22268339

>As an avid individualist

You'll grow out of that phase one of these days. Hopefully.

>> No.22268352

Yeah man, its not uncommon to not know a single person in an apartment complex these days.

>> No.22268361

>it’s another the west has fallen thread


>> No.22268422

I bet Europeans cheer this on. One more reason to bomb them.

>> No.22268432

The west fell 80 years ago

>> No.22268447

Isn't this whining a selective thing you can choose to participate in? I live in a major US city, I play in a rec sports league every year, I go to a woodworking club, I participate in environmental cleanup in the local river. There are endless opportunities to be fulfilled in your local communities and meet like minded people who feel similarly.

What does it matter that the US is lonely? If YOU are fulfilled in a community and other people in YOUR community feel similarly, who gives a fuck about America? People want localism but then get caught up on nationwide issues they can never hope to solve or understand.

Go out in your neighborhood and you will find people who want to be with others as much as you want to be with them. If that is something you want, that is. If you don't want that, again, who cares?

>> No.22268463

>lol why do you care about the society in which you live just stop thinking anyone else matters and always assume that the winds of societal change will pass you and yours by and you'll be a based ignorant retard like I am!
thanks for your input dipshit

>> No.22268468

Anons want what they want without putting in effort

>> No.22268540
File: 220 KB, 970x545, animal-farm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its impossible to be an authentic individual in mass society since you're expected to conform to a bunch of standards. That much amount of pressure ensures individuals are hammered out and not allowed go express themselves.
On a more practical note, living alone is very hard.
On top of your job you have to attend to a bunch of other responsibilities like cleaning and cooking.
The work-life balance, wages, etc. is so atrocious that you simply don't have the resources available to make life possible.
This is because society absolutely does not want you to be independent and self-sufficient, they want you dependent because that's how they control you.
Animal Farm (1954)

>> No.22268677

You know women caused this right?

>> No.22268687

How many threads will you shitpost in? We get it. You don’t like women

>> No.22268716

That's not what he's saying. Stop worrying about things outside of your scope, i.e. "nationwide". People vastly overestimate their importance. Even 50,000 people is an absurdly small amount of people in context of national population, let alone 1.

>> No.22268816

Lol you have the wrong person.

Also women actually DID cause this. Before chemical contraceptives women had to survive by marriage. So institutions sprang into existence to facilitate marriage, and thereby to facilitate social cohesion. Things like dinner parties, dances, etc. There use to be an entire sphere of social life called the feminine sphere, and it was rooted in female survival by marriage.

In fact, the very first chapter of Pride and Prejudice makes this clear. Mrs. Bennet wants Mr. Bennet to introduce himself to Mr. Bingley (their new neighbor). Why? Because she wants Mr. Bingley (a single man with a large fortune) to marry one of their daughters. In fact, that is what all the prominent families in the neighborhood are doing. Introducing themselves to him on account of their daughters. Again it has to do with female SURVIVAL by marriage. People are not doing all of these things (like visitations, dinner parties, dances, etc) for no reason at all. Its survival that drives them.

Fast forward to the present day and you see that women survive like men do (because they have access to contraceptive drugs, abortions, etc). They do school and work. That's it. There is no mechanism working to secure social cohesion between families and within families like there use to be. And hence we have a pervasive condition of social alienation.

Men and women typically meet online now. And mostly its for casual sex. If women had to survive by marriage (which they do naturally because they get pregnant), this wouldn't be happening.

But if you try taking away women's access to drugs and abortions, they all freak out. Hence we are basically stuck in this condition of increasing social alienation, with no way out. So yeah. Women are the cause of this.

>> No.22268820

>can't fucking read or comprehend basic language

>> No.22268828

when you type the same way in every thread you are completely conspicuous. kys

>> No.22268836

People will hate this but it's a fair analysis. Probably not the only reason, but a big one

>> No.22268873

>As an avid individualist

>> No.22268880

have you actually tried talking to your neighbors? or do you just sit inside posting on 4chan about how the west has fallen?

>> No.22268939

Stop. I’m tired of you grass toucher fags completely dodging serious societal concerns by pretending it’s everyone else’s fault. I’ve tried talking to my neighbors. Most people are unfriendly and view it as strange. They don’t want to fucking talk to you. If it’s a woman, she’ll think it’s downright creepy. Drive around your average suburb and see how many kids are playing around. Compare that to your childhood. Some kids do still spend time outside, but the vast majority are glued to screens.

>> No.22268947

umm yeah but how does that affect you in particular?

>> No.22268949

>it's another feigned optimism post


>> No.22268952

works on my machine, I think you just actually are creepy and people don't want to talk to you

>> No.22268962

Kek, they turn into Ayn Rand everytime someone makes a complaint they don't like.

>> No.22268965

people want to be left alone. since you declinist guys are always conservative, suppose your neighbor is one with a big blm sign and gigantic rainbow flag. do you want to have to have a long conversation with this dude every time you go to check the mail or buy some milk? if you want to read about community building in the suburbs the book "the organization man" actually spends like half the book looking at suburban communities where the people all get to know each other. interestingly, the author feels that this kind of communal suburban living funded by salaried jobs at large corporations represents a loss of vitality and decline of american individualism. maybe by ditching this kind of busybody communal culture more suited for a village in india, america is getting back to its ideals.

>> No.22268975

i should add the organization man was written in the 1950s as a sociological survey of the newly emerging suburban culture.

>> No.22268988

How is keeping yourself cooped up and never associating with anyone beyond your Immediate connections “American ideals” when America has been nothing like that at any point in its history until now?

>> No.22268992

skill issue

>> No.22269015

You can seethe all you like but the fact of the matter is simple—the most developed human societies are equivalent to living in captivity. You do not bother going outside unless compelled to do so, and now require an artificial aid, a corporate-owned algorithm, in order to reproduce. It is entirely up to you if you want to continue down the path of poultry or unleash the wild cock.

>> No.22269029


>> No.22269034

Just keep in mind that every thread that voices a genuine concern will get deliberately targeted by demoralization shills, don't take it personally.

>> No.22269043

You don't even know what words mean. You fags are the demoralized ones

>> No.22269045

Reminder that Feminism is downwind from the Romantic reaction to the Enlightenment. Men thought they could get pussy filling up women’s heads with liberty and equality lmao

>> No.22269071


I don't know what you would call "lol no it's completely your fault you're weird and nobody like you" other than demoralization.

>> No.22269080

I was bowling with my grandpa last week.

>> No.22269096

just let people enjoy things

(I love living in the Balkans. Neighbor's wife I've never met will knock on your door to give you food just because she feels like it.

>> No.22269108

I lived in America for decades, and recently moved away to one of the warmest and least touch-averse countries in the world. Every concern voiced in this thread is a legitimate one. People like you don't know what you're talking about. You want your neighbor to touch grass, but I bet if he made an effort to get to know you you'd give him the stink eye. You don't know jack shit.

>> No.22269126

Americans shoot one another for ringing their camera doorbells. It is an extremely low trust society.

>> No.22269132

Suspend the struggle for survival and that's exactly what you get. A nation of gun-clutching perverts and hustle culture individualism. Families like little molecules in a sea of atoms. It's bad. It's really bad. I've experienced both extremes with my own two eyes. I'll take a little poverty and human connection any day over an open-air supermarket. This anon is exactly right and I couldn't have said it better myself >>22268939

>> No.22269138

Please. I never talked to anyone in America because you're almost all clenched hair-trigger perverts. I move away and suddenly I'm inundated with people calling me, asking me how I'm doing, owners of the local mom and pop shops telling me that should I ever need anything, I can always ask them for help, etc. You're such tiresome, predictable people

>> No.22269180

I genuinely don't understand this. You're saying you desire complete self-sufficiency but you think cooking and cleaning are too hard to do alone? Do you understand the whole point of social safety nets and in fact society in general exists to make living easier?
Take living alone in the woods like our ancestors. They spent so much fucking time trying to find food and stay warm they didn't have time to pursue hobbies aside from maybe painting hand prints on the cave. But even those were from people who had banded into a collective. They banded together because many monke strong.
Back to the present, mother fucker if you don't like your work life balance then change it. Go live on national forest land. Fish and hunt for food. Fuck you it is so easy to be an individual in modern society.

>> No.22269190

>muh proverbial bushmen that invalidate any and all criticisms you might have of society
There we go. Like clockwork.

>> No.22269196

pure retardation

>> No.22269202

When the criticism is "cooking and cleaning is hard", yes it invalidates it

>> No.22269205

>needs the state to provide him with the resources to be independent
I have lost the ability to discern parody from the genuine article.

>> No.22269206

Have you sexed your neighbor's wife?

>> No.22269209

I knew some terminally online cuckold like you would interpret it as "porny" or sexually charged. Like clockwork.

>> No.22269603

This is the most American sentiment, and the praxis that gives room for the stanancy and decay of its institutions. It is an apathy towards the Citizen grown out of Emersonian individualism and Millsian ethics. America's problem is its own great minds. The communal forms that lasted from the colonial era to post cold war life were merely vestiges of various European traditions, revitalized every few years by immigration or shared suffering.
But the American project was always to create something new and anti-European: so hostile to tradition, community, modesty. The Western atomization and alienation of man is an artifact of American exceptionalism, and the American communal form, the community for individuals, is a jewel.

>> No.22269606

muh 50s
Chads lament the end of the Middle Ages and the Revolutions of the 18th and 19th Century

>> No.22269638

>I can't be my true self because the winter is too harsh this year!

No matter when and where you were born you would have found an excuse for your failure.

>> No.22269646

>everything is your fault
Don't you ever get tired of yourselves?

>> No.22269647

>As an avid individualist
You're just a faggot

>> No.22269701

My problem wasn't your message, but your choice to express it in a twitter meme.
Also, your response is in caps whereas that post was in lowercase (a conscious choice to feign indifference). Stop defending other anons.

>> No.22269916

The 50s were gay as fuck too. The rot had already set in by then, and idolising that time period is extremely cringe

>> No.22269930

or to know them in a bad way.
The 2 people in my block I know are:
1) a jew who asked me to turn my Christmas carols down so I put them on louder to spite him
2) a repressed homosexual who is very nice to me, I wonder how long it will take him to realise I'm straight lmao

>> No.22269932
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the 50s were 70 years ago anon, he said 80 years ago

>> No.22269933

We are in much the same boat, so no

>> No.22269947

I appreciate this kind of devil's advocate, if only to provide a steelman to be ultimately toppled later.

>> No.22269949

The West died on May 20, 1910. All that followed was the fall.

>> No.22269973

Black and Hispanic people probably have closer-knit communities, along with more free time to hang out with each other just because they can. Plus, if you're going to see the same people over and over again, then you might as well learn to live with each other. And the more time you give somebody, the more likely you two will finally click, the more likely you two will watch each other change, and the more likely you two may even become invested in each other's success. There's also the contrary: codependent, toxic relationships, sustained by inescapable, small town "crab" mentality, as again you're stuck together, but that's neither here nor there. Meanwhile, whites are more likely to be higher class, networking, etc., while stuck in atomized communities. Like always, part of it has to do with race, but I reckon it's mostly class. Any deracinated Black or Hispanic will encounter the same problem once they "make" it in bourgeois society.

To survive in the big city service economy, one will have to recognize that everyone is alone, nobody is looking out for you except yourself, free time is sparse, and, like any resource, one must use their time efficiently. After grueling work hours, everybody will choose to either min-max their pleasure by finding the people they're most superficially compatible with (we call this "having a life") or check out and be alone. There are fewer "bonds" like shared time invested together, shared family, shared community, growing pains, etc. in these atomized environments. If things get tough, your "friends" can simply move on, as nobody agreed to pain in the "contract." So, if you've made it to the big city, you never truly know who your friends are until shit hits the fan. Bourgeois society, with its strict private-public distinctions, is liberating to a great extent, but it can also be alienating to the core, as you never truly have any kind of stability. All relations are re-negotiable.

Thank, God. We get to truly be a self-made man because you have to build your entire life from scratch as soon as you turn eighteen. You never have any inheritance or heritage to fall back on, so every generation has to start from square one, with every individual being an island on their own within a sea which alienates instead of unites. Passing the torch is for losers who need algorithms. Isn't progress wonderful?

>> No.22270022
File: 658 KB, 1574x904, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I-is that a steelman?
>He made a charitable restatement of his opponent's argument!
>Rationalism is working folks!!

>> No.22270037

Good stuff. All true in my experience.

t. lived both extremes, urban America and third world communities

>> No.22270442
File: 1.18 MB, 1080x1344, smartass chud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I can't say hello to my neighbour because there is no daughter to marry off in that house
>le west has fallen
at some point you will have to outgrow your bitterness

>> No.22270451

No, it's an american problem.
There are plenty of developed countries, mine included, where being at least polite to your neighbours is the norm as opposed to ventilating them for stepping on your lawn (no fence of course, white picket fences are like sooooo unfashionable these days)

>> No.22270455

>at some point you will have to outgrow your bitterness

>> No.22270458

go outside for the source, chuddy

>> No.22270460

I get the sense that the natural condition of mankind is to find each other annoying or even contemptible, at least at first. This isn't necessarily because we're hateful, but rather because we each have our own frequencies and these frequencies rarely harmonize with each other. We're also averse to trying to overcome these dissonances unless we absolutely have to, even if it leads to rewarding relationships in the long-term. In atomized societies, this shows up clearly as the superficial, contractual, and "ahistorical" engagements with like-minded people as you've outlined in your 2nd paragraph. Yet few people are "complete" in themselves, or even among like-minded people, so we're presented with a strange, vicious cycle that rarely evolves from atomization. Without tribes, communities, customs, and healthy civil societies to catalyze forming a common bond, people won't form them naturally, and yet they're worse off than if they had done so all along.

>> No.22270465

I don't get tired because I am not a loser.

you hyper-fixate on irrelevant details and mistake what is actually a neurotic tic on your part for genuine insight.

>> No.22270635

What makes someone a loser, and why aren't you one?

>> No.22271000

I know my neighbors. Stop projecting your own insanity on the rest of the world and GO THE FUCK OUTSIDE

>> No.22271029

pay docked

>> No.22271171

Mad faggot

>> No.22271259

So what can we do about it?

>> No.22271309

I'm autistic, so this shit don't make no nevermind to me.
It really does suck for you normies though, my heart weeps for you.

>> No.22271313

Start a militia.
Go off grid.
Carve out an empire when the collapse happens.
Rape and pillage your way across your former homeland.

>> No.22271317

That sounds like an awfully male way of dealing with it. Not sure if it's my style.

>> No.22271866

bruh that's your vengeful power fantasy, not a realistic solution to anything. Who would follow you anyway?

>> No.22271871

This. What is with radicals and believing their fantasies are actually feasible?

>> No.22271896

It's a surplus male thing. They need to up his dosage of porn and video games.

>> No.22272334


>> No.22272354

>have no skills
>live in poor area as a result
muh ethnostate

>> No.22272442
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>terminally online culture
Social Media didn't exist when that book was written. Somehow moving people's social lives online killed most sense of community even in cyberspace. I remember a time when Anons would show compassion to earthier time to time. Ever since about 2019 this place has been getting angrier and more combative then usual. I also noticed that the problem is less severe on boards like /tg/ that would have more Anons that would leave the basement apartment occasionally. They feel more like the 4chan form 2014/15 then the shitshow itt.

>> No.22272461

4chan is just a place to unload pent up negativity on others. The status quo is aggressive, defensive, and miserable. It is a board for books and you’d think anons would be positive talking about their hobby

>inb4 go back

Yeah.. yeah..

>> No.22272465
File: 466 KB, 1000x667, IMG_1536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this picrel

>> No.22272474

This wouldn’t be an issue if people decided sexual consent wasn’t a thing. It’s all based in sentimentalism
>we have to protect the womarinos from the heckin aggressive penishavers

>> No.22272488

This thick-ass book does not slander online cultures whatsoever. Rather, that it echoes the slow death cry of the online forum, and Web 1.0, and even Web 2.0.

People would bowl in groups, now they bowl alone due to group drift and low recruitment. Early web adaptors joined and created groups and websites 20+ years ago, now those websites are experiencing the same.

This is a good-ass book, but I didn't even expect modern 4chan would talk about it, due to the aformentioned factor of group drift.

Post-Ironic gatekeeping by pretending you're being genuine in negativity is kind of sad. It means you don't even expect you can start a genuine conversation out of sincerity, and you're coasting on provocation and reactions to the negative to keep interest rolling.

It keeps people bowling, but that alley is going to be mad.

>> No.22272560

marvel weird sex redditors and chuds are united by these epic revenge of the nerds fantasies when in reality they both have either 2 chins or none

>> No.22272565
File: 766 KB, 770x677, Der Chud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>i can't talk to neighbours
>gets told to go outside
>posts picture of neighbourhood full of neighbours

>> No.22272594

>the horror of a suburb!

Move to the city or a rural town then. Nothing is more annoying than middle class suburban ennui

>> No.22272613

I feel like before it was more irreverent and with black humor. Now some posters seem to be out to make everyone as miserable as they are. If what you are saying is true, why are boards like /pol/ and /g/ so much worse then the rest of 4chan?

>> No.22272621
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>> No.22272635

I’d imagine the disenchanted young men that flock to pol have spread to other boards, as can be seen here. They are the misery love’s company anons. The anarchist, don’t take the internet seriously attitude of yesteryears is gone and it seems 4chan attracts the disenchanted young men. Anyone who’s been here for years can feel the change in tone from snarky, condescending, black humor, to anons who are genuinely miserable and want to knock others down and make them miserable.

>> No.22272644

>I got BTFO by a /pol/chad for my gay leftist opinions
>there for /pol/ is... LE BAD
The miserable one is you.

>> No.22272653

At least be imaginative in whatever bullshit scenario you're peddling, /pol/tard. This is /lit/.

>> No.22272658
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>a /pol/chad

>> No.22272663

...leftist? where-

oh ha-ha. No. Fool me twice, shame on you. I don't count to 3, buddy.

>> No.22272669

Your internet hugbox of choice bears little resemblance to meatspace communities, which is why it's laughable when content creators and internet addicts refer to the collective pages they follow as the ____ community. Subreddits, 4chan boards, etc. are mostly comprised of atomized individuals with one particular interest that has little to no bearing on the actual world around them, and modern technology has blurred the lines to the point where normies treat social settings like their favorite Discord server and are quick to drop you when it becomes obvious that you aren't "in the know." Internet friendship is practically meaningless given the layers of abstraction involved whereas physical, interpersonal relations between people require more than one specific interest in common to make work assuming you want something meaningful out of it.

>> No.22272675

>you are either with us or against us

It was actually tribalism that destroyed /lit/ and is starting to destroy the USA- a desire to fit in and define oneself by a shared community. Deviating from the group’s accepted beliefs will lead to being ostracized, and since loneliness is a constant fear, one maintains rigid stances to remain firmly within their tribal group. An attack on one’s group is a direct threat at one’s community, and since one identifies themselves with said community, it is an attack against one’s self and society. The human connection is disappearing and being replaced by bonds formed by beliefs and opinions

>> No.22272822

Layers of abstraction...? You can know a person simply from how they speak, regardless of the medium the speech goes through. The abstraction is the nuance of expression within communication. Prior to Discord the Discord user still spoke as they did, they just lacked that environment to do it in.

Really though, any amount or level of technology will not change the simple fact that people toss and recieve information. How it is done and what is transmitted differs by the person.

Yes, internet does not replace physical, nor vice-versa. This is true. Hence, they are in no competition. The internet reflects the reality, it does not portray or exemplar it just yet. That theory is too soon and I believe, may already be visible in certain locations. That being said, some people still use flip phones so; we aren't in the era where the web corners out real relations or experience just yet, despite hype.

I've found myself repeating this very same idea to people. After talking enough about it however, I thought about the reactions I'd get. They were posiitive but, I would not get any feedback other than a "Nice" or "Good hearing you think like that". I currently think that this way of viewing tribalism and the capacity to form and congeal a group together, is both bad and good and; there's something vaguely deeper about the observation where, if you don't say it, the real problem is not properly presented. There is a problem at hand which is recognized through tribalism, but the tribalism is not the cause; as to totally abandon it, is to abandon the capacity to define youself, others, and your likes and dislikes.

The logic is akin to this cliche I have heard about what 4chan "does": It's like a shotgun solution to a specific problem. The specificity must be found; the small thing, which causes the big thing.

>> No.22272871

I agree that tribalism isn’t the problem per se (it’s a problem, but a problem derived from another problem, as you said) and that the overarching issue is the struggle to define oneself. I don’t know if this struggle is fallout from identity politics, or identity politics is the natural evolution of a struggle to define oneself. It’s a chicken or egg scenario. I’ve always thought an issue that people had with defining themselves is that they want to use words, adjectives, or groups. Knowing oneself, and knowing who someone is, is something much deeper that cannot be put into words. I think communication is another issue, especially in the world of social media, where many people do most of their socializing. Social media started out as a great idea but became about advertising yourself and who you want to be perceived as. It is a mask or costume put on. Since social media has replaced socializing in person to some degree, communication has broken down. When communication has broken down, ready made symbols are prepared as a replacement. These symbols, groups, whatever, have also been co-opted by powers with motives, whether commercial, political, etc. This further throws a wrench in a person trying to express themselves. The greatest journey in life is the inward one, you can make it however great and deep you want it; everyone wants peace, contentment, spirituality, knowledge, etc. I think people instinctively know this, that life’s journey is the inward one. Being oneself is a cheesy cliche, but it is the greatest achievement one can achieve. Now being oneself and defining oneself are very similar, so there you run into problems I said above. Not to mention the replacement of religion (a type of spirituality) with politics. The situation is ugly and many people are desperately struggling. Sorry if I’m all over the place, I kinda just freestyled it

>> No.22272893

I forgot to add to my post >>22272871
that tribalism absolutely destroys all nuance, middle ground, and desire to understand the other side. That is a can of worms on its own

>> No.22272902

Your post was good enough. This postscript full of cliches wasn't needed.

>> No.22272912

Cliches are facts poetized and spammed to a point where they lose power they should have. It is relevant to a thread about community. If understanding is avoided, then communication is stilted and breaks down. If communication breaks down, personal relationships break down. If personal relationships break down, the community’s bonds are loosened

>> No.22272946
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No problem anon, it's a good night. I'll try to reply in-turn.

The struggle to be one's self is...yes, "cheesy cliche" is a fitting definition. I also agree, having glimpsed it barely yet naturally, that definitive self expression is plainly, the largest thing one must face in their life. Even how Tribalism is portrayed in this conversation; yes, yes, yes!

There is an ultimate crisis wherein, the purposes every individual has in joining the groups they choose to be within is put into question. Definitively following "tribalist" ways, individuals do not even side themselves according to whomever supports them, but they go by way of force; following perceptions which, they might not even believe themselves. However , they equally will lack a confidence in themselves and their ability to percieve truth, just as they lack confidence in what they percieve. In Tribalism truly, is a deep insincerity. You do it because it "looks right" but, what you "see" and what is "right" are constructs ascribing to a fantasy; jury-rigged and downgraded into a makeshift reality that winds up as a pasteurized mess of a product. In blunt: True tribalism is "faking it" to make it through, even though your heart and feelings are not with your choices.

There's a bit of a paradoxical wall I've run into myself right there, which Im must end at. Groups soometimes start to decline when individuals start to blame the group for "Forcing" them into desparate and negative behavior. This sort of event is like a match over gas, and can inspire tribalism, a counterculture to the tribalistic tendency, and chaos in the middle. It's what breaks groups down dramatically, if the incidents aren't handle with intelligence and the good faith that all parties are being their genuine selves. But in that case, this assumes that even the most vehement and big-mouthed liar, is at their most genuine in that moment.

So, with the struggle to find one's self, is also a struggle to know and hold the meaning of truth.

...I hope all that rant made sense. By now I've gone beyond just going "Oh I'm right, and you're wrong" into a genuine conversation.

I'll check this thread later; good night.

>> No.22273026

>oh yeah? well if this were a Twilight Zone episode then I could do xyz
how very insightful

>> No.22273055


>> No.22273269

your post is much like the holocaust
>it was real in my mind

>> No.22273284

I have no idea what my neighbors even look like

>> No.22273301

You seem to confuse what should take place with what has taken place.

>> No.22273317

Man you really hate friendship. People like you are why I often came to regret alienating people in my teens. You’ll grow out of it.

>> No.22273321

The first problem is allowing those people to exist in this country in the first place. Why I’m all for freedom of speech and all that jazz, if you’re seriously feigning for ideas that would get you clobbered anywhere else, like the Middle East, you best try to keep one eye over your shoulder.

>> No.22273450

No one has ever known someone from how they speak in a server. To know someone is a miracle, and it is only through the eyes that you can ever know anyone. Information this or that, bla bla bla, that is no one's concern. The wrong question. What technology threatens is love.

>> No.22273474

>People want localism but then get caught up on nationwide issues they can never hope to solve or understand.
This is a great insight.

>> No.22273488

so trve

>> No.22273555

communists are by definition socialists, the nazis were british agents

>> No.22273794

>criticizes white racebased group gatherings
>lauds black racebased group gatherings
Dropped this piece of shit 20 pages in

>> No.22274164

I'd like to see you say that after being raped.

>> No.22274226

I wonder how many anons have really made repeated efforts (or even one) and put themselves forth to make ties and friendships within their community.

>> No.22274246

I don't think you know what this word means

>> No.22274260

Socialism can be absorbed by liberalism to shore up a dilapidated economy that the absolutist free marketers bring about. A “mixed economy” they call it. (they’re like Catholicism and Protestantism of economics).
UK, US, China, all national socialist light, and mixed economies.

>> No.22274489

>Implying you've read means you've read
The book states events regarding history in a neutral tone. Even if you've really read it you're probably upset it doesn't pander to you, rather that you feel you are beckoned to pander towards it.

>> No.22274523

4chan is my only community.

>> No.22274549

It’s a shabby anti-social media.

>> No.22275097

You didn't read what I said.
How is advocating for small scale localism anti-community or tradition?
Small scale localism is how humans have lived for the majority of civilization history.

>> No.22275601

>That sounds like an awfully male way of dealing with it.
I believe it's called rather the Warrior way of dealing with it. Not sure where this insecurity is coming from.

>> No.22275620
File: 235 KB, 1024x768, Vancouver Canada West Side.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nobody cares to even know who their neighbors are anymore.
Vancouver reporting in.
Lots of people still care.
I got a (fantastic) pie from my neighbour a couple of weeks ago for recieving a parcel for them when they were away.
And when the neighbour across the street broke her leg another neighbour's kids baked her cookies (I know that because I was at the door asking if she needed someone to walk her dog while she was laid up when the kids arrived).

be the neighbour you wish you had

>> No.22275649

community and "society" is for communists

>> No.22275740

And your profits come out of thin air?

>> No.22276725

the reality that nobody wants to talk about is that it has a lot to do with urban planning, zoning laws, and state policy in general. read "the geography of nowhere". there's a lot of problems that have caused social atomization but the walk-able community with mixed use development and transit is not a meme. it's hard to be fucking social when you can't walk anywhere, have to drip 25 mins to get to the grocery store, and live in a giant suburb.

>> No.22276730

>be the neighbor you wish you had

This. Generally what you put out into the world you’ll receive back

>> No.22276736

So many liberals in this thread. I wonder who are the ones raging against liberalism in every other thread.

>> No.22276776

but muh heckin ford f150! yeehaw

>> No.22276788

Individualism is a facade. It collapses on itself in the face of the reality that the individual must rely on other individuals in order to succeed and as such needs a community to support himself, and therefor must support a community even for his most selfish and base needs.

>> No.22276806

You know you can just go live in the woods, right?

>> No.22276812

in the most base and archaic way, maybe. not that you would or that it would be useful to you to do so

>> No.22276824

How about being an individualist who says hi to his neighbors, offers to help when needed, chitchats, because they are kind and friendly as an individual?

>> No.22276825

My eyes spun in my head, trying to figure out the introspection necessary to percieve a rubicks cube reality like this. Let me read it over again.

I feel compelled to tell you that individualism isn't exactly that stoic. That's like, a man living independent of any planetoid.

>> No.22276834

right, how is that not participating in society?

>> No.22276835

I don't think it's really that complicated, they basically explain this at the end of Sent of a Woman

>> No.22276836

Be your own self in a crowd not a man depending on the crowd

>> No.22276842

if a person knocked on your door and told you that they wanted to be friends, you'd tell them to fuck off. as would most americans.

>> No.22276846

>communities are le cringe
>families are le based

>> No.22276847

"Individualism" is a wasted exercise, because you can't experience it or sustain yourself in the contemporary age totally alone. There is nothing that you can do today to completely separate yourself from society, so you're either deluding yourself or delaying the inevitable.

Why do you need to identify with a given philosophy in order to do this?

>> No.22276851

Because that is weird, needy and a breach of social etiquette. Almost all friendships develop organically.

>> No.22276855

If you define "participation" as using society as your model, you are being non-participatory by maintaining a kindness in the face of a chaotically larger and more intimidating society.

>> No.22276861

>social etiquette
what does this thread of retards know about social etiquette

>> No.22276864

You're arguing a point I was never making. Keep doing you, man

>> No.22276866

I don’t subscribe to an individual philosophy. I never heard anyone that does. Life is dynamic and requires fluidity

>> No.22276875

Probably nothing desu. Someone asking if they could be your friend should be seen as a red flag I’d hope

>> No.22276879

and where do these friendships happen? you have your friends from school and possibly befriend any of their friends. after you leave school for a couple years, most of them drift away except for a handful.
colleges are pretty good because the freedom of taking your own classes means more chance to find friends with a common interest.
after that you only have coworkers.
local interest clubs are really only in bigger towns and usually vary wildly with age.

>> No.22276881

Forgot to mention how most people are predisposed naturally to kindness, yet they are able to convince themselves to not through rationality.

Not to slander rationality however; it just can do harm when used foolishly or harmfully.

That all-or-nothing argument of power wherein you either stand alone or to not stand at all. is not being made though. It floats in implicative space. You don't need that much power and, if you had it, you wouldn't immediatly want it, because you would not have an immediate plan on how to use it. It would be a unexpected boon.

To be an individual, you need to have the contrasting group around you to begin with. Individuals are within groups.

>> No.22276887

Go to a bar and talk about the game to a neighbor. Chit chat with people you see frequently. Hang out with your kids’ friends’ parents. The possibilities are endless. I get the impression here many are hopeless and don’t want to put themselves out there

>> No.22276891


We're not talking about the same thing. Were you not the guy who said "you can just go live in the woods"?

>> No.22276897

Not him but how do I do it? I want to be a happy pleb.

>> No.22276907

You can't. Hermits are a thing of the past (they often relied on others for goods anyway), there are no wilds for you to live in or off of while simultaneously posting on this board. You're screwed.

>> No.22276915
File: 148 KB, 784x1390, 3ED6A42B-166D-4B4F-9B2E-0B7DD119A9D6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can follow Sir Duncan Crumb (His Lordship) on his heroic adventures to spread crump to the untermensch of /lit/

>> No.22276920

...Now I'm confused. No.

Strive to become your best self, and to simultaniously surpass yourself. Dont stop.

Do what you would like to see yourself doing. Not just "like", but what makes you feel uncomfortable in the outright. Like, "Do I deserve to be this happy?" happy.

If you say you can't do things like this, or that >>22276887 then, know that you intend to be that way, and don't frustrate yourself too hard through concentration. Don't say you can't. This is how I've attained flow and, it is frustrating yes, but you'll accomplish beyond what you believe you can.

>> No.22276922

I think the issue is that a lot of anons are in that 16-24 age range. When you are young there are cliques and you hang out all the time. When you are older you have a few closer friends and a bunch of acquaintances that you chit chat with or hang out with once in a while. Anons are in that transition stage where people move apart and do their own thing and have their own lives, not as concerned about always being with people. That’s life and it’s always been like that. It’s jarring but you’ll get used to it

>> No.22276928

This is probably part of it too. Lots of introverts insecure about being introverts. Extroverts get the spotlight and are held up as a shining example. If you aren’t a social butterfly, don’t try to be one, or think you’re wrong. It doesn’t help that introverts live within and think about these things and what the perceived status quo is

>> No.22276935

>your kids
Where do you think you are?

>> No.22276953

Things can happen quickly as you get older and time flies. Anons have to remember that. Put yourself in good situations or a couple good things happen, you can turn it around quickly

>> No.22277248

You put a wide grin on my face anon. Into a laugh. Thank you for posting. Also, NTA.

Nothin personnel kid, *unsheathes opinion*

Some anon have openly revealed, and shined, their parental badges to prove a point in a conversation. Nevertheless, however you separate and blend here and there is up to anon, and anon alone. There is a bit of an art to it.

>>your kids

>> No.22277249

it is what it is